Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1938, p. 7

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,1- Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Hjcotch Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. Louis Bchroeder. X Mrs. Thomas Doherty entertained Ifoe Bunco Club at her home Thursday f'ternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. iola Low and Mrs. George Young. vMiss Gladys Shepard was pleasantly Earl Converse and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie'Davis and daughter, Helen, of the "Flats" were business callers at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Dowell and Miss Frances Davis were business callers at McHenry last Tuesday afternoon. Arthur Wackerow saw "The Lost Horizon" at the Catlow theatre last Thursday evening. suiuxiacvt by a group of friends a'» Mr.. a.n d Mrs. H,.a rry M, atthews and ir TT ber home Friday evening in honor of were callers at McHenry on L' i v-'-' * Jier birthday which was Sunday. The warly evening Was Bp^nt in skating hind followed by lunch and a social time at her home. She was presented TjHth a lovely gift. Those that made Tip the happy party were Betty Bren- ^iSen, Larry Freeman, Virginia Jepson, Friday evening. Mrs- Berlha Davis of the "Flats" spent last Thursday with her cousin, Miss Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs; LfaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park on John Cristy, Ruth Klintworth, Daniels j Sa^rd*/„^ Saw son, Pearl Smith, Darrel Benoy, Dorothy Krohn. Glenn Benoy, Althea Benoy, Paul Walkington. Dora Ander- ••5:>ion, Walter Wilcox, Gladys Shepard, Alan Ainger, Shirley Hawley, Walter - Low, Alice Mae Lov.', Rita Mae Mer- ; '^ant, AKce and Marion Feet, Kenand Bobette Cristy, Loreki Mc? ^ ViCannon and Hdward Shepard; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitehens enter- , -tained the Five Hundred Club at their -twme Friday evening. Prizes were V Awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and • George Young and Mrs. George Young ' -||nd B. T.. Butler. < Mr. Muzzy attended a principal's 'ttonthly meeting at Cary Tuesday ; i: f^enfing. „ Roger Collins spent Monday in Chi- ; iBBgo. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank , Hrs. George Mentzer and Mrs. Wilgam McCannon were visitors at Park v; Ridge Wednesday. George Young was a Woodstock visitor Thursday afternoon. Thomas Doherty and George Young t:ended a milk meeting at Huntley turday. r The Home Bureau met with Mrs. . Charles Peet Wednesday afternoon. There were twelve members present. "IMrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. W. B. Harrison gave the lesson on Foods. The various chairmen gave their reports. Mrs. E. E. Carr and Mrs. Bentell are to go to UYbana as delegates uesday. -3 Mrs. Joe McCannon was a visitor fii Chicago Siaturday. " ' ^ ;. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Mon- Jfeiy and Tuesday at Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson anil son of Cary visited at the honie of Mr. and Mrs.. John Blomgren last Thursday. Rev. and Mire. R. C. Hallock of Wau« conda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Thursday afternoon, Eugene Wisser, who lives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill, is ill with the measles. Fred Nordmeyer was a business caller at Grayslake last Wednesday Mrs.'Wilbur Cook and Mrs. Ira Cook of Wauconda spent last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Underwood at Wauconda. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter Ethel, were' business callers at McHenry last Saturday afternoon^ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and daughter, Ilen^, of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were business callers at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. < Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wagner in Waukeg »n. Mr. and Mrs. * G. J. Burnett, and Frank Oliver spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Willard Darrell was a business caller at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgnn were dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. J. Burnett last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder and Mrs. Edward Harrison, Elgin, spent Sun-j Christy Snyder of Libertyville Bperit : 4)ay here. Mesdames Joe McCannon, Charles - feet, Clayton Harrison and Fred Gibbs Attended the Dorcas Society in the Joe Coates home at Greenwood Thurs- Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. G. J. Burnett and F. Oliver were recent business callers at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent tiie weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Lyle Litwiler was a caller Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krumpen spent last Fniday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. John Barnings was a caller at the latter's parentR at' home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett j Saturday. .?* Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons jspent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. • Wayne Foss spent Sunday. with friends at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Sunday with the Richmond Roger Collins spent Wednesday in | Mr. and Mrs 'Mh irjivn. ' -|i Mrs.' Merritt Cruikshank of Wood • 9UI19. 