Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1938, p. 1

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MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM UNDER £ POST AUSPICES , --, -- A No. 1 WILL OPEN THIS WEEK-END Who Are They? AT MCHS AUDITORIUM MONDAY AT 10:30 Wayne Collahan, superintendent if the Woodstock public schools, will be the speaker of the day at the Memorial Day" "program to be held at the Community High School, Monday morning, May 30, at 10:30 a. m., DST, under the auspices of McHenry Post, No. 491, American Legion. Mr. Collahan, an ex-service man and prominent, speaker, is well known in McHenry, where he has many friends, Who will doubtless < embrace this opportunity to hear his address. Leo Stilling, chairman of the Memorial Day committee, and Gerald G. Seed and Paul Yanda, co-chairmen, as well as other members of McHenry Post, hope that everyone will attend the meeting at the high school and join in the march to the cemeteries, where flowers will be strewn over the graves of departed comrades. Supt Duker has given considerable aid in the organization of this program, and it would be a tribute to him and others interested in the observance of Memorial Day, to have an especially large attendance of adults and Legionnaires. School children and their teachers have arranged to march in the parade and by their presence assist in making the program a real, worthwhile event iB the affairs of this city. « Graves of the soldiers will be marked with flags Monday morning by a committee headed by Legionnaires Pfeter Neiss and John Dreymiller. & Flowers Wanted An appeal is made to everyone who flowers to bring them to the Community High School Monday morning before the Memorial Day program, wfeere a committee diflBfed by *•». flhiilmi Tlfnrtm awl wniban of the Aniu'itan T.eginn Auxiliary, will be there to take care of the flowers. Ctitorles S. Allen, a member of Mc- HejirysPost, mOun£pd"on a fine horse, will be inarshaj^f the day and lead the paradWjrfnich will form in front of the Community High School, Sergeant Lester Bacon^rill act as police escort. f": Line of March SThe parade will march north oh #teen Street to St. Patrick's cemetery, west on Washington street tojH- Freund. Highway 31, north on 111. 31 to Woodlawn and St. Mary's cemeteries, where graves will be decorated. The parade will then march south on 111. 31 to Pearl street, east on Pearl street to Green street, south on Green street to the high school, where ft will disband. Order of march will be: Colors, band, f.ring squad, Spanish War veterans, American Legion Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, school children, and other organizations. The ranks of the Civil War veter- :i*W CHICAGO PEOPLE PUNNING ANNUAL VISIT TO COUNTRY BO ENJOY THE FOX RIVER K - v " AND L A K E S ' , v - * if PLAINDEALER^ STARTS ITS MTr YEAR THIS WEEK "POPPY PAY" POSTPONED fQ ~ &ATURBAY,*MAY 28 MYRTLE YOUNG AND LEO J. FREUND WED ON WEDNESDAY PSppy Day, which original!^ was The marriage of Miss Myrtle,' scheduled to take place Saturday, May Young, daughter of Joseph Young ofi 21, has been postponed to Saturday, McHenry, to Mr. Leo J. Freund, son1 May 28, due to a delay in the poppies of Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, also of| reaching McHenry. iMcHenry, was celebrated Wednesday, Preparations for the observance of morning. May 25, at St. Peter's church BACCALAUREATE SERVICES AT 8 SUNDAY EVENING 0HI • M A M ga . * ICJWII ttvlvlis AVI WIC WoCl; V IHwf Ul luvl uu,(6i ifIOJr «V Ul' A vlvl S lUUHII M MM oyiYM a »ek STAnTED BY YAM SltiaE Poppy Day are being completed by in Spring Grove, Father Daleiden per- *•*»». fluWAftiJ Here are two more "Way Back When" pictures. They are now both IK 1875 i the McHenry Unit of the American forming the ceremony. (Legion Auxiliary. Arrangements are Miss Marie Young, sister of the' The Plaindealer is well on its way be,ing developed t0 distribute