• i*\ it;-, *»f«Two wmma "... •. • • • • f.ssi ffPf'lpf# Thursday, June SO, 193$ iAKE SALE * iThe Christian Mothers are sponsortpg" a bake sale to be held Saturday, Illy 2, at Jacob, Justen's furniture store front 9 to 8. ' ^ NEW IMPlflf McHENRY, ILL IN 018 SUN-MATINEE CONTINUOUS Air - Conditioned ,' FRIDAY, JULY I Billy and Bobby Maudi "PENROD AND HIS TWIN BROTHER" Also--Silly (Symphonies and ' > : Musical Comedy & Saturday, july i \ Lloyd Nolan -- Mary Carlisle "TIPP OFF GIRLS" Also--Selected Short Subjects SO'IXAY. JULY 3 (One Da^> ' "JANE WITHERS Wk "RASCALS" :>S0 , Also--Three Shorts and News • Sunday Matinee Continuous " MONDAY, JULY 4 v; Three Days! ' v 'yT8 OLD CHICAGO" Holiday Matinee July 4 THURSDAY -- FRIDAY SATURDAY Deanna Durbin •• Herbert Marshall MAD ABOUT MUSIC" Also--Three Shorts RINGWOOD Miss Dora Anderson, Pistakee Bay, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent a few days the past week with Howard ] palters in the home of their ton, Harold, and family Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, and Mae Wiedrich were callers at Harvard Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wm. McCannon, Mrs. Mildred Munshaw and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank were callers at Richmond Tuesday afternoon. --; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frits and son Shepard. |of Chicago spent Sunday in the J. A Mrs. Mildred Munshaw returned t°! Vaillancourt*home. Washington ULYLAXI Mrs. Ted Badil and son of Chicago cars are both wrecked, no one was in**", visited at tlM home of Mrs. Mae Budil jural. ; ^ o Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nebgen weri •i if . Farrington, Sr., goests In the Math Nimsgern home on The Lily Lake Ladles' League held *amn^n»,, Sunday. Miss Berenice Nimsgern alsf a meeting and bunco party last Toes- f'VjvTrff i ' James Far- spent the day with her parents. 5To&£,e *»* ^ *, *•; «*,»••»• »«« mermann; Vice-president, Mrs. Bend- t^din^anSversarv Satarda^evm n* boni at St* Therese1 hospital on er, Mrs. George Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. Walk of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. | Mr. and Mrs. C. BKim of Chicago are spending the week at their cottage. """ -- Ruzha of Algonquin. SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs. George Daly and Mr. and Mrs. D. Benner of Chicago visited her home in Elgin Thursday after IT j Washington, June 29 --Valuable spending a week here with relatives, i Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs.Nick Y°U"K consolation prises are held out as in- „ . u f; Younc and Wiedrich attended the Huff- ducements for many legislators who .. n .L.lMu „S. TfThr t-- Freund wading .t th. Johi»b»fit V> to tot for th. IU»«vdt Adnini^ . to W^r c1'"cl *•»«»» lotion. At lesst, the .tory i. gffiw" m«r'» brother. Wffli.m, in Elgin Wed- Mr ,n<j M„ Llo),d lady .pent the round, here 1» th. toterietae nesday. , _ _r . . (Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs.'warfare becomes more pronounced. -- -- -- . . .. . Quite a few of tiie Young Adults jennje Eddy and son, Claron. ; Echoes from family squabbles are re- at the home of lir. and Mrs. Joseph . ^*7 C!l£j> * . f'J h<n*Je on ,r°-. M™ *tt2",ed,the .c0»1t.y Mr,. Jennie B.on .nd the H.rr,|cei»ed with doubt .nd .l.rm .. the'My Frid.y. Thu«d.y n,,ht. Ttoee UMe^t Ive Anderson family of Richmond spent soiled linen is exposed to the public Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Wegener of « ™ the past week in Upper Wisconsin on!gftze. The current tattle-tales are Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. a fishing trip. j regaling the town with accounts ofj Mr. and Mrs. George Esser and Read the Want Ada Mrs. A1 Schmeltser entertained the dance at Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond and Wayne Foss were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Rilla Foss. Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHenry and merited by Mrs. Edith Cleveland, Mrs J. J. Freund and Mrs. Rose Loby. Mr^ and Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mr. Roosevelt's strategy in persimding! family spent the weekend at Lily ^J^efyluncrwas^se^^d' rtthe^ohm^' MiMred Munshaw of Elffin'spent Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank were callers'reluctant^^ politiaans to take a chance Lake. ^ elusion of cards. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of fclgm spent . w'(HistfK.k Saturday l>n upsetting the incumbent Senators Laurine and Russell Schonaur, Oil- ° n ot card8' Tuesday with Mrs. George Young Wiedrich was a caller at *nd Representatives who are on the;cagc spent a week at the home Of Mr.' A party of friends gathered at the Quite a group of ladie* fro™ j blacklist of the White House. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson. Visitors home of Mrs. Leon Van Every on attended the Eastern Star card party and Mrs Rav Peters and Ver-j The Republican campaigners hav- Saturday at their home were Mr. and Thursday afternoon in honor of her at McHenry Thursday tfternoon^_ . peiers attended the wedding of inK minor troubles are hopeful that Mrs. Donavan and Mrs. Kreger and birthday. Cards and visiting furnish- Wayne Foss was a visitor at Wood-^<their brother Clifford in iowa Satur-!th« dissension will enable them to cor-'Emil Swanson, all of Chicago. ed the entertainment and several love- , ' I * « 11 TT A. ^^.11 1 tlf Tt_ I. 1 # •? 1 were high awarded scores. to those Following stock Saturday^afterndon. . . v ' irai control 0f the House next fall.l William Hahn and family, Mr. and 'y prises ^re- L. *n , ,IUf nr,' | Mrs c J. JeDson spent a few days :Sage observers say that the G.O. P. Mrs. William Hahn, Jr., and son of achieving were visitors at Woodstock Saturday with relatives in EUrin.l»®ins will be notable but not as ex-j Chicago visited the home of Mr. and cards, lunch was served by the guests afternoon. i vr . **__ Bert McCannon of tensive as their wishful thinking. Mrs. Art Skelly over the weekend. the guest of honor was presented we"" callers in ^ Wm [These veterans figure that families Mr. and Mrs7 William Fankonen with a gift. the weekend with tm wiie in wie McCannon home Friday, [sometimes patch up their differences.|Chicago are spending a week at their Jean Furlong Of Chicago is spendrick Coyne home. _ _ i Among those from here to attend)Yet political history shows that the.cottage. Visitors at their home Sun- ing several weeks with her grandm^^ ilHp^o^E^'were Altera "in!^"^ar'&wn^odHiven" b7 Vhe (rreconcilables the y^M^-.gCTbert <5eh^®1 Mrs.^Emma Furlong. the Wm McCannon home Thursday Dorcas Society Thursday were lies-, homestead .for new ^ Mildred Munshaw re- dames Ray Peters, Charles Peet, Rillal Compilations on patronage ^ _ . , afternoon. Mrs Mi « week's Foss, Joe McCannon, Ben Walkington j tions shtfw a wide variety of high Satwith them alter a wees s. » ' o^oilahlo R^nt le» " and daughter from Chicago. " ] A group of friends spent a most endues- There will be a meeting of the Lily joyable evening at the home of Mr. >vc i«.. - - - _ t pos- Lake Property Owners' Association and Mrs. Donald Haldeman on Satturned home with t em a j Clayton Harrison, Harry Collins and itions are available. Recent legisla- this Sunday, July 3, at the Lily Lake urday in honor of the wedding anni-, visit here. ^ „ Jr. T. Butler Ition, such as the revision of civil aero- Casino. versary of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fel-' n ^nd^WtIFridatr morning in the! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet were Sun- nautical control created many jobs, - Ostend spent Friday morning n dinner guests of Mr. mid Mrs. j which the President may fill at his are spending the summer at their M iiJ^ rroikRliank and Flovd Glenn Treon at Elgin. ! pleasure. Federal judgeships, which cottage. children of Chicago spent the weekend at Morton Grove Among those from here to attend are the prize pickings among thepo- Miller of with his mother, Mrs. Byron L. Orvis. a the Epworth League Inter-denomina- jlitical plums, George Vollmer and children tes and John Skidmore's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and M»n>hant of Woodstock' tion meeting at Harvard Sunday even- j President has evinced no hurry as a tage. M ®- Emma Merchant of Woods were Alice Mae Low Virginia Jen- few of these vacancies have existed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shoyer, Mr. two or three year,. The pjtroMge .nd Mr,. PontU, Mr. .nd Mr.'ur«,n. ^ and Mrs ™ red Wiedrich were Loren McCannon, Dora Anderson and dispensers have poin^ to the pros- all 0f Chicago, visited at the home ol Pearl Smith. are numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. __ The Cicero spenC the