Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1938, p. 5

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£ i t ^ "'J • -'s *r<&-£f.^ r^r .^^wfT ; ~ ?,/ c \U»YJI»,I..J*«. -- _ • • -» ^ % 'r •«' :,f M Thursday, J one 16,1938 G. B. J«hoMn and P. E. Covalt attended i Splinters Club Golf Tournament held i| Bel-Mar Country Club near Belvidere Wednesday. i - , mms •; , I ^MLaI-JAL«jLi >sy< A' •A' ••if : OOUJITV W1DZ VU PROJECT HI MAKHtO The county board on Monday approved the plan of the county entering the proposed countywide WPA project. The board will participate to the extent of $5,000, or its equivalent, including costs, out of the county highway tax fund. This will be taken as a county contribution of 20 per cent for a $25,000 program on the county aid system of roads. The board chairman and the county highway superintendent were authorised to aigs the jproject "frith the frrtfftonaor. 1 , It is also hoped that the countywide project will reach some $100,000 with the schools, cities and townships also entering into the proposed plan. It is hoped that the schools will contribute APPRECIATION! fl want to thank the many ladies who visited the opening of my 'Style Atop' Saturday, June 11th. At this time I want to invite the ladies, who were unable to come on that day, to inspect my shop and merchandise--no purchase, of course, if pecessary. I felt honored to thinK I had ao jpany friends interetf " la will always try to serve my customers - In the best way possible. "The outcome of the ButtOnOimtest was rather surprising. The number of buttons in the jar was 967. The - , . . #1AAnA first prise was a tie. Miss May Justen *. m%k« *Ve,r .5* and Mrs. Paul Pktxke, both of McHen- J* */" ry, each guessed the close number of ***?• th* 975. To these ladies I awarded dupli-th« ^ make a $105,00° P™j«t. cate prizes. The second prize was won' ^ . work w ^ be undertaken by Mrs. Peter M. Justen, also of Mc- |*y thirties, schools and townships Henry, and the third priie by Mrs. " "0t ^°Wn" pr0ject I8 JU8t ,n Charles R. Drake of 2415 Foster ave.,^« making and there is no assurance Chicago, Illinois, It is very interest-1',that * ^und-d. Should it be ing to know that the number of but-|,aunche<i ^ would give employment to tons guessed by the ladies ranged "iany peopl? and would aid KK'tly in from 175 to 6000. decreasing the relief load m the coun- "I am also thanking the public for ty" their many wishes for my good luck mfiri " ftR0SA* v • Rosa's Style Dick Coiiway returned bomeWednesday evening after spending a week with Elgin relatives. - Mrs. N$ttie Lang of Woodstock was a Sunday visitor in the Charles Ensign home. Opening of New Store We have opened a new store on Green Street in the / Hmiter Bidg., where all kinds of dairy products owa b<y secured. : .. . - ' ' - • .»• • .• . '7\-V/ . We will also sell milk by the gallon, 35 cents. McHENRY DAIRY Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and.. Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, Illinois Glasses Made from $3.00 up. Air Kinds of Repairs Telephone 211-R CurleeClothes -- • SUMMER SUITS >15-00 -->17-50 -- >ao.oo -- 122-M Father's Day *• June 19 WHITE OXFORD SHOES * $300 - $325. $3.50 - $400 WASHABLE DRESS STRAW HATS $1.00 -- $1.50 -- $2.00 V WASH SANFORIZED PANTS $1.50 - $1.75 - $2 00 * * POLO SHIRTS - White and Colon 75c -11.00 -$1.50 » .. NECK TIES for FATHER 25* 35<? - 50<t 65* - >1-00 Freund's Clothing Store Main Street --: :-- West McHenry ALL-STAR HEAVY WREflTUNaBILL FRIDAY EVENING, • % a "The mystery man of wrestling. King Kong, has been selected to headline the first all-star heavyweight wrestling program of the summer sea- BACBffS STRIP VIS BACK AGAIN v "SO I (HEAR" Rest Wishes, Alvina and to "So I in •>,„ Hear»" ^ «lncere congratulations of son to be presented in the mammoth aU your readers. May your troubles new open atr arena at the GraysUke u all ^ Mose in the future. Junction of Routes 20 and 54. The EARL WALSH bearded wildman, who was seen riding You know, readers, this seems like Omaha, Nebraska, Tuesday Evening, June 14 Dear Mose: •' Tuesday night and I'm writing you a motor bicycle through town l^t *et *'ew;a letter just like I always get thai week, will match Strength and grips Jf n ** I "So 1 Hear" stuff re*dy «n Tuesday with Jene Bauman, FT6rlla stat 4 &*** ^ r* night: "Uke Hell!" you're saying, heavfweight champion, in a match to ^ *MHe's thinking of Th«sday morning, the finished the King's appearance bndf ,he ^ »n r*rel Dont know what to tell vo« in thi, in th^^ is^ting so mmh in- •**" -<"* JUl K0^?