memor- bride, was maid of honor, and there TO GIVE ADDRESS High school days -Vacation time has arrived and McHenry again goes through the transformation that changes a city of 1500 population from it's comparative winter quietude into a gracious hostess welcoming thousands of visitors. From all directions, paved roads lead into McHenry. Over those roads on busy weekends pour a monotonous stream of automobiles, the chain broken by an occasional motorcycle, bi« cycle of maybe a hitch-hiker. There is early evidence that th® year 1938. will hold it's place in maintaining the popularity of this fine vacation territory. With the first day of spring, came resorters galore --cars and trailers loaded down with necessary household equipmnet, rakes, shovels, and what not. Getting these summer homes in shfcpe is work, but our city cousins find much pleasure in that kind of work. They like the great open spaces--and who doesn't.^ Local hotels, tourist homes, restaurants, resorts and. in'fact, all business places are looking forward to serving large crowds during the coming Decoration Day weekend. That day officially opens the summer season. Of course, many of our regular visitors will not stay with us until after the Chicago schools have closed for the summer. 1 ' -v: Information comes that building is reaching a new high in lak-> and river regions. At Wonder Lake, contractors are on their merry way toward the completion of four hundred homes. This beautiful lake has attracted many each year until it is fast taking on the ano^arance of a choice residential city. Many homes are of a permanent nature, making them available for winter habitation if the owners desire to remain in the common* I ity. A vast area remains to be sub- GERRARD divided and united with tho present sections in making Wonder Lake one of th^» largest vacation centers in ! northern Illinois. * for the Seniors At McCollurn's Lake 'tis said that 'M approximate POW WOW CAPE M'HENRY COUNTY'S BRIGHTEST SPOT photos of Mrs. Harvey ft*® that this week marks its sixty-third in* of the memorial poppy. The pop- best man, while Walter Freund acted j^, May with the Baccalaureate can observe buildings .ar.e. fast clos,i r " birthday. iPy' wh!ch bloomed so strikingly as the other attendant. Elaine Marie services, 8:15 o'clock, at which Rev. the gaps left vacant for several years. The older we grow the wiser we *m°^g he and grav«s Freund, niece of the bride, was flower Minar Gerrard, minister of the local This lake has been a haven for hunta r , , . n S ™ e a r n . g i r L i m m u n i t y c h u r c h , w i l l g i v e t h . . d - « „ . „ d f i . h , ™ < , n f o r m a n y y e a r , a n d New generations have sprung up and Fv„ fc", J"** T"* The bridal gown was of white lace dress of the evening. J is now welcoming the largest crowd old ones have passed; there have in In Relish over satin and bridaI bou<»uet ofi This will be followed by Class Day in history to it's shores. been changes in the social, political nnllv ' ^ tul white roses and snapdragons. Her veil to be observed at 2:30 p. m„ Thurs-' Along Fox River, not many-shore • . land economic life, but through these me/who MVe their iiv» il thfJ™ of tulle had 8 crown of seed pearls.'day, June 2, at the High School audi- lots remain, but choice wooded areas brightest spot in McHenry ephemeral years we have made every i con- The maid of honoi^and two brides- torium, with the usual program given (are being mapped out for building county is now located in McHenry,1 effort possible to serve the public to ' .. ' maids wore similar lace frocks with by the Seniors. "".purposes. east of Fox River, at the State bridge, the best of our ability and maintain a . T .