Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1938, p. 5

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•fr:%->*fJ*i Thursday, January 13,1918 AIDS MEASLES FIGHT eo.F. 4 ; k v . ' - * » . - 7 : • ? - # • » , * J F . V * * • * # • * * - * • * « " r- . " V - ~ * - ~ r ' ' , * ' • > ' y , • y «, y Dr. Jean Broadhurst, professor of •bacteriology, who recently an- Vylnounced the finding of the virus i * which causes measles, one of the ^most common of communicable dis^ •peases. The discovery, it was said, X will permit doctors to identify and ' . quarantine cases of measles two of three days earlier than was -possibla; /^previously, and will aid them in de- J j*;" "tecting carriers. It may also open ; • I the way to the control and prevenyfHytion' by the use of Vaccine. The Lady in the Moon" *.• ( r \ - ,'C • •. • ji.\ 4i " Nye Fr. ^Miller G. Weber . Unti Totals Herdrich Weingart --.„. Knox H. G. Weber Winkel 146 130--454 180 160--477 186 166 «... 119 nsala .......... 186 Bellows .......... 100 E. Steinsdorefer 131 Phannenstill 132 772 162 156 128 *75 164 758 162 156 127 155 li81 Totals 157--481 Littlefield .......... 139--448 Grimelli St. George 705 2236 L«n*en 162-486 W**n« 181--493 162--417 178--508 181--526 130--361 140--391 133--402 156--429 132--407 674 1990 132--35b 106--273 76--229 99--280 135--371 EARL 'WALSH Total* 456 49$ - 548 1503 Matd>Gam«* Totals 785 Theis ,. 128 G. P. Greund 150 .. 167 .. 145 .. 183 U- "Mike, when I look real hard into .the rrtoon, it makes me think that there " fnust be a man in it." "No, Minnie, I don't believe it--A Man doesn't shine as bright. I think it, must be a lady with the latest makeup on." - .. . "Well, Mike, then I would rather say it is radium, but radium is so Scarce, that it requires thousands of Totals ... tons of certain soil to obtain a ttny Wilson crumb." -- Barbian • • • Weber - "Nonsense, Minnie, look at Mack--, The big piece of radium he has right in the middle of his face, and he ob- E. Thennes Karls .......... Smith .......... , , Totals L. Heimer Rothennel Schaefer . G. Justen . A. Justen . WantWda Schroeder .. 180 Garland Gossel Lawerenca ...> 781 864 2430 146 138--412 142 164--456 165 169--501 180 216--541 c. , 164 196--543 Seaborg 155 188 156 154 19Si 165 183 141 195 1g(g9g, ' DZo 113--433 153--524 168--465 182--531 778 178 138 159 161 161 797 145 135 208 161 178 883 2453 126--449 tt 151--424 Unti ...... 151--518 w- Schreiner 161--483 Matthews 165--504 M Totals ..... McHenry Juniors 140 140 133 109 194 146 Schreiner 141 192 Freurid *89 211 833 853 795 2481 Horrid Word! A contributor, who either signed shorthand or combined shorthand with Greek letters in the signature,, takes up a momentous problem: . ' • Dear Earl: Do you thing 'twould be possible to persuade the U. S. postal department Whose playing is really a sight to see! ( OUR TOWKRAMS SHOW • C ^S. STUDENT. CLASS IN WINNING TWO You sign that "Student" and thep^x CONTESTS ?ROBFR CARY ask us to make any necessary revision, WTf et «om.>u st decline that kind privilege, Our local town basketball teams are It was very nice of you to remember „i„.„ ots nijuiriin us with a little help. We hope youi1 ?? g as^fre season progres- English teacher will give you a break' , _ , , ' for all your effort. We, too. hold' Lftst Stanly the first team took a those boys in high fiifciHtf, "" do®e one from •Cary Merchant by ft}h)Ae difference oAf# onnnae field gCToAaOl!, ff*r]e e throws were scarce. Only three fouls were called on McHenry while Cary had a clean slate. 