r > !*, K 4 Paft »n-fmr *npr:r w^^;:r ; 4: ^^try^r-^, - m-^y "jr"" W 1 '«.'*>>/ "\,. * ^' j . "" • * ^v_" - v ' »" . »• 1 t"^Y;«WV 'Kk-*fx ' .V *s 5 " <*/«. "•'*"*' ' V •> " * ' . • • ' - THE HcHmf PLAINDKALX& Thursday, November 25,1937 Society Not or cb J. R." CLUB Tonyan entertained the. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Mrs. F. G. Schreiner entertained the be for whom the affair wasa complete surprise. _ A feature of the party- was the presentation of the many lovely gifts which were brought in by little Miss Janise J us ten in a little wagon decorated in blue and white. In addition to many lovely miscellaneous gifts the tag will be followed bjr efcrdb tnd lunch. • • • CAMP, R.N.A, A neat sum Was realized from the public bingo party., sponsored by Riv-" erview Camp, R. N. A., Tuesday even MH IVA WILLIAKB AKS HIOHAKL DEGMC WED AT ST. JOHN'S BLAD YaWAKElKdTOir BRIDE AT ROYAL OAK, MICH., NOV. 10 4- wedding of the Thanksgiving sea-1 son took place at St. John's church at' ALVEKA WXDKOART AND lUGElTE NY* MARRIED SAtTJRDA *£• ^ ^ ... ®ne °' November's pretty weddings ing, with a large crowd in attendance, j i o'clock* Wednesday morning, when| JJ*.,®0l T*"l?1Zed N°ve™ber 10 at St. ^ ^ ociock oaiuraay morning guest of honor was presented with a i Election of officers will be held at the j Miss Eva Williams, daughter 'of Mr. ... , 14 t »«" church. Royal Oak, when jfljss Alvera Weineart daughter set of dishes. | next meeting'of the camp on Tuesday, and Mrs. Henry Williams, and Mr. S?° of Mr- and Mrs. Nic Weingart, be- Oiie of the early autumn weddings' was solemnized at St. Mary's church at 9,:30 o'clock Saturday morning fjtl Refreshments were ggrvori at. the,: Dec, 14. ^J. R." Club Friday evening, with the members of the Neighborhood Club onjciose ~ "pleasant evening 1 prices in bridge won by Mrs. E. R. Thursday evening, with bridge awards | ^ jfiutton and Mrs. W. B. Tonyan. The merited by Mrs. G. H. Duker, Mrs. --'"Hfowts were taken out to dinn*r%y Simon Stoffel and Mrs.<C, J. Reihan- **'1 ftreceeding the games. . sperger. FAREWELL PARTY PERSONALS The Sophomore girls herd a farewell party at the high school Tuesday S HONOR ra SHOBER , : HONOR COUPLE : j ~ TCH' ^ Miss Lydia Shober, who will be a ' Mr. and Mrs. David Walkington en-'soon t0 j.pend the winter in Florida. •Thanksgiving bride, was honored guest tertained t^e employees of the Carey | • • • at a miscellaneous shower, given at Electric Shop at their home Tuesday home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. evening of last week, honoring Miss Arthur Shober, Sunday afternoon. Alvera Weingart and Eugene Nye, ^Cootie" furnished entertainment, with whose marriage- took place on Saturprizes won by Miss Dale Miller and day. Mrs. Alex Adams. A two-pourse A social evening Was spent, lunch luncheon Was served at 5 "O'clock. Michel Degen, son of Mrs. Helena ®a™^the brid^S Mr. Eugene Nye, staT Degen, were united in marriage, with gadfs Ir"ne Warrmgton, daughter of of ^ N. j. Nye ^ ^ g* ye' ST Father A. J. Vollman officiating. h r i v?* Fl.^st Msgr. Charles S. Nix, pastor of ti|» Louise Williams, sister of the bride,' i M nLJho"** pL l"gni0 ZQ church, officiated at the ceremony and was maid of honor and Lorraine Blake, q--jtL M;' i .v "f7!1 the nuptial high mass sung by the the groom's niece, was bridesmaid, ^ ^ and,the, ^ CH*?- choir, at which Father Frank Miller SHOWER FOR MISS WILLIAMS > Miss Eva Williams, a bride of this week, was honored guest at a shower, given by Mrs. Raymond Freund, at the Ben Tonyan home, Sunday afternoon. Five hundred and bunco was Donald ^Hayes of Chicago spent the weeknd with his mother, Mrs. Edith;1110 grooms unuesmaiu. p nrjn£rn., Anton Williams attended the groom ^Ju^ed Miss Clarice Blake, a student nurse1 as best man. at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake. of white chrysanthemums. ^served and the honored couple present- p^yed, lunch served and Miss Wiledr with many gifts. . lianas showered with many loyely gifts. ?