Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1937, p. 8

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Society NJo MUHWgBK CLUB Members of the Mid-Week Club and their husbands were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Wednesday evening. Bridge, prises were, awarded Mrs. ft. B. jkhaefer, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. Clara Stoffel, George Johnson and C. Ht Duker. Refreshments were served after the games. ... m • • " • , RINGWOOD HOME BUREAU were „m,e•r»it„ed> ,by Mrs. Ev. rR,. Sutt.o n. ..T.h e R i n g w o o d H o m e B u r e a u h e l d n. , .. _ . M. !H» Jftkn stiiiiriw on#) Mn **„„ nuf, Iitheir December meeting Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. Jepson. Roll call was responded to with a Salad Recipe. After the reading of the minutes the different chairmen C. D. OF A. PART* EMERALD BRIDGE*.CLUB --The Catholic Daughters of America Mrs. Albert Vales was'hostess to will hold their annual Christmas party members of the Emerald Bridge Club and card tournament on Friday even- Tuesday afternoon. Prizes at cards ing, Dec. 17, at K. C. Hall. Mrs. John Stilling and Mrs. Ben D&tz. _ . I The next meeting will Jbe with Mrs. : ItcralNtrB of the "J. R»" Glut) wcro njofg in two wciks, f entertained at the home of Mrs. E. • * * / - 1 Rf Sutton Friday afternoon, Prises in MOTHERS CLUB * • gave their reports. The book of the; F. G. Schreiner. served to tha were Lieut. Chief Cleric P*fr Anton of District *. Evelyn Mimmie and Henry Traub of Elgin; Mr. and lira. Heck, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rnbrecfct;- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krugel, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kowalske and daughter, Pern, A Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mahon, all of Chicago; Theodore Hamer of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guinto, John Anderson and daughter, Anna, of McHenry. • * • NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger entertained members of the Neighborhood Club Friday, evening. Cards were played and prizes merited by Mrs. Clarence Martin. Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Mrs. *j?r®5'lub be the annual Christmas(month which was reviewed was Buck- I party to be held at Woodman hall, nreeches by Phil Strong. Main street, Friday afternoon, Dec. The lesson of the day was 17. Each -* 1 i~«--I-- < -- C. D. OF A. MEET In the absence of the Grand Regent, Sirs. Ella Buss, presided at the meetijyof Court Joyce Kilmei•, C. D. of A, 0WI1 childr(,„ „r ehjld „»e.t th.t they Cb.nw Thursday C.rds furmshed brtae Gift, .re to bo 25 «nts or 1«J. ' ? entertainment for th,€ guests and pm* * * « ! MASONS ELECT OFFICERS Lisle Bassett was elected worshipful master of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, I A- F., & A. M., at the annual meeting of the lodge Tuesday evening. Other officers elected were EarJL Dowel 1, sen- 1 DROWNING IN RIVEB Eugene, eight-year-old son of Herbert Freund, is recovering from shock and exposure as the result of a narrow escape from drowning. He broke through the ice on Fox river near the old bridge, Thursday evening, and had gone down twice before being rescued. The lad fought valiantly and had he not remembered the rudiments of swimming which he learned last summer and held his breath each time he went under he probably would have drowned before rescuers reached him in a boat. Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. George Lindsay and Andrew Eddy visited the latter's wife Mary Fault, a former resident of this vicinity, is in a Madison, Wis., hospital, where she wiH undergo an operation for stomach trouble. John F. Ciaxton is seriously ill at his farm home, near this city. Robert Weber is absent from his duties at the West McHenry State Bank because of illness. Jean and Joan, little twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, are improving after an illness. Measles are prevalent in McHenry and many school children are ill at . DOS AT HOSPITALS «!,• ...y1 . • jp'- Mr*; Joseph Beheld, 35 years old,'/ passed away at the Woodstock hospital Monday morning, -Dec. 6, following^. !.'» . an operation on Thursday. j'"" Her husband is a World War veteran and is confined in a government pf ' hospital in North Chte&go. ""TT by four children, Grace, Virginia, Lor-ft raine and La Verne; her mother, Mrs.