Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1938, p. 4

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,,V*? -r:.v •v ;• • ' , - *•« -v. . - - --•»«£ -,V v"T "£' - -A**- u"' a . . _%,» ,, * M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, III., by GbseritaF. Keokh. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111, • act of May 8, 1879. Onder Otoe Year ................... «x Months ..... ..$2.00 ..*1.00 M V * > i , : ^ * ' ^ - j - j r , £ . > f \ ^ » ., * «tJ» •» •» v* * .» . ..». ..A J PLAIND1ALSR FOE BETTER HEALTH , January 13,193S CAUGHT OUT A. H. M06HER, Editor and Manager Sdllian Sayler, Local Editor -- -- -- --• Telephone 197 Work For Dietitians and Dentists (dealers in pasteurised milk* failed to j comply during 1937 with the mhuilram I standards of sanitation required by . V Haw of milk pasteurising plants. It i^sr *n- • grade scMeWffl CniKirCTi j thus became the unpleasant legal duty * Illinois, four out of five haveunfUl-;of the State Department of p^' ~ *d cavities in their teeth and thereas Hea]th to revoke or refuse Mcenses to •*> average of 3 cavities per c i -1 these dealers. Notices vfere issued to • .this at least was the condition found each of the sixty.six te:ward the er)d among 3,655 youngsters in 65 different ,of l937 which d<?nied tQ them the ,£hopls, who were exarmrted during Hvil of handUng milk as a pai- October i937 by dentists and nurses j ^ ^ - effective Januar^l, °Luhe ^eP8rtmeT,til938. -Eich was advised that the vC > of Public Health. t (olation of the law would make hini v->\, Only 429 of the children had never, ijai>jc to prosecution and penalization »*d a cavity while only 702 needed no and that the local State's attorney* . corrective dental work with respect to had been informed of the situation, ^ries at the time of ^examination. j Another ^ 6f twenty-two dairJ ; ^bcut m per cent of the 3,655 children}.^ ^ plftntfe. that were satisfactory ^arrtined haa dental cavities that m;from # sanjtary standpoint but failed g,e opinion of the dentists needed to to the gti ulated fee of |ift for vJ* filled in the interests of the health he amma, Certifieate pf Apfrrovil, *s Of the children While many pf the. the Ucenge is calle<t •cavities detected were in decaduous _ . teeth, no less than 4>432 were in per^ Pasteurization has both a commer* ntanent teeth, an aveiage of more than cial and hygienic value but the two «ne per child j do not necessarily coincide. Commer- . . j . i t t . . i . c f i a l l y t h e p u r p o s e i s t o d e l a y s o u r i n g ^Teeth in which decay has begun &\while hygietii£Uy it is to destroy any almost certain to be ost within a rel-, disease mg that m be present in atively short time unless the^cawty is ^ ^ former ma ^ accom_ Two men from New Yoritwtrt examining the exterior of No. 10 Downing street, and indulging la picturesque but disparaging criticism. Outside stood a car. "What a place for a prime minister!" one of them exclaimed. "And as for that car--wal, I reckon it would pass any day for a secondhand hearse." At this moment a well-groomed man emerged from No. 10, entered the car, and drove off, "Say, who was that guy?" asked the other American of a policeman standing by. <• "The American Ambassador/' answered the constable. FOE SALE POR SALE--Economy Egg Mash with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil, $1.95 per 100 lbs. Phone 29--Farmer's Mill. 34-tf MIGHT DO ANYTHING BUY NOW---Save Money. No. 1 Alfalfa Hay--Mixed Timothy and Marsh Hay and Straw1. Alfalfa, scarce, and going higher. Inspect before you buy. Newman E. Davis, Feed and Grain, Phone 7.Genoa City, Wis. 84 4 ' 1 --W -- •• .. , ' Percy--I, wondah if your fawther would consent to our marriage? .Flossy--He might. Father's so eccentric. : -•>. properly cleaned and filled --plished without the latter. For this i«g will prolong the usefulness of a eason gan. standards have been tabled by taw and the commercial er decay and ultimate loss. Repeated handling of milk as a pasteurized profillings are not infrequently necessary) *"/" to order t. prolonglhe usefulness of f°rb,d.din t0 ,th°f -7 a tooth. Ildt. is .thte.rLefo re o*f great i• m- <fail to meet these standards. Sanitar- portance to have corrective work done „ia ns fr„om ..t.h e State D. ep,a r. tment of it the earliest powible time after U..;™1' H""h *re need, arises. 