Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1937, p. 1

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' " ' • ^« 7 -- -- • • • • • - r . a --, - v •> -I- v >• -t • :r:-- / \ ' ':"'J Volume 63 McHENRY ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1937 'S ',4-%, :|! No. 29 \ • ' HEW SCHOOL TO BE FINISHED IN iNOVEMBER yts^ BUILDING IS LAST WORD DEDICATION IS PLANNED '; -toE NOT, T\ Gary's church gri'OUTids 'fftii'e Been the scene of much activity this wag sub-)et to other contrTictors. ing will have a seating capacity of at least 350 students and an increased 1 enrollment requiring the additoin of! more teachers next year, is expected.! W, J, Van der Meer of Auroira is the' architect and A, J. "Mann of ^.ujxjrnj is general superintendent. Tortjten,[ Constructiott Company of McHetiry i I has the general contract for the work, | which includes concrete, brick, tile, ' j masonry, carpentry, roofing, damp- ] roofing, structural and architectural j steel, tile floors, wainscoating1, plaster,; i aspfhalt and tile floors, sheet metal ' work, glazing, fainting, blackboards and wardrobes. Some of this work' Thousands of' Fish Dumped Into Fox River sumnrer where the construction of the beautiful, new $75,000 parochial f-chool building has been in progress. The building, which was commenced the early part of July, has now takgn i shape and with gangs of workmen employed... has been rushed towards . completion, which is expected on or before November 15. - Dedication ceremonies will take place on November 7, when Bishop -Hoban of Rockford will be present to ' officiate at the ceremonies on this memorable occasion. The new school building is one of the finest in the northwest and will be ultra-modern and up-to-date in every respect. The Carey Electric company is In charge of the electrical, work. Paul Gerasch has the plumbing, and Al J. Ironside of Elgin, will install the heating system. Anton P. Freutid did the excavation work, while all of tfce lumber was furnished by the McHenry Lilmber company and the Alexander Lumber company furnished the brick, tile and masonry material. Althoff'a hardware supplied the sheet metal and finishing hardware. An addition is also being built onto' The above scene shows employes of the Illinois Conservation -Department dumping small fish, from the Spring! nen will regret to learn that they will cleared for the benefit of the team. the Sisters' home at the rear of the Grove Fish Hatchery, estimated at about 200,000, into the Fox River at McHenry Tuesday of this week. Bass,'not return here another year and that' Pledges have been made for^the salt school building. This addition, which Wuegills crappies an4-w»rch were in the cans. There were no "Oscars" in the lot, but as they grow they will pvo-j th McHenry Methodist church will be of 433 tickets by the students and ihr " ^ ' will be 16 by 30 feet in size, will fur- vide plenty of sport for fishermen. . . : ' | assigned a new pastor for the church success of the undertaking is pracCv:/;-:;: ; NEW RESIDENTS • :V:; / • Mr. and Mrs. D. !>. Simpson and ffcmily are occupying the Albert Lallinger house on Route '20, just West of McHenry. They moved here in September and the children.enrolled in the local schools, a daughtei* in high school and a son in grade school. V: ,j - Mr. Simpson sells feed out ofj Omaha, Neb., feie the United Farmers Exchange. r BENEFIT DANCE AT FOX >/'%k HELP !)EF&aS EXPENSE FOOTBALL TRIP ; , y." J' : M. E. WILL HAVE NEW PASTOR IN 1938 EEV. PINNELL TO FINISH BIBUOAL COURSE An'undfereurrent of excitement pre^ ^v^i: vails at the Community High School / this week, where plans and arrangements aw being made for the benefA dance Saturday night at th« Fox pavilion. This darice is being given for th» * ' benefit of the football team whicll • , leaves' Oct. 22 for Stafford, Kan^ / - where they will compete with t^e Staf- : :'-f\ ford High School team. ^ Every effort is being put forth to make this dance-^ big success and {$ Friends of Rev. and Mrs. R. ; is hoped that at least $100 may b* ;? nish much needed room for a dining rodm on the first floor and bedrooms It will be ninety per cent fireproof,; and bath on the second floor, ntructum INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS JUSTEN - ANDERSON NUPTIALS MONDAY One of the prettiest of early fall weddings was solemnized