1 The McHenry Ramblers made free have a game" on ffre/with Wonder;throws count in ^ final tabulation to change the serviceable, but rather !Lake» b«t plans are not completed. w?n another dose game 36 to 28. the Fox Valley team crude, "Do Not Spit On The Floor" jDick has the following men on his,Thls Kame went into overtime. poster that now decorates the East!s<luad: Hughes, Carl Rietesel,' The Cary girls Were too good for Elgi* O. I •I-- More Hockey!, Dick Williams tells us that his team i is getting some practice these days and are looking for games. The boys AtftTlfi The local Rifle Club has with matches in the past Last Friday the home Elgin Co. 1 by piling up a grand tal of 1821. On Tuesday of the WMky'. the Elgin Watch Factory team now4 McHenry out by two points. " Herb Freund won the Small Bora Trophy match last Sunday with a 373 ; total. Bob Thompson ran a glose see* ond with 370. ) ' On next Sunday the' McHenry teaoa {'will travel to Batavia for a shoot witK Side Postoffice to "Do Not Elxpectorate" On The Floor If You 'Expect-torate' With The Management?" T<^a ..: 797 8327 ; Old HmeM' -' };'4 Totilr« •tyi in We have had all manner of problems to handle in this column, but nev- 135--415'er have we met up with one like this. 136--378) ' --!!-- . •• 163--503 j Say fella--If they ever hung that 125--458 >word "Expectorate" up for that bunch, j losing captains during the last series, 170--5701the whole gang Would take one look!supplied the refreshments. New' capand swallow their cuds. ' j tains and team averages are as fdlsquad and took a one-sided McHeiiry Ratohtero -- M Loren Miller, Bill Funk, Bill Bacon our girl and Allan Noonan. j-fime." Bowling • Ben Freund hit the pins for a 610 series in the K. of C. league^. ; C , The C. O. F. Canadians have' re-or- . „ , ganized for another series of games. ,,* AUJ """ Pete Freund and John Weber, the two ^n so" K. r erweroa . "" Vr; ^ totals .i.. 13 a k W. Green ...u C. Anderson , • ,t FG FT p ..iMMMtl.t.. 1 *2 2 .W«..U.W.»..M' 9 ' * 0 2 1' j' 0 0: ; 0 Ultes ....... A |Thompson Hichoz Volmer Hall 99. 96 99 99 97 96 98 88 95 89 86 85 86 83 m Tots' 82--36® 86--37#* 67--33f<:' 89--36%.: 82--35$ Totals ... .. 489 467 423 406 178|; McHenry Rifle Club ^ PS (roodell Wattles J. Schaefer Hughes Adams Totals . Karls ......... Meyers Perkins ..... Freund ....... Bacon ....... Irish 127 121 194--442 S™.ufe 153 151 127--431 204 176 182--562 Phalm 140 139 168--447 Frisby 200 152 144--496 Conway 163 104 138 125 177 156 124 143 179 192 jlows: Henry M. Weber, 677; Ambrose i We have no time for the. conutuKni Schaefer, 683; Clarence Stilling, 679; ordinary spluttering spitter. but take ' Joe Weber, 680. Looks like an even «Om7 824 134 146 157 151 141 739 155 176 159 181 217 815 2378 143--432 180--502 138--454 154--486 186--544 Totals 707 794 McHenry Left-Handers Kreutzer H. Schaefer C. Eddy Moderhack . M. Schaefer 162 129 166 182 162 157 146 187 140 224 155--474 one of those old time tobaccy chawin' 156--384'marksmen and you've got somethin'. 140--421 Those boys took*pride in th^ uncanny 129--433 ability to hit a target. 152--521 ' --il-- ' ! That spitting habit just grows along 73£ 2233 with ilE kid right, through life. , Didn't , jyou ever hang out an upstairs window 166--485; and spit down at some target below? set-up. RoVena Marshall turned in a 490 at the Palace this week Mfttisky; Drickera McFrick^,' Winder i. Swickie .A~;. Betty Thennes, v^ho has come up ~--r,, with some good games of late, turnkeJd, Zedunick in a 381. 