|* Math Glosson of McHenry, six brothers and three sisters; ^ Born in Adams, Minn., Catherine, their homes in this vicinity. jJusten came to this vicinity whenf-g'V. George Justen, who came home from] about ten years old and had since_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kncfx ibid fcon, . . . J , v . , -- --„ "The | John, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin ... . member is asked to bring. Health of the Adolescent." This was were Thursday callers in the B. F. | at St. Therese's hospital, Friday. Mrs. street, eXC n^ ea.c^0f Igiven by Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and Mrs* Martin and Harold Phalin homes at Eddy is confined with a broken leg sus- i ** ~ ~ ' Grayslake. tained in a fall at her home. St. Therese's hospital, Friday, is recovering from his recent illness, although confined to his home on Green Harrison. es in bridge were won by Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. R. M. Fleming, while Mrs.. Albert Vales won the ,prize in five hundred. > POSTMASTERS; PARTY v1?he first of the Christmas parties «f the season took place Wednesday ,ior w'®rden"» J; CriSty' jUni°r ward* ' evening when membres of the McHen- e T n; Gtor^ ,ohn8^' treasurer, apd ry County Postmasters' association secr®t»n?- »* •* f HI The December party will be at the Chancey Harris son home.Dec. 28. Everybody invited. .„?>*' ' • - CARD CLUB MEETS Members of her card club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Barbian Monday where bingo, cards rind games were enjoyed. Members of the com- | mittee in charge of the party were . , ,, ...... . MM. Barbian,Mrs.' Albert Justeri,Mrs. Other officers will be appointed by, Emma K. Freund and Mrs. Albert the, worshipful master. Krause. •• ' rvKnnuii >m>I V' Pi'izes in bingo were won by Mrs. INFORMAL TEAi ' - ^ Nick Freund, Mrs. George Barbian. Mrs. Harold Patterson Owen enter-j Mrs. J. Miller, and Mrs'. A! Wilibrandt, spared no effort in making the party tained guests at an informal tea Sat-1 while prizes in cards were awarded to a delightful affair. jurday afternoon in honor of her those having low scores, much to the An attractively decorated Christmas guests, Mrs. Benjamin Wade of Wash-1 surprise of the guests. tree jand the exchange of gifts added inert on, D. C., and Harold T, Dickenson j Other surprises were in store for the of the DeBeers Diamond Mines cor-; ladies present, also, as lunch was servpor^ tion of'Johannesburg, South Af-,ed in hard-times style^ in addition to rica. . being backwards, with the coffee serv- Other out-of-town guests were Mr. jed first. - Owen's parents and brother, Mr. and) * * * " Mrs. Charles Owen and son, Norton, of I R. N. _A. PLANS PARTY * Plaindealer Want Ads Bring Results made hc)r home in this locality, wheregft she was married to Joseph Scheid. ^ Funeral services were held at 10K o'clock this Thursday morning at St.f ; Mary's church, McHenry, *witlf burial at Woodstock. and their wives gathered at the Riverside Hotel for their regular pie^tiPf. •' ' . Elnier Fl^und, West McHenry post- , master, was host for the evening and to the pleasure of the evening and entertainment was furnished by a tap dancer and a soloist from Marengo. Following the delicious chicken dinner Rep. Thomas A. Bolger, who, with his wife, was a guest at the meeting, gave an interesting talk and all of the Glencoe. postmasters gave short talks. Dancing was enjoyed during the remainder Of the evening. Plans for a Christmas party to be White chrysanthemums added to the held Dec. 21 were made Tuesday evenattractiveness of the home where tea .ing at the meeting of Fox River Valserved at 4 o'clock* Specials for Friday and Saturday KEBBEE'S LARD IN BULK * ; 2 lbs. 23d SMALL, LEAN PORK SHOULDERS, Butts, by the piece, per lb. •tWJWZ ' PIG PORK LOINS, Lean and small, lb. x 21^ BACON, (Hickory Smoked), bv the piece. lb..y r 25$ KERBER'S PICNIC HAMS, Lean and small, lb. _ BEEF ROASTS, Rolled, No bones, No waste, lb. 25$ ROUND, SIRLOIN, SHORT STEAKS, lb, PORK SAUSAGE MEAT, 2 % _ TENDERIZED INDIVIDUAL STEAK; lb. OYSTERS, Medium size, per pint .'r . (l. Salted and Pickled Herring in Bulk M.HENRY'S "Ppic ft Span " Market 25r 35t 25c 25c to come to it • For the children's sake we hope Sagta. resists the temptation to use a Schick. But every other male of shaving age should have someone to give him a Schick for a Christmas gift. Then he will never again fuss with lather, brush or lotions. Never again will he cut or scrape himself. Why not let his first happy Schick shave be on Christmas morning, assuring him a "merry Christmas and a happy New Year"? We will show you the Schick Shaver and explain how simply it gives a quick close shave. ~ - - (AC and DC) 115 SCHICK • SHAVER THE CHRISTMAS STORK Shone 10 ley Camp, R. N. A. The party will be for members of the camp who will exchange small gifts. Election of officers was held iM follows: * V . Oracle--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Vice-Oracle--Mrs. Mabel Johnson. Recorder--Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer. ReceWfer--Mrs. Etta Wattle®. Chancellor--Clara Stoffel. Marshal--Mrs. Cora Bassett. Manager for 3 Years--Mrs. Susan Olson. Inner Sentinel-Mrs. Caroline Schiessle. j Outer Sentijrel--Mrs. Anna Henning. Other officers