Wednesday morning, October 6, at St. Mary's church parsonage, when Miss Alma Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J« year, which begins the first of October, ically assured. Rev. Pinnell, who has been pastor of. Tickets, if bought in advance, at* the local church for two years, preach- 35 cen^ each bu^ if bought at th® <d his final sermon here Sunday and;door will be 35 Cents for ladies aiife"! left nlonday for Evanston to continuo; go cents for men. - his studies at the Garrett Biblical In- » . iititute. Hie expects to finish his bibli-' • . , , , ., ^ 1.c sl cou.r,1s e t•h is y. »r w1h ™t_. h. xa nd h1i s typ© of entertainme^nt to - T^s-p"on so^fe • Ptobkem* of major to the wife w, 11 return to Oklahoma to make ^ committe€ consiste of E,eand# ' OCTOBER MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Maurice Bray of Libertyville to n© y . __,r. „ longer keen on the idea of loaning j cob F. Justen, became the bride of Mr. City of McHenry confronted our city, their home ! Althoff, president of the Athletic A** his car. Last week Saturday night Arnold Anderson, son of John A. And- council at the regular meeting on Kev- Pinnell has work-in Evanston T .... „--, . „ . 'j Bray's car was found mired in the erson of McHenry. I Monday evening of this week. ' mud after a 150-foot roll down the; Msgr. Charles S. Nix, pastor of the] After the whirl of a busy summer | side of a ravine. Steve Mirretti, 260 church, officiated at the ceremony at1 in McHenry, the board members are ; South West street, Waukegan, the 23- J 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. J now looking forward to improvements ! year-old driver of Bray's car, told the. The bride was attended by her sis- which must be made this fall. For I accident bureau he had to leap to ter, Evelyn Justen, while Carl Ander- instance, our city water supply is I s a f e t y w h e n t h e c a r b e g a n t o s l i d e .| s o n , o f C h i c a g o , s e r v e d h i s b r o t h e r a s h a r d l v a d e q u a t e s h o u l d a n e x c e p t i o n a l - , , . . . . . 1 J-- necengitate more than < '«««• *M*. •».« and will not pteuh thh jnr, wMkLorn,ine Eneel° *"? ^ 4- Mrs." Pinnell will work in the library! „ ". . ... ... . .. i "t" therp j Members of this committee decidei The formal announcement of the list up^n » da»f t0 raisf the de^cd {x»* ^ cf pastoral appointment, will be made Promptly se^ral comm.ttees ^ • r . . .. made and rtl»n« fnr the hiir ovonf a>Mwy next Sunday at the close of the 98th session of the Rock River Annual con i Mirretti had backed into the deadend' best man. ly dry summre muai con- . this week cb™Plet,?n plans for the big event ai!i» ny>ving swifty and efficiently toward! 'fr& • I 1 at the Court street X. E» church, Rockford. Conference Opens New St. Mary's School Building Under sup aswitb stofls jo^st&' and concrete mounting them, finished floors of phalt tile and vestibules and entries of ceramic tile, while partitions will be of gypsum pyrobar tile. Stairways will be built of steel and the exterior is an attractive buff-faced brick backed up with common brick and load bearing tile. gleaming white plastered walls will be set off by a varnished oak trim. Even to the steel shelving in the I M'HEJIRY POST PUTS ON A "THANK YOU" PARTY FOR WORKERS The conference opened Tuesday at atten<k» The pleasure of those who attend the dance is being considered and ,!t'| ; good time is promised everyone are of West street, north of Belviderej The bride was lovely in a royal blue the usual consumption. The waterstreet, Waukegan. The brakes failed chiffon velvet wedding gown, street works committee will secure informato hold and the car went backward length, with a blue velvet turban and tion regarding methods used in other over the embankment. | shoulder length veil and other acces-1 municipalities and report the advis-j cunitrenw iwwiy « Name Committees Five head of horses were killed by sories to match. Her costume was ability of certain dhanges at the next r>u!!L!