ATTY. WALTER KELLY INJURED IN CRASH Attorney Walter Kelly , of Crystal ; Lake is in the Woodstock hospital suffering from several fractured ribs and bruises about the body as the : result of an accident Sunday morning: . on Route 12 between Lake Geneva and Elkhom. James Kaye, 32, of Lake Geneva, u killed in the same accident. He as with Kelly at the time the Kelly ' car crashed into a tree and telephone . pole after^ skidding from the highway. It is said Kaye was at the wheel of [ the cat at the time. He died instantly. Kelly was taken to the Woodstock hospital where he is being treated. Deputy Sheriffs George O'Brien and Cecil Gardner of Elkhom found the overturned car. Kelly was unconscious at the time and Kaye dead. SLOCUNPS LAKE Btrly Ohio Custom jtoche legal minds always did have a difficult time calling a spade a spade. In the early days in Ohio the legal authorities, instead of charging on warrants that a man was fighting, wrote "for engaging in a fight and box at fisticuffs." .8*MES A*l .Bt6 \ fx ¥ j mHti AT A*P 3 Elting J. Mansfleid mis born October 6, 1859 on his parents' farm fet Pingree Grove, Illinois. When he twelve years old, his family moved to a farm in Greenwood. As a young man of twenty-five Mr. Mansfield married Ruth Sherburne on December 4, . . 1884, «d Mtttad on . f.rm ne.r hi. parents. To litis m.rri«*e two chil- " (>lif Dowcn ,nd daughter, born Robert J. and Flora b , at Wood- (Mrs. Ed Becking), wh«» >-oong k'1>Jt Dunoon. tneir John Blomgren « was a business caller at Antiocfa last Friday afternoon. Willard Darrell and G. J.'Burnett were business callers at Waukegan 10'SaU r tflEP o* BEGPK. GS- ^ Look at Ihcwl S^TSSS". .3"»10e RftKreVitt. .S,?tOe NUtFMCT GRAPEFRUIT LARGE in. CORN FLAKES ivoz.PKG. lut LWUXt 17-OZ. IfU VEC-ALL . . . 'CAN AW IOMA MCACNtS M - i feo t 1 Aft PINEAPPLE . . '. cXn lW NCAON MAe | Friday & Saturday Only! I -N- PAQE FANCY TOMATO ' KETCHUP i^lO* I -?P TABLE o* cooking [ NOTLEY oi£o pkqJQ® WHITE NAPHTHA P*G soap 33^10° - MMRMUS CUTS can lOt nNEAPPLE JUICE W 10C ffSSftlotlF »-or can |0c StOCOLATE DROPS . ^ K>C /tit. 10e 10c TS'wtmgs TOMATOES . ctovn, MuTMia oa CINNAMON . pa^Ttowels BIO NO IW CAN CAN *"• muiOe Wn% WHC8IIHII WHY IWff MAC _ NO 2 CAN IQc . . . « i o c 7^ TOMATO IAUCC SARDINES . no MCM MOLASSES . MNCAKtaOW PILLSBURVS OVAL CAN • NOCA 1N * 1|V 20-OZ PKG PEANUTS Mcmc TISSUE . 10c . ts lOc 3 ROLLS IQC asp nwev CORN 10«l V.- ; A&P FOOD STORES T H F C K i \ T A H A N T ' l ANT P A C U 1 C f I A COMPANY childhood' suffered the mother on July 1, 1896 ™" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were , . Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren we're later on August 12, 18S7, c,1Iefs ramhllr»t lastrWedn^y. m«rned Cyne Itohn .ho became Sundly dinMr glKsts mt ,, , , • .. • the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymondlboat and make tripa into a chain of children, and who now survives their Losk „ Maple p,rk lten 1>keSi „ dose to a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riaeburg of grammar and high school, where their RIDBKLLK&FLAWS TO SUBDIVIDE BIS CHANNEL PROPERTY " A former resident of McHenry, who spent thousands of dollars in reclaim ing a 24-acre swamp that formerly existed in the center of the city, returned last Sunday from California with the intention of having this property subdivided into lots and offered for sale to people who are looking for homesites. Frederick Beller now has as fine a piece of water frontage property to be found in the center of any city, from which residents can take a motor father. In 1913 Mr. in Woodstock Mansfie1d came to live -where he resided for Diamond Lake were visitors at the twenty-five years until his death on 1h1o me ,o, f the latter's mother, Mrs. Celia e „ • „ Q o f „ A ' . , o 1 Q g o D o w e l l , S u n d a y e v e n i n g . Saturday, Apnl 2, 1»S8, at the age M d Mrs. Earl Bryant of Crysof seventy-eight and one-half years ^ iternoon 4- lacking four days. He was the last .. , , , j ^ „ survivor of his own immediate family, consisting of his parents and four brothers. Besides his wife, Mrs. Carrie Martin Mansfield, Mr. Mansfield is survived hly one half-brother, two half-sisters, his son, Robert J. Mansfield, his daughter, Flora, (Mrs. Ed Becking), itors at the home of Willard Darrell Otis Phillips spent last Saturday at the home of his sister, Mr?. Ella Parks, at Park Ridge. 