Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1938, p. 2

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TP*"- * it1** i ^ ** ?• • ,v«v;»™^"^1 ,x ^^ ^ "w» » -v \r • ^ ' O. V. Faft Two 'fW ,%^.,^,y ,i,.y..^ * <? /Wj^fvX;.® «*• •*1 TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT 63--Ben H. Stilling, Hauling stone 54--Joe Karls, Road labor Uf Fund* Received and Disbursed for 55--Math Glosson, Roadgrad- ;4 . / -the Fiscal Year Equpu ... f ing ... March 29, 1981 " f r4 ; , ," 156--Hueman Motor Sales, Road machinery repairs OF ILLINOIS* v 57--Joe King, Road construction 88. W' bounty o: * j Town of McHenry, Office of Treasurer of the 58--Peter Smith, Road grading 28.00 4.55 28.00 TS.60 10.50 28.75 . Itqad and Bridge Funds of said Town. 59 Joe Nett, Road grading .. |' To the Highway Commissioner, Town '4® Weber, Road grading T of ^McHenry,- County of McHenry, 61--Ben N. Smith, Road con- W: ?*-*- State of Illinois: - i struction .....:.,.™ 5400 I, S. H. FREXJND, Treasurer of the 62--Stephen N. Schmitt, Road _J!load and Bridge Funds for the Town rlJ5 d," and County aforesaid, State of Illinois, 83-Math M- BIake- Road beine dulv sworn, depose and say that _ V&e following statement by me sub- Shrank Adams, Road grad- , Scribed is a correct Statement of the mg- .... *©.W Kniount of road and bridge funds on 6&~A- H. Freund, Road grad* . hand at "the beginning of the fiscal ^ * year above stated; the amount of road 66 Peter M. Schaefer, Road Iftid bridge funds received; the sources grading .... 16.70 firom which received; the amount e*^ ' P ' gra I200 pended, and the purpose for which ex- _ '"f 1Z.UU pended, as set forth in said statement. 68--Abe Lawrence, Road grad* " S. H. FREUND, . in* •" "i , v Treasurer. , ; '^9--Sib Whiting, Road grad- MS»b«-rited «n'd sworn to before >'70J^ 2^ ,day of March 1988. j ing^ • grader --? .^^50.00 226--Arth Diederich, Road con- 189--Peter F. Freund, Road str^tion 54.15 grading ............. 24.25 November 24 •' *. 140--Ben N. Smith, Road grad- - r 227--Joe King, Road construcing 46.38 tion M0 141--Wm. 4. Hiller, Road grad- t228--Peter Smith, Road labor 11.20 ing 17.40 f229--J*eter M. Schaefer, Road 142--Joe King, Road construc- grading 59.20 62.40 ,230--Elmer Vogt, Road^grad- I t,ing . 16.00 .7.80 231--Abe Lawrence, Road con- J struction 6.76 A « iV* t -X , J »fyyyfj£ Tfsr-5 • ' . 'J ' r ' v THE MtiQQOtt IlimUUUI w^'tl RMd er,d" 72-»--Frank Grasser, Road grading .... 73--Arthur Hoppe, 295^ yards osf gravel . June 28 4*0 21.75 23.15 13.75 19,4° 29.55 11.00 20.65 12.13 5.20 14^0 8.00 60.00 8.85 a*..'"*. 18.50 24.75 80.90 44.19 |^|^^^-^i||ate,aent of . Receipts, Summary ';of Expenditures and Balance •"J *'• On Hand •"} } 1937 .March 30 if® ."Balance- on Hand, Roaiv. ,':^-..:-^w', - v_ , _ _ « , . ^ ^2F>inds W Bowe' Road^ «rad": - - May 26 . ' I in« •••• --• - •••••• ^nty Collector,' 1936 Road .75--Wm. Grasser, Road con- - and Bridge Tax 1,000.00 fl- Ruction .... June 4 I --Alexander Lam. Co., Road County Collector, 1986, Road | culverts --......... and Bridge Tax 1,250.00 77~1A- Lubricant Co., Road July 8 1 ! County Collector, 1936 Road J78""^ C. Pearson, Gas and oil and Bridge Tax 2,250.00 June 24 u _ August 7 j 79--John E. Nett, Road con- Caunty Collector, 1935 Roitd ' ' struction 61.63 and Bridge Tax 185.12 80--Fred J. Smith, Road gas .. ' 7.19 September 13 81--W. I. O'Neal Co., Road ty Collector, 1936 Road 1 culverts 88.89 i Bridge Tax 2,250.00. 