Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1937, p. 6

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Z„ ';.& I ' *: J ,\v V MoHXIVBY FUUlfDlALM • •-•>!. >:: L-; -, •: ,/.• • - •i-:;-. 'i«5 • ; f )T y< - v . >y* Hi •'t A ] r#' , ?«f; ,r- >' r i-'S" xr'i - y / " :*•• • i'.. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY ••••y*-*- _____ DECEMBER SI---- "' " HOOT'S TAVERPT McHenry, HI. - Jtfusie by Wilevs Orchestra Eoutel2 DINE AttP DANCE NOISE MAKK$| AIO) NOVELTIES Turkey Dinner, 75c A. E.NOONAN, Prop. OUR SERVICE IS ALWAYS IN SEASON • • * For we're always ready to help you when you visit us. So when we say 'Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,' we are expressing what we wish for you every day! PETERSON MOTORS ' / i ^ * "V i BEAUTIFUL ITEMS AS LOW AS 50<^ ^ Last Day Shoppers > •Mr, Come and See Them! With Best Wishes and tiie Season's Greetings. Phone 123-J West McHenry HOMESTEAD TEA ROOM North West Corner Green & Wm Streets GERTRUDE BOEHLKE, Prop. HOME COOKING AND BA] Our Specialty is Southern Fried Chicken and Sizzling) Steaks done to your liking--Once tried, Never forgotten. HOT SANDWICHES PLATE &7NCHEB Good Silex Coffee tops any Meal, Table and Counter Service pake your Home at tit; Homestead Thank You and Season's Greetings POINSETT AS CUT FLOWERS JPUEATHS Bring the charm and beauty of colorful Nature into at Christmas time. -Our Selection is Unusually Large- Poinsettas $100 and up: Wreaths, Evergeen and Ruskus...... $1.00 and up Evergreen Grave Blankets $1.00 and up -Place your order early. We deliver.- Floral Co. fv ' £ r-; Main Street West McHenry Fame of Paisley Traced; Oriflnatad in Cakhmare The Paisley pattern, one of fashion's favorites, traces its Scots name by devious route and reopens a forgotten chapter in history. The beautifully blended design originated in Cashmere, India, whose natives made a specialty of exquisite wraps, hand-woven from the fine long fleece of the Cashmere goat. Into every garment, covered with almost fairylike tracery, went years of patient toil and skill. From India the shawls reached Egypt by the old trade routes. The enterprising folk of Paisley, in Renfrewshire (noted for centuries as weavers), saw the possibilities in the hand-wrought Indian article, and their efforts to reproduce the pattern on their looms met with success. From this achievement, according to a writer in the New York Times, grew an industry whose story is one of the romances of commerce. The business evolved frorn an idea, on through the stage of world renown and to virtual extinction within eighty years; but in its boom days shawls were manufactured to the value of $5,000,000 and some of them sold for $100. Paisley haS been a place of weaving. since the Seventeenth century, when practically every cottage in the surrounding shire, as; well as in the town itself, had its hand loom and attendant workers in lineh arid wool. . .:: • ' Though Paisley was founded by the Romans in 84 -A!. D.t the village really grew up around the abbey started in 1163 by Walter Fitzalan, first high steward of Scotland and founder of the royal Stuart dynasty. It was Marjory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, who married Walter, the sixth steward, and their son, King Robert II, was the first of a line of sovereigns that ruled Scotland for five centuries. Robert II was buried in Paisley abbey in 1406, and in 1888 Queen Victoria honored his house by placing a monument over his grave. Tiger, Zebra Butterflies Named Because of Color Butterflies were given their name because of the yellowish color of so many of them, making them look like butter. Besides the yellows, there are many other families of butterflies. Among these are the meadowbrowns, the longbeaks and the swallowtails. The swallowtails are so named because of the points which jut out from their hind wings. These points have been thought to resemble a swallow's tail. The swallowtail family is itself divided into many branches. The tigers, the blues, the blacks, the zebras and the giants are some of the branches, according to an authority in the Detroit News. The black swallowtail is found in almost every section of southern Canada and the United States. When eggs of the blacks hatch, the caterpillars feed on the leaves of such vegetables as carrots, parsnips and parsley. After becoming butterflies, they flit about for two months or so before death overtakes them. The blue swallowtail is one of the prettiest butterflies in North America. The hind wings are largely covered With blue - green scales which glisten in the sunlight. The front wings are darker, and have white spots on them. Tiger swallowtails are striped yellow and black. The "zebras" are striped with green and black and have longer "tails" than most members of the group. The giant swallowtail is the larg-, est in its family. It sometimes has a wingspread of close to five inches. There are larger butterflies in the world.. RINGWOOD ited at his hone here over the Irakend. *• ' « Mr. ahd Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin spent Son- Mr,. |K«y PMer. entertained the ^th the litter-. Mf- «•»* Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wed- Mr8' Jepsonnesday afternoon. Prises were award- ®^rs* Wallace Kruse held a party ed to Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. B. T. for her elecution pupils at her home Butler.