'Chesney Brooks and Miss Neva Toynton of Wauconda attended the children can be educated. It is also close to a central business section of the city. The canal along this property is also free of sewage, for, when the dredging was finished, it put a stop to running raw sewage into Boone creek, or channel as it is now called, as was formerly done for a great many years. Mr. Beller and family arfe now resi- "Flower Show" at Navy Pier in Chi-] dents of San Diego, Calif, cago last Saturday.: ' ( ; , , . Willard Darrell called on:; <Wn. XT" K Harry Francisco and son's1, D™ale and Franklin, of Wauconda and Mrs. Mark Hutson of Woodstock were callers at the home Of Mr. and Mrs! Harry Matthews last Friday afternoon. ' Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. *E. Brooks last Wednesday were children, nieces. Death came as the result of complications caused by a broken hip sustained in a fall just twelve days, previous to his passing. . Mr. Mansfield was a mefnber of Guardian Lodge No. 60, L O. O. F. Although he never united with any 13 NEW QUOTA FOB ^ COUNTY 70S CCO 0A3IPS Tlje CCC quota for McHenry County is 13. The recruiting date is April 13, 193& All boys interested in en-1 rolling irrthe CCC's should See their ! JOH^SBUBG Mrs. Peter Freund, Jr., and daughter, Isabelle, were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Mrs. Joe S. Hettermann and sons were Richmond callers Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert Schaefer and daughter and Mrs! Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan visited with Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and Miss Thelma Jackson were Richmond callers Wednesday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen of Waukegan were callers here' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond were callers here Thursday. / 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newell of Chicago were visitors here Monday. Mr. And Mrs. Fred DHjthorn of Waukegan were visitors here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ortel and family of Chicago spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Albert Huff, Miss Dorothy Michels and Miss Jeanette Degen were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mnir-Wm. J. Meyers and son were Richmond callers Sunday evening. Mrs. Joe P. Miller, Mrs. Geo. Bng and. Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstorff motored to Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Albert Pepping of Crystal Lake spent Friday with Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, were callers frer* Sunday. Miu Katie Pitsen of Chicago spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. Mrs, Schultz of Chicago spent the Weekend with John, J. Sehmitt and family. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huff of Waukegan were Johnsburg callers Friday. ^i_'Mjw.wAirm) -- Ideal position for 'man looking for steady work with real future. Chance to earn $85 a month while training as Feed representative under local manager. Possible to earn much more later. Start easy poultry demonstrations among local farmers. Car necessary. Knowledge farming desirable. Address Box 5089, care of this paper. Nam* Address Township Supervisors arid get in their M. H. Detrick and Mr. and Mrs. Bob crth^ucrTchhe, he wwaass 7allwwaayysr ;rreaaddvy "tto7 aasssdisstt Dunn of Chicago, Harry Frtacisco and . requirements aro aa fol- twQ song of WftUConda and Mrs. Mark lows: Hutson of Woodstock. t 1. Ages, 17 to 23 inclusive. the Greenwood and Woodstock Meth-1 ®nd ^rs" Wm. Berg and daugh- empi0y^ent|ien|^^e n^ns mif ^here Odist churchM iters of Island Lake spent Friday «n»piojTnenc. unis means a tnere oaist cnurcnes. Lvpnino- at the home of Mr and Mm 18 an "Adequate income in the fam- Funeral services were held from his ** the hom* °f M and M"' ily and the CCC allotment is needed). in supporting the church and gave gladly toward the building of both home at 303 Dacy street, Woodstock, ^ Foss. i Illinois, at two o'clock on Tuesday aft- ,Mrs- Earl Converse spent ^Sunday ernoon, April 5, 1938, with the Rev. afternoon and Monday at the home of J. R. Drees, pastor of the Woodstock her mother- Mrs- Fhilena Davis. Methodist church, officiating. Inter-1 ^r* and ®®rs* En"! Lundeen of Chiment was at Greenwood. (Political Advertising) i (Political Advertisement) CLYDE C. MINER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF 'v.