Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1938, p. 6

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,...uV II . wryjf ..yi * M , • I • V ••{ "v^,r'I V W 'iyy1*"1"" v-yw",y y •• . • »• * . *: Fife Si* NP» 1MHSY PLALFTBKAUUT iii THE M'HENRY PLAINOEALER FHON^W^AT'S^quet ! Published every Thursday at **-' WEDNESDAY EVENING Henry, 111., by Charles F. Jlenich. j J -- -- >rtv giH athlet Entered as second-class matter at| ^ Forty girl athletes of the McHenry _. „ Tll j?I:Community"High School were honored i the at McHenry, 111., under, Wednesday „ight »t 8:30 at a banqueti the act of May 8, 1879, i? .j.Lj i FOR SALE One Year v. Six Months' JL H. MOSHER Editor and Manager in the school, sponsored by the Girls ,,,,,- .$2.001 Athletic association. . » ...$1.00 At this Ifae, the girls wftonvere members o^ihe above organization j FOR SALE--A quantity of seed corn, and had participated in the sports •Early Yellow Dent. Gemination 100 FOR SALE--Modern 5-rortn House. Inquire at The Plaindealfer office. 42-tf NORTHWBSTiRN COACH SPEAKER Of EVENING; MGH8 "LETTER NIGHT" Hi Snrarid^my S», 1938 •Mm SUSTAIN IN * Lake, called oh friends here Tuesday. • ' | William J, Bens of Chicago was a Miss Mary Kennealy returned to business caller here Tuesday, her home in Elgin Sunday, after William Duriana ana son of New ** • 77", . I spending a week with her cousin, Miss York were Sunday dinner guests in . * g™"p of studentf; £are?*i *nd Nancy Prisby. | the home of Mr. aqd Mrs. H. E. Dor- °'k*T ^ Mr. Urt. J*ck D.vU of JolM hud. .f the local h,gh school were on h.»d __ .v- , „T. Repri^a., Tho.. A. Bolger .ml daughter, Eleanor, spent a few days the past week at Springfield, where they attended • special sessi<m of the legislature. ' v ' . ... „ ... ,, „ were Sunday visitors in the Lous eV!n,rV? TT°r I ** ?ig Northwestern University's baskwet - Sto,f,f el home. ™ A , . x. ball coach, "Dutch" Lonborg, was the' Mr" and Mrs- dement Wlrfs and the speaker of the evening, impressing latter's grandmother visited Wisconthe importance of each player giving 8'n re"a^ves Sunday. specified as having point merit, re-jcent Phone 6S6-J-2. John Blake.|his best at all times. The idea of a' Mr- Mrs. Ford McDonald and ceived awards. These awards were! 50-tf hoy playing up to his ability seemed son, Ralph, ,of Zioiv were visitors m based on a system of points, of which . __ „ ' "certain number were awarded for FOR SALE---DeLavele P " chine, new; 2 ton Hydraulic 'Jack, nearly new. Inquire of H. J» Scha®er, - r *52-2 each year of participation in sports, for every sport in which the pupil, took active part Naturally the Upper j Phone 83-W Miss Clara Mille^ was al Elgin visitor Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. William Spencer %nd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin were Chicago visitors Sunday, IT®*1*' classmen who had engaged in sports |FOR gALB--1983 Chevrolet DeLuxe three or four years, as the case m*y|panel body truck, in very good condibe, received greater recognition than' t h e u n d e r c l a s s m e n who have been a s -j jsociated with athletics but one or two tion. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry. Tel. 294. , 1 FOR SALE--Kroehler overstuffed bed Mrc T.un Rni^pr and son Donald 1 Go,<J Pins were awarded to Senior'davenport, chair, Singer sewing marelatives here*' *or participation in the five maj-! chine, lineh cabinet, day-bed, kerosene of Woodstock called on relatives nere « - - - - 'gtove, all like new; two ladies'coats, Sunday evening. Dr. M. M. Kagan of Chicago was a professional caller here Tuesday. or sports during their four years' hockey, volleyball, basketball, base- j one evening dress, never wojn, reasonball and tennis. The Jyniors received able. P. O. Box 28, West McHenry. Major M's for three years of athletic! • , ' _ 6. . activity, while the Sophomores receiv- pRACTICAL NURSE--Wishes posiof gN#e# importance to the speaker *^e home of "his grandparent^, Mr. than ahiHty itself. ~ -- jand Mrs. Linus Newman, Friday. With the well known speaker came' T^r- and. Mrs. ' John ^Bohnen «f his basketball captain, Fred TrenkeL Wllmette v,sit®lMr": Bohnen's moth- Trenkel also addressed the crowd, tell- er, Mrs. John King," Sunday. ing of the benefits derived from com-1 ^rs" Malone of Elgin visited petitive sport. "Professions and Business" was the -subject of .a very fine address given by Superintendent Duker, in which McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. William Bacon, Mrs. Lester Bacon, Mrs. Ida Fisher and Mrs. Linus Newman were visitors in the home students were unfed ,to tfve much »f the creful thought to the conr.e they D"mm' *' K'"°"h*'- Wi"- Wedne>d«y • a- -- . _ _ *" A #»<» »»»» A'/tM will follow after high school days. afternoon. . - , , . . Mrs. Catherine Young and daugh- Between numbers presented by the t Mrs. Ralph Smith of Harvard, Instrumwjtal Trip and Boys' Sextette, and MrSj Dowe 0f McHenry Mr Yanda gave out the music awards returned Friday from * motor trip to for the year. 1 * Coaches Reed and McCracken shar- Dayton, Ohio, where they spent a few days with their daughter and sister, MILLER 1.K1 ONLY MAY 27 That Riotous Comedy! , FOOLS FOR SCANDAL" SATURDAY ONLY MAY 28 Bargain Matinee Saturday, 2:30 Wayne-»i- J uae Morris ' -gravis KED C ^--^EATURE NO. BUCK JONES 'BLACK ACES' SUNDAY - MONDAY MAY 29-S0 Continuous Sunday, 2:30--11:00 JEANETTE JIELSON McDONALD EDDY "GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" -- Associate Feature That Sensational Expose. THE LAST GANGSTER" --with-- EDWARD G. ROBINSON TUESDAY ONLY MAY 31 Madeline • ; Herbert Carroll Marshall "I WAS A SPY"; ITS BARGAIN NITE! WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 60 Thrills A Minute "PENITENTIARY" --with--• Walter Connolly -- Jean Parker THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY JUNE 3 - 4 - 5 THREE GREAT DAY$I "SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS" Make Plan^Now To See Screenland's Masterpieee ed --numerate. • Freshmen we*® P'®", "ti'on in or about McHenry; Box 124,1 ed the presentation of awards to the Mrs^ jack Shutterly. sented.with certificates, indicating the. *1 fathletic teams, explaining the merit Mrs number of points earrted, and making --"< ; n ^ • • -- -- " -- ~ s y s t e m i n use at the school. them eligible for a numeral in their poR SALE-^-Oil Brooder^ in good Sophomore year. (condition; ateo an'E fiat Alto Saxo- The program opened with a wel- phone. Call McHenry 170 for further come given by Louise Stilling, follow-j information. _ ed by the president's address by El- • • „ . _ _ ' , . . ^ « earior Althoff. Miss O'Gara was the ; PoR; SAVE--Cabinet «as°fene. principal speaker of the evening, and^-neafrllyy new. Inquire a 1 chose as ter topic "Womanliness." ! office. She, gave an interesting, educational and inspirations! speech, in which she exhorted tfce, girls to strive at all times to fjMfc&Np po«»ess this'tdmirit& e 'qualiM^Jg^cli one } tfij.he woppplii; woman. "O'Gara alsb 'stated tTTat pportsmansnip was a quality indispensable to womanliness. After this, the main purpose "for which the banquet was held, took place with the presentation of awards. A 'hush fell over the audience when Miss Taylor arose and gave