Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1937, p. 8

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rzp'w-2- wm3% wmmi •>t$s r* i| PifeXiffct Tl,V r"r --*• v\ -*u yt '•^ ' " •""} '•*' '*' '" THE Wawmfor W ' *' •' r< Letters To Santa Claus : . / ' Santa:. - V V' £:y ' I am a little boy 6 yrs. old and I "Want to tell you what I Would like for jrou to bring me for Xmas. Please --4We if you have a cow boy suit with: fur chaps; Also a tractor that Climbs; V(| train, streamline too; a,game; a. jliovie machine and a Molding set and director set for my brother. Thanks - for all the nice things you left us last Jear, and renupiber all my little riencls too. . „ , I remain, y<mr friendC. ; DONALD McCRACKEN. i;-r i *•' '* rs *' rJ trv: t>ea* Santa Will you please bring Me a writing* <j}esk. A Cabinet for. My dishes. New Jplothes for My dollies. And some • Colorbooks and storybooks, and some fandy and nuts. I am 7 years old -- - * Your Pal yv"1 •«: v .'JOANNE FREU McHenry 111 fteili' Santi^ ^:-sr.. .= IVe at school itnd at home. For Chritsmas I want % cowboy suit, some building blocks, .a tool chest, and some toy cars and ; : <airplanes. I have a little sister whose is Clarice but we call her Toot-: ;"Sie. She is a good grl too fend wants' buggy, a Shirley Temple doll and •» *r<i.ifk»ll bed. Be sure and bring1 us lots, of; and, candy and. don't forget to be good to my teacher Si*. Joan too. r • I'll be seeing you Christmas Eve * EUGENESCHAEFER Dear Santa Claus„ I want a dask witftfa and a " lunch pail and Mickey wants a dog blanket daddy wants a pair of stockings and a necic tie. Mother wants a dozen of sauce dishes. MARION GRACE CONWAY,, McHenry Iti. » v Johnsburg 111 Dec. 9, 1937 ®ear Santa Claus* Will you please send me a foot-, itlMl so I can playfootball with the other boys and another thing I want is a wagon so I can haul ground. My' brother Raymond wants a sled and a gun. Daniel would like to have a shot gun. Bernard wants a bike. And -iar my Father I want a watch. Jly Pother want a coat. I\WOuld like to see you. From ARTHUR KENNEBECK McHenry. P. O.i , Johnsburg. 111.1 _ Dec. 9.1937. j Itear Swrta, • I would like a violin, a train, and * dump truck, Please Santa will you Answer our litters? Your friend ALBERT ADAMS wagon, a doll a pencil box a story book and a play house. I would like a green pocketbook too. From ESTELLE HILLER • . ilcHenry, P. O. • / * * v "Johnsburg, 111. Dec. 9, 1987. Dear Santa Claus, _ I know you are very busy at Christmas time, but please bring me a pair of iceskates and an electric air port. And please don't forget my mother. Bring her a new purse. Thank you Santa. I would like to hear from you. ' from EUGENE KING McHenry, P. .0 ; Johnsburg, 111. * Dec. 9. 1937. •ear Santa Glaus, Please bring ine a two wheel bicycle ? Could you bring me a doctor kit too? And something for mother and dad? And something for my sister. Dear Santa please bring me a Christmas tree. ? I would like some cartdy^nd-nuts., , ; ' v.r ;;v - JOAN '* . . < - MAY. ... * " " 'uM cHenry P. 0. ' • * Johnsburg, III. DeCt 9. 1937. ; Ddar Santa Citrus, Will you bring my brothers «a sled and a traffic set? A doll and a set ef dishes for my sister, a rattle for my baby brother, and a tractor and some cars for myself. Thank you Santa, - I would like to ° see you when you come, " y -.y'^m ROBERT THIEL. , flcHenry, P. O. Johnsburg, 111. Dec. 9, 1937. Dear Santa Claus, Will you please send me a doll doctor set? gloves, handkerchiefs. Please send blocks for my little baby brother at home. Will you please bring some nuts, candy, oranges and apples. This is the end of my letter. From MARIE JACKSON. I want a didee doll with lots of dippers and a doctor kit. hankies and dress for Shirley Temple doll. I am in the first grade and I am Six year old my name is Theresa Ann My little sister Doris is two year old almost. She want a truck and little velociped. My brother Roman want> a wagon farm tools and cap. Dqnt forget nuts and candy. v . •=. Your Friend . " * . THERESA ANN BAUER McHenry 111 ' ' R2 •; a .... - . Mc iHenry P. O." - Johnsburg I|i. . . Dec. 9, 1937, r • . Please send me * $en and pen cil set. v I want it for my mother. And a watch for my