Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1937, p. 8

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#age light Thursday, September 30,1937 V $ \mr-m Society Notes -; J. R. CLUB ! '.jMrs. W. B. Tonyan was hostess toj piernbers of the J. R. Club Fridayaft-1to members of fier card club Friday emoon. Prizes in cards were awarded evening. Two tables or bridge were ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Robert Thompson was hostess LADIES' AID SOCIETY ! O. E. S. CARD PARTY Members and friends of the Ladies'! A successful card party was spon- Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. 180red b>' McHenry chapter, O. E. S., q. H. Duker Thursday afternoon with Tuesday afternoon, when thirtee a fine attendance of about twenty-fttur' tables of cards and bunco were in play; ladies present. There was sewing to ('n the Eastern Star hall. be done with a short program follow- ! Prizes were awarded as follows ed by lunch. I Bunco, Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Mrs. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet ?oward W^e9' Pin^hle, Mrs^ R.V. I • • . » MAlUAMi nvi H M wn L1 VAk<\AM/l/\«rr * M«tA Thursday afternoon at the M. E. par- STATE PARK AT FOX i lAKE TO BE OPEHET TO PUBLIC IN 1938 ftrws aeeess for the public to a lake Powers and Mrs. E. Schoendorf; five in the Metropolitan Chicago area will hundred, Mrsy George Lindsay, Mrs. fye provided for the first time with the J. Clyde Wilson of Richmond, Mrs. opening of the state park at Fox Lake, Frank" Peet and Mrs. Peters; bridge, which is scheduled to take place next MARRIED 63 YEARS S - VIIUIVU JilTAt 111-UUt.woj «*v- | ' ' ^rnoo« at two o'clock in the K. of G.1^ one_timo resi(lents; of McHenry, ^lll. There Will be fiords and a lunch ceiebrated their sixty-third wedding ..After the meeting.^,^ anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 26. This „,D^r » " celebration took, place at" Petrified : ^ CHARIVARI 1AK11 'Springs, Wis. AH of their children ^ dmmvan party surpnsed Mr. ahd ;flnd grandthildw}a gttkered there, ' !^-..0rr "*»" » ""I'K ,'onr to Mr sonage. Pot-luck lunch will be servi ed, and each one is asked to ..bring a to Mm J. M. Phjlh, and Mrs. Tonyw j in p|,y „d high honors mre merited [ **£ P£»Mr* ^b?nSo°? Ukc Geneva, flS year July^ .ltin Avn paqirv jhy Mrs. E. H. Niseis, while the con-| • /. „ „ • J Butler, Mrs. J. J. Rothermel, and Mrs.1 This will be the first -unit of the Stk ^ AI1D Wf S0la^I0n ^ •to.M.rt Thotnas Phal11®- VIIPTMI PARW [Ehorn. Chain of Lakes state park and will W1 je w a Sinc^niitv -u't'ODtvn «. v®4d<i t it rw u • ' .! Ladies from Hiebron, Lake Geneva, have a large bathing beach near State ffce Altar and Rosary ^at>ofSt. Mrs. James E. Doherty was guest RicHmond, Ringwood and Crystal Lake Highway 60 at Fox Lake. An ornate Patrick s Church next Wednesday aft-] Mr_, an<1 Mrs Willard Colby of Wau- of honor at a post nuptial1 party given came t0 enjoy the afternoon. / bathhouse on the beach will be com- P "e • at * j'.-S • Party was in charge of Mrs. pleted by opening date next year, tel Thursday evening, - A delicious,'Thomas Kane and her committee, ' The channel will be widened and chicken dinner was served and a pleas- j which served delicious barbecue sand- deepened, with dredging expected to an*#eV^r»in? 1 wiches and coffee after the games. start in October, to broaden channel Mrs. Doherty who before her recent 1 connections, linking Fox Lake and Pis'- marriage,, was1 Miss; Florence .Conway,LOCAL PE0PLE RETURN takee Lake, south of the proposed - the -of her parents. Mr-ZTHmborZ' V^'S Mr^Colbv" h7r hie'nds^nd alJ^eefwl w1' «V!