insists /- .r ^ %3f,»Bnirrttay, MtMt H M»}: ' "•*'• " - Pt.mmiT» ^ ^ 'V >. *>*• * \i ' ' x ^ r '* «• i <•»'*•._ k < . '< * * ' .. x ' \- * * * ' ' •. .- ^V- :-AT ~i tt -f •*; - A J* ft --f> V, - : .r&J > -T «. • , C, ^ V '. • . ! • V ~~ * * "U i 9 "SO I HEARS ., , • EA»L ^AIJ8H baking recipes over the air a day or so ago. Yes side--a aaal /'Uiere ought to be a law. ^f * i *-: . I . • A ~ Thare are plenty of friends who feel a tinge of sorrow when thinking of the Alby Krugs moving away from oar community. The sight of Frank Schreiner out for a sunning this week lifted our Red" Winkei and 5M Smttfc, doubles pair for several years, went "BELIEVE IT OR NjQT" season. jbopes for the success of McHenir'* wild last Friday night in the Forester "Annanias League" for ika earning league. "Red" bowled a 683 series land could have had 700 with a little hick.- Uncle Ed poked along with |tf" Frank keeps pace with the best of mere 613 series. Too bad they weren't" lloor local talent, bvtt has missed "spring in a doubles match that night, "trainingbeeauae of illneas. | --I-- ^ ^ ^ - --II-- : ! Mary Fleming sent us an article As little boy anci big boy, we have that gave us a laugjt. Would have *sp jenjoyed many of Frank's reports on passed it along in this space, but it * sports through his active days on The belongs to a magazine. Glad you V% Plaindealer. .read this chatter, Mary. We'll tell ' I-- {the boss. He says he can't stand it. WM One of his lasting wisecracks that I -- '& .' .still linger with many followers was Which reminds us of a story about J jhis report on the hard-hitting, slow- a boss: ;|; j ^hoofing "Sal" Meyers, It went like Said boss had been very ill for a 'this, "Meyers cracked a hard hit to few days. ? i. Tight field and was tossed put as he| A neighbor stopped to inquire of the 1 Taced for first." ; hired help as to the patient's condi- |.; --J-- ; tion and asked, "How's his tempera- The Alumni Associationplans a big ture?" v --^attraction for Saturday night at the The hired help shook-his head t- ^high school. You will see basketball " Taint fer me to say. You see the ystars of another day step out in com- boss died last night." ^ ; V ^ ; ^ " | \ ^ p e t i t i < m . , i i r 4 t h . l ^ ; i | p . p g h t ^ - l » l ^ ; « ^ ^ j - -- I -- ' " ' " ' ' - " v s t a r s . : - y . v / K " P e g g y " F e l t z i s n ' t a k n o c k o u t I' ---J-- ^ / in that new blue .and white uniform, "Zeke" Bacon, Dick Overton, Sib we'll eat your hat. We're going to T; " ' "Branch" Whiting, "Marty" Conway,1 talk to Delia Beckwith and see; if V . Gus Freund, Bernie (the original she won't give us one of her fancy * "Zukie") Kinsala, Jim Fay and others dog ribbons for Peggy's pooch. . • will be rounded up far action. > | --fl-- £•: mtS:t <• BOWLING t »• , iy O. F.-f f;*." Na.4 " : A. Justen Nye Knox Schaefer Karls 149 203-153--606} 192 168 189^--549! You will remember that next week 116 216 14^ 474 j Monday, the 28th of- March, the boys Honest Advice < <* y V ^ K ' ' » ••• Totals No. 3 Unti ......... B. H. H. Weber ' L. Heimer £. Thennes Totals No. 2 Theis G. Freund The Fisherman from the South" mentioend in Herdrich There is no "Who Is It" about this one. It's! ^us Freund.... Alderman and Mrs. Ferwerda, who are ^dragging half the fish out of the Smith ocean down Florida wjiy., ;;i" "My friends, the time has come . 149 109 »K09|wiU go to Cary for that long awaited; when this nation needs some new shoes. --^ /§«: 172 172 172 516,0Purt °f Honor. Thfcfe are four boy? How to get some without interfering, ^ * , . • j getting Second Class-badges, one of; with our budget has been solved by^ 778 868 807^2453;the^boys is getting some merit badges, W friendt Senatw Kratemeadenbook- ^ land I do mean me. The boys are go- . . _ . . „ .. _. . . • A #.,11 * Av. T*:--* Ai_._ el. As an^sp«rt mathematician, hrti Here's that picture of The Plaindealer last week. 213 IBS 163 159 174 199 134 128 159 145 857 765 826 2447 *•- Casters Form Picket Fence --«-- WJent down to "Canopy John's" on There may be some difficulty in; Tuesday night to sit in foy "Mose" at stretching the old siiits to meet pres- 'the Lions Club meeting. The canent day waist lines, so don't be too Cpy man really put on a spread