f0 fm Sr'?"- *• w v"'« « i , '• *«.* ; ' ^ ! t*' ^-w *<££^"" •t- i ':&«isifii PUUNDKAlJit "TtfJ &*.""*-fc ST. CLARA'S COURT _™8t. Claras Court, W. C.O. F., will hold their next meeting, Thursday .evexiing, May 26, when initiation will take place. ' ••. »• • 1 LADIES* AID SOCIETY --the T,nHiW AiH Society ia sponsor-. ing a bake sale Saturday, May 21, to be held at the Jacob Justen furnituje store. Proceeds will be used to purchase song books for the Community church. . * 9 « s< * •v .ENTERTAINS BUNCO CLUB -C Jffrs. Ida Fisher entertained the members of her bunco club Wednesday evening. Awards were merited by Mrs. Kose Miller and Mrs. Ben Miller. The last meeting of the season >vill be held with Mrs. Charles Ensign, Wednesday evening,- May 25. mittee, which will report at the'nSxf| meeting, includes Miss Dawn DeWolf, j Mrs. Gretta Goodell, McHenry, and! Mrs. Mary Yates. ! Miss Daisy Moore, chairman of the meeting, introduced Rev. J. R. Drees, pastor of the Methodist church, who -gave- a^ very, interesting talk. • PERS«NAL|; Mrs. J. F McLaughlin, daughter, Jjilia, and Mrs. Ralph Simpson of Ringvyo'od, were callers in the Thomas McLaughlin home Monday evening. Mrs. Albert Krause and daughter, Marion, were Elgin visitors Tuesday afternoon. : Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, daughter, Joan, of Chicago, spent the weekend with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs; John Kilday. , Henry Purvey and daughters, Josephine and Mrs. Ralph Boyle of Crys- VISIT NEIGHBOR CAMP v /V Mrs. Dorothy Nickel^, acted as 1%^ , , . . . v . - jier sentinel. Mrs. Alice Lindsay, astal -Lake "were visitors in •••;thfcf.Albert %" ^oUter "sentinel. .-Ijilrsv JVIabel Johnson, as,Purvey home Saturday. •' .;•"*: > . : > wjtiskian arid Mrs., I^na Bbhr as njan- i Mr. an<l Mrs. Hujgh> Morris j?f/Chi* * dger No. 8, at Guests' Night'.at &unj-|: Cag6 ^ere^weektmd>visitQ#$ iskt ' ". niit Caftip, RJ*. A,, at Crystal Lake y,onie at' Fair Oaks! ' fl Thursday evening. :They were accomi %>.? .panied by -Mi".; B. Dietz, Mis. Jaiiaes ? ' Perkins and Mrs, George, Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea and little, daughter spent the .week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Purvey in Chicago. Mrsi Florentine West and Mrs. Lulu Hakes of Woodstock were recent vis-, itors in the J. F. Claxton home. - Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jones of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the - MOTHERS CLUB U»; C. W. Klpntz will entertain the "Mothers Club at her home on Waukegan street tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. She will bef-a&sisted- • Ijy i _ , ,, ... Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. FrarX ho™e °f Mr. ®nd Mrs. Albert Purvey. Hughes and Mrs. C. H. Duker. M r- , a n d ¥_r s- James Fay ofCh, Speakers for the afternoon will be eago vis,ted McHenry fnenc^Sunday Mr McCracken of the high school, who will speak on "Playground Work," aj*d Mrs. Klontz, who will talk on "Art." May Bride HK8. KA&L MAPgTTAT.T. DIM SUDDENLY AT HER WAUKEOAN HOME Mrs. Marguerite Marshall, the former Miss Marguerite Kinsaia, of McHenry, died suddenly at her home at 114 Belvidere street, Waukegan, May 13, 1938, at 11 a. m., of what doctors termed a pulmonary embolism. Mrs. Marshall, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala of this city, was born April 7, 1912, and spent almost her entire life in this commun- NEATEST FARM OONTE0T SPONSORED .BY PMA WILL CLCF&E JULY 13 Chicagoland's "PMA" dairy 'farmers who produce the major portion of Chicagoland's fluid milk supply will again have a chance to receive recognition and high honors. The Pure Milk Association officially announces the opening of the Fifth Annual "Chicagoland's Neatest- Dairy Farm Project" for 1938. "ECONOMY SALS'1 On page 7 or this issue of The Plaindealer readers will find listed many bargains under the