Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1937, p. 2

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• J, S : \ - J.: . fefcv ':'^sci tifc-'.' •--/ v. T ,jl, '? *• < fr, - ' "• * . 4 "Tr '^'Ti ("t sf ', *•" TtftYwo TBB MoBuntr plahhmucb *,-\£y. - »>& • .- * ~}•Z-' ' PERSONALS Qity Council fe ^.rtt. " ' , v i v*<, -J1. C*/" ' ""' Mr*. Kate Barbian spent Tuesday in Chicago. . Miss Gladys Frits of B|ta visited iriends here Sunday. Mrs. George Miller and Children and Urs. John Stilling were in Chicago 'Wednesday to see Santa Claus. They met Mrs. Miller's brother, Fr. Walter Conway, and he returned with them for a days' visit here. , Miss Bell Carey of Elgin is visiting this week in the R. I. Overton home. Thomas A. Bolger spent the first of 'the week at Springfield. Robert Knox spent the first of the •Week at Galena and Mt. Carroll. > Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton and Miss Belle Carey spent Tuesday in Chicago. *---^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak I Public Service Company Iferk spent Sunday here. j Public Service Company Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming ofj Public Service Company Winthrop Harbor visited the Mi&sesJ Public Service Company Fleming Sunday. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter; (Sara, visited the former's brother, - William Bonslett, at St Th^j^e's haspftal. Sunday. „ Council Room, Dett (, 1937. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Kreutaer. Absent: None. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Ferwerda, that the minutes of the previous regular meeting and the minutes of the special meeting, held November 15, be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Buss, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Public Service Company $ 68.20 .... 1.90 Thursday, December 16, 'V* Vernon J. Knox, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ektate of Frank Steinsdoerfer, Deceased. The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Frank Steinsdoerfer, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 24th day of January, A. D. 1938, at LILT LAKE which time all persons having claims T A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' ao-nirust qSiH a™ w»_l League was held Tuesday at the home deluudedd ^twtoi Tbiir^thdraZy !ca?k eWs. hlTClinh1o sMer.! and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were at ^ Ust -i^lay. 01 A.D. IMS, at| Wegener Saturday. Games, singing' Hobart Swan at the Methodist church which time all persons having claims|and dancing was enjoyed by all, and)at Mundelein last Thursday."" against said Estate are notified and • -- •••«-- •» --1«-*-«- »- I requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' Dated this 14th of December, A, I). 1987. 1 GLENN W. WELLS, B. I. OVERTON, Executors. 804 * against said Estate are notified and re- rf af?e held Tuesday at the hom< quested to attend for the purpose of'°f. Mr8, Joscph Daly in Grayslake l i >« . . - _ _ KM VAC WAVA WAM k.« lf«« T)» Need Rubber Stamps? flaindealer. Orferat The 71,861 14:92 wear nole$ in these " socks 87,42 . 6.S9 {5.0O Bccau*eTTi«yVe BY WILSON BROTHER? WitK exfrd reiiitoielements woven info heel and +oe As advertised in Good -Housekeeping. Freund, Fireman 50* ser- FX7 1 Week Days 7:20 -- 9.20 JPRIDAlr -- SATURDAY Doable Feature! Bobby Breen in ^"HAKZAWISH" George O'Brien in (2) "Hollywood Cowboy" SUNDAY -- MONDAY DECEMBER 19 - 20 Shirley Temple Jean Hersholt •HEIDI" Also--Comedy - Cartoon Sunday Matinee News 3:15 Continuous 10c (1) <2) TUESDAY • Double Feature 20c 'Life of The Party" 'Idol of the Crowds'1 WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY •BREAKFAST FOR TWO' v; IS®-,-. h; - woooaroca MILLER LAST TIMES TONITE Gladys George in "MADAME X" Laurel & Hkrdy in BEAU-HUNKS' FRIDAY ONLY Ladies Dinnerware Nite Joan Fontaine -- Nino Martini "MUSIC FOR MADAME" SATURDAY ONLY Matinee at 2:30 Ann So them in 'There Goes The Groom" --and John Iitel -- Ann Sheridan •ALCAT&RZ ISLAND" J9UNDAY AND MONDAY Continuous from 2:30 Sunday Dick Powell -- Fred Waring and an All-Star Cast "VARSITY SHOW" Color Cartoon -- Latest News Public Service Company James B. Clow & Sons, Water hydrant Standard Oil Company, Oil for sewer t.'