1 1l jJf.V, »>*•*? *»$**! T I «£ , ^ ; ^;i.l'rt^y'.yl Thursday, February 24,1938 FLADVDEALER Nelhi MCHS MEETS WOODSTOCK IN REGIONAL TOURNEY NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT ITheis 'BOWLINQ ^ ;» C O. F. A, |r m PS. : - a. Interest in the Regional Basketball Rotherriel . Tournament to be played next week at j Herdrich St. Mary's Gymnasium, Woodstock, is p. Miller ... nnning high this week. Smith .... McHenry will clash with Woodstock )• the second game of the tournament Totals [Wednesday night. L. Heimer . Sotne of the smaller schools Will be h. Weber , fanning fqr the larger Elgin and Dun- Q Freund , dee schools and anything can happen, Justen , Dundee is regarded as the class of the Thennes .tournament by many observers andj there is a good chance that McHenry J Totals might bump into them in the finals. Nye ...... All we have to do is get by Woodstock y# Knox .... . and the winner of the Elgin-Harvard j Freund game. It looks like our team has (j .Weber ... plenty of work Cut out for t^iem. ^ • p, Unti The games will be run off like this: J Harvard and Elgin will open the tour; | Totals nament at 7:30 Wednesday evening, Heimer ^ McHenry and Woodstock will follow:a, weingart^ at 8:30. !H. Schaefer f 'f On Thursday evening Barrington p Karl# Mill meet DesPlaines, Maine, in the l Winkel 171 174 /155 ....... 168 213 ;j^^j^i.^^.^: 783 ; 879 V<:H tet game. Crystal Lake and Dundee lock horns in the second game. ' "The Wednesday night winners will do battle in the first game on Friday night and will be followed by the Thursday night winners, *<>n Saturday night at 8 o'cock the; Adams : 142 •JPriday night winners will clash for the Goodell '4. ;' tournament championship. There wjll(Barbian r' be po consolation game. ' • a Hobbies "Now most everyone is bragging about his hobby. Can you tell me, Mack, what your's isT" : "Of course, Minnie, mine i* up to §00 proof." , Freund Hughes <Md' Timers^}, 167 143 144 •Miiz203 162 234 166 '153 149 Totals 152--4111 '" / 1 Matefa GaUW 171^493 Vo,° Vol tares Qos urn Luti 157 181 179--548 I*"*** - 168 168 Molidor 176 167 862 2511 J- "*• Wagner .. 126 ,116 158 449 J- 6. Wagner 167 128 161--470 ^ ---- 199 470 Tdtttls --... 784 760 163--506 Waeconii 150--530 Gossell 134 122 Daly 192 176 831 2435 Garland 199 145 161--483 Lawerence 155 113 123--381 Seaborg 193 153 186--467 _____ 169--521 j Totals „^..... 873 709 164--462 ~H- v Spring Grore . • . 803 2336 B. May ........v........ 194 150 117--409 A. Britz 144 173 151--468 C, Freund ... 118 128 169--483 N. Klaus 117 165 165--507 L. Ill 165 197--594 - - ----- : Totals 684 781 799 2461 iFarmers/fe. .. . G, Frisby,:^iiV>iL.= 115, 95 112-313 jPACKED HOUSE SEES MCHS WIN FAST GAME FROM STEINMETZ HIGH 427 487 459 13^3 172--510 168--494 Playing to a packed house last Saturday night, our high school basketball team turned in a neat 36 to 33 victory over the Steinmetz five from 147--*490 Chicago's northwest side. 187--429 j The game was scheduled with the 172--4671 much larger Steinmetz school as a -- 'special attraction in a season that is 846 2390 fast nearing the windup. Many local I fans who had not seen a game during 181--437 j the entire season Were on hand and 147--515 j were treated to a sparkling game. 157--5011 Coach Thompson, of Steinmetz 154--422 i started his first string five and evi- 200--546 deneed his desire to win by taking I only one chance in substitution. This / EARL WALSH hear that Steinipet» fcas never droj^j ped twxx games in night. Our first team won--so what the heck! --I- 9IBB AT