Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1938, p. 3

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•**& v VI **"> " ,r «ry. W\" *"," ^-VT^5^ Vv * . - '- ., ?r, ~* „y",' */ -"--'-jft--;: - • PT.inrnliT.Et • • • • * ' ' S * 3 r . < / r - i , # - ,*;"> ' *..< i ST. MAKY'SOOUKC. C.O.F. ^ Members of Catholic Order of For- . iatera, St. Mary's Court No. 594, will ,'ie initiated into the second and third lagreo Tuesday evening, June 7, in ,tte school hall at 7:30 o'clock. The jBgin degree team will put on the work. Speakers from the High and jptate court will be present. All mem- ,|>ers are requested to be present at . J|his meeting. Refreshments will be - Served. • „ \ •f Cssates Mot* than 80 yeaIS afoCarl Koller, a medical school gradfiate of twenty-seven, disctfriured the thetic action Of cocaine. McCyLLOX LAKE Darwla m Snrrey Ship Darwin spent five years as a naturalist cm board a survey ship in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans before undertaking the scientific researches which made him > ' j ^ b,-' rA Now that Decoration Day has officially opened the outdoor season, your correspondent will try and bring yeu all tht high-lights and current events of McCollum Lake. Our community is rapidly increasing. The business district is really enlarging. Wte have a new butcher,1 Washington As a consequence, the Administration must either backtrack in its reprisals against incumbents who voted contrary to White House instructions or be- prepared for a guerrilla war in many states. The use of WPA funds for bludgeoning purposes has now been projected as a major issue of primary contests What effect this internecine scalp-lifting will have on public sentiment is not measurable at this time. The political prophets in- (L, _„_t j Washington, June 1--School chil- sist that the repercussions will be felt j tha'nrnmicf'nf m (*ren representatives of the people * in the 1940 Presidential race. While Ihnnnt nnlnti within Hi ^ave something_ra_cominon--anxiety J Hopkins is considered in the light of , . . . . . . ® . « » . 1 o v e r P a s s i n s g r a d e s i n p e n d i n g t e s t s V a n e a r n e s t s o c i a l w e l f a r e w o r k e r , t h e utu e, and we think thats doing al- and an unrestrained impulse to hasten implications of his advocacy of canright! ; vacation days. It is not, however, the, didates is not overlooked. As WPA fhe McCollum Lake Community call of outdoors that beckons our na- Administrator he holds the purse- Club held a meeting Sunday, May 29, tional legislators. Political expediency strings on billions, which is sufficient on the premises of Horn's grocery dictates their course. Unmistakable j reason to make him a power worthy store. The membership committee has signs that the law-making foundry is of recognition. succeeded in getting a gratifying preparing for the shut-down is noted! The reception accorded the formal amount of new members by their ef- jn the cessation of major committee (investigation of the Tennessee Valley forts within the last week and we cer- work. Committees act as a sieve Authority hornet's nest is typical of Umly are pleased with the results, through which proposed laws are filt- seCond day developments in the pol- Mr. Wagner, the president, presided, ered to the floor of the Senate and itical realm. The probe has bogged Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, who former- House . When these pumping agencies 'down in its sensational features largely lived in Chicago, spent their first are halted by consent, it is taken as iy because thrice told tales soon lose Winter out here. Mr. Peterson says a notice that nothing new in propos-' their piquancy. The personalities inhe is all for it, despite the fa:ct that als is Wanted in the remaining days volved were obviously inflated far behe had to brave icy roads and large of the session. jyoud their real stature in the early snow drifts. I Oddly enough, the rank and file have charges. The repetition of charges* Mr. and Mi's. Charles Schiiett and placed taboos on anything which is w'hich ate centered on personal feuds daughter, Jean, of Detroit, Michigan, likely vto delay adjournment. It is (between TV A officials, will probably were weekend guests at th<; home of known that the Senate and House, lessen public interest to the extent Mr. and Mrs, Frank Madsen. leaders would like to acquiesce to the, that hearings will prove a "dud" in- We are glad to Report that Mi's, President's wishes for reorganizing (stead of dynamite reverberating Bennett's daughter, Alice, has recov- government departments which were throughout the country. The Southered from her recent illness. definitely sidetracked last winter by j16"1 legislators whd were willing to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wodrick are the House. Knowledge of a growing,stand like Horatio at the bridge to tjie proud parents of a baby boy. ' rebellion against moves of this sort defy the forces promoting the wage The latest report on Ed. Horn is have prompted the Administration; and hour bill show signs of hopelessthat he is convalescing rapidly and