Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1937, p. 1

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Volume 63 McHENEY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9; 1937 Ho. 29 PIERCE WINS IN : iV ' V/'-v MDENRY COUNTY GOES REPUBLICAN BY 2 T01 VOTE iflBRCE'S MAJORITY ABOUT 10,OQO IS Riley Harengro 1 < 143 Marengo ..301 llarengo 2 ^Woodstock Daily Sentinel}.' UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Precinct Pierce Lyon 85 89 84 87 82 143 9 83 158 33 21 65 15 58 133 199 163 10 58 23 73 56 12 166 208 149 165 110 132 115 43 136 88 69 Dunham Chemung ,Chemung Chemung Alden .... Hartland |>eneca -Coral Grafton 1 Grafton 2 orr 1 rr 2 ..... rr 3 rr 4 rr 5 reenwood flebron 195 2 ..268 3 .. - -110 170 69 ^...........182 .....152 „r„.j»....4..i4o • 27 ...... 1... ...232 .........,...,.^291 ;.....,......^..356 65 *...109 w-222 ILLINOIS BELL ENTERTAINS AT CLUB DINNER SOUND PICTURES SHOWN .TUESDAY EVENING ^ >^tRichmond ....^,^.i.,^30 Burton 87 [cHenry 1 115 [cHenry 2 130 [cHenry 3 90 [cHenry 4 ....--...~.v.129 unda 1 --..... ... 75 unda 2 L...r 140 Kunda 3 ...........165 Algonquin 1 :--..260 Algonquin 2 -....«.;.139 Algonquin 3 ....---....310 Algonquin 4 .....„.183 Algonquin 5 --.^.......1.190 McHenry Co. Total 6266 ^J&oone County -3474 Take County 6730 Winnebago County 8628 3120 457 6035 5727 Totals 25088 15339 Pierce's Majority ....9749 William L. Pierce, veteran Belvi- 6ere attorney, swept through McHenry, Boone, Winnebago and Lake counties yesterday like a March blli- ' Card to win the Judicial contest from " its youthful opponent, George R. Lyon, Waukegan attorney. ;' ^ It was a sweeping Republican victory in all four counties. Today McHenry county Republicans are jubilant The local Lions Club gathered 'rojind the Bickler McHenry House festive board on Tuesday evening at 6:30 j o'clock. I With President Duker intermingling' points of discussion throughout the meal, the regular order of business1 was completed in a fashion most pleasing to the large assemblage. | Recommendations by President Duk-! er pertaining worth-while activity in the community drew favorable response from members. Co-operation; in city beautification can be expected | from this organization. Assistance to! individual needs is not too remote if present enthusiasm is an indication of ! what is to come in the future. j The local manager of the Illinois J Bell Telephone Company in this dis-1 | trict, George Wilburn, with two as- ! sistants, showed sound pictures reveal-, i ing the origin and development of the J modern telephone systems. From | early experiments the pictures carried I through to a most interesting and educational insight to the construction and operation of the vast system of telephone. Scenic pictures of all points of the globe, drawn closer by present day access to the telephone, completed the evening's entertainment. It was learned at this meeting that McHenry's need for a more adequate telephone system will receive attention about next May. Much new equipment in the local office is apparently needed to facilitate speedy service so necessary in modern business methods. Committee Named A committee consisting of John Karls, George Tonyan and Attthony Wirtz will present plans at the next meeting if it is decided to serve a din* ner for the purpose of raising funds for the organization. It was indicated that if this dinner is served, members of the club will act as waiters. Another committee has been appointed to further plans for lighting the beautiful concrete bridge crossing the Fox Rivep. Albert Barbian, John Karls and Ben Diets compose this committee. Still another committee naming C. S b o p p l i f ENCHANTER," GRAND CHAMPION PERCHERON SCHOOL CHILDREN TO PRESENT "IN QUEST OF SANTA" m PUPILS TO CAST BE IN AND , SUFFOLK BREEDS i FINEST AT SHOW ELECTION NEW TAVERN LICENSES TO DE ISSUED IN CITY SO IMPROVE COUNTRY"' CLUB ROAD 5 h W ^.fftpblemfi of significance eaine-i- 'ENCHANTER'» IS GRAND; &fore the city council Monday eVen~- *'•; ti" 1 ing as its members convened idr th^ '" "v CHAMPION I regular December meeting. p ™;» B. Skidmore, owner of the Jtt£1UL£'JSESjZ: D^ll.y fa£ms McHenry, saie 0f alcoholic liquor resulted in the added to.the string of grand champion- adoption of a resolution which will ships at the International