82--H. B. Faith Equipment November 24 1 Co., Road repairs 5.40 Ceunty Collector, 1936 Road 83--Wonder Lake Service Sta- . and Bridge Tax 1^42Jt2 tion, Road gas 2.85 County Collector, 1935 Road - 84--Arth Diedrich, Road conand Bridge Tax --. 284^9 struction - 134.80 State of Illinois, Refund Gas 85--Peter Freund, Road grad- >;,'-*Pax . '14.43 ing 12.00 r'n 86--Peter Miller, Road grad- 'ToUl Receipts ...:....$9^26.86 ing ^ 24.00 Summary of Expenditures 9,172.86 87--Math Adams, Road grad- \ ing y^ja.60 tion -- 143--Peter Smith, Road con- 40.00 struction 8.90 144--Peter Freund, Road grad- 8.00 ing 145--John E. Nett, Road grading 146--Peter M. Schaefer, Road grading 24.39 147--Elmer Vogt, Road grading t 148--Geo. Oelfling, Road grading 149--Math M. Blake, Road grading 150--Arth Thelen, Road grading 161---Geo. Hiller, Road construction 152--Francis J. Adams, Ma-, chinery parts 153--McHenry Artificial Stone Co., Bridge repairs 47.00 154--Henry J. Weber, Road grading 6.00 155--Math Glosson, Road con-' struction .,4~." 78.85 156--Joe S. Schmitt, Road grading 6.00 151?--Frank Kaiser, Road grading 22.50 158--Peter Miller, Road construction 29.40 169--Geo. May, Road grading 9.50 lOO-^-Sib Whiting, Road grading 12.75 161--Ray Merchant, Road grading 18.25 162--McHenry Lumber Co., Road bridge lumber 16.69 163--Alexander Lum. Co., Road bridge lumber t>.23 164--Iowa Mutual Liability In---T" surance, Workmen's liability 176.69 165--Iowa Mutual Liability In- " surance, Renewal policy .. 103.85 September 22 166--Stanley Hunt, Road work 6.40 167--Math Glosson, Road construction ....._ 18.70 168--Nick S. Pitzen, Road construction 25.70 169--H. H. Freund, Bridge repairing 16.00 170--Alexander Lumber Company, Bridge material .... 12.01 171--John Smith, Road con- 232--Math M. Blake, Road i - labor 84?5 283--John E. Nett, Road construction 159.40 284--John Blessner, Road con- Thm*Ur, April 14,193ii_ ^ struction 235--John J. Schmitt, Road gravel 236--Ben N. Smith, Road grading ......... 237--John Smith, Road construction 238--Jacob Freund, Graverconstruction '. 239--Arth Thelen, Road grading 240--Peter F. Freund, Road ... ~9fclfi 818--Frank Kaiser, Road gra$T~ 21.4V 38.50 47.50 78.6a 5.00 16.00 62.83 6.06 12.00 grading 810--Kenneth Cristy, Road grading 44.75 811--Ray Merchant, Road grad- - ing - 812--Sib Whiting, Road grading 313--Arth Thelen, Road grad* ing 814--Louis Schmitt, Road grad- 815--Henry J. Weber, Road grading .'. 15.60 ing 816--Joe S: Schmitt, Road grading 317--Rob't. Vogt, Road grad6 ing Balance on Hand 154.00 88--Peter M. Schaefer, Road ^7^ .. grading ^37 April 28 V "8®--Math M. Blake, Road grad-1 fl^-F. A. Howfe, Road grad- . 1 ing..... 46.00 ing ...$ 12.00' 90--Joe King, Road construc- > Alexander Lumber, Road tion : 69.05 culverts 43.26 91--Peter Smith, Road con- 8--Tractor Equipment, Making struction "fc.40 < repairs .....T 9^8 92--John M. Schmitt, Road •--John Smith, Road grading 54.32 grading 9,45 5--Phil Meyers, Road construc- 93--Math Glosson, Road gradtion 124.50 ing . 