Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1937, p. 3

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' - •> X ™;.: ' t ' » ~ - Thnr»d*y, Better 2,1987 /J* ** >* n - T ^ ** - . A • HJUKNUZA :M£ „?-»* X »:< \&<~r^ >:-i,.^' > r>" '"•7 s^irwi Pif* Thn# ••> j i JK 18l-4«9 120--441 150--48t JOHNSBURG - v* % Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo and Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake visj^ed on j Tuesday with their father, John ^ Pit*en. i Mrs. Leo Gerlach and son, Billie, H; motored to Chicago Saturday.« v?" Miss Kathrine AlthofF of Elgin daughter of Chicago visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gerlach entertained relatives from Milwaukee Shinday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen left on Wednesday to spend the winter months in Florida^ Mrs. Peter F. Freund entertained the five hunrded club Wednesday afternon. Prises were merited by Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Leo Freund and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. •m BOWUK0 spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. ' " jWm. Althoff. ' sr^r- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oetrel and son ~^ „ of Chicago visited Sunday with Mr. ^ and Mrs. George Michels. t ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff and ily of Richmond called on Mr. and Mrs. Bolger if« ; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorskie and family Steve May Wednesday. j' Mathma Conway Nye .... Martin Schmitt Matthews K. Marshall M. Krause ....: M. Schiessle 1S5 117 H2 189 124 134 148--422*<l«ister 147-888 v 188--884 m 145 125 144 145 f Totals lW 1W--811 {; -s 187 151--483 "-*!1"8*1* 125 125--375 *fcrl9 188 117--399 J?* £a«? • - . 175 165--485 HapRe 883 97 187 127 144 131 627 109 115 157 134 183.. 701 1961 103--309 116--368 140--424 126--404 127--391 180 167 212--559 Totals Irish J. Frisb^.'jj^"..^. 1|1 902 793 951 2646 Totals Bolger Frisby Larkin Tonyan Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and fam- Sutton 722 777 754 2253' M T°ta,s . . • , • I McHenry Luaber S. Covalt 106 B- Thennes 95 Betty Bellows ...... 89 179--454 E. Kinsala .... «7 636 648 612 1896 163--489 165--495 . of Woodstock spent the weekend in the J* home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and'family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve j and (Freund at Spring Grove. K STOP INand see the brilliant new Hudson and Terraplane models at Peterson Motors, one block east of Fas. River bridge on Route 20. ' A . * % We will be glad'to you a demonstration at any time. Drive them yourself--Then use your own judgment. We abo have some good used cars--All cars being sold under a guarantee. We do all kinds of auto repairing. ^ Gas ---- Tires -Batteries -1' / Towing services day and night; Call 14 -v*:" • 1PETERSON MOTORS S PHone 14 McHenry, Illinois Totals Winkel Frisby >Shea Green Thennes s Winkel Totals Freund Weber iWi«»r < *» tlJVi •••»*•••««••?»«••••% Schreiner lUnti Freund I Tofsals^ 740 740 745 2245 145 142 135 158 178 140 176 131 133 159 158--443 135--453 168--434 126--4171 200--532 Volo Beef Trust L. Littlefield 100 Ann St. George .. 116 C. Lenzen 57 C%th. Wagner ~~~ 149 M. Grimelli 82 104--337 104--326 114--324 115--286 98--291 88--328 134--271 101-^-356 92--280 W D. CShea M. Whiting L. Conway Totals Dutch Speed Stilling J. Weber M. Schmitt B. Meyers Pa Thennes Totals .. .V 157 170 178 165 186 135 176 17^-487 218--536 136--479 144--449 141--495 811 822 813 2446 141--423 134--414 118--409 134--372 178--482 705 705 2100 McHenry Left-Handers Kreutzer M. Schaefer H. Schaefer Les Adams a Eddy ..... Totals Grayslake Cronin Hoop Eddy Johnson Olson Totals . Irish Frisby Whitinjjf 136 112 177 203 155 179 167 234 115 132 167--482 191--470 115--526 179--497 130--417 783 827 782 2392 »W*.MW -156 _171 129 2,15 164 171 154 178 212 218 170--497 __ 157--482!HuP 176--483 140--56 Phmalin Krause . Conway Totals Frttt Bratfcers Sonny Joe Charlie Hank 128 188 152 180 183 151 .1 656 867 735 2258 Jfc 167 140 139 153 152 161 129 133 128 164 187--485 105--374 142--414 179--460 141--487 Totals 751 715 704 213* -4/1 225--607 835 933 868 2636 172--471 112--424 Hups Used for Centuries *v Brewing of malt and barley be+» . ' J erages dates, back Ur7000 B. C. Thi use of hops in brewing dates l»dl 4 v . • iv -.v' to Grove League ADDt-BOWLING ......... Old Timers '58 739 787 G. Saunders 141 150--424 A1 Britz 125 147--397 C. Freund 135. 