1WUC1 % Harry Matthews and 4j TjL .jy. uic , vv uiaiui nJL3/«ai' rell and Mr. and Mrs. EJmer Esping •tock spent the weekend in the Wm.!saw "Jane Withers" in 45 Fathers at McCannon home. jthe Liberty Theatre at Libertyville on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daugh-J Sunday afternoon. Mr. and "Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertyville and Harold Thomet of Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks ||r, Mary Ann, are visiting relatives Harvard. Mrs. Libbie Ladd left Wednesday to apend the winter in Florida. ---y Joseph Vaillancourt, Chicago, spent the weekend at his home here. . John Hogan and Miss Melvie Davis : i M Dawson Spring, Kentucky, were ' narried at Madisonville, Kentucky, on Tuesday, Jan. 4. They will make their home on the Dodge farm that Mr. Hogan has raited the past few years. Bingwood friends extend congratulations. Mrs. Roy Neal i?as a visitor in Chicago Wednesday. LeRoy Neal of Woodstock spent the Heekend here with his parents. Harold Jepson of Winnebago spent 'tlie weekeend wdth his parents, Mr. - Kid Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter • i^tsel of Chicago spent Sunday after* " soon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson at- • tended the fhneral of Mrs. Williams Richmond Saturday. Rev. Collins spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago. ; N Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Evanston 1 H>ent Saturday here. "• Mrs. S. W. Brown was a visitor at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman and fam- / ily spent Sunday afternoon at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgern of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Woodstock Siaturday. Ed. Bower and Mike Freund atttend- • •" «d a milk meeting at Huntley Satur- % Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday #ith her mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and lMaby have moved from the Bell house Ji(> Wonder Lake. WAUCONDA * Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE istate of Mathias Heimer, Deceased. The undersigned, Administratrix of Jflie Estate of Mathias Heimer, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will before Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baseley and son of Union, 111., and Harry Baseley of Coral, 111., were guests of Mrs. Amy Cypher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gossell announce the birth of an 8-lb. son, Saturday, Jan. 8. Mrs. Grace Kirwan of Volo passed away Sunday at a Waukegan hospital, following a long illness. Funeral services Were held Tuesday, with interment in the Grant cemetery near Volo. Miss LaVerne Brown left Sunday for Alburquerque, New Mexico. She will spend the winter there, hoping to benefit her health. Mrs. Louis Broncheoh entered the Illinois Research hospital for treatment last week. A card party tin honor of the birthday of Mrs. Margaret Harvey was held at the Gossell home Friday evening. Five tables of cards were played, and a dainty luncheon served. A most enjoyable evening resulted. Rosalie Necebrecke died suddenly of diphtheria at her home on the Flats at Slocum Lake on Friday. Services were held at the grave on Saturday morning at the Catholic cemetery. She was a granddaughter of Sam. Pescz. * Earle Harrison is receiving treat* ment at the Illinois Research hospital. Mrs. Nellie Butler, who has been employed as nurse at the Carr home, is now employed at the M. Conway home in McHenry. The H. F. Straw home at Davis Lake, east of Wauconda, was looted of linens, silverware,. blankets, etc., and twenty-four bottles of choice liquors, during holiday week. Carl Keller, who resides in the Hicks home, has purchased the residence known as the Old Whitcomb property, now occupied by the Steinsdorfer family. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Prior and family called on relatives at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Redgate were Wauke- Uppear the County Court of+gan callers Tuesday. __JttcHenry County, at the Court House! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall are now Ja Woodstock, on the 7th day of Feb-j occupying their new home in the "At tuary, A. D. 1938, at which time all j Home" subdivision, formerly owned by persons having claims against said, the Oates. Estate are notified and requested to Mrs. L E. Golding, who has spent Attend for the purpose of haying the the past two weeks with her daughter, . itme adjusted. All persons indebted \ Mrs. Charles Bechtold and family at to said Estate are requested to make Richmond, Ind., returned home Sunday. Hcmmediate payment to the undersign- «d. • " . Dated this 28th day of December, £.D. f937. * X DELLA MATTHEWS, «|4:, • ' . Administratrix. "fflaindealer Want Ads Bring Resolts Lyle Broughton, whose marriage is dated for Feb. 14, is building a new home on North Main street, adjoining his father's home. Mrs. Anna Bartfell and son, Will, <»€ Chicago were Sunday callers hei <r. J. A. Jones spent 'ast week aijiccint with his daughter and family, „ Jones was feeling went to a doctor. The doctor, however, failed to diagnose the trouble. "I'll tell you what tp do/' he^said after Awhile. "Wrap a piece of paper round yourself and prick it in every place you feel a pain." Jones did this, but when on the following day he came to look tot the paper he found it missing. "Have you seen ,a roll of p&per anywhere?" he asked his wife. "Why, yes," she replied. "I put ,it on the pianola and it played 'The Last Round Up'."--Tit-Bits^Magawne. : OR SOMETHING "Being neighbors now, we can talk to one another out the windows and be friends. " > - --o "Yes. ^and T hop^ ijse wiU nfever fall out." . In a Tough Fix Sambo turned up at the police station. "Chief, sah, Ah needs protection," he said. "Ah done ,got a unanimous letter this mornin" which says, 'Let mah chickens alone.' " "Why do you want protection?" asked the chief of police. "Just leave the chickens alone, ahd you'll be all right." "Dat's all right, boss, but how does Ah know whose chickens I'se to leave alone?"