Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1937, p. 9

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mamgsm *w-v \ j.V*' 4 " 2 •A •I&aa MUST -* f .<y*A i * * *«*.' '• SI'. s -~l( 'V"' ~.V ^ ^ r -~+jt~~<r ' f'rhr* ' • - >• v^v*>'»r~' *:* • --*'* v Sa'\ " " „ - -gtveifc l*' > • ^ • • • "9f> ""i m :u»W -r. >at4?fv7' .*•'• '•*'• v.,".'"B.."""^'^^'.- •» w^sr-r-t^SFa sr«£5? •V-e,. .' .v.. IJTTLE GIRL ASKS IS | The answer to the little girl's THBS A SANTA OLAUS?", query has proved to be a masterpiece )*nd more reprints of the editorial have ' ^aa0P^ our letters to Santa heen made than "any other newspaper Q«b fcws bays and girls of this vi» article ever written by any newspaefadty we want to tell you about a lit- per writer in any language." The tie girl by the name of Virginia who answer was as follows: km* ** "*^>e ^ York Sun" as fol- "Virginia, your little friends jure _ | wrong. They have been affected by Editor, I am 8 years old. the skepticism of a skeptical age. Some of my little frieodb say there They do not believe except they see. ^ Santa dans. jThey think that nothing can be which a y°» ••• tt to The is not comprehensible by their little ™'Jt 8 s0-' 'minds. All minds, Virginia/ whether •£• gf}**86 me the truth, is there they be men's or children's, are little. • Santa Claus ? In this great universe of ours man is VIRGINIA OUANLON." a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, \K& FRIDAY AND SATURDAY QUALITY GROCERY--FEESH AND SMOKED MEAT * V«.' v " - t ^ •- . i ^/C: as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Re exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the . world would be extinguished. "Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire m Twic* t f l d Tales el IsAsrssi Ttokea From thsVttesaf at Yean Ag» TWENTY YEARS AGO nen The showing of bridal couples with to watch in all the chimneys on Christ- T1 llMinsin n ow * tAh ing of th1e • past, as the mas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but Illinois food administration has aneven if they did not see Santa Claus jounced that such a practice will be coming down, what would that prove ? looked upon as wicked waste in the Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is future. no, s;ign that there is no Santa Clau9. P. J. Dorr, principal of McHenry THe most real things in the world are high school, has resigned and will those that neither children nor men leave Friday for Utica, N. Y., having Senator LEAN SPARE RIBS LEAN PIG PORK LOINROAST CHOICE CHUCK ROAST RING BOLOGNA NAVY BEANS 2 lbs. 21^ bunches BULK BROWN SUGAR BULK POWDERED SUGAR BULK PRUNES, Large size CALIFORNIA CARROTS FANCY CELERY 2 large stalks 1A/4 FANCY CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE 2 Heads , . u-.- • 17-* LARGE SIZE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 6 for .. ' - • • FANCY JONATHAN APPLES "5 lbs. FLORIDA ORANGES FOR JUICJ5, dozen BROCCLI -- I - bunch 25d 25t 26c 19^ Mixed Walnuts--Fresh Vegetables Daily GIBBS9 GROCERY AND MARKET -- Phone 166 Free Delivery Talk « Don't Walk can see. EHd you ever see fairies enlisted his service? in the aviation dancing on the lawn? Of course not, corps and passed a satisfactory exambut that's no proof that they are not ination inChicago, recently.' there. Nobody can Conceive or imag- John Larsen, another product of the ine all the wonders there are unseen McHenry high school, received his and unseeable in the world. * . commission last week as captain of VYou tear apart the baby's rattle the coast artillery. and see *h.t makes the note toside, ^ McHenry (lout and tatf mill, butttere .sa veil cover,,* He unseen ^ b Wm. Spencer, tliat has world wh.rt, not the strongest man, been under repairs for the past three nor even the united strengh of all the WTCk owine^ a bre,t in~he ma. strongest men that ever l.ved, could chine^ resumed operation, on Tuestear apart. Only fancy, p™try, ^ h„ contill^ to ^„d night love romance, can push aside the su- riav B 8 pernal beauty and glory beyond. Is * FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS Americans need to keep steady, as headlines tell of war and the bombing of American ships in the Orient. Now is the time for the people of the United States to exercise the good sense arid level thinking with which they are credited and to face squarely $he facts as they come from day to day. Very seldom do those who encourage the talk of war ever get to the battlefront for it's the