Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1938, p. 1

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.-Si,. i-i,. '.• w.." "wrr;?7" \ •' v< .- * r-^ - "W74i\v t«f r:x »;«y: •nhnrfr ""^\ * ' • - ' ' ' • . ' > • ' . / • ' ' •* ' •***•**• •*xjJkM&ti^--:tmi <fm .w k ' • . ' ' ' *'"" '{ * . •, .. •; <• ^ J?; v~ -*. „ < «M. -- ~ .%****«,*-if . *..J^,.;v r '"** "•" 3 ' t- ;|""""" ' / *. * *«.- _ W ^ . -;v|i-t, yTfe-'1'-^ \,v'S-t»;"?'f>'SSS-»I» '••»• ' -~7W .: . . :!iS? f'V* ^ ' •^^;^:'Jr:.Tr?.l: ^ : ^ / ; ^ w • • , ^ . y ^ ' • • • 4 ^' -.- ' • • ; « « « " • j , . • * < • • • ^WCW**- *.«••" - «*'<•'* • .^ »•'•rvsfc-... ,- V-"- 1 » ; i ( -- • . -w •>* . ^ «--«v:r. •3 »5f .&sr:"U7 ,, -k- " *•" Volume 64 JUSTEN - KLAPPERICH NUPTIALS WEDNESDAY AID ROAD AND BRIDGE REPAIRS •» ISSUE ' The marriage of Miss Clara Justen, daughter of Stephen Justen, to Mr. John Klapperich, son of Ben Klapperich of Staceyville, Iowa, was celebrated Wednesday morning, Juy 13, at 8:30 o'clock -at St. Mary's church, 1 Msgr. C. S. Nix performing the cere- CEETAIN mony. FOR COUNTY Miss Hildegarde Klapperich of lowa, sister of the groom, and Clarence Justen, brother of the bride, served as at CONFERS BACONS RETURN FROM MOTOR TRIP TO M'GALL, IDAHO f. , %!>:'% •: McHENEY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1938 VISITED GUY BAOQN AND '"It: FAMILY State Patrolman Lester iBacon, in Members of the county road and tendants. compa_ ny with his wife, children and •bridge commit^, including Supe^8- The bridal gOWn was of white lace mothe7;Mrs: "winiam"Baco"n";"recentiy ors L. A. Stockwell, A. B, McConnell, over gatin with a train. Her sheer i returned home from a two weeks' triD D. M. Wright, S. H. Freund and N. B. white shoulder length veil of tulle was(through the west They visited his Clawson, together with Chairman John fastened to her d„k hair ^ a du,L™ r Guy and faml? at McCall J. Filip, Judge Henry L. Cowlin and ter of ddaaiinnttyy wwhhiittee aanndd yyeellllooww flowers, i Zl State's Attorney Wm M. Carroll, con- jjer bridal bouquet was of yellow ferred Wednesday with officials of the rose8 FWA in Chicago to learn just what m;ss Klapperich wore a floor length steps are necessary to secure a federal Qf blue lace over satin and her grant to aid the county in^rehabmta-' g^ort blue veil was fastened to her tion of bridges washed out by the ®°°® hajr with pink flowers. She carried a two weeks ago. ^ • 'bouquet of pink roses. The committee reported 0"L re™™" | A wedding breakfast was held at ing Wednesday evening that the FWA tfe home of M d M George,.. . . ... .. , , w „ officials assured them that the requwt B]ak followed b a r<5Ception at the ^ J^y unt.l they reached Wall would be given senous cons.derataon wniiam erich home i ^k®' wJere "fht and thought there was a good powibil- After a short weddin? trip ^ Iowa,'*1.the home ^ Mr and Mr8V Alvin ity that help could be *"an*ed. But, Mr and Mrs Kapperich wfll operate Johnsonfirst a complete survey of the damage the Anthon Schaitt farm near Johns. and estimates of the amounts needed Idaho, whom they had not seen for eighteen years. Mr. Bacon's brother, William, who accompanied them on the trip, remained in the west. They left McHenry Sunday morning, June 17, at about 9 o'clock and spent the first day travelling through Illinois. After crossing the Mississippi river at Clinton, Iowa, they continued on must be made before the application could be passed upon. It was dcided at the board meeting Tuesday to send the road and bridge committee, the board chairman, county judge and state's attorney, to Chicago to secure information if possible on the proposed grant and to re- MAY BE ABLE TO * KEEP RAILROAD ! THROUGH HEBRON HTHENRY DANK IS MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IN COUNTY BOIS. HARRY LAWfflf DIES AT NEW ORLEANS The Wesfr. McHenry State bank of West McHenry, 111., was recently almitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System. At present it is the only state bank in the county which is a member of this system. Member