Livestock not allow a greater number of tav- Exposition in Chicago last week when • he was awarded grand championships,; at the present time. McHeiSy junior, senior and reserve champion- < has seventeen class A tavern license# : ships on ,h'*J>r.che™n .and Suffolk; issued to the thirtieth day of April, horses exhibited, in addition to many 1938. Upon approval of application* other Prizes In fact, it was stated and bonds, the present license, can be by experts at the ah«w that no single renewed next spring. The council"" stable in twenty years had won as'members wish to make it clear that"- many honors as had Mr. Skidmore this; they do not want to work a hardship year on his fine horses at the Pine on those now in the'tavern business Tl^*D®,ry fa^ms at McHenry. j „or do they wish to affect landlord* Enchanter," beautiful black four-, who now have buildings rented for ' year-old Percheron stallion, who had tavern occupancy. The idea in mind ' "just grew up" in western pastures is that the number of taverns per capand whose appearance at the livestock j ita of populations in McHenry greatly ' show was his first in the show ring, | exceeds the normal percentage °f Cntire 1116 <luest'on of protecting locals . 8nd eXpert merchants against the influx of pedshowmen and breeders were unan- dlers drew a motion directing the * • ehZn ^8t: Per-!clerk Publish a notice in the , . * . t e r,nSin at i Henry Plaindealer requesting citizen* ? least twenty years and, according to to notify police or other city official*: the Drovers Jouraaland other author- when peddlers are unable to produci 2 111 k-HP wk-^ t0 the ^a Hcens®- Co-operation with city of. of all breeds exhibited at this world'* i ficials in the enforcement of the ordigreatest show. He also won ftrst nance regulating peddling is expected to greatly reduce complaints now be-. Exhibited at the International Livestock Show by Wm. R. Skidmore, i Owner of the Pine Iree Dairy Farms, McHenry . SLIPPERY PAVEMENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS Appropriate to the holiday season an operetta entitled, "In Quest of Santa Claus," will be given by pupils of the McHenry Public Grade School at the High ; School auditorium on Thursday, Dec. 16. So that everyone, may be able to see this unusually beautiful operetta it will be given both in the afternoon and evening and it is expected that the auditorium will be filled to capacity by interested parents and patrons of the school. The operetta, directed by Mr. Yonda, music instructor in the schools, and given by a cast of about 110 pupils from the kindergarten through the seventh grade, will consist of four scenes and will include rabbits, brownies, goblins, soldiers, fairies, dolls, sunbeams and snowflakes, in addition to Santa Claus and other individual characters, the names of whom we will give you. Story of the Play The story of the play concerns a little girl, Jane, who is anxious to find Santa Claus and starts off in search of plunging down the embankment into ence him. She knows he lives in the land! the river. of the North Star, so hopes to And Slippery pavements caused accidents and hazardous driving over the week- TO HOLD THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETING 3 McHenry Council, Knights of Columbus, will honor their charter mem-|Prjze 'R the four-yeaj-old class. end and were especially dangerous foriberd at a thirtieth anniversary meet-' "Hawthorn Saam," nine-year-old, ing heard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Brown, who ing to be held in the K. of C. Hall next Suffolk-punch stallion, was also award- j A r'nt were injured in an automobile accident Thursday evening, December 16. I ed 4 purple ribbon for senior and' miM , , uIj'" * S»nd.yjvenin«. Mlny of the older member, .ill J rr^ ch.mpion.h* h.