Chocolates EASTER Sccietv NJotes "u-if *-"' WocU-famoos SampUr.. $1.98 Pep^ar Faixkill . ... . SLOO Ofttr PaokagM at . . 25c up ; loiter Egg* 10c up THOMAS P. BOLOBE. Drgggilt Phone 40 . McHenry i NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB * Members of the NtSghborhood Club were entertained home of Mrs. C. H. Duker, FridajKeveninfr. Bridge awards were merited by Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. F. G. Schreiner •fond. Mrs. George H. Johnson. QtMS BROS. ON Vffire and Clem Adams, itnown Johnsburg singers, will appear on WacMurray's Home-Talent $)iow over WLS this Saturday, from 1 to 1:30. They appeared on this same program last year. Thuj will b* their fifteenth radio program. ' * \ * MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers Club wilt hold its next meeting with Mrs. Wm. .Spencer oh Friday afternoon, April 29. v * * * C. D. OF A. MEETING The Daughters of America will hold their regular meeting at K. of C. Hall this (Thursday) evening when election of officers will take place. ,• • • FOX RIVER VALLEY CAMP i Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. held their regular meeting Friday evening. Plaits were made for the Ibhird party of their card tournament to be held, on April 19. • • • BUNCO CLUB Mrs. Jennie Eddy entertained her bunco club Wednesday evening. Two tables were played with prizes won by Mrs. Charles Ensign and Mrs. Louise Nickels. Mrs. Eddy and son, Claron, expect to move to Ringwood to make their home in the near future. ENTERTAIN FACULTY Members of the faculty of the high and grade schools, and husbands and wives, were entertained at the homip Mrs. Simon Mrs. Adeline Matsen and Mrs. E. ft Bassttt. Ice cream, cake apdeoffee was served following the games, and the lion* ored guest was showered with many lovely gifts. Out»of-town guests were Mrs. Adeline Matsen, Waukegan; Mrs. Walter Ewert, DesPlaines; Mrs. Edward Martin, Woodstock; Mrs. Howard Vogel, Mrs. Henry Vogel Mrs. Harold Vogel,, Mrs. Wm. Topped and Miss Evelyn Vogel, Richmond. • • * THIRTEEN YEARS OLD Miss Anna Marie Klapperich entertained a group of her friends at her home on Riverside Drive, Sunday afternoon, in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Aftei; attending the shpw at the theater they returned to the Klapperich home, where the remainder of the afternoon was spent with games, music and singing and a general good time., Lunch, including a decorated birthday cake, was served and Anna Marie was presented with many gifts from her little friends. Guests were: Bertha and . Dorothy Freund, Bernice and Doris Smith, Esther Freund, Elizabeth Weitl, Martha and Joan Durland, and Katherine Klapperich. Mn. Byder and Mrs. Stewart of LibtilyvlUe were among those from a distance who attended the Style Show here Tuesday. Mr. and Sirs. Glen Shales and children of DesPlaines spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. S-S58«: ;:v CARD OF THANKS WW" desire in this manner to' press our sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and - friends for their kind assistance and expressions of sympathy extended during our reof Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell Thurs-i0®"* b«"»vement. Also to those who THAT IS REALLY DIFFERENT '•M, Wedglocke is better because it is basically different. The patented wedge seam balances tensions and makes neat knotting easy. Hand sewn lockstitching gives double security against a split back seam. - We have hand-picked a group of these Wilson Brothers ties in exclusive patterns and smsrt new spring colors. . The wedg« balmiket not knots c»»r, and five* the lac a •netful drape. A: Hidden (trenfth liet ia the hail loclutitea that trip* tfc« bach »e*m with double •ecaritr. E S E TRAINED DOWN SO IS MOTOR Oil fag, whif it's SO long-lasting!*. Just as athletes develop stayingpower by strenuous workouts, sol so-Vis Motor Oil'-C ability to "go the route" fal , attained by the "workouts'* Standard gives it. Advanced refining methods work ottt ^ the unstable, more-perish- . able portions so that nothing but tough, hard-muscled, long-winded oil is left. Try this finest-qualitymotor when you change grades 'A»s Spring. See how far it |Dei before you have to add VJ *<!«««• eiw FOUH IDE M0TOE QUAKER 0TATK la oux ISO-VIS , ;„v'.{U'SSSE POLA*t**. i/ . i.b<* STANOUm? . . Ub^lk STANDARD OIL DEALERS if" m day evening. A buffet supper was served and' the evening spent with bridge. Prizes were won by Miss Gen evieve, Knox, Mrs. Clarence Anglese, Paul Yanda and C. H. Duker. m * m RINGWOOD HOME BUREAU The Ringwood Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs. E. E. CaiT April 5. Twelve members atid one visitor were present. Roll call, minutes and the chairmen reports were given. "Drums Along the Mohawk" by Ecfmonds was reviewed by Mrs. W. B. Harrison. Lesson on floor coverings was given by Mrs. Sweeney, after which a' general discussion followed. Meeting adjourned at 4 p. m. m * * COUNTY AUXILIARY MEETS The county meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at Fox River Grove, Thursday evening. A chicken dinner was enjoyed at the Via Ria, with Mrs. Pantelis, department president, as an honored guest. Following the dinner a business meeting was held, at the M. E. church, with Mrs. Pantelis giving a talk. Those from this city in attendance at the meeting were,* Mrs. Ray Mc- Gee, Mrs. Anna Howard, Mrs. Chas. Mertes, Mrs. Ted Schies&le, Mrs. M. Taxman, Mrs. Howard Wattles and Mrs. Lester Bacon. t f BIRTHDAY PARTY - A merry party took plactf* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Frey on Crescent avenue in Stenger's subdivision, Sunday, April 3. The occasion was the seventy-ninth birthday anniversary of Mr. Frey. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and Jean and Herbert from Blue Island; Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and daughter, Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brandt of Aurora; Mrs. George Noble and sons, Kenneth, Douglas and Bruce, daughters, Marjorie and Beatrice, of Woodstock. All spent a pleasant afternoon and evening and left after wish ing their host many happy returns of the day. m m * MISCELLANEOUS SHOWfeR Mrs. Andrew Straub, of Chicago, formerly Miss Lorena Esh, was honored guest at a miscellaneous shower, given by Misses Yvonne Benwell and Dorothy Herdrich, of McHenry, at the home of Mrs. Straub's mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh, at Spring Grove, Sunday afternoon. Bunco and other games furnished entertainment and % delicious lunch was "served. Erfees iS bunco were merited by Vene Denman, Betty Thennes and Virginia Stockton* Guests otherwise than those already mentioned were: Eleanor Bolger, Mrs. Lois Britz, Adele Froehlich, Ruth Reihansperger, Kathleen Justen and Ethel Freund. Miss Isabelle Blalce, who will be an April bride, was honored guest at a miscellaneous shower, given by Mr®. Leo Blake, Mrs. Ben Blake and Miss Anna Blake, at the home of the latter, Sunday afternoon. £ards and bunco furnished entertainment with prizes in cards merited by Miss Frances Bauer, Mrs. Louis Nimsgren and in bunco by Miss Marcella Kennebeck, Mrs. Peter May and Miss Eleanor May. Lunch was Served, following the games and the bride-to-be was showered with many lovely gifts. Out-oftown guests were Miss Eleanor May and Miss Sylvia Goldhofer of Wik mette, and Miss Kathryn Diets, Chicago. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. N. E. Barbian was surprised by a group of her relatives, at her home on Riverside Drive, Saturday evening, honoring her birthday. Bingo was played after which a delicious lunch including a decorated birthday cake was served. The honored guest •was presented with a bridge table. Another enjoyable surprise of the the evening was the unexpected visit of Mrs. Barbian's niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conley of Chicago. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shales and children of Des Plaines; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and son of Lake Geneva; Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. George Barbian, Mr. and Birs. Albert Barbian and daughter) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overton and Mrs. Kathryn Barbian of McHenry. • * * ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE ly-s. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Lisle Bassett entertained at bridge at the home of the former Saturday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Henry Vogel, Five tables of bridge were in play, w<w ty if* H»nry Vagal, sent flowers and provided cars. MRS. JOHN M. SCHMITT *46 AND CHILDREN. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and 'Mrs. Mike Degen .visited the letter's husband at Hines hospital, Maywood, Tuesday. J Mrs. William Heimer spent a few days this week with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Knox, at Crystal Lake. Geno Poultry Drug Store. Remedies. Wattles 40-tf YOU'RE AN EXCEPTION TO TIE RULE . » can't prove to you that you can wear smart looking shoes and Wear them with comfort liet FREEMANS restore the youthful appearance you Should enjoy in your footwear. W0MN WITM MIM ...IV M I L L I O N m Freeman Champions $4*00 McGee's Phone 271 fie Ready For Spring With soft lustrous curls that show off your Easter hat to the best advantage. Look your best with a REVITALIZING OIL PERMANENT Complete $3.50 up ..... Clark's Curl Shoppe (Political Advertisement) ASK FOR A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT Vote for .. 3 a HENRY J. ' Democratic Candidate for • it x. Alvan Rothermel's ELECTRIC & RADIO SHOP ^ 4>n Route 20 -- East of the River Bridge "V- ; ^ House Wiring and Radio Servicing ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Repair Work a Specialty f r. C. UflPTOMETRIStf ndaya and Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, niirio% Classes Made from $3.00 up. «11 Kinds of Repairs ---- Telephone 211-E CLOTHES SUIT It's all around town and it's no idle gossip. The new Curlee Suits for Spring which we've jost placed on display are the last word in modern stytiagv No doubt^boat it--they're tops' in values. These Curlee Suits are designed and tailored to combine style with real wearing comfort and service. The materials represent a beautiful assortment of the very newest weaves and patterns. As in all men's clothing that carry the Curlee trademark--you can count on quality in linings and inner materials, those important parts of the suit that you can't see from the outside. Don't pass up this opportunity for a real clothing investment--when planning your Spring and Surftmer wardrobe. You'll ftnd^ in our stock, just the suits yoti need for Spring and Summer wear. Ydu'll find mode¥ s and styles you will like--in sizes to. fit you--at prices you can afii* navf aiiif K* * PyivIao fimf ioVCi?.. . ) .V,. - ; McHenry Precinct 3 PRIMARIES, APRIL 12,1938 ecause it s NE LOOK AT PotfTtAC and awmy all old ideas about low-priced caf® --swept off the map by the Pontiac*» beauty, resistless power, spacious interiors, Knee-Action ride. You're lapped w luxury in a Pontine, What's more, Pott* tiae has 51 advancements, including Safety Shift*--the fastest, simplest way to change gears. It's better than you ever thought a low-priced car could be- In every way* One ride and you'll decide. ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR WITH SAFETY SHIFT *10 TMM MO*T IUUTINI THIN# ON WHSKU NEW LOW-PRICED PONTIAC SIX AMERICA*8 RMR LOW-PRICED CAR R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street . McHenry, 111. Antinrh Tllinni* ^ J'-r i ~ «