Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1937, p. 5

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r- Ttunday, October .14,1937 •r.8 . THE McHDW! PLAINDEALER W« Jpghbor y **Say$: • V< A combination of orange sherbet v|iand chocolate ice cream makes a V colorful and delicious dessert. To prepare prunes for Cr bread, Wash yell and cover yrith one inch of cold water. Let stand two hours: Stones may then be easily removed: Unpainted fat-den furniture should jbe rubbed with linseed oil before being put away .for the winter. It will improve the jkeep it from Mcmcr wins ft# LOCAL COURSE f, OCTOBER 17 "SO I HEAR « f. < . > • EARL WALSH w An open letter to Doc Hess and the rest of you "So I Hear" sufferers: » Thought that was right noble of you, Doc, to mention that cigar on the cuff. You may think it's on the cuff, but it rotary of the saiqe organitation. Aaother g$bd choice. ' - t* There is plenty of -worir tKatieeretary job,' but, look at the enormous salary! , • . Bob Frisby replaces Lou Smiths as trustee for the coming year. The trustees take care of all complaints. There may be a few rough spott with Fagenvt CONTRACTORS ARE 8 BUSY ERECTING NEW BtflLDINQS (Continued from first page.) that gang, Bob, but you know how in roll 'em out. " :»===•===---: An aniwrnrment of interest comes from Leo 9tiUing, pro at the McHenry Country Club; who states that "Chick" Evans, former National and Amateur, Golf champion, will play the local course at the McHenry Country Club, Sunday, beginning at 1 p. m. (isn't. ^Tl's still in the case. J president for the club and steps out It is expected that the foursome! Here's what happens, Doc. The with honors. Elmer "Farley" Freund will fee completed by Vale Adams, j Plaindealer and your letter comes out was a wow at that secretary job. Lou --Ithe garage and to the finished grade no both sides. Hie flagstone floor, which will be screened in, will be used a» an open, porch, and can be entered trom the den or the outside. The exterior walls will be of a rough texture red brick and the roof Bill Tonyan made ah enthusiastic will be covered with weathered gray asbestos shingles. There will be seven large dormers with double casement windows, with for tKe"T35emeTir~of the Mary'# «**>* V | i He has also jusf completed dredging » private- lake on the Hairy O'Shea farm, formerly owned by Matt N. SchTnitt, north of Johnsburg. The lake, which Ns spring fed, is about eight feet deep and covers three acres of land. - RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Clements Wirfs have moved from the Mrs. Herman Brooks house on Pearl street to the McCabe house on the same street. . 000,1 fo*«et ' ? V*V 1 :,cuses and tulips before the frost 'gets into the ground. Covet well Igwith leaves and lay boards over the leaves so they will not blow away. "" 9 Associated Newspaper*.--WNU Service." Muffi-Tooed W WILSON tROTHBS Colorful tksaingr in hovy ivrinklMtsiftSna silkf RETtJRN FROM FISHING TRIP Ed. Smith, Joe Regner, and John Thennes arrived home Saturday from vacation at Ball Club, report the fishing as exbrought home as many as This will be the first visit here of " lew irom uoc •sup-'-w w1Bk« and Tony Schmitt! Inside the house the floors will belwe ZHtoA ^ n*™** the prominent golfer whose name is tetter ^m ttej hunched and shivered and peeked in | of oak with birch stairs and doors of thlir ^ following Hess family and a few other little!the windows and wouldn't go down-j white pine trim. Moat of the wood-1 longest time, stairs until election 6f officers was!work as well as the walls will " ~ ~ All know is what we hear, -n-- one of the three most outstanding in golf and it, is expected that Evans will be greeted by a large galleVy of local golfers interested in seeing him play the local course. * five times has Chick Evans won the roundabouts, for the Dumb cluck! (over. Saturday night we .mosey in to bid | the time of day. Then we open up That game at St. Mary's Fridaywill .