„„r, .1..! The McHenry couple were enroute pleased ^ le*rn that Past State Dep-1^0" flrtt *r»« in ^ «*ed stallion ; „ ,0 disUnce f^J the dtr home from the James Hughes home utv Henrv Lvnch who installed thi US. ™. city* near the dam when their car skidded firsi clasg thirt 'years «go> win be' , Shai1nfir in„tJe" honor« "Haw- tion of whether o^not Uie tee 2S on the ice at the curve in the road pre8ent at thi8 ^ pregent thorn Jewel," Suffolk mare, who. aft-^ coU"d be .Howid^^to^^ le^ve near the Henry Quinn home and crash- State Deputy, Michael J. Howlett, will of ty>e limite, thus leaving tS entiw c tJ ed into a tree, which kept them from also honor the Coundl with his pres-J^"?' to win senior and withoit protection * It w^ r7caJlS | grand championship ribbons, also. Hawthorne " J several occasions the heavy Mr,. Brown, who wu fo™,rl, Ml»! c0^.fi7' pr,,e "» --* Soffolk Srifi X? some of the woods people to direct her. | Kathleen O'Reilly, sustained serious S^In^ldtlES i Th 1 In the tw°-year-old class for Suffolk mUch ®ffort and tIme to ex% ^ She asks the rabbits, who come to | injuries and was taken to St Thsr- tilfn "nreaent^n "this mares> "Cherry Hill Helen" won first t practice their Christmas hop, but they ese's hospital, Waukegan, where it was " " Present on this special occasion. priZe, a8 weu »8 the junior champion-' J.Not wi*hin* to deprive the rural cannot help her as she has not beenfound thatherback was injured, Mr. 4 The ^present Grand Knight, Clar- ship of the show, and "ChetlT^"Hill <"str,cta °f ®ny assistance the city cait»? kind to her pets at home. She helps Brown received a badly bruised eye ®"ce Martin, has chosen Past District Ruby" won second priie. RIVe anc* realizing an obligatocv a rabbit who is lame, however, so a but their six-year-old son, Dale Mar- PeP"ty John A. Bolger, as chairman: A Suffolk yearling ftlly also won owners of property within the city - -', fairy, the Spirit of Kindness, guides tin, escaped unharmed. ) °™P°rt»nmeeting- "i ^rs.t her^class and the Pine Tree ® council members are tak-- ever the vote the Belvidere attorney J. Reihansperger, Thos. P. Bolger and received in the thirty-four precincts ©f this county. Pierce carried twenty-nine of the "thirty-four precincts and fourteen of the seventeen townships to make the victory a real Q. O. P. landslide. : The unofficial vote in McHenry county, according to the returns compiled" by the Daily Sentinel, shows Floyd E. Covalt will complete plans for ladies' night. , On December 2$, a Social Security representative will address the members. On January 11, Mr. G. G. Reed will speak on his trip to Russia. It is expected that January 25 will be ladies' night. The president announced at this her to an oldj>ine tree, where she is started on her way to Santa Claus. i The snowflakes come, but they can- - not help her, as she had not been ' friendly at school. The Brownies do not have her name on their Christmas list of good children for Santa Claus because she has Albert Justen's Pontiac was wreck- fort wiU be spared in making this one Dairy farm Suffolks took first prise in in* immedate "tion to secure a light ed Saturday night when I^ouis Stoffel,of the biggest meetings ever held by every class shown, including three truck for temporary use until definite * was driving it home from Chicago, the McHenry council. | mares get of sire, get of one sire and P'an® can be formulated in the pur-» where the car had conveyed pallbear- The following is a list of charter produce of dam. , chase of an extra truck and equips ers to the funeral and burial of Mrs. j members now living and members of Harry Hopley of Iowa was judge m®nt by those outside the city. Albert Frett. |the order. These members will be hon- °f the Suffolks and awarded the many) Assist Library • . ^ The left side of the car received the ored and presented with some token prizes. | A latter from the Mothers club, rf*- damage, giving evidence that it had from the council: J. W. Freund, Ed.' 1° addition to receiving their purple Questmg some assistance from the been cross at home, but because she been side-swiped by another automo- Sutton, Ben J. Brefeld, Peter M. Jus- ribbons the Suffolk grand champions ®'ty in- maintaining the public li*_^ . irr regrets this another - fairy, Helpful- bile. ten, George Adams, George Meyers, were also honored when each one was brary, drew favorable comment and ness, directs her to an oW stump on! The new car was purchased in June Jr.. John I. Sutton, John P. Weber, awarded a silver medal hy the Suffolk tjhe decision to pay the sum of fifty her journey. by Mr. and Mrs. Justen. Jacob J, Justen, Wm, G. Schreiner, society of England. dollars at this time. There Jane eagerly watches the sunbeams frolic and the tin soldiers march, but they do not help her so the Pierce with 6266 