banks are city and country banks that have been admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System. All national banks must be members. State banks and trust companies may become members after complying with the requirements for membership. The Federal Reserve -System was created by the Federal Reserve Act, approved December 2^ 1913. The system is comprised df several parts: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, which is the chief supervisory body; the Federal Open Market Committee, which controls the a healthy looking!open-market investments of the sys* Mrs. Harry Lawton, sister of Win. F. Burke of McHenry, died at .her home in New Orleans, La., Monday morning,' after a lingering illness. She was formerly Miss Nellie Burke, daughter of Mary and James Burke, pioneer residents of the Algonquin vi cinity, where she was Jx>rn June 1, 1861.'- : j, V Besides her hosband, she is survived by two daughters, Carslyn and Har riet; two sisters, Mrs. Julia Lsnoard, of Crystal Lake, and Mis* Mary Burke of San Diego, Calif., and «ne brother, Wm. F. Burke, of this city. "V The body arrived in Chicago Tuesday evening was taken to the Wait- Ross-Allanson funeral home in Elgin, where the funeral was held from at 8.30 o'clock with services at St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Burial was in Bluff Cityv cemetery. TRUCK OVKBTWUIS NORTH OF HoHENRY A truck of the Monroe Beverage company of Elgin was badly damaged when it overturned near St. Mary's cemetery, north of the city, Thursday evening of last week, at about 5:30. The accident occurred when the bev- The next day, as they progressed further west to enter the state of Nebraska, noticeable changes were apparent, not only in the customs and { Thi? picture of mannerisms of the inhabitants, but youngster is a "Way Back When" of(tem; the twelve Federal Reserve erage truck, driven by Earl Sieger, also >in the condition of cities land forms a West Side business man. You all j banks and their twenty-fwe branches; attempted to pass a cattle truck ftlled in general. The buildings were small know him. We don't dare to say any, the member banks of the system, mum-j with hay, driven by Ed Miller of Mcand appeared to contain no more than more or the puzzle would be solved, bering on July 1, 1937, approximately Henry. Both were traveling in the Supervisor Henry M. Turner, veter-!three rooms. The wind seemed to blow! at once. 16,400; affd the Federal Advisory Coun-jsame direction toward town when Milan b9fcrd member from Hebron, *aid *»"f howl all the time. Large storm TJ»e pictures last week Were those cil, which acta in an advisory capacity ler turned left into the driveway of his home, and Sieger, who was trying to Twelve Districts pass him, made a sharp swerve to the Under the Federal Reserve System, right, therby losing control of the the country is divided into twelve Fed-1 truck. It skidded off the pavement, eral Reserve districts, and a Federal bit a culvert and overturned. port to the board in full at the call of fue/oay that things look favorable for' cellars were built close to the houses of Richard ("Dick") Of€l|M and- Dr. to the Board of Governors. Chairman Filip. It is expected Chair- rej^|n|n8r the present stretch of the to afford protection to the people Wm. A. Nye. man Filip will call the board together Chicago £ North Western railroad should the wind reach cyclonic velo-' 11 as quickly as possible so as^ to g«»t through Hebron and Alden, foUowing'eity. I FORMER BARREYILLE started on securing ^ 'f a hheeaarriinngg bbeeffoorree tthhee iinntteerrssttaattee ccoomm--jj EEaarrllyy iinn tthhee aafftteerrnnoooonn ooff tthhaatt ssaammee!, " ftUfflfrWT miff r^ngements can be made with the g - merce commission held at Kenosha last day they were caught in a stifling tfftment. - ~ . i Reserve bank is located in each district' Although the truck was consider- DIES AT BAYVOME TTr.r BriHrr Rrirttrt ! *nd Saturday. _, * -. |dust storm. The dust was so thick1 Mrs. Lillian Demoting, who, with to 8«rve the city and country banks; «My damaged," Sieger escaped with *he action of the board came on the Turner said both sides of the (that the sun looked like silver instead her family, resided near Barreville for which are members of the Federal Re- »l>*ht injuries. ^oTihe reoort of th^road and "8C ?