* e ,re flower tokiw added ruffles around the full skirt and On Friday evening, June 8, the Com-1 Up at Pistakee Lake and the Bav. This fact has been established since standard of co-operation with our SI*"from the fact that it is sleeves, but in different colors, peaCh, mencement exercises will take place several resorts are enjoying solendfd the New Pow-Wow Cafe, No. 2, enter- readers and subscribers, which we made by the war disabled, and that it aqua and pink. They wore poke bon- with Dr. Walace Bruce Amsbacry, of returns in their efforts to provide ed the local field of entertainment.1 shall endeavoT to continue. At all c°nt"butes toithe welfare of the dis- nets and carried bouquets of roses and the University of Wisconsin, as the lodeinir. boats and all eauipment that Charlie Mellio has brought to this ter-, times we have tried to present the a!? men and the dePendent families snapdragons to match their respective gp^e,. „f the evening. I brings i«v to th- hearts of re*l fisherritory a high-class night club, putting news in an accurate and interesting veterans. Everyone who wears a gowns. Little Elaine Freund, the flow- Baccalaureate Service jmen. They have even provided ftsh. ans have been gradually overtaken by^ on four floor shows every night, with manner, poppy on Poppy Day, not only is er girl, wore a light blue silk dress ynrry, A. Williams Prom th»' State hatchery. at Snring death until none remain in this vicin- j talent very seldom seen outside of the Fourth Oldest in County ; showing remembrance and honor for with a large bow in her hair and car-( " Miss May Justen | Grove they have been instrumntal in ity and consequently the observance (iarge cafes 0f the metropolis and the This newspaper was the fourth to the me" who d»ed m the war, but is ried an old-fashioned bouquet of mix- "Ave Maria" . Rosewig renlenish'ng the supplv each year. of Memorial Day falls to the World,one scheduled for this week will match be launched in this county, its prede- givin*f h®lp thos® w u ho stl11 are bear" ed flowers. j LeRoy Hettermann Small fish are ceremoniously dumt»M War veterans. . «p to any of them. ~ |cessors being the Woodstock Sentinel ing the. bu,:dens of the war m suffer- A reception for one hundred guests Address :: Reverend Minar Gerrard into the waters each fall to make their Memorial Day Program 1 . . _ . . mcr nrtvahnn finn lnct nnnAffnmftaa - * ' I Heading the list is Harry Fayne, jn 1856, the Harvard Independent in Pr*vat'on and lost opportunities, followed at the home of the groom's "Send Out Thv Light" .. Chas. Gounod OWT1 waV and er°w to the size that The program which is to be held at|g.en:i_ali masite r of ceremonies, direct 1865, and, the Mw arengo «R epulb. li• can i• n AAfl[l ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss mmaaddee ffoorr tthhee fflloowweerr paren,t s Thc d*e c.o..r ations were in .b.l.u.e. ,!I „Ps a,lm s XL»I»I»I and, XX o -no-tore the high school auditorium at 10:30, from the French Casino, Miami Beach, 1867. iW1'1 &° t° suPPort the rehabilitation pjnk and white. Mr. and Mrs. Freundt Mixed Chorot a. m., DST, is as follows: iFla. i During the early days The Plain- will be at homo in Barrington a%x a Benediction. McHenry Band Others on the program are Dorothy dealer had a small group of subscib- Ine*ns 80 m"ch to short wedding trip ... Rev. Minar Gerrard .Murray, Little Miss Popularity, late ers here and in neighboring towns, Music fnvocatioir Music ........................ School Children | feature of "Monkey Business,"" "Jon- but as old residents have moved away The women of the McHenry unit are PLAYGROUND PROGRAlf Pledge of Allegiance by Audience, ledjica" and Warner Bros. Pictures; Four and made new homes they have desir- ™aking great efforts' for a successful riFPHRA TTPlN TiAV by Nadme Schaefer, Girl Scout, p0W-Wow Sweethearts in songs and ed to receive news from their old home PoPPy Day this year and are hoping J UK and Vemmi Peterson, Boy Scout, [dances; Edith Brown, comedienne; town and have continued their sub- that everyone in the city will catch PLANNED BY McCRACKEN Songs Girls' Quartet Heller & Holmes, society's dance fav- scription to their home paper until at the spirit of the day, and will join '• . Address Wfyrne Cottahan! orites; Frank and Lola Roche, Latin- the present time our subscribers are with them in "honoring the dead and All boys of grade school age start ""SSttaarr SSnpfalnneg-lleedd Baannnneerr"" AAuuddiieenncc»e X murioan taom* Stuon T?vi<»Vit --n i i aidine- the disabled." Benediction .. $fc.