1 each down-State pasteurizing plant at The prevention. and arrest of decay iIef1 0,,ce a and more frequenUy the teeth of cLhi;l,djr en dje pendj_s apwhen cnrcumstances require or permit. parently very largely upon diet. Experimental evidence, as well as gener- Each plant is required to have a Certificate of Approval, issued by the TB Driven From Herds A Close Shave A big buck Indian had just ordered a ham sandwich at a drugstore and was peering between the slices of bread when he turned and said to the waiter: "Ugh, you slice 'em ham?" The waiter replied: "Yes, I sliced the ham." """Ugh," grunted the Indian. "You darn near miss 'em."--Welland-Port Co°lborne Tribune. 1 al observ^tion indicates ra^er clearly St* * Departmen of Public Health anthat an excess of sweets in the dietary i ™any before milk can be legally disfavors the development of strong, dur-! as, £11J?SteUn?ed pr0dPCt able teeth. A remarkable freedom | wiheth£r so labelled or not* from dental decay has been observed; Pasteurization destroys all known among children in various orphanages1 disease producing organisms which or- Wivose dietary included relatively little: dinarily may* find their way into a Afreets except the natural carbonaceous milk supply. Mbstances in foods. A great deal can be done through a combination of dietary regulation and I --! good dentistry to save teeth from de-l Tuberculosis has been practically cay. The results of examinations eradicated from domestic cattle in the among children show plainly that United States and the herd owners, much needs to be done. Occasional j governmental agencies and veterinarno more frequent4aTls have no intention of permitting, than is possible by members of the that costly disease to again become Staff of the State Department of Pub- prevalent among the bovine creatures ik_Health, and the coincidental stim- 0f the country. The herds m all but Illation of corrective work, will ac-jtwo States of the Union, California eomplish little of permanent value. and South Dakota, have qualified with ^ Dental hygiene must be a part of . a the Federal Department of Agriculture Constant program in order to yield re-: as being practically free from tubersiilts that approach reasonable pos- ^ oulosis. In these States all cattle are aibikities in this direction. Every com- , tested annually and less than one-half should enjoy the benefits of Gf one per cent react positively. These ill organized program of public health,'positive reactors are promptly slaughtand dental hygiene should be a jdefin- ered. 4te part of the regular activities. I The program against bovine tuberculosis has been carried to a successful culmination in about twenty years. Testing will be continued indefinitely, ; 1 Despite repeated persuasive efforts in the future, year after year, in ordef ftased upon inspections and specific to maintain thie ground gained. Tuber-! rtcommendations by sanitarians from culosis in cattle ds expensive econonK the State Department of Public ically and constitutes a hazard to the Health, no less than sixty-six out of health of people. Everyone concern-! the approximately 475 down-State ed is therefore interested in preventing the recurrence of the. disease among the herds of the country.. Success has been less striking with respect to human tuberculosis although the principles of control are the same. In eitht)- case th* fobj»-l&lefri» individual must first be identified and then managed in a way that prevents the infection of the healthy. Infected individuals, cattle or persons, can be identified by a skin test. Since only the actively diseased are likely to spread the infection, it iji possible and practicable to farther and discover by <-ray>'"wh«th«r or not a person is actigifr tulwfBtiloBis. Controlling the haftiS- ofLtnberculosis peo- | pie so that others will not be exposed j to the disk of inf#^aon -is then the i problem. This, of fipurse, requires the Industrious WPA Worker--Say, foreman. will you please give me a shovel? I'm the only one, in the gang who ain't got one. Foreman--*Don't you know that if you ain't got a shovel you don't h^ve to dig? WPA W.