Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1937, p. 6

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• m• ' ¥ v ...v, . ~* :• v 'if V' > 1" ;» W.-. *» » P4y>«ssw- 4 «»* »» IVw-w &>*•*' '<* J- <• •••'•<•» r ^ "»«<«?•' «,. rS !T" ' ^ '. . ,r •'•* • •• • ' • ..v!; *, t . . v. . , , , - 1 ' . Ivnf »'•. , * •* 1 **.•?+A* ^^«~wa>H#*','l"lWllft'^*'«-'- '• ^cv i ^ J ^ ^ .*» w r , ,, t . • J 1 i«. I HE M'HENRY PLAINDEAJLER a • 7;. Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F~ Eenick. ' Entered as seoond-class mattwr at the postoffice at McHenry, I1L, under Ike act of Mfcy 8, 1879. One Year Six Months ..... -.$2.00 .fl.QO I A. K. Moeant Mfur ud vma Lillian Ssyler, Local Editor -- -- -- -- Telephone 197 jc 'V fy- ,; tr i CARD OF THANKS - We desire in this manner to extend Ottr thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for assistance and expressions of sympathy during our ^Msent bereavement. William A. Frett, ' _ Mrs. John Feilen, Henry .Frett, Mrs. Harry Rankin, Bernard Frett, ^ Albert Frett, : Edward Frett. • !•!•*•&••. :iM7 c^TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE joThis is an opportune time of the year to add Towing and Road Service coverage to your automobile policy. For three dollars we will tow you,, even $K>m your own premises. „: , )lEarl R. Walsh, Insurance, Phone 4$. Give Him Several - Santa Himself BY WI LSON BROTHERS Smartly tolled seamlcsr Oba n Collar...tapered V shaped waist SAYS: ros SALS FOR SALE--Dr. Salisbury's Potfltry Remedies. Bring us your poultry problems. Farmers Mill, Phone 29. 14-fcf ALFALFA, TIMOTHY AND STRAW FOR SALE--Weights and grade guaranUfcd. Write us for delivered prices. Chicago Hay Co., 4201 So. Emerald Ave., Chicago. 21-13 wood, 111., or place your orders by calling McHenry 170. „ 80 FOR SALE--160 White Giant Chickens; Pullets or tJockerels. Price, 60c each. Keefe Bros., Spring, Grove, 111. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Small and large farms. J. B. Kelter, Fourth and Main streets, McHenry; Call 98-M. 26-tf MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. FOR SALE--Murphy's Cut Cost Pig Smith. Plion. 167 or 631-M-l. 2-tt and Hog Balancer, $2.75 per 100 lbs.1 MONEY TO LOAN--We can loan Phone 29, Farmer's Mill. 26-tf ^ money at 4%% for 10 years on a first ' , . „ mortgage to practical farmers; no GOOD WILL SPECIALS - (commission; free examination of farm, Must have room by First of Year to (borrower to furnish good title with abhandle many more trade-ins on 1938 stracts. No trustee notes. You deal line. ' with a very reliable insurance com- 1937--Buick DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan, pany that loans out of its own funds. Run only 13,000 miles; Built-in | Tel. 300, McHenry. Stqifel & Reihan- V : . luggage spfkee $795.00, sperger. 24-6 RURAL TEACHERS HOLD MEETING 1936--Buick DeLuxe 4-Door Trunk Sedan; Radio, heater; Run 20,000 miles .". .,,....,....$675.00 1936--Buick DeLuxe 4-Door Trunk Sedan: Radio, heater, new tires; .**.•. . : Run 22,00'J miles .......... $675.00 ^aJers of McHenry met 1936--Terraplane DeLuxe Brougham ^ th.€ T«rra Cottft sc'?°o1 Dec' 9" .Th* : Sedan; Run only 19,000 miles; | ^ar b_"?mes« meeting was conduct- Good Will Guarantee .... $545.00,ed ^,.Mlss. Sem.ce Smith atod a 1936--Plymouth 2-Door DeLuxe Trunk!.I»n«sl ^iscuwipn w?s held on curricu- , Sedan...!: :. $495,001 •building. . - • '1986--Chrysler 4-Door Trunk Sedan; Xt Ied m}°, interesting ex- Heater and radio $595.00 fences of the old schoo and to the 1936--Dodge 4-Door Trunk Sedan; Ke?f ree of value the ^hlld- ac" New tires and heater .... $575.00 ^ Pr°?ram waf outlined by Mrs. 4-Door Trunk Sedan; Ethel C- Coe' county supermtendent. Corks floated in a vase of water in which there are a few flowers will keep flowers in place. Opm,c»4mteAi>L,*. bottom instead of from the top. It is much easier to remove asparagus if can is opened in this way. • f • When separating the yolks from the whites of eggs break them over a funnel and the whites will pass through, leaving the yolks in the funnel. • * It is always'*.jgood-plan to place the piano a few inches from the wall of a room, especially if it is against a damp outside wall. The dampness coming through often ruins the tone of an instruments • «»• - • • • • * The temperature of the modern house is to6 Tvdt'"ftlf" fhe growing of geraniums in the house, and the air too dry. They should be kept in a cool place Twfcere there i4 plenty of moisture in this air. The kitchen window is a goofa plice because the steam from the cook stove provides them with juSt enough moisture. East and west windows are best. C Associated Newsp^oeji.