- X'V ' S- MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER ;:•/ A miscellaneous shower honoring . v PINOCHLE PARTY v -IIrs. Frances Freund, whose marriage .' Albert Vales, Mrs. Thomas _ $6ok place Tuesday, was given by her Wilson , and Mrs. Kathryn Schneider j M©n^y" eveni^ wKen -.several" invita" iister, Mrs. C. May at the home of her were entertained at the Fred Schoewer, tjons ^ere rea(j ^ attend installation EASTERN STAR Mcftenry chapter, O. E. S:, thet on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, left Thursday morning, with trailer for California, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. John Walsh of Fox Lake visited relatives here Thursday. Miss Catherine Diedrich, a student nurse at St. Charles hospital, Aurora, is expected home Wednesday to attend the wedding of her brother, Arthur, to Miss Lydia Shober, Thanksparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund, at home at Pistakee Bay, Wednesday. ceremonies at neiehbbrine chaDters! i v'Vin - j* ftprinit theater- InVitationg reCeived Were, BarringtonJ-S,P F Mrv and Mrsforty- five quests present. Cards and noon with the high score seeing: to Mrs. J jsjpv 26; I^ake Forest, Nov. 22; Ali ftp ring Grove, Sunday afternoon, with Pinochle was played during the after iorty-guests going Nov. Lake ai-: m, Cm s v;, > / bmnco were played^and the honored Wilson A chop suey supper was servj ffoV. SO, and Wau6pnd*, Nov, !taj ^ke are MtevinJ a vwitiooSn ' , -jfuest presented with'many fine gifts, ed, following the games, after which 1 ^ !l! iiT!!w'. enjoying a vacation trip . * " * a few social hours were spent.' * ^^••;#AST. MATRONS -PATRONS MEET;^'?"- ** * :* v . *;v' The Past Worthy Matrons and Past - C. D, OF A. MEETING Worthy Patrons Club of the O. E. S.,! Catholic Daughters of America to Florida. ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup and EJIERALD BRIDGE CLUB ; „)Mrs Anna Mollohan of RidgeAeld callvvrhe^ Emerald Bridge Club met with . ^ 0n friends here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer, son, The bride was lovely in a gown of Me." ^^e„r t W"li*m A' °,R0Urke "f ^ • - , . | To the sotwrawiiniws owfi LMoVhUeCnUg^rIUinI '5s wWeCiSB-*~ . ivory velvet with a long tulle veil worn 4he bride waa^wpW in^nn mftrc^ played by Sister Verna, in Silo effect S.h.. e carried a bouquet || Drocaaea satin gown made on princess the °rganist' the bride' 0,1 ^ arm of her father, who gave her hi Mrs. Albert Purvey Tuesday afternoon Wf 1933 met at the Twnve of Elsie Vy- held a social meeting Thursd^ e^ri-j with bri(fee awards g0ing t0 Mrs. Al- 'yernorT and daughter Mra ' Alvah' «»tal on Monday evening of last week, ing with bridge prizes won by. Mi*srbert Krause, Mrs. Vincent Martin and Bftur ' ® riiS visitor, WpHnJ^ A delicious pot-luck dinner was served Mary Kinney, Miss Genevieve Knox j^ra g Sutton. Mrs. N. J Nye, j. Chicago visitors Wednes It 7 o'clock, after which auction bridge and Mrs. Ed. Thompson, The high who expect8 to ieave for Florida soon', " ;#as played during the evening, with score in five hundred went to Mrs. •wards merited by Mrs. Ruth Minott Miller. Lunch was served by Mrs. Capron and Frank Love of Rich- Clara Lenzen and her committee. This ihond. was the third party in the card tour- -- • w * • 'iiMiieht. FIDELITY LODGE • • * - Fidelity Lodge met at the North- PAST ORACLES CLUB Western Hotel, Friday evening with Maurice Schreiner attended a bankwas presented with a gift which was(ers, convention Monday and Tuesday a remembrance of her wedding anm- at Champaign, ni., in interest of the versary. West McHenry State Bank. He was accompanied by his brother, Willys LADIES' AID SOCIETY Schreiner, who is« enjoying a fe^r days' ,_The L®<iies' Aid Society will nieetvacation from his work. Thf. McTTonmr Pnimtw P»«t OtsHm \ j Panknin at her home in the Miss Vene Denman, a student nurse , , McHenry County Past Oracles north end of this city Friday after- at St Therese hosnital Waukeean. nineteen members and guests present. Club met at the home of Mrs. Mabel noon> ^hen work will be done on pil- inerese nospitai, wauKegan, ^ards were played and lunch served. Peck in Marengo on Friday, Nov. 12. low c'ases, aprons and many lovely ar- Frizes in bridge were awarded to Mrs. Mrs. C. Stewart of Elgin presided tieles being made for the bazaar. Earl Conway, Mrs. Clarence Martin over the business session, following a| Thursday afternoon, Dec. 2, the was a weekend visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Denman. •nd Miss Mildred Kinsala; infivehun- pot-luck dinner served at 1 o'clock, at :80cjety meet with Mrs c' W dred, Miss Kathryn Weber, Miss Etta which twenty ladies were present. j Klontz when all finished articles and Powers, and Miss Clara Schiessle, and §B banco, Mrs. Frank Spurling. pers and halo and carried bronze chry santhemums Following the ceremony a reception at Nell's pavilion. After a short honeymoon trip, the couple will reside in McHenry, where the groom is employed by H. E. Buch. Loui» Williams, the m.id of honor,!.