- • ,in Richmond Saturday afternoon. The Harrison, Charles and Ridge-' The Home Bureau will hold a card field schools will attend a Christmas Par*y at the C. L. Harrison home on music festival at the Ringwood school, Tuesday evening, Dec. 28. All are Wednesday, Dec. 22. , invited. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Dorothy, family were visitors at Woodstock oh of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Saturday evening. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia. Mrs. Roy Neal spent Friday Rev. Collins conducted services at Saturday in Chicago. ' ' the County Poor Farm at Hart land, Mrs. Libbie Ladd was & Chicago via- Sunday afternoon. itor Friday. I -Mrs. 3. W. Brown, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrill, were visfamily were visitors at Waukegan on itors at Elgin Tuesday. Thursday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrieh and Roy Neal, Sr., was a visitor ia family spent Sunday with the former's Woodstock Sunday afternoon. * I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wiedrieh. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons Ethel Jones and Warren Jones of Mc- spent Sunday afternoon with Louis Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Floyji Foss of Pitzen at Pistakee Bay. Richmond and Wayne Foss were Sun-! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrieh spent day dinner guests of Mrs. Rilla Foss. Sunday with the latter's parents at Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Richmond. son, Alfred, spent 'Thursday evening! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr of Kalin the Peter Weingart home at Mc-^amazoo, Mich., accompanied the body Henry. - ;of the former's father, Joe Carr, who Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Wood- was brought here for burial Tuesday, stock spent Sunday in the Wm. Mc- They returned home Thursday. Mr. Cannon home. Her husband is spend- and Mrs. Robert McLean, Gu$ Vogel ing a few days in the McCannon home, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin of Wood-! Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and son of stock also attended the funeral of Mr. Woodstock spent Sunday wit]^ her Carr. - grandparents, vMr~y and Mrs. - S. H. j Greenwood and Ringwood churchep Seatty. ; ; [combined and held a Christmas pan- Mrs. Viola Low and family, and Mrs. tomine at the Greenwood church Stin. Gus Carlson and family were Wood- day evening. They will hold it at stock visitors Saturday. lthe Ringwood church next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ellsworth and evening. ** children of Gary spent the weekend in Mr. Muzzy and Bernice Smith treatthe B. T. Butler home. ed the pupils of their school rooms Harold Jepson of Winnebago and by taking them to the movies at Mc- Mildred Jepson of Evanston sfierit the Henry to see Shirley Temple in weekend with her parents, Mr. and "Heide." Mrs. C. J. Jepson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young spent Roland Jackson .of ^Richmond was a Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Sunday dinner guest in the home of j Young. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wm. Wurtzinger, Woodstock, spent Beatty. | the weekend with his wife and daugh- Mary Ann Wiedrieh, daughter of.ter in the Lonnie Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wiedrieh, Jr., is Mr. and Mrs. 9. W. Smith and ill with diphtheria. j daughter, Bernice, and Pearl and Miss Marion Peet of Greenwood. Esther Smith spent Saturday afterspent Sunday with her parents and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Marble at Greenwood. Mrs. Ernest Snyder and Mr. noon at Woodstock. FIRE AT HOME '•JWorts tavern, west of tile railroad tracks, was damaged by fire last Thursday evening when an oil burher children!was knocked over. The local fire de spent Sunday afternoon at Richmond. | partment was called and succeeded in Mr. and Mrs. George Young were j extinguishing the fire, although the in- Elgin visitors Friday afternoon. terior was badly damaged by smoke Joseph Vaillancourt of Chicago vis-1 and water.. v • A ^ 1938 . PINK HARRISON * ' INVITES YOU TO OKLEHR^TK New Year's Eve at Pistakee Bay GOOD FOOD SPLENDID DKINKS GOOD MUSIC, Y ONE-HALF FRIED CHICKEN PLATE LUNCH 50c ; KOISEMAKERS AND EVERYTHING - NATIONS ACCEPTED # PISTAKEE 323 A WILLARO "RESERVE OPACITY'BATTERY GIVES YOU EXTRA POWER ... A Willard "Reserve Capacity" Bctleiy wilt supply ample current for radios* lighten, (am, beaten, and other accessories. QUICKER STARTS.. Higher voltage at the itarttf means faster cranking and q u i c k e r s t a r t i n g . " • " » • LONGER -v.