BARKEVILLJC A house occupied by the Charles Aekerson family at Barreville caught We hear thai Alderman Kreutser, fire from an overheated kitchen range took a swan dive in a puddle of water, about 7 a. m., Tuesday. Crystal Lake frne day last week, but we wouldn't firemen responded to a call and suewant you tp .tell eyerybody. Seems he ceeded in confining the flames to the and Alderman Regner were supervis- j kitchen, although other rooms And Things were popping around our ing some work. "Hie footing was slip- furniture were badly damaged by high school last Saturday evening. • We pery. He faw dawn. We're just thank-' smoke. It is said no insurance haven't had too many good, close, ful it wasn't Regner who took the'carried. I, / ' ?j$W- 739'2421 substitution came when his fine big (center, Keyes, was playing under the {pressure of three fouls. 148^--4921 With Vale Adams leading the way 148--465 McHenry. held a 9-6 advantage at the 120--366; end of the first quarter. The lead was 149--431; stretched to 15-10 at half time. In 114--417 the first half tabulation, McHenry had breath-taking basketball games in our dive -- 250 pounds -- Wowie, what a gym this year so the sight of our splash! favorites popping that ball through the ' ; --|*r. net from all angles was a joy to be-1 "Red" Winkel is, wondering what hold. :^Mosen meatat' last week when he The place is owned bjr Mr*.'Anna Turner of Crystal Lake. 'HETHK PROM FLOBIDA Mr. and Mrs. C. ,%Un*a, daughter, ^ote, "This is one of the cutest babies. Laura, and son, Angelo, arrived home > Not tiknt our boys haven't popped 80 *ar- ^ou ^e grreatly surjpris- Monday night after a seven-weeks' soenough basketballs through the nets when you leam who it is." Time journ in Florida, where they made their headquarters at Daytona Beach. They rented an apartment near the seashore and Angelo, who is a Junior Wiibrandt W. Justen E. Conway, 210--519 C. Selling 154---44V' ' 146--511 Totals 199--599 230--532 Schaefer'a Tav«rn 224 146 128 226 128 145 149 115 154 this year. They have. In fact, they marches on--and maps change, have been a scoring machine the like ,u . --"-- of which "we wont be seeing every ^ took in that Johnsburg meeting -- year. • |Monday night to hear the committee in high school, attended school there. recommendations on purchasingwfire-1 Interesting sightseeing trips were The point is that when we popped + Seem l ed^to^e a ^aken by the family, who snjoyed the enough points through the nets to win n LIT ! • ^ r fires cl,mate and the vacation in general. . • /. .. , can best be put out* with water or . m05t "y P"""5. pother boys w,r. ehemfc«ls Th«v «]So feel th.7« sire" five chances from the free throw line in R popping mood, too. And we got shoujd ^ installed. Was trying to 706 2171 and cashed in only once when Han-y! p^pped* , » think up some idea that would save , > Anderson was fouled while dropping • „ t, . ""'"Tu v . them M money. Now, a few 166--409 a field goal. The visitors had no free? Ela Township and Hebron gave us year>s affQ when an jrig^man staTted Totals ..4.......» 875 788 Granger Wilson J. Schmitt . J. Schaefer Meyers Granger A. Krause .... 118 ........... 116 .........v112 >••••»•••«*••' 14^ 177 133 164 171 163 226 Totals Bacon Sayler ....... 939 2602 jrfrisby L. Conway^.,...... 127--378 L. Stilling........... 211--491 H. Schaefer........ 