weekend at their cot- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltser visited Her* are the usual results: in SWELTERING Outsit but COMFORTABLE Inmd* ALMOST every new home is now insulated at the time of building, but by our pneumatic method we can bring this same amasing . comfort to yoar already-existing jk house, blowing CAPITOL ROCK WOOL in your walls and roof. Summer, temperatures cut 8° to 15": in Winter, every room cozy and usable; temperatures uniform throughout; fire-hazard reduced; a fuel saving oi 20% to 40%. Write or phone today tor the facts. LEO J. STILLING V McHenry 75-J RcpreppTitinir: THE STANDARD LIME AND STONE CO- --Factory Braneli-- N. Monitor St., Chicago, IUiaois Ipects to bolster partisans inclined to fit*# Time to GO AHEAD.. a* New FARMALL to Help No man wants to mark time today. AD America is marching forward again. In agriculture, all eyes are on the new power the new method, and the new machine .... and it's considered - g-o od. Lb us.i ness to turn out a good crop at a low cost. You The Far mall 12 equiooed , mith two Quick-Attach- ? 2• row cultivator. ). ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 pearl Street The Girls 4-H Club held a meetingwave^jh their allegiance. at Rita Mae Merchant's Thursday af-j »s sa'd that m some instances ternoon. At the close of the meeting, House members selected to run cago visited at the home of Mr. and they went swimming at Wonder Lake. I against Senators in the primaries have Mrs. Jack Wrublewski Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bennett of Relvidere'expressed concern for the future. Polspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. itical gossip is that Mr. Roosevelt has M. Stephenson. j dangled the patronage as assurance Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crystal Lake,that protection will be given in event called at Mrs. Libbie Ladd's Sunday i the Administration favorites are turnafternoon. '®d down at Democratic primaries. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin of West j Apprized of these allurements, office- Allis were callers in the H. M. Steph- seekers who have antagonized the high enson home Sunday evening. (command are turning their barrage Miss Myrtle Mills and Edward Neal against these tactics. of Oak Lawn and Gertrude Sfcott andj The marked upswing of the ^tock Martin McNutty of Chicago spent market may force alterations hi the Sundav in the Roy Neal home.- j enormous public spending program. J. D. Smith and Mr. Turner of Lin-j The Public Works Administration procoin, 111., were callers in the J. V. jects call for $350,000,000 allotments Buckl&nd home Thursday. j within two months. If the surge of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crys-1 confidence in Wall Street is reflected tal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in in a resumption of industry it is prob» the'H. M. Stephenson home. able that some schemes for providing Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins and fam- 'work by Federal expenditures will be ily of Beloit spent Sunday with Rev. postponed or curtailed. Government and Mrs. Collins. experts are watching the trend of em- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons ployment in the automobile and steel of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon industries with anxious eyes. The with the former's parents, Mr. and theory is that the financial markets Mrs. S. W. Smith. ; will favorably influence the unemploy- Miss Bemice Smith of DeKalb spent ment situation in the major industries. the weekend at her home her. The President's latest "fireside chat" JVli. and Mrs. L. G. Wilcox of Wood- has been closely analyzed to determine stock were callers in the S. W. Brown what he has in mind--motives behind home Sunday afternoon. I his smooth phrasing in careful, ar- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and ranged public messages. family spent Sunday with relatives in j Perhaps the most harassed public Chicago. I servants are those Federal executives Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and fam-j who must pass on projects in various ily spent Sunday with the latter's {communities. ^Instead of easy vacafather, Stephen Huff, near Spring tions at government expense on alleg- Grove. jedly official business the boys are Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent earning their salt by close application Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. j to their duties. Hordes of local com- Mr. and Mrs. Bratz and daughter,1 mittees representing states and insti- Marie, of Chicago spent Sunday in,the'tutions long on the waiting list for A. Ruehlman home. , Federal largesse are flocking here with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent grasping hands. As a consequence, the Wednesday afternoon at Woodstock. | officials, who have the last word, are Daniel Weber of McHenry spent the, on tether hooks as huge sums for this past week with his grandparents, Mr. and that relief project are turned and Mrs. Nick Young. j loose. Forgotten files of applications! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freund have are uncovered when the political 'heat' \ moved into the flat above the Royal is directed against chief spenders relatives in Rockford on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. M. Nimsgern and soii, Arthur, are enjoying a trip to South Dakota- Miss Cora Esh is visiting in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Bertha Esh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy, and Walter Brown narrowly escaped serious injury on Sunday when J$r. and Mrs. E. Allind and Mr. and ^ their cars collided. Although the Mr. and Mrs. B. Peschka over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor of Chi MILLER FRIDAY SATURDAY That Screen Gem 'THE ADVENTURES . of 11 TOM SUNDAY ONLY UM' A RHYTHM JRIOT Fred " Harriet MacMurrays * Hilliard "OOOOANUT GROVE" EXTRA ADpED ---- "OUR GANG" OOMEDY Color Cartoon - News > MONDAY ONLY OUR "4th" SPECIAL V Joe Fenmer in • 'GO CHASE YOURSEU* 1 -- We Guarantee-- 60 Laffs A Minute TUESDAY ONLY ISe -- ALL SEATS --1Q« THRILLS CHILLS "HUNTED MEN" WEDNESDAY Victor McLaglen : THURSDAY Brian nlevy BATTLE of BROADWAY DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR! B. H. FREUND MOTOR SUES Riverside Drive Phone 76-W 4-Door Trunk $895 With Lew Easy Payment Terms VITHA^ a car buy! Beautilul 4- W doorNash sedan, trunk model ; ; . with 117-inch wheelbase, 95 horsepower Super-Thrift Nash Engine! Famous new Nash features-- Dancing Sand sound-proofing, Sea-, Leg shock absorbers, oversize hydraulic brakes, big heavy steel body. See this sensational value--NOW! V .Ickes and Hopkins and down the line the to their subordinates. With billions BOWMAN'S GREAT JULY CLEARANCE SALE STARTS WED., JULY ( OVER 4*000 FAIRS OF HIGH GRADE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SHOES GO ON SALE AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! FREE FDR THE OPENING! ^ ... v • A handsome and useful Dutch Oven will be given Free of Charge during this Opening day °f this sale up to and including next Saturday, With the purchase of $3.95 or over. You have never tasted real Good Baked Beans Until you prepare them in one of these Monmouth lottery Dutch Ovens! Buy such famous makes as: Florsheim, Foot Saver, Red Cross, Jarman, Air-Step, Brownbilt, Buster Brown, Paradise, Theatrical and others AT SALE PRICES! Be Here On the Opening^ Day! BOWMAN BROTHERS SHOE STORE lOl Van Buren Street Woodstock. Ill, Blue store. j Mrs. George Harrison spent past week with her daughter in Elgin, j on tap there is little need for modesty | Mr and Mrs. I. N. Butler and in asking for money for work relief daughter and C. J. Cantrall of Elgin; ideas ranging from public roads to and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler and community fish ponds. In fact, many family of Chicago spent Sunday with lawmakers, who hastened to their Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and familyJhome districts for necessary cam- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,^paigning, find themselves back in and daughter, Mary Ann, were at • Washington to plead with«relief Ad- Janesville, Wis., on Saturday. jministrators for funds demanded by Clinton Vogel of Elkhorn, Wis., is aggressive and sometimes belligerent visiting his cousin, Billy Brennen. j local groups. Mrs. Frank Johnson and Janet Kay; Another class keeping their noseS^ of Harvard spent Sunday and Monday to the grindstone are the diplomats in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. j Ordinarily, the State Department Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., was pleas-; clique find places other