Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1937, p. 6

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rAir-n r- ^ ".J1*** 0&1 :v.^' •\«T'V<1 'f».r _ *•M * " ^.-*s ' * * * • w <, : X fK-s*«ifei' ir* sp* • . «i»" r; v •„.' , ~ v „• * *'", "** > t, «.„" •?*, \r ;r? PLAIHDBALtt ^ ••jf •w^w , ,v ' " J Thursday, Deoember 2, iiSs':I'.,1 CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS By Congressman Chauncey W. Reed ^ FOR •^f£: VwV>:" /-U •./• 3/4--TOM IV4-TON n n o n FULL UHE -Trust Busting' ^ / j Indication that anti-trust legislation will be brought to the fore at the next regular session of Congress beginning, in January became evident when S. ^8772, the new Borah-O'Mahoney fedl Serai licensing bill was introduced. The %ill takes direct aim at monopolies. | One section expands the Federal Trade t Commission from five to nine commis- I sioners and provides that ont of the ' additional commissioners shall represent the interest of employees; that pne represent the interest of employiers; one the interest of the consuming public. The bill further directs the Commission to make recommendations to Congress for the stabilization of basic industries and to recomend to Congress minimum wage legislation when it finds that abuses in the form iof low wages exist. Another section [ provides the issuance of licenses to corporations requiring the licensee to file with the Commission statement of , corporate organization, financial status and an agreement to abide by all the Acts of Congress with power given to the Commission to deny a license to a corporation violating the anti-trust laws. Another section authorizes the r revocation of licenses, but provides for - a court review of same. Another sec- * tion authorizes the Commission to carry on investigations. Somebody evidentally feels that there have notbeen enough investigations, to date, j Log Rolling and Back Scratching i Administration leaders in the House are having a difficult time keeping harmony in the ranks of the majority party. Their latest worry is the formation of a bloc of eastern and middle t western Democrats who are interestedj ! public use and to Issue 'a label for such drug before it could be introduced into interstate commerce. Those Income Taxes The'tax Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee has begun consideration of proposals to subject some two and one-half million state, county and city employees to a federal income tax. It is very doubtful wheth' er any such action will be taken. While it is estimated that the federal government would probably realize about 15 million dollars in revenue- • each year by such taxation, it has been pointed out that if any such law was enacted, about a million federal employees would probably be subject to state income taxes. The general consensus of opinion seems to be that a constitutional amendment would be necessary before a valid tax on stated county and city employees could be levied. " ; To 1 d? Items of Interest Taken From th«Files of th* Platodeals* ef Tears A#s TWENTY YEARS. AG*) • in the passage of the Wage and Hour Bill, and who have been banding them-! 'Wm. Schwake and family moved selves together in a bloc to prevent the from the flat over the N. J. Justen fursouthern Democrats from obtaining niture store in this village to Woodwhat they d.esire for cotton farmers stoc this week. in the pending farm bill which is be- The McHenry band furnished the fore the House for consideration. This music at the patriotic rally; held at bloc has threatened to prevent the the Central Opera house on Tuesdays farm bill from coming ^o a vote unless evening. the southern Democrats agree to go Carl W. Stenger, the popular cashier along on the Wage and Hour Legisla^- of the West McHenry State bank, who tion. The southerns are at a disad-' received such painful burns about the |Va ntage in that the farm bill asi re- head and face by the premature exported to the House is not to their plosion, of a liberty loan bomb a couple liking, especially the provision relative of weeks ago, is again able to be at to cotton farming and they intend to his duties at the bant. offer numerous amendments in this A deal was consummated last week respect upon the consideration of the whereby Al. Krause, the local newsbill. The labor bloc, however, has dealer, will take over the Riverside threatened to defeat these amend- dairy milk route oh the first of the ments unless the southerns acquiesce com|ng month. to the passage of the Wage and Hour! • Thaahrapaal shell is tha Inv tion of Henry Shrapnel (1781-1842), an English soldier, who fought in Flanders and retired from active aervte* in 18)5. Prison Society OM the Pennsylvania Prison society .!