<4 of Q-AIY „ D.tL IUIimte, mere be on the little so and so and tell him start at* 3:00 p a few things you would want us to undefeated this m. season. » . . , WILLARD ORVIS DIES PE^_ 7 , j Willai-d Orvis of Round Lake died The place will be heated by an oil test week Wednesday at a Waukegan Both oro T ->rnace-, tbere - will be a modern ail hospital. Funeral services were held nn M H . conditi0,^inK system and the walls and Friday afternoon at 2 at the Strang Western Amateur championship, while tdl him. fetches him. Up he goalline was crossed^just once": ™ T f*e es|rroeolSf will be ,innsu/laTted ww™ith .aa ffoouurr-- £f«unneerraali hnoom««e aatt AAnnttiioofcchh.. HHee iiss ssuurr-- he hM won the National Amateur goes to ^ w »nd tosses out a whole is a natural rivalry; ; What wore do!' 1th,ckness ot rock, wool battS. K^!,b^tbr°^rsi ®yron.°.f ®Prin^ championship t^ice and the National fjst ful] of stogies. We politely tells yqu want? Open, once, ^ ; him to keep his d - - - stogies and Lest Week he was in Boston, where | pat 'em back in cold storage. Which he played with Babe Ruth, and last | he does. Sunday he played an exhibition gamej Now, maybe you think a bird in the ,. • * 1 rTTr at St Louis, Mo. Hte continues to hand is worth ..two Hi the bushes. « • * - • iiv" play in competition in National and That's' not our way of figuring tfcis j*? I Western tournaments, open to am- case. We figure you can get a better iafeurs. • ishot at a bird in the bushes.. From • Guests of Leo Stilling at the Mc-'nowon, you can use this space if you Henry Country Club on Wednesday | have anything to say about that fela n d T h u r s d a y o f l a s t w e e k w e r e 1 * • -- - » • . . . . BOWLING SCORES * 180 114 i.70 < 175 159 The plumbing and heating will be installed by the McHenry Plumbing and Heating Company, the Carey Elec» trie company will do the electric work. Grove and Everett of Round Lake. first Radio Distress Call i The first radio distress call was and Althoff's Hardware will supply "j ®ent from the British lightship R. f\ ,C |the sheet metal. A. P; Freund has Matthews in 1899. ^ . 443 j done the excavating, Tonyan Construc- 149--387] tioh Company hats the general contract 1-45---4(5 and Alfred Shaw of Chicago is' the 138--467 190--547 Father Jos. Lonergan of Menominee, 111., former pastor of St. Mary's church at Woodstock, and past national chaplain of the American Legion, aitid Father Leo Keenan of Harvard, FINE HUNTING DOGS, ENTERED IN FIELD ^ TRIAL AT JOHNSBURG THK Week Days 7:20 -- 9:20 FRIDAY -- SATURDAY October 15 -- 16 I. Alice Faye -- Don Ameche J Ritx Brothers "YOU CAN'T HAVE. EVERYTHING" Ala*--Sports, "Big league" i *^C$icaia Winter Quarters." SUNDAY -- MONDAY October 17 - If Ei--j B^nr « Fraak McHagk Jtau Wyataa jWMR DODD TAKES THE AIR" mmmly, "Romance With Mwk" Jto, fai eokr, "Ain't We Get Fan," m»i War Id News &r«ata 3:15 NHe -- -- Dkrable Feature lOe -- TUESDAY -- 20c i Bnw Cabot -- Virginia Grey (1) "Bad Guy" (2) "On Such A Night" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY LaavtU Yovng - Dot Awnhe "LOVE UNDER FIRE" FMDAY -- ONE NIGHT IMsii Bbgage*e»t by . Popular Request i "SARATOGA" uMRkHH WOOOWOCK BlHfl LAST TIMES TONITE Laretta Young - Don Ameohe "LOVE UNDER FIRE" FRIDAY. BARGAIN NITE Robert Wileos -- Nan Grey "MAN IN BLUE" SATURDAY SPECIAL Matinee at 2:90 Fntf MacMurray - Frances Farner "EXCLUSIVE" AND ; , liwliwa Angel -- Smith Ballew "WESTERN GOLD" -- BOTH TOO GOOD TO MISS _ SUNDAY AND MQNDAY -- Continuous From 2:30 Sunday -- Ronald Colman and a grand all-star cast in the screen's greatest masterpiece! ^ "LOST HORIZON" • Our Gang Riot : "FISHY TALES* "Latest Universal News TUESDAY, BARGAIN NITE Ann Dvorak -- John Trent T^SHE'S NO LADY" < -- Special Attractions WEDN ESDAY -- THURSDAY One of Will Rogers' Greatest"! One of Robert Taylor's First! |"HANDY ANDY" The second annual amateur field trial of the west 9uburban Hunting Dog Club will "be held on the club grounds at Johnsburg, Illinois, on Sunday, Oct. 17, 1937. This trial will be novel as they are running all breeds of hunting dogs, amateur trained and handled. , The club grotinds have been wellstocked in the past year and good dog work is expected as birds are plentiful. Capable judges have been secured in L. H. Jones and Andrew Janka. A Silver cup will be given to the champion dogs, all classes competing. Ribbons will be awarded to all dugs that place in each class. The drawing will be held at 7 a. m., Sunday, Oct. 17, at Stone Tavern, Johnsburg, Illiiiois. All amateurs are invited to participate in this trial. - low. Load both barrels and take careful aim. Blaze awsy. Sorry we can't thsnk „yow for the cigar, Doc. : • ' Yours, • "S. I. H.w Totals 750 L. Hfeimer 168 Blake 155 A. Weingart H. S. Weber Ed Smith ... MMm. 114 --... 