Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1938, p. 2

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:4Z+- 'iifi^Two ,.' > >%> r, .. "v.. -A Jij, ; ,7'^v •j»- '-*w~ -i. '/ v.- ' '*>> C'^ n»?* jv** ' ' " --i-l-d--_iili^_ js.-.. .-• , > ^ . _ , Thursday, Jrntt 9,193%.., VOLO The proposed amendments practically as to the theory that the public will force unionization of producers and be stirred by exposures to register its dealers who sell more than fSOO In protest at enormous Federal expendimerchandise to the Federal govern- tures and make its influence felt in ment or the many outside agencies the ballot boxes. sponsored by Federal funds. As the While official indices show business M'- *®d Mrs. Norman Vasey and government is the largest buyer, es-Ht low ebb, the belief prevails in some *®n of Waukegan called at >the bopw pecially with several billions to spend quarters that an upturn will be felt|°' ®r« Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Wed* on materials for relief projects, the early this fall. The prospect is en-( ne*^*y evening. influence of the suggested changes in couraging in many ways. Yet it has' ^r' Mrs. Bernard Hiankie of the law are obviously far-reaching. I political angles not often considered, j Evansttfn were Saturday evenjng A number of primary contests this Av boom or even a steady business j ** home °* Mr* *"* Mr8, month have -attracted more than or- d™* to relieve unemployment would ™.h.r«nd f.m .. ,. ,. _ T , „ .. inevitably upset the dependence of < Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and famdinary sttention TOe fowa Piloting mi governmental relief agen.ji?yiMrs.Richard Dowell and daughter, Ses Ld leave them free to act with-1 Ada, called at the home of Mr. and j out regard to political expendiency.i Jfrs' Scheid, Jr., in Wiauconda - - • - - ®riday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and * * Washington, June 8--Rivalry between the American Federation of Efcbor and the C. I. O. far credit in ^'T^fo^uTltaSdn. P^;di,p.„«r ol ™a.f fund, C»l, mm-1 -- g r i d . , ' . ,l>0Ut °tl'i"t"" public attention from p.rti»n iMU.,1 »"• I ~ •sent. The A. F. of L. whether deserv- of relief -money 'or campaign purposes. hi h • t f tue 0fficeJ daughter, Ellien, spent Thursday evenly or not, has sUked a claim on the | The latest Ulk in Congressional cloak- ^dect.on yLr Tht i"g»t the home of Mr. and Mrs. wage standards bill. The John L.: rooms involves the handling of a $125,- C0ngervatjve element in the Democrat- Richard Cronin in McH/snry. I*wis outfit has suddenly thrown its' 000,000 fund by the WPA chieftain . . t- w welcome a| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of strength to drastic amendments to the for emergency^purposes. The politicos cha£/of fhis 8*rt „ a mean8 ofChicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta government contracts law as a coun- fear that Hopkins may be induced to _£• - "left-winders" Bv°f «_ ^ iWi». u HmMmiTO".;. onnormng ine leu-wingers. ay Berw'yn spent Sunday here with tor-move in frantic competition declare MI "emergncy" in closely con- ^ • . ... " . 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George, for membership. The intensified ac- tested areas next fall which would re- . agcendancy in Jdminis-1 Miss Eilien Magnussen of Libertytivjty in the House caught the Admin- quire the temporary employment of J£tion counci]s to an extent that they ^U* »P««t the weekend here with h* fetation surprise for the subject large numbers of relief workers or are bIicl denounced by candidate! P"™its, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Magnuswas considered such a minor matter enough to sway election, results. Hard- ^ th; iill+ .* thfl sen. that is was not included in the White bitten G.O.P. veterans do not share ^ House I Mr8- Joseph Wagner and Mrs. Alex >ast" Ust for session.^ti»e optimism of their present leaders ^^vorin^ t0 ^ worklMartini w^re Chic««0 poppers Tues- 1 ^ millions have another he dache ^ " " - • • ' ' ' " |The Federal office of Education re^L M«- ten yttlefldd motor^l ported that 1,420,000 pupils were graduating from high schools. A ma-.,, . v jority are Ukel, to «ek work because ± T they do not possess funds for a college education. The National Youth SLOClrira LAKE YOO WMTT t*C IT VO« WONT NOB IT WNOI YOV LIMB Daily takes mat to lose tfcea. SrtMUflt «M iMUM^nr You loll in luiury durlnt your whole yacstloa and come back to town with a sylph-like flftur*. Souads Hke an *»1«" but It tas't. It's just Klnflsy Manor's •afoyaMc rtdudnl protrtm. Only an hour's drive from Chicago. Rates including 1 await, reducing and all la- ^ •ciMtiee at only $5 a day Of-^* IN a week. /for further Information write or riiir KinGSiCY nmnoR • N M I T A K I I B A Y , P. O. Millmri. INkMh Mrs. Len