-;' Bom to St. Charles, Illinois. Lived in McHenry coanty 51 years; | Sb Woodstock, 46 years. - c Received his education in Woodstock j schools and Rockford Business Col-' HAROLD D. KELSEY " Republican Oandidate STATE KepreseMaiive AM A FARMK Own and operate a large dairy farm ill Cuba Township. Member of county board $he past ten years and Chairman of the board 1934-1935. • "•ry;,;• • • 2+^ , s. , During that time occurred a reduction of iy2 million dollars in assessed valuation and resultant .reduction in K^laxes. Oppose existing restric- >• tions which retard business recovery. Advocate a modern school system and cheese maker by ~~Alway» a Rcpublican. A butter KMide. Served his country in Porto Rica in j 1898, Spanish American War; Mexican Border in 1916 and World War' overseas, 1918-19. Reached the military rahk of Colonel. Never asked for a county office. ly qualified for the office of! sheriff, having served several years as] ». deputy. feeling beanents. Nothing but 'frtaidiy tareen himself and o^jpon Will greatly appreciate your supat the primaries, April 12, 1938. CLYDE C. MINES BipnMirsn Candidate for McHenry County. of 3. Must be a citizen. 4. Must be in good physical condition. /> Those «lio are not eligible: 1. Boys under conviction for crime, those on probation or parole. 2. A former member who is dis- Saturday evening at the home of Mr. honorably or administratively disnM/ 1 H£*»a P n Ttsiurno af Wou/»nil/)o CllBr^GU, ,cago spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent April Beauty Specials 8 A. H. to 9 P. M. *; ' Ladies and Gentlemen Take Special Notice! We are getting ready for a body contour and redociag1 service--in the very near future. Haircut styled for you, Shampoo, Hairdress 3 for $1.00 Shampoo, H'rdress, Neckline Trim, C'l'r Rinse 3 foe 75c Shampoo, Lemon Rihse, Hairdress, Manicure 4 for $1.00 Olive Oil Soapless Shampoo, Hairdress, Color Rinse 3 for $1.00 Marcel, Castile Shampoo, Rinse 3 for $1.00 Marcel only ...... 50c Shampoo, Finger Wave, Color Rinse, Neck Trim, Arch, Facial, 'Pony' Manicure 4 for $1.00 Shampoo and Hairdress 50c and 60c Permanents, 2 persons for $4 to $18, Singly for $2.50 to $12 comp. Frae 50c Facial with Permanent Waves from $3.50 up STOMPANATO'S "The Salon for Beauty^' 226 Main St, 229 feenton St. Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. and Mrs. C. G. Downs at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children of the "Flats" spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cbokwere business callers at Lake ZurichJ^Mon day afternoon. Misses Belle Taggart and Margaret Duers of Wauconda spent Sunday aft* ernoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Harry Hktthews attended a meet? ing of the Board of Directors of the Lake County Farm Bureau at Grayslake Tuesday evening. Willard Darrell and Mrs. Efmer 12sping attended Advance Officers' Night of the O. E. S., of Sorosis Chapter at Grayslake Tuesday evening. Mrs. Esping served as Chaplain for the evening. 3. Those who are members of the National Guard. All boys who feel it necessary to| add to the income of the family and who will profit from camp training are now given the opportunity to en- JiaLJn the C9& (Mrs.) Corleta Brotsman, Certificate Agent. fly Fishing in Third Century Martian, Latin author, mentioned the use of the trout fly in fishing aa early as the Third century, A. D. CENTRAL GAR AG I|f When your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages v..- in Northern Illinois. Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires * . > . JElectric and Acetylene Welding . V * Car Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing. Johnsburg (Political Advertising) Re-elect Nick Ife/ LOW BARGAIN PRICE on New 1938 "Magic Chef ' Gas Range! The Star, of 1938 formerly . . ,$99.90 Shall vigorously oppose - present political control Qf J&ate Pardon Board. • There must be a sound relief policy, with po- _litical interference eliminated. Stands for $5 flat Auto License Fee. "Win With a Go-getter' STATE REPRESENTATIVE Eighth Senatorial District (Lake, Boone McHenry Counties) on the Republican Ticket Nick Keller has Served His District Faithfully, Capably and Honorably NICK KELLER refused to be bound by the rule that new members of the assembly "must be seen and not heard." He fathered many important bills, was active in debate and had a prominent part in the affairs of the following committees of the House of which he is a member: Railroads and Aviation Revenue ' ' • • Conservation, Fish and Game Liquor Regulation Efficiency and Economy Waterways Senatorial Reapportionment NOW ONLY $7952 (with old range) LAMP SHOWN IS EXTRA 24 MONTHS TO PAY OTHER QREAT VALUES IN OAS RANGES AS LOW AS . . *5500 (wMf> yomr oU rmnf) • What a combination of beauty and efficiency this Magic Chef Gas Range brings to your kitchen! Here you have top burners that give you simmer, ordinary, hot, or any Of a thousand cooking heats. The well-insulated oven is fast... heat is evenly distributed for perfect cooking results -- temperatures are easily controlled by the Red Wheel oven regulator. The pull-out smokeless broiler is faster . . . cooks meat tenderer, juicier. The 1938 Magic Chef is so easy to keep dean --because of non-clog burners, removable burner tray, washable porcelain enamel surfaces and smooth oven walls and bottom. This beautiful range stays beautiful for years! Don't miss this great bargain! Remember this special low price is for a limited time only. So act at once! Come in today--see this Magic Chef Gas Range on display at your nearest Western United office. v Bealers Are Offering Special Values in Modern Gas Ranges Now! vV"t* GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY. .OT m root QVH TO UETSA OEABOX GLASBOB COMPLETE (ft ma A8 LOW AS lO.O 0 £<w ippototment, Phona Chinco. Franklin 8610 -- McHenry 60-W or Wzifea to-- Dr. M. M. Kagran OPTOMBTRIC EYE 8PBC3A118T / h WELL DBHUHQ CLEANING & -' ArthiiiPtJ. Qox -rv"' Phone &20-4 4 v * feox'm I ..1 I l ^ INSURANCE '£SJ EARL R. WALSI fr-wtiat Reliable Companies Wlwa yav Bead inanraoea of any kM PIMMM 43 OK 6I-M Pries Bldg. ^ - MONEY TO LOAN I have clienta who have mimty to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who waul to borrow money on real estate. If in. tereated either way, I will be flad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waakegan National Bank ffidf. 4 8. Genesee St., Waukegan, DL TEL. MAJESTIC 1*3 r ' • 'J J A. P. Freund Co. Kzcavating Contraetor v Snicking, Hydraulic and Crane Service . Road Building i tsL 204-M McHenry, HI. Tabphone No. tOO Stoffel St Reihazuiperger •• ':S.- •raaee agents (or all elassaa V# property in the best companies. VTE8T McHENSY FRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS Caaient, Brick, Piaster aiii Stucco V«k Building, Moving and Raising Telephone 625-M-l ' McHBNRY, ILL. f ' ' % Phone 43 VEffilON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS ftaadaya and Fridays Other Days by Appoiutaicat M e H e n r y . . . HliMH S. H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTOR* AND BUILDER! ^ Phone 127-R McHenry Our experienoe U at Your . fervice in building Your^TO&nta ' 1 feii KENT A COBIPANY AO Kiada aff f . I N S I J R ANCB PfcMed with the anat rsHaWa--~ CaMpaaias ; Otmo la asd talk it orm • You Building or Planning to Build or Modernize Your Home? Enter Our Home Building and Modernization Contest ~ ' $1,000 IN PRIZES Ask for Full Details and Official Entry Blank at any WkSTK&N UNITED OAS AKD SLEVTBIO OOMPANT/OmOE Charlie's Repair Next Door To Noanaa'a Ob U. & IS RADIATORS REPAIRBD DODOS aad FHTOERS 'v' ' Stralgktenod ' Sign Painting Track Lollffing Furniture Upholstering