• the oldest prison welfare aociety in the world, dating back to 1787. Traee Gaiter ta IWt B. C. Tha guitar is one of tha world's oldeat musical instruments^ la traceable back to 1700 Q. Elevatiea al Maahattaa Island Though Manhattan island containa the tallest structures in the world, its highest natural elevation ia only 267 feet. <Sfca CaaMl Tha camel, though related to dear and cattle, has no horns, no aacond and fifth toes, and three atomacha instead of fbur. Titanic Volcano Mount Etna covers nearly 100 square miles and is the greatest volcano of Europe. wm pr ir t :'l* V- * • Only GMC offers a complete line, including awide' : range of fast-duty models I Announcing for 1938 three legislation. AH is not quiet along the Potomac. Drugs and Narcotics Doctor Copeland, Democratic 'Senator from New York recently introduced a bill which, if enacted into law, would provide for the appointment of a Board by the Secretary of Agriculture to decide when a drug is safe for AUCTION THIRTY YEARS AGO It was a feeling of the deepest reregret that our citizens bade Rev. M. W. Barth farewell this week, previous to his departure for Los Angeles, which city he will make- his home for the next two years, at least. The first snow of the season fell in McHenry last week. Gilbert Bros., have installed a new F. and S. gasoline lighting system in their place of business. E. S. Brink, local agent for the Standard Oil company, now pumps his * * Charles Leonard, Auctioneer The farm having been sold, 1 have gasoline into tanks with a new gasodecided to quit farming and will sell line engine, thus doing away with the ? new liflrHt: and "liolit. Pu^c auction.on the Jacob Schu- tread power previously used. ® llgnt macher farm, located % mile north-j ' Heavy" models, featuring east of Johnsburg, 5 miles south of j ; FORTY YEARS AGO . . | Spring Grove and 4% miles northeast! „ | U;neWgas-savtngengines, of McHenry, on-- G. W. Besley was taken suddenly ;jt (2) longest, most spacious TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 j and seriously ill, at his store on Tuesii> .. , , Beginning at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol- day morning. He was removed to his 1W- aara Doaies available, lowing described property to-wit: | residence and at this-writing is re- (3) GMC's famous "Dual- 38 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 38 ported much better. , . j i Consisting of I Peter HeSs has P^haged the Robt. designed appear- i6 Milch CoWS( some fresh and close Olson farm, near Madgett's Lake, in New Cab-over-en- sPrin£ers; 2 one-year-old heifers; 2- ® toZ" Nunda. • • -t / year"old heifer; 3-year-old heifer; 2 . W. Besley has put a new platl^ ine tsrpes, capacities VA eight-month-old heifers; 16-month-old form in front of hls store which much improves its appearance. Dr. C. H. Fegers has purchased a 9 years old, wt.. 1500 lbs.; Gray fine saddle horse' which h« wil1 "»« horse, 10 years old, wt. 1700 lbs.; Black horse, 12 years old, wt. 1500 lbs.; Black horse, I4 ^ wt. 1400 lbs. ' " 6 Gilts -- 1 Boar., Hay, Grain and Maclrffiery 20 ft. Good Silage in 12 ft. Silo; 30 buildi near ^ ir(m brid in the tons Mixed Clover, Timqthy and Al- Le_r f®t' K ' falfa Hay; Straw Stack; 950 bu> near future- Tone" ./ < ance! € to 12 tons! Buy GMC at bull; 8-month"old bul1- yVJlY1^ at 4 GOOD WORK HORSES--Gray pricescrowding the lowest. Mare. V Fiw poymuntt throvgh our own Y. M. A. C '}% Phn at lowit available raft for a time as a change. Continuous bu£gy riding gets monotonous. FIFTY YEARS AGO John Neison contemplates opening a blacksmith shQR., in the old Bishop TRUCKS S3 m e', 'tjMse; - R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES West HcHenry, I1L CENTRAL MOTORS TRUCKS (•'jf.'-,.' ,\rr Oats; Quantity Hard Corn in crib, husked by hand; Some good hard Seed Corn; 250 Shocks good hard Corn; 175 ! shocks Fodder Corn; Quantity of husked Shocks. McCormick-Deering Corn Binder, in good condition; Deering Grain Binder; John Deere Hay Loader; Side Delivery Rake; Hay Rake; Hay Tedder; McCormick Mower; 2 Single Row Cultivators; Corn Planter; Buckeye Grain Drill; Gang Plow; Sulky Plow; 3 Hand Plows; 14-disc Harrow; 3-6ec- : tion Drag; Truck Wagon; Iron Wheel Wagon; Hay Rack; Set of Dump Boards; New Hay Rope; Buggy; Bob Sleigh; Stone Board; 1%-Horsepower Gasoline Engine; Separator; 2 sets Breeching Harness; Scraper; 6 Milk Cans; 4 Covered Pails, 2 Strainers; Stone Rinsing Tank; Hay Fork; Grab Fork and Pulleys; Corn Shelter; Forks. and Shovels. p I Piano; Kitchen Cabinet; New Kerosene Stove; 2 ^ good Dining Room tables. Many otlier articles too numerous to mention. ^ ) Terms of Sale--All sums of $25 and