64^70 p * #•--Peter Smith, Road construc- --Math Welter, Road grad- KV ' tion 14.35 - ing 7.00 7--Joe King, Road construc- 95--Sib Whiting, Road gradjf. _ tion -- 128.75 _ ing, 8tJ0 S--Math Glosson, Road con- 96--Ray Merchant, Road grad-™ struction and grading ..156.10 ing .*.. 84.60 W--m Iff; struction v., 264.77 172--Central Garage, Machinr ery repairs -... 7.00 178--John E Nett, Road coin struction 68.65 j grading 241--Hueman Motr Sales, Macinery repairs 242--McHenry Lumber Company, Road lumber 243--Ben Baur, Road grading 244--Math Glosson, Road gradstruction 245--Wm. May, Snow fence .. 246--Ffank Adams, Road grading 247--A. Hi. Freund, Road grading .....1...,. 248--Sib Whiting, Road scraping - 249--Earl Harrison, Rd. scraping ..... 250--Joe L. Freund, Rd. scraping December 22 251----Joe S. Schmitt, Road gradii^ - 252--John Smith, Road grading 253--Joe King, -R(oadj grading 11.00 254--Jacob P. Miller, Road grading 255--Math M. Blake, Road construction 256--Nick S. Pitzen, Road grading - 257--Tonyan Bros., Road con- ' struction 258--Alexander Lumber Com- \ pany, Bridge planks '259--H. B. Faith Equipment, 34.25 38.50 12.50 12.50 87*00 40.10 2250 8.00 21.90 Machinery repairs .... 260--'Ben N. Smith, Road construction 261--Stephen N. Schmitt, Roftd grading .... 8.00 2^6 8.00 21.60 2.64 19.45 ing 27.00 819--Frank Adams, Road grading J„ « 7.00 320--A. H. Freund, Road grading 19.00 v^gtotal. ......$9,061.89k Distribution of Expenditures Earth Road, Construction ....$4,153.23 Earth Road, Grading i 3,344.44 Bridges and Culverts, Construction; Bridges and Culverts, Repairs ...... ^ 525.90 Machinery Purchased; Machinery Repairs 540.99 Supplies „ ......185.80 Miscellaneous 361<.58 Treasurer's Commission 110.97 Total ...W...;ir$9,172.86 JOHNSBURG 1262--Math Glosson, Road con- 7.201V struction ........ 263--Peter F. Freund, Road grading 264--Peter Freund, Jr.,. Road grading ..f..^......- 265--Henry J. Weber, Road grading - 266--Geo. A. May, Road grading 14.50 9.50 --Nick Young, Roa^construction 10--Wm. J. Hiller,- Road grading |1--John M. Schmitt, Road grading --Math Schmitt, Road grading $8--Peter Miller, Road grading ~\M--Peter F. Freund, Road grading ; ^5--Stephen N. Schmitt, Road grading W--Joe Nett, Road construction 17--John E. Nett, Road con- 174--John J, Schmitt, Road gravel 175--Peter M. Schaefer, Road grading 176--A. Doberstein, Road grading 177--H. V. Sompel, Road con* struction ...; 6.50 178--J. C. Pearsony Gas and oil 26.81 179--Math M. Blake, Road grading 10.80 267--Peter Miller, Road grad- 180--K. E. Cristy, Road grad- j jng -- 40.75 268--Ben Justen,' Road grad- 181--J. Wv Cristy, Road grad- «« j jng . in« - 15.40 269--Kenneth, Cristyr Road struction ' 4 05 182--Joe Nett, Road grading 14.55 grading Joe Nett. R188--Stephen :i. Sdimitt, Road 270--Sib Whiting, Road con grading 18.30 October 27 184--Alexander Lumber Company, Bridge planks ........ 42.87 j 185--John Bodie, Road work .. 