28 . FG ^..3 2 6 2 0 0 'Ft!1' 0 0 2. V 0< 0 j:E. Justen -... •£ Thomjison ... f , Klapperich • pp Jack Smith . . ^. Ramholz 99 ^97 de iuo 96 94 90 99 96 98 87 93 93 96 OH Tota- 76--35t>" 84--35$ 86--37 F 85--374 - 4 "Y.F 68---35# * I|^FA^II.:^488'477 457 399 1821 179--454 134--487 120--392 121--507 Totals Schmitt Page Slayler Covalt ... M. Schaefepr 729 150 163 165 152 176 888 181 137 133 170 188 801 2418 116--447 166--466 135--433 162--484 151--515 Totals 751 854 720 2325 Rogers Granger 806 116 140 103 148 208 809 198 157 206 189 183 tained it only by consuming so and so tnany drinks of 'hootch' lately. Yoil Iwait until we get a bright full moon, then look good and you wtill see a lady with a pair of genuine Grimsrud Shoes on, which makes the moon shine so. ' And, of course, she got them in POPP'S SHOE STORE West McHenry, Illinois Main Street Phone 162 More next week in this same corner VJ r" THEATRE Week Days 7:20 - 9:20 FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Lionel Barrymore - Junes Stawart ^ "NAVY, BLUB - AND GOLD" Abo -- Comedtea SUNDAY -- MONDAY January 16 -- 17 Loretta Youn« -- Tyrone Poww ' SECOND HONEYMOON" Also--Comedy - Cartoon - News fiMdar Matinee, 9:15 Coathraous 10c TUESDAY 20c (Double Feature) Fay Wray - Richard Alien (1) "Murder in Greenwich Village" (2) "Trapped by G-Men" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Irene Dunne -- Cary Grant "THE AWFUL TRUTH" ton Can't Afford To Midi Thia Program! Totals Freund O'Shea Frisby Frisby, Jr. Schmitt ..... Freund ....... 715 933 856 2504 730 2345 143--457 169--466 167--476 193---530 Lutz 184--575 Leiwen Molidor Yolo Vultures Bruno J. Wagner Bill A1 RUBS --I!-- Who started this doggone, subject, anyhow? •-"I-" As mtich tt agree with yem. desr Totals^.., .18 Basketball ® A large following is expected to lend support to our high school team on Friday and Saturday nights of this week in the Little Five Tournament at Hebron, 1 Chamberlm McHenry 1st Team -- 33 FG FT Wm. Kreutzer ...... W. Kreutser Elgin Watch Factory P S (Zimmerman .... 98 95 i Kniece 97 96 . i S l a v e k . 9 6 9 4 |Schriebar 92 91 pp j'Seeley 99 9^ K 80 95 84 81 91 OH To£ . / 75--34t . «, 82--37# 79--35t 80--344 69--341 •V'r^ .vt 04 214 152 177 190 188 175 136 137 163 18$ McHenry plays Richmond in the contributor,^ we just cannot take that first game at 8 Friday everting. We have no real way of knowing, but! expect that McHenry will play Hebron | 'in the ftnalp on Saturday night. „ I Hughes G. Anderson , Totals Volo Lambs 921 799 of C. 109 191 200 151 178 154 175 106 147 212 Totals Winkel Conway ... Larkin Tonyan ... Thennes I Winkel. I Totals^. 1 Schreiner Nye j Fitz i Schi-einer .... Weber Sutton Totals Stilling Green Unti Wieser ... Matthews Stilling . J. J. Wagner J. G, Wagner .7. 134--397 Farmercf 171--537 E. Sutton 129--435 a.. Wilbrandt 132--430 g Justen 220--610 Conway ... C. Stilling 225 162 138 154 214 172 180 157 181 147 wtord out of our language. Think of all the places we need that horrid 236--625 word. How Would you say spit-ball or 107--395 spittoon? Then, there is always the 195--509 J word spitftrs to consider, r, 148--5011 --|-- 165--541 Hockey -- -j Emil Simon tells us that his team; fr0nt 851 2571 j ja going, along fine. game to the Dick Williams stick wield- j "Mose'* was .. 7 0 0 ... 8 0 0 ...4 1 * ... 1 0 0 ...,1 0 1 .16 1 3 482 474 431 375 176C V * Less 10 points for the use of scope -- 1752) McHenry Rife Club Totals (Note: Cary Merchants -- 31 FG FT 11TkYOUl a" iHaif^Jn Z--;~\ We hardly know who W thank for B. Frisch 0 that baby picture that appeared on the Matisky 0 front page of The Plaindealer last w. Frisch 3 They lost a close ^ek.v Of course, we know v that Lazansky w ,t # the deal, and We Buresh ers iftst Saturday 4 to 3. On Sunday;hope to do as much for him someday, the boys went dowji toJVaUconda and Bet he was a chubby little darling. Justen Smith ppKlapperich Q Thompson q) Freund o' 0 0 0 0 P 96 98 ...... 