Littlefield motored to Rockford, 111., Tuesday. Miss Vinnie Bacon visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baco I Round Lake Thursday evening. Mr. .and Mrs. Ford McDonald and Gordon Granger and Mr. Saunders of Chicago visited at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Sunday Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Forest Park, Frank Matthews of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Elmer Esping were dinner guests laat Wednesday atf' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. All but Mrs. Esping were supper guests. Mr and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, called on Matt Colwell at St. Maury's of the Lake Seminary farm last Thukvday. Mr. Colwell was a former employee of Mr. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and" Mrs. C. J. Burnett. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended Advance Officers' Night at Nunda chapter, O. E, S., at Crystal Lake Monday evening. - Mrs. Esping held the station of Chaplain and Mr. Darrell that of treasurer. Mr. Herman Hensel and Mr. and i€ge education, inc iNauonai iouin1^ • ^ » , jjMajtrrss.. Gu.. «JI)I,. BDuurrnneetiti spent Souunndaaayy aBtI Administration is overworked finding . . . ' " _ *he home of Mr. and Mrs. Procknow ^^"^11^ and.ltoyoungsters to continue their studies Mf >Mn Herbert Waldmann The Treasury Department has auth- and family of Chicago, Mrs. E. H. Bigorization from Congress to manufac-1 gert> |(iu Barbara Stucker of Burture 90,660,000 sheets of currency dur-1 mingham, Michigan, Mr and Mrs. S. ing the fiscal year beginning July 1 B Krause, Mr. and Mrs." C. Larson of Official data shows that the value of j Chicago, Mrs. W. R. Ogel and daughthe "coin of the realm" turned out at jesaette and Frances, and Mrs. the Bureau of Printing and Engraving^. E. Seree of Wilmette apent Sunreached the stupendous sulh of 37 bil-|day at the home o£ Mr and MrfJ Wil. lions when completed. More than 80 nawl Waldmann million sheets will replace currency Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener of that has become unfit for use. The Wau«mda called at the home of Mr. banks have orders to redeem bills an<j Mrs. Roy Passfield Sunday. which are worn. Few private citizens Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son called return shop-worn greenbacks to the 'at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cath- Treasury. The government is con-Jerine Wagner, at Slocum's Lake on stantly seeking improvemets in the Thursday. quality of paper to prevent counterfeiting. This business of dishing out large sums of money to foster home owner- The pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Grimillie on .Wednesday evening. The club presented Mrs. L. Littlefield and Mrs. Ml DON'T BUY A MOWE" UNTIL YOU SEE •v I • • • THE • No more sore necks--when you use this new Case mower. The gears are placed behind the axle, balancing the sturdy one-piece frame and taking weight off the neckyoke. The floating cutter bar corrects sidedraft. The enclosed gears with oil-bath and pressure lubrication run lighter and last longer. Drop in-- see these features--also the easy operation of the Hi-lift--and look over other light draft Case hay tools. LIGHT-DRAFT HI-LIFT OIL-BATH MO WE R W H Y W O R R Y YOUR HORSES WITH N E C K - W E I G H T AND SIDE-DRAFT? GEORGE P. FREUND Green Street McHenry ship has Federal agencies in a jittery | Bruno Grimillie with a gift in honor mood. Testimony of Chairman Fahey, of their birthday anniversaries. of the H. O. L. C., before the Senate ] Mrs. Jdseph Passfield and sons, Miss Appropriation Committee recently dis- j Beatrice "Wilson and Robert Jene Dowclosed the opinion that, "A critical, ell attended the Roseville school pic* period in the liquidation of the home i nic at Wilmot, Wis., Thursday. owners loan corporation is going to be over the next two years." The feeling prevails that unless business takes a turn for the better hundreds of thousands of properties will be turned back to the government under foreclosure proceedings. McGULLOM LAKE at Delavan Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foes were call ers at Elmhurst Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion spent Sunday at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. Cook is still quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis of Woodstock spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Miss Lillian Stofrken of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson of Cary spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pence and daughter, Marguriete of Diamond Lake and Mr. and Mrs. E. Albert Singer, Jr., of Wauconda called on Wilbur Cook Sunday. Lake County Farm Bureau baseball team defeated the Boone County baseball team with a score of 6-3 at Shady Rest ball diamond at Grayslake Saturday afternoon. Pete Dowell pitched the entire game. An unusual happening, but one of great importance occurred at the home of Willard Darrell Saturday evening when about 6 o'clock he was called to the telephone and informed that a foreclosures is $150, but sometimes reaches $300 per case in the densely populated states where court costs are higher. The government cannot dump these properties in the realty market without playing havoc with home valuations in various localities. Across Isthmus of Panama There is no motor road across the Isthmus of Panama--only the canal, a railroad, airplane line and a mule track unused since the Sixteenth century. . 