;f *•$* . ,?;lS < -?;* <••! i* J -v •>- **• |!S«.^ IXIWBI Ltoira :: « >UNCE ENGAGEMENT I Mrs, Fred Krohn of Mcwish to fcfawl^e'tMeftgage- .of their*" daughter. Noreen P. . of Ckic&Sm<& f. Curat CMaago. SUNSI^E CL«§| Mrs- V. Martin "was members eftibe Sbashine Club on Wed- > nesday afternoon of last week. Two { tables of five hundred were in play _ A.# . (and prizes ware merited by Mrs. Rob- Xiverview eTt Kno* and Mto^,B«n,,BAuer. This jm Tiinnrfav was> *lso, • Christmas party and Tbe"hdd FAMILY PAMET. -. ..... I Oo'fltaiday Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. FiniwririTiff Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Christmas day with Mr. Mid Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and family at Lake Geneva. Christmas day Visitors in the Will) " m ----^---7-- Bishop !jome were Mr. and Mrs. Ed, month for any recipient, thah the Fed- ] Powers and Margaret Bishop, Evans-' oral Government adds another $15 and ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller the aged person get $30. If the State j and son of Elfin. ! appropriates $12 per month, the Fed- (Continued from first page) DVUHOTHXTtAE 1937 (Continned from Page One) Mr. and Mrs. William Vales, George eral Government adds another $12 and hostess to tUe f „ 'freund entertain .i^PAKr* r families, in River Valley Camp, **me d*V< St their annual Christer their meeting on g of last week. A Christmas tree deeor- .-•••'where gifts were exjames played. Installiirs will take place on and supper were enjoyed, and Mfrs. F and Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Herbert Frew tilla Freund. children and Mr. Freund's "day. Dinner and Albert Vales of Chicago spent needy ol?u man or w6,han receives Christmas with their parents, Mr. and * „ J?er . . .. Mrs. Albert Vales. The, three young Th« S**te «!«* *jve as .much « men play in George Rush's twelve- affwd to J piece orchestra in Chicago, in addition ®,ther UP f down- ^ the Federal) to their other work j Government can on^ match the Mr. and Mrs. Retort Thompson £ven. by}t,St^\Z ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wra. to "\e mone»;.... VanNatta, at Crystal Lake Sunday. ; Sriven for needy aged men and wom.n, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shelton of Peoria ,he U' S. Government alsoaddsftve spent the weekend in the home of Mr. "er °'1*e ,mount of thl' J*4™1 and Mrs Pteter Weber , grant-in-aid to pay m part the exir m™ W« TW« Uft Penses of administration." M r " ,.nH Pi. Mr. Lewis informed The Plaindealer K rt. n Mr that he will be glad to reply to any 8 and Mrs. Pries wiTll rli ve in their home qJuestions, regarding Social Security, Qr ^ reade/s on^fivfe acres of land which ^ey re- .f they y wiU mail or bring them to this CQTitly puixihflSGu &nd which they pl&n <offic© and John A. Miller, prominent res-., ident, was killed by a premature blast of dynamite. J, F. McLaughlin of Ringwood was instantly killed when his car was struck by a train near Clinton, Wis. In addition to several robberies at summer homes along the river the office of Dr. R. G. Chamberlin was robbed of $125 worth of materials. Fire destroyed the homes of Mrs. Louise Kline and H. C. Hughes on Fox river, the M. W. A. hall at Ringwood and a tool shed and hog house, hit by lightning, on the J. B. Kelter MIMIIIIMIIUMIIIIIMM x i m i i i H i m M i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld annonnc« the bit-Hi of "G«i Lucille, horn at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Friday, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfcssfield are parents of a nine-pound girl, born Thursday, Dec. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener are parents of a daughter, b<jrn Dec. 22. Order your Robber Stamps at The Plaindealer. / ' <. ;VUY SCHOOL PHOGRAM \ J. E. Sunday school program, ,iich was postponed because of the 4>and cards Ito "hpn>ve. Mr. and Mrs. George nt were Mr. | Bohr are keeping house for Billy and family, Mr! j Eleanor Pries during the absence ©f Id family,' MK their Parents. . and family,! Edward Michels and friend bf Djh. imUy and Ber-1 catur spen t Christmas with his moth- ^ . : !er, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. : f v -, m * 1".' ahd Mrs. Charles Thies and TWELVE YEARS OLD ; family of Chicago spent Christmas in • Mary Lou Stoffel celebrated her the Jacob Thics home. twelfth birthday last Sunday, Dec. 26,! Mr- and Mrs. C. Unti, daughter by inviting twelve of her friends, taura, and son, Angelo, left Tuesday mgs were received from Games were played aijtfj prizes won morning for Daytona Beach, Fla Births and marriages have gladdened homes in the community with an increase in the number of weddings noted. | Of interest