Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1938, p. 3

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lb* Luther League of Annie* is -• national organization having tor Ha purpose thi unification of the young people'* religious societies that are connected with the Lutheran churches in America. It was founded at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1899. :4he motto is "Of the Church, fcjr !?|he Church, for the Church." ' NEARBY NEWS Mrs. Joseph Wagner was a Chicago caller Tuesday. Miss Joan Wallace of Chicago is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. ROM OOLUMN8 OF OUR KXOHAHOE8 Srs. Frank Hironlmna and daufh- Richard Wallacc I' '"d lonehaon a.t the hone of Mrs. J. Da™ Richard Hubbard of Ckicajo i, hi, v,c,tion ^ at McHenry. Mrs. Denm.n * The Volo 4-H Club met at the home u. _ -- j i. i »ivua mtxuiiK Mr. »nu C.. are spending 1 MM o.t•io n earned. Only splendid effort on the part of rescuers kept Bangs lake, Wauconda, _ ^ ^ „,v from being the scene of a drowning! nine members present The club will d*ufhter, Mra. George Zebold RAIMA /V* UAltVlM ™ of BurnellRusseU Friday evening with a two week8, with their; Council Room, July S, 1988. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Kreutzer, Regner. Absent: none. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Kreutzer, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as read. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Monday afternoon of last week. The! meet next at the home of Melvin Ehert .. Buss,, that t--he Treasurer's repor.t be youhg mih who came so close to being'on July 22. ' . and®ir*- , , Ha"*°n are en-1 approved as read. Motion carried, the victim of a tragic death is Harold Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and &^h!P!W«n Qhn™ iv &1 ' Motion by Freund, seconded by Hortung, 20, of Chicago. Those shar-|Mrs. Catherine Wagner of Slocum's Driv<|. Bolger, that the City Collector's reing in the role of heroes were Eddie Lake spent Tuesday evening at the *nd Mrs. Wm. Krogen and chil- port be approved as read. Motion car- Ekblad and Herbert Olson, Chicago, home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. J™ °f Ofk^arlc spent last week with ried. J visitors in Spencer Highlands, who1 Mrs Llovd Fisher attended the fun- George Zepold. y Motion by Bolger, seconded by took the JTOung man from the water'., serv;ees for Mrg Lucv Clourh Mrs- E- SimPson. Mrs. W. McGratb* Re*ner» the Clerk's report be apseveral minutes after he had gone' t the Wauconda Federated church On Mrs- R- Ross and Mrs" E- BIimke of Proved as read. Motion carried. down, and J. A. Caulfield, a resident'™,,,--.!--, >ff»rnnnn Elmhurst were guests of Mrs. H. J. I Motion by Kreutzer, second of Spencer Highlands, who was the! # ei » T v Hanson Tuesday. 'Ferwerda, that the following b first to attempt artificial respiration . orsiocums Lake Mr and M Claude Birell spent Paid as approved by the finance cot*- and the one to bring back a life that™*!atJr. -TV Mr and Mrs" the weekend at their home in Shore Motion carried, had apparently left the body. The IRo^ Psss j „-turiay. „ ' .Hills. . I George Thurlwell, Special ponear tragedy occurred about 2 o'clock', „ ar . T JS" * * Mrs. Louise Wkterstradt, Mrs. Wm. *'ce $ 2.50 Monday afternoon at the Spencer dau£hter of Libertyville spent Mpnday j^mpbrecht and daughters, Jewel and **- Sehaefer, Special police- Highlands beach Shortly after eat- with Mi*- a:nd Mrs. Arthur amj Mrs. Lewis Gram and son, **' Colby, Special police ing lunch, Hortung and some others Kaiser. J-Ulph, of Lake Geneva Highlands Robert Patzke, Work at City Martin Stoffel, W6rk at City 1 Park of the group decided to go tor a: boat' ^ ^*ucor^ c^^al vere gUests 0f Mrs. Louis Schroeder Park 'ride until sufficient time had elapsed JJ16 Monday. to go in swinging. Apparently they; mley jy»/ T, , I_ J'" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lauerman have . did not, wait long enough, however, as , A' a . £?' !0^ Fisher and. vented their cottage on Lake Shore Tesch, Work at City Park Hortung went down soon after he had !amily .?P*nt T^sday evening with Drive to Mr. artd Mrs. Pat Rooney of Lirms Newman, Work at City entered the water. !Mr:.and Mrs. Albert Hafer m.. Fw-' mcmgo {or ^ rest of the summer Park, and beach The Ivanhoe Congregational church mont. 600 20.00 3^0 6:40 6.40 22.40 Mayme Buss clerical service E. M. Melahn Const* Co., Grading - 886.25 Earl R. Walsh, Office expense 15.00 L. J. McCracken, Supt. playground 1 40.00 Motion bjr Buss, seconded by Kreutzer, to pay Engineer's service in the amount of |67.00 to V. H. Kasser and to pay E. M. Melahn Construction Company $200.00 on balance of contract. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Bolger, to approve Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year in the amount of $34,836.00. Motion car- Motion by Bass, seconded by Freund, to approve Chief Police bond with John B. Wirtz as principal and Ray F. Conway and Ray McGee as sureties in the amount of $1,000.00. Motion by Freund, seconded Buss, to pass and approve resolution, as read, authorizing the Illinois Municipal league to act as a clearing house in the collection and distribution of the 2 per cent fire department tax due municipalities. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn. Motion carried. EAftL R, WALSH, City Cleifc^ R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. . 95.31 52.20 ^ 50.85 S&28 season . . -.'Public Service Co., Ornamental celebrated the 100th anniversary of its M MVhdM^' J?P/« Mr- ^Mrs. W. J. Keenanof Chi- Wk*14 service | founding by a three day program f)^eU and ^ ?ha^ cago and Mrs. Margaret Keonan and Public Seirvice Co., Bracket light .which was presented Saturday, Sun- v^sited Mrs. C. Kniflfle in Cha- two daughters and Miss Bertha Muel-' *ervice 158.18 day and Monday, July 9, 10, and 11. caf? Wednesday. were guests of Mr. rnd Mrs. Ar- Pu*>lic Service Co., Service at , Many changes have taken place since w Mr. and i°h" Passeld .were thur Reed Sunday. , L P"mpLng stati°n |this little church was first established, l W^8t^k T Ca!!e? burday evenmig Mrs Harry Waigh ^ her mothe,.f Public Service Co., Service at ibut through all the years, it has play-'. motored to Rock- j|rs Swain, of Chicago visiting her' d>sP°sal plant ed an important part in the social and , ^?. ^?ay'., r, . . ... this week. National Meter Co., Repairing religious life of the community. As a t ^ t "lp • Mr- and Mrs. Frank Sheehy and' meters climax to the three day affair, a cen-'j an Joseph Wagner Pn* Mrs. Elizabeth Croak and son, Wil- ^ames Clow ft Sons, Galv. .tennial picnic for the entire commun- eve">n*- 'liam, of Woodstock visited the Arthur' ,st*e!. J:ouE!ir?S L' etC' 427,24 ity was held Monday at Gages Lake. ., .' ^Dusil and daughter and gee(j family Sunday. | 111. Bell Tel. Co., Telephone ser- The program was in charge of Judge j' 7* ^® d ^^e spent; Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Miss Rose Ka- ;• ^^.03 Martin Decker. During Saturday and Th"l?,day„here t t ?e home of Mr' boby and Norbert Janisch were Sun-'McHenry Lumber Co., Lime, Sunday, a museum of relics and an-;an£. ®' Pe°r?e, . . day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erbin ® tiques were on display