^^»y;iMt«e letter. terest that the initial card threatens might be distasteful wee]( to Ux th© capacity of the new arena, J* ? !, pr*®tic"| Maybe you would want me to title Friday night, June 17. J1* * lot utely>' so lets take a look I'm not Wen mad at yott Of in ,t bftck .t th, records ,„d «, wh.t kind^'*,10" ,H°'M!',"<>0n Tr*n King Kong is one of the most talk- - . icourse, I wont. " ed of wrestlers in the game today and _ ... ' | I dont know , why, but Pm is hailed as the Abyssinian wild man.^ " «f y°« P«>bably wonder where Qmah., Nebraska. Jene Bauman, in contrast, is consider- background for this So I Hear That was mighty nice of you to ed one of the most handsome and clean f01"1"" ^*s ^ou" ' , ke a f^uint oome over with the Mrs. to see that cut athletes in the sport and has turn- k*0* iL,g nine ^ ',TJfup, grand march last Saturday. Thought ed down no less than three movie of- f™"" and was a fellow m^ybe you came to pray for me, but fers from Hollywood. by the name of alsh listed as a first heard later that you were offering _ The semi-windup pits Ihe German b^^ker'w'thrteamr with Ed hy *° th# ^ thit'8 ST^iS BOm]etk al°nfl ^ ^ out of town just fitie SatiirtoS roughs^r. StrongbeTJ isbit and followed that old ad. BRINGS rO-SWINO" TO McHENR¥'g"POW-WOW' luong aad visited Ml' Mr. and Mrs. Louis daughters at Waukegan atives here Sunday. * M; J. Walsh and son, Mehrin, war* Charlie MeHfe, *t the Pow-W<m tffl* " Whitinf' ^ ' and Cafe, at (ke McHenry, anbut Walsh could stop a ball when itjvjcef West/Young Man Glad we rame. Have _ %Hd*et „ nounces the engatf^jnent of one of the country's moit fatiioUs bands to ap-1 pear at h«( Aight club, the opening night being FridaiJr of this week, June 17. • . j Dell Cotto and hft ^orchestra will de-; light patrons of thi Pow-Wow every' evening, OflWIng' a hew brand of "Swingcopationknown as "Sympho- j Swing.**" ' • . •£. ^ 4 I>elt Coon's band i*;>particularly m-, teresting trt that' it features an entirely new presentation of music for dance lovers. The subtlety of this new style make# the music linger haunthigly. Another reason for the success of Dett Coon's band is the novelty of its three distinct swing tempos in the modern trend. This is attained Only thrflttgh the use of special arrangements of all numbers, tuned to the recent demand for new rhythm styles. Dell's matured music reflects a splendid educational background. He Is a graduate df N. W. University and he was so popular, as a good fellow and band leader, that he earned the title of the 'Congenial Mixer." He Wednesday. terly complaining that he is receiving Wfts thrown. at him and when he con-j w^ the same treatment in this country as n„fjui nh.™* ' , , . . ,--« -- -- his friend Max Schmeling, and that He alg0 €3reMi8ed with the basketball B^c^vtS^hlvftr ^vou' ? C*Itfo,?ia ^tef passthe sor-called champions are ducking d when Red Winkel. who claimed ^r n^vo^ y° in« tlw State bar examinations there, him. Mummer should prove a real an u6i||t at Saturday's edition of thenfd SUvex test* World's Serious, used to shoot all the Had never seen the state of Iowa. I got through singing, "We don't give In one of the other two bouts on the throws. That was when one man a damn for the whole state of Tow* 1 chaarcdk, JKaicnke CLoenvleinys, kWv hion r ehciesn tnlyro tudrenbeudt , uld ho<)t inem rreeegaradralieessss oofi wwhniicchn f, ,n , 4 'Je ,h°le sta;® af Iowa~ the wh0le state of Iowa--'Cause we're DacK King uevinsKy m nis pro aeou* piay€r WII fouled. Seems there was .from Illinois" but drove fast as a wrestler, mixes with Ken Fenlon, Mwntlv a# •» •n:uuial „ . , ; ' DUl , e , st- . ttlhwe. Iioowwaa sseennssaattiioonn , Tlihnee ooithneerr bout ?°m® ^ r*Cnt y ®f *n e»isode| Wanted to see where that Ull corn DOUX in a Dundee Tournament. 'grows Guess thev have it alrieht. features the pro golf star and wirest- ... , .. . , . ,8 u,e^ nave, ler of note, Kid Chapman against . .