. Mayme Buss, Commission, clerical service, etc. ...................... J John J. Vycital, Waterworks supplies y American Nat'l, Bank & Trust, Co., Bond service American Nat'l. Bank &'Trust Co., Interest on bond R. I. Overton Motor Sales, Sewer maintenance Walter J. Freund, Oil for sewer Hienry C. Kamholz, Sewer supplies Salaries: John B. Wirtz, Marshall service Peter Wirfs, Police service .. W. C. Feltz, Caretaker street service ! Fred C. Feltz, Caretaker of sewer service Miller Coal & Ice Co., Hauling gravel M. M. Niesen, Supt. service John Smith, Hauling gravel .... I Downs Motor Express, Hauling meter j | Adams Repair Shop, Welding .. McHenry Plaindealer, Printing j envelopes ! Mort F. Ritt, Repairing clocks I McHenry Lumber Co., Coal for j City Hall ;John Stilling, Gas for fire .truck j Fuller Brush Co., Brushes Lester J. Page, Fireman service! Theodore Miller, Fireman service_ Augustine service Harold Hobbs, Fireman vice * [Kenneth Granger, Fireman service A, Neptune Meter Co., Meter repairs Frank Rossman, Labor .on streets ...... Fred Miller, Labor on streets .. Wm. Kreutzer, Work for city Frank Rossman, Work for city Ernest Miller, Work for city Raymond Howard, Jr., Work for city Robert Conway, Work for city Robert Patzke, Work for city .. Linus Newman, Work for city Ernest Miller, Spreading sand Freddie Miller, Spreading sand Wm. Kreutzer, Spreading sand Wm. Kreutzer, Work for city Robert Conway, Labor on waterworks Clarence Regner, Labor on waterworks ; Roy Pankanin, Labor on wat* erWorks Mothers Chib, Upkeep on Public Library i....v. Western United Gas & Electric Telephone Bill Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. I Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Freund, that the Collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Kreutzer, that the Clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Ferwerda, to adopt resolutions as read, limiting the number of tavern licenses in the city. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Kreutzer, to have notice published in The McHenry Plaindealer requesting citizens of McHenry to notify city officials if peddlers call upon them and are unable to produce licenses issued by the city clerk. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Bolger, that Alderman Buss be instructed to secure information on renting light fire truck until arrange ments can be made to purchase new truck for rural districts adjoining the city of McHenry. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Ferwerda, that city of McHenry pay $50 towards the upkeep of the Public Library. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Buss, that the city clerk present resolutions to the State of Illinois, Division o: Highways, that the city council of Mc Henry spend approximately $6,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Funds to black-top road on John Street* commencing at Green Street, pointing eastward approximately 1700 feet in direction of McHenry Country Club. Ayes--Bolg er, Buss. Freund, Regner. Nays--Fer werda, Kreutzer. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund that the resolution pertaining to improvements on John Street be accepted. Ayes--Bolger, Buss, Freund, Regner. Nays--Ferwerda, Kreutzer. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded 50.55 95.81 having the same adjusted. All persons 1.86 j indebted to said Estate are requested 158.181 to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day* of December, AD. 1987. 29-3 FETTER KOOB, Executor. Theodore L. Hamer, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Bstate of David G. Wells, Deceased | The undersigned, Executors of the 600.00 i last Will and Testament of David G. . j Wells, deceased, hereby give notice .. 16.26, that they will appear before the Coun 2.55 5.10 110.00 95.001 100.001 75.00! 13.50 50.00 4.731 .50 33775 5.00 13.78 I.27 5.83 6,00 3.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 17.62 2.60 1.60 9.60 6.40 j 9.60 j 800 6.00 II.20 12.001 7.20 2.00 J 5.20; 3.80 j ?.60 6.60! 6.00 50.00 3.42 4.20 ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstockon the present were Christina Wegener, a daughter, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs Alex Wirfs of Lily Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero; Mrv and Mrs, Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw of Grayslake; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch, Josephine Dosch, all of Lily Lake, and Gus Hansen of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh and son, Richard, of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wrublewski. Mrs. J. Boyko spent Sunday at her place of business herje. Prizes were won by Mrs. Elmer Ros- SLOcuars lake ene of Grayslake and Mrs. George J. Wegener of Lily Lake. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most en- ,, _ , joy able afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Gus Lipfeft spent Thursday at his ?*tty°f^aPl%?"v 8pent ®?,nplace of business. ^ ^°?da^,at the home of Mr „ •. ' „ ^ , - and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koob wert visi-. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner <ind tors in Chicago Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams of Johnsburg Of, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick spent last Wednesday at the home of ' j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gruby in Chi-. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and cago. daughter, Josephine, were Chicago visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry L. Miller of Cicero Wednesday. On Thursday t|jey were Mrs. Herbert Schroeder of Wauconda was a caller last Friday at the home of Mr. and Birs. Earl Converse. ., : v Mr. and Mr»s•. Jvaocvka Gvvecaatr yjr cvtatltllel d on dinner gviests at the home of Mr. and relatives at Wauconda Saturday Mi,A' i?Ul J Schweighofer- j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews at- A birthday party was held on Geo.' tended the funeral services of Mr TUESDAY, BARGAIN NITE Special Xmas Added Attractions "TRADER HORN" Request Return Showing WEDNESDAY ONLY Special Xmas Nite! Bring Your Coupons! * Dolores Del Rio in "LANCER SPY" Kreutzer, ried. - . by to adjourn. Motion car* Half-Breed--Hybrid A half-breed is a person or animal born or descended from different races or breeds. A hybrid is an animal or plant derived from crossing two different species. A mongrel dog is the offspring of two different breeds of dog; but the offspring of a tiger and a lion is a hybrid. A loganberry is a hybrid derived from grafting a raspberry with a blackberry. Need Rubber Stamps I Order-at TOie Plaindealer. „ Mrs. Burnett spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder of Grayslake were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mm Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. R. Zimmer and daughter, Joan,, of Palatine were visitors at the home of Henry Geary last Friday evening. Chesney Brooks spent last Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen of Barreville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill Sunday. Mrs. Wilbur Cook spent *last Friday at the home of Miss Orissa Brown at Wauconda. , .Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters; Jennie, Ethel and Marion, spent Saturday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer of McHenry were Sunday visitors at the home of Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser of Round Lake were callers at Woodstock on Monday. A. W. Fose of Libertyville was a caller at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Foss, last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Marion, and Miss Stella Dowell spent : ' »mday afternoon at the home of Mfe Mjd^Mra. Harry Rehberg at DiamonK. ^ Bfllie Foea wis among the Agricofaf ' * to*al class of the W.T.H. S. who companied George Stagg to Sycamore . ' > last Saturday on a corn judgtog eon*^ r ^ : J A De Faeto Govaraaaat A de facto government la a gov- 0, eminent which is actually exiercis*"':: ing governing power in a particular territory, irrespective of its legal; - authority. De facto government iilv'-' distinguiahed from de Jure goverml 1 ment, the latter being a government which exists by legal right or by iz>^ ternational recognition. >:-• -- MEN WANTED -- $75 a month paid to many men at first and more later. Local manager of nationally known company wants to hire several men for work in this locality. Deliver orders to farmers, render service and do other Work. Firm experience very desirable. Car necessary. Permanent work. You only need to give your name and address. Address Box 5534, care of this paper. Name; Addrdsp • S-3 A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article Until CHRISTMAS rir Buy N«w See Window Display Deferred Payments Desired Buy Now OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHR18TMA8 JUSTENS WHERE IDEAL CHRISTLOW YOB?* A genuine LANE Cedar Chest PRICED "~wHh guaranteed moth protection Give something this Christinas that will be an everyday source of pleasure for many years to come. Furniture brings lasting comfort to all the family. MERRY Add Cheer and Light to your home with a beau tiful indirect Lamp. 17 35 to $17*0 CHRIST MA0! WINDOWS S @ Furniture Solves the Gift Problem. Q *2-85 --13-00 and $5.50 each £ A wide variety of Living Room Suites with beauty, style and quality at remarkable prices. -- 2-Piece Suites -- $75-00 and up Studio Couches for Moderns, rhe smartest thing in the modern home and the handiest. rOR THE CHILDREN: WE SUGGEST: Doll Carriages Velocipedes Sdhu-Flys Chairs and Rockers Doll High Chairs Black Boards Taylor Tots Seven Drawer Walnut Desks $18 00 to $38 00 $27.00 n $43.50 Occasional Tables, Sewing Cabinets, Rugs, Secretary and Flat Top Deeks^ Radio TaUea, ^Commodes, Cocktail and Coffee Tables, Boudoir Chairs -- Pictures -- 40c to $4.00 ilirrora -- $1.00 to $14.0* Smoken -- $1.00 to $10.50 Waste Paper Baskets, Dinette Sets, Kitchen Utility Ckbinet », Tilt-Top Card Tables, and ffaseocioi -- A super-Christmas Gift offer on Kroehler Living Room Furniture. Wt more happiness into your home with a Kroehler Living Room Suite Choose from beautiful new styles and latest designs. 2-Piece Suites at $75, $78-50, $83-50, $100 and $135- J & Main Street (Next Door to West McHenry State Bank) ^Telephone McHenry 63-W West McHenry, Illinois ?

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