in the church . Vo,° 4 Jp en^oyed a Janisch. I John B Wirtz Marshall service 110.00 basement J tour to the P,ne Tree Dairy Farm Mr. and Mrs. George Nehling and , Police service 95.00 | The Barrington Publishing Co.,Su"day' . , ... . ... .. . family of Grand Crossing, Chicago,^ C^Feltz, Supt. St. service 100.00 plant will be moved to a new location!' / number from this locality attend- gpent Sund with Mr. and Mrs. E M M. Niesen, Supt. waterworks * Ail il«A A *lAA af 1AM VldKll AM | ft01TVlCG "* a' •100 ROOMS wni» toiet'l? • 100 ROOMS w*h utK *% to i CONANT HOTEL COMPANy mmm CENTRAL GARAGE When your car or track needs attentipn, we "are prepared to serve you. One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. Full Line of Atlas and Ooodyear Tim Electric and Aoetylene Welding, " Car Washing and Polishiag Phone 200-J : Towing Johnsburg , Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. Mrs Anna J:aton is spending two!Fred C- Feltz- Mffer 3er- ®®rs* weeks in the home of her friend, Mrs.' v*ce 1 i Carey Electric Shop, Electrical CHMQID , its own permanent home at 126 West ^ tjie W A g danC€at Johnsburg on E Nelson , Main street, late this month. The pro- lW®dn£sday A e,venm|; m hon™ perty was purchased recently ftorn t?d Mrs Alvin Phannenstill. : Mrs. Virginia Hawley by L. W. Mc-^^nejtx1 was formerly Miss Laura Watkins of Chicago. . j . . ^ Clure, owner of the publishing com- ®er . ^l0' « ' Mrs. Wm. Rademaker, Mrs. Carrte wiring and installation of 'pany, and A C. Ehman of Chicago.! a", u ,S°T!k u7 * L°" Radtke »nd Mrs. Emma Schwaeble of; "ew .. C98Sf Remodelling work has been started in'^ofprayslake called at the h^ne of Mr. Cincinnati, Ohio, and Howard EatoicJ«hn J" VyciUl, Pa.nt, brushes the building. The ground floor and ™d Mrs. Uoyd Fisher Wednesday of Chic#^ ^ito„ in ghore ffills! turps ... . 13.58 basement will be completely re-ar-ev*n,n^ n fIT . Tuesday. ;B. Smith, Hauling sand ranged for a printing shop and the u'™ >u j \r Mr- afld Mrs. G. C. Scott and kiss £ W Gorman Oil ... ! porch will be made over into a busi- p1*1* Saturday here with Mi*s Vinnie Elaine Meller of Oak Park spent Sun-'McHenry AJ"tificial Stone' Ce' |ness ofTice. A modern business store!Ba®on* , T1T , day with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van "?5nt W°I,, I/,',: and front are planned but will uot be' Mrs. Joseph Wagner of Wauconda 3, ,McHenry Flour Mills, Fla* undertaken this year. 'Wasa Friday evening dinner guest at Mrs. Chas. Mayer entertained as . Pack'"f^ ~ | The body of Benjamin Tignino, 17> the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wag- guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mayer *?u,s Alt.hoJ; Welding ... ol Chicago, who was drowned at Dia- ne£_ . . and daughter, Marie, and John Jordon °"?as Mathew, Atty. fee, . . . mond lake on Independence Day, was' , ?". Wednesday morning at nine ftnd ^er niece and nephew, Ernest and nance ^00 2M 00 . recovered late Thursday of ls%t week 0 CJ0C,[ !v V*S P^! ! °°?r" Lottie Mayer on Sunday. iMrs- Frank J- Lennartz. Road 228.00 6.08 at the lake shore. After an inquest, !!? at T th* Pete^'a W!j5n Mrs. Warren Johnson spent Tuesday ®11 " conducted by the lake county coroner M,f J^ura Wiser daughter of Mr. and Wednesday with «nrf Bostitch-Ch.cago, Inc., Staples showed tfhha.ft t^he youth was accidentally "*"ndV M r,s . JJo seph WSser, became the friends in Chicago. AT • drowned when he slipped from a boat, b"S of Alvm Phannenstill, 1th1e. body was remov*ed.j t. o Chi.c ago f,o r'i.o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Phannenstill. funeral services. " 1 young couple have many friends mi , DuPage county won over McHenry '°Ca'*ty W^° 6xtend tongratula- vacation at Mrs. Anna Eaton's cottage day , McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op., Mrs. Ella Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1 Lawn seed, fertilizer J1"® Patterson and Miss Peggie Dallis of ertyville were vi8itor8 in the home of Chicago are enjoying a two weeks' Mr and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Saturcounty in securing the sole govern-, . Up<i T/^o . - „ , fn Shore Hilla. Mrs. Ella Eaton hasi Ted shotliff, who is employed in ment post office building in the elev-! °f the M#ry A" Girls C,ub in,Rockford, spent the weekend with his enth congressional district, for which ^ ^ Evanston.,, Mr. and Mrs William Shot an appropriation of $90,000 was re- » y 8pent y at Larry Brokowski of Chicago was a jjjf cently voted by congress. The post office and treasury departments, vested with authority to undertake the 280 Z°o- guest in the Charles Arndt home on, Frank Anderson, Wauconda, spent a Sunday. few days here with his aunt and uncle, A party of friends gathered at the _ « ij «. -«. • .j *,ome °* Amod and LoiTaine May on public building construction job>, made .nd r"' * IT* *°f child"n »"!1 Mr»' liSd"^rtlSnSt *Somrt"me dUrmj weet"d- s„dxrTuXw,nMtkm *nd •» th« perville, 5,118 population city in Du- brother8 home Soturdav Highland Park Tuesday. , |Town Hall for several hours of danc- Page county, received the award. Na-,6^ ™ A Dr" and Mrs" Wa,ter ^^tfrom infr> after which they returned to the perville led in gross postal receipts'. Z™ and ^ ^th Mr. May home whert> weenerS and marsh, t4h-Le« past yea--r , wih en !iit. reportje d_i .a bt usi•- , „n& vc moved into the home of Mr. &nd *n/| Mrc Harru Waltk frhm Wcwtnoa: «« T . n- • \T i ness of $31,884. Harvard, population,'M"' ,0•e",, W'SCT ,n Vo,°' 2,988, was second with $24,956; Crystal Lake, population, 3,732, was third with receipts of $21,492. Several persons were injured, some and Mrs. Harry Walsh from Wednes- manowa were roasted on the lawn. Martin Immeago of Wauconda called ^Mrs. John Emery of Woodstock was1 sJnd^^^^h ^Tr "oarenS!! at thfe home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles a visitor in the, Louis Schroeder honie njr and j^rg j j Freund 49.07 58.50 14.00 BEER , Miller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and one evening last w< ge Smi week. to . Kenneth Franzen of Ringwood is Mrs. George Smith of Free port was spending several days vacation with OH. Jo I mm. CUA«M U Mlai If "• wcic uijuieu, sunic x/.. u n.-i . r,.,_ : " .... .. spt?iiuui£ several uays vacation \ seriously, late Monday afternopn, July f , } L ^ J callin« on fr,ends m Shore Hills Mon- his grandmother, Mrs. B. L. Orvis 4, when two automobiles crashed on M E , **U ^ & U -J T DAY' Route U. S. 12, at the Roney dairy . a"d ,Mrs\ ' J " Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson enfta r.,m, sou.t.h of- Waucon1da T~rhi e acc.i- of WauConda visited Mr. and Mrs. tPrt«in«»d T» J R- L *, , <• tertainea Lloyd Fisher Monday evening. Messrs. Joseph Wagner, JVlonroe Bottling Works TOMCUEEWI^^. Phone Fox Lake 116 I&gleside, IDL ^ . -1 n 'in'ih aifcS' fBTOUcaaicbase heat with coo4 T X AIR-and cold WATER. But j^our motor is not so fortunate! needs air, water and OIL! ft . bleeds heat-resisting OIL to fi^ht Jieat in the fiery upper-cylinders % . . And OIL-COOLED TYDOL "Gasoline supplies this needed lubrication against heat-damage. Tydel, for years, has been tajmous for its high power and and-. : It nock qualities. And it continues to win new friends for the extra service it delivers at no -extra cost. Tha OIL in the GAS .constantly coats pistons, valves and rings . . . lubricating, protecting, cooling. " 2 Carbon trouble* art cot d#*® ... performance is improved and you get more fun out of driving. Try OIL-COOLED TYDOL today! Get the GAS that cool* as it drives! Mr. Johnson's sister and dent occurred when the Jacob Gree- ""yu r,5,,,:; "*""«*• husband, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor from man family traveling south on U.S.'T Messrs" Jo®ep£. w^^er' Joseph Ohio Thursday and Friday. 