99 98 .......... 97 S 94 97 95 91 96 K 86 89 90 79 86 128--423 158--493 893 837' 829 2559 829 794 786 2409 I Totals ... 153 132 168--453 Canadians 100 184 116--400 a. Schaefer 140 156 123--419 jj Weber 143 171 i57-47i j/Weber;;;;; 168. 184 190 542 l Conway -- P. Freund ... 704 827 754 2285 149 151 134 162 187 161 198 171 155 147 tied a 2 all game. This game was strictly regulation. The goalies <|ore 553, regular uniforms 'n everything. On Saturday of this week. Johns burg will appear at the Clay Hole for i battle, o The following day the local 'team will go down to Wauconda again M? for a play off game. Maybe future greats are in the Anyhow Much! 141--490, OH To* / 73--34% 75--35» • \ 50--33* - il 79-r-35| * > ' -;V j 76-351 Totals 488 473 436 36* tall Bore Tmphy Mltd January 9. 1918 Totals .15 Mrs. Howard Christensen of Rich- , thanks 'so much --- Like So g r' ' Request An Elgin reader, Margaret R. Westerman, requests a copy of last week's ^as "a caller in the George Miller home issue that she may^ guess who that Sunday. Gus Stuckle .... Wm. Mundt .... mond spent a few days the first of the Bob Thompson D . _ ^ week with relatives here. Herb Freund Miss Edna Volling of Lake Zifrich 98 100 100 96 95 91 85 99 97 83 76 94 93 95 83--361 82--37# 86--371 brat might b.?. Says she missed the GIRL SCOUTS } J 1 ~ ~ m a k i n g r i g h t h e r e i n M c H e n r y . M a y - be not, but the boys are having a j bushel of fun. ^ 783 832 727 2342 Spain u « rtr o uw p, . ^ Monday's meeting we practice#,' issue, but has heard tell about the pic- f X' ; WB8 *" vis- jor (inve8tmeTft ceremonies to b# ture., We suspect trickery. • iJtor inuisaay. " held next week. Each patrol leaded. The same reader says she noted'~Mr- an- Mr^. Adams were-brousrht up an old member who kne* with interest our' New Year resolution i says nui«u E]j?jn visitorg Monday> to make a million bucks this year. She goes on to say, "how well I re- 178 169 173 IBS 147 127 143 155 146 142 Can anybody tell us 'wftiat this war j member your first million--your cu- ' Spain is all about and why it hasnt^cumber patch was the big project that' year." She must mean a million cuon! cumbers. Seemed like more to 137--442 . _ . 159 1711,n Spam 1K1 -179 ended long ago ? 150 1791 When we look Rt that country tog joe the map, it doesn't look much bigger That^^firat million was pickled long ago. than McHenry County. What we can't, _n what to do to demonstrate the tacti _ i Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peterson ware used. The corporals will act as coloe Chicago visitors Tuesday. jsr"»-d Then Miss Fisher announced that wf would sing songs and aftei that sh# would give us a surprise, and sur# enough, as soon as the meeting wa| th 181 130 133 168 140 154 156 169 169 159--494 136--422 153--455 A1 147-484 Dar 154-497 ^ Red Totals . McHenry .... 850 713 752 861 749 2352 166 149 178 154 203 215 249 185 164 178 164 150 136 112 122 167 150 116 134 202 141--472 150--450 146--398 127--373 Totajfr-»»T..:.... Clem's Tavern Eddy Cook 850 991 802 2643 181 243 160--484 Moody ."......"....." ." 118 TetaJs ... 684 769 C O. F. Canadians mi Team 3 C. Stilling -189 W. Schreiner ...... 