1 Meet your friends at the Harvard Legion Carnival, June 15 - 10 • 17 - 18. Big Nite Saturday. 9bone 14 marriage ceremony would soon take Wpekend guests at the home of the place at his home of which he welcom- • . , , ii_ • j : Matterer's were Elmer Sherwin, who ed. It so happened that the marriage I The total number of authorized ce]ebrated his twenty-third birthday; license was issued in Lake county and foreclosures on H. O. L. C. loans to Misses Eleanore Klirk and Gladys the young people wished to be married January 1, was 125,487. Subsequently, Njschwitz and Mr. and Mrs. William in McHenry County, but the license •settlements were effective permitting Thorp all from Chicago. A chicken would not permit. At about 6:25 the ! the withdrawal of 9,699 foreclosures dinner was served Sunday. ; couple, Mr. Nels Palmstrom and Misa leaving a net of 115/788 on the gov-1 welcome a new commuter, Miss Ruth Bodin of Lake Forest, together 7™ent s hands. They havei sold Rjila Baclgis, formerly of Chicago, with their escorts, relatives and ProPeJties an(J received $19,337,- wj,0 recently purchased a cottage at friends, about thirty in number, ar- 000. Last fall the delinquent accounts McCollum Lake. „ rived. By the strains of Lohengrin's alone amounted to 265,932. The sta-i jjr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski of Wood- Wedding March, played by Miss Edtute prevents H. O. L. C. from modify- stock were visitors Sunday at the wina Edith Pearson, a cousin of the ing the interest or amount of the loan, home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaeffer. bride, Miss Bodin was given away by but they do have authority to make j Fishing is very good this season ac-' her cousin, Emil Pearson of Crystal adjustments to meet the needs of the cor<jing to reports from the fishermen Lake. A single ring cermony was borrower. Thei average loan is $3,000. at McCollum Lake. The "Izaak Wal- performed by Rev. Johnson of tfee It is claimed that the average cost of tons" report good catches of pickerel Swedish Lutheran church of Crystal and bullheads. Lake. With flowers furnished by the Mrs. Bowler and daughter, Dorothy, guests and Mr. Darrell and the imof Chicago spent the weekend at their prsssive ceremony, it was enjoyed by cottage. |Mr. Darrell and family as-well as the Frank Ritzer and Bert Mclntyre en- w63ding guests. After a shower of tertained ten guests from £hicagg/rice, the bride and groom and escorts with a chicken dinner at Schaeffer's returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. farm last Sunday. .x TEmil Mrs. Victor Howe has closed her a city home in Chicago and moved out them. to her cottage in McCollum teke for groom the summer. j couple are enjoying a honeymoon trip Mrs. Huska entertained her sister, rin California. . Mrs. Burke, of Chicago over the week-' end. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Thompson is recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. Jake Riter and son of Chicago moved into their cottage last Monday which was just completed. McCollum Lake soft ball team lost its first game to McHenry last Sunday. Although the team suffered defeat they have not lost heart, for with a little practice they feel they will be able to give the McHenry team more competition. FKUOHALS Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Holts and family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block of Dtfndee were supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C." Felts Sunday evening and attended the reunion service the Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin <rf McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Hebron were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard at Waukegan Sunday evening Miss Florence Vales and Raymond Kopriva of Chicago were recent guests of Mrs. Albert Vales. Sunday dinner guests in the home ®f Mr. and Mrs. Math. Blake were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, daughter, Ro'sella, son, Arnold, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith1 and daughter. Mrs. Oliver