a short speech on sportsmanship and announced the J FARM winner of the coveted award. Each ytftr %n awftftt ls given to the pupil eutstaiwftijr hi sportsmanship. The selection is made by the members of the G. A. A. and. is based on three points: participation in sports, leadership and activity in G. A. A., and a ifine sportsman-like attitude at all times. Aa there was a tie for this WANTED TO BUY--One more cripiled or down cow or horse. M»st be >{alive. You'll get more cash by calling Wheeling 102. We buy pet horses. Shot on the premises if desired. ..DEAD ANIMALS--We pay more cash for dead animals if called at once. Try us for prompt and sanitary service. ..Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges. Sundays and Holidays included. 43-26 WANTED--Having sold my Chicago residence, I am in the market for a McHenry county farm, from 80 to 200 acres, preferably with stock and tools. Will pay cash if price is right. AL FRIES, Box 2, Libertyville, 111. honor, the awards, which were in the,Bay or write to MRg R T. WATERS, form of gold monogram bracelets, 442 Wellington Ave., Chicago. - were presented to Louise Stilling and (hi r fic^t Seller! EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 "41° Af LB b A ( , 14c More A*P Values! WHirTmEAD . 3 uo baves 25C 3 LBS 25c 2 BOX 49c nii« FIG BARS . . . AMUtlCAN LOAF CHEESE • COM FLAKE* ' • ^ KELLOGG'S • # CHAHAM Oil MM CRACKERS. . TOMATO CATSUP . . . IONA PORK & BEANS . SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER SULTANA FANCY RED SALMON . LGE PKG 10c 2 box 15c 314-OZ OC« BTLS. 5 cSs 25c . 2iB„25c 2 ciJs 4Sc C0U> STKMI PMK MJUM snimon • 2cifs 23t YUKON CUM BCVERACES INCUHMNC CinCERuE4>m'2S( ARMOUR'S STAR COOKED CORNED , BEEF . . 3 '^i 50( ARMOUR'S POTTED MEATS ARMOUR'* 5-OZ. 7r CAN ' V VARIEMNOUNRA'* SAUSAGE CAN 10C ROAST BEEF 12-oz. CAN «lP«tD MUSTARD . . SllL^KU* wgSms . . . W. KumSSH . 2"AS,' 1109ce sssaw»u«.«»&s' 35c . . . 2 ,'t227C HWTF" EXTIUCT . 23e SNSWICH SPREAD 23C AMERICAN CHEESE . "* 25C I -.jf BANANAS, per lb. PINEAPPLE, 24's, Per cas*. Eleanor Jlltholf; MISCELLANEOUS Mit member^of her CABBAGE COLLECTING Let u. cooking class. Everything was per- dispose of your garbage eac wee , feet, from the table appointments to or ofte"er , des,red- R^onable the tiny nut cups bearing the name rates* Regular ye" round rout®» of the guesti and the white napkins j f^rly George Meyers. Ben J. with the monogram G. A. A. in black t °mit" letters on thd corners Henry Vogel and daughter (Carol Lee, returned home from the • The address of welcome was given, Woodsjtock hospital Sunday. by Earl Walsh, Vrhp also acted as Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bums, son, Bob, master of ceremonies, during the pro- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKinley of gram. . , . . t. .,Oak Park spent Sunday at the Burns Following the program/' dkricing cottage at Hickory Grange. and lunch was enjoyed. y i Miss Gloria Johnson of Woodstock -- ---- ' spent the weekend with her sister, SPRING GROVERS AND I Mrs. Peter A. Freund. S=0W ^Zn^rl ZlZy^Ul LOCALS PLAY BOTH Thomas McLaughlin home. ",'p* ------ | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer, son, KcHenry's baseball team' had more Stanley, and Mrs. Margaret McCarthy 0Mmes on their hands last Sunday visited the latter's brother, P. J. than they could handle. Spring Grove Cleary, at St. Therese hospital, Waucame down to play that game that kegan, Sunday. a was washed away the previous week.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McOmber and Marengo also showed up for battle, daughter, Marion, of Chicago spent Somebody crossed wires in scheduling Sunday here, getting their summer so to settle all arguments McHenry home ready for occupancy.