171---453 N. Klaus 161 142--461 : - ? i 138 159--457 Totals --* . • Ray May 700 ,769 2192 W. Brown 'H>'Briti' Butch May Leo La y 138 125 147 158 160 723 633 107 100 153 iss 178 9&--212 127--344 119--323 142--420 145--413 632 1802 160--385 87--273 121--393 93--451 166--460 % sin REFRIGERATOR you SAVC WOWRR 3 WAirsi G. .Wattles A'.' Barbian J. Perkins .C. Hughes E. Smith .. Totals C. Goodell F. Covalt . J. S«yler . R. Weber ^ L. Bacon " Totals' ft. Rogers .. J. Karls J. Schmitt .. N. Freund .. M. Schaefer Totals T. Wilson R. Page Meyers L. Adams J. Schaefer 182 ****... *181 173 188 180 136 159' 173 181 204 tfO--48R. 175--515:, 144--490 j 149--518 148--532 •Totals 726" 61'9 611 1962 Match GaniiBt Schreiner's Bankers C. Brda % . i ' «04 853 786 2543 r KilHav 149 149 149--447 v! Freund 212 212 149--573 J. Baur .125 202 178--505 M. Schreiner 183 157 181--5211 189 154 180-5231 Totals '-- Volo's Truckers 858 874 837 2569 C. Lutz 166 202 198--566 J. Lenzen 113 125 163--401 Norm Molidor 128 139 118--385 J. J. Warmer 167 151 194--512 J. G. Wagner 187 200 208--595 * Totals 161--482 155--490 149--417 151--456 187--559 761 145 136 177 159 144 C. O. F. 817 103 143 130 160 178 881 2459 137--385 792 809 803 2404 166 200 212--578 193 176 • 161--530 144 149 172--465 149 179 174--502 135 181 205--521 787 ?85 924 2596 THAT REACHES THE TOP WITH ECONOMY THAT'S CLOSE TO THE BOTTOM McHenry Brewers Seires of Nov. 26 Aasrfca's Ftaest and ThrHtltst Refrigerator-HM first choke of --now pepulariy prksdl You could not possibly think of a gift that will bring more joy to the happy home-maker than a new 1938 G-E. It'» a bonnie gift that will please the lady no eod .. . and save her money, too, through years to come. New feature*, new advancements, new values. J. C. Thies G. P. Freund E. Thenens P. Karls ... £. Smith . Totals <J. Herdrich . A. Weingart V. Knox . H. Weber I. Winkle 166 165 151 161 174 143 158 170 192 176 169--448 HSeimer 162--469 Karls 167--486 Unti 163--485 E- Thenens .......... Steffes 798 2273 : I Totals ' Con ways (Woodstock) Hoch 172 159 Conway 171, e153 Anderson 185 123 137 446 Sohst 194 191 129--452 182--503 148--501 171--521 184--565 191--539 148--497 157--508 149--537 831 986 829 2646 La Salle V-8 performance is ever-new V-8 performance! Whether the need be power, acceleration, or sustained iljteed--LaSalle's 125-horsepower, Cadillac-built V-8 '•sbgine responds instantly, smoothly, quietly, brilliantly! Of course it's amamng that performance like this should Spring from an engine as economical as is LaSalle's engine. • • But the fact that its performance is so brilliant--and fas economy so great--is a major reason why LaSalle Was the favorite fine-car of nearly 35,000 people in 19371 If TOC want performance that reaches the top with •(xmomy that's close to the bottom--get the new 1 jSalle T4t.« the world's BMst eoouosaical fine earl Trans- R. I, OVERTON MOTOR SALES 191--522 176--500 182--490 190--575 Front Street W. McHenry, HL J 817 191 139 135 158 *224 839 165 174 126 156 181 767 2423 183--539 132--44# 104--364 169--48$ 202--60T Totals ...ji...;.., 847 |* Heimer ...^wI152 f. W. Rothermel ..113 H. Schaefer . G. Justen A. Justen NEW 1938 MODELS--ALL NEWEST FEATURES, IEMIY FOR XMAS GIVING! CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP "154 161 181 802 173 148 185 161 181 790 2439 215--54$ 144--405 185--524: 161--48$ 181--54f 4..V Totals 761 Blake - Heiraer M 153 •1A. E. Nye . : Rev. Miller peo. Weber Unti 128 206 157 204 848 134 126 153 158 193 886 249S 125--411 193--447 202--561 156--471 159--55t ffctals 848 . 764 835 244f: Gre^n Street McHenry, IH. Scores of December 3 Blake - Heimer .. 