votee, while Lyon ; meeting that Attorney French will act ^gathered only 3120. This is slightly, ** program chairman during Mr. Wrn. better than two to one. (Pries' sojourn to the sunny south. - The Democrats were able to carry 'oca' Lions Club under enthusii only three precincts in McHenry town- astic leadership seems destined to ac- Bhip. two, three and four, and the comphsh many notaMe a^'evements Barreville precinct (Nunda one) and Hartland. However, in carrying three McHenry precincts the Democrats were able to pile up a lead of only 71 votes in the township, because McHenry one (Ringwood) gave Pierce a 115 to 12 vote to cut down the big advantage N. C. Borre of Richmond escaped Martin W. Knox, Wm. G. Schneider, with only slight injuries late Friday N. EX Barbian, S. H. Freund, Dr. N. J. r when his truck skidded on the icy Nye. M. J. Walsh, John M. Phalin, M. Spirit of Goodwill tells her the way to1 pavement near the Colemar Country A. Conway, Simon Stoffel, John E. the moss covered stone. Dolls arrive Club, tipped over and went down a 50- Kaiser and Math Weber. on their way to Santa Claus and Jane foot embankment. He sustained only -- begs for one to go to her little sister a few scartches, but his truek was LOCAL MERCHANTS badly damaged. in our city. Continued enthusiasm is desired in the goal of civic betterment. who has no doll. The Spirit of Unselfishness directs1 her to the crossroads, but she wanders WRITE THAT LETTER into the cave of Wangaloo, the Spirit TO SANTA CLAUS NOW of Selfishness and Cruelty. Here she^ ARE READY NOW FOR Exhibits 28 Horses 1 The letter stated that it is felt that An exhibit of twenty-eight horses, the library plays a very important including eighteen Percherons and ten P®1"1 in the development of wholesome Suffolks, were exhibited at the Inter- recreation in McHenry. It was surnational show by Mr. Skidmore who prising to learn that over 400 borrowmay justly be proud of his honors. ers are now registered and that mora- The Percherons were a difficult than 500 books and magazines are hreed to shbw, as there were from loaned each month. The supply doe* twenty to thirty in a class, but the not suff»ce in meeting increasing de- CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS local horses were numerous among the mands_ , winners. In addition to "Enchanter," The nex* order of business and one who was "tops" at the livestock ex- of £reat importance pertains to the Truck loads of Christmas trees are ATTENDS CONVENTION Albert Buch left Sunday night for Muskegon, Mich., to atetnd a Norge dealers convention. He returned home Wednesday after a most enjoyable trip .which was a complimentary one for is held prisoner and is told that no Children, have you written your let- ar^"vin" ,: n McHenry ^ftT are on dis- P?8ltl°". winning eaaily over the cham- Counter club road. In oonnee ccaann rreessccuuee hheerr bbuutt tthhee SSpoiirriitt ooff tteerr ttoo SSaannttaa- CCllaauuss?? Bneewtteerr adoo iut vtoo-- . • i» » th Ti ILi s*to;re*s !aJnd? w"i*n- P«on o~f Amenca -a-nvd Cvoa.nua.du„a,, "Maiecrulre st-a t-e- -r-e«g» ul- ations.• Love. She is threatened with the day, because next Thursday wil! be the "ai at^cti^Sr ^n!or ^ compliance resolution jwhich Henry Miller, Democratic coun- doing a certain amount of busily chairman, State Highway Policemen neM Larry Hu<;k and Lester Bacon and 1 :--_-- Game Warden John Pitzen were abla to pile up in the other three precincts. Bolger Democratic Leader Barreville has been more or less Democratic for a number of years and Is the home precinct of Representative Thomas A Bolger. Hartland for cany years has been Democratic. this county is due to the loyal work of a well organized group of precinct committeemen, headed by Frank Daly ! of Woodstock as chairman, and assisted by loyal Republicans throughout the county Chairman Daly said last night, after I the vote was compiled, that it was a The Republicans on the other hand splendid tribute to Judge Pierce and are jubilant over the manner in which only obtained after much hard work they licked their opponents in Wood- on the part of individual committeestock. Dorr township gave Pierce the men of the county, banded together biggest margin of votes of any of the \ for the purpos of keeping McHenry Beventeen townships. He received county in