under, Cash. Over that amount, a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes, bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. BEN J. KENNEBECK West McHenry Rank, Clerking We learn that A. Calkins will take possession of the Riverside House sometime this month. George Smith has one of the finest full blooded Mastiff! pups to be found in the state. He is twelve weeks old and he paid the handsome sum of $50 for him. Winter started in on Saturday last with a regular blizzard. Eight or ten inches of snow fell and was piled in all conceivable shapes, in the streets and on the sidewalks. !Hxty years AGO Owing to a rush of job work our paper is unavoidably late this week. Judge T. D. Murphy and Capt. James Nish, of Woodstock, showed themselves on our streets on Friday last. Jos. Wiedemann, at his restaurant near the depot, is now keeping the celebrated Milwaukee bottled "beer, which is without question the finest in the market. Last week our soft weather caught a severe cold, and a slight flurry of snow was welcomed as a change from jthe deep mud. ittp.acing Feathers Altnough birds have a regularmolting season, a lost feather is -rH o np„, £ne at any tjm(. yA N O W * * ' 9 - t WE WILL GLADLY HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS •% ,v*; .• 7^ "• 10 i SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS# NYE JEWELRY/ MUSIC & RADIO STORl N i! : ; « ' ! * ! S O i STOMACH ULCERS MY PL R ACIDITY DEFINITE RELIEF OR MONEY BACK THSWlUABDT^T^NThJ-l IS PAYa TWAI- yor cwn^ew jn- «Qrm*tloni rnd "•••*• M*Maa> SgSg* Aak forifc--<rw-0 ATTLES DRUG STORE ^ Main Street West McHenrf HOUSE CALL OPTICAL SERVICE IB YOUR OWN BONE NO EXTRA CHARGE ' v;« we recommend a RON* <. Smort ,. dSfefy - • » $15.00 ^cnicK $10.00 ELECTRIC RAZOR STONE 3tT *IMG $1.00 BRUSH SET BULOVA CHANCitlOR , . IS . *247S GODDCj5Sd#T(M^v » . . *29r$ $42.00 DIAMOND RING $17.50 set $75.00 DIAMQND RINO INAMONC RINC Thb Chrbtmot, ghw a awloval Thm It no rwMtnbranc* to practout at a d«p«ndabU watch--apd no watch mor* d*p«ndabl« than a Buloval amiitem cttrm „ w "MINUTE MAN" A lt«w (tardy .. dcpandabl* Bulava. 17 |«w*lt and carved to 6t the writ! only V LAOY 6UI.OVA .. * , . M230 f Phone 123-J West MoHenry GLASSES COMPLETE #0 PA AS LOW AS $0.0 U For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. MM. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIAUST 108 N. State Street, Chicago dK GRIMSRUD For One Week Only R U B B E R S iliislEs Here't Real Protection Againtt Slush, Rain and Snow I YOU'LL NEED THE M NOW! SNAP GAITERS M.n . WORK RUBBERS High Quality t Htavy Solmt Women t-Mi<««« , Children's ALL RUBBERI FLEECE LINED! MEN'S DRESS RUBBERS A HEEL Bright BOYS' TO FIT Finish YOUI SHOE GENTS' HI-CUTS BmI boots for real bora that will £ iUn< roach treat- • meat with ttronj •ppers, molstur* proof doable ww MtMlei. 1 .98 53 .si 81ns I to • LEATHKB SOLES. • . Men's Quality Boots WITHIN REACH OF ALL Soft pliable uppers touch strong rraln leather Msole. Two selected extra heavy ontsoles. Nailed and stitched for extra service. MEN'S--BOYS' ALL RUBBER--4-BUCKLE ARCTICS BOYS' $1.79 Extra Heavy- Extra Service-- First Quality Cloth or ail Rubber Shoe Store Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door Ta • Hoot Noonan'a On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED feODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES B1ETESSL *:>• KENT A COMPANY Ail Kinds of I N S U R A N C E - lt*eed with the nost rtllalla CaMpaajiea Ceaie la aad talk it »t« MeHearyi S. H. Freood & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phont 127-R Our experience'-••ii' at Tour Serrice in bnilding Your Want* Phona 41 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Friday* ^fpther Days by AppouitiuBjj ticileaigr Rliaaia FRETT BROTHERS ^CONTRACTORS Cement, Brick, Plaster and Stucco Work BniMing, Moving and Raising Telephone 625-M-l jfleHENRY, tij.t felephone Htk 800 . 4" . ' Steffel A Reihanapergar •asnrance sgenU 'for oil classea of property ia the beat eonpaniea. WEST McHENKY OiPNOXr ^ INSURANCE Fi35 EARL R. WALSH Preaenting - Reliable Companiea fta you need inaaraaee of any Phone 43 or Sl-M pries Bldg. MoHenry •fWB .,VT . • -\j. ft \ if I?Wc, FATAL -ERROR ~NCYSZT. mkM- ...t. Main Street West McHenry, HI BESIDES, TU' LAST OAR HEAPED FOR JAIL HOU& AM YOU AI HITCHHIKER! MI I THUMBED TURNED OUT TV BE A I MORE AGIM A.P.Freund Co. Excavating Contractat fraoking. Hydraulic and Grant Service Road Building ToL 204 M McHenry, .DL MONEY TO LOAN' I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waakegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Ganaaae St, Waakegan, OL THL MAJESTIC 1M

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