for surprised if some have to parade forth the boys. V in golf knickers, slacks or what have, -- . you. I You know, Jack Dempsey has a big •. ^-8-- - restaurant in New York and Jim There wifl l*e four boxing boiits and Braddock is getting one started so a girls' basketball game to boot. the canopy man is really a natural. --B-- Of course, you knew that he was once A real sociable get-together is being g great wrestler. planned for the crowd after the per- ^ --H-- formances are over. J The Lions are planning a "Clean- --1-- " j up-Week" for the city and expect big The Alumni Association hopes to re* things. Pres. Duker suggested that alize a tidy sum toward their scholar- members put on suns old, clothes ship fund. You've heard about that. 'an(j torn out for work* * --II-- : | --1--• They want to send some deserving, it looks to us like tfiat wourfTI^ a ~ student on to college. Seems like a gweu chance for a president to apcommendable plan. We go along with int a committee. the idea that there is nothing wrong g with a college education if a person is Attorney French plans to have a willing to learn something when thay Germ^n fenow from Elgin, who has get out. _ • just toured Germany, come up here ,7' . i v. . I and tell us all about the country. We Don't ga telling everybody, but 1*7 151 191 175 182 131 160 lt9 159 238 'igi--coQing full force on the First Class tests ... . Igiy ^09' although they haven't even got their h*s "figured out that dfily one-half bfl-| jgj 4-2 Second Class badges yet and that is j lion dollars and ninety-seven cents' ' 159 477 j what the executives of the area like, j would give every person in our coun-« 167-486 ™s wiI!, boost our troop f or j try a ^ of ^n^ shoes ^ those medals that we are gunning for. tiTT , . ... . .4.,^, rm.- J - ,j , , , Hey, hey, stop that--Better telf This Saturday the hikers of old 162 _ x x , V , , . . i will head for Sherman's Hill for the 9enator Kratzmeaderibookel to give 171--469 first overnight hike of the year. Some everybody an honest job, to earn a^ 113 ' 121 of boys are going on their first honest dollar, where they can go t® m Totals . No.1 Weingart Rothermelv Rev. Miller G. Weber Wi^kel " • Totals ........... 146 516 *"ke and I would advise them to bring home-owned places. For instance^.. ? 154--488 P)enty of blankets. Also bring suffi- Mike's, wWre they c«B bay honest . lid»oa --e«iql3 |cwient food for passing tests. There . / . . . . - . „ t in ^ a]ot of fun for everybody and American-made shoes at honest pncea 7^;/,, 866 887 777 2510 some neV^ g*mes outronthe hill. jsuchas , ! I.promised you a big surprise and Annitonwn ATTIT twor 157 165 173 1331 here it is. The boys have started a Sea!' 164 152 116 13- ®cout unit are making plans for ; QRIMfiRTn) QUALITY SHOES ^Bacon* Sayler Page Karls 5... Rogers Bacon • •.. • .*»«...«•.** • < Total* Iftughes Adams Goodell . Barbiin Freund . Hughes . 147 173 125 115 summer work- M present the mar- solOn -- 161 190 226 577 'ners are meeting indoors getting the. 255 224 201 ^33 terms of navigating and other essen-; j tials for ship safety. In a few weeks 878 904 McHenry, Illinois S boat, strange as it may Seem. If any-1 Main Street • s Phone 161 one has an old boat, around that they More next WMk i£.1&is same cornet' don't Want, just give me a ring, for CHd Timejra; 177 440 at present the fellows are in a pre- 115 170 dicament. 123 424! Picture yourself at the meeting last igg j47 Monday. You look around and you see 141 537 every boy doing something. TTiis lad ' is passing First Aid; over there you see the buzzer light going off and on indicating that some Scout is passing 172 146 159--477 Morse signaling. And, ladies and 127 133 133 393 £*ntlenten, that is a "iwords-eye" pic- 145 177 127 160 172 118 148 174 149 224 781 813 724 2318 L.......::: 166 166 i6<^98!tu^°L^jr$!$ 150 166 181 211 133--464 149--526 The above picture shows sportsmen lined up along Sayer's Creek last Totals .»