the Republican ranks, where 1287 in the five Dorr precincts to 563 it has been as far back as reocrds for.Lyon. A margin of 674 votes. . show. Algonquin township was next with a Pierce Sweeps Boone vote of 1082 for Pierce to 451 fori. Attorney Pierce naturally Swept Lyon or a 631 margin. through his own county Boone. In The two Marengo precincts gave some of the precincts his opponent dungeon if she tries to escape, but last chance to reach the good old fel- L0jjJav «»ifts and colors cnampionsnip honors, as well as win- drawn up for presentation to the D>- when all are asleep she is rescued by low through the columns of The Plain- h°™^. ^ now^^ «ing first pme in the aged mare class, vision Highways. The resolution the Soirit of Love and taken awav in dealer ! With th® Thanks?ivinf se,as°n n,ow "Mar Dona." two-year-old Percher- was approved by the council and fu«.- soite of Wanealoo's aneer I On D«r 16 all the letters that are ® th,n* of the past and only twelve on mare> was acclaimed junior cham- ther steps are now being made to se- ** u t t > j ' , . 7 . a" t * letters th „ shopping days left before Christmas, pjon an(j reserve grand champion as cure tbis money from the state for ^ Much Jto Jane's delight they reach not m the paper this week w,U be • , tti h on plans for wel" as w.^ing fi^rp^^he ciass the improvement. Th, specification the Court of S»nt» CI«u». who telb prmWd In, th.. week'. i»™c w,ll b. g"hr^tmas *nd p„p.r»tionS are iu.t .*LJr,"n" of™P.S"ttai™' ™. ™ «ll for . 20-foot black-top rorf le.dher he will take her home in his found the letters that have been mailed . . „omniptefi in McHenrv with ^ornune oi r ausnnia was re- on<sfv..nrH trnm n th* sleieh. '• to Sante Claus through The Plaindeal- *b°_ut . ' serve champion of the Percheron year- eastward fiom Green street^to tV> * r k i 1 ° Claus tnrougn ine nainaea - many tempting arrays of lovely gifts. jjni, fyijgg First orize was also takpn Countrv club entrance. It is felt by wi^tts Colorful cos^mes'wid^gMing 6r-R1'f timC rn J*1"6®8, Christmas shopping has already by'"breeders herdf consisting of onJ the majority of board members th«E effects, reaches its finale in the iJt kiddies^ h\"enS responded to the commenced in McHenry and resident stallion and three mares of any age th« im^vem^t is a act when the curtains back of Santa's invitSonandwe a^afra^dthat Santa ^ at f K homf/1 by °ne br^der. Judging of the ^ thmn,. nrp nnonpH. rpvealin,, an Im. '"J,uV 1The real thrills of the old Christmas Percherons was done by E. A. Tru- Henry. Child, with the bright Christmas star paper j8 printed. above them, while the entire chorus E child knows just what he or sings, "Fair Christmas, "Christmas Win in Other Shows MRS. MAYME PARKER among Illinois retail merchants. j Winning of such outstanding honors DIBS IN INDIANA With many employed and the issu- was nothing new to-some of the Fine ^ Star," and "Silent Night." llr hut how L Lint Nick ^lL to in* of the Chn3tfas ^n^. l^a1 res- Tree Dairy horses however as they ^ M ^ FHdav With its sparkling and happy melo- ^ "rlold' Of course idents and merchan,tf are anticipating were well decorated with ribbons of morni at ^ Bernard's hospital, Chidies, beautiful costumes and intriguing hi able to eet all the things the holidays hopefully with the expec- various colors from other shows_ fouowing an operation on T^urstory leading up to the superb finale, ***e^e 7or as he Ution that bu8ine88 may Among these winners who accepted 6« ghe ^ ^at the hospital L. that y°u children are asKmg lor, as ne ^ I their laurels in a matter of fact man- J the operetta promises to be an out- has SQ many milli0ns.0f others to think The director, r nrVian trnn nrrito neighbor Pierce gin of 439 votes. t«> 173. _ Chemung gave Pierce a splendid mar- The vote was 612 with a vote of 665 to 234, while Graf- Jtcn's two prccincts gave Pierce an 87 margin with a vote of 167 to 89. Lyon Carries Wanda Nunda township went to Lyon dtte to the vote received in Barreville. hardly received a vote. The 3474 to 457 vote discloses how the people of | his home county feel about him and is 431 margin a grand tribute to this veteran attorney and statesman. Lyon made a splendid fight in his home county of Lake, but lost out by a margin of 695 votes. Pierce's big margin in ' Winnebago county helped