195--478 158--465 Totalis 174--677 Coca-Cote Fuller real' games that fans like,'but they w ^ • . . made us like 'em too much. They both „ -•ButzemeMf^nd the b e a t u s o u t b y a s l i g h t s h a d m g o n o u r . | i k ^ own floor. i •:^ . .. r . •d * i *'o i' j ' . t • ' Remember way back when bowling _But |Mt S.t»rfcy ivght^ . boi« a ^ ^ Evelyn And of a different eolor We invrted the ersotl. her ,itt,e M,^on R v„ T' T ,Jh"Lae"' Weber, Evelyn Justen and coisin, Now, Steinmetz isn t > very old school Kathleen Justen, having a bushel of f5o"r 2i,S40Z0 "aTnd i>,> «** » V<.««S<> mThroeXllmbeun,'tt fun and at iMst that much good ex- erciK one d . k The game . -- Must have to use the Notre Dame shift is w„ it ,houl(I H 503 j both teams were going at top speed a to ,'te€P all those classes rolling along, guys qnd the gals. couple of subs did their stuff for Mc- " Well, every bloke and his brother 167 530 chances during the entire first half. 162-^457 Rudnick Gets Going 158--401 The second half found Rudnick, Chi- 184--564 cago's leading scorer, finding the net and forcing McHenry players to st^y 887 j?367 right up on their toes. Keyes . was __ • also doing his stuff with three baskets. Steinmetz players dropped five free 187 142 180--509 shots out of nine chances during the 158 183 172 513 second half while McHenry was drop- 157 168 204--529 P'"# three out of five. 150 223 156 529 i During the last quarter drive when 130 192 181 "Can you show me some of your 'jillection, Mack?" i "W-we-we-well, no. I swallowed it page Af fast as I collected it, unless youjj(ar]s " want to see some empty bottles. But Roger# how about you, Minnie, you must have Bacon a hobby too?" j "Oh yes, and a sweet one. I am Totals ^collecting kisses. So far, I have col- Schaefer lected from a Dog-catcher up to a Wattles ... ^General, and I want to go still higher |Weber ; and higher. I'm sorry I cannot show Perkins jt>u some of my collection, except a fow empty lip-stick tubes." , «, /'I suppose you know what Mike's hobby is. All he is doing--Collecting customers for the GRIMSRUD QUALITY ^ SHOES *^Oing Shoe 202 165 136 141 193 --I-- . , . . . . . v t u j ' ' ^ , e C u b s f i r s t s q u a d i s o n t h e w a y turned out to see that game. Nobody to training camp. The Sox leave ne*t Totals «.»•, 837 pairing in POPP'S SHOE STORE West McHenry, Illinois Main Street Phone 162 More next week in this same corner Covalt M. Schaefer Totals .. 667 857. 865 2&9 Moore "ZS1 Stilwell ....... ..... 141 178 166--485 Souster ......... ..... 167 175 156--498 Havercamp , ..... 167 124 153--444 157 144 209--510 139 232 222--593 -- ' Schaefer Brothers 771 853 906 2530 A. Schaefer 135 » ' J. Schaefer 168 115 105 143--363 M. Schaefer 189 194 134 149--477 Hank Schaefer .... 148 171 195 177--543 Herman Schaefer 157 .206 213 146--565, 201 219 207--627 Totals .... 782 908 893 25831 Henry to give the regulars a big lift. jJoe McAndrews dropped two shots ^ 191 175--568'that had plenty of bearing on the out-j®eemed k"0^ wh®fc was going to Tuesday. Spring has eome. 152 175 492 come. Taxman dropped another shot! haPPen- Most of us thought there was-# g 146 179 461 when points were needed. One basket ^. g°°d_chance of our boys getting their j Some thoughts that 154 193 488 by McAndrews was made on a veryiears pinned back mean 179 214 586 pretty bounce-pass play from Knox in the thick of the visitor's defense. 936 25951 The game was filled with thrills as | many of the shots were made from I difficult angles. Plenty of speed on -«- 1 Most of you know that we won. Yep. We won -- 36 to 33. - . ^ The game was fast, clean and exwon* t much to the managers: We saw both Collins and Cavaretta play first base last "summer and thought Cavaretta had it all over the Ripper." Looked like the other in- 8UNNYFIELD HOUSE NUTLEY ' ' '•! 