- played both teams. j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey and Tlie Spring Grove affair wound up daughter, Patti, of Chicago were after four innings in which McHenry weekend guests of relatives here, ran up 12 runs on 6 hits. I Patti remained for a visit with her Marengo then took the field and best- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ed the loeal boys in a seven-inning af- Purvey. fair by a 6 to 3 score< Bill Kreutzer! Mr. and Mrs. J. Hearst and son of *50-4 waa on in this game for Chicago were Sunday visitors in the McHenry, pitching creditable ball, Arthur Lawrence home. Mrs. Maria Muldoon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, son, Richard, and James Walsh, of Waiting, Ind., were guests of relatives here Saturday. | Mrs. Albert Krause was a Waukegan visitor Monday. ' Mrs. Bessie Fidler of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. | Mrs. Math Laures, son, Jack, Miss' GRADUATION AND CLOSING SCHOOL • ACTIVITIES are times when yott want to look your best, Prepare now by getting a new permanent and a different hair style.,- " •. • r $2*00 nrr>;VKClark's Carl Shoppe Phone 271 We3t McHenry McHENKY, ILLINOIS SUN-MATINCK CONTINUOUS ' FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Majr 27 - 28 > NM Spaifa - Bobby Bwn "HAWAII Ci E*tr»--For the Psrty," Casa Manaaa R^^e and GliaipMB of New SUNDAY (ONE DAY) 'Joe B. Brown -- Jane Wyaua '/WIDE OPEN FACES" Extra--Twenty Girls and jk Band Our Gang Coaiedy and Cartoon Sunday MatTnee Continuous MONDAY (DECORATION DAY) Walter Connolly « Joan Perry Jimmy Durante and The 3 Stooges "START CHEERING" Extra--Musical, "Sweet Shoe" Golf, "Pine Hurst," Edgar Kennedy in "Kennedy's Castle." Holiday Matinee, 3 p. m. Continuous 10c---Tuesday, Double Featur©--20c (1) "State Police" (2) "Forbidden Valley" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY „ . J u n e 1 - 2 "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" | P'ir-; h- • , «n» ' S • Alvan Rothermel's ELECTRIC & RADIO SHOP On Route 20--^East of the River Bridge r House Wiring and Radio Servicing I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING f Repair Work a Specialty! Phone 220-J WANTED--Girl for general house-J though his support was nothing to work at Pfstakee Bay; Call Saturday write home about. or Sunday, May 29 or 30 at Pistakee Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf JOHNSBURG TEAM M WINNER IN ROUND ' LAKE GAME, 10-6 Johnsburg took the measure of the Round Lake nine last Sunday to the Lorraine Knox and Hubert Smith were tune of 10 to 6. , Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. "Bud" Miller, on the mound for and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman at Spring- Johnsburg, struck* out seven batters, field. Mrs. Laures and Jack remained ^.'The Manager of New EMPIRE Theatre -Welcomes You ' To Enjoy the Coipfort of NEW C H A I R S Theatre Remodeled and Air-Conditioned Hank Britz and Frank Deering, who have played in these parts, batted in the number three and four spots for Round Lali^and^fave Miller his most trouble. Deering was the only threej hit gent in the. game. your, Johnsburg will meet the strong The menu con-! UPH0LSTERING--Furniture re-cov sisted of fruit cocktail in orange cup, ered> re-Upholstered and repaired. C relish and ifilad plate, chicken cro-^j Rasmusaen & Co., West McHenry quettes with cream sauce, buttered jjj ijiej 107-M. 39-tfi peas, mashet? potatoes, hard rolls, but- j * / ^ ter roses, individual Schaum torte and FL(X)R SANDING---Beautify ^ iced tea with fruited cubes. j home by resurfacing your floors with! Half Day nine at Johnsburg w Mon- G. A. A. officers for the current latest dustless equipment. Old floors j day, May 30. year were: 'Eleanor Althoff, presi-imade new. Estimates furnished. Worki dent; Lucille Esh, vice-president; j guaranteed. Henning Newman, 9321 Mrs. Catherine Young, daughter Louise Stilling, board chairman;! Marvel Ave,, Woodstock, Phone 451-M.