to the farmers was the milk producers' picnic, held at the city park in August. The Henry J. Stilling farm, with a rating of 96 per cent was adjudged the neatest farm in this district in the '3?MA contest. - The McHenry local of the PMA consists of about 100 members with an output of 12,000,000 pounds of milk i for the year or an average of-one mil- *\_ |lion,|>ounds a month. > > ' j W R. Skidmore exhibited his-pure* bred Percheron and Suffolk horses at appointment of Wm. H. Althoff as president of the Illinois Retail Hardware association. The year has been one of contrast and comparisons with several improvements in conditions noted. As the old year wanes we wish our readers, "Happy New Year!" hoping that 1988 may be a happier and more prosperous on*. 165 TAKE SEATS AT THE ALUMNI BANQUET TABLE (Continued from first page) " } uates were with the Alumni members' the International Stock Show in Chi* at the dinner meeting. Friendly greet- cago receiving many prizes. , Mrs. Agnes Churches were active in the com« Dodge Gilbert of Brockville, Ont., munity, with Easter falling on March ^ Canada, a graduate of the class of 28, early this year. ally given for the parents, Saturday carev' ^sTLr^Xlthoff.^Ella" Mae Their son, Felicie, will be in charge 1910, but were received too late to At St. Mary's church twenty-four evening, Jan. 1, at 7:30 o'clock at the gchaefer and Evelyn Davis. of the McHenry Ice Cre$m factory be read at the banquet. Her message children received communion in May, church. i InVited euests were Lily TJnti, Bar- during their absence. I is as follows: J forty-six were confirmed at St. Pat^ C,arov Ella Mae Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thies, their "Greetings to the McHenrv Hieh rick's church. Bishop Hoban dedicate pidemic of measles, will be inform- . Li, Unti Maureeli Miller, Barbara' where they will spend about six weeks. klU* nitiAM 41ia ivavanfa fiaftiwlav J ' X ... '* .. nm_ n.l:.* Hi L- , All children wishing to take part in b Care Nancy j«e program are t J ~ --J Jtice at thje church | CHRISTMAS GATHERING spent is being built to join our two countries * Patricks church, observed Christmaauy^ests at the Scheid - Kennebed^Rome were Mr. and Mrs. Lou's mother, the table being decor- Nick B. Freund and family and Math ated fer the occasion. Scheid and family, of Richmond; Mr. i ' » * » and Mrs. George Scheid and daughter, j \ CHRISTMAS PARTIES Lillian, of Wauconda; Dr. and Mrs. 1 Members of St. Clara's Court,SW. Maureen Miller. i Kathrine «Buch of Chicago A dainty lundh was served by Mary; Christmas at her home here. ' " Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund enonly a few miles from our home. "It was a real treat to hear Bob tertained their children and families Green say last summer, 'Gosh, it's Christmas day. Those present includ- good to see ybfl.* "^I^hope there are ed Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund, Spring many among you to whom I would Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Baur, like to say these very words. H. LaHoda and cnildren, Sharon and O. F., enjoyed their annual Christmas'Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wein- "May the McHenry High School Al Delmer, of Mundelein; Mr. and Mrs. party after their regular meeting on|gart, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, Mr. and umni Association become a live organ L^o Scheid and children, Warren, Val- Thursday evening. Gifts wei;e ex-1 Mrs. Ben H. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. ization in this good will season eria and George, of Griswold Lake; changed around tl Mr. and Mrs. *Ervin Neater of Wood' tftock and Miss JaBf NkhoUs of RoaeviHe. ' the large Christmas j Peter Freund and families. • f,' -- MALE HELP WANTED $75 a month paid to many men at first and more later. Local manager of nationally known company "»nt» to hire several men for work to this locality. Deliver orders to farmers, render service and do other work. Farm experience very de» sirable. Car necessary. Permanent vrotjk, You only need to give your MM* and address. Address Box «Tw, care of this paper. , tree with gifts also presented to Msgr.l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen and son, C. S. Nix, Father Frank Miller and'Norton, of Glehcoe were Christmas the janitor, Herb Simon. Iday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. Celia Blake, head of the Court, Patterson Owen. Mrs. Harold Owen who presented each of her officers was made happy by a telephone mes- our Sjncere with a gift, received a gift from the sage of Christmas greetings which for floraI offerinfirSt spiritual bouquets,} Illinois in the old Borden-Wieland milic courtand one from her off.cers. she received from her parents in Los expressions of sympathy and acts of plant at Spring Grove; the visit of Cards were enjoyed during the even-1 Angeles, Cal., Christmas morning. kindness extended to us during our Ms«rr C S Nix to the Eucharistie ing and prizes were awarded as fol-| A family gathering took place at recent bereavement. silver anniversary of his ordination to the priest hood . Rev. Minar Gerrard succeeded Rev. Pinnell as pastor of the Methodist church. ' Torrential rains hit the county in June when Fox rjver raised sixteen inches and a heavy electrical storm in July wrought damage. Winter started early with frosts and mcerely, j. 