11.60 97--Abe Lawrence, Road <on- 11.00 98--Joe Nett, Road construc 6.00 tion 16.60 * 99--George Weitl, Road con- - iM struction - g&OO ' July 28 20.50 100--Frank Kaiser, Road drag 186-John Nett, Road work .... 4.00 «n or 1rt1 '""j' 1L0^O 187--Math Karls, Road work .. 10.00 Z025 101--John E. Nett, Road con- 188-Joe Karls, Road work ...4 8.20 12.75 N- Sn",h' J in«r - 11.25 11*85 103--Wm. Grasser, Road grad- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ferund and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend wjth Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith. Mrs. Joe King and daughters motored to Waukegan Saturday afternoon. Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Miss Mercedes Stilling was surprised by a number of her classmates at her home Sunday afternoon. Those present were: Marie King, Rosalyn Miller, Jeanette Miller, Anna Guzardo, Violet Stillmg, Dorothy Freund and. Rita Tonyan. Miss Evelyn Shober of Waukegan spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Art Shober,... Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. John A. Miller, Mrs. Peter F. Freund, Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund motored to Chicago Stmday to visit with Mrs. Lawrence Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and daughters, Violet, and Mrs. Peter F. Freund motored to Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel and family, and Mrs. George King and , children spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode were Woodstock callers Monday. Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirig and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Steve May visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller at Richmond Saturday evening. / 40,000 PEE WEEK ALL STANDARD BREEDS -- From Blood Totted Stock * A-' ^ Visit Our Hatchery Before Ton Buy. Complete line of PURINA REDS and Poultry Equipment. liK4 < 3 .„ r*1 9% Phone 1537 104 S. Grove St Elgin, Illinois P*IC£P I ALL Way.! Look •« c£R coinpfts* El.ciric the G«n«c»L *««rcnt. to of food, in gaving «* ou f*mott» G*°t iy|.cbatrie ut ni.m V,0ri!l opctaooo, current co»t »nd endurtng economy* Ye|s th'" ftMtnrii art found in most G'E im« in all mo4*h • SoinleM Steel Super r»£}t Freezer. • Fmiter Frtnins, instant retelling Quick Trayi. • 12-fpeed Temperature and Defrosting Control. • Interior Light. • Thermometer • Sliding Shelvet. • Adjustable Storage Space, e Vegetable Drawer R E F R I G E R A T O R 1. Thrifty In PRICE I 2. Thrifty In CURRENTI 3. Thrifty In UPKEEP I Green Street McHenry, I1L 80.70 1 - 11.55 31.35 104-^--Ben J. Schaefer, Repairs 3.70 105--Wm. May, Labor 12.80 ;% • ma -- 107.25 106--Geo. W. ^ickline, Culvert ^ * IS Paul Pitzen, Road con- construction . t _ fraction 21.88 107--Ceo. Weitl, Road coi^ I1., |»--Peter M. Schaefer, Road j struction 32.20 t ." ^luldincgu""; « ""*j T 16-39 108--Richard Fleming:, Road oil gloo K «0--Mike Schaefer, Road grad- 109--Mrs. F. J. Lennartz Road E I ing £" 3.75 oil ...~;.tZvT™83lO p « 21--Math iM. jBlake^ Road 110--Peter Smith, Road conp- ; m grading ... 