will be appointed „ by the oracle. * * * O. E. S. INSTALLS About seventy-five members and invited guests attended the annual installation of officers of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening when Miss Etehl Jones and C. W. Goodell were seated in the east as worthy matron and worthy patron for the ensuing year. Officers of the evening, Mrs. Ony Wheeler as installing officer; Elsie Vycital, installing marshal; Frances Vycital, installing chaplain, were escorted and introduced by Robert Thompson and Rev. Harry Collins and welcomed by the retiring worthy matron, Mrs. Floribel Vogel, who with thei retiring worthy patron, Lisle Bassett, were in the east. Mrs. Mabel Johnson was installing organist and Mrs. Lillian Cox soloist for the evening. Rev. Collins gave the ode to the flag, which was presented by H. M .Stephenson prior to the installation cere monies. While the worthy matron-elect knelt at the altar following her obligation, the soloist sang "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," accompanied on the piano by Mrs. C. W. Goodell, who also play ed while her husband, C. W. Goodell, was installed as worthy patron. Mrs. Cora Bassett presented her daughter, Mrs. floribel Vogel,.with her past matron's jewel, and Mrs. Vogel, in turn, presented her brother, retir ing worthy patron, with a gift from the chapter. Mrs. Vogel received a gift from her officers to whom she, also, presented gifts in appreciation of their year of co-operation together and many personal gifts were received by the officers. Decorations were in keeping>with the Christmas season. Following the installation ceremonies Warren Jones, nephew of the worthy matron and patron, rendered vocal selections and refreshments were served by a committee, composed of Mrs. D. I. Granger, Mrs. C. W. Klontz, and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. Officers of McHenry chapter for the ensuing year are: Worthy Matron--Ethel Jones. Worthy Patron--C. W. Goodell. Associate Matron -- Mrs. Gretta Goodell. Associate Patron--George Johnson. Secretary--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. . Treasurer--Mrs. Jennie Eddy. Conductress--Ethel Granger. Associate Conductress--Mjrs. Mabel Collins. Chaplain--Frances Vycital. Marshal--Mrs. Floribel Vogel. Organist--Mrs. Mabel Johnson. Adah--Mrs. Amanda Brown. Ruth--Inez Bacon. Esther--Mrs. Calla Perkins. Martha--Mrs. Emma Smith. Electa--Mrs. Margaretha Spurling. Warder--Mrs. Cora Bassett. Sentinel--Mrs. Luella Stephenson. * * * DINNERPARTY Miss Laura Meyers entertained at a dinner party at Niesen's restaurant on Wednesday evening, honoring Mifs Collier of Chicago and L. A. Taylor of Springfield, superintendent of the Illinois state police. The evening was made pleasant by music and entertainment furnished by the four Mont Forti sisters of Chicago, who will be remembered by many here as the entertainer* at the banquet honoring Father C. o. Nt* when he was given the title of Monsignor. Music was also furnished by Ellen Baker, McHenry, and A1 Klerame .of. Woodstock. Adalki«u»aaven« wort* din&er «h W / v. • Jf' GIFTS FOR MEN I A new Personalized Gift Service! First, it offers you a spe cial selection of men'^ fashions created by Wilson Brothers ' stylists. Not the usual "Christmas Styles" but the last word in what men of discriminating taste choose for their per sonal wear. Second, many of these gifts are arranged in at tractive blends: Two or more articles are ensembled by a harmony of pattern, weave or color that makes them doubly ppreciated. Next, each gift comes handsomely boxea, ready at once for ribbon and tag. Finally, a thoughtful personal touch--HIS initial as a Christmas seal on the package, aa bright as the twinkle in Santa's eye. (v.SVtM Handsomely Boxed, Personalized With His Initial Mated Threesome (left) --A subtle "misted" cleverly relates shirt, tie, and 'kerchief. The set, in gift box, 13.95. % SWrt and tie (right) linked by spaced two tone stripes and broken cording. Boxed •ei,#* Handsome Neckties, wide variety of tastes. Two ties in a box. Extreme left and •tight, * set. Xfeslhe middle, W a set. Hose and Fine Hom. Vertical stripe, $1.50, a box -of three. Six-bythree rib lisle, $3 box of threa, Hose (mitted with 8n*|H geometric design* of tie--get. $1.50. e with a With over plaid •lock motif and clock, $1.|# box of three; from all-over pattern of tie, *2.50. fie-'Kerchief Sety> Ties woven match imported Tcerchief8. Plafd get, $1.50 Striped f *•> ' . r&i'v* Pw Iri»h Linen initialed handkerchiefs. Box of those, $1.50. Faultless Nobelt Pajamas. Above is a rich, lustrous b doth. Unusually smooth, luxurious, $5. Novel patte fine sateen,$3.50. Nobelt Shorts and Pajamas blazer stripe. The set, $3. Rugby Gloves--goatskin, $3; pigskin, $5. the -Mime

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