than their antly surprised on Sunday in honor of desks to spend the summer months, her birthday by the following relatives The tip has been passed that Mr. and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D,on Smart (Roosevelt wants more work and less and sons of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. play. The delicate international situ- Paul Nordgren of Libertyville *r Mc, j ation accounts for his concern. The and Mrs. Churie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, same call to duty has been sounded in Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alms, the armed branches, the Atsajf and Stanley -Alms and Letter Alms of Chi-, Navy. ' cago; Mr. and Mrs. Art Van Patter,! -- ; and Harold Fillweber of Antioch; Mr. DQIiS&TAKE CHANCES '* '• and Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon; Mrs.j WITH OLD OR WORN - Frank Johnson and Janet of Harvard;) ; . TIRES IN HOT WEATHER Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana and Mrs. Roy Smith of McHenry. I With lives at stake, it is false econ- Guests at the F. N. Muzzy home omy ; to operate cars equipped with during the past week included Mrs. weak, treadbare tires, especially in hot Earl A. Kraft of El Centro, Cal., Mrs. weather, said Secretary of State Ed , Frank Gabbert and daughter, Margar- ward J. Hughes in a safety bulletin is I et, of Berkely, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. sued here today. Stanford and daughter, Joan, of Bell- "Obviously it is dangerous to drive | wood, Mrs. Frank Muzzy of Itfarengo,] on worn tires at any season of the Mrs. W. R. Bois and grandson, Billy,'year," the bulletin explained, "but this of Minneapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil!is exceptionally true when the weath- Bois of Marengo. 1 jer is warm. Experts contend that hot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and .weather increases air pressure within Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, I the tires to the extent that weak cas- Rosina, of McHenry spent Sunday lings frequntly blow out with disasevening in the George Young home, trous results. Mr, and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Johns- "Last year in the United States, burg were callers in the Young home more than 500 persons lost their lives Saturday evening. ' 'and thousands of cars were wrecked Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and.because of punctures or blowouts, family^spent Tuesday in Chicago. "On the basis of these statistics, the ---- j motorist who replaces defective tires By the time your eyes reach the end not only prevents needless loss ot life of this sentence you will be one-quar-(but usually is money ahead in the ter of a mile from the spot in space, long run." you occupied when your glance caught GRAND Jefferson Food Locker Service GRAND AVENUE, JUST WEST OF THE DEPOT LAKE,ILIfc-^-- "OSCAR & FANNY" will be glazed, sharp frozen, and* stored, for any period, free of cost. Yours, to withdraw at any time in perfect rondition, no spoilage, no .shrinkage. • VACATIONISTS, also may store their season's perishable foods, sharp frozen, available at any t J»e. Bring your favorite meats, fowls, fruits, vegetables or let us purchase for you, sharp freece ami store in your private locker. • 'M. its first word--this due to the earth's jSWeep aloo« its jrtiJ.V'-.-S'". Order your ^Rubber SUmpsat The Plaindealsf* Also- - - - 1 WE sUtL oiriir " the----:- HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS : in oar ' RETAIL MARKET We Will Positively Not Deviate From " this Standard Have Better Foods at Lower Cost You now may have your meats, fowl, fruits and vegetables sharp frosen and Stored in Your Private Locker The farmer can butcherWy day in the year, no more canning or pickling meats. Eliminate work and have more palatable food. The town dweller can purchase meat direct or through pur service,.either from farmer or packer.. A Foods are kept in sharp frozen condition at near zero temperature year around. - Not only are you assured definite saving is realizedr- Visit our plant, inspect our service receive our completely descriptive booklet, under no obligation.. JEFFERSON FOOD LOCKER SERVICE Cfrand Avenue * Just West of R. R. Depot - ^ ; FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS . .^DIVISION OF JEtfFEBSON ICE COMPANY . / I ' - ,