-7 Meeting, without strain, the extra battery in modem cars. on tl»' PHONE 156 WILLARDS COST Motor Salee PEARL Willard latttrlu LESS TO OWN I HOPE JOHN (GIVES « GIFTS THAT I CAN USE Here Are Useful Wanted Gifts'. M O D E H N ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ^ACTTVE LASTING - INEXPENS.V LOW, LIBERAL TERMS When you choose electric • V ^fo thkt bring extra hours °f freedom^ shown here arC merely » few, and look around I -- GIFTS THAT SIS HERSELF L WOULD CHQOSE ELECTRIC ^2.95^ measy for you. Come in i 'TM1 PMTt'% OM* Ireland, Mother of Croqnet Ireland appears to have been the mother of croquet. A London ivory turner has produced evidence from the books of his Arm that the firm was making croquet sets for export solely to Ireland as far back as 1837. In the annals of the Lonsdale family it has been discovered that it was the Irish Miss MacNaughton who taught Lord Lonsdale's sporting family the game in 1850. And it was the Lonsdale family who popularized it on the English lawns of that period. What seems uncertain is whether the Irish invented the game or merely took it over from the Restoration game of "Paille Maille," after which the street Pall Mall is supposed to have been named. Work of Trained Food Tasters Trained food tasters can detect strength difference of less than 10 per cent in flavors, reports the American Chemical society. Many professional tasters have no keener sensibilities than other people but have developed the ability to observe, analyze and interpret the sensations received to a, remarkable degree. . Sensitivity to differences xn flavor is not ihcreased through practice. . TWIN WAFFLE IRON *5.95 Bakes waffles twice as fast.Ukeamodern finish with solid walnut' side and front lift handles; when* to-pour indicator. ;-7 ^ INLAND COFFEE MAKER *3.45 Good coffee always-- that's die gift of this electric coffee maker! Xriple XXX guaranteed Heatproof glass, decanter cover, chrome - plated stove. fr- tasty snacks pi Sixteen pages of entcrtainment id«5^ w Ycar s patties young Ask for your copy when with "Bango, better hurry. Supply is limited. y°U luicHASlTwRAPMD FOR CHRISTMAS OIVINO OM MOW* ALL PURCHASIS WRA? D.a|0„ also or. offering TOASTMASTER Hospitality Tcajt^, *23.50 The Use word for til ki.Mi of eoceraiaing. W i»h luastnuster, *ppeviisr dishes. Up nays, kiai'e ar.J cutting bcari tor trimming roasr, this set w 11 lc I g:ace and charm to y.n-r own iaformal parties, coo. A Useful and Beautiful Gift for Horn• or friellds NESCO ii-:'--- ELECTRIC ROAST®!, with coo king set *24.95 Cooks an entire dinner at one'time.v_^-r« Fuss and bother with food containers eliminated. And what delicious, healthful meals it cooks, every time! (\C'ith broiler attachment, $3.50 extra). " ^ ' V Hetsing and modern is this Telechron "Domino" Clock in molded plastic case of black or mottled brown. Gold ^coloc background. MODERN GIFT LAMPS *1.35* A - Agiftsuretol predated. Choose "from a wide selec- ~tion. Shown is hanJy "light-reiiec^ ar" pin-it-up Lan^S-easy to hang as a sUMUI pictufe, and only $1.33»-* MARK-TIME SWITCH *5.70 Softens Bones of Canned FisH ; ' The bones in canned fish are softened by heat. Canned foods are processed after the containers are sealed. Processing is heating for certain period at temperatures si if- - ficiently high to kill all organisms that may cause spoilage. It is this heating which softens the bones ir canned salmon, sardines, kippered herring and similar fish products. SANDWICH GRILL *3.50 Serves two full-size, perfectly toasted sandwiches; thick or thin slices. Heat indicator; iustrous chromium. HAMILTON BEACH '•> HAIR DRYER Jn ivory color A' valuable accessory to and a gift that will please quick action, light-as-a-feather hair dryer. odern woman this double- THE NEW MIXMASTER *23.75 LOCAL FIRM3 INCORPORATE McHenry concerns figure prominently in the list of capital stock companies incorporated this year. Included in the list are the following local companies: Downs Motor Express, Fox Pavilion, A. P. Freund Co., Kent & Company. Here's hours of kitchen freedom. Beaters and juicer maintain exact speeds no matter how thick the batter. 10 batter speeds. Ask fo» s<tanoasttad<M» _____ AND FOR THE MEN! Schick Shavr . . $15 A lifetime of shaving comfort! Saves expense and inconvenience of blades, brushes, shaving creams and shaving lotions. Just the gift to please him most! T* ctvtr inttrnt and ethtr casts, a Mrrrbamdist m dtftt PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS This alert little timer can be sec to turn an appliance either ON or OFF up to a maximum o^^ hours--a great fcrorry-saver! "OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS Hotpoint Heating Pad . . G. E. Florida Sunlamp.. $39.93 I.E. S. Student Lamps ... $3.93 Proctor "Roaac-or-Grilie" ...*2640 Hawk Jr* Vacuum Cleaner ... $11.93 American Beauty Iron ... $7.95. * (With ytmr old irtn) . Hollywood Make-up Mirror ^ * Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Jones of G&lesburg left Saturday for Orlando, Fla^ where they will spend the holidays. • * t * *. #.•;» f * » » i>.: ,.';V ' •» ' K- ! : v. . I , fSt&gSk' . V. " l - . * - .U sjix "• -

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