--WNU Service. 1935--Dodge New tires, heater; Low mileage; Good Will Guarantee; A good buy $475.00 ... , . , 1994--Buick DeLuxe Coupe; With | »°?LallS' *n.d W'nturi'jr. radio -- " $385 00' Mrs. Doherty, who was present as a 1934--Ford Convertibie Coupe; Good peat' plated her experience from a tjres $240 00 *ormer teacher s and a mothers point 1934--Chevrolet 4-Door DeLuxe Se-,of A vj®w* .. .. . , . . dan; New paint, new tires, new Mter meeting^ refreshments Guarantee $325.00 ^ere served m the holiday manner by 1933-Oldsmobile 4-Door Trunk Se- ^e graces hostess Miss Mabel dan; Six wheel equip.; Must be Knox> teacher of Terra «Cotte sch°o1 seen to be appreciated .. $285.00 1933--Dodge 4-DoOr DeLuxe Sedan; The teachers in turn expressed their opinions of the new school as to their value to the child physically, mentally, ^ buelU&lqion* JACK and Ellen Dyson couldn't find a thing for which they could be thankful and merry this Christmas--Jack out of work and Ellen with so little in the house left for meals. But to make matters worse, shortly after Jack left, Ellen missed the emerald setting out of her ring. She hadn't worn it for a long time but it had been, her greats AlrOTHKR MeHnntY LANDMABK DISAPPEARS Another old landmark disappeared when the blacksmith shop on the Fred Beller property, at the corner of Green and Waukegan streets, was torn down during the past wealc in an effort to improve and beautify the location. The shop wag built by Peter Schoewer soon after he came to McHenry about fifty years ago,and never changed owners until the property was sold to Fred Beller a few years agp. In the olden days the shop was the scene of much activity as Mr. Schoewer was a busy, blacksmith, as well as wagonmaker and in the days before electric ^motors, his saw and plane were operated by horsepower. ounn DIES AT FASH HOM^ Mrs. Frank Grosser, 68 years oldj^r died suddenly Wednesday morning, '/ Dec. 15, at her farm home, west o£ • this city. Although she had been ii»< • poor health for some time Mrs. ser had not been ill and her sudde% passing came as a great shock to family and friends. f Margaret Engels, the daughter of^J? Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Engels/'^at born at Spring Grove on Dec. 4, 1871, :" where she naad^ her bane until her ; r marriage to Prank GWEsseiL Tor th% past thirty yeats they have resided oft . • the f*rm which they purchased from D. E. Sayler. A" ^ She is survived by her husband ; Hie work of razing the building was'three sons, Will at home, Walter of^ done by Herbert Freund and his men, ( Woodstock and Raymond of Wauke*' / gan, and three brothers, Stephen, Wil» V liam and John of Spring Grove. A sonr, George, and a brother, Jai* 1 > cob, passed away several years ago. Funeral services will be held at 1Q • a. m., Saturday at St. Mary's church# who have cleared the old lumber away and the corner already has a neat appearance. Plans are being discussed to create a park district on the Beller property and Peter M. Justen, who is in charge of Mr. Belter's interests here states that, it is Mr. Beller's hope that the property may be improved and beautified. : Order your fcubber Stamps . at "The Plaindealer. .• with burial in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, chairman of the.? .* sale of Christmas seals, requests thai people will assist the good cause by'v.; using the seab and remitting for theni !. as soon as possible. . Good Condition; Good Good Will Guarantee .. tires; Fire, of unknown origin,.caused considerable damage to the Joseph Maki $250 00 c°ttage in Maiman's Lakeside subdivi- • * J sion, near Wauconda, late Monday aft- MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM,ernoon of Iast week- The Wauconda Extra Easy Terms fire department hurried to the scene R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES " Buick and Pontiac McHenry, Illinois in response to a call sent in by neighbors, after they had discovered smoke coming through the roof the building. The Wauconda