®re h.eard ^ fr k°m a" of *old- 'several years, died at her home, 1636 serve System. The Federal Reserve! ~ hridL committee which disclosed the 8 • ".{i ? J*"0*,, 1 1!*• Toward evening they chanced upon Montrose avenue, Chicago. Sunday Bank of Chicago is one of the twelve. MRS. BARBARA KOIi0Jt mo 000 estimated damage done ^ commission will deny the railroad the sotne attractive cabins at Sidney, morning of a heart ailment. She was The others are located respectively at hafatees in the county Several solu- ng , ^ ®f,Nebr., and decided to sUy there for 48 years old and is survived by her "Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Rich* Sf\>er* Offered by the committee ^ JSSKiJPRJ'S riirhfto1 H° ,oon,<1 ^ huetond, Norm.n Demoliw. .nd three mo-d. Cle»el.nd, AtUnU, St Loulfc Bwtar. lM.r, re.imost popular. 1 AlH«i mJ fnr « I trjjtulL „r urilM 4a j »t oegan to ram. ine ram 11 .]„ rancisco. inese oanas arecauea twenty years, died at her hoa»e there It is evident that a bond issue of to"ent* »»^.they had GRASS LAKE'S $29$ ' fReserve banks, because one of the.r Friday fo„owinc a|trt>te of paralysis some kind U in the F™. the deU^tion of HAre„ .rd ^ £ P»BE r.8E 16 T." M,°Z iT f t i h ? A 1 1 e n C , ' t i " " 8 t h e w e r e r a t h e r t h a n k f u l f o r t h e r a i n f o r T h . - L o t * Q u e e n , " G r a s s L a k e ' s b a n k s o f t h e i r d i s t r i c t s . P r i d e d ^ ^ " s J ^ r e J T j a m M * ' f ^Lg county to call for * voiced theirobjectioiu to abolish-, it d^red the air of dust and made the $200 prize Ash, is dead--the victim of | The Federal Reserve districts are an<j| Dr Otto Kolar HSr 7n Ibo^d i^Hf^meVS ^o'rd in'favT^kSgh" "T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hd^^m her if the destroyed bridges are to here- *™onncoT*™ favor of keeping the ^ got an early start the next Frank Novak, deputy instigator for Reserve Bank,of Chicago serves the city home at 840 Monroe avenue, River fcM.u | , (morning and at about 10:30 a.m., were the State Department of Conservation,7th district. This takes in all of Iow«, Forest at 2 o'clock.Moiukv aftumiMn It was pointed out by S. H. Freund, nN RAnm oBAADTAftl* [able to see the snow-covered moun- who found the fish recently, floating the northern two-thirds of Indiana and ^th burial in the Bohemian National that rVmioO bondisIue over a per-| >t>ins in the disUnce. They ate their in Minneola Bay at Fox Lake. Illinois, the southern two-thirds of Cemetery. ^ «.t, iod of ten years would cost the tax- . The Misses Lola and Wanda Jepsen, gun<iay dinner in Laramie, Wyoming,' lod of ^n years wouia cost^ ^ daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jeppe Jep- and afterwards continued their jourptiaoyne. rsH aeb osuati d3 cheen tws aosn sau re that the sen, of Johnsburg, were guest artists !"" nn^'nlrV to business matters bere for several rtn""r..iw i OTT 0 „ ® ... «ey on the beautiful snowy range park i>^i am I ^ hi m © strict on u y i o j D i t , . , _ u ' W i s c o n s i n , a n d t h e L o w e r P e n i n s u l a ! • Fred Beller, who has been attending of Michigan. There were 759 mem. ^ gXOCK fftOVt at the WLS Prairie Farmer radio sta- road which had just been opened. tion Saturday noon, July 9. ! gnow banks 10 to 15 feet high were , . This was their first occasion to sing gideg road. forma weeks, left Tuesday for Michigan, en1^^' route to his home in San Diego, Cali-, ^ where this district irt Mr BeUer wishes to express,^ and financial ^ ^ people would approve a bond issue STREAMS NEXT TEAR iT^nresLTtfme011 ^ Lh" WM "»eir,IW8t °™*ion t0 8\n« piled on both sides of the road. At "rnia- «r-tte,'er 7'8ne8„^ "^" the economic life of the P. D. Hunt of the state conservation at the presen t . - on a large broadcast. The young la- geveral on the route there ^ his appreciation for the co«t«rtes «. Qn js indicated b the following department, in company with Atty. "What will be the reaction of the d,es a Yest®fn *ong *u'tar no snow, i,ut beautiful rock gardens tended him during his stay here. K. Whil<j .fc contains on,y 6 ^Chas. H. Francis and Lawrence Kilts, oeoDie to a bond issue," asked Super- acl'omP*n'"1' - W°je Vei[y ^ne covered with a brilliant profuaion of open craters in the monument From cent of the land area of the United of Woodstock, members of the flsh Schade, Ackman! He indicate wild * them, four flow, emerged durinc theSutes, it has H* per cent of it.; committee of the local Sportsmen', that a call for a vote on a bond issue M«cMurray, announcer of this station. After covering about forty miles |ast period of volcanic activity. population. In 1935, the five states in, J^a^ue ®nd Supt. McCalferty of the would not be very popular with the Their work was very creditable and on this road, they hit their main route After travelling through forty miles, which it is located received 18 per Spring Grove fish hatchery, visited all voters He said in order to put over they sang in harmony, one in alto and and gpent the njght at Rock Springs, Df this volcanic territory they again cent of the total accountable income the known trout attaams in McHenry Hond issue a real campaign in its °ne 10 ^ ^ received a Wyoming. lcame into the county eTtti ige'of the nation, 21% per cent of the en-"county last week, with the result that KEEP GAS TAX FOR ROAD WORK IN THE COUNTY IS DECISION OF COUNTY BOARD The road and bridge committee; the county board made it clear m its report to the county board Tuesd^/ that the committee is not in favor of trying to use the county's share of the state gasoline tax to help fwiance the reconstruction of some dozen bridges damaged by the flood waters of two weeks ago. The committee recommeded to the board that the road program to be financed by gasoline tax funds be kept going and that no part of the gas tax money be used to help rebuild bridges. There is a legal point whether it would be lawful to use the gas tax money to rebuild bridges or not. It ia doubtful whether the gas tax money could be placed in the county fund for this purpose or even applied on die retirement of a bond issue. Road Program The road and bridge committee reported that to use the gas tax money , for any other purpose other than road • building would affect the county'^ secondary road program to a great extent. The committee reported as being reluctant to stop road work at present. The road program under way-at present lines up something like this: 1. Improvement of the Spring Grove - Lake county line road. 2. Improvement of the Harvard ts Lawrence roM. 3. Improvement of the Woodstock through Franklinville road. 5. Improvement of the Marengo " road west from Route 23. 6. Improvement of th* Algonquin ta Cary road. 7. Completion «f «*e »East road at McHenry. 8. Securing of the right of way fm favor would have to be launched. I J"e f.PP,a"®e at the studio. Friends The dangerous curves and high alti- brush. "There will be no trouble in selling *^0. "V'*ere very much pleas- tude Gf tj,e mountains made travel Visit Yellowstone $100,000 county bonds," said Super- ed to be entertained by these young slow and djfficuit. The roads were so They reached Yellowstone Park at turing operations. visor John Harrison. "Let's finance wnarer** | narrow in some places that two cars about noon Sunday, and spent all af- 'area is in the very heart of the corn county our own bond issue and take care WT TVP rtTVQ could barely pass. The driver had to ternoon on a tour of the park, during belt and is especially important in the THOMAS mLYIiit DIES |'exercise care lest he drive too close which time they saw several bears,' production of livestock. AT FT. SMITH, ARK. to the edge of the road and fall down deer, and other animals roaming at Industrially, these five states pro- ,the mountainside. However treacher- freedom. The most imprestve sight duce 