-£ev. Msgr.-& Sr-Ntx Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahoney, Miss Ruth Phalin, Harry Anderson <and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Evanston and the latter's sister, Mrs. George Cue, Of Evanson^^yqfning, were weekend ^guests in/me J. M. Phalin home. Howard Phalin was a weekend visitor- in the home of his sister, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, in Cleveland, Ohio. -- Mr. and Mrs- Glen Wells of Los- Angeles, Calif., were business visitors here a few days this week, enroute to Montreal, Canada, to visit the former's grandmother, and mother of the late Dr. D. G. Wells. ' She is now 92 years old. VACATION EDITION This Vacation-Country Club edition of the Plaindealer contains twenty pages. There are 2,500 copies of this" issue being mailed out to subscribers, summer residents and other Chicago people who do not receive the paper. The latter group is invited to subscribe if interested in news qf this community. The yearly subscription price is $2,00. American dance team; Steen Bright,1 scattered in cities and various states, a*ding the disabled.' who will entertain between dances, i both east and west. 1 - Music, of course, will be furnished ( Many changing events have marked NE^V I^E CREAM by Doug Grose and His Orchestra, the years since J. VanSlyke, a typical ' PAttLOR OPENED with Peter Foster directing. | journalist, edited the paper, to the Class Day Welcome--Vale Adams. History--Henry Tonyan, Mary Semites. »•> Prophecy--Lorraine Engeln, Eleanor Althoff. | Statistics -- Marie Weidemann, Jane Schnaitman. interests the anelers. It's vacation time and McHenry Ja ready and anxious to welcome n#W and old visitors with the assuraii^ that their stay-will bo pleasurable and beneficial to their health. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT "U AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP (Decoration Day). Teajns' will be An opportunity is offered to patrons present day, with improvements in of- vxxvxjxjii oiafifii made up and a champiofi determined, f the cafe, to dine, dance, enjoy the f^e and equipment keeping The Plain- . Bolger's Drug Store has offered to floor show all in an atmosphere that dealer a modern one. J and T,ke s, « the name of a treat the players of the winning team is a continuous pleasure throughout Coming into existence just after the new 1C® cream parlor that has °Pened with ice-cream sodas the night. It's a big city club in a Civil War and the depression of 1873, on Gre?n street, under -the manage-1 ^ track champio'nship 0r Decathrural setting. Moderate prices prevail which followd it, The Plaindealer has ™:nt Evanston boys, Max and . wi„ gtBrt at 1;30 Monday a£terand never a cover charge. j weathered four periods of national de-. Tlke tU M,ller:lt Throughout the sum-, A11 boys of High School age or «e in 1893, one io 19tl,they. wiU tatrj a c<anpUt« 1 oW *T,o want to take part in this WILLIAM FRENK . l«-hen the close of the Spanish-Amer- ta.n service. Early m 'he fall a hotfeve„t shouId rt to L j. McCrack- . , Louise Stilling, a student at ti|B ing with the n th grade who wish to tyrjji--Louise Stilling, Virgina Jepson. local high school, is one of those fifclake part in a softball tournament Can You Imagine ?