*rP beaCh' and the cha"ne,S COnnMt- • .ml MR. Matt N. ffchmttj, JUia iSu"? * [individual gift from each one. street. Mr. and Mrs. Stuck^viseh, who) . Those present were Miss RoVeiia came from San Francisco, Calif.,' V m an(l Mrs. iUymond_Colby and«j^i,^."Lillian Stilling, Emily Stof- . Visit her parents this week, have- no£ Frank and LihianHolmes | fei, *l)orothv Matthews, Mrs. Harold - teen here together since their mar- °f ^Henry attended this celebration, j phajiri) C]ara Miller, Mrs. Dick Overriage, .although ;Mrs.' Sfuclcwi^ch \jtan,VMw. Ralph Bennett and Mrs. here.s1" short tone ago. r . ; | ^M^ELLANEPUS SHOWER., fooherty, who has been ah emplove of After recovering.from the surprise 11 ' ,T * ° " " * ' FROM VACATION SPENT i.n g FPonxv, Ppe t.i.t.e., BRll uff, Mane, Chan- ;; IN THE NORTH WOODS nel, Catherine and Grass lakes. It is . T~„ _ also proposed to extend the Sullivan (Continued from Page One) ^ and Watts channels into" that section Biekler's Hotel was the scene of •:$ Social evening was enjoyed an<i lunch. when Miss Bertha Justen was hostess Served + m • *•' MISCELLANEOUSSHOWER . . • Miss Alma Justeri, who will becdme ereon on October- 6. |at a miscellaneous shower» complitnenting Miss Alma Justen, Who will become the bride of Mr.^rnold Andthe local office for about ten yteats. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Interesting', indeed, was the trip dri the Chain of Lakes State .park. Lake Superior ' to Madeline Island, Was donated to the state by the whie an aricient church 105 years Old Sullivan families. % ^as 'Visited and the queer customs of - Iroprovernents have been provided the Indians were disclosed in an Indian for»n -a special appropriation by the Cemetery, Here the ancient houses ^ 1^I?iat"re 1. in accordance with a v . i v --i--u- S e n a t o r George M. a siMpniier home at Mr V„ ^A.k T:vT' ^:built by the Indians over the graves H" i"tro<luced by &m.tor George M *?*£.-• ^ale'. 'of their departed still reniain, beautiwood fitted together held with •'-P.r<yect-has-been, stimulated by RENT HORSES FROM HARRISON ACAD STEAL tWO SA In tile course of the last few the theft of almost everything has been reported, yet a rather unususil robbery occurred at the farm home of Roy Harrison at Barnard's Mill at Wonder Lake during the past week. Harrison, who operates a farm and riding stables, announced the loss of two saddles when two young men rented horses and failed to return with them. UNCLE EZRA" BUYS ANOTHER FARM IN /> M'HENRY COl '*frnfci§ 'Izra" of WLS fame hip adde another farm to his property liftt in McHenry county with the purchase of the 200-acre farm known as the it. W. Wickhatti homestead, northwefct of Hebron. Uncle Ezra, is also the owner of the Mrs. Grant Randall farm located east of Hebron on Route 173. Mrs. Randafl and daughter, Mrs. Hettie Reichow, A-. , , . are remodeling the former CarmiiM After several hours the horses were Costanzo hoimj on West Judd ^ found tied to a fence m a gravel pit ,n Woodstock. ' east of the farm, but the saddles were j Tr 1 -c '• r» \ . , « missing. Tracks in the pit indicated' Y"fle E k zra 18 Patnck Barrett aif: that the men had parked a car there ^!ha'^who RpPears on h,s P«>Sran^ while they went to the farm to rent the horses. '. s * , ' i s . * .v. * ^ t. j TRE^ SPECIALIST liOCATES IN M'HENRY Henry Busse at Arlington Heights, ii"T by the Misses Anna, Marion and Ev> elyn Anderson. The affair was a miscellaneous Shower and the bride-to-be received Oiany pleasing gifts. Cards were enjoyed during the evenii^ r, with the prize in^ Eve hundred merited by Miss Evelyn Justen and in pinochle by Mrs. Carl Anderson. Refreshments were served. Guests were: Marian Weingart. Mrs. Carl Anderson, Chicago, Mrs. AJex Justen, Alma Justen and Evelyn "Justen. ( Esther May, pinochle the christening the grpup of relatives asprize went to M>«a Akrta Justen. • A delicious dinner was §erv^d" at five o'clock." ' Z Those preseiifir we#e: ' Mirs. Arthur Bopp, Evanston, -Jroiephitie Kusan of Oak Park, Anna, Marion and Evelyn Anderson, " the Indians, graves were covered with _u -j * L . a sma11 house or shelter, probably to' ®a °f L.the Pa^k s.