'cold weather continuing unbroken and "AGNES DODGE GILBERt?/* ' 1 a sheet of ice covered pavements ant ,ysv [sidewalks before Christmas. r„ ^ P ^ THANKS Miscellaneous items of interest dur- In ffiis manner we desire to express ing the year include the seizure of the thanks and appreciation, largest still ever located in northern 11 the Sfck Siii I Warren Francisco, a former resident of Ostend, has been in Woodstock hospital for treatment for a Hp injury. Mrs. Louis MftD<&ald «f Woodstock was injured in ft* a«tomobile accident in Chicago recently whan A btme fat her arm was splintered. She has her arm in a sling. Mrs. McDonald's daughter, Audrey, was also injured Christmas Eve when she slipped on the ice on a pond near her home and fractured her collar bone. Mrs. John E. Freund, Broad street, who was taken suddenly ill Sunday morning, is better at this writing. Miss Eleanor Bolger is able to be up after a few days illness. William Martin is recovering from an operation on his nose, which he underwent at Oak Park hospital, Monday. r'-S RATE ADIDSTHERTS fcill go into effect in Illinois ?/*" • : | IN IANDAKT '& ' t THBBE haa been a readjustment of various telephone charges throughout the state: of Illinois which* it is estimated, will save the public about $2,600,000 a ytear. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company is arranging to notify all subscribers about the changes. Details of the new rates also are * on file in every Bell Telephone Business Office in the state. During the last few years, o«r business has improved. However, there have also been large and unavoidable increases in expenses, due chiefly to new taxes and higher payrolls, representing principal^ wage increases. . Nevertheless, the Company it ; putting the new rates into effect! in January, in the hope that ouf': business will continue to improve,! and that increased use of tele- j phone facilities will offset, pan.; tially at least, the loss in reveaiM; Caused by the lower rates. u Some of the new rate dassifica^j tions will offer definite service iin»i provenien ts tocustomers, as well at! savings. It is hoped that these wifl | make telephone service of eve* j ^rnore value to the peopleof Illinois* i ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANTi lows: Bridge: Mrs. Susie Justen; five [the E. E. Denmanhome Christmas day hundred, Mrs. Kate Worts and Miss Evelyn Justen, and bunco, Mrs. Edith Blake. The Lady Ferestta of St. Qlafa'a Court entertained the Juveniles St a when those present were Mrs. C. E. *32 Denman, Mrs. W. A. Bonnar, Mr. andf Mrs. J. S. Denman and family of Milburn, W. F. Denman and sons, Waukegan, and Vene Denman and friend party Thursday afternoon. • As the!Ann Harvek, of St. Therese's hospital, children admired 3 ltyg, Christmas tree j Waukegan. Santa Claus ba^ysAt gifts for each: Mr. ahd Mrs. Leslie Bungard, Chione. The smaller Wfiorail sang a song j cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmalfor Santa Clan< who'Was also remembered with a gift. Games were played and a pot-luck supper^was served. Order your Rubber >Stamp* ^at The Plaindealer. IN 1938! •??:." %; amooc MIX LB. f|C EACH Si Walnuts, lb. 23c" VACUUM MENS NMM FUVOR SULTANA . . HK WHITE HOUSC MOT CEREAL . MM DROMEOAFTY OR CAMAY . . . Uflfciij SMP . . HOLLAND | MIXCO .* < I 2 (Ikqs 25C . 4CA^2SC • ^ 2^2& S CAKES 2SC 4 CAKES 25c AW food Stows IT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ANN PAGE Saai. Spread ^ 19c ANMPAOE SrfK --MIMS ATr29C SULTANA OUCEN Olhres . . 4%39c IONA TOMATO Wee . 3^A°nzS 25C IONA Cocoa . 2pfe|. 15c IONA UnBoans5&&25c OCLATM* OC6SERT . 8IX FLAVORS Sparkle. 3PKOS.|3C imm« n'-fi*• PONT BLAME YOUR BATTERY FDR YOUR OWN Nf QtE^T . WW |U battery In yow e« faik, your UoMOlh* battery. Ye» Many baNtry failures !»!