^ter vJ?rwh,,tl"f ST ?? A00*.1 the,r ™,n J°"ds «e >»!gher than flashy Milt Olson of Milwaukee. high schotol your So I Hear labored!the corn One fellow said it has rain- Tickets will go on sale at the box ««» <«« with another more or ed twenty days and twenty nights and office at 50c and |1.00, plus tax, and t0 or**mie the I beheved him. If these guys are triumph.. ne« ladies will be admited f^ee of charge MAAC's, P^Wy the most success- wise, they'll recall that old Noah was dail over KBC and CBS networks. Vnted ,uI orgmmtatwn the cty has no dub when he built that Ark. . ^ folk, of northern niinois ever known. It was his undying sp.r-| We haven't covered so many miles, wiH now have an opportunity to hear if naoa IAAVM AVAW MAIVIFA A# TN^AWJ .. . RR. «? He is a member of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. These qualifications may account for his ftopularity among the "Sophisticates." The Grove, aC Houston, Texas, where ha broke* all records, should be indicative of what to expect. The Drake, in Chicago, the famous Trocadero in Hoilywood, the Waldorf- Astoria in New Yorki are some of the scenes of Dell Coon's musical His music has been heard in the ringside section, if accom by a gentleman escort. ROUND LAKE VICTOR the team that put McHenry on the abound. OVER McHENRY BY map in the basketball world. TWO RUNS SUNDAY background. _____ 1 Now Earl, aB well as others, liked dA ayth. aatn /dY "*? 14 ?7U^* h the ^vev alor?iokuesd °cyit«ier s. Justo t gionot?finr,' this famous band and see Dell Coon in person> at the Pow.Wow in Mc. Henry. Better make reservations now NEW £MPIR§ '-nni»'>n|>n f FRIDAY (OM Day) Francis &ederfer -- Frances Drake "THE LONE WOLF IN PARIS" Abo--Charlie Chase - Coined? Band Act and Color Classic SATURDAY (One Day) Dick Foran, -- Low-u E. Lawen "OVER THE WALL" Also--Tears of an Onkm Sport, "Easy on the Ice" Popeye, "I Yam Lovesick" SUNDAY -- MONDAY JUNE 19 - 20 (Double Bill) S-hJh Don't Tell a Soul . . . . But Carole Lombard aiuj Fcrnand Gravet are "FOOLS FOR SCANDAL" Bonita Granville -- Dolores Costello "BELOVED BRAT" Also--Community Sing and World News TUESDAY -- ltc-2ie (1) "Life Begins at 40" (2) 'Making the Headlines' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY - Martha Ray« -- George Burns -- -- Gracie AHen -s "COLLEGE SWING" -I Hence, Found Iowa City, the home of the for Friday, Saturday or Sunday night j State Jnivcrsity, a nice spot. That's Mr. MeHiovwiU also present a spe-i i1 , y * big University, Mose. You cjaj show, a'glorified revue, the' Our local McHenry nine was de- watch a ball game with its num- C°uld put all our country schools / on «p0nies de Paree." feated iy two points Sunday after- erous thrills and many is the game he,their grounds and still have room fori The pOW-Wow at McHenry is benoon when it met the Round Lake ^ePt More with Walt Freund sitting ® sised garden plot. [coming one of the:most popular bright sluggers at Round Lake withHhe final »t hi» "de. waiting for an eye-wit-1 Felt right at home in Iowa City.|8pota in thig sectioi* of the state, with score at 6-4 in favor of the opposition. n®M account of the game. Before that Coming into the city, we saw a Wood- splendid entertainment, wonderful 1 Earl used to be Joe Frett's right-hand burn ranch and right away thought cu;sjne and "Never a Cover Charce' McH<.rT - 4 m»n «t Johnsburg when Pickles, Red'°f W»Uy and tile little woman. Well, never, a Cover Charge. H Sib and others assisted the Johnsburg we wheeled into town and bumped Rietesel 0 boys to a County Championship, so smack into these names--Gibbs, Karls W. Kreutzer B. Kreutzer Larkin Lockwood .... Johnson Funk Kinsey .......... Anderson ...... Miller .... Hughes Whiting AB 5 r 5 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 4 'M o « 0 « . 