t > ?f«:. Thnrvday, Juw9,1938 wmw. M, • t* m # *» trrPf? *• *' *-ri' - r¥-^tr; f ty^'v W.^9 Page Fit* "SO I HEAR EASTER PICTURES *P*S5 */£ .V'* K\ vN^i-s :*'• . * ' :. ' " r :•••- fs?T" 2rrr- »#»«•- \-rfM* - -k- . it; 'b0> ;•• ' ••* v•' r* ?••z--;' * * *7 *; / johnbbtog oumuos • #&UHWOOD MINI IN ^ FREE SOORINa GAME Johnsburg outslugged the Greenwood nine last Sunday in a free scoring game that wound up 11 to 8. The Neusbaum boys, batting twothree- four in the Greenwood lineup, collected eight hits which might lead one to a pun and call them the Neus- Bombers. The Johnsburg team appears to be well organized and young players are developing fast. • -r ^ ^ Wilcox, Sb •••.•.•.••••... 6 1 L. Neusbaum, lb 5 1 H. Neusbaum, p 6 B. Neusbaum, If 5 A. Malonack, cf ; 5 JO Nerbs, as ~~ 4 • Worm, c ...» 4 ';l. E. Aavang, rf ... 4 •. 9 L. McCannon, 2b 4 - ft; N. Smith, 2b D. Fnand, 8b T. Pitsen, lb A. Freund, cf V. Freund, as P. Pltm, c .... B. Millet, p .... Totals .... .....46 11 10 Seara by Innings Greenwood * 220 200 Johnsburg ~... 801 312 020-- 8 20x--11 AUTOMOBILE HITS BOY; INJURIES ABB SLIGHT Totals - '"r^y ,{" t^aulmr9 .41 8 12 Hi \&k- ' ' ' ^ * • „ * * * * ? -v« *--!K+-+Z-&!*--« •a-*.C\, V ^ ^ . < . . AB R H B. Meyer, If 5 -• 2 H. Freund, rf -...^...J... 5 2 ~2 --i--Robert Bacon, 18 year old son of Mrs. William Bacon, was accidentally struck by an automobile driven by 11 Jimmy Smith, Friday evening, when 3'he was crossing the street near the 2'high school. Because of the darkness 3 J and the many cars lined on either side 1 of the street, Mr. Smith, the new golf 0 professional, was unable to see the O.lad as he stepped out from behind a 2, car.,- ^ The boy was not seriously injured, and suffered mostly from shock and slight bruises. He was able to walk th» next day, arid has now fully recovered. : • ' "* Read the Want AA ^pi USED TRUCKS *" One International 1932 160-in. W. B.---Good Cab Platform with Stake Body. ' \ One Chevrolet Long Wheelbase 1931 Cabr&nd Chassis. One 1936 Dodge %-Ton Pickup One 1^0 Ford Pickup #h«14oii Garage Phone 100 QRAYBLAKE, ILL. FREE BALLOONS! WITH EACH PURCHASE - We feature 22 different flavors of Ice Cream azlft * complete line of all popular sundaes. Stop and Taste Our Super Ice Cream THE BEST ICE CREAM IN TOWN Nu-Malted Shoppe Riverside Drive McHenry Daughter's new Easter Rabbit--an Intimate, revealing close-up. A portrait • attachment lets you get close-ups like this. Note the sketch bclow^ have new Spring outfits to display! The children's Easter fun should be fittingly recorded -- in intimate close-upe (a portrait attachment helps there) (bowing them with Easter baskets and the brown or fluffy white Easter bunnies they reoalve. Make aura that you get an "oft to church" picture, a snap of Mother picking or arranging the first bouquet of Easter Bowers. Let your camera write the day's history. Dont Include too much in each picture-- keep your camera close, and get the little, interesting details that make a picture live! And when you put the pictures in your album, date each one. A memo of day and year gives added value to the family'! picture-hiatory book. John van Guilder r' WONT be long now before the Easter Babbit is prowling around the corners of the backyard, tucking brightly colored eggs and baskets of candy into snug, concealed Shortly we will be seeing the Spring fashion parade to church, and yellow Jonquils will be sodding In every breese. April 17 Is Baater, and the question now is--have you your camen polished up and loaded, ready to memorialise that eventful day In pictures that you will treasure In later years? There are dozens of pictures that : can be made on occasions like this, land each one has memory value. : Tou probably need new snapshots • ot members of the family--and will they pose enthusiastically when they by v'.