J T \ -m- Thusday, May 19f 193$ - • I d i ' ' . H 1 , J " " THE MoHENEY PLAINDEALXS ^ f * -v**v ^WjpZ ^ -s* * ': * * ' ^^*»<h. «^«ee> « I'Mut ^ .', t 4^* *.Ai« % A" NEARBY NEWS '&!; ' TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Jens Agger, vice president of the PERSONALS • / • . ' * Mr, and Mm. James Stack and children of Chicago visited Mrs. Stack's sister, Miss Ctherine McCabe, here on Sunday. Miss Miriam Sayler spent Sunday at her home here. /Mrs. Charles Egan and son of Chicago spent a few days with relatives here, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Earl Marshall Monday. Father Walter Conway of Notre RINGWOOEt ^icago Rawhide company, has pur- Ind visited his father, M. A. Chased 270 acres in Lake county a ' before leavhe will Mrs. H. M. Stephenson entertained the "Easy Aces" and a few friends at her home Tuesday afternoon in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Ellen Whiting. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mrs. Ellen Whiting. Mrs. Nick Young attended a mother and daughter banquet at McHenry on Monday evening. The Home Circle was entertained in mg lor JBunaio, in. i ., wneru ne win the home of Mrs. J.. ,C. Pearson Wedconduct a Novena. ~ " ~ inesday. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger and Pearson and Mrs. Schroeder. A children visited the former's sister,'program in charge of Mrs. McCani rharlfr m -i,l e no*r^1 o*f Cn rasTs la;ke and Ljus t Conway, here Saturday, befo for Buffalo N y where south of Route 173. Prom G. W. Gale B he bought 200 acres aftd from H. M. Cole he bought seventy. Tl^ere is a ^wiiuicij „..w ^ „ foil -set of farm buildings^on the land, gjster Mary Henry, at Holy Angels and Mrs. Harrison was enjoyed. Convent, Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Crys- Miss Bertha Schiessle was a Chi- tal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. cago visitor Saturday evening. ! Smith of McHtenry spent Tuesday Mrs. James Brandt of Chicago was evening in the George Young home. but Agger proposes to build a new residence in which he will 1W« during the summer. Ned Hesselgrave, well known in the Richmond and surrounding commuiu- a recent visitor in the home of fieri ties who lived near the intersection sjster, Mrs. Ray Page. Her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday •ear the Hiorace Reading place in Mrs. Christina Going, who had been * Jn wr-.u twh home Solon vicinjty, was found dead in bed 3pending some time in the Page home,! Mr^nd Mrs Ray Peters entertain-^ at his home where he liv^d alone, returned to Chic^o with her .* JSi ^ ^undred^^lu^ their hJme Wednesday evening of last week. He Miss Dorothy Althoff of Chicago Tv,„ra(i«v evenin? Prizes were awardwas last seen alive Monday evening gpent the weekend with her parents,'^ to *»_ ancj Mrs B T Butler and *nd it is thought'he had been de.d «t Mr. And Mr,. Louis Althoff. - , i»r YoinK M>st twenty-four hours when found. Mr. «nd Mrs. John Jotley of Crysttli jIrs Catherine Young mnd daughter, #'• A reward of $1,000 for the appre- Lake visited relatives here Sunday, jp^sena cf McHenry spent Wednesday tension and conviction of Jerome Mrs. Ray McGee spent the weekend j evening in the George Young home. pTelsch, 37, Racihe furniture salesman, in Chicago where she visited her sis- J Miss peari Smith entertained the lor the torture murder of William ter, Miss Grace CaUinani who -.waajy^g Adults group at a party at heir Hancock, 80, of Antioch, was posted leaving on a vacation $rip to .Taunton, ihome' Thursday evening. F5ve hundred Tuesday by the Lake county board of Arizona. » land hearts were, played with prizes]noon Supervisors. With the extradition pro- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and! awsrded to: in five hundred, to Alan I Wayne Foss attended the Township feedings upset by a writ of habeas daughter, Monica Aftp, of Grayslake! Ainger and Donald Hackman and ^Exercises at Costal Lake Wednesday «orpus in the Racine circuit court, the visited relatives here Sunday. hearts, to Paul Walkington and Peter evening Pearl and Dorothy, spent