•_ dua lo Mglaol t on ol th« car owner. Most of us JonYjttik abo«l Ibo lnconvonlonco of battery IroebU untH it coarts aloog. ^ *f' Lot MS holp pravont onoxpKtod battary trovbio for you. '* Wlllard "Sarvice-Test" b FREE, no mattw wbat kind of baM tary yoa own ... and it only takoi a fow Mbratas. FSTT COM* In today aad take advaolaao of (his in* Blake Motor Sale# PEARL STREET, /M. L A m 0 > C O S T L E c - < T O 0 W N feldt of Kenosha were weekend vial tors in the home of Mrs. M. N. May. Guests in the home of Mrs. Helena Degen Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. John Kuenz and children, Kenosha; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Blake and families. Christmas day and weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin. Grayslake; Mrs. Emma McGinnis, Eli gin, and Miss Anna Frisby of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Indianapolis, Ind., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. P. O. Gans. Clarice Blake, a student nurse at 9t. Therese's hospital, Waukegan spent Christmas with home folks. Miss Harriet Boger of Chicago spent Christmas day as the guest of Miss Evelyn Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett, Chicago* spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.- F. Frett. Violet Woodward and Richard Vycital of Chicago spent Christmas at their home here. Stanley Vycital, who is playing with Connie Wendell's orchestra in Texas, was unable to get home fOr Christmas. Father Walter Conway and LeRoy Conway visited in Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angl spent Christmas and several days of their vacation with his parents at Morrison. Sister Mary Henry and a Sister companion of Milwaukee spent Wednesday in the homes of the former's brothers and sister, John and Tom Bolger, McHenry, and Mrs. Mary Evans of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and daughters of Elgin spent Wednesday with Miss Anna Frisby. Mrs. Warner and children are spending the remainder of the week here. Joseph Kortendick and daughter' Kathrine, of Rockford v spent Christmas in the John Bolger home. Mr Kortendick remained for a longer vis-j it. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Foley and children of Cleveland, Ohio, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Kathrine McCabe spent the weekend with her sisters in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Maud Granger spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harfy Alexander at Hebron. Other guests were Mrs. Arthur Alexander, Lyle| Freeman and daughters, Loretta and Dorothy, Clarence Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Irene Walsh spent the weekend at her home at Fox Lake. ~ Martin Heckman of Chicago spent Christmas with relatives here. Mrs. Stacia Malone of Elgin spent Christmas and a few days this week in the M. J. Walsh home. Vernon Kramer, with his cousin Roy Meyers of Woodstock, left Sunday morning on a motor trip to Hollywood, Calif. They will visit in the Victor Meyers home there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and children of Marengo spent Christmas with relatives here. B. J. Frisby and son, Bob, of Chi< cago spent the first of the week here. Philippines N, TIM and MARY ELLfe FLANAGAN. Read the Want Ads (fite of/OO /Sea&ont wAy-- THft MOST BEAUTIFUL THING ON AGAIN OUTVALUES THEM ALL! BETTER LOOKING BETTER BUILT BETTER BUY! .vU THI LATEST AND GREATEST FEATURES OP AMftfCA'S FffffST iOW-M«CKD CAR NIW SAPITY SHIIT OIA* CONTROL at sltght extra CM!) NIW STRIAK STYUNO • NIW CLUTCH MDAL BOOSTM NIW UnVY.STYLD INTOUOtS • NIW tATTBY LOCATION PnraCVRD KNU-ACTION RIM • IMMOVIO CDmB-POINT STUB- (NO • ADJUSTABLE TILTINO 3-PASSBNOIt RONTMAT • IXTKAUftM liMOJhM COMFAKTMINT • MO-CAR WHOLBAM (117" ea Stx, 111" aa • TRIPLI-MAUD HTDRAUUC BRAKM UNtSTOL toons BT F1SHIR • ftSHIR NO-DRAFT VINTILATION COMFLITIIY SIAUD CHASSIS • SAF1TY MULTI-BIAM HIADUOHTS OF MMRAL MOTORS,.;;jr': VBN IK the 1938 Silver Streak lacked the distino* ' tive styling, the extra roominess, the peak economy, and all-around quality that set it apart from other cars, the Safety Shift Gear Control * would still make you prefer "the most beautiful thing on wheels." For this great feature is the finest improvement in handling ease in the low-price Held. Safety Shift clears the front floor completely, speeds up gearshifting, lets you drive with both hands near the wheel. It's a sign and symbol of the amazing p/us value built into America's finest low-priced ear--value which, a ride will tell you, tope them ait. POMTIAC MOTOR DIVISION, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 0*n*r«/ Motor* Smi»• Corporation TWO GKBAT RADIO PROGRAMS: "JVmrs Through m Womtm'm •*•17 Mon., Wed., and Fri. mt 2 p.m., E.S.T., Columbia Nmtmprik. "Vanity Show"--direct from thm I*mdin£ collage camp am avarj' Friday night, NBC Blue Network at 9 p.m., E.S.T.--8 p.m., C.S.T.-- ? x , T o s n c m i . I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES