111118 f i * - M Safe t£ -'~! #sgi THE M*HENRY PUUNDEALER Jm Brief. • Published every Thursday at Mcjjenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. ' Entered as second-class matter at tte postoffice at McHenry, 111., under act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months ,..$2.00 ...$1.00 H. N08HES Editor and Manager ; A VOTE AGAINST DECENCY ^ --The defeat of the Hatch amendment to the "lending-spending bill is onej of the most disgraceful episodes in the history of congressional action in thiaj cbuntry. # . • The amendment provided that belief , officials who attempted to use relief j •funds to sway the votes of relief beneficaries should be discharged. It marked a praiseworthy effort to do awayi •with one of the most notorious abuses , of relief administratipn. On the; grounds of good government, fairness and honesty, it should have been pass-1 fed by a unanimous vote. ' • Instead, it was beaten, m spite Of the fact that some senators who have , been strongest for greater relief spending, such as Senators Norris arid LaFoUette, supported it. And, incredible as it seems, one senator, in speaking against the amendment, said frankly that if it were approved4 it would endanger the chances of certain senators being re-elected-this November. In other words, these senators apparently felt that only the cor- . . rupt use of public money could save1 Miss Florence Huff and Mr. Herbert their jobs. •jFreui«"'tWW,~!ll«!Wed Wednesday The Hatch amendment, to sum" ufp,'morning, June 22, at 9 o'clock in St would have put some measure of lost John's church, JpJ^sburg, Fr. Thiry decency into the handling of relief performing the <A-«hiony. An account funds. The Senate voted it down. What of Vie Veddjp$ altered in last week'p a commentary that is on present-day Plaindeatar.^d * ^ , j government, and the moral character; Mr.^andsHrf: Freund wil|make theijr of public servants. ,home in Ringwood. / f UNCLE EBEN SAYS-- D* truth Is whut dc average maar likes to hear about somebody else. De trouble wif a low-brow is dat he's too liable to git high-handed. A man dat. alius says what he thinks makes a mistake if he's talkin' to a traffic cop. Some o' dis swing music don* sound to me like nuffin' 'ceppin' an excuse foh stayin' awake. --Poverty ain't.no di; _ is de rhdumatiz an' jpt o' disagreeablene^s. • • ~ Dar aur nuffin' wrong about mon- S'ceppin' dat it's liable to wander an' git ii^a bad company. 'Tain' no credit foh a man to tend to business if he's done picked hisself out de wrong kind of business. Everybody makes mistakes, but some folks 'pears like dey was tryin' to manufacture 'em .as a rej^ilar business. ' ' A heap o* greatness-goes unrewarded. Noah built die big boat an' manned it an' saved it an' didn't even git de title of "commodttfe.'-'-- Washington Star. > "Ngria'i Progmiw K«f t* Fainaot Joba Baqna AIR WAVES Photo by Worwlclc •HERBERT FREUND IS THIS GOOD BUSINESS? When Mr. Ickes returns from honeymoon vacation he will find a his lib-1 eral allotment of $144,569,298 at his j to be applied to the construc- j V6R SALE tion of 277 power projects throughout the country. Of course that amount Invested in such public projects is insignificant compared to the volume of FOR SALE^Modem 5-room Hou wealth that has created the privately Inquire at Th^tfndealer office: 42 owned utilities. But that is not the . . \ J , : 1 question involved. If the federal gov- FOR A REAL TREAT--In Ice Cream ernment can finance from public funds or for real service on artificial' ice competition of legitimate investment, call McHeory 324. Brick Ice Cream, the effect must be to very markedly 31c quart. 1-14 curtail available money /forvthe ere- _ , , • , ation of privately ovraed/powei* plants ™R SAL^TfQ°^' Iate mode\ ™llco in the future. V\> ;Radio; cost|59.a>. Bargain. There are millions Of people in the X' Care of The Plaindealer, 'd sun rfmil are the natural enemies ofrnildew. C' < • Eighty per cent of tornadoes occur between the hours of noon.and 6 p. m. Every official weather forecast from a meteorological office requires the co-operation ol at least 100 persons. -- Air pressure is used to clear the ballast tanks of water in the submarines, thereby bringingth^mto the surface. •:" _ The soot discharged into the atmosphere of England every year represents three days' coal output of the entire countiy. The Arctic is growing warmer with the aid of tropic air. A Russian notes that the general temperature rise affects the animals. A total of 507 distinct species of mayflies native to North America are listed in a recently published book dealing with these insects. John Bunyan was born in November, 1628, at Elstow, Bedfordshire England, the son of a tinker. According to his own account, his early youth, was notoriously ungodly, judged by his contemporary Puritan standards. He was guilty ot such crimes as "dancing, ringing the belts of the .parish church, playing at tipcat and reading the history of Sir Bevis of, Southampton." However, states a writer in the Indianapolis News, although he fought for a few months as a soldier U?Jhe parliamentary army, his marriage to a young woman of religious character when he was nineteen, his subsequent baptism and admission to "church privileges," and the fact that his "Sighs From Hell' (a record of spirttrial struggle) appeared when he was twenty-two, all point to his having abandoned his so-called evil Ways. He began to preach in 1^55. In 1656 he wrote his "Gospels of Truth Opened," and "A Vindication" of it in 1657, both directed against Quakers. He was indicted for preaching and. although he escaped punishment for some time, he was convicted in November, 1660, as a "common upholder of several unlawful meetings and conventicles," and was committed to Bedford jail, where he remained until 1672. It has been said that he Wrote the first part of his "Pilgrim's Progress" during that imprisonment, although some have it that the work was done, during a second period of incarceration, which . lasted six months. ' \In 1671, the year before his release, he was elected pastor of the Baptist church at Bedford. He died in 1688 at Snow Hill, Holborn, and was buried at Bunhill Fields, London. So great had his fame become, principally through "Pilgrim's Prog-" ress," that many deeply religious folk sought to be buried near him. FROM ABROAD Germany has 360 the square mile. > inhabitants to Address 6 United States who are owners of stock FOR SALE--$75.00 Gas Stove, like hi utility corporations. They invested new, $25.00. Kotrba, Regner Road, their funds long ago and they depend pistekee Bay, Pistakee 609-W-l. *6 upon the returns therefrom. There • other millions who have savings, FOR SALE -g- 14-ft. Mahogany .Hull, which they would like to employ gain-j needs a littfc repairs; also one Sea fully, but they are fearful to use them'Sled, cheap. Kotrba, Regner Road, to promote public utilities which may | Pistakee Bay, Pistakee 609-W-l. *6 find themselves in competition with ctll? Z r~~ those financed by the government. And , K . p_a- rtai•c _u li arliy djo es it m-atk.e ath.e propos- I rants, sBout Juns oU. p . ed investor timid when he realises that|Route McHfen*T Annie Justen, *6 the return to the government upon its FOR -ftug, Gas Range, loans is meager compared with the .Couch, Library Table, Chairs, Cots, interest private concerns pay to those Miscellaneous items, Cheap. Ole Tol- : ,• .. > . • Ua : who invest with them. • The rates for power are "governed by the several states in the Union. Those rates are so fixed as to insure the investors a fair return upon their With the government as & ipetitor, not only those who have vested but these who would like to invest are fearful of the future. And it is not as if the government had a surplus of revenue. The national debt debt today is $37,459,000,000. The allotment to Mr. Ickes, to be su "only" $144,000,000 but ftie source of lefsen, Fair Oaks, River Front. WANTED TO Bbf^mne more crippled or down cow or horse. Must be alive. YouH get more cash by calling Whe<liti^(j62A We buy old pet horses. Shot on xhe premises if desired. ..DEAD ANIMALS--We pay more cash for (M, animals if called at once. Iv ur fof prompt and sanitary servi$| ..Whejpng 