60 to 70 per cent of all agricultire farm income, and 22% per cent of, trout fingerlings have been promised all the income produced by manufac* Agriculturally, the to stock these streams next year. This ill be good news tc^porksmen In this the work ourself ," said the Greenwood board member. He seemed confident that the bond issue would pass and there would be no trouble to dispose of the bonds Among the Sick Mrs. R. I. Overton is a patient at Relatives here have received word of ous, .these roads seemed to be, they wag that of Old Faithful geyser in ac-,tural implements, motor vehicles, and , the death of Thomas Kelter, which oc-jwete nothing compared to what they tion. The evening of that same day,cheese, 50 per cent of the condensed „ , . . „ . , "I know it will hurt the pride of curred at Fort Smith, Arkansas, July were forced to travel over in Idaho, they went down to the feeding ground milk, 35 per cent of all packing-house "?se S/xh8P !f \ Was n many people to have our county float 7 Mr. Kelter, a son of John and Mary The company crossed the raging Pay- and watched men feed the bears. A commodities, creamery butter, and con-. th^re . ^ - . a bond issue, due to the fact McHenry deary Kelter, was born near Mc- ette river five times between Boise ranger then gave an interesting in- fectionery, 20 to 30 per cent of the . . f^r °tT ® 0 county is one of three counties in the Henry seventy-f\ve years ago and and McCall. | formative talk on bears. . | steel and rolling mill products, elec- h,s ^ home atatc mifh nn hnnd issue." Suner- 1 1.. •:«. L tl 1 filmima- " the extension of Bout* <7 to Crystal Lake. CkuiMt Use Gas Tax The committee is of the opinio* that the board cannot use the gas tax money although town bridges are by law a charge of the county when they involve a sum greater than 4 c«ntp On a $100 assessed valuation of the towns as the means of stipulation. Petitions of three highway commissioners for five bridges at a cost of some $29,000 were deferred Tuesday until some information is learned on just how the county is going to finance the rebuilding program.. The petitions include one from A.__ H. Ehle of Hebron for $11,000 for the"* Lorden bridge and another for $3r500 for the Merry bridge, both in Hebron township. F. Carr of Greenwood presented two petitions, one for the Brand bridge nt a cost of $6,800 and one for the N. Aavang bridge at a cost of $3,500. A. E. Welter of Alden presented a petition for the Sackett bridge at a cost of $4,000. McHenry county is proud of its county road building program and the road and bridge committee feels confident that the majority of the pt?cple do not want to see it stopped. To take the gas tax money for bridge wor;k would stop county road building and improvements for the next ttt| years. $36,216 in Six Months State Finance Director S. L. Nudelstate with no bond issue," said Super- spent his early life here. He was un-| Filming "Northwest Passage" | The next day they left the park, trie machinery, furniture, paints, and on ureen street, tne past weex. man announ^ed ®t ^p^l"RfieldJ^^"^ .yisor Beck. married and is survived by two sis- They reached their destination, Mc- uking the Cook-Red Lodge highway malt products, and 18 to 20 per cent of, C1*r"«ce CarP 18 *®CO f Ven"? n«*£ The Harvard board member was for ters Mrs Delia McKinstry of Lincoln, Call, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, through the mountains and national the paper and printing of the entire th,e operation performed at St. count) as 1 treafurv during immediate actio to raise money to Neb., and Mrs. Alice Miller, of Fort McCall is a typieal western town, forest One mountain «»ver which they nation. |Therese's hosp.tal, Waukegan, a-few pa.d into the state treasury during take care of the bridge work without Smith, Arkansas, and two brothers,1 with gravelled roads and very few travelled was over 11,000 feet high-! Chicago Financial Center .weeks a£°v , w, ... . U£f" - allotment brinrs the total immediate action to raise money to gam Qf Ottumwa, Iowa, and