^^'^^ TShiteZSr«D ,pI>ro,ched k the wore . royal blue frock of veWet, with, ,.nrth 'vei! wS'"L£ oT"^"3 heS vinow ^hwtanthpmumi0' carried, at the head by a coronet of seed pearls, who sang the "Ave Maria" at the of- ^ RitkJ rti hriH<knmA.iH ' v k Carr a 5°u^uet of ^Mte roses, I fertory. The altar was decorated with wwoorree uwriinnpe cmollnorr vvpellvvpett wwiitthh sxiillvveorr aslliipn-' Wedding dj.inn nesrn aapt thraeg ohno8m- e of the 'j yeFlloowr ahnedr wwheitded icnhgr ysManistsh emWueminsg. aft . ndegroom mother followed the i wore a princess style gown of while ceremony. Streamers of pink and satin, fashioned with a long train audi wW» Jte L Wf.re. Used in the Uvin? room' her tulle veil fell from a coronet arheld »t the bride * home, where and the dining room was trimmed with rangement. She carried a bridal bOD-' of whit, rose* and lUie. of tW ftve relatives and friends. The day s spread with a white damask cloth and valley " 'fSli"!S^™K„-0ad0Se™itl'a d,lnce centered by a three-tiered wedding, AttendiN? the bride were her »«. x ca^c- . 1 ters, Marian Weingart, as maid 4»t On h«* gomg-away outfit the bride honor, and Mrs. Vern Mikkelseti ais ?wore a corsage of white gardenias, bridesmaid, while Herman Nye served The couple will have a week's wed"' his brother as best man and ushers ding trip to Washington, D. C., and were Harvey Nye and Alfred Weillthrough the south, gart. The bride, who attended Hazel Park STILLING-YOUNO ^ NUPTIALS AT ST. •J X Sil 4" , Miss Marian Weingart wore JOHN'S CHURCH ,igh sch(>o1 R°yal Oak and has re- phire blue chiffon velvet with halo hat^ v sided there for several years, ik a for- veil and slippers of the same color. mer resident of McHenry, where she Mrs. Mikkelsen wore dubonnet chifwas reared and attended grade school fon velvet with matching accessories, and will be remembered many Both carried bouquets of bronze chryv A Redding of interest to their many friends was solemnized at St. John's church, Johnsburg, on Wednesday morning of' last week when Miss Viola Stilling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling, became the bride of Mr. Clarence Young, son of Mrs. Catherine Young of McHenry. Father A. J. Vollman read the mass. Mrs. Mae "King, sister of the bride was matron or honor and bridesmaids were Clarice Stilling, also a sister of a: friends here. ST. PETERS CHURCH SCENE OF WEDDING santhemums and white snapdragons., After the ceremony a breakfast ft# the bridal party was served at the home of the bride and this was follow* ed by a dinner at Bickler's hotel for TUESDAY MORNING forty relatives and friends, where the j table was decorated with yellow and The marriage of Mrs. Frances w^te chrysanthemums. Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.' During the afternoon a reception J. Freund, of Spring Grove, and Mr. w*± held at the bride's home> where * Anthony Widhelm, of Humphrey, Neb. Puffet supper'was served m the eve»- ThVem nnveix t meetinngm wwilil* bres« Dec. 10 at j donations for the bazaar to be held on • * ^ wL W • vi/»Mi -! : Dazaar»10 De nem on 1 sister, Mrs. Slam Harbst, who 1 T . , . TT' , '- Dec. 9, are to be handed in, if possible, covering1 from an operation at Fi EPWORTH LEAGUE The Epworth League held a Candle Service for installation of their tkewly elected officers on Sunday, Nov. 21, at the M. EL parsonage. - The newly installed officers are: fSthel Granger, president; Frank flolmes, first vice-president; Shirley Colby, second vice-president; Marion Anderson, third vice-president; Evelyn Anderson and Harry Dahms, fourth ^ice-presidents; Lillian Holmes, sec- Chester Colby, treasurer; •Duker, pianist. After the installation services, games were enjoyed and refreshments ^ere served to celebrate the Epworth League's second