|Rosina, Mrs. Anna Miller, daughter' Audry Rotheamel, treasurer, and Cath- * -- - ' erine Rotherqael, secretary. ^ Those who| received awards are as follows: I GOLD PINS4- SAFE DRIVERS--Please call at our office for information on the safe drivers' cash reward. If you drive Eleanor"Afithoff, Attdiy Rothermel, ione ?ea[ ?ith°ut a" accident you will Louise Stillii^. surely help to reduce fatalities and also benefit in cash. Also ask about new liberal farm risks. STOFFEL & MAJOR M cil^Es^cSriS' RoSr^el!XM«ylREIHANSi>ERGER» Insurance' Ph.°1 n® Jane Laures, |Alta Mae Denman. HOME BAKING--Bread, pies, cakes, thel Althdff, Anita Althoff, Mable cookies, doughnuts, etc. Mrs. George Bolger, Betty Buss, Shirley Butler, Steinsdoerferj on Route 20, west of Shirley Colbx, Laura Denman, Mar-lC> & N> W tracks. Phone 136-W jory Duker, i Delma Freund, Alice i Nickels, Henrietta Nell, pntririn, -- - Phalin, Lorraine Schaefer, Esther, TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, prun- Smith, Lucille. WeingartT Marie John-ling, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelveson. ' {years' experience. LEO P. THORNFRESHMAN fcERTlFICATES-- 'HILL, McHenry. Phone 129-J. Call Betty Althoff, Betty Engeln, Elinor j anytime. c Pries, Mary May Grander, Annabelle LAWN M0WERS SHARPENED-. James Orr, McHenry blacksmith, gen* eral repair work and weldipg. Phone; 65-M. On Illinois Route 81 at John street, West McHenry. ^ *1 41-26] Clara, and son, Charles, were Spring Grove visitors Wednesday morning, where they attended the Young- Freund wedding at St. Peter's church. Mr. and Jfrs. Walter Aylward of Chicago were visitors in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Tuesday. Mrs. May Poile and son, (Harold, of Glencoe, called on friends here Saturday. Mrs. Gorman and son, Walter, who have been making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gorman, for the past several months, have returned to the Park Hotel. PRIVATE TUTORING--High Elementary School, and College Cour* ses; Teachers, accredited and regular^, ly employed, will arrange hours itf; mer. Telephone McHenry 101-R. V*- : ^; :• „ 12.89 Nett, Kathryn McAndrews, Shirley Smith, Rosalie Whiting, Dolores Rosing, Dorothy Heuser, Betty Nielsen, Peggy Schaefer, Lucille Weber, Helen Knox, Beatrice Williams. "nilNMNT~ Mike is busy helping remodeling his house to be connected with a ladies' i morning or afternoon during the sum* dress sh6p. Maybe he will tell you more about it next week. All he can tell you is that Mack can almost not be forgiven for being so foolish ae to wait for his gym shoes until the last minute. He knew it meant a Tennis Tournament. When he got them finally from the mail-order house ha simply had to put them on. They were so big that when he stepped on his tennis racket he could not even find it. That sap wanted to win the tournament and he knew that Mike is carrying a nice selection in men's, ladies1 and children's gym shoes of which he could fit a pair for himself--A pair of which he could be proud and would jhave given1 him a chance to win that | tournament. Next time go to-- POPP'S SHOE STORE West McHenry, Illinois Mate fitnwt Phone 162 < More Next Week!) for a week's visit. Sunday visitors in tHl? hofme of Mrs. Nellie Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulrich and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ulrich and son, Mickey, Chicago; Miss Maxine Bacon, of Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and daughter, Carol Ann, of Woodstock. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin, daughter, Julia, of Ringwood, Miss Kate McLaughlin and brother, Thomas, were business callers at Woodstock Sunday morning. P. J. Dorr of Hershey, Pa., a former teacher in the local high school, called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Durland atid Mrs. Walter Dobyns attended a musical tea at the Chicago Art Galleries at 215 N. Michigan avenue, where an entire gallery is given over to the paintings of Frederick Teallander until June 1. Edward Knox and daughters, Dorothy and Anna, of Chicago were visitors in the Carl Weber home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Larsen and little daughter, Carol Ann, of Fox DINE and DANCE nat PIT TAVERN Quarter of a Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 Music Saturday and Sunday Nights -- May 28 and 29 ' HALF FRIED CHICKEN 50c CAMPr IRC • miWSH*Auowt~lSt FAMOUS IRRCHERMCXS^IIK PJUMOUVC SOAF 3mku17C uroi SUDS . 2L%5F>3Sc launiif MM AM EE FAMILY JhflflKMfiAH BAMMW FLAKES . . CAMAY SOAP 5 BARS 25c . 3£,%25c a MEO. PKG8 Ml . 3 CAKES 19C A ^ P F O O D S T O R E S MOREY TO LOJUf I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will he glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, lit. TEL. MAJESTIC 1M Among the Sick Mrs. Fred Huemann, who had been undergoing treatment at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, returned home on Friday. Mrs. John Bolger returned ho'm* from St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago!, Sunday, and is recovering nicely from her recent operation. Charles Owen has been confined to his bed at his home in Glencoe, the past week, through illness. Mrs. Alfred Tonyan, who has been seriously ill at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, returned home Sundays She is improving but is still confined to her bed. Her little daughter remained at the hospital for further, care. Henry Geary, who has been in poor health at his home near WauConda for some time, is now confined to his bed. His daughters, Mrs. H. J. Schaffet and Mrs. J.t R. Knox of this dty, art assisting in his care. '.0» Mr. and Mrs. Frderick Teallander and daughters of Evanston visited in the H. E. Durland home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and W. F. Burke visited P. J. Cleary at St, Therese's hospital, Wlaukegan, on Monday. Misses Elola Boyle and Genevieve Knox were Waukegiui visitors Tues IT'S Month. Jacob Justen & Sons Green Street McHenry raNtf£5Hb TO TK FKST 100 HOUSEWIVES MlENMIt OW \de4m WoAmYSsAtrVaftfifoGm FREE Saves More on Current., f ood... Ice... Upkeep! £tWcrfoAumUoya4oHtSnmUatKaff. ^ Beware of so-called "batgaias'*! They owy be "money-losers** instead otf-mooey-mvers"! See oar rHOOF-before yo«r eyes, before yoo buy-«faacFrigidaice with new Silent Meter-Miser saves mote «0 4 upkeep! See why yon must save *11 4 of these ways, or you may aot MTt at all! And see, too, bow many mote up-to-theminute advantages Frigidaire offers yon! New "Double-Easy" Quickube Trays throughout...MBW larger Moisture-Seal Hydrators... 5- Year Protection Plan, backed by General Motors..-sod many more! Come Jn-eee this guide to M^r£*y*qfftodsy? "BEAUTHlUr *119 • •-£±- -rr?

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