James, of sidewalks. At the time of their visit, At that altitude even trees cannot sur- The city of Chicago ranks as one r Y for the first six months of this vear gram. He said the meeting in Chi- Phoenix, Arizona. He had made his a Hollywood fiJm company was shoot- vive. |of the greatest financial centers of the,151*"1' ,who was /enous,y burned '" fr^h. countv to 336216 83 ThiJSZ home in Utah for several years. Bur- ing scenes for the picture, "North- By opening the car window one world. Only New York and London j j 'about the same * ' j slight increase from the same period ial took place at Fort Smith. (west Passage," in that community. could easily grab a handful of snow, surpass it as a market for short-term, mai"s ^'jast year which was $35,385.39. The iTTie citizens and Indians of that local- 0r if one wished to stop the car, one funds. It is the transportation hub of • , ... *llotment by months "'fat the FAT NOW A C. P. A. ity acted a, extras in the Wm. "pu d revel in a snowball fight in mid- the nation and the world', leading 1;^""°?. ^ ( f-l'l"'.1 There is a larte Uke near McCall ,ulnmer. !« and livestock trying center. Th. ^ thU weT t $45,000 and the county cost $55,000. nQw of Chicago, has recently been over 300 feet deep. It is surrounded They then passed through the Black assets of the Federal Reserve Bank ol , ~ seriouslv January ..J The federal government would con- n0tified that he has been awarded the by tall pine trees. The water exceeds Hills of South Dakota, which are not Chicago are equivalent tp 17 per cent; . . . '.. f t nurses February tribute 45 per cent. This seems to be degree of Certified Public Accountant a temperature of 40 degres. Lester black at all, but a At of all assets of the twelve Federal Re-| . . . T c tu the oast March • Oe cheapest way out of the present by the University of Illinois. Jim- and Bill went fishing and the road they Mount Rushomore they saw the great'serve Banks combined. Only the as-| . . ,,• . t,_ ;mDroved. ' April situation if s grant can be obtaine . mie feels extra proud because only had to travej to reach the lake warf so stone faces engraved on the side of sets of the Federal Reserve Bank of _ h uas Keen confined May u A ccmmumcation twenty-four out of 331, who took the (narrow that in many places it was the mountain. .(New York exceed those 6f the Federal tQ ^ Therese's hospital for the past Juni pay indicated bonds could be sold for examinations, were successful in ob- wide enough for but one car. I From there they progressd to th* Reserve Bank of Chicago. .cr , . .c.ent I*t t ^ taining the degree of C. P. A. The They left McCall Friday morning as Bad Lands, where they stayed at Wall,| la acting upon the application of a » a- wou , ,e m ! examination took two days' time, after (they also wished to make a tour of So. Dak., for the night. It rained con-, State institution for membership, the t0 60 days to dispose of an issue. (several weeks of preparation. j Yellowstone Park before their return, jsiderably during the night and the Board gives special consideration to On the way to the Park they passed next when they began travelling they the financial history and condition of o was the right step forward. 45t% Federal Grant T 7- -J If the cotmty decided to raise $166,* 000 and was able to secure a federal grant it is likely the grant would be two 1938 5,576.26 5,240.92 4,804JM 6,351.00 7,013.45 7 4230 JO WST $ 5,875.50 4,803.00 4.757.00 5,951.00 6,820.25 7,187.64 The board realizes the financial condition of the county. The county has been going in the red, so to speak, NOTICE .