^! .Jriv/fko Committees for the dance Are, and 1000 bushels of oats, 20 tons completed with a corsage of gardenias meeting of the council. of straw and a quantity of machinery ^ ™d lilies of ^ . was1' Since the last re^lar me^ng/ when church the of whicTl ,g ^v. were destroyed when the barn on the; The bridesmaid, bvelyn Jesten, was members of the Country Club Im- ^j, j p Cnfr "Darby Ebel farm. Ridge road, four attired in a dnbonnet chiffon velvet pT0Vement Association reported labor- " miles west of Barrington, was burned frock with matching accessories ®nd ^ atory findings of pollution in Fox Rivto the ground late Wednesday night wore a corsage of bronze chrysanthe-' er) there has been much" concern about Up"j of ^hp^ormMnlon" in"the" Phila- ^'r8^ Gene Wiedeman and Leo (ft* of last week. , Actual loss was not es- mums. I correcting the condition. A copy of aj rj„ini>f«1 rn POnfnrmitv with a ar<* Blake; Second half, Allen Noonali timated, but it was reported insurance The groom and best man wore the ,etter from the Sute Sanitary Water, ^'p"'a was carried. Origin of the blaze could conventional dark suits with bouton- « j - T *• * :~ ti SMfii *• ? j. ; Waldorf of the Chicago area gave the . .. opening addr«» at th. CM 'MflttW MS. -- --*4- ten and Miss Stevens; Alice Mae Low, u j - The^president of the conference this ^ ^ MarjrKnox. ? ^ year is Bishop Ernest G. Richardson,' .PoJ>! .Supervisor, Mr. Angles*; - • library and steel lockers and ward- g-Uests of McHenry Post, American Le __ |' - . - _ T jnot be determined. It was believed nieres of lilies of the valley. Workers who assisted the Legion- t^at crossed wires or combustion may. Following the ceremony a reception naires at their successful carnival over . . n ibl_ Th fire Was was held at the bride's home, where a the Fourth of July weekend were Zcov^d ^ Ky Jurs. farm man-^ wedding dinner^ and supper were serv- A copy of 11, delphia area. In conformity with a . . . i church law that requires an outside an5* Henry T<myan. r "v. Board to the Improvement Associa- bishop to preside at conference ses- r ^V^e^^S^erisor. Ws^O'^r^ ti°n containing the findings of their sions Qnce eve four s Bishop Lorraine ?tacknick. head, Herriet||; engineer was read. The report sUfes U, . . is acting as head of this D°fothy Uy. that there is indication of scattered ^ g arftJl For the pkst month Bish- „ Tickets: Supervisor^ Miss Snyde^| robes in each room will fireproof qualities be observed. Air-conditioned There will be a modern air-conditioning system installed whereby pure, fresh, air will be constantly circulating and all germs, which are said to hov^r near the floor, will be drawn out. There will also be installed an up-to-date heating plant with a heat control in each room to regulate the temperature according to requirements. The fine, new building, which covers an area of 54 feet by 98 feet, with a wing, 18 feet by 20 feet on the west, gien, Monday evening at a "thank you" party which was much enjoyed by all present. Meeting at Legion hall at 7:45 p. m., the party 1 went to the Empire theater Where they saw one of the year's famager p. m. vered by H^nry Jars, farm man-^'wwWing dinner and were serv- potion along the river banks above ' Richard80n has repiaCed the actual Bruc« KIont*. Herbert Rehiat0-0 tbr Mr. Ebel, shortly before 11:30 ed to about ninety f^t8' including and through McHenry. It also sUtes j. . , ^ BishoD Waldorf sperger. ; At that time the whole struc- relatives and friends ofthe couple. j that no increase in bacterial numbers! nresidimr over the Rock River B°* Office Work: Supervisor. Miat' : \ ture was blazing, and it was impos- ^ coli index is found at the(McHenry (conference an(J for another month t«- Snyder; Ptaul Justen. head; fir^t sible to enter the barn to release the ^ m ">'ue an" white, wiui crepe paper | jam, due to the presence of the sew-1 iow;nir i Lorraine Engelc and Eleanor Althoff? horses. 8tre.TOra,*nd, telo»n. ^rry'n» »»J «ge treatroont plant. I AppoiataMlta TtiU W»k j Second half. Audrey Rothermel ai4 Mr. and Mr,. Hwold Dye, the for-'?• I d?^rt™e" .