--Yeah, I know that, but all the rest of the guys have something to lean on and I have to stand up.--Annapolis Log. Too Sudden Johnny, ten years old, applied for a job as grocer's boy for the summer. The grocer wanted a seriousminded youth, so he put. Johnny tc a little test. "Well, my boy, what would you dc with a million dollars?" he asked. "O, gee, I don't expecting so much at the start."-- Atlanta Constitution. Dairies Fail To Qualify Gnutritious! The African explorer had seen many gnus during the day. In the evening his native cook served him a delicious steak. , "This is one of the finest steaks I've ever eaten," he explained to his guide. "Is it gnu?" "No," said the guide, "but it is just as good as gnu."--Atlanta Constitution. FOR SALE--H, T. H.--A sure cure for Poultry Colds and Roup. Farmer's Mill, Phone 29. 34-tf Public Pulse (Ail communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their ©pinions in these columns.) FOR SALE--Choice Hereford Steers, 800 lbs. up. T. B. Tested, Truck or Carloads, your sort. Also heifers. Uniform in size; Priced to sell; Also farm horses and mares. Buy direct from owner. Write, wire ,og( phone. Gale Dooley, Birmingham, Iowa. *34 Watch for the series of material on "Teeth and their Preservation," prepared by the Division of Dental Health Education, Illinois State department of Public Health. ' It ns the ambition of parents to aid their children in securing an education, in developing a Christan character and in making a wide circle of friends. If, in the span of life, you are fortunate enough to keep your children in accomplishing these things satisfactorily and forget the most important-- that of heatlh--then you have fallen far below your desired obje , . . . ,, . . [were getting the hose ready in case nponrStai nft obk j<eJc>+t ive ^in regard to our ch"i"l'-. mthoer efi rwe ater was needed for fighting dren should be to aid them in achiev- The McHenry fire thick came up in of time but made no effort whatsoever in any direction to get the FIRE ON ESTATE OF CHARLES HOLLENBACH The fire' Tuesday evening was very small when discovered, and we- nearly :. j had it under control with two fire ex- ®Jec* (tinguishers. At the same time we all the friends and all the education will never enable them to enjoy the fullness of life'or make them the citizens they might have been. There are many phases of health, fire under control or to stop the fire, The only excuse they gave was that we did not have the supply of water, but while they were waiting with the jbut the one to be discussed is that of | fire truck and not fighting the fire, the FOR SALE--Murphy's Ciit Cost Pig •and Hdg Balancer, $2.65 per 100 lbs.; Vk ton, $26.00; Ton, $50.00. Phone 29, Farmer's Mill. S4-tf IFOR SALE--GrandvieW Baby Chicks. Place your order now. 50c pfer 100 reduction if orders are placed before Feb. 1. Phone 29, Farmer's Mill. 34-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Small and large farms. J. B.. Keltfer, McHenry; Fourth and Main streets, Call 93-M. 26-tf 4 WANTED Mouth Health" or "Mouth Hygiene," which is nothing more than simple rules for the preservation of the mouth, the teeth and the gums. Nature has been very kind to us in giving us fifty-two teeth during cur life, twenty in the first set, known as the deciduous, baby or milk teeth, and thirty-two in the second set, which are known as the permanent teeth. Look for the second of this series in next week's Plaindealer on the ¥Development of Teeth During Pre-Natal Period." A. JOANNE RUUEN, . - ' School Nurse. WANTED--Men Hunter Boat Co. handy with Among the relatives and friends from out of town who attended the! funeral of Emil Peterson Sunday were:! tools.'Mr* and Mrs. Frank Hovat and chil-' dren, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hill, Mr.' • j and Mrs. Delbert Bierman, Mrs. Lu-1 WANTED--Nursing by day or week, cile Simonsen and son, Mrs. Emma Reasonable charge. Call McHenry McGinnis, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1 84-J. 34 liam Jordan and son, Mr. and MrsJ -- I William Jordan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. HELP WANTED--Two men with cars Charles Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-[ who know the location of most farm-;iiam Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall,1 ers on rural routes to distribute Sears Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, catalogs. Address replies to Box 10, Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel, Mr. i care McHlenry Plaindealer. 