doughboy who dies for his country and the taxpayers who pay the bills. To us it would seem the prudent and wisest thing to do to withdraw the nation's activities from the far east at this time for just as surely as our troops, marine^, or vessels remain in those troubled waters some incident will occur to cause great excitement, the results of which we little anticipate. Japan has been more than anxiious to maintain friendly relations with the United States. Then why not help them to maintain this friendship by recalling gunboats and troops and, as Robert -R. Reynolds, Demoforeign lands. We have enough pirates and racketeers In this country without trying to hrtlt after them in other countries. . / > ^ ; • .Bible tai _ Tlbutfotru, the height overlooking Barcelona, Spain, is the legendary Mount of the Temptation. A nearby mountain is Montserrat, Spain's holy place^ conttftning the Castle of the Holy Grail. > Hawks That Steal Chick** Big hawks circling on high quently are blamed for stealing chickens, while the real cttlprS usually are swift-flying varietiM that dart out from woodlands.^> Temperature in Alaska The climatic temperature of AlsfflN ka varies from 60 degrees bekfiF" zero in the winter to 90 degrees above zero in sutrmer. cratic senator from North Carolina1 said, "qujt trying to police the world and quit trying to get rid of piracy 5n, EVERY DAY SCHOOL GIRLS' SPECIALS Permanant Waves in Croquignole complete (M r/\ with Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave $Z«Jv In Spiral or Combinations ..$8.5$ to $12 Beauty Aids For School Girls Only Mar-O-Oil, Fitch's Gleam Shampoos, Rinse, " . Finger Wave, Marcel --.................. .3 for $Lf» Shampoo, Marcel, Arch, Rinse, Haircut, Fingar Wave, Facial, Manicure .,.vjw.... ..3 for $LC# Shampoo and Finger Wave „...w,... Or Singly ...1.:......... Shingle Bob Shampoo, Finger Wave,-Rinse ............ Ringlet End Style or Long Hair Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch, Neckline Trim, Color Rinse ..50c and Me 25c and 35c 3 for 6§c STOMP ANATO'S Phone 641 226 Main St.-- 229 Benton St. for T5e Woodstock, D'. it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this THIRTY YEARS AQO world there is nothing else real and abiding. "No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he ; will continue to make glad the heart feet h^h *nd S1X feet W,de' of childhood." Where Dragon Was Slalli St. George is supposed to have slain the dragon near the shore of St. George's bay, on which stands Beirut. Syrig,. The well into which the dead body of the dragon was cast is pointed out to those who are willing to accept its authenticity. L Herbs That Discharge Seeds Among herbs that discharge their seeds violently ar§ cranesbill, which suddenly rolls up the sections of the pod; jewel weed, which pops its pods at a touch, and one- of the forest smartweeds, whose seeds leap into the air when ripe. Work on the construction of a cement arch bridge over the old mill race out-let is proceeding rapidly. The arch will be forty, feet in length, six The oldi bridge will be filled in and the street widened. An upset lamp caused a fire-scare at the home of G. W. Besley Monday, evening. However the blaze was extinguished before much damage was done. Wm. Simes will open a first-class grocery store in the south half of the John Heimer block in Centerville. The cement tunnel replacing the old mill race bridge on Green street is now completed, making a vast improvement to that part of the thoroughfare. FORTY YEARS AGO Wm. Mosgrove had the misfortune; to put his shoulder out of joint one day last week. It will be alright again in a few days. | W. Geschke, who lives on the old Tower farm, north of Volo, lost his' barns, stacks and sheds by fire, on1 Monday last. The house was only saved by the. superhuman efforts of j the neighbors. I It's a treat for the blues to take a' stroll through the harness shop of Gus' Carlson. One can inspect with delight[ the fijie selection of single and double' harnesses, ornamented with the latest thing in horse novelties and made of the finest material, good workmanship and fully warranted. G. F. Boley has put a new fence around his yard at the brewery. It is a good improvement. IIFTY YEARS AGO JOIN THE WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK Savings Club NO W! Here's the easy way to have some extra gift money next year . . . . join our Christmas Say ing& Club! Start now, establish an account for