^'1 "'""r" I Appointment, and trantfer, of A1 Pearson. • . .Vj# bers by the Adams Brothers, solos by | Chosen, a Japanese possession, is lo Martin Conway and Ray Conway and cated near Japan. Mr. Dye is emselections by the German quartette, The American Legion has made for ifeelf a record of high standing in is being erected on the site of the old this community and this act showing school building which had been one their appreciation of services rendered of the landmarks in McHenry for by members and friends made a big many years. In June, the old school building, hit with everyone present The picture, obtained by Roy Miller, ployed by the Argo Starch company. in a green wool suit with brown acces sories. Upon their return .they will make Engineers are now studying correc-J gc^uied U>^Ioge " " j rich, L. Engeln, E. Althroff. L. Stilly ' ,v ' tive measures regarding ground water, Tho conferenc; ©pened Tuesday in*- ®°b Knox- L. Smith, T. Tonya% -I infiltration into the sewer system. ,^ registration of 400 pastoral dele- B. Klontx, P. Justen. ^ Mrs. Dye is a former resident of Mar-; thXtfs*na'<^e8t'on of improving the Mc-!gate8 and another 400 lay delegates, Advertising: Supervisor, Mr. Ree^i f ft engo and the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. £* the ™nt*r P»«nts, Henry Country Club road called for and is continuinR though the week * ^n, H. Tonyar. L. Engeln, B. , 4 F. H. Shannon, now of Chicago. The bride who graduated from the T^ AlTT?u- 18 * with business sessions, devotions and Althoff. , > . ^ A calf minus a tail was born to McHenry High Sdiool with the class J ^Mnterest in'eSra^rvisTtora« di"ner J«etinp on ^e program. lor^L^ill^" Wein^rt!'Eth^l' A1 the Holstein herd on the Diggins cr 1931, has been employed at the j toOUrcitv U^Ts aereedto secure' .In add.t.on to united conference ses- lor Lucille J^emgart. Ethel Althoff, ^ homestead farm, southeast of Har- Woodstock Typewriter factory *t^L "erWces of JTUeTeer to Ster-! 8'T A ™eetin«s ***' ' McAndrews HeU - ^ built seventy-eight years ago, m 18o9, manager of the theater especially for, Diggins, manager of the group of The groom graduated from McHen-1 then meet the property owners in1 ^ was torn down to make room for the the occasion, was a most appropriate j farms owned by the Diggins * family. ry High School in 1929 and attended j section to present the plans and " World givenWednew, modem structure which will pro- ©ne and told the story, as written by [The tailless calf is so unusual as to Northwester *T * ®v»n,n«r hV i»- •»-»• » Eric Remarque, of the trials awaiting attract attention among dairy men, so and a half. the German soldiers on "the road j the little animal on the Diggins farm father's gas station an Route U. S. 12 -^^jd be made possible through the ,-ide for the Catholic children*of this community the finest and latest in housing facilities. ESght Class Rooms !%e two-story building will contain back" to homes where they hoped to;is assuming the curiosity class. No in McHenry. He 1. -jog- - wrportion of \ Motor Fuel Tax fund availabki.t# the Waiters: Supervisor. Miss Tavlor; ^ % ; isesday evening by Dr. San B. Brum- Hnn^d Taxman. Harry Conway. WafcSS^*' ter Bolger, . Gerald )|Uler. • Johnson, Gehe Adams, Joseph Gaa% - ^ den. - Officers of the Athletic A?soei«H«>tt:5^- This Thursday afternoon the women had -a devotional meetiag, with Mrs. A. C. Aldrich, president of the Wo- aI*: Eleanor Althoff. or~=ident: A-"% man's Home Missionary society, pre- rev Rotherrrel. vice-nrp<ifjpnt: Louise siding, and an address by the Rev. Dr. Stilling, secretary ard treasurer. NOW FINISHED Ernest F. Tittle, pastor of the First A sum °f mone* for evnense* o* fhe | M. E. church,. Evanston. team has been Tuaranted bv tHe Other leaders, outside the jurisdic- sas school, but it is exoe^te^ tv*»t K-n«. find permanent and lasting peace, but I sign of where the tail is customarily Both the bride and groom are P°P- ' citV from the state. where no one seemed to understand I found appears on this rare little an- ular with the younger set in McHenry i" four class rooms and toilets on each the horrors they, had experienced and imal, those who have seen the calf ro» where they have many friends. I SILO FILLING floor, while on the first floor there j they were confronted "by r evolution.? j port. j Among the out-of-town relatives, will be a kitchen and on the second and turmoil. j A strong southwest wind which who attended the wedding were Mr.: flocr will be found the library. i The picture, directed by James; last Thursday afternoon blew a spark and Mrs. Arthur Bopp, Evanston; j There is a large basement under whale, featured Slim Summerville, I from a tractor into a 35-ton stack of Miss Sabina Huette. Miss Julia Dono-1 Silo filling in this locality is finished ^t„. . . _ ,. . . the entire building and this also is Andy Devine, John King and Richard1 straw on the Lew Huebsch farm on