Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1938, p. 9

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Thursday, May 26,1938 NEARBY NEWS fi&EN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES G*s fumes from a coal burning furnace last Wednesday night caused the death of Thomas F'. Hunt, 37, in his Channel Lake home, according to the ; Ve Mm?-* PLAINDKJLLKR partment responded to a call and a lace suffered an injured long continued effort was made to numerous bruises. save the stricken man's life, but ef- Thieves entered the Westwood forts were unavailing^ and he passed Farms dairy . offices, S. Milwaukee away about midnight. It was learned ave., Libertyville, Monday night or at the inquest that the furnace fire early Tuesday morning of last week in the Hunt home had been "banked" ami took ten large route books confor the day during the absence of the taining the names of milk customers couple. When they returned, th^home from Evanston to the WiscOnsin-Illiwas filled with the lethal fumes, a gas as deadly as carbon monoxide mm he has beejn in the Army air corps, and he is now stationed at Langley field, Hampton, Va. He received his appointment, a principal nomination, from Congressman Ralph E. Church. For several years there have been requests for summer school in the Fox Lake area. Many students from Chlii^caaggoo have been denied the privia# VOLO ji Miss Elien Magnussen of Liberty ville spent Saturday here with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs, R, G. Magnussen. ^ nois state line. They gained entrance | ltgc^ of vacationing in the Chicago The Volo Home Bureau unit met at through a partly latched office win- area because it has been necessary for j t*ie home of Mrs. Douglas Waite in Miss Grace Wallace, 19 years old; d°w, That the vandals were unfam-'them to go to summer school. This j Wauconda Wednesday afternoon. » Barrinirton townshin is a natient iliar with the Iocation the books condition may no longer exist as pins ^ Vol° 4-H Club met at the home *• -v t» i n , ... was evidenced by the fact that desks are being formulated for a six weeks'i Richard Fisher Saturday evening. „ a Palatine Community hospita were f,rst ransacked. They also pil-'summer school to start about the mid-)Thirteen members were present. verdict Returned at the inquest held.where she is recovering from injuries fered statistical data sheets showing die of June and end the last part off Community Night was held at the last Thursday morning by Coroner received when the auto in which she the amount of dairy products consum- July. This will give the Chicago peo-1^'0'0 school Friday evening with a John L. Taylor at Antibch;--Upon re-|was Tidrng"waB in a two-car collision ed by customers.- No money or other-pie an opportunity of an educational Vf>ry good crowd attending. Five turning to their home Wednesday j early Sunday morning of last week, valuables were missing. <• j summer in the beautiful lake area. A reels of motion pictures were shown. tham of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. The Volo Home Bureau unit will meet next at the home of Mfs. G. Anderson Wednesday, June 8. Sister Anselma of Quincy, 111;, Mrs. H. Urbin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hump of Morton Grove and Mrs. Thomas Richardson of Forest Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and daughter motored to %enda, Wis., on Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Kig^ and Miss Sarbowski were Waukppan pnllora The Volo 4-H Club is sponsoring a card party and dance at the Wauconda granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldmann celebrated her birthday anniversary here Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kraus-of Chicago, Billy Elizabeth received a grand ian pony as a present from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William mann. Mr. and Mrp. Clarence were Barrington callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Gray* lake called at the home of the latter't father. Henry Passfield, Sunday. num-1 Township High School Friday even- j school The Volo school will close Thursdajr and a card party wiH " school Thursday evening for