163 ^....180 architect. Building New $10,000 Hone^ S. H. Freund is now busy constructing a $10,000 home for Carl Hertz at Fox Lake, situated near the Fox Lake golf course. Mr. Hertz, a former Chi- FI!^S*or3r: TVrtnis This one actually happened. A Mc- r , Henry fisherman went to the North woods and brought back some fish. , . Joe Regner is the hero of our story i' ^ot*1€rme* Thanks, Joe. We'll never (well, al- p j '.B """ most never) pick on you again. 768 801 2319 168 168--504 155 155--465 162 137 413 153 160--4761 ca*° man» w^° now operates a mar- 180 i8o 540 !^et at fox ^*ke, has spent several j seasons in a large three-car garage on 780 wm. 333 171 ..... 135 147 16,7 818 161 123 150 167 124 800 2398 proPerty there and now is build- ( ing a permanent home. The rooms 122--116 are all very large and include time Totals. »2q ... bedrooms, a large sun parlor, living c lit,room, dining room, kitchen and dinette, 179X470!with a laundry even w'th grade. The large home being built for Mr. Had a nice card from Aunt Stasia Malone. She's with the Bill Heaneys'v k™* in Florida. You know Big BUI.. Re-jR" Mjn"""" member the time the old Fox River a 'Tu<{ten overflowed her banks? Bill caused r' Th»nn«K that. Mike Conway upset his host. | GfeMS OF THQUG^t1 Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle.--Michelangelo. The greatest city is that which has the greatest man or woman.-- Whitman. --. Any man may be in good spirits and good temper when he's well dressed.--Diqkens. Good humor and generosity carry the day with the popular heart all the world over.--Alexander Smith. There is no cure for any troubles except that men should behave in a Christian spirit.--Dean of Durham. There is no passion of the human heart that promises So much and pay* so little as re»enc*~afc J*. Shaw. Speaking much is a sign of vanity ; for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed. -- Sir Walter Raleigh. Ted Schiessle sends a card with thel 'Totals good news thatf the is feeling better j. Sayler and packing on a few pounds.. More f. Covadt power to you, Ted. Keep the chin I A. Barbian' ZZ.... up aftd be glad you have only one|W. J. MeveraZZ chi»i. to keep hoisted. C. Hughes " --I-- j . • Somehow we always went along onj Totals 4^. the idea that time flies away andjT. Wilson leaves no chance of recovery. Tues-IF. Rogers day night, after a beautiful day, we j. Perkins ... 753 725 760 2238 and Henry J. Stilling on their ... 225 148 184 557 !^arm north of McHenry is now ready .<139 106 113--358 ^°r P'ast€rers and it is expected [.* 170 170 170--510 ^ ^ ready occupancy by Thanks- ,.164 l'J2 147--503 ^1Ving" .> 174 172 140--486 i A ,arlfe barn, 34 by 84 feet, has been completed on the farm, where Mr. and •v.--. i872 788 Old Timers 146 126 148 172 137 193 133 172 157 166 ..796 153 154 166 754' 164 150 155 754 2414 Mrs. Stilling will start anew, planning [to divide their farm so that their son 122 394 operate a part of it, living in th^. 182--463iold home. 172:--5161 The new home will be a spacious 14fr--4401 one with four bedrooms, sun parlor. 147--506 living room, dining room and kitchen. ; S. H. Freund has the contract. 769 23191 New homes completed this summer 104--421 land now occupied are those of Albert 191--495 Barbian on Riverside Drive and John 166--487 E. Freund, both very attractive and Totals '775 J. Karls ^.... 140 J. N. Schrmitt<....... 