hue, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mr. for the season and corn husking will <?" ,°f ,the Rock, R,ver conference, ^; ,p.rne"t; r div ded into four rooms. These Cromwell as the four comrades who! Route 63, west of Mundelein, prevent- and Mrs. Ted Anderson and Glen soon be started, according to reports scheduled to jspeak include the Rev. rooms, as well as those on the upper went through the war together, the|ed further damage than that to the Anderson, Chicago. flocrs, will be separated by corridors, first two adding a touch of humor to! stack by blowing the sparks from the *-- For the present, the basement will the tragedy and pathos of the world. fiercely burning straw away from the LIONS CLUB HOLDS be used for recreation purposes with war scenes. barn Mundelein and Liberty-' plans for the completion of a bowling Portraying the desire for a perman-1 v;ue departments were called to aid in! alley, -in the near future. ent world peatfe, the picture followed extinguishing the stubborn • blaze. * DINNER MEETING TUESDAY EVENING of farmers who are waiting for the ^r- Loren G. Edwards, St. Louis, Mo., corn to dry out and fully mature. j R* Allan Stphens, an attorney of The recent hot weather hastened the Springfield, and the Rev. Dr. Ralph anticipated, therefore, it was thought best to prepare for emersr^nc'e#. Twenty Fov«* On THn . T"-enUr boys, with on<» m*na»*r a^d fcy nasium and auditorium, 50 by 120 feet, has been laid and needs only the superstructure to make it the largest assembly hall in McHenry. The gymnasium will be an L-shaped addition on the north end of the present building, with a large stage in one end. MILK TRUCK AND TRAILER TURN OVER IN DITCH ON RT. 12 ' • / maturity of the corn and bean crops Sockman, minister of Christ church, Coach Reed, will the •"«' ard the general rain improved soil New York City. Stafford, a city about •he siie n* moisture conditions. - | Saturday afternoon and evening the Henry, where thev will b*» ente•^•";,,,* ^Although not to be completed at the tenets and voiced*the feelings of, ^maTes'of d^age"^ as'higras^- 1 lF™ Pawing has been started in annual conference youth assembly will -J £•<*«» home^ W§ent, the foundation for a gym- the American Legion of todmr, -lthouirh no definite figures are* ,ttrtgr titular dinner meeting of the this locality and the preparation of, Meet, convened b>' Mlss Burns, ; taffor^ team and no exr,0^e w.l , # w ioa W Is vet ava°Se < McHenry Lions Club was held Tues- ground for the sowing of winter wheat; P^sident of the Chicago Western dis- ircorred.^ SDonaWajeaiinek, 10-vear-old son. of day evening at Nell's White House Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jelinek of Cary, ^th a very good attendance of memdied at the St. Anthony hospital in »*£?• . Chicago, last week Tuesday. Blood Following a very delicious dinner i poisoning developed after he was bit' niKciis^pn nTTi>r wmcri rrnsinpnr. t , n i wiii Liiiciib ui AKiituituiCi f Schloerb of Hyde Park Baptist 22. "ith the football a vestibule and cloak rooms, over one of them met with a serious acci- ~t"jT Hpath waV not due. to Pu^lic schools of McHenry, off ERICK SOXS IN (|ALIFORNIA church. . • fof Saturday and the homeward trip which there will be a balcony and pro- dent when it swerved into a ditch and nn:„nr, frnm u:t„ unt - =eDtic wWch he is the superintendent. This Friends here have received letters Next Sunday morning Bishop Rich- Surday. Under the vestibule overturned on U. S. Route 12, north of no ^ TOw blood F,lbiect is ^at interest to: from Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and ardson will preach and read the list „ The bovS from whom the of poisomner m the wound. TTTree b! McHenry folks and the Lions were sur- family who are now residing in Al- of appointments. At the evening aer- +wpntv pavers will he p^kc-i. **. is well under way. j trict. The Rev. John C- Irwin, of The trip will be made in t^ s^fH A farm buying boom, urprecedent- Rockford, will act as discussion leader bus and point* of interest alor«r the etl^since the World War, has been on the subject, "What Rock River Con-1 route will be visited. a o ^ started by bumper crops, according to ference Groups Are Doing to Advance! The trip will he mad? in i several matters of' importance were! the reports of economists of the de- the Kingdom of Christ," and the even-! ?roui» leavine