heading, "Econ. omy Sale." This page contains listings from fifteen local merchants, who are co-operating in a movement to stimulate buying in McHenry. This sale will run fpr one more week, being held each Saturday during that time. It will pay to watch this ad every week. There is an opportunity to save many dollars on purchases. ( The store which has the large cen- |Aer .sPace ' C r»Orti nlr. > in addition to offering many n.: If Entries will be accepted beginning ity. Before her marriage to Earl' May 15, 1938,• and close at midnight .Marshall,-May 18^1937. she was em-! July 15, 1938. ! ployed at the Variety Store on River- Again the Association will give a[®Pe^'a^s' will give away a merchanside Drive. Both she and her hus-|free 8-day trip, all expenses paid, to!^'se certificate to the customer whose band are graduates of the local high the dairy farmer and his wife whose j Purchases total the largest on Saturschool. (farm is declared the "Neatest" in thej^ay> May 21. Somebody is going to Her husband told police, who, with Chicago Milk Shed among Pure Milkl»et this credit slip each Week and the X. Thursday, May 19,.1938 ; Anion* the Sick JWSs5 i George Miller has been absent fromr**\ his work at the Farmers Mill the pastcouple of weeks, due to trouble with , ' his back. Mrs. Nick Adams, who has been illjK^ at her home on Court "street for sev- " . , eral weeks, is again able to be un and" , * * < around. » Mrs. J. F. Claxton has been confined to her bed through illness for the past" week. Mr. Claxton, who has been in ' * - poor -health 'ftir «»->nr»o r,?miiincr' " ;' members of the fire department inhalator squad, rushed to the young woman's aid,"that his wife had been' Association members this year. There will ,Be forty-five prizes-- three in each District--for the memvalue of it is $7.00, M Tb's week Vycital's Hardware, a Five-Star Store," on Green street, is apparently all right when he left bers who place first, second and third usinS the center ^ home at 7:45 a. m., Friday. However,'jn this project, . some exceptional bargains. Read them at 10 o'clock he was called home and j These prices are simply beautiful,over and you may be the one to get upon arriving found that she had as well as useful, and will add charm jthe $7 00 merchandise certificate. slipped into a coma, from which she to the home and can be enjoyed by the; . ; :--- never regained consciousness. . \ ,'I entire family that help to .jnake,. theif | CHEMISTRY CLASS TO CHICAGO Mrs. Mina Kinsala, an aunt, who f•fao*r»*mvV aa npvri'i<zyeis wwiirntnniiln'igo "Neat FISaHrlvmm ."" Mr. Anglese and forty members of about the same and is able to be up and around. : ' i ^ , George B. Frisby, who has been con- „ J fined to his bed at his home south of " - town, for several weeks, with a frac- v" *4 tured hip, is now able to be around on - • crutches. * "• ( Mrs. John Bolger is a patient at St. J,, * . /* iAnthony's hospital, Chicago, recover.;/ \ ^ mg from an operation which she un- • derwent last Friday. ' -* v . t' Miss, Betty Nielsen is having her? ^ 4 T; tonsils removed today (Thursday) at , ,t- ', *! St. Therese's hospital. was caring for her and her three-j Interest weeks-old baby, said that earlier in very the morning Mrs, Marshall had com-'fact that .two major changes plained of a pain in her hack, and in been made in the rules to equalize order to ease it had given her a hot competition, They are: [water bottle. Later, on hearing her 1. Last year's Grand Champion J groan, she entered the bedroom only dairy farm will not compete f|br honto find that her patient had appar- ors in 1938. gently stopped breathing.' She ina-. ;2. The previousi District enfmpion ^mediately called a doctor. J in . each .of the Association's fifteen The fire department's inhalator Districts may not compete again for squad was summoned, but in vain, the District Champion in 1938, but They were unable to