Lawrence and Miss DeUa Beckwith recently spent a day with Ringwood friends. Miss Loretta Quinn of Chicago via* ited relatives here FrAty evening ani attended Commencement exercisesu Her cousin, Miss May Shoultes, was a member of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and fant» fly of Marengo visited relatives heri Sunday evening and attended the ser»; •ices at the Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Glarenee Whiting ani Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgia visited relatives here Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and son, Clyde, of Lake Geneva, spent the weekend in the home of her parents^ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mrs. Boutelle and little son remained for ( flew days' visit. • Whales Break Java Whales have been known to their jaws on the ocean bottom after a mile deep diVte. *rr, vM'. The new 1938 M*4rl Speed Queen i* now on oar floor, and if jrou want to give your eye* a treat, we enggeit you drop in thd Me it. We've Men lot* of waakera, bat aa beautiful aa thia one. We've Iota of wringers, but none aa aafa, aturdy and eScient aa the wringer M Waaler.' And wbile we Wvort waahed with it ouraelvea aa yet. tW factory trlk HI thia new aaadel ia absolutely the faateat waaher now «• the market. In addition to tkia, on all Speed Queen aaodela have been rednfed which certainly ahantd aaaiM Speed Qmtn THE BUY far iMST SPEED # Out Carey Electric Shop Green Street McHenry, m* S* He couldn't go tbrfoute because he was not trained down for ENDURANCE niAtsr COME IN AND LIT l|| TEH YOU ABOUT IT ' : f - Hudson offer* you an opportbpity to win a b&nd new Hudson 112 Brougham free. Three cars given away each week during National Car Owner Economy Test! Every car owner or member of his family eligible! All you need do is take a short drive, nuke an interesting test, write a simple report. No cost... no obligation. Come in today. ISO-VIS is! THAT'S WHY IT'S SO arson at Crystal Lake where >us chicken dinner awaited oth parents of the bride and live in Sweden. The young Could Not Use Plattanuft Platinum could not be useg} in ancient times because of its high melting point. GET IT AT STANDARD OIL DEALERS KINGSLEY MANOR," REDUCING RESORT ON PISTAKEE SAY 694' Pric# for Hwdaoo 112 3-pats, coup*, r«eiy to driy* In Detroit, Including Federal taxai. HUDSON AiSO BUILDS TOF VALUE IN EVERY POPULAR PRICE CLASS HUDSON Tsrrsfl--s . $719 and up HUDSON SI* . . . $9)4 and up HUDSON Eight . . . $1015 and „P Abov* pricM do not includ* state and local AMM. If any. For dolivorod pric* in yovr locality, too yovr Hudson doalor. Attroc- |jy |tlyppymoWt torM, with MOW PETERSON MOTORS McHenry, HI "Park your girdle" and reduce while you vacation is the latest fad for; Women that's going over in a large way--especially for the larger ladies. Kingsley Manor, here in McHenry, Illinois, a former $250,000 private estate of the late Henry G. Saal, has been turned into a reducing resort. Establishments of this kind have been popular throughout the east for years. Now Chicagoland has one of its own. Thfl most up-to-date methods in the way of vibrators, daily massage and vapor bath cabinets are offered along with a scientific diet that drops off inches like ' magic but insures ?0tir health at the same time. The new idea, however, is that of Completely relaxing and enjoying yourself. Here reducing is no longer a boring, strenuous task. How would you like to have breakfast in bed? A maid serves your meals to you wherever you happen to be, in bed if you like, on the spacious screened porches,' at the tennis court, or at the pools. Mo dressing for meals in the dining room unless you want to. You wear what yon like and do what you please; In short, you loll in luxury during your whole vacation period and comet lack to town with a sylph-like figure. First Trains Horse Drawn ; The first two railroads in the country, the Quincy railroad of Massachusetts and the Mauch Chunk railtoad of Pennsylvania, both Sating prom the year 1827, used horse pow- .'W* apf ycwnfifiyii, *TOH* I THE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CLOSES SOON!... ORDER YOUR TELEPHONE NOW Hie next local Telephone Directory goea to preea eooa. Have yoor telephone service Installed at once so that your name, address and telephone number will appear in thia new directory. The first place your friends or business associates will go to get in loach with you is to this Telephone Directory. Don't fail to be there. Telephone or Mop at our Business Office. Do it today. CONSULT TMf OlftfCTOftTO TIUOW Milt WHIN TOW MfKD 4 HXMDf lUrirs OUIDI i l l l H Q I S B I L L T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y l« Meffsary ceM fttt er step e# •rasa ffree#

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