the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt decided to The accident occurred near the inter- iHturled from his automobile as it survey conducted at Grant commun-1 Little Helen Davis rendered ents, who have- children eat a light lunch before retiring. Mrs. j section of Northwest highway and bounced from one tree to another on ity high school showed that many, ^er guitar solos. The remainder j ing, June 3. Hunt collapsed in the basement where Quentins road, north of Palatine. She Milwaukee avenue, about a half mile students now enrolled would like to °* t|ie evening was spent in playing Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knigge and! Thf> Enrnn*>n Form # she had gone for a jar of fruit. Her, was a passenger in a car driven by south of Half Day, Arthur L. Weber, attend summer school. - i auction five hundred, euchre and family of Wauconda spent Friday The Eur&tJan fjL. ii, husband, only slightly affected, by the.Willard Abbott, Barrington, who was 25, a farmhand employed at the Ferry j Ernest Meyer of Wauconda report- bunco. The next meeting will be Fri- evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' risen in ir'ellee'-.isl statu™ fumes at that time, carried her to the'shaken up in the crash. Abbott's car Hill farm near Libertyville, was kill- ed that early last Friday a thief eh- ('a^.evel?'.?5' "*^_ne 1 front porch where she revived. Her \ collided with the rear-end of a car be- ed instantly last Thursday night, tered his barn and got away with a husband summoned a doctor to attend ing towed by Frank Fedak, Chicago. Weber was driving nortfi on Milwau-i five gallon can of gas. The intruder The Barrington man stated the towed , kee avenue alone about 11:40 p. m. I was showered with a barrage of gun car prevented^ his seeing the rear Thursday when he apparently fell shot as he fled from the barn and a Miss Lillian Scheid and Udell Gran. her, and later he himself was observed to be in state of collapse. The in h&lator squad of the Antioch Fire de- i lights of Fedak's machine PINK HARRISON'S ! f --of Fistakee Bay-- Dancing: Saturday and Sunday Evening, May 28 - 29 FRIED CHICKEtf PLATE LUNCH 50c .Tasty Sandwiches • •. . Delicious Drinkjj ".fj Dancing Every Saturday Throughout The Season Barbara Horick's Orchestra Season Opening AT L I L Y L A K B Stop ill and Sel'Speed' WE IS B A UM, Prop. Miss Wal- asleep. The car went off the pave- check-up was being made of hospitals' ment and crashed into a tree. It' and doctors for any oi»e treated for bounced off that tree and skidded on injuries. ^ " the wet, road about thirty-five feet i Six persons are in the Palatine jiorth into a second tree. Weber was Community hospital suffbty^ig^£>>0m inthrown out of the driver's seat. He juries received when the car in which: received a Skuli fracture, a broken they were riding was struck head-on left arm, a broken leftleg and a on Rand road, two miles southeast of broken neck. - Y [Lake Zurich, Wednesday night: of last William Teinwebber of Forest Park Jy »n automobile driven by Wil, suffered a deep seAlp wound Wednes-; 111 Nelson, 38-year-old tavern operday morning of last week when he a*or ^ Chicago. Nelson was taken to was struck on the head by a piece of: e La*6 county jail following the lumber which fell'from the roof of a cras^ ®n<* charged with driving while cottage at Forest Lake. The injured intoxicated. He had been fishing at man was taken to an emergency hos- j Burton s bridge on the Fox river and pital at Wauconda where several.was enroute home at the time of the stitches were required to close the|cras^' w^ile occupants of the other wound.