34 and Mrs. John Wagner, Round Lake;1 Peter, Ted and William Wagner, Volo;1 water was running within 100 feet from place of fire. y •" Believing that the fire truck'would extinguish the small fire we did not make any effort to do any damage the building in order to save the furnl^ ture. After the fire truck left we saved furniture from two rooms. McHenry should not bother to buy or rent another fire truck, but be concerned in putting men" on the truck who are not afraid to work. I am not a property owner nor a taxpayer in McHenry County, but how would someone feel who had all his life's savings in a small home and had a chance to save it, but had to look on and see it destroyed by fire? " +;• HENRY DODEN, „»• er of Hollenbach Estate. Among the out-of-town relative* who attended the funeral of Marcia Ann Cooley Monday were Mr. ami Mrs. Herman Nye and Ted Kaelin and daughters, of Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and daughters and Sam Zvonar, Chicago. Sister Joaii of St. Mary's parish waa called to Kansas last week by th* death of her father. » v« The Misses Irene Walsh and Lorraine Stilling Were Elgin visitors Thursday. • ~ MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular ° year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 15? or 631-M-l. 2-tf Mrs. D. I. Payne has returned from a visit in Chicago and Gary. Edward Bonslett of Evanston was a local visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vail, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. LaRoche, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Eilhoff. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Brady, Archer Melgille, Mr. Anderson and aughter, Mr. and Mrs'. C. Musser, Chicago. Mrs. P. M. Justen was a Chicago Visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Chicago visited their daughter, Mrs. Edstrom. Friday. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY QUALITY GROCERY--FRESH AND SMOKED MEAT CHOICE CHUCK ROAST, lb. \>7e FRESH GROUND MEAT, 2 lbs. for 31<? LEAN, MEATY SPARE RIBS, lb. 16C LEAN PIG PORK LOIN ROAST, lb. 20c CALIFORNIA ORANGES, Medium !^ _ f| 2 dozen for TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, Large Size, 6for. 25* Fresh Vegetables Radishes - Green Onions - Cauliflower - Broccoli - Brussel Sprouts - Celery - Head Lettuce - Tomatoes GIBBS1 GROCERY AMD MARKET -- Phone 166 Free Delivery Talk Don't Walk A S Vf vv »' ' Tv >5 , ' • " ; - J , •'4*. SAVE UP TO $50.00 WENT ALL THE Wifcf IT 5 TimE TO 5T0CH UP! SAVE AT f l i P • > * OOLO MIOAU, CfaUOTA on rusBunr now M-U. 89c 4*-ui sao it.n •ULTANA FANCV " ISahMH . . 2cans4Ss Salad Drtsstag . i>^25c AMERICAN OR Brick Cliint loaf ib 29c 3 PKb\ ^c SPAOHETTI OR 1SUWTANA I BRAND JCED RAISIN Bread . loa* 2 for 17c uttttuumatimiiiimiiiMtnittnii NUT NfSIEW--MM HET Mrs. Gay--Where were you last nighi? Mr. Gay--Sitting up with a sick frjend. Mrs. Gay--That's the limit. Mr. Gay--No--there wasn't any. Apartment Dweller The teacher was trying to get her class to understand something about the ether. "What is it that pervades all space," she asked; "something which no wall or door can shut out?" "The smell of boiled cabbage," spoke up the class wit. : ' ' V ! . mmm I SUGAR 10^50* ininiiiiiuniHiHiitiiiimuutimnniiiiiiuiiitHfi Bokar Coffee . 2 ^ASfe 39c sparkle puddings ANO Desserts . . 6 "as 25c 0nnM«Htm(iKUHitwitniHiHiiiiniuiumtmnc g SUNNVFICLD § PANCAKE FLOUR I ;?K«:15« 5'%.23c! HMi«tNiturMM(HitiiutmRi«iiiitm^ IWIo-Wheat cereal " °a 15c ANN PAGE--PREPARED Spaghetti . . 15c UOHT OR DARK KARO SYRUP 10cVii49c ] MMM TMLISVWN* OT 2Sc ] nuiiiHiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiiinHitiiittti; Help Cleaner . 2 Kjgi 15c Wags Cigarettes 2 PKGS 19c Lm Flakes . . 