187 P. A. Freund, Jr. 132 Broncheon Tegtmeyer Totals 187 171 211 151 162 191 190 7»o figure out lis how they can go on with More Basketball! i this fighting all these months and; | have anybody left to fight. j From what we hear, the Johnsburgers and Irish Prairie boys put on bet- 1Q7 tu?niter battles a few years back -- and 179 wthey didn,t even have guns* 1 This w*r puzzles us. On first thought, we figured "Mose" might send us over to get a story, but now we have a better liea. Our Publisher, Mr. Renich, has been everyplace else (in that flying fliwer of his, so why can't he take in. this little setto. 182--51S 152--550 149--530' 118--510 162--556 224--504 145--523 236--597 J. Freund 124 O. Freund 106 m 106 126 115 128 M Wauconda Na IKS? 129-386 128--361 Seaburg Totals Team 4 J. Weber G. E. Frisby L. Schmitt... V. Freund E. Schmitt 687 684 690 2011, 127 162 181 164 116 186 129 135 118 116 169--480 152--443 143--459 174--451 Totals ... Schaefer'a H. Schaefer H. Weber A. Schaefer Thurlwell Pappy** If you will look in the town team 900 905 885 2690ib°x scores, you will see the name of "Pappy" Green. We thought Bill had hung up his shoes, but he bobs up spry 181 1CT 128--411 as a Wtten. The boys tell us he sav- 158 157 143--453,ed ^at Cary gam* 171 188 180--4891 -*•-- 177 141 165--483, Football Rales 208 148 166--517f Football rule makers gathered in j Chicago to give the prep fans a lot of The McHenry Ramblers bave been given suits formerly owned by the Bauer Oilers at Crystal Lake. Nice suits. Nice gifts. The boys have entered the Chicago Evening . American Tournament and Will play the Waukegan West Side Recreation team here Friday night. No admission charge. This game will be played under the sponsorship of the Chicago American, with the winner given a chance to move up the ladder. Don't Forget Don't forget the high school tourna- officially dismissed she told us thai ment at Hebron. The Reed team beat [Mr. Schoenholtz had said that the Girt Huntley last Friday night after a 1 Scouts mi™ht watch the basketballsstubborn battle and are all set to go places in this tourney. Go with them. Birthdays We are not sure if birthdays are becoming a habit on the West Side this week or if they are the real McCoy. Anyhow, it would be worth your time to go in and see the gifts 'Little Petie' Schaefer received. Elmer Freund dug up some neekties in his dad's store that are fifty years old if they are a day. Beautiful ties, they are. But game in the gymnasium. A vote wa» taken and we saw the game. McHenry was playing against St. Mary's, Wood# i. stock, and McHenry won both frames. Thank you very much, Mr. Sfchoen|" holts! Scribe Marilyn Mertes. McHenry will present a strong lineup wait 'till you see the garters!,, and the boys are all pepped up overl Simon Stoffel is receiving birthday the idea of finishing the season with cards this Thursday morning. Msgr. C. S. Nix and Fr. Frank Miki; ler were in Aurora Saturday. Paul Doherty was in Woodstock Wednesday, when he served on jury. Mr. and Mrs. George Schaad aipt Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck wer* guests of Mr- and Mrs. John fldudf Wednesday. v 886 786 179 146 146 141 104--386 gluing 160 169 188 176 132 200 AMOHteONS LAST TIMES TONITE Will Rogers in "JUDGE PRIEST" Totals Team 1 H. Weber J. Weber . P. Freund ..^1. B. Frisby, Jr ..... E. Bohr Totals . Team 2 A. Schaefer H. Miller T. Wolf 750 628 741 2119 Totals 778 865 742 2385 120 166 124 137 95 171 m 188 130 108 156--4471 ffiAar 139--464 Gout* . Brefeld 125--387 129--396 Forster Somers 208 164 212 105--308 Kneibueter............ 195 642 706 Brefeld 136 128 113 161 162 106 FRIDAY -- Dinnerware Nite! Jack Oakie -- John Boles TIGHT FOR YOUR LADY' Totals 594 683 684 1961 Uprlnt Grove Laagae 654 2002 ' Totals Vol. HnrlM Norm 143 362 LenM„ J. J. Wagner ... im G. Wagner . 