force air into the may compete for the title of "Grand lungs, apparently becaiise of a blood Champion Neatest PMA Dairy Farm" clot shutting off the main pulmonary provided their rating equals that of passage. At 11 a. m., after all ef- the new 1938 District Champion. forts to revive her had failed, she was The 14,000 members of ,<the Pure pronounced :,dead. ! Milk Association are divided into fi£- Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and ' J Mrs. Marshall is survived by her teen Districts in the milk shed, which daughter, Mary Elizabeth, were Wau- Miiss Dorothy Herdrich and Mr. Ed- husband, Earl; a daughter, Patricia comprises the thirty-three counties kegan visitors Tuesday. win Hettermann were married Wed- Lee; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry within 150 mile radius of Chicago in Mr. and Mrs/Joe Blake, Mrs. Wm.! nesday morning, May 11, 1938, in StjKinsala; brothers, Elmer, Bernard, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. Blake, Mrs. Helena Degen and Mrs. | Mary's church, Msgr. Chas. S. Nj^c George and WSlliam, and sisters, El-! Selection of the neatest dairy farms Jacob Freund visited Mrs. Bridge officiating, an account of the wedding' eanor, Mildred and Marie. ; in the Chicago milk shed are to be Mrs. Marshall had a host of friends, based upon neatness of the dairy a prize wmmjg 'Neat Farm. r^MrA^lese and forty members of. Otto Mueller, who underwent an op-^ Brest m the project is -running, -Hlf^hoolchem^trr class vis- eration in the Washington Boulevard^: I V* ^ high, especially in_ view of the, it^. the Planetarium, Field Museum hospital last week, is somewhat im.;S ^ that two major changes hhaavvee and Museum of S-ccieinrcee aanndd iInnddusutrsy^ o;ropve^d a-nrd Linte3ndts oto ccoommee ^home ^the * .U-V in Chicago, Wednesday. . end of the week. i * Mrs. Sayler, who has been ill forf: several weeks, is very much improved and able to be out again. Order yoar Rubber Stamp* The Plaindealer; • • MRS. Vhoto b-y Worwick EDWIN HETTERMANN CHARIVARI AND CARD PARTY .tlhfhora/ o f " » « . • " » » « ! > • C r y 5 - a p p e a r i n g in last week's Pl.Me«ler. Crasser, Wednesday evening, May 11. W M^k^Jlfv^HeTrfiee .of^Wau- STOMPANATO'S OPEX After an enjoyable evening of cards, : relatives here' Monday! BODY CONTOUR AND refreshments were served. Those,Ke»an ,ei*",es, , ,, iT , present were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl See- and a"f,ndei the funeral of Mrs. Earl bolth, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamil, Mr. Marshall. Her mother, Mrs Elizabeth | an{1 1 Michels, returned home with her for a and with her passing the community farm--regardless of the financial outlost one of its most respected citizens, lay. In this manner a practical dairy | She was always noted for her high farmer is officially recognized for his; REDUCING SALON * ideals and sweet and gentle disposi- part in producing what is reputed to] |tion. Marguerite had a kind word for be the "World's Finest Milk Supply." j An announcement of the opening of everyone. I General appearance of the dairy! x icu xvuoma.i mi anu. ims ^,ail Stompanato's "Fountain of Youth"j The body was brought to the home farm counts 50 per cent; condition of McAndrews^Mr^and^Mrs Math°Blake*I Sunday visitors In the home of Mr.'body contour and reducing salon, a^of her parents, Saturday. Funeral the dairy barn and herd counts 20 per' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Freund Mr.' and Mrs- Howard Lockwood, were the.Woodstock, listing the many types of services were held at St. Patrick's cent; condition of the milk house' and Mrs George Weitl all of' Mc- Arthur Johnson family and Mrs. Ollie j re-contouring methods which they are church at 10 o'clock Monday, with bur-. equipment, and utensils counts 20 per Henry, and Mr and Mrs' John Scheid Lockwood of Crystal Lake. now fully and scientifically equipped>1 in