^te™,s cred' sembled also, celebrated the wedding t t th durinp. the ' ' int, *re. ited to.the Chicago Regidfial Planning whi;VheS7rS °l»r' *nd Mf5" the direction of A delicious chicken dinner was ser.- kSe broke" and delapidat- ^s0cij"f0 e n ^y• genen" d,rCCt0r °f ed with a table decorated for the wed-l^ir the ™marked ^ •»-, The opening of'the park wil. ding party at which Mr. and Mrs. I uments. Three Indian reservations were also a heretofore unknown opportunity ir. Marian Weingart; Kathleen Justen, |and groom centered thp" tahTp"a^"nfr I interestinPT. one of them being on the , l {°7 fai«il,es to enjoy " -s. Ben Just«ai»..Kathviae-Ale. Wood-ier decoraUons Sed ou^thP tntit ^ ks}and' ^ut where our v^itors hoped J a^,de spot without having to pay t u ^eraecoiat.onis. carried out the spmt of: to see the tepees and primitive life of fo > Privilege, as all lakes are now 45 QUALITY PDRE BRED HOLSTEWS From McHenry, Boone and Lake Counties will be sold at Mat# TMfl^/T&tlier May,j vaies were seated. A miniature bride! island, but' where ou^'Visitors "hoped * la|^side,sP°t without having to pay vwv V1|C 0|/ 1 1 1 U ( -.i r TAI« Thrt mnitnlAiVA ni/ Mil ^ the occasion. Cards were enjoyed during the aft- j pofnted^'to fJid' them^Hvin^in homes Carter Jenkins is engineer for the ernoon, while the evening was given! d followimr modern riviliypH mis national park service. over to music and dancing in the beau-! ?oma. civilized cus-; Jt .g ^ that a ccc camp will be , In'the north the Indians and whites in the area during the s^ing are intermarrying and. believe it or ° - riot, they saw a Mr stock, Mrs. Jacob Justen, Evelyn and Alma Justen, Ewel»n ^ajv^Mrs. Alex Justen, and Boa rtic*" Jlist^Ty'" GREEN S SALE BARN WOODSTOCK, ILL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 ?;. For catalogue, write • - „ McHenry County Farm Bureau, Woodstock' 'p-"f PLACED AT $3,532,920 total value of property in McHenry township is $3,532,920 this year as fixed by the county board of review, making up a part bf the total porcupine, ProPe.r*y 'n t'le county which • presenting a picture never to be for- . ls ; j ,n?aU:iy. ,)1'uw!uuu more inan is Mrs. Barrett. , The famous radio* artist was hotl| on a farm and is much interested & his new homes where he and his wife spend much of their time.' A herd of purebred Guernsey rrat- •' - , , x ! tie will stock the newly purchas«(d Leo. I". Thornhill, a tree specialist (farm, where a tract of forty acres of •• of twelve years experience, has lo- canary grass has attracted much at-'., cated in McHenry for the practice tention. WTien alfalfa, clover and hay hi? profession, coding here from Duh>rfields /ell a prey to the drouth, the • i dee, 111. 'J'.[field of canary grass survived. ?' Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill haVe rented the former Randall farm canary grafi; the Coles C6ttage temporarily, "which, i»'g*own and its success impressed th» " is situated on Fox street, just south of ntew owner of its value as feed for hi» ? the State bridge on the east side of cattle. Pox Rixier. Mr. Thornhill specialize*! In his recent purchase Barrett also in tree work, doing priming, spraying, acquires the cattle, horses, hogs art! ! ; feeding and cavity treatment. He be-;of the personal property. Port# - lieves therd is a good field here for Oyer, who was on the farm, will cottf V tinue to operate it under a new lease. ^ ^ UalversKy Founded In HT 3 Iro University of Pavia, in Italy; Subscribe for The Plaindealer was founded in 825 4Vv-*:'V.r •• V->.z'-5-tesla tiful and spacious home. «. » « EASTERN STAR N0TE8. ,. , , . , • I ' u Tr , , nt)^' they saw a light haired little iTT-cmT-n ir m«. ^ M U nry y°R ' worthy matron, Indian child playing with his brothers HENRY TOWNSHIP 7 chapter will ^serve as fcnd sisters of raven locks and dark PROPERTY VALUATION worthy matron at Richmond chapter skins oirMonday evening Oct. 11. , A 'large fish hatchery at Ashland, lhe thirty-second anniversary Of Wis., was visited and beautiful waterthe chapter will be observed at a spe- falls and other points of interest were cial meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. seen. 12, when past worthy matrons and pa- As they drove through the tall pines r°Ps the chairs. an(j virgin forests tiie McHenry trav On Wednesday evening of last week ellers saw several deer and porcupine. ... . - ,00 _ - Mrs. Vogel served conductress at presenting a picture never to be for- thls year reaches $33,059,380, approx- Hebron chapter on tfteir worthy ma-1 gotten. At Cranberry Lake there was ,rnately ^.OW.OOO more than last year trons night. She was accompanied a path leading from the forest to the total was 132,851,770. 1 Bassett, Ethel Jones and , lake made by deer in their daily trips . ®^c^enry township is one of the Mrs. Thomas Kane. jto the Jake to drink richest m the county, according to the On Friday evening, Lisle Bassett] Leaving the lodge* Friday Mr. and repor^ of the board of rev5ew and is served as associate patron at Haven Mrs. Krause and Mr. and Mrs. Freund ®xceeded, °,nly by the townships of chapter, Marengo, where Mrs. Vogel spent the night at Shewane, Wis. re- Porr a"d A1&onquin in the value of a guest in th® east. Accompaning them were Mrs. A. Eddy, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. F. G. Spurling, Elsie and Frances Vycital, Mrs. George Kramer and Mrs. J. R. Staith. Initiation took place. On this Wednesday evening McHenry officers attended the meeting of turning on to McHenry Saturday. its property. --Algonquin township ranks highest, with a property valuation of $4,538,850 and Dorr comes in a close second with a valuation of $4,- 369,280. McHenry lacks only $836,- ST. JOHN'S SCENE OF BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN _ WEDDING WEDNESDAY 360 of tying Dorr in the valuation of it£ property and is approximately a A prety autumn wedding was sol- ^^e..Inore ^an $1,000,000 under Al- BEGINNING MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, MTT.1T WILL BE DELIVERED LATER IN THE DAY ^ \ • ' Order Extra Milk or Cream Sunday if it is Needed for Monday's Breakfast. RIVERSIDE DAIRY the Bertha Eagle Club at Woodstock, 'emnized at St. John's church, Johns- g0 r£?uiTV If10" °f officers was held. | burg, Wednesday morning, September Th® board of review of McHenry : This Thursday evening Lisle Bas-129, when Miss Bertha Tonyan, daugh- ^Un,ty has comPleted its work under | sett will be associate patron at Capron ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan , directlon of Chairman Frank Beck ! chaPter>. where Mrs. Vogel will serve of Ringwood, became the bride of Mr. ? Harvard and turned over their ;as associate conductress. (Raymond Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Si * t0 County aCTk Raymond D. I _Mrs. Vogel and Mrs. °ny Wheeler' WiUiam N. Freund of Spring Grove. W2£ds- ^ , will attend the Grand chapter in Chi- Father A. J. Vollman officiated at * as,s«ssed VftIue of lands this |Cago on Oct. 5 and 6. " the nuptial mass and marriage cere- year's ^llj'3^'745' while last year it IR M.f - ,^eeier' Mrs- Emma mony »t 9 o'clock. Iio'nSwA th,s year are Buell of Woodstock, left Sunday fori Down the lon white-carpeted cen- ?Jq S ^ ^year Were $12'" Indianapolis, Ind. to attend the twen- ter aisle of the spacious church, the 