4uL Miller 130 m 158 163 180 138 782 2803 j worry, but not too much happened The idea of returning the goal posts 171---5191 to the goal line v*s turned down. So 177--511 j was the idea of allowing a field goal 123--4461 when the ball passes between the up- 138--4111 rights, but under the cross-bar. 139--499 j They did male the following changes: 1. The penalty for a fou! committed during a kick shall be loss of distance only, instead of loss of ball at point of the foul. 2. That the penalty for an illegal shift shall be 5 yards instead of 15. 188^622 170--492 151--526 203--678 164--432 904 789 857 2550 172 164 172 146 122 182 192 191 179 130 124--428 212--568 169--532* 179--504 140--392 SATURDAY SPECIAL! Matinee at 2:30 • Lewis "YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE" AND Mary in the Big Musical Hit "THIS WAY PLEASE" BOTH TOO GOOD TO M^SS -- SUNDAY AND MONDAY -- Continuous From 2:30 Sunday -- The Year's Most Hilarious Comedy! Irene Dunne -- Cary Grant "THE AWFUL TRUTH" EXTRA! EXTRA!! Two Reel Comedy Riot "OUR GANG FOLLIES OF 1938" ---- Also Latest News • TUESDAY -- BARGAIN NIGHT Lynne Overman - J.. Barrymore 'NIGHT CLUB SCANDAL' Also--Kg Special Attractions WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY This Time For Sure! EDW. G. ROBINSON "THE LAST GAHGSTEB" m. . s.. &VS""m - . . . r u > . •mi , CH: S7 H. Britz Marshall M Schiessle Thennes Brefeld Karls Frisby, 129--381 155--394 178--433 107--301 159--477 708 1986 117--838 124--416 159--489 128--389 128--448 656,2029 194--490 105--356 122--366 105--381 149--366 675 1968 139--417 125--375 135--372 133--378 107--321 Totals 776 824 824 2424 HE DESERVED IT More Help! r-;"" • McHenry, Hinds. „ Jan. 10,1988. Dear Sb-I - Hear:- Here Is my contribution to your col- Please revise, if necessary! "The Team" McHenry has a basketball team so neat, They take into camp every team they meet; „ At forwards are Adams and Knox, who are both very fast, And I assure you for county scoring honors, they'll be far from last! At center is Comaay or Smith, ls- Roy, The other teams they're'bound to annoj5 » Andej*son'^ long shots have won him fame, It is hisr«hof» that* keep McHenry in the g$mi. . . • • Robert H. McNamara, 1937 team football captain, admires the award given him by the Lions club of West Philadelphia, for being the most valuable player of the University of Pennsylvania team. Bob comes 639 1863 139--429 89--292 j from Brooklyn, N. Y. At the other guard is Juaten, Paul From the backboard, he always gets the ball; And next comes the subs, Who are by no means Scrubs! - -- Taxman and Miller at forwards are . both quite small, But they really can handle the ball At center is McAndrews, Joe, .. Whose passing is really a show; At guards are Meyers and Stifffi, a couple of Dutch. But you can't say they don't amount to much. .« Last, but not least* comee Hettermann, "Lee," w c7.dn T JO fti'3 ' ^ EMPIRE BUILDERS TK4 history of McHenry is a story of The 4'coming of the rails" ushered in a new era in our econom* if development. Payroll dollars of the' railroads have increased the ringing of McHenry cash registers after year, thus benefiting evfctyoiii. We are proud of our close contacts with the railroad industry and with many of its employees. In the field of printing, we have enjoyed liberal patronage from the "rails." We have the equipment and the person nel to do every job efficiently and 1 :$ im*

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