St. Patrick's cemetery. (cent, and the condition of all other| of Woodstock. Mr., and Mrs. Irvin May of Johns- to handle, Appears in the advertising j Pallbearers were: L. McChesney, buildings on the dairy farm counts 10 burg and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rosing columns of this issue. | Ralph Schroeder, Harvey Rapp, Ar-'per cent. I of Round Lake were Sunday dinner! Upon entering the salon, the client thur Krause, Elmer Huemann and' To all dairy farms rating 90 per guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. j's ushered into a dressing room where J Larry Huck, Jr. v jcent or better in neatness will be giv-' Wilfred Blake. , [proper clothing for the treatments are' Among those from out-of-town at- en an Award of Merit plaqUe. Dairy] Mr. and Mrs. Millard Stoddard :'"of]:furnished. The client is carefully j tending the funeral were: Mr. and farms rating between 80 to 89 perl Green Lake, Wis., were callers in the we'g'hed and measured and then mayors. Jos. Smitz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred cent in neatness will receive a Junior Linus Newman home Sunday. The]he subjected to kn exerciser which Lohaus and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lo-1 Award of Merit plaque. All farms,' Stoddard family are old-time resi-! aids ^ reducing1 and is especially invig- haus, New Munster, Wisconsin; Mrs J regardless of whether they are elig-' dents of McHenry, where Mr. Stod- orating. Salmon, Mrs. Glenn Gunderson, Mrs.'ible to compete for the District prizes dard's father conducted a store on! In the beauty bath a combination|Oscar Prosser, Miss Camille Salmon or not, can at least compete for these Green street where the bakery is now]of sunlight, ultra violet and infra red and Mrs. Ben Dowe, Waukegan; Mr.1 plaques. R & P. WOMAN'S CLUB The McHenry County Business and Professional WToman's Club met at the Woodstock Country Club on Monday evening. A dinner at 6:30 o'clock was followed by the business meeting and program. Miss Minnie Bohn, first vice-president, presided in the absence of the president, Miss Mabel Hobbs. Miss Ethel Jones of McHenry and Miss Hobbs were appointed as delegates to the state convention to be held at Rock Island this Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21. The nominating com- KACN SPECIAL utymAAPStof! IONA CALIFORNIA PEACHES SLICED OR HALVED 2's»29i Save on These! ___ • MMMOWDINNEfi2?KQs29c io-oz 7. CAN PK°oZ10c I cans 23C wBAlGb 59C •MUW MVM Ct*S»P) GIRL MAN FLAKES SALMON FAMILY FLOUR OUftMSTMLLtft 0% |o j «% 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 bag^3C WISCONSIN LONGHORN CHEESE lights are given under controlled ] and Mrs. John Kuper, Mrs. Charles Last year many hundreds of Pure Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis of Joliet'methods to assure absolute safety and Egan, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder,'Milk Association dairy farms entered located, at one time. visited her mother, Mrs. Kate S toff el J from here a shower bath is followed; Mr. and Mrs. L. McChesney and Mr. Saturday. |by a vibratory body massage, rub and Mrs. Harvey Rapp, Chicago'; Mrs. Miss Lorraine Heisler and Ann .down with reducing lotion and clean- jAlvina Lammert, Mir. Paul Lewis, Mr. Clarke of Crystal Lake were Saturday^ facial. Both men and women re- Bernard Britz and Miss Helen Howvisitors in the home of Mrs. George contouring experts are at your ser-Jard, Fox Lake; Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay. i v'ce and in case of a lady client, a Meyers, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. Heise and Mr. and woman expert is always present to as- jWm. Kerckmann, Ingleside, and Mr. Mrs. Henry Heise and daughter, Bar- s'st Mr. Stompanato, graduate Swed- and Mrs. Wm. Vandenboom, and Helbara Ann, of Waukegan, were enter- |ish masseur. |en and James Vandenboom# Bound tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' The splendid publicity which the .Lake, . Paul Schwerman Sunday, honoring the salon has made, accompanying the in-1 . tenth birthday of their daughter, Cath- stallation of the body contour departerine. ^nent, is praised in the May issue of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Schoewer» the Modern Beauty Shop, a beauty daughter, Peggy Mae, Mrs. Edward trade magazine with a large circula- O'Brian, Mrs. Joseph Maher of Oak tion. Park, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Klein and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suhling of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer. | Mrs. Otto Mueller and children and] Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lutz visited t)tto Mueller in the Washington Blvd. hospital in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Butler returned to Chicago early this week, after sojourning in Florida and Cuba during the winter months. They will spend the summer months at their cottage in McHenry. Mrs. Loretta Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. V. Neal of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Hurley Bailey home. Albert Vales of Chicago spent the * COMING EVENTS May 19 Rural Graduation Program--McHenry High School. Ladies' Aid--Church basement. May 20 Annual Spring Concert, McHenry Public Schools--High School Auditorium. Mothers Club--Mrs. C. W. Klontz. May 21 Ladies' Aid--Bake Sale--J. Jus ten's Furniture Store. May 22 Gerald- G. Reed--"Religion In. Res* 8ia"--M. E. Church. May 24 Card of Thanks We desire in this manner to tend our thanks and appreciation to all who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement and gave expressions of sympathy, flowers and spiritual bouquets. Also for the use of cars. Earl Marshall, Mr. , and Mrs. Henry Kinsala 51 and Family. weekend with his family near Emerald; Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Hormel's CHICKEN ALA KING ,. 35c Hormel's SPAM, 12-oz. cai ....w... 29c Dinty Moore"• ••• '/ BEEF STEW, l'/2-H». can 15c Bananas, lb 5c Large Cuban PINEAPPLES, each 15c \ <*•*«> ULl&H "3'c&49e PRESERVES kSSm . 2 jL A B R 29c CMIU ttDwTcARNE . ^ lOc KARO SYRUP . . 10 can 49C IVORY SOAP . 3 cakes 25c QUEST IVORY CAKE SC CHIPSO • 2pi<a 22c •Or •TWIST WHITE BREAD WMfTK MOVM MEVNNAVPn.C MLOI LK CORN FLAKES BIG LOAVE.S 10 CANS 59c PKBGIQS 7*ir mODUCCR GROCtll MLCI DOZ 21c IHt WHOU WMCAT AAP BREAD . MUM »OT BEAM SPROUTS 2 LOAVES 15c 3 caN! 25c NOODLES _ . CAN 15C 5o. CHOP'SUEY mmcET powder 2^ko». 23c fi3S5RWfTT3^Ko^25e «Su5 mksshm . ff,25c 10c CAN 19c A P F O O D v f ' • ) R t S Park, Mrs. John King was a Visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Meyers, at Johnsburg, Wednesday. William Sutton, who spent the past several "weeks with his uncle, Vincent Martin, at Woodstock, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wicke of Des Plaines were weekend visitors at their Summer home at Fair Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brixon and little daughter, Patricia, of Diamond Lake visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Vasey, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of Slocum's Lake and Linus Newman were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger visited Mrs. John Bolger at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke and son, Richard, visited Mrs. Patzke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sund, at jRidgefieW Sunday. Miss Clara Stoffel was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. M)rs. Max Striedl and son and Mrs. Felix Eder, Batavia, visited in the George Weitl home Tuesday. Miss Elnora Mathiesen of Chicago spent the weekend 'in the home of Miss Evelyne Weingart. Robert Williams of West McHeniy entered the Woodstock hospital Monday night for medical attention. Mrs. Alfred Tonyan and bahy daughter, who "have been quite ill/are recovering nicely. . • ~>~ May 25 Holy Name Dance at Fox Pavilion. May 26 St. Clara's Court, W. C. O. F.