-tj EARL WALSH* LOCALNIN* STEPS OUT OrCLASS AND OETS^ TRIMMED 14 - 2 McHenry's baseball team, still in , the organization period, stepped into J to# much class last Sunday and f$} jj oefore the strong Elgin Parksides by ATTENTION! ; SCHOOL OOLg a 14 to 2 score. We're getting along fair--just fair --with the boss this week. We speak., u „ A • . . . --D I McHenry stepped into the lead with Did you see that skull-and-cross- a ™n first inning and all went bones painted on Regner's driveway? ^,1 u vwhen our out- Don't suppose those two artist^, Linus , . ,et fly ®alls all over the Newman and Dar Granger, *ould L Elgin w^nd up the inning with know anything about that. They runs. aRcJ ball game was painted.the rest of the streeta. gone right tfiere. __| I The locals collected 12 hits, buf ^ The kids are taking to that summer Were u"a^eto put them together for playground idea like bees take to ™n8' collected the only exhoney. "Mack" has a flock down there Ja e ¥cHenry- ' The visevery time we wheel by. If any of ! ? speciahted in triples, with four you grade or high school students xt / haven't picked up the notion, take a . , s,"«ay tlie local team will jaunt down some day. There's fun in Yf. to ?:oun" ^a^* where the opthem thar playgrounda. Dont say E?81^?11. w j not ^4<luite as„gtronj? as we didn't tell you. |the Elgm mne. A contribution! Let there be mote,! Parkside* -- 14> The high school girls tennis tourna* ments which were not completed bei» fore school closed because of rainf: weather, will be finished in the nes# few days as a part of the summef .. J ; playground program, under the direfls. ? ^ N tion of Mr. McCracken. ,• Girls still playing in either tourmt*/'/•%, ment should be at the tennis courts « on Friday, June 10, play starting al^SSS| 2 o'clock. If impossible for some gir|| "• to play, they shoald get in touch wit%V --- Mr. McCracken and arrange to plnf their match on some other date. Of course, they needn't be on the fol> c Here tia: .T : Osmun, rf .... "< *• * - Hedblade, 3b Dear "So I Heat?': Youn^' ! Last week you m«ntio^ed Where2b, Walt Preund said you'd be needing V j . ' the dog-house soon. No offense meant, Hate Fu^ J' lb but it inspired this v Dumbbell Pome . ?i Ho, Ho Ho . Off up the aisle you go And when you're hooked Your goose is cooked HiHo,HiHo, - DOPE*.. : Vanerford, rf ?Keeney, 9b Stilmen .... ' AB 5 <6 Ml '4 ss , 5 ' ...... Jl&r Jv nX R 2: 2 0 1 2 2 r ' % 1 •' 1 0 I 0< The foHowing girls are still in th# | | running in the Girls Single Cup Tour* nament: Betty Althoff, Marjory Duk> er, Mary Jane Laures, Shirley Butle%. Mal>el Bolger, Louise Stilling, Audrey "/ ; Rothermel and Ethel Althoff. X ' 3 Matches still to be played in the Be- > , / . Sinners Doubles -are Nell and Freunlfii; -- vs. Johnson and Denman. The win* - ners of this match to play Schaefef and Weingart. The winners of thiiV: * match to play Schaefer and Smithy i' and the winners of this match to plajj^..£< • Knox and Granger for the -champion^-# • ship. Totals MciDeao^r --i'-f" '• v '-AB 14 14 [ Itiller, cf jW. Kreutter, ss | B. Kreutzer, p , jLarkin, c Funk, 3b .Hughes, If i Whiting, 2b Curlee Clotbes SUMMER SUITS >15.00->17.50-$20.00-*22-80 , Father's Day .* June 19 N WHITE OXFORD SHOES $3.00 - $3.25 - $3.50 - $4.00 WASHABLE DRESS STRAW HATS T" $1.00 -- $1.50 -- $2.00 WASH SANFORIZED PANTS " $1.50 - $1.75 - $2.00 - POLO SHIRTS - White and Color*?:f 75<?