144 170 184 179 Guess the eyes irent sharpened up yet ' - Totals .r.s- „ --I-- |R. Weber Felix Unti did right well in shooting iReavis 786 146 138 170 189 179 of a former resident of this vicinity, 766 2327 j August Landl, at Niles Center and greeted Herman Dunkei- with some re-jM. Schaefer ^,.; 157 161 160--478 beautiful dwellings. mark about the grand day. Says Her- L. Adams 145 156 145--446 Mr. Freund also remodeled the home man, Yes sir. That's one .good day they cant' take away from us." We think he's got something there. --8-- Bowling leagues are hitting full IR. Page ......... stride at the Palace, but not manyjN. Freund startling scores have been . posted.Granger IN OTHER LANDP London.spends $40,000,000 a year on its police force. Nearly 8,500,000 letters are mailed every day in London. In many Swedish hotels milk is served free with meals. Great Britain has nearly 60,000 registered doctors this yeaf. On an experimental tract * Japanese farmer has raised two rice crops in a year. To claim exemption from itnmia 667 series that includes a 226 game. Mast be that Wisconsin cream. Somewhere along the line, 1ke names of "Braddock" Bulger and Wiedema% were lost in last week's writeup of the football game. They were right in there and will be in some more. ' --I-- • .Just heard that Fox River Grove is going to bring a team of bowlers up, here next &mday to match our clawing Wildcats. --I-- McHenry's football team emerged in good shape from that slam bang Marengo game of last Friday night. --I-- The game was played under lights and McHenry's large following saw their boys win a 12 to 7 game from A hefty Marengo outfit. --1-- Cox got a shiner, but that just goes to show that he was in the thick of the battle. --I--' Nickie Jus ten and Paul Justen scored the touchdowns for McHenry in Wattles J. Schaefer L. Bacon ... Totals -767 110 161 180 172 167 822 124 161 174 172 161 110--396' ^as two new summer homes to build 134.--416 j'n the .Owen, Stenger, Allen subdivi- 170--510 sion, one being for Dr. Linn. 132--455 j Activity In Subdivisions 179--5371 Great activity has prevailed at "the various subdivisions this summer, es- 740 782 Lajftw* Club R. Pannenstill 86 C. Justen 115 M. Hall 94 E. Ilieuiea • 00 Powers .....--48 Totals Grimelli ... Littlefield St. George C. Wagner C. Lanxen . Totals Marshall ... L. Krause . Barbian M. Kirtsala Engeln ....... be a returning Argentme citizen or travel first class. A valve left open during repairs . drained the entire water supply of Fiendon, England, and, the liquid 'had to be carried several miles from Wellingborough. Totals Page .......... M. Krause E. Karls .. much the same fashion as the week ^c^1'ess'e " before. •••""• • ' -I-- ~ Paul carried the ball-half the length of the field on the last play of the game. -I 662 606 Vela League ' 160 158 "Tommy" Thomas had a large even-'!?' Wagner ...... 136 176 121 >143 420 1094 142--426 Totals 671 1938 Temm 1 C. Thorsell gration rules in Argentina, one must ing with that 180 pound line ;of Mar- it* Shaffer IT SAYS HERE: Life Is jpot so short but that there is always room for courtesy.--Emerson. The rock that resists a crow-bar gives way to the roots of the tender plant.--Tamil. Nature has appointed the twilight as a bridge to pass us oq£ of night into dhy.--Fuller. i i Logical consequences are the scarecrows of fools and the beacons of wise men.--T. H. Huxley. By custom, practice 'and patience, all difficulties and hardships, whether of body or of fortune are made easy.--L'Estrange. ' Nature has given every man two ears and but one tongue,* as a secret intimation that he ought to speak less than he hears.--Plutarch." engo's. They say "Tommy" actually got tough in that game, but he came [cut smiling. -I-- ! The boys are going over to Woodstock Friday afternoon to meet a scrappy St. Mary's outfit. That should be a battle. Coach Stuessy's boys will be faster than others we have art, but won't'-have the site. > r --I--/• ' The boys look to this frame as one they have to win. It looks like an open game with plenty of action. . --1_ Off to Kansas seems to be the thought in back of most of the bonnets this week. But, we have to beat St. Mary's first. We'll go into that Kansas business next week. The school dance at the..