2 jiiMHnwiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiittiiuiimiiiiittiitiiiiiiiis HORMEL'S 29c BALE I Chicken a la King ,0^anz 8PICE.D Lnncheen Meat can MOORE Beef Ste* strict co-operatioc^%f 4^ejry individual concerned, the cW((|, dMfkralty in progressing as ngtttSMfatnst human as against bovine twenn^sitf; Control of bovine fljpfcorB is effected by slaughter, a mftce of admin' istrative method dicfj 6W by econora ics. Infected cattle nM^ht be isolated from healthy herds taSLjtfe ultimate j eradication of tuberc^^ui jjehieved in that way. The nlor»' ~ expeditions method of slaughter Vjpft given quicker j-esults. ' „• • Since 1926, when the State-Wide program against bovine 'tuberculosis got well underway in Illinois, the infection rate among cattll has been reducel from 80 to 3 per 1IJD0 head, or 96 per cent. ;-r , , Among people, holreVer, progress has been less striking. During thirty odd years since the antii-tuberculosis movement was inaugurated in Illinois, the death rate from .that disease has been cut from 139 to SO per 100,000 population, about 61 per cent. Since 1926 the rate fell fropi |J>out 76 to 51, or 33 per cent. In sh#ftt a great deal more has been accomplished in much less time against bovine than against human tuberculosis because the program was more adequately financed and more universally effective. * Irresistible Customer--I've come back to buy the ear I was looking at yesterday. Salesman--Fine. Now tell me, what was the one dominating thing that made" you buy this car? v Customer--My wife.--Wall Street Journal. The Leisurely Obstructionist "Slow but sure is the good old way." "That's right," replied Mr. Chuggins. "If you want to have the whole road to yourself and be free from any care, you want to leave your automobile at home drive a hay wagon." 1 Vi -Lb. Cans Your Choice! 29c A&P FOOD STORES THf ( . M A T A T L A N T I C AND I : M ' T. r A COMPANY Tlpperary--a Long W|| ^ Tipperary, the, famous and beautiful inland county of old Ireland, is really not a long, long way. It is no farther from Cork in another direction than Killarney. On the main line to Dublin it is only onethird of the trip. It possesses the wildly beautiful Galteo mountains, the famous Glen of Aherlow. Cromwell found his way there and thousands of Americans have taken the little journey to see Casgall of the Kings, the Fifth century ruins aloft on an ice-age rock, to see Clsmel, the sporting center, and to visit the famous caves of Mitchelstown, and all the beauty of Irish landscape. • - --;--'• Yes, Indeed " "And iso you say yer name is Riley? Are you, I wondei;, any relation to my ould friend, Tim Riley, the bookmaker?" "Very distantly," replied the other. "Oi was me mother's first child Tim was her twelfth." Right Symptom "Rheumatism," said the doctor, "causes a man to imagine that his joints are very much larger than they actually are." "I know," said Mrs. Smith. "Our butcher has it."** ' Dog Always Sniffing A dog lives in the world of scent, and watching the sensitive nostrils one sees they are never still. A Good Servant Jud Tunkins says a good servant is one who knows how to with deferential discretion; World's First Farmer* It is thought that women were the world's first vegetarians and first . larnaara. ON YOUR SERVEL ELECTBOLUX January Clearance of Beautiful 1937 Models . » . Make Sure of the Size You Want! ACT NOW!- t-%. , if. SERVE! Moving Part. - - «r^?yatrsm«cE *****10 "we Cafe \' ONLY Balance in Small Monthly Payments on Your Service Bill WESTERN UNITET\ VVGAS ELECTRIC COMPANYJ_Y Come In and Inspect These Modern GAS Refrigerator BARGAINS! • Think of getting a late model 1937 Servel Electrolux at savings up to $50.00 (depending on size and price of model wanted)! That's, just the good news you've been waiting for, isn't it? A#d remember, this miracle refrigerator not only comes to you at an original saving, but goes on saving money for you year after year. Because here is a refrigerator that freezes with no moving, wearing parts. It works in complete silence, always at the same low operating cost. See it , now, while stocks are most complete! >4 ,"»»• 191?*. ;w lal'iijiipjii. v.. K

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