130 168 178 137 162 887 866 Volo League^ Team 4 Dillon .......... Miller L. Schaefer J. Thorsell C. Thorsell .178 122 103 202 200 180 117 153 142 155 --» '< Britz Brothers- 822 2575 Ike Britz Hank Brit* Ben Britz s J " j v Frank Brit* ....... , -- Joe Britz 166--464 797~ 775 164 164 131 147 189 156 166 123 149 188 citing. What more could we ask? ^,ders m*r«,y lacked confidence in The boys went along in high speed e y°un£ e ow or something. most of the game, but came out fresh ^ the same time, we thought the ' " , l '•%Cubs had the best infield in the league |---T ' and the poorest outfield. uuv nave r,«u ,n«r own trouo- Steinmetz cxnt be rated We 8«w tf>e Sox and thought their; 745 2317'ks of late when tough opposition lines beate, s' but they Pla>' for keePs- They n nn^i „! Tn 8 T"® 866 up on the other side. Those slumps didn't .like to lose, but were a fine ln a.ny Pasture league Th* 'i *• » ft • Klin/iK K/\tro in 120 385 both sides also gave the fans the kind 160 496 a game they like to see. 142 509; Our second team took another orie 165 450 on the chin, 29 to 12. The second jas dniaies. 158 477 team boys showed real class in early] (season, but have had their own troub- 124 444 will happen in the best of regulated 140--470 groups. 121--375 152--448 145--522 127--366 142--398 160--504 Totals 795 782 HeHenry -- 36 tFG bunch bf boys in defeat* --B-- quisition bf Marvin Owen The acought to change the^picture. They had a boy named Rudnick who We think Owen will have one of his NEW CMPIBf Week Days 7:20 - 9:20 UBIDA Y -- SATURDAY February 25-26 Carole Lombard - Fred MacMurray "TRUE CONFESSION" Also--Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY February 27-28 Alice Faye - George Murphy "YOU'RE A SWEETHEART" with Ken Murra^ and Oswald Also--Comedies and World News Sunday Matinee, 3:15 Continuous TUESDAY (Double Feature) Admission--10c - 20c (1) "She Loved a Fireman" (2) "Daughter of Shanghai" WEDNESDAY, MAR. 2 (One Day) Ann Sothern -- Jack Haley' "DANGER -- LOVE AT WORK" Also -Mickey Mouse in The Old Mill Totals ............ 805 697 Team3 Molidor - 141 149 M. Magnussea .... 132 132 J. F. Wagner ........ 146 157 King 146 144 166 150--505 Wiibrandt J. Pitzen Pitzen's Politicians 151 142 147 143 144 155 172 128 164 154 Totals 781 748 714 2193 Team 1 iJ. J. Wagner........ M8 148 151--412 j Winkel 133 95 113--341 K. Magnussen ...... 137 137 137--41,1 IJ. G. Wagner ...... 169 148 164--481 Lenzen 184 158 169--461 735 2237 m. Schmitt^Zl H. Miller 146--436 p preund ......... 132--396 139--442 Totals -«..... *31 421 Skidmore Specials 166--498 G. Olson 153^185 J. Rothermel 727 773 740 2240 682 >2259 Adams Miller Knox 198--504 McAndrews 130--444 L- Smith ... 164--439 Meyers ....... 152--459 Anderson .... 96--394 Smith, Justen , 0 H»Vi!-3 . 0 , 0 is an all basketball player. He couldn't yfars 'n 1938. At the same time get the range during the first half we think that too much will be exbut went like a house afire in the last Pected of Gerald Walker and '38 in the period when the chips were down. He ^Pac'ou® park won*t be as good as scored nineteen points in the game. i „at "av'n Field. H | We think Vern Kennedy will win This same Rudnick is high scorer in twenty games for Detroit in '38, but Chicago this year. In one game, he they may have to use an older and a! piled up .thirty-eight points. That's, more finished catcher than Rudy York V nearly a point a minute. That doesn't when Kennedy is on the mound. Ken- 0 give a fellow much time to goof ne"y can fly wilder than a hawk 2 around. | swooping down on a yard full of fat ITotHls Steinmetz - . 