chieftains to turn a deaf ear to Whit? ness. There are strong hints that the will be with us shortly. , House suggestions. Even threats of ( Senate will write out a compromise Lorraine Stackriick of McCollum a Presidential veto on many pending i ticket which will expedite the passage Lake is graduating from McHenry measures apparently do not alarm the-of the bill. The Dixie boys are falling High School. solons now in a quiting mood. The, back gracefully with the firm expecta- Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. few committees which are functioning tion that the measure will be success- Madsen and Mr. and Mrs.'Reed are this week are merely clearing out odds fully attacked as unconstitutional, among the many who are making Mc- and ends before consigning thousands i The suspicion is gaining currency that Collum Lake their permanent homes, of pet measures to a legislative limbo the low wage rates, which are on a We promised Matt Antilla of Chi- hy failure to give the "go" signal. | graduated scale in the pending bill for cago his name in the paper, because Disclosures in private conversations,an 'ncreas i e eac^ year> y eventually he was so enthused about our lake, and public debate over Relief Admin- j P™ve a boomerang. The dopesters Reason enough? istrator Hopkins' intrusion into Sen-, b?«eve that trade unions will eventu- McCollum Lake now boasts of its atorial campaigns illustrates the vag-, aM-v' Pre®s for a boost in the minimum fxst softball team. The team is spon- aries of politics. Sitting Senators,; sca|es when the escalator or graduated sored by Horn's Tavern and they are who are not always as clubby in or-, sca'e clause stops at the end of three to play any team in the vicinity of dinary times, find that adversity, years- McHenry. Any team wishing to book makes .strange bed-fellows. Many j Congi-ess is expected to pass the a game should see Al Horn. ^solons, who are usually as far apart O'Mahoney-Sumners resolutions to as the North and €>outh Poles in tern- create a temporary national economie ENVIABLE TUBERCULOSIS REC- perament and political views, have ORD IN WINNEBAGO taken up their cudgels in mutual de- ------ fense against coercion by Administra- Winnebago has a mortality rate tive spending agencies. The Hopkins committee within a few days. Therein hides a warning which has never been sold to the average business man. The business groups are now inclined from tuberculosis lower by a wide incident in which he publicly favored to belittle the measures, but a day of margin than that in any other county a House member from Iowa contesting reckoning may be noted from certain of the State with a population in ex- a sitting Senator's seat in the Demo- plans outlined in the twin proposals, cess of 75,000. In 1937 the Winne- cratic primaries blew up whatever The resolutions carry out the recombago rate was 21 per 100,000 popula- differences existed among Senators (mendation of the President's antition while in the other fourteen counties in the class under consideration the rates ranged from 27 to 26. The location of State4 hospitals, where rates from tuberculosis are invariably higher than in the general population was responsible for unfavorable experience as reflected in the mortality rates in some of the counties, notably Kane, Madison, Peoria and trust message of April 29 for an investigation. The sponsors have written several additional chores into the proposed authorization including Senathor O'MahoneyV pet idea of Federal licensing all corporations. All government agencies would be drafted to assist the Congressional committee in reaching conclusions which could be translated into drastic legislation. The proposed inquiry will be searching for few limitations have been placed on "fishing expeditions" into confidential tax returns and private files under the power of subpoena. A tip of the day is that the national economic committee will be very much in the headlines and in the hair of every business man during the summer and fall months, :^;lndesl.AvM»s ta Werld Measuring 460 feet from side to side and with five roadways separated by grass plots and lines of trees, the Avenida Nueve de Julio, in Buenos Aires, is the widest avenue in the world. CENTRAL GARAGEWhen your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages - in Northern Illinois. , \ Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires • v * v . .; Electric and Acetylene Welding / Car. Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg .. . . . :s|If STRIKING 0LOBISHAPED EARTHENWARE PITCHER - ?i -vA'a REGULAR $1.00 VALUER Beautiful 2-quart yellow glazed pitcher. The newest style. Has ice guard an lip; I M I T SCQTTY TUMBLERS 1 0 o x . S I Z E To match above water jug. High polish crystal glass decorated with black Scotty and yellow lattice design. 