0 1 ATTENDS GRADUATION - _ - - , _ , „T „ , , _ Mrs. N. E. Serbian returned home 2 Earl knows of what a boxscore should «nd Eppel. Walked over to the Eppel Monday from a visit in the home of 3 consist. [store and found them selling dainty ;her daughter, Mr*. Glenn Shales, at There are * lot of us have beenj" • 6 clothes for ladies. Knew right DesPlaines, where she attended the watching Efcr) ®ay another game for that wasn t Fred. {graduation of her grandson, Robert many years. If isn't exactly baseball,j ^ a lot^of mules out this sha]e8| from the Maine High School but there are ilits, a few runs, pos- W^J, but who hasn't.: 'on Friday evening, and the graduation sibly a few ei^ors, always some as-'. "Take Your Time and Save a Fine" 0f her granddaughter, Margery Shales sists when they play like Earl played, 's the slogan that greets you all from the eighth grade of the Sisters and then, too, a few runs batted hi. thi °u?h Iowa. It seems to work. school at DesPlaines on Sunday, Oth- MILLER FRIDAY ONLY DANGEROUS TO KNOW' SATURDAY ONLY Two Grand Features! WILL ROGERS in 'LIFE BEGINS AT 40" SECOND BIG HIT - Let's peek at his own box we can visualise it now. Totals >M.. Round Lake Lutz B. Britz . Granberg Rosing ... Deering . H. Britz Paddock . Molidor . Hendee . Wagner . ..37 AB .. 4 .. 4 ft 0 Haven't seen a state cop. Maybe er relatives who attended the Com , there aren't any Democrats out this mencement exercises at the Maine High School Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. George Barbian of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and son, Dick, of Lake Geneva. -- Runs--Just one, scored in this final way* 11 game that took place Saturday morn-; Come to think about it, we havent ing at St. Mfry's with Monsignor seen a road truck or a WPA army out H Charles S. Nixas the umpire in chief, tbis way either. Have to look in* 1 Earl tallked back to him, but we think that. -r' ^ 0 the whole thing had been rehearsed Another thing we haven't seen is a ~ 2 and was for the benefit of the fans c'ear °y river. Just mud. 3 present. The only score was a home. e<^ the Mississippi on that Suspension 0 run and it wound up the whole affair. Bridge at Davenport. All I could say - 0 Hits--Well, now, that would be tell- for the Mississippi is that it's big. 0 ing. There probably have been sev-! Tt doesn't compare with the old Fox! 2 era!, but most of them have gone to' Th«y do have a flock of hitch-hikers 1 waste and the only one that really ,out this way- 1 mattered was the Jiomer that came in •round on little motor-scooters most in the lame breath he says to Cross- John Bolger, "Drop that fist," I warned Andy that if he didn't cover up my double chin, he wouldn't get paid. Getting bade hers. From DesMoines to Omaha was juat like a Riverview nd a lot of people get,Park roller coaster. Just one hill after another. Will be covering some more ground, 5 Some of the fans thought I A lot of farmers out here use walk Totals . 6 10 the game was going into extra in- in* cultivators, but you wouldn't care but must call off this message now. Score by Innings nings, but the opposition weakened ®bout that. - See you in a faw> daya. McHenry 100 000 012--4 11 1 and Earl reachad "home" after play- G«tting back to home in my] Having a great time. Wad you Round Lake .. 030 010 02x--4 10 2 Two-base hits--B. Kreutzer, Granberg, Wagner. Double plays--Whiting to W. Kreutzer to Johnson, B. Kreutzer to Funk. Struck out by--B. Kreutzer, 7; Hendee, 9. Bases on balls off--B. Kreutzer, 3; Hendee, 3. ing a real game. It seems there were, thoughts. Like Diz Dean says, that possibilities of a nn on several oc-lAndy Worwick sure is a card. Havcasiens, but lack of co-operation or s:inK our Pictures taken last Saturdayslip on his part caused the rally to * «r<>uP picture-nand he says to "Red" aren't here. itoMlong, "MM#.* ; fail. Praia May-have been a few bobbles that som« scorers would have Clarence Anderson will pitch for the called hits, but none- of them could Elgin K. C.'s Sunday against Algon- have been so serious, as' there were quin. no runs scored against him. He needi ed some help from his mates at times, BLUEBIRDS DEFEAT but they always came through and WOODSTOCK 6 TO 2 **** k*nche" for „„ ~~--T , , ! Putouta--Have heard him tell about The McHenry Bluebirds ^^^Wood- getting some awf jl scares, but think stock Farmers played off a close game that his Irish a ability always res- Sunday afternoon at Math Glosson's, cued him before *he "putout" actually west of town. The Bluebirds came out took place. Winkel, "Pull up your pants." U8Q I HEAlfc* Al- P. S.--Greetings fvam "The Mrs." 