1 6 --33 F. Meyers Totals. 162 170 169 134 154 137 165 137 788 728 146--434' ~ 133--449 126 433 McAdamg £ 149--483 Rudnick ....^„«^8 139--410 ?eyes - Anenea . 693 2209 £urth ... Pohlman I Plymouth Rocks. o In. the flrmt five conference fames' We'd like to think that somebody i this year, this same Rudnick scored an c heat the Yankees out of the FG FT PF' average of just a fraction under twen- ^ American League pennant. Canadian Cuthroats Totals .. Team 2 ^Wirtz Littlefield .... W. Schaefer Hironimus .. Phannenstill Handicap , :^;.::1h»tab Bob Johnson 691 681 734" 2106. c. Brda * R. Frisby, Jr.» J62 162 162-486 Bob Martin ...C. fltS 188 93--359 w. Schreinw ....:... 80 114 144--338 149 149 149--447 Totals ..... 167 167 127--461 Spring Grove 21 21 21 --68 A. Schmeltxer G. Sanders 119 188 121 146 190 m 148 144 121 168 206--498 147--483 140--405 149--416 161--519 ............ & 0 1 1, 8 0 1 0 0 I bat gives you Tony Wirtz picked this item out for us: Totals 14 764 754 803 2321 Sematsf 2 ty points per game. 0 some idea. 01 Coach ^Thompson and his boys made! 4 Announce Engagement ojmany friends in McHenry. We hope Jrr* an<^ ^rs* William P. J. Hewitt • they will come back. They stayed of Tower Lakes, announce the engagearound for a bowl of chili and a little J060' of their daughter, Miss Anna M g social time after the smoke of battle ^°tz> to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peteri cleared away. json' son of Mr- and Mrs- George Petert I ' | 'son, of Lakes Corners.'^ I About half the crowd stayed to' That eternal triangle! . 'dance or watch others dance. The south Don t do it, Anna, or tl^wll be room off the gym was decorated forj*rouhl« in Lakes Corners. the occasion and the affair proved an attraction worthy of repetition. 707 2154 R. May Hank Brits .... #r^Peerinf-rosi 106 103 102 137 135 125 94 151 179 149 142 373! !t was a very windy day if you will jlO 3Q3'remember last Saturday and the boys 112 365'^t me out a nice warm bed to the 128 444 bleek surroundings of Sherman's Hill. 144--4281 1 fe,t Pretty had at first but after a Read the Want Ads There was a big bowling match at the Palace Tuesday afternoon. Guess it was in celebration of George Washington's birthday. Gertie Barbian and XMfSSSbc RSWt . . Km? tw SmSMKMO&TtMsO .N CANDY BARS . sTmTptAt . 4Su<i2Se . S^28c 4M^2Sc . 2^ 15c . . cach3C . 3CANI2SC kimm ©* . . i*25e »*a«»"r'r2,8iif29e wmi TtJtcr _ no. 2 1 (U CMPCFMHI . . CAN IOC IOMA HftWftttftfl PINEAPPLE . pomT* BEANS . 41wSS22c P&CSORPIO^^ SSokTdb^Sn . e21c wnt&xsuat. . "17e suSeo BACON . 2 25c fee 3^ 43c uicy ORANGES dw. 25c Seedless GRAPEFRUIT, e«k ..^ ....... 3c Red McClure POTATOES, 15-lb. neck.._--Me Daily Brand Chick STARTER*, 100-lK bag $UK Daily Bfe-and SCRATCH Grain, 100-lb. bag .$1.49 D STORES • Team » H. Weber .. F. Meyers E. Schmitt *3 158 ...... 146 125 A. Schaefer 147 AMOC&msM'S WOODSTOCK M I L L E R FRIDAY--DINNERWARE GIFTS Anna May Wong -- Chas. Bickford "DAUGHTER OF SHANGHAI" SATURDAY ONLY Dick Foran -- Ann Sheridan 'She Loved A Fireman" AND Lee Tracy in "Crashing' Hollywood" SUNDAY AND MONDAY The Best of the Wests! Mae West -- Edmund Lowe "EVERY DAY'S A HOLIDAY" AND i"i -:il: - Betty Grable -- Ben EHue And an All-Star Comedy Cast "THRILL OF A LIFETIME" -- Unequaled Entertainment TUESDAY, BARGAIN NITE Clare Trevor in ^IG TOWN GIRL" Big Special Attractions WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Alice Faye -- George Murphy ¥ "YOU'RE A I SWEETHEARf'* L. Schmitt Totals Team 4 G. Frisby V. Freund E. Bohr .... J. Weber .. W. Schreiner -x Totals Team 1 H. Miller Bob. Frisby, Jr. O. Freund J. Weber H. Schaefer Totals ..mm,, Team 2 P. Freund ... E. Steinsdoerfer R. Frisby, Sr. ... P. Freund, Jr. . C. Stilling 146 158 146 125 147 146 11»--474 146--438 Totals 583 Schaefer'a Tavern 118 368 a. Krause . 