McHenn- The rain Monday night made mot'etTby'a s^pidkr'white 'piayTng In the discussed, after which President C. H. partment of agriculture. [irp address will be given by Rev. Dr. nrobablv about 3 a. n-;. on Friday IM. At the front entrance there will bearing bad, especially for trucks, and woods at Cary September 1. Physi- Duker gave a very interesting talk on % $ \ • jection booth. there will be a basement, while under ( McHenry. the stage there will be showers and The truck was loaded with milk for lockers. " ' the Wanzer Dairy company, Chicago, transfusions were attempted in a vain effort to save his life. His father, an t ndvertsing excutive in Chicago, was priced to learn of the many activities hambra, Calif., near LosAngeles. The'vice "Christ and Our Present Day follows: Francis Cox. P^ul Jnste« _ . « . ^ . . . M ; TT • 1 1 l t i 1 1 Yl'/M.Ll " Iittll U n 4-Ur> AAVMM T rvOnn ' I 'U A M A l> T IaViI carried on in the schools with which The kitchen on the first floor of the and was driven by Joseph Kolak, who donor : the general nublic is not familiar, school building, will be well equipped j attempted to brake the machine while y|,p abrlitv of Rolfe Newton son of The local Lions Club is now planwitih stoves and sink to be used to travelling down a grade, made slip-'pj. and Mrs. H R Newton to play nin£ f°r a ^usy ^nter season- Incomplete the conveniences when the pery by the rain. The brake locked urmi_uf' u._ l;.l' t credsed interest was displayed at the gymnasium is finished. [and the heavy truck and tank trailer natio^l ^iiL^ aSS*^ his ! ^ing Tuesday night Tlie Clock In Towrt main entrance to the j swerved into the ditch and tipped over, school spilling the load of milk. The driver building will be on the east elevation escaped with minor injuries. with a tower over the entrance where theie will be a large clock to remind] Before buying your fall hat, %ee my passersby, as well .as tardy children,. fine selection of more than 300 hats at of t#ie passing time^- Hie face of the prices ranging from $1.50 upward, clock will be about five feet in, Mrs. Pich, Green Street. 20-fp diameter. . • j It is estimated that the new baU4-| Bead the Want Adi* high school days, secured additional honors when it won him a $150 scholarship ^t the Eastman school of music in Rochester .N. V., according to word received in-flarvard last week. Mr. Newton, who was graduated with the class of 1936 from the Harvard high school, entered the world famous The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 19. foriner McHenry residents state that' World,"..HdliJbe the sermon topic of. T*»ren Thorn**. I-loyd Oeffiiner.-, .Fr*H* they have a pleasant home in the sub-' the Rev. Dr. Ralph E. Differdorfer, Johnson. Eaw Nielsen. urb of LosAngeles near a park and secretary of the board of foreign mis- Freund, F'nnoi« S>»»m^t. about three blocks from school. - !«ons.. V " I Mrs. A/'W~. Bfug, lay delegate to Hunt. Earl St»»*»K- 11'-^ Miss MaryvAlthoff spent the week*! the conference, is in Rockford today, Gene Adam*. Ri«*hi»rd r, end with her sister, Dorothy, in Chi-' where she is attending the sessions of Simo". Jo«> Me Andrews cago. ' j the conference. Mrs. Henry Vogel was ers. Donald J'isten. Walter . Mrs. J. Vietoris, Mrs. Arthur Good-"alternate.' Ralnh Snvth. Walter Se»-hroueh. Le^f Miss Celia Aylward, Chicago, spent stein, Mr. and Mrs. Charles linden and| R«v. R. W. Pinnell expected to at- Scarbrougli. Harry' Anderson (Continued on last page) the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Mar garet McCarthy. Donald Givens, who is enjoying a two-weeks' vacation from his work with the McHenry Ice Cream company, spent the first of the week in Chicago. Lpuise Linden of Chicago visited here! tend the opening sessions of the con- Vnti. Gene Wiedeman. T.wrkir^v Saturday. ( ference Tuesday and will be in Mc- Harold Taxman. Francis Wirtx. Harrf:^ Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs. Caroline Henry again Friday evening to meet Daniel Smith. Robert Knnt% •, Schiessle and daughter, Bertha, visited with the men at Woodman hall in an Richard Webe*. Alfred TVa^otv D<>n^ Ted Schiessle at 7acs g^pllriiim, Wia4organization meeUng to rfise funds aid Michels. Wayne field, Sunday. {for repairs oa the local M. E. church. Uackson^ Fdww**l rr

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