--Pearson's Weekly. The Childlike Nature "Do you mean to tell me that tenderfoot pulled a gun 'cause he thought you had stacked the cards?" "That's what I said," replied Piute Pete. "You told me the game was going to be like taking tandy from a child." . . "Yes. But some children has awful dispositions." * Go Into Tour Act! The little girl peered intently «t the woman. "Are you the trained ntrrse mother said was coming?" she asked. "Yes," was the repj^y. "I'm the trained nurse."" "Swell!" exclaimed the little girl. "C'mon--some friends of mine have been waiting to see you do your tricks." •/rv JUST A HABIT "That detective couldn't go Straight if he wanted to, I suppose." "Why not?" "He's bent on following the crooks." They were discussing national fitness. "Now look at me," said Hobson, proudly. "For years I have had five minutes wrestling every morning, and I am as fit as a fiddle." "Who do you get to wrestle with you?" asked one of the company. "No need for anyone," replied Hobson. "I have my vcoUars starched well, that's all." Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini are the owners of a new Pontiac coach. Mrs. Frank St. George visited Mrs. Clyde Wright near Griswold Lake on Tuesday. Miss Beatrice Wilson and Mrs. Wendell Dickson left Monday for Urbana, where they will attend Farm and Home Week; Volo School opened last Tuesday after their Christmas vacation. Mrs. Charles Dalvin of Wauconda visited her sister Mrs. Roy Passfield Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Do%ell and daughter •isited Mrs. Clinton Raven at Slocum's Lake Monday. The Volo Cemetery Society mlet" at the home of Mrs. Joseph Passfield en Thursday afternoon! The afternoon was spent in playftng cards and bunco With prizes awarded to Mrs. Charles. Miller, Mrs. Russell Magnussen, Mrs. Jay Vasey, Mrs. John Passfield, Mrs, Walter Crook, Mrs., Frank Wilson. A very dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and family called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kramer irt Wauconda Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vertace Schuette and daughter of Caipentersville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dun ker. Mr. arid Mrs. Clark .Nicholls of ^oseville and Mrs. Charles Miller and son visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield Tuesday. Messrs. Herman Dunker and Carl Bunting and Bertham Abney attend ed a Country Life Insurance Meeting at Peoria, 111., for a few days the past week. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and daughter of Crystal Lake vdsited Miss Vinnie Ba con Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimua and family visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitman at Barrington Sunday. Mrs. William Fulton, Mrs. S. J. Russell, Miss Vinnie Bacon and Mrs. °Ff Hironimus were guests of the Lake County Home Bureau at the home Mrs. Ray Seymour Wednesday. The Volo Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs. Ray Seymour, Wednesday, Jan. 6. A business meeting was held in the morning and a pot-; luck dinner was then enjoyed by th<F members and twelve guests. The Continental Divide The Continental Divide between Colorado and Canada formed the western limits of the Louisiana Purchase. The Original Complaint A clay "letter," dug up in ancient Ur of Babylon, dating some 4,000 years ago, was from a traveling salesman in a distant country complaining that he had written five times before and had no reply! Oldest Universities The oldest university in North America is the University of Mexico at Mexico City, founded in 1553; the oldest in South America is the University of San Marcos, in Lima, Peru, founded in 1551. Seath Burial Plots Preferred At one time, burial plots south «f the church Jn a churchyard tfery weTe regarded as the preferable ones, as according to ecclesiastical lore, that was the "angels' side" of the yard. ""WStti trouble DONT MISS 7WS GREAT Not Altogether Lawyer--Was the man you found under the street car a total stranger? Witness--No, sir, only a partial stranger. Lawyer--What do you mean? Witness--Well, you see, one arm and one leg was gone. Too Many Books Kind Lady--My poor man, how did you ever come to such a condition? Weary Bill-»-Ma'am, I'm a victim of over-education. When I was a kid I read so much about the blessin's of poverty that I jes' natchally couldn't work. On the Dot The mistress entered the kitchen hurriedly. "Weren't you told to watch when the milk boiled over?" she said.. "I did, ma'am," replied the maid. "It was just half past nine." 7 20% REDUCTION for January Clearance Sniff Down Psymtnt -- Low, Easy Terms " • It's here--the opportunity you've been waiting for! Now you can get those new lamps you've wanted at money-saving prices such as only a JANUARY LAMP CLEARANCE can bring. ElQOr „ lamps, bridge lamps--study, table and boudoir lamps--lamps for every purpose and every room --all parade before you in this brilliant MARCH OF VALUES. But hurry, hurry -- come in now, While stocks are most complete. neighborhood dealers also are offering Miany fine lamp values during January T» €*t*r iuttrist and other costs, a somewhat higher price Jt cbiUfml for Lamps purchased on deferred payments. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS GOOD NEWS! Special Lamp Offer Continued For LlmHmd Tim*I New 193S I.E.S. "tater Sight" FLOORtAMPS • $( 99c down. At long as 12 months to pay balance on - Electric Service bilL Hundreds rushed to take advantage of this offer when it was first announced --and no wonder! Here is every better sight feature you could ask--plus style, beauty. Bases are finished in bronze or ivory and gold . . . shades are. of hand-sewn silk with white lin- ,ings. Now--see these beautiful modern Reflector Larttps. You'll want at least two at this low price! Choose from these Tut New Styles. • •• Advance Notice He--See that man playing -fullback? He'll be our best man in about a week. :.$• She--O, this is so sudden. 4 Where They Often Bloom Teacher--Jimmy, give a sentence using the word deceit, Jimmy -- I patches on deceit. A Lung* L*mp X • ff 'iffjfirtTf

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