12.00 struction S3 io BT - y 12--John Schmitt, Road grad- Ill-Joe King, Road construc- W'-- , tion 185 70 ^radin,K 6-38 112--Math Glosson, Road con- I struction .147,10 12.95 113--A. Doberstein, Read grad- 1 16.13 19.95 114--Peter M. Schaefer, Road 1 ' grading _... 22^6 29;60 115--Geo. Oeffling, Road grad- ' ing ••••• - 23.40 28.13 116--Ben N. Smith, Road grad- "I ing 84.08 117---Jphn N. Schmitt, Road I grading 18.00 118--Jacob P. Miller, Road , I grading 9.00 119--Frank Adams, Road grad- 1 ing ; 9.00 120--A. H. Freund, Road grading D , 4*50 121--Math M. Blake, Road 83--Ben Baur, Road grading 13.00 ^grading 84--Frank KaiSer, Road grad- j 122--John E.^'Nistt"Boad grading if 50 in* Itn1 '??Uer 1: «radinK 26-50 123--Joe S. Sdimitt,' Road 86--Ray Merchant, Road grad- J grading , «7 TL""V " o 89,75 124--Arthur- Whiting, Road 87--Abe Lawrence, Culvert | construction tV 1.90 125--Joe Nett, Road construc- 88--Wm. Hamil, Labor 5.25 tion 18 40 $9--Tonyan Bros., Road con- 126--Alexander Lurn^ f^'* struction .....14,40 Planks " 40--Jacob P. Millet, Road construction ;24-^peo. Oeffling, Road grad 5 ing .. 25--Joe L. Freund, Take down snow fence ' 16--Sib Whiting, Road grading : 27--Frank Adams, Road grading 28--A. H. Freund, Road grad- : ing / 29--Joe'S. Schmitt, Road grad- \ ing.... 80--Math Adams, Road grading 81--Arth Thelen, Road grad- ::t": ing" 82--John N. Freund, Road, grading 54.75 ing 70.50 48.70 6.50 190--John M. Schmitt, Road grading 22.00 191--Alexander Lumber Company, Road culverts 87.32 192--John Bodie, Road work .. 193--J. C. Pearson, Road gas .. 26.49 194--Joe Nett, Road construction 195--George WeiU, Road construction 196--Ben J.. Kennebeck, Road work 2.25 197--Peter M. Schaefjer, Road grading 1 84.00 198--Elmer Vogt, Road grading 19.00 199--Peter Freund, Jr., Road grading 14.00 200--Wm. J. Hiller, Road grading 6.00 201--Math Schmitt, Road grad. ing 13.50 struction 4. 7.75 1938 January 26 271--John E. Nett, Road construction '81.45 272--Central Garage, Machinery repairs and storage .... 29.56 273--Math Glosson, Road construction 274--Alexander Lumber Company, Culvert end 275--Ringwood Garage, Gas and repairs 276--Tonyan Bros., Road sanding - 2.00 277--May Bros., Road con- 1 struction 278--Floyd Howe, Hauling stones 279--Wm. May, Road construction 280--Joe King, Road sanding .. 17^86 February 23 281--Lonnie Smith, Rd. scraping - 12.00 282--^Arth Thelen, Road grading 5.00 288--Ben N. Smith, Road construction 119.10 284--Joe King, Road construction 17.80 285--Alexander Lumber Company, Road culverts .......... 24.10 286--John E. Nett, Road construction 209.85 287--John J. Schmitt, Road gravel 25.20 288--Central Garage, Tractor storage 202--K. E. Cristy, Road grading -- 60.75 203--Peter F. Freund, Road grading 17.00 ]204r-Central Garage, Road gaa 4.45 11.00 205--A. P. Freund, Loading S™1™1 & 28.40'289--Geo. Weitl, Road con- 9.00 206--John E. Nett, Road con- struction struction - 142.00 290--H. C. Kamholz, Road 207--John Blessner, Road con- | merchandise struction 127.80 291--Ben H. Stilling, Road 20ft--Peter Smith, Road grad- work in# 21.00 292--Tonyan Bros., Road con- 42.00 52.05 61.75 8.00 22.10 &62 j 127--Sib Whiting, Road grad- * 7-8° ing 30.00 W ^*ranc*s Adams, Machin- 128--Ray Merchant, Road gradery repairs 3.25 ing . F T reU odL R°ad g» vel 8 70112d--Ab« S«,'"i^'d con- 43^-John J. Schmitt, Road | struction ^ 2.26 130--Stephen N. Schmitt, Roaii 44--A1 M. Schmitt, Road labor 4.80 grading « , |Wl-Frank K^serr^'ad'^adl 45--Freu P. Howe, Road grad- • jng MA Ibd^ j" *v'^' August 25 46--Wm. TGrasser, Road con- |182--Math Schaefer Road con. .struction I3.00 struction 20.00 . 