birthday. Lincoln street, Harvard. • * * MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Miss Eva Williams, who became the* bride of Mike Degen Wednesday, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given at the home of Mrs. Albert Jus ten Thursday evening. Hostesses with Mrs. Justen were Lorraine Blake and Mrs. Alex Justen. Five tables of five hundred were in play during the evening and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joe Blake, Mrs. George Justen, Ladle Blake and Mrs. Jacob Miller. t Decorations for the occasion were in blue and white and a throne-like chair in a corner of the room was attractively decorated for the bride-to- Mrs. Jacob Diedrich, Leo Regner | bride, and Rosina Young, sister and Jo h n R e g n e r w e r e C h i c a g o v i s i t - f o f t h e g r o 0 m . W i l l Y o u n g o f E l g i n . . . . ors Saturday, where they visited their jserved his brother as best man and took place at St. Peter's church, „ XT f , sister,, is re- Eugene King and LeRoy Meyers were I Spring Grove at 9 o'clock Tuesday . Mr' and Mrf- on a covering from an operation at Frank- oatrft ^ carr|ed the bride's morning, the Rev. Father Daleiden "wjeymoon and upon their return they lin Boulevard hospital. A PLAN LUNCHEON | Among the out-of-town guests in at- At the last meeting of Fox River tendance at the Stilling - Young wed- Valley Camp, R. N. A., plana were ding last Wednesday were Mr. and tni _11U made for a one o'clock luncheon to be Mrs. Jack Shutterly, Dayton, Ohio;!The maid of honor and bridesmaids served in the Legion hall, Wednesday Mr. ^ Mrs. Arnold Reinert and fam- T °f h° bridesmaids page boys train. ~ " The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white lace gown with a veil and carried ..roses. performing the ceremony. will accompany his parents to Flor- . .. , , ida for the winter. They will go to w*«. a»v return to d5" spring. Both are graduates of the McHenry afternoon. December 1. Cards and jiy> William Young and friend, Elgin; veTverimd^matehrng hatT andTlVppers bunco will be played during the after-lMr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Harvard, | and c&rried pink rogeg and white pom noon and prizes awarded will be 25 cents. Admission : and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and sister, Miss Viola Widhelm, and Clarence FPfeund. The bride was gowned were dre»«d aHke in M. tranaparent;^ corsage was pink and white carnations. poms. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, children, Waukegan. <$> Several officers of the camp were I Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Miller of Spring iieiu invited to fill offices at Algonquin Lake, Minn., were recent visitors in where dinner was served to 100 ruests camp Tuesday evening, when friend's the George Kramer home, enroute toj fhe coupie win iiye on the farm of Park Ridge, where they will spend | Mr>^d Mrs. Harry J. O'Shea, north of Johnsburg. night was observed. (Balloting also took plaee at the the winter in ttie home of the former's meeting. ,4-r. > ( FOR 8ALE ONZ 8-SOLL TT. & CORK HUSKER E. J. SlMldon SHOWER another. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and children visited the former's sister, Sister Phoise 100 Grayslake, 111. MM EAST to ehoost from our large selee tion of appropriate gifts. Here you'll find tho Bight Gift for eToryono MI TOUV list A mm wmm mn now AUT xma£ UNTIL CHfilSTMAS S P A R T O N Sturdy... accn rata . . . hand- Mat, and only K I N G MISS LIBERTY A solid gold watch at this vary low pnca. All QUEEN Dependable ItMntihiUr gnmd $1271 17 jawili and Mrvad to Mi tM wrist Miss Alvera Weingart, who became Mary Henry, at Holy Angels Academy* the bride of Eugene Nye Saturday, Milwaukee, Sunday. was honored guest at a shower, given! The Maurice Gross family are mak~ by Mrs. Agnes Freund and Mrs. Alma, ing their home It Pair Oaks for the Anderson, at the home of the former,'winter. Wednesday afternoon of last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and chil- Pinochle furnished entertainment; dren of Aurora were here to attend with a two-course luncheon following the Weingart - Nye wedding, Skturthe games. The bride to be was pre- day. Mrs. Nye and children remained pented with a linen table cloth and, for a