swell the?' total margin Standing production. teachers and pupils are working to make it a success and inyite mmj have more time "to try and get public to enjoy it with them on Thurs- those thjngS fellows day, Dec. 16 . „ . ,j since the previous Monday. airecior, K . H vnu and AAiltthnoouugghn tmheerree iiss nnoott tmhee call for ner were Mar Dona two-"y ear-o. d, MMrrgs. farker wwaags ttnhee ddaauug?hhtteerr oofr king hard •'""f J" dSSe h* clulrit>r this year ** ,here w,s 3everal JU"'™ c||amP!0°' a"'i th.e ,s'x'year:old Mrs. Man. Muldooo of Whitinj. Ind.. invite th. ^„hl™ «»• M *««,••» ha, it, «- grand ««,i mare. both_of whon^ ^ „iece „ and local organizations are had been judged grand champ'ons at She was born at Robey, Ind. - making plans to carry on the work of the American Royal ^tock at Kansas r ^ Cast of Characters , ^ when y°u fad this appeal, or Christmas cheer and bnng happiness City about six weeks ago and the year- Survivinj? aro her raothec her hu- In addition to the personnel of the ha^e Jour Parents, read ^ just sit to-needy Vamilies, as well as to gener- ling Percheron, taking second prize at band Georpe Parkpr. a Geo rev The total township vote was 407 for > cf victory. Lyon to 380 for Pierce. The Nunda J The Democratic battle in McHenry one precinct gave Lyon a 167 to 75 county was carried by payrollers who margin, while Pierce carried Nunda j worked throughout the day trying to two and three. get as many votes as possible. They Although the weather was stormy used the campaign cry of "help me and the date Out of the ordinary, a [save my Job by voting for Lyon." This .pretty fair vote was cast In the county t brought votes to Lyon in Wo dstock, with a total of 9386. I McHenry and other places where the splendid Sapublicaa rtatoff taklpayraUaf* ware acUva la this mniTiwr. rarious chonas numbers the cast cf right down andwr.teyourlettenAn ous poodfellows. characters is- /'----y°u have to do 1S address it to Santa -- __ Jane Wilson--^Bonrfie Page, OFFICE OF M'HENRY Madonna--Dfiris Thomas. Santa Claus--Robert Schaefer. Spirit of Kindness--June Patzke. Spirit of Helpfulness--Elaine Landgren dealer, McHenry, HI.' NOTICE! the International show in Chicaero. 'had been proclaimed junior champion kt the American Royal show, also. Wim With Saddle Horses DENTIST IS ROBBED Mrs W. R. Skidmore also won sev- -- ' eral permiums on her saddle horses, Burglars broke into the office of Dr. among them being "Gold Bond," a five- Jr., who is a stedent .at Loyola t niversity; two daughters. Mary Jean and Agnes: two sisters. M-s. Apnes. Julier of Whiting. Ind.. and Mrs._FVr-_ ence Smith, Philadelphia: f<>ur brothers, Frank. John. Thomas and Maurice. * Citiiens^of McHenry are hiereby t»- uurgiara oruae vuc «..« i» among mem ueuiS uvtu ouiiu, » "TC" aU «f Whiting. quested to notify police or other city R- G. Chamberlin some^time^ ^tween pajted saddle hor^se. shown ^for the firSt ptineral services were held from thet Snirit of Good Will Bettv Kramer, officials if peddlers of merchandise are 4:30 p. m. Saturday and 9:30 Sunday time at the Chicago International CITY COUNCIL McHenry, Illinois home of her mother .to the Cathol'Cf^ church at Whiting, Ind., at 9 hansperger. Spirit of Love--Mildred Martin* Wangaloo--Nadine Schaefer. Soldiers--Richard Rosing, captain; Robert WeidemannV Donald Schaefer, Tttasday callers at the home of Mrs. Marshall Buchert, Norman Neiss, Eu- j George Scheid were Mrs. Ed vTonyan gene Gerrard, Victor Hunt,--Richard: and Mrs. Will Glosson with Mrs. Lu- IJayes, Robert Richardson. Jcille VanDyke of Humphrey, Neb. Viom, vaiuea w»o wmu Diooas, totaling more wimn »iv,wv _ g-j-- burial there. other dental work fpund in the doc- cattle, hogs, sheep and horses, crossed XhosJ'from McHenry who attended tor's office was token, trails in the judging rings. I the funeral were Mr. and Mr<. M. J. Entrance was gained by unlocking Keeping pure breds in shape for. d hte„ Mary and noro"»^ the door with a key which hung On a competition in the prize ring is V , Mr and Mrs Quentin Walsh. nail in the hall near the door, giving particular task as they must be proevidence that the fobbera vtsrs f^miliar with the surroundings. (Continued on Page Four) Haiadaakr Want Ada Bring *e««lt«7 :&h+k- *% vi.

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