every member of your family .... make next year's gift shopping easier and a real pleasure. It doesn't take much--a few cents each week will grow intp a tidy stun for next year's Christ* mas shopping. Open an account today, and eliminate this year's worries next year! START JSrOW! SAYif OR FIFTY WEEKS Capt. Walter Hill has moved his family back from the lakes and now occupies his residence in the village. An exchange says: "Never judge by appearances. A shabby old coat may contain an editor, while the man wearing a high-toned plug hat and supporting a dude cane, may be a delinquent subscriber. A. H. Hanly has just finished putting in a furnace in his residence just south of town. J. Pekovsky has taken out a license and opened a saloon in his building, first door south of the post office. He is now running a saloon, restaurant and cigar manufactory. W YEARS AGO We learn that the McHenry pickle factory haves shipped since Sept. 20, fifty car loads of pickles and vinegar, and are constantly working with their force to fill orders that are ahead. About four hundred pounds of fish the first catch through the ice this season, was sold in this village on Monday. The Methodist society of this vil lage are building new sheds in the i rear of their church. 6ur efficient street commissioner has been putting down several new crossings the past week, a much needed improvement. MM »MM Anions: the Sick MM< If Tm Bare $1.M a Week Ytev Get tSI K Yob Save $LM a Week Yea Get $75 HfYoe Save $2.00 a Week Yo<l Get $100 $12$ If Yoa Save $3J00 a Week Yoa Get $150 If Yoa Save $5.00 a Wcdc Yoa Get join rag West McHenry State Bank 'The Bank That Service Built" Mrs. Jay Powers underwent an op- ' eration for appendicitis Friday at St | Anthony's hospital, Chicago. Marguerite Kinsala, employed at the , Variety store, who has been ill for | some time, is again able to be up. M. A. Conway is able to sit up in a i chair for a time each day after his recent serious illness. John F. Claxton, who was 80 on jArmstice Day, has been seriously ill • with heart trouble, but is improving , and able to sit up for a short time each day. George R. Justen, popular young Green street business man, who has |. been seriously ill, is still confined to bed most of the time and very weak at his home here. He will return to St. Th,erese's hospital, Waukegan, on | Friday evening for X-ray examinations. William Bonslett was taken to St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, last week, where he underwent an opera- 1 tion' Friday. He was later given a blood transfusion and his condition is serious. Mrs. Fred Karls is again able to be 'up in a chair for a time each day after her serious illness. Ptaindealer Want Ads Bring Results ristmas res Give Something the Whole Family Can Enjoy la the list below we offer many helpful suggestions to the shopper at this holiday m non. There is nothing that can be found that can be enjoyed by as many people as furniture. It is a gift that will last for years. Make your selections at this store. Beautiful Cedar Chests A gift that any lady in the house Would appreciate. Elegantly finished and prigftd very reasonable. V DRESS UP THE PARLOR ' - "With one of these 2-piece Suites. TCiere'g - r for here at very low cost. - -9 - 'A aliiiM-- LAUrSS We have them in every sise and type. Floor Lamps, Stand Lamps, Bridge Lamps •Just ask as! SMOKERS Just the thing for Dad or the other male member of the family.:r" ijpwi SECRETARIAL DESK With bookcase and plenty of drawer room "'VM OCCASIONAL and LOUNGE CHAIRS Here's something that END TABLE will make any member A hkndy piece that of the household happy. Priced very moderately. every home needs. .'S Hdw about a new 1938 FRIGID AIRE Wouldn't mother be pleased with one of these wonderful modern refrigerators? Let us quote the low prices o& Frigidaires. OTHER SUGGESTIONS Free - Westinghouse Electric Sewing Machines. ABC Washers and Ironer* Ottomans Ooffee Tables Cocktail Tables Breakfast Sets Carpet Sweepers Vacuum Cleaners Occasional Tables Lamp Tables Pier Cabinets Kitchen Cabinet Inner Spring Mattresses -Pictures Rugs Rockers Hassocks Mirrors Hampers Pillows Bedroom Suites" -•Dining Room Suites Card Tables v JKnee-hole and other Desks 2>esk Chairs FOR CHILDREN Sleds Doll Carriages Table and Chair • Set* •" - Velocipedes •'w Autos Rockers and Chairs Wafoas Green and Elu^Streets McHenry, Illinois •w. t ' A*.

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