fire fighters found the upper interior of the cottage all FOR SALE)--The former Math Rauen ablazer and only very efficient work house in Spring Grove, also approx-; «aved the structure from total loss, imately 64 acres of farm land adjoin- ,Neafb/buildings would also have been ing the John Bierlotzer farm, East of Pe"led had the blaze not been placed Twin Lakes, also Bank Building at un^rJontr<J }n the mck of^e- Mf' Spring Grove. Charles H. Albers, Re- and Mrs- Makl r> «wners °L f th* c^ ceiver, Care United State Bank, Crys- were in Wfiikegan when the ftre tal Lake 111 30-1 broke out, and knew nothing of their ' • loss until they returned home late in PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY--For the evening. Mr. Maki said the damthose, Fine, Tender, Delicious White age to building and furniture would Rock Chickens. Order your Holiday run close to $3,000, part of which is supply now. Leonard Franzen, Ring- covered by insurance. Jack and Ellen Joined Hands and Danced About in Their Joy. est consolation--if the "worst came to worst"--it could be sold. "Five presents here and they aren't from the five and ten, either, Jack! I know, you took my emerald to buy these, didn't you?" "You honestly think that of me, Ellen? If that's the way you feel, all right, think what you please!" Neither of them realized that they were hardly accountable for their mutual lack of understanding. Tears fairly blinded Ellen as she went out to bring in the little red hen, her offering for the holiday dinner. Then suddenly she caught sight of the' familiar emerald--there in the little red hen's insides was hidden the gem she had thought poor Jack had taken. In a moment she went to' her knees before her husband. "Forgive? Why, Ellen dear, it certainly did look bad for me, no wonder. If I'd not been a stubborn fool I'd have gone on and explained myself. You see, darling, on the street today I found a packet of bonds and when I returned them to their owner, he gave me twenty dollars as a reward and a job!" Even an old grouch would haVe had to grin had he seen Jack and Ellen then join hands and dance about in their joy for a merry, lucky Christmas! ® Western Newspaper Union. Friday and Saturday - SPECIALS - CRANBERRIES ^ 15d ORANGES Sunkist, Medium size, dozen -- 18«t HARD CANDY--- Christmas mix, pound . , ! . .^,15^ CHOCOLATE CANDY » 5-pound box $1.00 MIXED NUTS --- Fancy, pound ... •. 51... zw PECAN MEATS Halves, pound ..... \ 49e PORK ROAST - Small loins, pound -- 20c SIRLOIN STEAK ; Extra choice, pound : ..... ... 28^ OYSTERS ' Extra Standards, pint . 25 <t Barbian Bros. Phone 180 We Deliver Riverside Drive 4-m, Green Street j Phone 40 "The Christmas Store ySi ft*' :ars Ingersoll Watches and Clocks Large Assortment of Wrist Watches" ' 'What boy or girl don't want a wa^ch for Christina*?" $1.00 and ^ in Christmas boxes ---- all makes, 25d and up CIGARETTES All kinds Nicely wrapped TOBACCO Prince Albert - Velvet Briggs - Union Leader Granger - Edgeworth .. ,|n pounds and VrPOunds :ious Prayer Books - Rosary Beads - Crucifixes - St. Christopher MeMt^ "N&klaoe* • ZtaU Compacts A new Compact i^ever fails to please! Evening in Paris Lentheric ' Hundreds to Choose From m 5-lb. bx. $1.60 As usual we are Candy Headquarters for McHenry Christmas Candy » Can-,, dy Canes - Box Candy of all descriptions--Whitman's - Stover'9 ',-<Jobel i n ' s -- ' Tou Must Have Candy at Christmas ?^nej POCKET BOOKS -- BILL FOLDS KEY HOLDERS -- TOBACCO POUCHES Manicure Sets --The biggest selling gift of the year- Complete line of Cutex, G1&90 •nd La Crosse Manicure Sets ' « -Men Always Like a Gift of Leather* Traveling Toilet Kits Military Brushes Ivory Dresser Sets Perfume Alarm Clocks THE NICEST GIFT OF ALL! Lentheric's - Tweed - Shanghai ELECTRIC Gardenia - Miracle - Evening in ALARMS Paris - Yardley's - Coty'g Toilet Water - Cologn# ^ 98c tO. We will be glad to help you in your selection! > A. > L . 25c to $5.00- the man with more than one pipe - Pound Tobacco in Cedar Chests "livery pipe smoker enjoys more than one pipe." For your selection we have the largest stock of pipes in McHenry County Medico's - Yello Bowls - Kay Woodies - Dr. Grabow Flashlights -- Bath Powder -- Fountain Pens -- Kodaks Books -- Cigarette Lighters -- Book Ends

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