«««... Sunday morning, fly casting for small fish. At the time this picture was taken, there were about fifty fishermen on hand. Later in the day, it was j Schmitt estimated that there were tjpree times as many fishermen in the same spot.! J- Schaefer One observer described them as being lined up like a picket fence. Meyers > Granger SCOUT HAROLD TAX#AN. Interesting Nearby News WORLD'S CLEVEREST BOWLER WILL APPEAR AT PALACE MONDAY Hold everything! Andy Varipapa, a modest sort of fellow who tells one and all that he is the world's most sensational bowll> ont tailing everyoooy, oui k t j t h^f d n irishmen1CI- 18 to the Palace Recre- CPVhmarrlliiep Uunnttii hnaass aa obaarrrreeil o0f1 ggoolida bouurr - th"a t ^ tfe l„l w.h aAt a wionnsndemrfeunl a_tt1 Q7n.o 0o nn VMlno-nkd at*y„ni nt?g', ch. 2.J 8, ,ed over there near his ice cream fac- e Irel&nd .g _ and th >ve neveriat 7-30oclock prove that his cla,m tory. darted digging l«c thw ^ fo*t on the Isle. w e e k . ^ , I is justified. Wtiat this fellow, Varipapa, can't do with a bowling ball, Babe Ruth can't do with a ball bat Just to give you some idea of this 42-year-old phenom, it might be a good idea to set down some facts about his skill. On one occasion he had the pin boy Fel;x TTn*4 th** CL~U-e5rsr bev- ^ |8e^ ^ ®n<^ ® pins. Then, he Looks like the old shell game 'w^t p,aced a ^ in the middle <>f the em--Now you dont. ' , ... " ^ __ "fir-BrttL-1 ones" Smith think® theC5uba would Incase you didnt notidJJoe MtHer be a dl)ch ^ Camim on first If (of fly swatter and fishhook fame) thege spri training scores mean paraded around witj a green1 ribbon a anythi„K( tho(|e Cubs ^ get aldng day m advance of St. Patrick s Day. nicejy they stand. Our por old -IISeems like the Cleveland baseball club has a pack of trouble keeping ball players. Now you see 'Sox. But, wait! --I-- over to Waukegan Saturday night and beat Kennedy's match-game ladies bowling team. The boys took a 158 alley, hooked another ball around it, and dropped the three pins. One of the best of his fancy shots has been dropping two pins o'n adjoining alleys with one shot. Try that one on your ukelele. Much like Dizzy Dean, Varipapa Judge Landis awarded them the sen' sational Bob Feller after some ques- handi in the bargain. tion of their manner of acquiring title • j_ to this baseball prowess. Seems the E «Steinie» Steinsdoerfe* « y«ung Cleveland club paid a minor league boW2er wjj0 jjad to be encouraged to,. , . . owner a small sum and all was well. <gU ^ the - led «S d» still-!brafs h,mself to the skies, then backs mu v , » • v v * ing's team the other night with a 250 !UP hls i*1™: hates to They had Tommy Herdrich, but ne- game Boosted by Pete Freund, Jr.,|say so» but hls hook 18 ^ m08t Pow" glected to take him to training camp with a 2Q2 game, and "Speed" with a with them. Herdrich was on his way 200, the team turned in a 957 series. back to the minors when he decided to ..Steinie» scratched in the sixth frame tell it to the judge. spoiling his change to top high score ^ . ""7 .. . . for Schaefer's alleys ^i^ is still Cleveland came out second best that 2ggs time. Young Tommy was declared a U free agent. The ever-alert Yankees Among the high scores at the Palwrote him a check for 20,000 spondool- ace this year are "Red" Wlnkel's 683, Jcka^and signed hiip up. . . i Seaborg's 681, Norm MoUdor's 678 --II-- . ^ and Waben's 672. - A hard-clouting young mfielder " p named Nowak got all mixed up in1 year Ed gmith had a 715 serthe Cleveland blunder department this jeg> Herb Simon has a 710 series to if ftc ies. year and got a lot of publicity ftoth- ^ credit and Paul Karls has a 686. ing else. 1 , j " || --i-- j, Ben Freund hit 660 at Schaefers You read about Louis Boudrean, thi8 A 253 game helped. star basketball forward and third Frances Freund rolled a 235 game baseman deluxe of the U. of I., get- that may stand for some time for the ting in a mess because Cleveland was jadfes to shoot at. paying his way through college. j --|-- " --9-- 'In winning the state basketball We couldn't see much sin in that championship, Dundee completed a 35 little gesture as long as Boudreau was game winning streak. They lost the encouraged to complete his course, first game cf the season to York in but it seems that Cleveland shows an overtime period? The DeLacey their cards too freely. Cardinals have been victorious in 72 --I-- of their 75 contests during ifce past Mrs. Jo? (Clara) Lenzen, who died two last week, will be missed more than --|-- a bit in McHenry's bowling circles J Burleigh Grimes ledlhe pitchers in A jolly good fellow was Clara. his league in 1918 with 25 wins--and match, Varipapa ran scores of 268, --II-- his salary was $1,960. 