Saturday in the Win. Wurtringer home at Woodstock. , Mrs. Frank Howden and daughter, Lucy, of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marion, were visitors at Elgin Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz of Chicago spent Sunday in the A Ruehlman home Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday afternoon at Hebron. _ Miss Befnice Smith and Miss Lucy Howden spent Friday night at Harvard. v • Leonard Brown of DeKalb spent Wednesday afternoon' at his home here. Mr. ind Mrs. Joseph Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Will and John Volk of Antioch spent Sunday morning in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Nick l'oung attended a shower for Myrtle Young Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. A. Kitchens is spending the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treori of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry E|in2e of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. George Harrison. S. W. Smith and son, John, were callers at Richmond Saturday after- Call W the Q«ail Sylvester D. Judd in "The Bobwhite and Other Quails of the United State*," says that the call "bobwhite" is the nuptial call; the male uses many other cavils, imitating other birds and animals. This call is not generally used after the breeding season. The answer of the female is a single clear whistle. Hamper Progress of Shipa . More. than a hundred different kinds of animals and plants attach themselves to ships and seriously hamper the progress of the vessels, says Collier's Weekly. One ship, whose hull was covered with 250,000 barnacles to the square yard, had its speed retarded as much as 35 per cent by these shellfish. The Elephaat-Shrew An elephant-shrew is an insecteating mammal resembling the rat. The pppular name alludes to its p#- culiap; elongated nose, which looks like an elephant's trunk. The hind legs are long and out of all proportion to the forelegs and fit the animal for jumping. Elephant-shrewt are confined to Africa. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended the Herdrich-Hettermann wedding at Johnsburg Wednesday. Miss Flora Taylor was called to ttipervisors offered a reward for the Mrs. Ida Nix of Chicago has been Capture of the suspected criminal at spending several days with her sister- |ttie request of State's Attorney Char- in-law, Mrs. Rose Miller. lies E. Mason. Edward Holle of Oak Park tois a According to the Wauconda Leader, weekend guest in the Martin Conway Jfred Huss, a G-Man who has been in- home. His Wife, who had been spend-, Winslow, 111., by the death of her sis •estigating the existence of stills in a week here, returned home vwith l ter> Mayme. Funeral services were llcHenry county for the past year or Sunday evening. held Wednesday. J. V. Buckland and more, passed away suddenly in a Chi- T®d Burrows of Marengo callfed on r^, and Mrs. Collins attended. eago hospital recently. He was taken McHenry friends Friday. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Rich- Ill while working near. Richmond and Mr- an" Mrs. Arthur Newell and mond spent Sunday with the former's rushed to Chicago, where he died a I®11' tenants on Skidmore Farm, No. mother, Mrs. Rilla Foss. few hours later Together with sev- 6» spent a few days the past weekj Mr. and Mrs. Marty Thompson of eral other federal investigators, Huss with relatives in Michigan. Unearthed several stills during his Eugene Sayler of Chicago wis a work in-the county. weekend guest m the home of his ^ _ • . . • j parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sayler. The first step m a J~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krueser of »oye to stabihze the P"" «9f fluid Grayslake called on Mr &nd Mrs_ j Ibilk and cream m the Chicago market M Fhalin Friday ;%ill be launched this d Mrs Minnie Schuenneman and Mr. S of K?noX county and from ^ Chicago spent Sunday in the'Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. George Shepard spent Friday night with her parents at McHenry. Mrs. Raymond Harrison and sons were callers at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. , Mrs. Louis Hall and daughter, Elly, evening. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Evanston spent the weekend " .„ u U„1 a ouiway wwnioon ac me nom( Madison will be held in the Paddock of Mr and Mrs j p Flynn at c take Pavilion a mile east of Brass ^ Lake Ball corners on J®, Miss Evelyn Justen spent Frida> he„ 1:2;: BS ASRI members of the Mond,y eve"'"« Crystal! Mee Anders„„ ,„d daughter, Dora, |^eMilk a^Son3 ril men and ^ ^ Mrs E N entertain.'"erf vi,it0rS " McIfcnr!' Sat°rdaJ •*' . _ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye entertain- ternoon. iromen interested in the marKeting ^ dinner guests in the honie of Mrs problem. Eleanor Nye Sundav. i . ' 4.1 „ r> t A yeast factory in Crystal l^ke Mr and M p W. Frett of Spring ( 8^aynTn#oss spent" Friday at Richmay become a reality within thirty Grove spent Sunday with their daugh- - 4ays if plans being considered are ter> Mrs. Wm< Tonyan. culminated. The ftrm, which is a ou Jack Hart of Chicago visited in the "ten vears old, is enjoying an mcreas- jacob F. Justen home over the weeking business and would employ about end fifty persons at the start with per- m -%aps twenty-five more employe^ la - Bishop spent several days in Chicago ; «r. The firm has a number of fac- jagt weej^ Tories in the east and for the last sev- Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Min- M rharles Peet «ral years a yeast firm in Chicago has nje and Jean Conway of Elgin spent M®r George Shepard and son, Howbeen manufacturing ^e Prod"ct the weekend at the Aylward cottage,' J1 nd Wa^ne Foss were visitors at of the country. Be- ^ ^ ^ IWoidJltriSurday afternoon Roy Hobart of Ostend spent Satur- " ~ ' Hall home. mond and Hartland. Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent the weekend with her parents here. The Montelona School closed Thurswith a picnic at Twin Lakes. Misses Jane Heimer and Margaret ^Lne'lFosJ is^thTteacher. " ° Mi"s Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoneham, Mrs. George W. B. Harrison and son, Earl, were them in this part -- . .. cause of the increased demand for the ^ product, it has become necessary Rohrbact, Mrs. John Maher and Mrs. at wfoodstock Saturday aftersecure a plant of their own. Mary Wall of Chicago were visitors callers at ^ 7 Frances Frank, 15 year old son ol in the home of Miss Kate McLaughlin, no?|?.' Mar(«n.t Covne spent the *r. and Mrs. Charles Frank of Hunt- Monday afternoon. ^ lev fell late Monday afternoon of last james and Edward Kenneally, Mrs. iweekend *n 1 f. ' qhenard and ^ from the roof of the old Me, Stephen Walsh, son, Vincent, an'd MissL, feed Mill. HHJee wwaass iinn aann uunnccoonnsscciioouuss ^Mlary KKeennnneeaallllyyJ of Elgin visited rel-j Ainger called on friends at condition when found by his compan- atives here Monday, the latter remain- nnH°jpfferson Park Sunday tens, and taken to St. Jo«ph 1hospital * for . ™it ^ her cou5ln„, Miss 111 Elpyin. It was discovered there that Nancy Frisby and Mrs. Mary O'Flahlie had suffered a fracture at the base erty of the skull and a dislocated ank e. John Bolger was a Chicago visitor prances has not regained conscious- Sunday where he visited his wife at $ess sincd the accident, but attending Anthony's hospital. Physicians believe that he wjll rec®^" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane were <§r. The boys were attempting to catch visitors in the Gus Roepke home at Ibigeons when Frances fell. Spring Grove Monday evening. "•An automobile accident in whicn Miss Helen O'Gara of Chicago spent c . _ three Antioch people were in£u^ the weekend with her sister, Misa; S^y jarred shortly after 6 o clock Friday ftfiargaret CGara. evening of last week on Route 20, Mrs. H. P. Johnson of Evanston Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt attended a funeral at Greenwood Saturday THr. and Mrs. Antone Freund spent Sunday afternoon in the Geo. Young home. . Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, daughter, Virginia, were supper guesst in the Lee Huson home at Mundelein directly in front of the residence oc- visited her jummer home at 'Fair eupied by Mr. and Mrs. "Duffy Oaks Monday. The members of the Epworth League atended a sub-district rally at Richmond Sunday evening. David and Phyllis McCannon of Al- Saturday Mrs. Frank Lenpaftz of Geneva, 111., was a caller at the home of Mrs. J: F. McLaughlin Sunday. Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana, Wis., Mrs. Frank Johnson and daughter, Janet Kay, of Harvard, visited their mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutson of Woodstock spent Thursday in the Mrs. Cora Kelley home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughters, Georgia Saunders and Helen Johnson, attended a bridal shower at Waukegan Thursday afternoon. Wayne Foss attended th^" Township Exercises at Greenwood Monday evening- Betty Brennan was trailer at Elkhorn Friday evening. Charles Hess of Milwaukee is visiting in the home of Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jolitz and son, Douglas, spent the weekend with the former's parents at Carpentersville. Mrs. Charles Vogel, Elkhorn, spent Friday in the Fred W!edrich, Jr., home. i '.-ft?- 1 More than 3 --I of tvtry $ motor cur buytn today art {boosing sixes. And, off covrso, tho most popular^six of dl Is this now Chevrolot--tho Six Supmwtl Discriminatiag feople prefer it boaNist of its high quality . .. bottom of its great value . . . bocauso it's the oaly kw-pricad ofl "You'll be AHMAD with a CHEVROLET!" Phone 277 KtffCTD NTDRAIIUC IRAKIS 15-H.P. V/UVE-IN-MEAD ENGINE GDItllNI KNEE-ACTION* ALUSIIENT, AU4TEEI BOMB SNOCKPROOF ST1IKIN6* TffTOC-MATIC ai/TCH •o* I* Un mM dir. Corner U. S. 12 and 111. 20 McHenry, HL Gave a£e£f£0aus/ GET A GENUINE 1938 HUGIMIRE WITH THE NEW METER-MISER fcofer, Antioch. The crash, in which ~ Miss^Mai^ Zielinski of Chicago1 &°"qu'n . ^d"Mr/ both machines were badly damaged, spent the past couple of weeks at her ^ ^ their g pa ^happened when Duffy, Who was dnv- home a|. Fair Oaks. I «' w9(^' „ _-j u-- nnnil«i took ing east, attempted to turn into the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak' C ann° at Woodstock <|riveway of his home. He evidently Park were Sunday visitors An tihe Part m a mU3lC reC,Ul at Woodstock did not see the west bound car, and home of her aunts, Misses Mary and Sunday , j « IMck Rohwedder, who was driving, was Fmnces Fleming. Carr of Greenwood^and Mrs. Winded by the sun, which was extremely bright at that time, and did «ot see the Alkofers in time to avoid * collision. Both Mr. and Mrs. Alkofer %ere thrown from their car, and it is little less than a miracle that they . . urere not killed. News that actual dredging at Butler lake, near Libertyville, will start about -June 15 was announced last week by James Lawrence, engineer on the park •project. He said he had received a Call from Washington that the purchase order for the huge dredge and a half-mile of pipe line had just been signed and that shipment of the parts to Libertyville would start at once. Progress on the big transformation project west of town had been held up Jfor at least a month while men awaited the arrival of the dredge, which :Will perform the most important work of the entire project, namely, deepening the old lake bed to the waters will converge, forming a real lake. When that is effected, the $257,000 expenditure will have performed its greatest service to Libertyville as a desirable residence community, A inosquito-breeding swampland will be ' erased and real estate will automat- '7?&ally rise in value. PICKING A HIGH ONE '-Civ -r% Speed of the Wheel The top of a wheel rolling over the ground moves faster than the bottom of it, in relation to the -ground. With respect to the center Of the wheel, all parts rotate at the tame rate. A simple demonstration can be made with a coin rolled • quarter of a revolution on paper. It will be found that the point at jttie top has rolled along the paper •everal times as far as the point at #»e bottom. f • : '4 Rubber Stamps at 111 Flaindeokr Alice Goodrich picks the "bird" right away from the moon as Ruth Baldwin backs her up in badminton doobles at Yero Beach, Fla.' Aga Khan, Hereditary Title Aga Khan is the name given to the hereditary chief of the Ishmaeltte aect of the Mohammedan Floyd Carr Merritt Cruikshank spent Sunday af ternoon at Morton Grove. Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. William McCannon and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank spent Wednesday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins and two sons and Robert Chilson of Beloit were Sunday dinner guests of the former's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Ray Peters were callers at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman .of Woodstock spent Friday afternoon in the Will McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Foulke and son, Robert, of Spring Grove spent Friday evening with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Jennie Bacon Friday, May 20. Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were callers at McHenry Wednesday morning. Walter Winn of Spring Grove was a caller in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the home of her son, George, at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, were visitors at Waukegan Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. WVn. Wurtringer and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. JHr, and Mrs. Charles Carr ware Visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter Hitsel of Chicago spent Sunday evening in the S. W. Smith home. ;.|Krs. Lonnie Smith and daughters, Gome ut! SEE ALL THE GENUINE 1938 FRIGIDAIRE FEATURES YOU GET AT THIS BARGAIN PRICE! e FAMILY SIZE! e 10.9 Sq. Ft Shelf Area! • 5.1 Cu. Ft. Storage Room! • 48 Big Ice Cubes at One Freezing! New Silent METER-MISE* Uses so little current--You can hardly hear it run! Saves up to 21% MORE on electricity than even the current-saving .Meter-Miser of 1937. Completely sealed. Comes with 5- Year Protection Plan backed by GENERAL MOTORS. 'Do«M*Easy" QUICKUBE TRAYS 1. ciife«l Instantly -- Sav 20% morm icml Only one lever to lift and cubes are released! All-metal for faster freezing! No melting under faucet! 9. Trays cpwi tr-- at (tag*r* tuck. . . with exclusive Frigidaire Automatic Trmjr -Release. Every tray,Hi every model, a Quickube Tray! No other like it! e NEW FOOD-SAFRTY INDICATOR. • NEW 2-WAY CO ID STORAGE TRAY. i --ONLY S! Small Down Payment. Up to 30 Months to Pay Balance • AUTOMATIC RELEASE. TRAY AUTOMATIC RESIT DEFROSTER. 2-WAY FROZIN STORAGE COMPARTMENT. AUTOMATIC RIOR LIGHT. INT»- • 2 TALL BOTTLE STORAGE COMPARTMENTS. • DOUBLE RANGE COID CONTROL. • F - l 14 EXCLUSIVH LOW PRESSURE REFRIGERANT. • REMOVABLE BARTYPE SHELVES. • SLIDING MOISTURESEAL HVDRATOR. • THERMO-SEALED ALLSTEEL CABINET CONSTRUCTION. • STAINLESS PORCELAIN IN FOOD COMPARTMENT. A BARGAIN AT THE PRICE! It Saves on Current... Food... Ice... and Upkeep, Too! meter-miser--the exclusive Frigidaire freezing unit so quiet you can hardly hear it run! This year's meter-miser saves up CO 21% more on current than last year's! It's completely sealed in for long, economical, trouble-free service. The General Motprs name-plate is your guarantee of quality workmanship that means dependable ref " • Here's a big family-size, low-price refrigerator- a special bargain in refrigeration service that gives you every cent of your money's worth in efficient food-keeping. In the first place, the food-safety indicator assures you that all your food is always safe. Then, too, because there's plenty of shelf space, you can buy in large auantities and save on food costs. The "Doutsle-Easy" Suickube Trays release cubes with a sime lift of a lever-two or a travful at a time-help save on ice because there's no melting waste. And don't forget Other dealers are refrigeration. ~TPh e Frigidaire 5-Y Protection Plan on the seaied-in ism protects you against service expense. Now is the time to buy! Come in TODAY and see this beautiful, p -- J . _ _ J • _ rrtgiaairc on aispity. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY •MMWUIt Telephone prints \ • - 3