147-*41 j. Frisby 153 445 l Conway ., 722 722 722 2166 J. 213--498 Totals 181--416 ^ 152-442 wTrt, 184 154 181 170 199 191 223 166 while the way the boys started pass-'Blondy Hapke met "Bevo" Freund, a -'^636 1917 tests made me cheer up consider-j Carl Miller (of McHenry Brewery ^ . ably. Some of the boys passed as (fame). The girls not only met that many as three tests and a few passed!hefty opposition, but they beat 'em by SPA . 582 °' fellows had along such food j 75 pins in a three-game match. 1 193--570 169--516 as steak and other meat, twist (which 139 110 189 158 148 146 127 96 132 166 183 136 a kind of breaid made on a stick)! We received a mysterious call tell- 170 158 196 and' °* cour8e' beans. This week, jf ing us that there was big doin's going 185 2ia 5Q71 the weather isn't cold, the gang will on at the Palace and we should be head for the hill and try their "stuff" i there. Well, that's what we found--a on another test. I'm going to try my BIG match game. And we don't hand at making a pie! ! The O. D. (Officer of the Day) was 888 ' 936 939 2763 214--528 j Wagner 133 E. Blum 182 694 667 870 2281 Bruilo .... 152 160 146 211 150 157 mean the girls. I 1 . !• 7' I No, sir. We parked in a ringside j - -- - j MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 192 > JUSTEN & rKETOD, Prop. Orson 8t. -^--Special few Saturday and Snndayo 137 190 139 159 144 197--472 132--498 92--351 Totals 114 156 118 130 190 138 176 120 216 151-536 Mart^ 175 211-530 ^ Julius .. John .... Eddie Sftanzak Brothers 1.77--520 ^ , » 101 40<i ^*win t^orry and he sure was spruced 1B1 495 up swell. He got the lanyard that he!seat to watch the match for a while, was waiting for a long time. Mr. I but finally had to give up. Every time Schoenholtz had quite a time picking! "Bevo" stood up in-front of us we had the best ef the Scouts because they j to move three seats over to see the mi 884 fli3| were al1 very dean. You know that,pins. part of the Scout Law relates to clean- --1-- liness. John Pitren, our state game ward- The rest of the meeting was spent at en, is busy looking for a pet dog fish ROAST CHICKEN WITH DRESSING 1Mb 178--510 j 197--506! 779 825 783 2387 154 168 118 163 170 165--433 155--479 118--354 191 181 211 157 202 187 171 225 184 215 Totals 942 McHenry Meister Braus 25Q. «28 r 212 561 Hunter Boat Company where the'that one of our tonsorial artists let 223--659 TrooP wa» shown all the boats and .stray away. Seems this dog fish was joj eg? how each were constructed. Every trained. Sort of a decoy. That's all 228--645 part of the boats is made right there!we can tell. You know! Hie column and they even make their own uphol- keeps secrets. 982 1094 3018 stery- of the large cruisers are 1®?--i®? Smith 220-580 Baco„ Totals Marshall' Page .ht«; Bellows , Justen ..... Brefeld ... 