9 oz. size. 1 2 TO A CUSTOMER WM.H. ALTHOFF HDWE. Mfcin Street WestMcHSiff £ave acetous/ THERE'S nothing just like the reaction , you get from your daily bath. It stimulates! And there's nothing just like the reaction your motor gets from OILCOOLED TYDOL Gasoline. It stimulates! This great TYDOL is built especially to hold ; ! down motor-heat where motor-heat ir highest ...the upper-cylinders. With every flash of power, Tydol delivers a constant supply of cooling lubrication to pistons, valves and cylinder walls. It helps keep these vital motor parts easy-acting and smooth-running. And all this is in addition to Tydol's famous long mileage and high antiknock qualities. Remember, Tydol sella at die Identical price as old-fashioned, non-lubricating gasoline; So, for cool driving, always ask for "OIL-COOLED T*bOL". V Rock Island. Likewise privately and t publicly operated sanatoria which accept non-resident patients resulted in an unfavorable rate in some of the. others. • ,. r j Regardless of these considexations, the rate in Winnebago County is© en-' viably low and can be attributed to an excellent program of control. In addition to a well operated sanatorium in Rockford and a good official case- P.nding program throughout the county which has.'been carried forward aggressively for years, a new feature of co-operative activity with the prac-! ticing physicians has been developed recently. Material and equipment for making skin tests as an aid in diagnosis have been made available to all _ practicing physicians who wish to take advantage of the opportunity., Since this service was made available in July, 1937, syringes and tuberculin have been provided to 89 different physicians who have Used approximately 900 vials of tuberculin. 'The .detection of a larger number of tuberculosis patients in the ear'y stages and other evidence indicates that the physicians are employing the skin tests to good advantage. A death rate of 21 per 100,000 people in Winnebago County compared with a rate of 50 in the State at large is convincitq? evidence of successful control activities. GET A GENUINE 1938 HN6IMIRE WITH THE NEW METER-MI&R u - ^ z * METERTHE LUBRICATING GASOLINE SUPERIOR OIL CO. Eidgefleld, minois JOHN THOMPSON SERVICE STATION BUECHERT SERVICE STATION _ i $ Small Down Payment. Up to 30 Months to Pay Balance SEE ALL THE GENUINE 1938 FRIGIDAIRE FEATURES YOU GET AT THIS BARGAIN PRICE! FAMILY SIZE 10.9 Sq. Ft. Shelf Ami • 5.1 Cu. Ft. Storage Room! • 48 Big Ice Cubes at One Freezing! New Silent METER-MISER Uses so little current-You can hardly hear it run! Savei up to 2 5% MORE on electricity ban even the current-savin Meter-Miser of 1937. Co ?letely sealed. Comes with 5; ear Protection Plaa backed by GENERAL MOTORS. New "Double-Easy" QUICKUBE TRAYS X. Rmleatm cubes instantly -- S*«r* 20% mors ice I Only one lever to lift and cubes are released! All-metal for faster freezing! No melting under faucet! "Men always take 4 collections because law womea out pass a hat." -fcv Word "Grown-Up" Misnomer The word "grown-up" is a minnomer, according to one expert, be- ' cause at no definite time in life does a person stop growing menaaiy. •: 2. Trays nil frm at ffwSM* . with exclusive Frigtdaif Automatic Tray Release. Every tray, la every model, a Quickube Tray! No other like it! 9 NEW FOOD-SAFETY INDICATOR. • NEW 2-WAY COLD STORAGE TRAY. • AUTOMATIC TRAY RELEASE. • AUTOMATIC RSSBT DEFROSTER. • 2 WAY FROZEN STORAGE COMPARTMENT. • 2 TALL BOTTLE STOR. AGE COMPARTMENTS. A BARGAIN AT THErPRICE! It Saves on Current... Food... Ice . . . and Upkeep, Too! • DOUBLE-RANGE COLD CONTROL. • F - l 14 EXCLUSIVE LOW-PRESSURE REFRIGERANT. • REMOVABLE BARV TYPE SHELVES. • SLIDING MOISTURESEAL HYDRATOR. • THERMO SEALED ALLSTEEL CABINET CONSTRUCTION. • STAINLESS PORCELAIN IN FOOD COMPARTMENT. • Here's • big family-size, low-price refrigerator-- a special bargain in refrigeration service that gives you every cent of your money's worth in efficient food-keeping. In the first place, the food-safety indiiator assures you that all your food is *ht>sjrs safe. Then, too, because there's plenty of shelf space, you can buy in large auanaties and save on food costs. The "Double-Easy" metcr-miser-the exclusive Frigidaire freezing unit so quiet you can hardly hear it ran! This year's meter-miser saves up to 2i% more on current than last year's! It's completely sealed in for long, economical, trouble-free service. The General Motors name-plate is your guarantee of quality workmanship that means dependable refrigeration. The Frigidaire 5-Year Protection Plan on the sealed-in mechaa* ism protects you against service expeosfc Now is the time to buyCome in TODAY and see this beautiful, roomy, ethcicaC < Frigidaire on display. ;; . T» ctvtr rmtrmi W rttir casts, a is tk*r%*df»r Krfrigtrmtan sM m dtftmd fmjmont to Electric RtfiiimtH Quickube Trays release cubes with a simple lift of a lever--two or a travful at a time-help save on ice because there's no melting waste. And don't forget the current-saving SCHEID-S STORE, ORISWOLD UUCS SHAr^MAN-S TAVERN, RDTOWOOD 0. N. CARLSON, Agent, Phone JIcHenry 25S Oortlla Goad Family Bead According to observations mada In East Africa, the father gorilla is a good family head, most solicitous lor the welfare of his family. iijimjui; ILUNOIf TeVsphoae: OijiUl Late S80 •'. -1." ' '•' I'l' ,::*r _

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