longer visit. napkins. Guests were Mrs. Martin j, Mrs. Elmer Freund and little daugh- Weber, Mrs. Nick Weingart, Miss ter returned home from St. Therese's Marian Weingart, Mrs. Joe Weber, hospital, Waukegan, Thursday. Barbara and Gertrude Weber, Fred Smith, Mrs. Leo Smith, George Weber, McHenry, and Vernon Mikkelsen, Woodstock. HERBES - MATTISON FORMER MAYOR OF _ WOODSTOCK DIES Mrs. Paul Bonslett, Jr., was a weekend Mrs. visitor in the Wm. Cowan home at Mrs. Harvard. Miss Janice Klontx of St Therese hospital, Waukegan, accompanied by Miss Phyllis Weisner of Beloit, Wis., MisS Marion Herbes, daughter Of, were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Herbes of Grays- the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. lake, former McHenry residents, was W. Klontz. married to Mr. Marshall Mattison, son Mrs. Mayme Harrington and grandof Mr. and Mrs. M. Mattison of Ro- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington, selle, at a ceremony performed at St. I Misses Lillian and Ethel Harrington Gilbert's church, Grayslake, at 3:30 of Chicago were recent guests in the o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Sho j home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. was attended by Miss Lucille Wagner,' Walter Zeilinske, of Chicago, spent of Lake Villa, while Edwin Meyers, of j the weekend at his home at Fair Oaks. Grayslake, acted as best man. Thej Mr. and Mrs. Perry Short of Chibride wore an afternoon dress of j cago were weekend visitors in the brown crepe with corsage of yellow 1 home of Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye; , chrysanthemums. Her attendant was j Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dowie. of Lom- charge of Rev. Bruce Gillis, pastor of gowned in green crepe with corsage of bard were weekend guests in the Vin-! Woodstock Presbyterian church. cent Martin home. Interment was in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. John R. Schmitt, Mrs. Stephen employed for three and a half years at the Woodstock Typewriter Co. at „ . . . . , . . W o o d s t o c k . T T » e g r o o m i s e m p l o y e d Her bridesmwd was gowned in ma- at the Ca EIectric shop. roon velvet, with hat to match and sil-. ' ver Uppers, her flowers were alsoj (j. H. Duker was guest speaker it pmk and white carnations. ^ 'a meeting of the P.T.A. at Ring- Following the ceremony a reception wood M(mda evening. and dinner was held at the home of • the bride's parents. After a honey- farm, near Spring Grove. moon trip to Humphrey, Neb., they will be at home on the J. J. Freund ,u*VVVV\AAiiiV\AAnArU\rUV\AAAAA<*MI Giv« tl» little woman a break and eat your Sonday dmiMr ;----at MI PLACE RESTAURANT ITHANKSGIVnro DINHXa -- ROAST TUBKET Special for Saturday and Sunday ROAST CHICKEN WITH DRESSING 50c Reid A. Pratt, a former mayor of Woodstock, died at his home in that city Friday afternoon, Nov. 19, 1937, after many weeks of illness. Funeral services were conducted at his late residence Monday afternoon in white chrysanthemums. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, following the N. Schmitt, Mrs. Joe B. Tonyan and MARTIN JACOBSON, 71, ceremony. Mrs. Mattison was educat- Mrs. Jacob F. Justen attended the1 DIES \T WOODSTOCK ed in the Grayslake grade and the Freund-Widhelm wedding at St Pet- * Warren township high schools, and for. er's church, Spring Grove, Tuesday-! Martin Jacobson 71 vears old passpast four years has been an office morning. ; ^^^^ 0"^^, Miss Mareta Blake, who is attend-, Nov 18( after a brietf illness. ing Ellis Business College at Elgin, I Born January 23, 1866, in Sweden, FP» p uy 8t h6r h°^ hf,6- , , Mr. Jacobson came to this country in Ruth Reihansperger of Rockford college was home for the weekend and attended the Junior Class play. Edwin Sherman of Janesville, Wis., spent the weekend at his home here. Paul Yonda, of the high school staff. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and employe of Frederick Dobe, of Gages lake. Mr. Mattison is employed at Druce Lake Stables, and they will make their home in the Wightman house, on Slusser street, in Grayslake. SURPRISED BY FRIENDS Miss Lydia Shober and Mr. Arthur Diedrich, who are to be married this Week, were surprised by about fifty of their friends Saturday evening at well- daughter, Adele, left Wedesday momplanned affairs planned by the young. ing for a few davs'visit with relatives people. The surprise for Miss Shober took place at the hpme of Mrs. Joe Diedrich, with Mrs. Alex Freund and Vendellna Diedrich, as co-hostesses, where about twenty-six friends were gathered. all bringing lovely miscellaneous gifts for the bride-to-be. Arthur Diedrich, who escorted Miss Shober to the party, was sent on an erat Winnebago, Minn. Mrs. Henry Ahlberg of Chicago was a weekend guest of Mrs. Math Steffes. 1887. On March 11, 1890 his marriage to Miss Augusta Maw took place. He followed the occupation of farming and resided near Hebron until the last three years when he has lived near McHenry. Mr. Jacobson was a man of fine character, a hard and conscientious worker and a wise counselor for -his children, who miss him greatly. Five children survive: Alfred of Omaha, Neb.; Walter, of McHenry of Champaign and Marguerite Johnson ,of DeKalb, who will return to Mc Haimond Ring *48-00 Bridal Set 11750 and up Diamond Ring $145-00 y2 carat E Phone Kand to the Diedrich cottage in Wood- Henry with them Thursday evening to lawn park, not far away, and there, spend the weekend to his surprise, the unsuspecting groom-to-be found about twenty-fivo of his friends waiting to surprise him at a stag party. During the evening he was presented with a radio by his friends. The ladies at the home of Mrs. Joe Diedrich played "99" during the evening and prizes were merited by Mrs. Joe Diedrich, Lucile Adams and Mrs. Otto Adams. A two-course luncheon was servfed at the fflose of the pleasant evening. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beilmann and Mr. and Mrs. Mat Dorn of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Ejlaj wjfe Qf Ernest Bauman, Crystal -\F™k- ,0ak Park> Lake; Gabriel, wife of Stephen Lucas, whei-e they will spend Thanksgiving in of Greenwood, and Victoria Jacobson, the A. K. Burns home. They will be McHenry joined there by George Johnson, Jr.,| Funeral services were held at 2 p m., Nov. 22, from Jacob Justen & Sons funeral parlors, McHenry, with Rev. H. Collins speaking words of comfort to the children and grandchildren who loved him dearly. Bob Peterson sang; "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Burial was at Woodstock. Pallbearers were nephews of the deceased, Alfred Jacobson, Louis Jacobson, Leo Jacobson, Roy Jacobson, Walter Maw, and Theodore Maw. ST. CLARA'S COURT St Clara's Court, W. C. O. F., will meet Friday evening when three new members will be initiated. The birthdays of members which occurred during the month will also be celebrated on that evening Jfce business m«etr Linen Oldest Known Textile Contrary to general opinion, lightweight clothing is not always cooler than heavyweight clothing. This is true with linen, which is an excellent conductor of body heat. In the tropics heavy linen is worn, for it is cocHest. Since linen is also very absorbent, says Pearson's London Weekly, heavier linen more quickly takes up perspiration than does light. Linen is the oldest known textile on earth and is very durable. The "winding sheet" in King Tutankhamen's tomb was in good condition after having been i& the vault 3,000 years. Little Antimony Her* Ores bearing antimony, a silverwhite crystalline element used to harden lead alloys, are not found in commercially important quantities in the United States. First Century Roman Bath Bearing a commemorative medal tfiich states that the foundation stone was laid by the Emperor Caligula, a Roman bath is exhibited at Plombieres, France. It was built some time between 37 and 41 A. D., the years of this ruler's reign. Resting on a bed of material resembling cement, the bath is lined with blocks of polished stone. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Hie Plaindealer. we lead with an ace! OBAN SEAMLESS COLLAR by WILSON BROTHERS , As trim in appearnnoe . . • ••tiooth • • k comfort as any collar you've ever . buttoned 'round your neck. Smartly _T joUed front , . . seamless one-piece ^construction • . . smooth finish that ;ttays crisp and fresh through the / longest day. And the Wilson tapered V.shaped waist assures triumess at the waistline. Freeaum Shoes McGEE'S Mallery .V