- icar were enroute fpom Brookfield to Miss Isabelle Bates of Cuba town- j* cott««e on the Fox river near Mcship purchased a five-year-old Guern-| enry» where they planned a short sey cow at a reported price of $700 at j °uting. According to testimony of the third midwest invitational sale | Y^n®sses» car w^ich Nelson was at the International amphitheatre in *)r'VI a "^achine borrowed from a Chicago May 12, it was announced *rien"> he said, was weaving back and this week. | forth across the pavement shortly be- Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and ifore,the crash- Police measured skid family and Herbert Thomas, Waucon- mar^s 250 feets Jong, left by the da, were involved in an. auto crash t'res the car when it went out of Sunday afternoon of last week near c^F0, i^ake county dupties remov- Fairfield, while returning home from;ec^ Waukegan where he was the Condell Memorial hospital. Nono,^0 ®e *or : were seriously injured. The accident occurred at a . bad intersection of gravel roads "• A high embankment at the corner obstructed the view. When the Harris car moved forward far j enough for the occupants to see, it j was struck by another machine. Both; cars were somewhat damaged. i Walter W. Dillon, son of Mr. andj Mrs. William C. Dillon of Volo, scorn-j ed "Friday the 13th" hoaxes when the j combination, which occurred last; week, brought him notice of his successful completion of the W?st Point academy entrance examinations. Dillon took the tests in March. Dilloii: was graduated from Wauconda Town* ship high f chool in 1934, Since theft Hironimus Miss Billy point to which he may never Elizabeth Waltjmann, to live at peace with his neighbor thai hundreds 1 Speed of Sound, Ballet The National Bureau of Standard# says that the speed of a bullet may be either greater or less than the speed of sound. The speed of sound in air is about 1,100 feet per second. A pistol bullet may travel as slowly as 700 feet per second and the bullet from a rifle may reach the sp^ed of 2,000 feet per second. to 27 miles per gallon 4 4/69 f/ v FOR TRADE NOW - A NEW FORD T V«8 National Used Car Exchange Week was so successful thai many Fot^Jlfyalers need used cars to balance their stock. Why not taKe your present car to your Ford Dealer today for an appraisal. Then drive home a new Ford V-8. The Thrifty "60" FORD V-8 v- -K Spend Your Vacation at-- McHENRY, ILL • • : • • • • : .••• • ••• _ • • . ' r : '•.•'••• :••• • 4 " : : ; / • m Play Golf at the McHenry COUNTRY CLUB A N « x T R A M E A S U R E O F 8 E R V I C E WITHT&fyt 25X V'tV. < ! SO RICH IT CREAMTCf WTTLE AND SEPARATOR GUARANTEED AS ^ ADVERTISED I N GOOD HOUSEKEEPING m The Only Dairy miH/zieV/eaf Tire$tone F YOU want to save 25% on tires, stop in and the new Firestone Convoy Tire -- the value sensation of 1938. You will find it has everything you want -- safety, mileage; blowout protection^ new design; new smart app^irance -- all at a remarkably new low price. And when you see it you will agree that Firestone has again set a new all time high in tire value with these outstanding features* High Quality -- First choice rubber and cotton selected that conforms to Firestone's high standards and rigid specifications. tdng Mile ay Safe, silent tread design made of] tough, slow wearing rubber that assures long mileage. Sturdy bars and rugged notches give protection against skidding. >wout Protection--Nine extra pounds of rubber are added to every 100 pounds of cord by^he Firestone Patented Gum-Dipping process. Every cord in every ply is saturated with liquid rubber which counteracts internal friction and heat that ordinarily cause blowouts. ncture Protection -- Firestone's patented construction of two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords under the tread protects against punctures. LOW PRICES -- because Firestone saves money by controlling and securing rubber and cotton at the source and by more efficient manufacturing and distribution. These savings make possible the extra values at these new low prices. Let us put a set of these large sized, rugged, long wearing Firestone Convoy Tires on your car today, then your car will be ready for trouble-free siimnw driving. \ \ vou monEY Y01 BET a Witt EKtt fir tWW* T I R E (lie Tin* •* Tiresfone w C O N V O Y For Passenger Can 4.50-20.............. 4*30-21 . 7*9® 4.75-19...... ••••••••• 8*1$ 5 > 0 0 - 1 9 . • 8 * 8 0 5.25-17 5.25*18 53017... •••••••••••• X04S 6.00-16. .«••••••••••• 6^5-16. •••••••••• • •• 32xo, 8 ply...... J28.75 6.00-20, 6 ply.. • » 17.45 6*50-20, 6 ply.... 22.50 7.00-20, 8 ply.... 29.S5 30x5, 8 ply...... 21.80 32x6, 10 ply..... 31C0 • rV":: = ' • •.; Telephone 294 Walter J. Freund

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