--Audry Rother-centiy Selected to receive scholarships Jfhpuld be on the High School grounds! Anthony Noonan. at Lake Forest college next year. Sfce at 8:15 sharp on Monday^ morning Gifts--Lorraine Stacknick, Henrietta is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G«|r inn n»v^ Tf>nrn«' Hp Herdrich. Stilling of Orchard Bfeach. Charge to Juniors--LeRoy Smith,' Paul Justen. Junior Response--Dorothy Lay. j VISITING CHILDREN INVITED TO SUMMER AYGROUND AT MCHS DIES AT DUNDEE SaiioTor p?.n!Lon.of eredit' luncheon service will be added lor the I in 1919 and in 1929, with depression winter months, i following over investments and en by one o'clock Monday. This summer the McHenry Boards* f Awards were made on the basis 4f results in a competitive scholastic examination held on the Lake Forett college campus, May 7. Anions- those taking the examination, Miss Stilling ranked second, the test consisting of. divisions in English, mathematics. SQcial science, and a psychological examination. McGee's Clothing Store has offered of Education and City Council are RINGWOOD BAKED HAM Mrs of Frenk was interested Court, south of this city, where he spent a few weeks each summdK Mr and Mrs F C ^Felt? Mrs Min-'Z ° v--v-- --v, ex-V The boys live with their family in, a «p0i0» or saw^^hirt to the Decath-1 sponsoring a summer play ground un- Mr. and Mrs. r. L.^eltz, Mrs. Mm travagance. t i their summer home on the river and ion champion? j der the supervision of L. J. McCracfcn i . . a n , i A s w e e n t e r a n o t h e r y e a r w e h o p e ^t h e y r e t u r n t o s c h o o l i n t h e f a l l t h e ' M i x e d d o u b l e s t e n n i s t o u r n a m e n t e n . a m e m b e r o f t h e M c H e n r v H i g h \Zvr-LTJ i£*>^e,r^ays and greater prosper- shop will be placed under local man- starts ,at 3:00 o'clock. Any boy or! School Physical Education Depart- serfed by the Rlngwood Ladies' All " McHenrv. a^gement. Its attractive interior makes gjri of high school age or above may,ment. Chicago parents who will be Society in the Royal Blue Store. form a team and enter this tourna- living in or near McHenry this sum- orial Day. May 30. Servin'c 's fr^t DLNX \ "Baked Ham" dinner Monday. Mr. J ity for McHenry. in Harmony r BEG PARDON! STUDENT BREAKS LEG Henry Schuenneman, Jr., grandson f Mrs. Minnie Schuennemann, who is student at Wisconsin University, it fine for an all-year-round establishment. Its collegiate atmosphere is a drawing card. „ ment. Here is a chance for a lot of mer are invited and encouraged to let noon JD.S.T.) until itf* the former High School students and their children participate, this su- Prices 50c*and 26c. " : I-tfc ^>ther young people about town to get( pervised play program. H ' FALLS FROM LADDER out their racquets and have some fun. i The program is being planned es- P. J. Cleary suffered an injury to'The only requirement is to be at theipecially for children o| the |our up BAKE SALE The name of Albert Pearson, one ofitaoke his leg at football practice last _. t w xllc r 3 -- -- w. There will b^e a grand the graduates of the Community High, week. His (parents, Mr. and Mrs.! his spine, a fractured pelvic bone, and'course at 3:00 o'clock sharp so the' per grades and High School ages. The'May* 28, from 9 a. m. to S School, was not included in the Class Henry Schuennemann of Chicago, and was badly bruised, in a fal^ from a Roll last week. . , | Mrs. Minnie Schuennemann of Mc- ladder while cleaning the eaves Henry, visited him at Madispu, ,Syp-. trough at his home last Friday. He Never before such a beautifhl line .day. T |i s doing as well as can be expected. of White Hats. MRS. C. F PICH,|- 1 ' but will be confined to St. Therese's drawing* can be made and play start- play ground will be conducted on the Jacob Justen's furniture stor ed. ] High School Athletic field, with courts! Green Street, sponsored by chiMwr-ef-- AlthofTs Hardware and Vyeital's' and equipment for tennis, basketball,-the St. Mary - St. Patrick School. Hardware Stores are each offering, volleyball, softball, bo?se shoes, crothree tennis balls to the winning j quet, I - ' - - / - ' j ' f - v rr • track and field events being *C '.i- Order your Rubber 5t«»R« at Ptiundewer. -

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