~Fo* last. Saturday night was well attended and, H. Hironimus" 179 115 167--451 A. Phanstil ...,^ 183 172 160--515 W - Totals . w; 771 782 740 2243 Team 2 - ' \ J. G. Wagmer 162 123 146--429 Butch ...... ^i08 112 122--342 Ted Winkler .. 106 106 106--318 Bruno .. 155 186 156--49? Norm Molidor ^ .115 149 165--429 / Totals Team 4 Wiser 142 Dilloti .~.^;..:^r.ri07 C. Miller 13Q of course, the advance sale of tickets Wagner ...... 211 Totals ..... 646 . 676 • Team 9 A. Ritta .....^^429 1& Len ...... 92 100 King 129 102 Wirts 168 159 Lensen 174 138 ...lS692 637 put the affair over in nice shape financially. The proceeds will be used to buy pork chops and gasoline for that Kansas trip. "Mack" McCracken, a' great favorite on the baH diamond and basket ball court, was elected president of the Married Men's Club Monday night. Sound judgment and a ready smile will carry "Mack" along in great style. --I-- • Homer FitsgeraM was elected seearsel -- 132 163 122 131 145 170 ;•'totals .., 722 731 646 2099 World's First Capitol " The world's first capitol was in ^Rome, where as the Capitolium, it was built on the site of the temple of Jupiter. At its foundation was discovered a skull which was taken as an omen that Rome would become the "caput mundi," or head of the world^ ^ • 7" ' ~rr '•t--"-7- * -- 725 2314 j especially at Wonder Lake and McCul 141--375 ,om L*1"' where cottages have sprung 161 483 UP *t a surprising and encouraging 123-^427 rate. Jacob Schaefer has also built 172--616 )• cottage on one of his lots at Sun- 162--480 ««t View. E. G. Peterson has made extensive 769 22811 repairs at the O. E. Solum home on Fox river, where a sun porch and 127 317 bedroom have been added and the 124--327 P'ace shingled. 88 266 At the HL P. Johnson summer home 98--233 at Emerald Park, a kitchen and bath- 60--197 room have been built, affording more jroom and greater convenience. 497 JSS9 Five new summer homes have been 85 194 built by the Tonyan Company at 74 18y Wooded Estates at Pistakee Bay. This 91 229' subdivision is owned by Dr. Frye, Geo. 70 206 ^' Miller and Mr. Jensen. One of the 100 276thomes wa* ^ui,t *or ^r- Miller, while some of the others have already been sold. Mr. Jensen also contructed a permanent home at the subdivision for himself. The former Koeppe house 41 Orggg i c jsrd Beach, now owned by Mrs. Lor jgg 414!* Weber, has been remodeled and j enlarged, with a fireplace and base- 642 18301 men* constructed, the porch enlarged .; and interior remodeled and arrange- _91 j ment of the rooms changed. This, and 139 .^ other work, has kept the Tonyan Con- .,,,, „. i struction Company busy throughout 14S--4291th® summer- | Mr. Peterson will start soon on the work of covering the home of Mrs. Bacon with shingles. The roof of the Dr. N. J. Nye home is being shingled and a part of the ins 9n 1 roof 6f the Ben Diets place has been oc/.: shingled, where a shed has been built lay--d66 f or the truck. -- , Extensive building, which we have described in previous issues, has been accomplished on the Skidmore farms, where J. W. Rothermel is in 'charge of the carpenter work. Two large barns, hog house and other buildings and fences have recently been completed and the house remodeled on farm No. 6 to make one of the fan est show places in this part of the country. The buildings, painte$l white "v'"'jwith red and green roofs, are "most 148--415!attractive. . 114 30g I Dredging Contracts 106 337 1 Other lines of work are also pick- 163 490 jing up and Anton P. Freund has been 156 468ibusy 8,1 summer at excavating and j drainage work, employing from eight j 687 20161to ten men during the season. He is i ! now working on a drainage ditch at | 122 427 Slocum Lake, where four miles of j 1$!