210 183 151-^544 # 0^ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 11 -12 QUALITY GROCERY--FRESH AMD SMOKED MEAT CHOICE CHUCK ROASTS, any ci^ FRESH GROUND MEAT LEAN, SMALL PIG PORK LOIN ROAST CHOICE RUMP ROAST ROLLED CHOICE RIB ROAST ROLLED LEAN BOILING BEEF ^4 PIONIC HAMS, 4 - 6 lbs. JACK SPRATT SLAB BACON I Z YACHT CLUB GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 2 No. 2 cans .. .L. .. ORIOLE CLUB #EAS, Small size CRISCO 3 LBS. 58^; BULK BROWN SUGAR lb. 17& 31<f lb. 22c> lb. 25^ lb. 25^ lb. He lb. 20^ 25e 25e 2 No. 2 cans 29 20<^ 3 lbs. 21d BULK POWDERED SUGAR ^...... 3 lbs. 27^ FANCY BANANAS 3 lbs. 17c« FANCY TOKAY GRAPES 2 lbs. 15^» FANCY CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 bunches 15(j FANCY CELERY 2 l^g® bunches 15c FANCY ORANGES FOR JUICE, Large size, dozen 26c; 2 dcteen 50c We will have a full line of Poultry for Christmas! Mixed Nuts--English Walnuts--Fresh Vegetables Daily GIBBS' GROCERY AND MARKET -- Phone 166 Free Delivery - Talk -- Don't Walk A. E. Nye . Fr. Miller . Geo. Weber !F. Unti !. Totals J. Herdrich Knox Weingart, ... H. Weber Winkel ;.. 123 157 125 197 211 195 179 163 169--508 i 186--538; 170--4741. 166--528"" 812 189 137 173 172 193 Totals ... J. C, Theis . G. P Freund E. Thennes P. Karls E. Smith ... i Totalis L. Heimer ... J. Rotherrrffel H. Schaefer G. Justen ... A. Justen ... Totals 864 150 113 190 191 169 931 175 123 159 183 200 840 149 154 167 193 175 842 2588* 188--551'- 132--391. 167--49®! 155--5lM 201--594 ,!. 843 254? 165--46# 142--459; 201--558 200--584 180--524 813 161 168 178 161 181 838 158 167 206 161 181 888 2539 1137--456 146--481 164--548' 161--488 181--541 849 873 7$9 Team 1 C. O. F. Canadians Vernon Freund .... 125 133 120--371 Ambrose Shaeflfer 185 169 197--55tf-;: Del. Freund 163 97 101--361 E. Steinsdoerfer .. 102 93 129--32t f Eddy Schmitt ...... 118 118 118--354, i. Totals --........ 693 610 665 196t| Team 3 Peter Freund^ Jr. 89 140 144--3781 Harold Miller ...... 155 165* 145--468 " George FrisTjy .... 122 143 133--3981; Robert Frisby, Jr. 135 128 111--3741 Orville Freund .... 78 94 69--241 Totals Team 2 John Weber .......... 129 124 ! Fred Meyer 154 134 j Willys Schreiner 173 178 ( Elmer Vogt 105 82 !Robt. Frisby» Sr. 107 107 579 670 602 1851 ( : 135--388- 172--460; 158--5091 108--296 107--32i! / Totals ..... Team 4 7* Joe H. Weber Louis Stoffel Louis Schmitt. Joe M. Freund Ernest Bohr Totals. 668 625 680 1978" 119 159 147 124 137--406: 119--415! 115--437 131^142--397! 68 73--224 150 137 175 rh/«-o,c. ^ 4~do°r - SPfC'^ ^'Post9 CO!( #e whole frngth of All that plainly says "Better Motor Gar Row, and~~Hbuy Buick!" But just by way of completing the story, wed like to point out this; ^"he Buick special is the low pst-priced straight-eight of its size on the market. At least two sixes carry higher list prices, and others are priced 90 close that a dollar or two a week covers the difference. $9£Bui*spPf. •f,°n a„ j Vp^c'a/ f°Oron a ,0c"1 BUYER'S DIGEST OF THE 1938 BUICK it NCW DYNARAUt VALVi-MMKAS STRAICMT-MNT msMi^mw tomhk-rb iHuwsMisif Toaom-issi onvE in siAia ciussa ir mm q^mt nam booy M0UNTM6 it ANOUn PISTONS if ABtOSAT CAKSOtnOC it NIW MIU-S-EYE iimmfc • TITTOf HYMAUUC MAKES it KNEE-ACTION RONT SMNWNM it UNKTEEl •oor it mHft ir tutu-in Dcnosra connections if AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OPTIONAi ON SCHCS 40 NO OTHER CAIt IN THE WORLD MAS ALL THESE FEATURES won't find a car any* where that offers you what this stunning new Buick does. No other car, for instance, has, its dynaflash engine; squeezing more useful power out of every drop of gasoline you burn. No other car has torquefree springing -- or can match the smoothness-withsafety this new coil-spring rear suspension provides. No other car combines such features as Silent Zone Body Mounting, Valve-in-Head efficiency, Torque-Tube Drive, Tiptoe Hydraulic Brakes, Knee-Action comfort and safety--in a package so big and handsome* Take the stunning four-door sedan shown here. It's sixteen and a half feet long, has 107 horsepower under its hood, and it's yours complete with 'Standard equipment ~for only $1022, delivered at Flint, Michigan. We don't think you'll find its match anywhere on Motor par RoW. We're sure you won't for the money! 632 661 588 187*. Ladles'Club J G. Barfetin I 186 131 171--438 L. 'Krause 188 99 97--329 Front Street, West McHenry, III, 216 Jfaia St, Crystal : ^ J1

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