102--Reverse Weddings are banned in All Saints church, Guarnard, Isle of Wight. The favorite and most expensive color of jade in China itself is a fine apple green. Latin America does about onethird of its total trade with the United States. Britain must build houses at the rate of 266,000 a year to keep up with her increasing nuipber. of families. > - \ ' ;V . V ^ C . A (^pe oi Good Hope postage stamp of 1861, having a face value of 8 cents, was sold recently in London for $150. r, ^ Japan's compulsory retirement age for army' officers varies between forty-five for lieutenants and sixty-five for generals. Bluebill, Broad bill Are '0$ 4. Popular in Duck Family ^Bluebill, broadbill, lesser scaup, greater scaup, blackhead, blackneck, blackjack, doughgree--these are some of the labels given the two closely related species--little and big, creek bluebill and bay bluebill, writes Ding Darling in the Washington Star. They are so very much alike, except for size, that skilled naturalists at times have difficulty in distinguishing between specimens without making precise measurenjenta^ The smaller speeds"" is more ^inclined to seek sheltered water, the larger broadbill rather more fond of big bays of the sea. Probably America's most popular deepwater duck; the bluebill is any gunner's game because of its abundance and wide distribution. An old wildfowler can distinguish bluebill in .flight as far as he can see them. They wheel and bank on the turns, side slip to a landing and rise on the take-off with precision. The bluebill cousins breed in prairie sloughs and lake borders from Kansas to the Northern Canadian wilderness. Destruction of their nesting grounds has cut down their number tremendously. ^ Charges. jShndays J^nd Holidays inthat money is through borrowing, andjc^e<^ * £ 43-26 the borrowing will add that much nRESSM more to the public debt. Its allotment r old makes the government in effect a com-1 to new oneg ODD THINGS petitor with private business owned by millions of American citizens. And ly low. n't throw away lis make them in- Our prices are amazing- Rosa's Style Shop, Main of tSr^eSrfte West McHenry, minois. 6 V grows, investment money continues in- 'WA' active and the depression remains.-- sheets The Bakersfield Californian, . JPopp's -ghee | r hone 162. SAFETY RULES FOR .Vhite rags, old bed cents per pound. West McHenry, 6 T>PTVTWfl ON1 TTflT m A V ^ -^0U8^teePer at once UK1V1NG ON HOLIDAY good coolu Stay tfghts; three adults [Call Fridtfy nigh€ or Saturday. J. P. motorists will plan such long1 ®ay f Yievr' Pistak<* B»y, Triil's trips that the highways over ^i End> <last house on road). »6 Fourth of July holiday period will be j WANTE®s4H<&sel«eper for new crowded with weary drivers,, consti- modern home. Sleeping quarters on .gS? 6 or club, warned today. "No driver should remain at the . wheel for longer than a distance of 160 miles without a short rest period," he declared. MI89BLLAKEOXTB GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable Upset stomachs and headaclW drfe!rates- Re^u!ar y«»r round route, to improper eating and drinkineare merly George Meyers'. Ben J. I&her factors responsible for holiday [Smith- P^ione 157 or 681-M-l. "DonVgetntov«r'h^tedS Ind theiiir1^00? SANDING -- Beautify your p a cold drink And Hr^v^me by resurfaicin» your floors with run' driver - ^ equipment. Old floors 2-tf - - * Hastily reaten0nsanTwichellda«^imade neW" Estimate8 fumished. Work Jtoadside stands followed hv nn fV, guarant^/ Panning Newman, 932 if rapid dri^n^, inevitably' ^arvel Ave., Woodstock, Phone 451-M. HMds to disordered stomachs and I -- *1-26 headaches. These in turn make the! TREE SPECIALIST-- Spraying, prunr'^ er,.1®f cautiou8, irritable, and ing, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve 5? naD,e t0 get into troublei" Mr.!years' experience. LEO P. THORN •Sn!r 1- . jHILL, McHenry,, Phone 129-J. Call Another danger lies m pushing the anytime. mo relief driver too hard. Manv men1 fcave their wives act as relief drivers1 VAWN< MAWiW SHARPENED -- fcut they insist that she exceed her1 ,es 0rA Mfflehry'blacksmith, genjDormal driving spped in order to main?-1 ®™_rePair work and welding.' Phone Silver sheets have been rolled as thin as a millionth of an inch. Electricity flowing as a solid substance has been photographed. It is said that a Texas jackrabbit can jump a fence s*x$n feet high. The New York sanitary code prohibits sleeping in a bath tub. After following it for three days a white owl recently alighted on a liner in jthe Atlantic. Steaming hot cocoa flowed down the streets of Bermondsey, England, during a Are in a chocolate factory. Among the odd wills probated last year, one was tattooed on a human back and another was written on an egg. ' . WITH THE INVENTORS the rate of travel they have set. result is that the women gets nerand excited and often has an accident." Heeding this advice and the general Ec laws such as not passing on and curves, not out-driving sight ices, keeping to the right except When passing and the use of proper qrm and hand signals will keep the jtel'L aid. "f •"V""" th* 65-M. On Route Illinois 81 at John street, West McHenry. 5.3 "Silk soap," a cleanser containing silk waste, is being made in Europe. . JL A new kind of paint is said to stand temperatures as high as 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. A pocket-size device for testing concentrations of explosive gases has been developed. A British inventor says he has invented a periscope which enables an observer to see in all directions without turning his head. • *\ A hammer that holds 50 tapkg in the head, loaded into a magazine in the head, can be fed to the hammer one by one, with a simple twist of the wrist. _ Khaii^Lord ir Prince The title khan means lord or prince and i« applied to dignitaries of^ various rank, especially in Perand Frowns _ It is *S*id that when one smiles he uses ,13, muscles and when frowns' he 30. he Business Before Pleasii# " "I believes in business before pleasure," said Uncle Eben, "but dar ain't no sense in passin' de contribution plate before folks has heard de sermon." Legislation by the Electorate South Dakota became in 1898 the first state to permit the initiating of legislation by the electorate. Contents el White Leak White lead is a pigment containing lead carbonate and hydratad lead oxide. Thuradaj, Jute SO, Honored by University of • ,1 1 . 1 1 1 r-- - BABR . WALSH ~ Miss Marie Baer, daughter ot' Mrs» t». N. Baer of Chi<iago and Mr. Earl; Walsh, son of Mrs. Mary Walsh of Chicago, were married in St. Gertrudf' church, Thursday afternoon, June 23* at 5 o'clock. Miss Betty Baer, siste^ of the bride, and John McManus atf j tended the couple. A reception for 12§ guests was held at the home of th# bride. , Miss Baer, a former resident of thi|' City, graduated from the McHenry Community High School with the class' o£ l9M. Mr. and Mrs. ^plsh will makf GIBB-S GROCERY IS . i NOW A ROYAL BLUB j; C. W. Gibbs, in this issue, announ> " ces that his grocery and market wife j ; in the future be conducted as a Roy at * Blue store. It will remain an inde* pendent and home-owned store and thft,! ! . publid is invited to give him a trial. v Read the Want Ads .. * ttc h®noVary degree of doctor of philanthropy from Presi' dent B. F. Ashe of the University of Miami, Mrs. Grace Eames Doherty also accepted the degree of doctor of science for her husband, Col. Henry L. Doherty, who was mable to attend the university's annual commencement. : CAMERA AT THE CIRCUS IT'S A SWELL CAR. AND I SAVED MONtY / A ferrls-wheel angle-shot of your crowd is Just one pleture opportunity among scores you will find at the circus or street eamlval. Take the camera alongl The ' The Danube Rive#5" Danube river was, in the hey-day "of steamboating before the coming of the railroads, the only connecting link between the Balkan states of Turkey, Rumania, Bulgaria/ and Serbia and the Austrian empire. The Danube's first traffic boorar was /difring the Crusades when v2^©enladen craft bound for the Holy Land proceeded down it at one time. The early Greek merchants knew it and Herodstois called it the "greatest of rivers." For 500 years the Romans ruled it and it is interesting that