245, 257, 279, 279, 279 and 214. That's McHenry sent a delegation down to --g_ a record of 2601/7. He rolled seven- Champaign last Saturday\to root for Mayor Overton said he knew that teen straight strikes that match. Dundee, the 1938 state baslcfei^ctamps. drug stores were expected to have!Three consecutive 279 games isn't so --1-- everything from crowbars to powder (bad. Doctor Chamberlin and son, Stollo, puffs on their shelves, but he received All advance information indicates Glenny Wattles, Dick Overton and an awful shock when he saw umbrella'that this dazzling bowler is a great crowd pleaser who gives bowling enthusiasts the thrill of a lifetime with his unusual performance. Information from Herman Steffes and Mike Budler at the Palace indicate that a packed house will be on hand for tins great attraction. It might be a good idea to be on deck early. There is sure to be a rush. erful hook ever delivered by human hands." fee can roll a ball that hooks to the right, then to the left and picks off the 10 pin. He has the 7 pin set up, gives the ball a kick with his foot and away goes old number 7. He puts a special twist on the ball and it stops dead a few feet in front of him. If there is anything this fellow cannot do with a bowling ball, your writer has been unable to uncover the information. Varipapa was born in Calabria, Italy;. Came to this country at the age of nine and has been bowling since he was fifteen years old. Starred in Movies You may have seen this artist in action on the screen. He starred in the M-G-M movie short titled "Strikes and Spares." In that picture he was seen whizzing a bowling ball between the legs of ten beautiful chorus girls, picking off all ten pins at the other end of the alley. He can bowl with either hand, but always holds the ball in both hands when taking it off the rack. He doesn't believe in tiring his throwing arm. After a poor start in the flrst two frames in his first big time bowling SENIOR GIRLS WIN IN MGHS BASKETBALL 781 837 740 2358. Doug Wilber, Crystal Lake, is as 120 123 138--381 careful as anyone to avoid automobile 180 176 190--546 accidents. But Tuesday night, of last 145 125 169--489 week, try as he might, he could not 178 128 149--455 keep what he thought was a daffy 151 177 171--499 driver from running into his car. Doug thad turned from Caroline street east f, Total#;, Schaefer Wattles 774 729 Fox'River Grove Last week found the McHenry Com-! munity High School bubbling over! Perkins ..... with girls' activities. It was the one Slova,£ T" time during the year that the girls Schaefer had a chance to display their athletic ability before an audience. The occasion--" The Inter-Class Basketball Tournament." Instructor Miss Taylor, compiled a double-elimination schedule, making it possible for a team to r„rnn<.. > win first place even after having lost y.••••••••"• a game. The winners however, eight K0Uba Senior girls, won all four of their strand scheduled games. These girls have 'negner ! played together for four years and as j a merit for their four-year-old record, Totals received gold basketballs with "1938! Meister Brail Gisl Champions" inscribed on them. Steffes The games were played off in six Granger EEE. nights, due to the fine refereeing of Bacon ....Z".!,".... Evelyn Anderson, Adele Froehlich, Smith Mary Althoff, "'Mike" Schoenholtz, Simon Mac" and Instructor Taylor. Total! .... 127 .... 150 .... 168 ..• 151 .... 160 170 131 206 191 179 Totals 756 877 Match Gama 132 204 182 208 183 160 203 208 192 190 909 953 854 2716 817 2320'on Crystal Lake avenue and as he did. | so he noted a car coming down the 140--437; hill and bearing toward his side of the 180--461'street. The car. had one light and 160--534 Doug pulled closely to the curb. How- 166--508lever,,the oncoming car came straight 176--515 at him and Doug drove his car up over i the curb, but still to no avail. The, 822 2455 car came directly up and banged into his machine. Wilber jumped from his seat and went hurriedly to the other) machine to give the drive a piece «jfi mind and he intended to say plenty.! 