708 773 827 23(8 S". Ladles' Clab Simon 266 174 191 158 175 145 144 193 201 175 140 -132 158 121 113 190 119 205 121 73 157--48Ti 115--478 121--368 102--288 Totals 964 858 GIRL SCOUTS Totals . Barbian L. Krause . L. Thennes M. Kinsala M. Krause . Totals . Hapke ... Schiessle ... Thennes ..uj Covalt ......... Karls ......... At Monday's meeting the Scouts were told that they had taken in , going to the boat show and the whole The Palace has seen some nifty joj gQo gang was allowed to climb into those (bowling this past week. The famous Ac-, boats and inspect them. They have Stanczak Brothers went wild in beatjgl r4c places to sleep, and even sinks and ing our Meister Brau team, 3,018 to jgj 550 everything imaginable. The gang 2,703. Haven't seen a tota* Like that 192 542 wants to thank the Hunter Company *n raany a moon. " i f t f r s h o w i n g them s u c h an e n j o y a b l e -- , v - ;. --- time. Uncle Ed Smith rolled a game Don't wake me up if it is too cold 'n that series just to. show 'em that Saturday, but if it is nice out, you can McHenry bowlers can hit that choice wake me--I mean, 111 see you. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. 664 708 646 2018 *33.79 selling Salvation Army tags on 133 133 133--399 Saturday. Individual prizes for sell- 131 131' 134--396 inS the most tags were won by Joan 90 102 91--283 Reihansperger and June Nelson, who lie 108 93-317 •»*». to « tie tb»t thST a08 165 140--413 prizes will be given. As no other busi-! CARD OF APPRECIATION It is the desire of the undersigned that thanks and appreciation go to the people of McHenry, Johnsburg, Volo Spring Grove, and other neighboring re- St. Joseph Card Party and Dance TUESDAY, MARCH 1 There will be a benefit Card Party and Dance for St. Joseph's new hall at Round Lake Valuable Prises MUSIC BY SWINGTELLA ORCHESTRA Featuring Lois Whit* of Radio Fam* 1 p ' 600 mark. Ever try to hit it? It's not so easy. If the everyday mine run of bowler can boast a 180 average, he'* no dub. . iJ " ~ F j : „„„„ A , jsponse and attendance at the midan ' we sPent the rest Jarnival held the past week at .,.-. 578 639 591 1808 of the meeting on our song books. All ^.. 141 141 141--423 the songs are chosen now and next 136 127 106--369 week we will make our covers. Aft ...... 99 160 90--349 'er singing some songs, we closed ^he 127 127 127--381 meeting. ...... 110 110 110--330 Scribe Marilyn Mertes Totals 1 >«iii»»in., 613 665 574 1852 Volo Grimelli ... Littlefield . St. George Lenxen "47 74 ^129 71 V 101 li? •7 67--191 96--271 104--350 Seeing a Rainbow " > - Tou can never see a rainbow on less you are between it and the sun Geno Poultry Seaodlea. 80--248 Drug Store»-j~ ' , Wattles 40-tf St. Mary's parish hall. Father Frank Miller, and Supper and En- » tertainment Committees. ®riar, of Heather Family Briar, or bruyere, grows in Algiers, Corsica, Greece, Italy, and Tunisia, and is a shrub of the heather family. The wood is compact and tough and has a peculiar quality of conducting boat instead al bunding rapidly. But. hold everything! Seaborg rolled a 681 serils with Wauconda in their match with Grayslake. Blow Me Down! Guess the men can't4 steal the whole show. Little Betty Bellows of the Marion Krause hair crimping shoppe rolled a 205 game in a 478 series. --B-- 1 Mike Schaefer led the Old Tijh'e boys with a 627 series. Nickie Freund was right on the edge with 599 pins, and "Dutch" Bacon wasn't anywhere near the caboose with his 593. --j-- Our second team boys took a trimming from Steinmetz last Saturday! night, but.,shouldn't feel too badly. We. NEW HUDSON 112 COME OVER AND SEE IT NOW The new Hudson 112 is here and you can see and drive the n^| Hudaofl 112. It's a greater value in automobile history! Stop in at Peterson Motors and look them over ---- Drive them yourself --- Then use your own judgment PETERSON MOTORS ' One black aast of Fox River Bridge Telephone 14 McHenry, HI