-t-Initiation NU-MALTED SHOPPE OPENS ON THE DRIVE "Chicagoland's Neatest Dairy Farm Project," several hundred of them receiving Merit Plaques in recognition of their fine work. This year's number of entrants is expected to be much larger in view of the beautiful prizes for each District in addition to an 8- day, all expense tour, which will be given to Chicago's Grand Champion Dairy Farm. The prizes to be awarded in addition to the all expense 8-day trip will ! be announced the first week in June. Paid For With Prayers Swiss farmers annually give to thousands of poor peasants as much cheese and butter as they can carry home after the grazing season on the mountains and ask in return only a prayer for the cattle and Have A GOOD Time NEW MODERN SPACIOUS BEAUTIFUL /A** POW-WOW CAFE No. 2 At the Bridge, McHenry, Illinois Four Floor Shows Every Night 6 O'CLOCK DINNER SHOW EVERY SUNDAY No Cover Charge at Any Time -- 9-Course Dinners 85c Music by Doug Gros and His Band --- 6 Pieces . '• Doug, the leader, behind the drums, with Peter Foster directing SPECTACULAR REVUE -- GIRLS! GIRLSl OIRLS! featuring Melford & Vilda Lee Rhythm Classics Dance Team--direct from . Oriental Theatre fcszzi^rankie Donia Chicago's International Comedian Marguerite ClaudeV Parisian Song Stylist Roland & Verditta Sensational Dancers The Brightest Spot In McHenry County QUiZr DANCE AND BE ENTBRTAJTfEfl •-- It's New i--. -- It's Different - Moderate Prices -• Never a Cover Charge CHAS. MELLIO pasture. jxrjiru-j-i - - nnrrr think of tins An attractive ice-cream store, the Nu-Malted Shoppe, has been opened by Kathryn Binder and Sybil Murrie in the Schneider building on Riverside Drive. The proprietors, formerly of Elgin, are now making their home In McHenry. The shoppe is attractive with its snow-white walls, blue ceiling and sniall black and white tables. Every thing in the line of ice-cream is serv ed, and especially tasty malted milks. Customers are sure to be pleased with the pleasant atmosphere of the shoppe and the splendid service offered. MRS. F. 0. JOHNSON PIES IN WOODSTOCK ONLY LOW-PRICSD CAR J^irir SAFETY SHIM $10 THAT* s WHAT people say when they try Safety Shift*. And they say it again anil again as they discover what a Pontiac is and does! A big, eye-stopping beauty, priced near the lowest, yet crammed with everything people hold close to their hearts: An engine that whisper* the miles away--that's a glutton itr h'H* yet delivers up to 24 miles per gallon. A body that lets yon s-t-r-e-t-e-h, and surrounds you with jewel-box beauty. A reputation for dependability spread world-wide by thousands of owners. A ride that--well, just try it! We challenge you to find its equal in any car at any price! ^ TBS MOST BEAUTIFUL THIMO OH WMIU A Filibuster A filibuster is the act of a member of the legislative or a deliberative body who, in opposition to the proposed action of the majority^ obstructs or prevents action by the extreme use of dilatory tactics such. Misspeaking consume Mrs. F. O. Johnson, 67, of Woodstock, passed away at her home Saturday morning, May 14, 1938, as the result of a stroke suffered several weeks before her death. Ever since her arrival in this country from Sweden at the age of 15, she has made her home in Woodstock. Her husband preceded her in death six years ago. The deceased is survived by her eleven children, one of whom is.Mrs. Frances Freund of this city. . Funral services were held on Monday at 1 p. m., from the late home on Railroad street to Grace church at 2 o'clock in . charge of Rev. R. C. Kaufman. HEW LOW-PRICED PONTIAC SIX amuuoa*s rnwr w«-wao cm Geno Poultry Drug Store. Remedies. Wattles 40-tf R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES WmH McHenry, SL ANTIOCH PONTTAO flAT.TM Antiodi, Illinois m.' * a ? , V, v."