Thursday, May 26,1938 r-r-T "-r. ' y':. V:-~: " '•••:• - : * ! '<"'•• . . . . - 'V' :• "••••': y • .....,. ,.3«: 1 > ' " V . I V -' I . * ' •. . :• : . . . . ^ ifrMR ' «. busy, and sometimes pleasant day. | He gets up early in the morning and ,eats his breakfast, packs his lunch, and is off to work. He arrives at the club, greets his fellow cuddies, and puts his lunch in the rafters of the building. He probably goes in the clubhouse to register his name, observingabout how many there are to go out before him. He then goes outside, usually getting into a gams of baseball, cards, or mumblepeg. The caddy is always hoping that he ^ will caddy for a pleasant golfer who doesn't scold too much, and at the same time, tips well. When the older ca< they initiate the new caddies, by pouring water on them, or making them walk through a patch of thistles. Near the club where I caddy, there is go ) J When th# ttuMy Anally does go out to caddy, the real work begins. He carries a bag, usually weighing from 30 to 40 or 50 pounds, for eighteen holes or more, covering from three to five miles. If the player is crabby and doesn't tip, he is marked by the caddies, and no other caddy will out for him if ,he can help it. After the caddy finishes his. round, he usually buys a bottle of pop. or some other refreshments. The caddy then waits to see if he can get an other job, and if he can't, he goes home about 6:00 p. m. Each succeeding day, he goes through the Same routine. to fifty dollars a year, *nd the length he stays a caddy, depends upon hini self. Some caddies get fired, while slough, which is very convenient for oth€rs find better jobs, but most boys initiation. work two to four years. Both Ladies Are Champion Shots •> V c\-.% \ V N ' ,v\W\S',mv ' > Pointing their rifles with Justifiable pride are pictured Miss Anne Jendryk (left) of Elkins Park, Pa., who won the Pennsylvania state rifle championship, and Miss Eleanor Lum, of Madison, N. J., who won the women's national small bore championship in the recent tourney in Philadelphia. Both girls are members of the Beaver college (Jenkintown, Pa.) rifle sqvad. Miss Lum scored 599 oat of a possible CM, which is something to write home aboat. PLAY GOLF AT THX HcHXNKY COUNTRY CLUB! m McHENRY, ILL Play Golf at thtMcHmiy COUNTRY CLUB HIT OKI OF OBR : y : \ »nd imoY * # 5 i i t r M i l J . . ; ' • V. " Pori't lefyour week-end and vacation trips be ' -: spoiled. Don't keep on '/fixing up" an old car. , brive iifnow and get your allowance on your present car when we can mak^ you the*best offer. % : j,, l^n pick out Of our R. & G. bargains--prt>- •/•Id reputation. You can be sure of satisfaction if you buy a used car from us. - - **-•.; ;x-- . - ; 1.1 I'limn-n-r-i i " ' ' ' , ; i niliijnr sr * HOT ON on 8 P E CIAt B AB O AIKS! Terms i&g tow as $15 a XContk Be Up To Date Drive a Ford V-8' Authorised/ Phone 1 'J Dealers ^ „ West McHenry Si SfMid Yo*r Vecstioa rt-- McHENRY, ILL McHENRY, ILL PI* Go* MdW* COUNTRY CLUB PUy GoftaktiwMcMMvy COUNTRY CLUB George B. Tonyan, President Edward W. Tonyan, Vice-president What Gould Be Sweeter THAN TO SPEND THE SUMMER ON THE SIVEB OR ONE 07 McHENRY'S NEARBY LAKES? GENERAL CONTRACTORS i»r^BUILDER8 Phone McHenry 152 West McHenry, 111. Our business is building. We are ready at all times to assist others who are endeavoring to bnildL The offices! and directors of the How Would You Like To Own A Home or Summer Cottag® convenient to the beautiful McHenry Country Club and pay for it like rent? McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB are at the present time putting forth their efforts to build up the membership of the club and attract those who enjoy golfipg to use the splendid 18-hoLe course at McHenry. We are glad to join in this movement. We Can Arrange It! # Hom Ui ftr r : . , . ' ) . " ; . A , . . - . . -- - . -