no single people has controlled it since. A dozen towns along it are mentioned in the Niebelunglied which reflect the early barbarian raids and migrations. During the long Turkish occupation of the lower river traffic was at a standstill, but with their overthrow in the Seventeenth century trade began to revive. In 1817 steam was introduced and soon the Danube over its 1,600 miles from Regensburg in Bavaria to the Black sea resembled the steamboat days on the MississippL How Frogs, Toads Produce Sound Dickerson's "The Frog Book" mentions that all members of the North American Saiientia (frogs and toads) can produce sound, caused by air passing over vocal cords in the larynx of the throat. The loud croaking given during the breeding season is produced usually by the males only given species. The air enters at the nostrils (the mouth is kept closed) and passes back and forth from mouth to lungs over the vocal cords. The sounds can be produced under water, • and often are in the case of our common bullfrogs. yon go to the circus or carnival, by all means go early and take your camera along. There Is endless variety of new, tnterestsnapshot material--and you'll 1 actually see more, and enjoy your- \p>eH more^ if there's a camera in , On /the midway, you can picture Side-show barkers, flamboyant tent signs, gaping people who are visiting a circus for the first time, wide* eyed youngsters munching popcorn 4t qoafflng pink lemonade, aaudjr •- displays of prises at amusement booths, and scores of other amusing details. : . Wandering about the lot, you ' *111 be able to picture Interesting *;. '.I'.petails of elrcus equipment, and ; j ferhaps novel sidelights of circus life--family wash strung out between wagons, mending of costumes and equipment, feeding and grooming of work stock. Be friendly, don't annoy the circus folk, and they will treat you courteously. Pictures of performers and animals should be obtained during the circus parade, as you may not be allowed to take your camera Inside the big tent The light inside is usually too poor for good snapshots' except with ultra speed lenses and film* But 4hare4aaavl»epp*rtaalt9r outside to keep the camera busy, and you can come away with enough good shots to fill several pages In au album. Try it Just once, and you'll never be without your camera when the circus comes to town. John van Guilder Overton Motor Sties 1937 Ford DeLuxe Four Door 4 Sedan, Philco Radio $525.00 1937 Buick DeLuxe Four Door Trunk Sedan, G. M. Radio $850.00 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Four Door Trunk Sedan ... $645.00 937 Pontiac DeLuxe Four Door Trunk Sedan, G. M. Radio $695.00 1934 Buick Four Door Trunk Sedan, G.M. Radio ... $395.00 1934 Chevrolet DeLuxe Two < Door Sedan, Run only 17,000 miles . $300.00 1934 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Coupe, Run only 23,000 Miles $295.00 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coupe with - Philco Radio $240.00 1933 Chevrolet yt-T4m Panel Truck, Heater, etc., Run only 14,000 miles ...... $250.00 1935 Chevrolet Truck with new 2 yard hydraulic dump body $505.00 1938 Buick Demonstrator Reduced 1938 Pontile Demowtrator Reduced -- BUICK AMD PONTIAC -- R. I. Overtop Motor Sales (Where Customers Bend their Friends) West McHenry -- Phone 6 Longest Period of Mourning In 1671 Francis Frankopan, or Frangipani, a descendant of a lonf line of governors and defenders of Croatia-Slavonia, was executed for conspiracy against Austria. Ever since, says Collier's Weekly, the women of Crkvenica, now in Yugoslavia, have worn black clothes in mourning for him, constituting one of the longest periods in history in which a city has constantly expressed its grief for thf death of a secular personage. Emeralds, Platinum In Colombia Colombia is the world's principal source for emeralds and in the production of platinum is surpassed only by Russia. Discovery of Baffing Powder Baking powder was discovered about the middle of the Nineteenth century. Chang-Baa Mtn-Kue Is CUaa The official name oi Chinas tr Chung-Hua Mm-Kuo. *3 |Vsk for it at your favorite tavern • v .