father. Will £bu please send me a snow - suit? I would like to have a pencil - box. and a doll tliat has a fur coat/ fur muff, fur cap, and a fur dog. ^ from., *' ' - "DOLORES SCHMI^yyyS; ¥ V'v£v:V ;r'. McHenry, P, 0, J ; v ! ' V; Johnsburg, 111., Dec. 9, 1937 Dear Santa Claus, - .V.. Sianta Claus please T«»d the letter I am sending you for the things I want to have for Christmas. I would like to have a schoolbag because in the wintfer it is cold. Then I would like to have a wagon and a sled. With (the wagon I would like to have a trailer. I "Would like to have a basketball and a football. I also want to have a toolchest. I would like you to bring two pairs of skates and some cards for the whole family. Dear Santa Claus you-are a njce man. Your Friend 1«L0YD FREUND ' McHenry P.O. • vy , Johnsburg Ifl DAC- 9, 1987, > Dear Santa Claus, ; . :'y^ Please bring me a dotf DJtth -ourIs and a doll house and a wagr -OB too. I would like a blackboard y «|kd some ehldk to play school. y^P'" MARIE CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS y; By Oongressmaa Ohannoey W. R«ed »• Why Not Reduce The Pay Roll? sion to Speaker Bankhead who hails A recent proposal by the President from Alabama brought forth a ruling suggesting a curtailment in federal that "after all the Alabama yams are appropriations for highway aid has the best potatoes on earth." aroused a considerable storm of pro-1 Picketing Pemissable th/ ^enate and UA A judici^l decision which may have One member of Congress expressed far-reaching rtfcufts was rendered rethe view of a number of others when cently in the United States District Mc.Henry. P.O. 9f!d the ™ this direction Court in Washington, D.C. Justice Johnsburg, "111, sing ou . " a,J^0* Gordon of the District Court held that ftec. 9, 1937. ^ T " rt, a labor union has the riKht to Picket ^ f. J K J f £ ^ P an\ establishment even though none of called budget balancing effort. He its employees may be on strike. The TONYAN. From GEORGI MILLER, football to I^07."d ®s an altern*tive plan that opini^n which overhiled previous rul- ' *e- Administration get nd of some ings by Justice mie^t Hld Associate Dear Santa Claus* Please bring me a cowboy suit, g^gested ice skates, a wagon and a *- play with 300,000 useless federal employees that j^tice' Bailey conduded' thr'diMiute I ^y* for his «8nijd disposition, and Ida' have been added to the pay roll dur- between the owners of a strine Df j willingness to help in time of trouble. S IT,a Si ?"hi.°?ton sh« »h»P» and the)For •"» he "M_ f ' ' ' ' ' *»•«».•# * Joseph If. Carr was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carr, at the home of the l*tter, near Ringwood, 111., on December 12, 1858. He was married to Mias Amanda Wiedrich in the fall of 1898. Sihe died in 1901, leaving a baby son* Harold. Soon after this Mr. Car^moved to Michigan, where he/fcu|nded p. home near Vicksb^rg, marrying Miss Ida Ried, in 1902. To this union there was also .a son born, Roy, who with the widow and other son, Harold, srife* vive .the father. Mr. Carr lived oh the; farm where died, for more than twenty-two years, and was highly respected by the friends and neighbors he had accumulated in all that time. He will he greatly missed by them and his faxa- 1 "l Dear Sartta Claus, i ^ union" obtained a preliminary Please hrino- me a monkeV A congressional battle of a century injunction in the Washington District , a little chai*,* Mickey Mouse, a sled^^gently took place in the nation's Court Shortly thereafter the union a little bed for my doll. And a Teddy bu^ t(> relate thereon- filed charges with the National Labor Bear. .... make his home. Beside the widow and two sons hei$M; inbefore mentioned, Mr. Carr leaves a brother and sister at Ringwood, Chas«, Bring me Mother. ' *' a box of for- my •From ;.v v'-ANITA ' '3 y FREUND^ test did not take place upon the floors Relations Board. "The National La-! Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenso$, of the House or Senate .but in the bor Relations Board ordered dissolu-'and a sister at Woodstock, Mrs. Al% House restaurant. A. few days ago tion of the company union. In "his McLain, beside a number of nieces and the Idaho Congressional delegation opinion in the instant case, Justice nephews, here and in Michigan. ; " pleasantly surprised each member of Gordon held that the Norris-LaGuar-.j Funeral services were held at thft . Congress by presenting them with a dia Anti-injunction Act was applicable horrie in Vicksburg, Mich., on laa^ neat little crate containing several and dismissed the temporary injunc- Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Frcia pounds of delicious Idaho potatoes, tion against the picketing which had there the body was brought to Ring** This action caused considerable an- been previously granted by Justice wood, where another service was held noyance to the Congressmen from the Bailey. ^ .y ' ; from Mrs. Stephenson's home at 2:30^ roc'k bound coast of Maine, for there . .TWx fteiM*l / •• ]ToOsdayy and interment in the Ring?' too, they pride themselves Upon the Unqualified repeal Mc Henry P. O. Johnsburg, 111 r'"" Dec. 9, 1937. Dear Santa Claus, Please send me a table, a movie star make j&pr set, hankerchifs, doctor and nurse set, dishes, Doll, nuts and candy, fountain pen, bedroom slippers, scarf, doll house, painting books, story book and baking set. Bring my mother and my father something too. From PAULINE LUNKENHEIMER. -- Mc Henry P. 0 Johnsburg, 111. Dec. 9, 1937. JltfcHenry P.O. *V Ringwood, 111. Dec. 9, 1937. Dear Santa Claus, I am writing you a letter to ask you to bring us what we like. Walter would like to have a three wheel bike. Donald wants a dump truck, and Jackie wants a Teddy bear, some blocks, and a wagon. I want a big wagon. Since you answered our letter, we are doing what you said we should do. I think.I am«t close it now. Your friend, *1 - - ROMAN MILLER Mc Henry I1L Dec 11. i937 Dear Santa: . I have been a pretty good girl. .Soar Sfenta Claus 'Will you please bring me ft1/) W* 8 mixing mm POPULAR KITCHEN SIZE Available in either bright yellow or bright blue glaze. Extra deep. May be used " for baking or as mixing bowl. L I M I T 2 TO A C U S T O M E !R Lady Hibbard W A F F L E I R O N Electric CO R N P O P P E R ; _ .1 . Mc, Henry P. O. Johnsburg 111. ' Dec. 9, 1937 Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me things that I want. For my father a watch, and for my mother a foutain pen and pencil. When you bring them their things hide them under the bed. Please bring me some skates because I want to learn how to skate, also* a sled because the old one, is done for. Last of all bring me a football because I like to play football. My sister is writing her own letter so I guess she will tell you what she likes. Her name is Dolores. Please answer soon from WILLIAM SCHMITT McHenry 111. I have beiMa good boy so please f: Mc Henry, P. O. V'.1. Jphnsburg, III, ,*• .yDte<r. 9, 1937 . D&ar Santa Claus, Well Santa are ready for Christmas? I delegation quickly telephoned home report made recently by the Brook- Chnstmas tree and some candy. I for an installment Of Maine potatoes, ings Institute. This report based on to have a bicycle to go to school Then a contest was arranged to deter- a study of the effects of the tax on every day. mine which were the better potatoes. J over 1500 corporations arrived at the When you come I W^nt be W th The struggle took place in the House conclusion that the tax was responsr restaurant and the judges were select-1 ible for the present economic recesed it was said "not for their dietary sion. y • y-yj ' " Vy'fh wmvJ vutujocnco u^uii wic uiii|uauueu 01 \ you getting potatoes which they grow. The Maine undistributed profits tax i ^ t dele^ation H16 candy. 1 fnr on incfollmanf A# nivtn »m.'