'BELOVED BRAT" --with--• BONITA GRANVILLE Starts Saturday Night June 18 with a Midnight Show --then runs-- SUN. -MON. June 19*20 also - also - also TUES. June 21 Matinee Only 'IN OLD CHICAGO' Remember NO ADVANCE IN PRICES TUESDAY ONLY 15c ALL SEATS 10c "NO TIME TO MARRY" 65 Reasons Tonite WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY JANE WITHERS #v "RASCAL8" on top with a score of 3 to 2. Imprinted with Name or Initials 100 for $1.00 Three Sizes -- Cocktail (small), Tea (medium), Luncheon (large). Choice of Red, Blue or Green Ink SPECIAL ON V . INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY for June and July Linen and Rose Laid - i 100 Sheets and 100 Envokqies, >1.00 " Three line name and address on both sheets and envelopes Blue ink only --or-- Large Monogram Raised Process in red, blue or green ink onsheetsonly 7; •7':7"/7' s;:ir;:" * ^ ;; T 7" ' v McHenry Plaindealer SKX SAHPLB AT OITIOK McHenry Bluebirds -- 3 AB J. Mc Andrews ........... F. Herdrich .................... L. Thomas ..................... L. Wieser ...................... E. Glosson R. Harris . H. Dowell 2 James Mc Andrews .......... 2 B. Dowell 2 B. Whiting 2 F, Grasser 4 B. Hamil . M. Knigge ......... 4 ........... .4 8 S i2 .7.i;.:7....v„ 3 R 0 1 o '#v- "1"! 0 0* 0 0 Totals Woodstock Farm era D. Schmorge V. Beth E. Menzel .... R. Schmorge Kohl Bob L. Menzel L. Hildbrant Fell L. Habbely C.Colcord Totals Empires--Bub Dowell, Ray Harris j Assists--Lots Of them. Earl was always helping put some of the rest of his pals through the mill, but even H then he was a little nervous when he 0 took the final step himself. His Mother was actually surprised at him. Said he seemed a trifle shy, but methinks it was for effect only. Runs Batted In--Yes, he even helped drive in a few that needed more than assistance. Well do I recall him 0 "driving" most of the night in a room 1 at the Belmont Hotel in Chicago when 0 he. spent the best hours trying to talk 0 a pal into getting serious in this game 0 called Love. And, begor'a, it worked, 1 didn't it John ? But he who laughs -- last -- --. 4 Now, Earl, it ^wouldn't do to bore these fans of yours with any trouble- H some details of these games you have 0 played, but let it suffice to say that 0 you have played them all, blondes, 0 brunettes, red heads, real and what 0 have you; that you have held your 1 own all the way, never took a back 0 seat for anybody (unless you wanted 1 to); stood by your friends all hours 0 of the night; had all the milkmen for 1 "friends; didn't neglect your educa- 0 tion; paid special attention to real 0 estate and insurance, and in the end | came out oh the right side with a real gal that can smile with the best of] them. Have her turn one of herj brightest on Mose whenever you ask • SUMMER IN ALABAMA for an increase in that expense ac-j Word has been received from Mrs.,count, you'll need her help. Gertrude Niesen that she expects to' (Sotto Voce--We don't know, just how leave St. Petersburg, Fla., Saturday much you remember about agriculture of this week to spend the sumpser with, from the days you used to spend on her son and family at 1230 Quintad'the farm, so you'll have to ask Papa Ave., Anniston, Ala. I Jake' about those problems, but if ---- 1- there is any advice you need on this Mr. and Mrs. John Conway and new game you've signed up for there sons, Pat and John Jr., visited rel- are lots of your friends who will be atives here Saturday evening. The glad to help you out in a pinch. If Conway family, who have been mak- there's anything that I can do just ing their home in Columbia, Ohio, have wire or phone. moved back to Chicago. | HAROLD "ZEKE" BACON. DELL" COON AND BIS P$. 1 * 'A. .will open an engagement at the At the Bridge, McHenry Famqus Radio and Stage Band : You've heard him on the air, you've seen him on the stage r- NOW SEE HIM IN PERSON and dance to his new "Sympho-Swing" nightly. Also Big Floor Show--"FOLLIES de PAREE" ' ---- A OLOUFTO REVUE • Try Our Famous International Cuisine -- We cook in any language If French - Spanish - Italian - Oriental Dishes Our Specialty. • ' wjl Special Sea Food Menus Fridays | NEVES A COVES CHARGE -- KBOMX XeHENEY 283 F0R RESERVATIONS V * •> Ml..

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