-11-00-$1.50 NECK TIES for FATHER 25^ 35^ - 50d - 651 - <100 Freund's Clothing Store Main Street --: West McHenry :Q* «D Os- © © © 8, subject; C, earner*. Lower two camera* with portrait attachments. With many cameras, you must be six to eight feet from your subject to get a picture. But slip a portrait attachment on the tens--and you get pictures at three feet six Inches, or even nearer with some cameras. Result: big images of little subjects, and better pictures. Meter Records Power of Kiss See what you started, Walt? -I-- . • Hi Ho, Hi Ho To another subject we go* --II-- . ; • Let's talk about the WWtC Sox. Nobody else mentions them. Ribbers rson« ** have even stopped asking us, "What's , ** the matter with the Sox"? .Johnson, lb There's really not much wrong with: , Totals 89 the Sox, but they cant win enough . Scar* by Innings ball games. ®»Ln v- 000 801 221--14 14 1 McHenry ...... 100 000 001*-- 2 12 8 Pete Weber reminds us that the Sox', . Tw°-base hits--Larkin. Three-base miss Clint Brown, star relief twirler, |>lt®--Sommers, Ducasse, P. Young, more than a little bit. Guess Pete , „ e["son- Struck out--by Babe Funk, \ / 12 SAVE EVERY DAY Y% tVv on AaP' Needs ^ 1 a t A&P! SUNNYFIELD FAMILY FIMRW59* 40-LB. BAG Sl.tS IOWA FLOW . thf 55c Hostess Napkins ' Imprinted with Name or Initials 100 for $1.00 Three Sisei -- Codrtftil (small), Tea (medium), Lnncheon (large). Jtooicftjtf Red, Blue or Oreenink SPECIAL ON INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY ^ J v m a n d - ' v ' t - " ' . " ; " Linen and Rose ISO Siheets and 100 Envelopes, $1.00 Three line name and address on both sheets envelopes Bine ink only Large Monogram Raised Process in red, bine or green ink v on sheets only SEE SAMPLES AT OFFICE hss something there. While all this ? j, y _ ' Kret,t®er, 10. Bases talk was going on about Appling and ^T~yt . *'un'c» 1» off B. Kreutz- Stratton, we plumb forgot Brown. ier' 3* UmPire--Carl Rietesel. --'-- I ~-- Guess they nee<| some relief hitters COMING EVENTS as well. Half the country ir on relief Jan« 9 anyhow. Public Card Party--Lady Foresters-- --I-- St. Mary School Hall. When Appling gets back in the line-' June 10 up, we plan to write to Mr. Jeems Mothers, Club--Mrs. John Phalin. Dykes to see what he can do about Public Card Party--Riverview Camp, letting the former shortstop play sec- R. N. A. ond base. * Pot-Luck Supper--American Legion --H-- • I Auxiliary--Cary. Appling's injured hoof may not June 11 stand the second sack pivot on double Bake Sale--C. D. of A.--Jacob plays, but we shall see. No need of ten's Furniture Store. * moving Berger out of short while he's June 16 going great guns. Appling played Social Party--C. D. of A.--Mrs. Ella second a few years ago and seemed Buss--'--- right at home. I Jne 17 --H-- Altar and Rosary--Dessert Bridge-- Our own McHenry team bit off more Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. than they could chew last Sunday June ,j24 when they crossed bats with the Elgin McHenry County Past Oracles--Mrs. Parksides. j Mary Freund. Our outfielders were dropping fly Don't forget the Harvard Legion balls jlike £hey were handling hot Carnival, June 15, 18, 17, 18. Plenty coals. of Fun. Special features every nite. The Armour Institute of Technology at Chicago has annoonced tne development of a machine called a "KJss-O-Meter" that consists of an ammeter connected through an amplifying system. The subjects grasp an electrode each and the ammeter records the intensity of their Idss, ranging