_ of the ^orpovwte W00^ cemetery that day, conducted bjr tax is urged in a Harry Collins, of Ringwood, ag, old friend-of the family. house. From \ HIAR6LD THEfcEN. prowess but for their lick 'of ge-1 c. ^ . _ , ographical bias." They were Delegate! ^ C° 5 andC,ty Emp,oyees (Special letter to Santa.) Anthony Dimond of Alaska, Delegate1 " 18 rePort€d that the Ways and f ; West McHenry, Illinois Samuel W. King of Hawaii, Commis-;Means Committee of the House has ; i December 13, 1937 sioner Santiago Iglesias of Puerto! abandoned Plans levy on the income Santa dlaus, | Rico and Carding T. Elbo, secretary state, county and .municipal em- I iuat want to let vou know that I to Commissioner Quinton Paredes of 7°yees' . e . Committee concluded am JTiJSttto bw of only M years the Philippines. After a two hour con- ?at a constitutional amendment would ragr My ™mrx t poP y P, test in whiCh the ^ were ^ not asking you for too many favors-- platters of baked potatoes from * , » no teddy bears, bunnies, monkeys, or Idaho and Maine respectively, togethshotguns-- but, the best favor you er with plenty of butter, pepper and could do for me, would be to send me salt, they announced their decision-- a thousand dollars for Christmas, and ^ Draw. An appeal from that deciif you can't make it a thousand--make it two thousand. If you do so, Santa, dont' forget to Vj bring Mr. Mosher one of your best five-cent cigars. I know you will think I must have a "crack" already--but I have not, I just want to let you know that I am still here and in a good shape. Yours truly, LITTLE B. POPP. P. S. You can find me in Popp's Shoe Store! I RESIDENCE CHANGES The Donaldson family from Wisconsin are now occupying one pt the Knox apartments on Richmond road. Mr. Donaldson is salesman for the A1- ii# Chalmers company. ~ " Seeing Thinji >P . Some fellows can only see thos^l above them and others can onlff see those under them, but a good® man is cross-eyed and can see both ends at once. Ivory Always Cool to Tonck Ivory remains cool whether the temperature be hot or cold. Keyless Wateh in 16M The first keyless watch was mad* about 1680. Most watches, however, were key-winding well into the Nine? teenth century. Waukegan 111 Dear Santa Please bring me a dy-dee doll (large size,) also a Sewing Set, ear-muffs, - new mittens, a real live Scottie puppy, and please remember all the other little boys and -girls. MARY ANN STOFFEL T ' # S ----- - C O O K I E J A R m 69c Pure white jar with hobnail design all over and blue ! decoration around top. Very useful and ornamental. 6" high. 6'/2" diam. G L O B E *§/; J1JI9 i A 10-in. all-pi rpose globe: • Attractive, eaucational. Has all up-to-date political r changes. An excellent gift . for children and grown-ups. Lady Hibbord FOOD MIXER j13.45 Just the thing for mother. It stirs, whips, beats and mixes. Portable or stationary. Powerful 3-speed moj tor. Rubber cord and plug. ^ CASSEROLE ' AND FRAME A table item of utility. Cook and serve in the same dish. Attractive ivory oven ware. Chromium frame with Bakelite handles. eSi Enjoy crisp, crunchy waffles deiiciously browned. New chromium plated casserole type. 7-in. grid and heat indicator. Cord included. S M O K I N G S T A N D Fumeless ash tray with space enough for four glasses. Polished™ metal with enamel trim Handle makes easy to carry. Crisp popcorn completes the holiday atmosphere. Seamless, lealcproof popping pan. A practical and economical gift for all. B E N C H H A M P E R Attractively modern. Fine weave body. Solid wood bottom. Pearloid top. 19" high. Top l9'/2 x 10'/?". Three assorted colors. 9J INCH PINK GLASS FRUIT A daring new design delicately modeled with all the charm and beautyof clear and sparkling glass. Circular ribbed design in perfect harmonywith modern table appointments. Footed base prevents tipping. Handles for easy handling. Ornamental and ^ practical. 25 WestMaHenry mcRRV LUESES ^ - Variety of styles and colors $1.00 to Evening bags, Compacts, Gold Beads, Rhinestone Clips and Pins. Hand-made liften handkerchiefs if she ic dainty, and you can be certain yon have struck an item on her list. Gay Scarfs and Floweri** Colors to ' 'go with" any costume.. . ' ' Silk Lingerie -- Chiffon and Service Hose Spool Glass Console S«t i, LUNCHEON SETS Choose from Damask, Linen Crash and Gay Plaids... Linen Bridge Sets . . . Guest Towels . . . Lace Table Cloths. " Other Luncheon Sets, 95c-$5%95 Irish Linens, with a smooth, gleaming satin finish . . . Ele- - fsnt pattern . . . Six Napkins. $6-50 American Pattern Salaul Set -- $2.00 • pylWuh Plata# y.;*. ')"*' • Three Tier Chromium Tray Odd Pieces of Glass axHl- China American and Piccidilly Soaps ~ and Bath Salts--50c to $2.00 " Table of 10 15 - 25c Gifts Green Street SHOP IfcHenry, Illinois St.1 • - -• ^

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