--361! ditch cleaning is being done and a j 130 39i: dredging job for Louis Pitzen at Pis-1 14g 504 takee Bay has kept him busy where; 114 4i<3 lots have been filled in by dredging; from the Bay. J A big job at the Wickline subdivi- j sion at Wonder Lake has been com-i pleted by Freund and his men, after j a summer of work. A mile of shore ! has been filled in, reclaiming several lots and making a site for a public park. Also completed is a mile of open drainage ditch through the Krecker truck garden just squth of McHenry. Mr. Freund also had the excavating j •'Meteoroloty V Meteorology has nothing 1b. do with meteors, but is a study of the earth's atmosphere. Indians Touched by Gratitude v Even the most savage of the Indians could be touched by gratitude. Two boys left a blockhouse in Erie county, Ohio, early in the morning and went deep Into the woods to gather honey, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Suddenly two Indians sprang from the bushes and kiUe4 one boy. One of the redskins was about to deal a death blow to the other lad when he recognized the youngster. He was the boy who had treated two Indians kirdly when they stopped at the cabin o< tie boy's family; Hie Indians spaced his life. •/; '•* . n*- *.»j wS s •iiIIP ,-N• - 7 % - * t> Do^M Abort "Deg ^ys** The' ancients regarded the cos- Junction of the rising of the dog star Sirius with the rising of the sun as one of the causes of the sultry heat of summer and the maladies whic'a ttien prevailed. This association with the star gives the days their name. Popular, they are the days included in the period of from four to six weeks between the early part of July and the early part of September. Since the conjunction of the sun and Sirius does not occur in all latitudes at the same time and is constantly changing in the Same region, there has bei the limit of the "dog days." ; Cathedral Turrets Two turrets on the top of tfee Kt „ Christ church gateway of Canterbury cathedral, in England, were removed more than 100 years ago -by a rich banker so he could see the cathedral clock from his home. ; SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16,193fT A! LAST DANCE OF THE SEASON rtNKH/ffilliSON'S - PISTAKEE BAY raws CHICKEN PLAT&UJHCB -- 50c Qood?a«d -- Good Drinks --Good Hosis MUSIC IT....... BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA -Iff GIBBS' GROCERY AND MARKET -- LEAN PORK STEAK perolb.. 28^ PORK SAUSAGE LINK per lb. 27^ T.AP.TI v 1-lb. pkg. 17^ JONATHAN APPLES 6 lbs. for 25^ GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. No. 2 can J.5£ RED SALMON per can ....... ..... We desire to express our appreciation to oar customer* for the splendid response they have shown to the ad in Tha Plaindealer. Watch for prices each week. Phone 106 -- City Delivery West McHenry ; c xy: SB - ^ - - ,v •'J w 1^491 Oj; AUCTION • fA - ^ :r. • <>) •i'ti i.; > i EfilVmg decided fo quit farming, I will sell at Publide'Sial^ on. the premises, known as the Herman Brockman farm, mile southeast of Diamond Lake, 1 mile southeasterly of Mundelein on Route 54, on Wednesday, October 20,1937, at 12 o'clock sharp. (This sale will dfart on time)." ' 55 Bead of Livestock --23 ohoide ocmvb, milkers and springer*; 7 heifers; 1 stock bull; 3 horses, 9-10 years, weight 1500,1600 and 1700 lbs. : ; A Full Line of Farm Implements, Some New „ Some Household Goods Feed and Grain -- 900 bo. oats, 50 acres corn, cot before frost, 20 tons alfalfa and timothy hay mixed, 20 tons soy h^pJbay, seed corn. < f * Usual Terms --• -• <• AUCTION SALES COMPANY, HSR. GEORGE THATCHER, Prop. •; - '*i " -vi • j ' j COME TO KIRKPATRIGK'S Daley Cattle Auctton f "J" 1:00p.m. At Cattle Corners on U. S. Route 14- 1 mile south of ^ Walwoth, Wis., and 6 miles north of Harvard. 111. 40 HEAD WISCONSIN COWS AND HEIFERS AU fresh or close sprifigeif' 6 Stock Bulls These cattle are hancl-picked from Wisconsin's best herds (no consignments). Are T. B. and Blood Tested to go anywhere. Every animal put up will be sold--your bid is? our price. Remember, Sale Day, Oct. 18,1937. Our trucks •will deliver at -a-v-tHy• reasonable price. TERMS--Cash, or credit of 6 months' time on good bankable notes satisfactory to the clerk at 7% interest. If credit is desired, please make arrangements with <^terk before the sale. " < i" * KIRKPATRICK BROS., £rtrg&. Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Harvard State Bank, Clerk , . 1 •slit :'V' »." .. . . .. t. . . :.V.

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