2.40 9.00 .96^0 8^0 2.00 V *7--J. C. Peartton, Gas andvoil 19.35 183--Wm. Tescir p,. \ 48--J. E.-Nett, Road constnic- | laneous W."' ' 32.50.134--John Schmitt, Road gradfe. ' " . 49--Fred J. Smith, Gas and re- | ing Ifino m:- : 35.95,135--Central Garage^IftiiadTM in'fii 1^ Ki A §0--Alexander Lumber ' Co., 136--Joe Nett, Road construck; ' ^ - . Road culverts 19.24' tioq. U- 11--Adams ft Freund," Road, 1187^oe L. Freund, Road'gi^'dl' " k; i evener ..........w... 9.001 ing _ " i»An * I? 12--John Nett, Road labor .... • 2.8ff^ 13ft--Menita Supply C# 28.40 14.80 81.00 21.00 16.00 JL5.25 22.75 22.75 209--John N. Freund, Road I gravel 11.881210--John J. Schmitt, Road gravel 21V-Joe King, Road construction 212--Frank Kaiser, Road grading 213--Geo. Oeffling, Road grading -.1.... 214--Math M. Blake, Road construction 215>--Frank Adaftis, Road grading 216--A. H. Freund, Road grading s ! 217--Joe L. Freund, Road grading 27.00 218--John Schmitt, Road grading -- V....v:.... 19.00 219--Math Adams, Road grading 22.00 220--Math Glosson, Road construction 63.45 221--Peter Miller, Road grading ,....^ 84.00 222--Ray Merchant, Road construction 30.80 223--A b<»('Lawrence, Road construction 8.60 224--Earl Harrison, Road conutruction 47.00 226--Sib Whiting, Road con r.i*wr«wniw struction 298--Geo. Oeffling, Road grading : - 294--Peter F. Freund, Road grading.... 295--K. E. Cristy, Road grading 296--;Arth -Diederich, Road construction 297--Math Glosson, Road Construction 298--Peter Milter, Road grading 299--Ben Justen, Road grading 800--Peter Smith, Road grading 801--John M. Schmitt, Road grading March 28 802--Arth Hoppe, Road con- ' struction - 303--Frank Kaiser, Road construction 304--Wm. H. AlthoflT, Rotfd merchandise 306--John J. Vycital, Road merchandise 306--Joe King, Road construction 807--Math M. Blake, Road grading 308--John N. Schmitt, Road grading 809--Jacab P. Mlitar, Bowl want 20.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 0.08 11.00 62.00 6.77^ 6M 49.40 16.60 6.00 The Standard Ford V-8, with 60>hom? ever built. Owners all over the country 'power engine, gives you a lot of car for report averages of 22 to 27 miles on « hi little money. - , : single gallon of gasoline. - : ' ~--_ 300,000 new ownert «eel aimed tilt But economy isn't all the aforyby any "dbrifty 60" lest year. Hundreds m <fa| means. The Standard u60" is built with sure buying it in 1938. Why? the same precision as die De Luxe "85j? Because it is priced low---inehid** < and has the same 112-inch wheelbaaa . essential equipment without extra chassis. It is easy to lode at and ride charge--and goes farther between --as well as easy to buy and ru4 filling stations than any Ford car There's a Ford dealer near yojfe Thrifty Sixty" FORD V-8 mm

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