129--421 He was amazed to find there was no,| 193--600'driver! Checking at the city hall, he 178--568 j determined the owner of the machine. 182--5821 In some manner, the brakes failed to 172--545 hold and the driverless car was on its way. Doug is hopeful that he never encounters another driverless car,. at these! WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK . . 4™«25t VEGETABLE SHORTENING CR1SC0 . 3 c '« 49® 221 198 157 200 210 190 189 144 192 196 Bob WWber took the little Journey, repairing going on in a local barber --«-- shop. All report a most enjoyable trip.' --1|-- They didn't see much coming or go-' Herman Steffes and Mike Budler ing though. Rollo wheeled the gas are figuring on packing the Palace buggy over the road the entire trip next Monday night when the "World's and, if reports are accurate, the time Most Sensational Bowler," Andy from here to there was two hQlir» and Varipapa, will exhibit his skill. You'll fifty-eight minutes. 1 find another account on the sport page - --|-- ^ I of this fellow's remarkable skill with They reported seeing Stntre chwsy a bowling ball. It looks like one of teams with Dundee the real class, the big events of the year on Mc- They shed no tears over the defeat of Henry's sports calendar. VonStueben. Seems they didnt like the attitude of VonStueben's star, I NEW MANAGER Weksler. Mrs. Peter Koob is the new man- --|-- ager of the local National Tea com- They did like, in particular, three pany store, coming here from An little cheer leaders from down south, tioch, where she managed a store for --|-- four years. Kids playing ball, roller skating,' Mrs. Koob, who has a home at Lily flying kites and a story from Fred Lake, exchanged p|acds with Alby Wolfe of a big marble circle had us Krug, who commenced his work at almost believing that spring had Antipch last week, after several years come. Then we saw Dorothy Page as the popular manager of the store skipping rope and had no doubt. -here. --|-- j Mrs. Koob has had a long exper- There has been much speculation ience with the National Tea company,1 Route U. S. 12, near the "Y." as to what ails this country. Well, having managed a store in Chicago .Tolson is the sister of Mrs. M. Crouch wfe.hsajsd JB n?)iji cookuic aod ^toi sfiyca city* * * RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schiller moved last week from the Mrs. Theresa Culver house on Wlaukegan street to Mrs. Schiller's house on the same street. Mrs. William Bonslett is occupying the 'apartment in the Mrs. Culver house. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Chicago have rented the upper flat in the Wm. Althoff house, now occupied by the Peter Weingart family. They expect to move in about a month to McHenry where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tolson of Pasadena, Calif., have come to this vicinity and rented the Hi-Bridge tourist camp, eight miles south of here, on Mrs. 131 122 160 The Senior lineup was as follows: Louise Stilling, forward; Lorraine Engeln. Capt., forward; Eleanore Althoff, forward; Margaet Coyne, forward; Lucille Esh, guard; Audrey Schaffer Rothermel, guard; Henrietta Her-: W. Schreiner ........ 143 drich, guard, and Winifred Benwell, IM. Schreiner 195 guard. ! Freund The Sophomore A team also deserves commendation for the way it played. Defeated by the Seniors in their first game, they played hard to|Meutch win from the Frqphman B, Freshman ^ur^y A, and Junior teams, to earn the right *?on •' to meet the Seniors again in the finals ®so Friday afternoon. The Seniors won Gus " by a heavy score, but the game was a good one in spite of that. 986 -)9il 898 2795 McHenry Unti Totals «•«>«•»»< Elgin y"v'*r: :• 146 170 151 J72 167 184--595 BEAUTY SHOPPE OPENS 172--559 f Clark's Curl Shoppe opened for 189--490 j business in the A. E. Nye building 162--554 j on Main street Friday and was a busy 191--597 place, with customers each receiving a carnation during the day. The shop was attractive Vfth: flowers received by MissjCIark from friends, in addition toffriifo.and modern furniture an| eqbiptnfqt. OBANGtt* Ster Masts 11-oz. 198--475 161--453 119--413 167--534 175--522 751 806 820 2377 177 187 161 149 157 157 157 191 146 170 136--470 182--526 165--517 177--472 137--464 Totali *»»*.... 831 821 797 2449 Six teams took part in the tourna- A. . ment. In order that more girls might w irTOI,q play, the Sophomore and Freshman a m Bill Ritt Totals Meister Bkaa classes were divided into two teams, an A and B, with both teams playing in the tournament The teams of all xj^htv""' four classes were managed and coach- ^ ed by members of the boys' team. Coaches were: Freshman A, Harry Anderson; Freshman B, Harold Taxman; Sophomore A, Paul Justen; Gr_nJL_ Sophomore B, LeRoy Smith; Junior,1 gac0n IJob Knox; Senior, Henry Tonyan. ^ In all, nearly fifty girls played in gjmon " the tournament and the Seniors deserve credit for a good showing in all their games. On Saturday night the Girls' Senior tournament winners and an all- ^ Cruntz star team picked from the other three JJJ#" Smith classes will play a curtain raiser be-!jj" Alhberg "Z fore the Alumni-High School game.|jj," £ Hughe's The team will be selected by a board v' u oJLh of high school boys of the basketball team. 225 170 117 212 190 215 197 236 176 242 282--^672 163--530 177--530 138--526 201--634 13 HANKIES IOH N , » (0 t PALM0LIVE WUR PRICK 3 for 19c ssffirm. 2&si35c SSSn&IMLES. CAN 10c POTTED MIAT IONA BRAND APRICOTS 3 50® wrr PACK GULP SHUSH*. 2*ast2S* CONMM COFFEE2£5<39C SttSflffr. 00110c NECTM TEA . . FCCA29C OUR OWM . PKQ! 45c SKSKffiT 2 "&?15c resrar*. 2 can. 15* M.R.N. CLEANER 3 iSgt 25C 2STER. FAMILY . 5««»25c IVORY FLAKES . MC&21C CAMAY T&F . 5<**>»25c ;ery and Market r Schaefcr Art Smith Ask Yomr AJkP Manager A6o«fDolly" FARMFEEM mm™* w> A&P FOOD STORES THE C HI A i ATLANTIC A N . . P A C I F I C T I A COMPANY' l- - : j J V , ^ 914 1067 911 2892 193 196 160 200 199 173 169 143 158 185 204--570 i 198--563, 151--454; 190--548 210--594' Totals 948 828 953 27291 JKBL SCOUTS March 14, we had a Saint Patrick's party, given by tile "Big Oak Patrol." Prizes were won by Nadine Schaefer in bunco and°Clare Freund in bingo. Prizes were also awarded to Joan Reihansperger and June Nelson for collecting the most money for Salvation Army Tags. Last Monday we went on a short Scotch hike to a woods to observe the trees Smith Illinois Dell Telephone Co, 161 223 181--565 145 142 159 204 219 128 168 157 143--507 151--421 175--502 167--528 MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 192 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green St You don't have to tolerate that smell of cooked fish in the house on Friday. Come here and eat the fish -- We keep the odor. ^ r V ' . ,: Special for Saturday and Sunday ROAST CHICKEN WITH DRESSING 60c Totals 811 895 817 2523 Public Service Co. G. Ekstrom .... P. Atto W. Geske C. Geske A. Kammin 138 165 189 138 194 171 190 167 142 141 195--504 109--464 212--568 150--430 177--512 Totals 824 811 843 2478 Mineral Springs Getner Kilday Kraus . and other signs of nature. As we are working on Nature and Signaling as a troop, we also obeyed Miss Fisher's whistle. Our signaling outfit will help us with our signaling greatly. Next week we plan to finish our Bchaefer song books, so bring your designs and Brda 141 109 m 147 189 126 138 189 213 176 16»-l426 171--418 167--494' 173--533: 170--535 Totals .-- Palace Debutants 184 119 724 842 840 2406: cardboard. BONNIE PAGE. Aklavik, Inside . Arctic Orek Aklavik, well inside the Arctic circle, is almost iri^far north aa Point Barrow, AlaatXa, northernmost point of civilization, says the National- Geographic society. Aklavik is the largest trading post oft the Mackenzie river delta. Temperatures sometimes reach 65 below zero. Miller .... Bacon Kreutzer Totals 133 119 174 136 154 158 136 149 129--4491 163--436 179--470 j 158--413' 148--47f 729 733 777 2239, Little Paul and Rosemary Zvonar of Chicago are visiting their grandpar- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund, this week. Geno Poultry Drug Store. Remedies. Wattles 40-tf Exhibition BOWLING Green Street McHenry ANDY VARIPAPA t' . i" World's Most Sensational Bowler ' r0 MONDAY, MARCH 28 J 7:30 p.m. If yon want to see what can be done with a bowling tall* sure to visit the Palace Monday evening Admission--40 cents. < ^ ".A.'. ,i4r-' --rx#