*• ,• » . . . On Tuesday evening, July 19, IMS, tion Monument, which is located near aince the time relief was token care of the Catholic Order of Foresters will Arco, Idaho. by the county instead of townships. ho,d ^ regul4r meetjng. Officers fl»e county got behind when this urgfe each member to be present. A change was made and then last year check for one month's dues will be through the Craters of the Moon Na-j really got a taste of the Bad Lands. bridges the red side of the ledger so that in an effort to get by without a bond issue the county has been issuing anticipation tax warrants to tide the Births countv over until 1938 taxes are collected. Part of the taxes have bce^ " collected this year but all of the antic-' A son was born Wednesday evening ipatiun warrants have not been taken of last week at St. Francis hoipiftal, »p as yet Evanston, to Atty. and Mrs. Donald IBolger of Rogers Park. Mr. Bolger $1 CotUm Summer Disss-- at Rosa's is a brother of the McHenry druggist Style Shop. S-fp Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer Order your Rubber Stamps at !Hm PLiindeater. This is an area which contains a greater number of volcanic features than abiy other area of equal sze in-; feet, the United 9tates. It is so named because the craters found in the monument are similar in appearance to those which are seen through a telescope on the surface of the moon. The monument covers more than 49,- 000 acres and is situated in the heart of a region which has been the scene of intermittent votcanic activity since the Mocene period eighteen to thirty million years ago until recent times. (Geologically speaking, possibly not more than a few hundred years ago.) The big craters, which have 4 maximum depth of 351 feet are the largest They started on the wrong road and die mud was of such a consistency the applying bank and the general character of its management; the adequacy of its capital structure and its that it stuck to the wheels-abd had to,future earning prospects; the conven be scraped off every several hundred. ience and needs of the community to feet. They finally realized they had be served by the bank; and whether taken the wrong road, so they turned its corporate powers are consistent around and after hitting their main}*>th the purposes of the Federal Reroute, decided that the Bid Lands ^ sferve Act. weren't so "bad" after all. Among the privileges which a bank The closer they got to home the bet- ] enjoys as a member of the Federal ter. things looked. The farming land .Reserve System are the following: of Minnesota and Wisconsin was sim- 1. Facilities for rediscounting eligilar that at Illinois and the crops .ible paper and obtaining advances on were good. j promissory notes. The Bacon family arrived in McHen-! 2. Obtaining currency and coin ry, Wednesday night, June 29, at about midnight, just a few hours bfcfore the heavy rains. In spite of the. cfin, McHenry seemed better than any place they had visited. two mpnths, following a fall from a ladder at his home, is getting along nicely and expects to be up %rithin a few days. J. D. Lodtz work at the McHi Dyers a few days to illness. His place Percy Lodtz of -- $36,216.83 $35,385» The total amount allotted to all Illinois counties is $1,081,788. Mrs. John Engefti Mrs. Julius Thoraa tended the ball jpi Thursday. TO PRESENT "THE LATE CHRISTOPHER BEAN" AT*<|. WOOD&TOCfc THEATtlS promptly. 3. Direct use of the Federal Reserve cheek collection facilities. 4. Direct use of Federal lw«m non-cash collection service. Graduate students from the Good- ^ter/man Memorial Theatre, Chicago, will at.! I present the well known comedy. "Th® in Chicago on Late Christopher Bean" at the Wpodl stock Opera House Friday, Saturday - ••• w i v. ' -land Sunday nights at popular prices, 5. Transferrin# n»nds by toMigraph. so, 55 and 75 cents. This is the coffl- «. Drawing dvjfts^n Federal Re. edy made famous by the tats belovfd serve bank. , v, , I Marie Dressier. 7. Safekeeping of securities by the -- - -- Federal Reserve, Jfrnk ftfc member, Mrs. Andrew Gregort Los Angel**, banks located outfit of federal Re- Calif., who is spending a few weeks serve bank and branch citisp. . '[in Chicago, visited her sister, Mrs. M. 8. Member ba^^j^^^aqt auto*, A. Sutton, a few days the past matically insured 1$ t he PWeral De-I posit Inmrwnce Cqrporatiot ts1 1 $5,000 for any o^%,depositor. . . , iV'fAjfwuy * •-v , White and pastel s Style Shop.

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