from zero to 120. When the oscillation point reaches St, or higher, a bell rings. The photograph shows Jane Bryan and Charles Moderation demonstrating the apparatus." USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RE8ULTS THE FORGOTTEN MAN But, that's past history. Next Sunday the boys travel to Round Lake. That ought to be a better match. --I-- , The Johnsburg team staged a good old slam -bang affair last Sunday to beat a free-swinging Greenwood team. One of these days that Johnsburg team is going to be playing the kind of ball that will, make u» ait up and take notice. - When the old time Johnsburg ball players decided they were through, it was necessary to build a whole now team. They plucked 'em young and arc bringing 'em up fast A pack of delegates from McHenry swarmed down on WVigley Field to see that Cub-Giant opener on Tuesday. Herb Reihansperger and Frank Johnson were among the delegation --B-- "Canopy John" Karls was^ .another delegate. He reported all that inside stuff for which he is famous. With the help of '.'Buck" Rogers he described a Jurges fielding gem that must have been a honey. • ' : . --I--- - ^ The "Canopy Man" ean also let you in on '«mie inside trades if you care to listen in a-while. Vhn Lingle Mungo, speed ball artist, will come from Brooklyn for 0*Dea, Bryant and another player. There may be another Brooklyn player in the deal. What's more, the Cubs will engineer a three cornered swap that will bring the vetran backstopper, Mancuso, to Wrigley Field. How do you like that? - I - Another member for our pinochle club. Mrs. Nick N. Freund had a double run in clubs a few nights ago and didn't know it She thought there was one trump out so led a queen. All we know is what we hear--and this is just between you and the column-- when she saw her mistake, she exclaimed, "My God,-Don't tell Nick!" Dear "Mose": -II-- ' ^ ! All the way down to here, I had forgotten the idea of writing you a letter this week. Tm busy. Maybe you heard? Maybe you saw "Put and Take" last night? Maybe you called up "Putt" to go up there to the County Clerk's office the other day? Anyhow, o!» "Put" was on tjie job to catch me--and I wasn't buying a dog license either. Note: Thanks for good wishes in "Put and Take." i Now, Mose, this is what's bothering me. I'm taking a few days off next week to get away from fellows; like you and not knowing (at least not telling) where I'm going, thought maybe yoa might want some big news < event covered for your "Police Gazette." I'll go light on the expense account #nd, not to trouble you, 111 send all report by wire--Collect! *SO I HEAR" mrrar.. SSftoirlMV . ttfOSTfaunn tturiflh* NUT1XY OUO MNCK lilllllK ^10t 3&4* . ra7« I0&4* fis* 2Sc .^a 1* " Wt VWS 10* Y lie WHITk HOUSI UAPORAll U MILK 10 ,^59c fflSf . . . l'*** 23« PiSn SALMON . 2 cans 23« SGUTflakcs . . 'pkq 10® MtOHlS . . , . tsoxlSC fflSft&TETCM* 'eru 10« Kci erWNCAT . 2 pko» ISC ftRTmnn . "5A' 2S* WHWPiSSbD . 3u5!vi»2Sc dSSSuts ams . .00210e S/ 1 ( .( , , , / , / U, II M,» GRAPEFRUIT 3 25^ COFFEE . 3 50c SRanagor Prvmmc TSBSUWf WNtwuKt. ssusfasr?. i fnaort 2 Boat 2^ 38c . 6t*a2Se . . »tc10B 10£&3lc • SiS*29t , 3 ooi 10c A \ P F O O D S T O R I iti. JPOR JUNE 19* I ArCOOL PATTERN IDEA W "-^ WILSON S an d s t a STRIPES 'Colors in this smart shirt are rfcfi, bat~ have been given a fresh appearance by ftp* white cross stripes. The new seamless Oban collar and trim V-shaped <Mwaist assure neat fit . . . Sanforu$d_ Shrunk for pcnum*nt fit, *20° - 'A sfciml gruf if TTljgkck* tits d*sign*dJ* tkis tktrtmg, ft McGEE'S Ot- .1 '