16^°f°; railroads this year are $5,140 bride, on the arm of her father, who a" were $9,885; personal gave her in marriage, approached the Pf y is $5,617,725 and altar, where she was met byl;the bride- Tf ?r ?as groom and his groomsmen, Clarence mize schedules show that there ty-second triennial session of the General Grand chapter of the Eastern Star. On Friday evening Miss Ethel Jones served as marshal at Woodstock chap-,Freund and Vincent Tonyan', brothers ®re 4;348 pas8e"^er automobiles in the S "1^"' "*»'"» «' n™»» «"<i bride. reapectively. fT' ?!Ued " »388.213: 1.0« "«twsL^Ctrre^:id?^^ore,ni'1 phyed the ^ Preceding the bride were the maid 47,725 cattle worth $1,143130; 7,997 horses and mules worth $295,150; of honor, Rita Tonyan, her sister, and assessed two bridesmaids, Eva Williams, aunt Sfn„ • «^^A fu~,tu5e and fur* of the bride, and Isabel Meyers, cousin ls.$607'750', off,ce furniture is and personal property $14,890. •»»»»»• f !»»»»»• CORN CONTEST 10-lb. SMOKED HAM awarded to the person bringing the longest ear of corn to our market between the dates-- SEPTEMBER 23 AND OCTOBER 23, inclusive In event of tie the tieing contestant who guesses nearest the exact weigU of the ham will be declared winner. PORK LOIN ROAST lb. 29<* SHORT RIBS-- Beef lb. 10^. BACON SQUARES-- 29<> PORK SAUSAGE-- . Bulk lb. 19^ RIB ROAST-- Rolled lb. 29 FRESH GROUND BEEF 2 lbsV!for 29c BEEF STEW-- lb. 21^ RING BOLOGNA-- RING LIVER-- MINCED HAM 19^ BACON-- i^-lb. pkg. LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS lb. 27^ FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS McHENRY'S "Spic A Span" Mnrket Among the Sick Mrs. Goodell. * * * WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Neighbors celebrated anniversaries over the weekend, observing their of the groom. A , - - ------ wedding dates just ten years apart. . The bride was charming in a white is $515,- The place was the same, both wed-' satin wedding gown with a train over n merchandise is $506,715. toccurring at St. John's church, which fell a long tulle veil edged with Johnsburg, with ten years,elapsing be-i jace and # tulle blusher veil was held tween them. , Jin place'r*ny a coronet of pearls. The Their twentieth wedding anniver-1 onJy trimming on the gown was the sary was the occasion for a surprise, satin l osettes edged with pearls at „ _ m - party on Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ' N. j the neck. The lovely costume was , rs> Peter Weber is quite ill at her Pchmitt Sunday, when about forty-five, completed by a shower bouquet with on Pearl street. Her sister, friends from Chicago and this vicinity' ribbon effect of white roses and baby's \"FS' .^e ®®al» of Elgin, is with her invaded their home to spend the aft-'breath, which she carried. week. emoon and evening with them. j The maid of honor, Rita Tonyan, , Walter Freund returned homte Tuofe- Various games furnished entertain-!Wore a taffeta silk frock, its colors ay €^nin» from St. Anthony's hosment for the guests with a ball game!changing from blue to shades of ? Chica^o, where he went Friday out^loors and cards inside and supper fuchia» and on her head she wore a f^" treatment. His many friends are was served. The couple received ai coronet of flowers. She carried cream *'ad to kno^ of his return to his tire tfift from their friends. color Johanna Hill roses with baby's s. p on Main street where he always Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt were married breath in. old-fashioned arrangement. £'ves efficient service. at St. jphn's chucrh, JLohnsburg, by Father Nick Schmitt of Oklahoma, on Miss Eva Williams wore a gown of Mrs. Theodore Bethke of Dundee is fuchia colored satin and turban of at ber home in that city. Miss S<?ptember 26, 1917. They went to ™\vet and net in the same shade and M^,e B]?fk 15paring for her. f a r m i n g on the S c h m i t t h o m e s t e a d a t j c a r " e d a" a r m b o u q u e t of cream c o l o r . \ v s' A ' b e r t F r e t t is i l l at her Johnsburg, where they remained about j ^°^anna Hill roses and baby's breath. ln north end of town. years. After other changes they'j Miss Isabel Meyers wore aqua blue A son of Steve Justen is in St. Therm° ved to the farm owned by Mrl |aatin with turban to match and car- !se'8 hospi1,a1' where he is recovering mitt's mother, Mmr«r*sn . i.i *__ • rip^ .Trvhanno TTiti ui... Tom An opcTfltion for Appendicitis^ Voung, where they have lived for the past ten years, Saturday, September 25, marked the 'hn-tieth wedding anniversary of Mr. ; nil Mrs. Jacob F. Justen and in honor "f this occasion they were surprised by ;i party of neighbors and friends at their home Monday evening.- <' < lards were enjoyed and high honors Catherine Johanna Hill roses with blue ~ , Q . . , , , - delphinium. red S«niessle, who has been m St The maid of honor and bridesmaids hospital, Waukegan, followwore silver slippers mg an operation, was taken to Zace The men in the party wore the con- fani f tari"m at Winfield, Saturday, for ventional dark suits with rose bouton- ^atment He will be glad to hear njeres xrom his xrienQs. ^ Following the ceremony a „ breakfast was served at the bride's SUPPER AT METHODIST home for the bridal party and later won by Mrs. Joe B. Stilling and rec<TtRn Was held at the home of the n m «..L 11 _ _ i1_ . • i OTftAWi 'o una KnMi« ...1. -- -- J J* . PARSONAGE FRIDAY EVENING F- E. Denman, while other prizes were'*room's Parents, where a wedding * Mr. and Mrt. R. W. Pinnell and • i by Mrs. Stephen M, Schmitt and dinner was served to 150 guests. Dec- ®.®Ve,J7°ve ,?nte^sted A rthur Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Justen were presented ^ ith a gift in honor of the occasion. fxuests were Messrs. and Mesdames A (thur Smnth, E. E. Denman, Alex orations were in blue and white The !n welfare of the Methodist church day's festivities were concluded with to attend a pot-luck supper at the para wedding dance at Nell's Pavilion. f>oa«e' f riday evernng Brmg a dishj After a short wedding trip the ^ . Pfs" , Ser\ine ^art at 6 couple will reside with his parents on °'clock and continue until all are serv- JSb1StilW & ,he >r°0m J" emPl0yi . ?•"» »«• t»e -M »» discuss. Mr. Arnold Anderaon. ! Tl» brKM« a pnd,of th;. Mo "<>?e nJeded r«Pa'rs; which Mr. and Mrs. Justen were married jHenry Community High School with Tvf f - S® «t St. John's church, Johnsburg, by!c*ass 9* 1934 and both she and her u_n_- * • ..e ,.ma" the Father Mehring on Sept. 25, 1907, and husband have many friends in this vi- , . "f. s£®cia w. nt to farming on a part of the old ctaitF- •. ^ ^end. T ' -'---'----jr.- Twilifht and Dawn Twilight exists when the «w |g below the horizon both in the evening and in the morning. However, dawn is the word often used for the early morning twilight. ' ,v , Tu^ten homestead. It will be ninetei- n years in November since they moved to their present beautiful home at the golf course. Mr*, and Mrs. Justen have four children, Alex, Alma, Evelyn, and Donald. cinity. Imagination Affects Growth Imagination has a powerful effect on mental growth; and in a very real sense the child become# a creator by producing original work. New Fall Styles Here •t • • , The snap and feel of these finely tailored all wool garments five you the personal satisfaction that comes only from good clothes. , %- Styles that are up to the minute'- pi ect M and^bri^ that wo«r. ^ - -{iKt ;.V • Bum Topcoats^ Overooats •24-80 to $30? *19-50 to $1950 to $35' Wilean McGEE'S HMb

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