12, with Mr. (Jreeman driving, at- ^n2e"'. ,J*C°b .and B™"° Arm, Band at Wonder L^te tempted to turn into the dairy farm. GJ,rnelJ* left Sunday evening for Can- Fifty uniformed soldiers of the Another car driven by John E Byrne, ada' whei\they W?U enjoy fish,n^ for 108th Engineers of the 33rd Division Kansas City, Kan., was traveling north ? „ WCf w „ D , • band Plaved under the Erection of •t a high rate of speed and crashed in- and Mrf- ^ Baur of Chicago Capt p. Kocan last Sunday at Jerry's to the Greeman machine causing it to T J * u Place,'Wonder Lake. turn completely around and strike a Hironimus. At 3,50 p. m., the sailboat race waft third machine. After being treated Mr- and Jos£ph ?.ass^!d and run, the finish being at the Duoy, whicli by a Wauconda physician, three vie-®°ns.V 'AW p,8Ced ln front-of Jerlfy's Pie?i tims of the accident were taken to a V,S^ed Mr; a"d Mft. fliarlrs capt. Kocan had rounded up the ban Chicago hospital in an ambulance. I m'" 7m T1 ^ p'K A l° p,ay a"d cheer the racerS- A Workmen started early this week, , ^ f ^ aerial barrage was given. Dr. £ to tear down the old residence proper- ?™!y ^ and Mrs George of Aurora was the winner. ty adiacent to the ReDubliean News ®cheid* ^r- m Wauconda Sunday. Swimming and boating furnished *y adjacent to the Kepublican-News^ Virginia Mae Passfield attended the diversion for the balance of the dav tto 1m a1k°e" w ay fto ra ai nm o^derer6nK br i•c ku 1bKuinlrdj-' 1w. een'e ra nd marmsh mall*owj ro• as•t at the urtji' SsUunndaoowwnn wwnheenn the f"la•g» wwaass lloows- ing for the Marengo Dairy, owned by T t A* " e,e<1 by Jeny' Wh'°h WaS retr®at a"d xvm 1 :tj: ?n conda Tuesday evening. ^he army band played the National Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley of Wau- anthem. After retreat the band de- These 4 Reasons tell you why SERVEL ELECTROLUX | THE GAS REFRIGERATOR • i•s_ t+hi- e- choice of 4A times a/•s« many 4p\oeno4%p1l/e> «inm N/VoarwtAh«e«rmn IIlllliinnoniiss iifnf the first 5 months of this year as in the same period in 1°37! Wm. Corson. The new building will ^ 1 % T 8]°f? high*nd w;H house the conda visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Base- Darted office and the machinery for pasteuris- . „ partea. inc a„rl th- „jn, t-u 'ey Sunday. Many'McHenry and Woodstodt |pieo- Community night will be held at the p]e witnessed this grand event. ' Volo school Friday evening, July 15. SPRING GROVE I ing and bottling the milk. The property is owned by Mrs. R. M. Curtiss. F " n i i n T * \ r p a ' h I n n ' ^ 5 I A r t h u r F r o l e i c h o f L a k e Z u r i c h c a l l - i !«• jntrnvrH Kw f! Cw^eS ^ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd ' L!^ n We^1 e^+rr,*!Fi^ Saturday; i ^ Jt is believed that s, Mrs Ra Dowell and daughter of ! spark from an electric fan ignited 01 > r i • j m* t t n | some grease in the kitchen of the Inn fi^Tue^ay land started the $25,000 blaze^ The| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and fam- Brown have returned from a trip to flames were drawn to the attic through j, ca„ed at the home of Mr and MrJ, Iowa, where they visited relatives. on atrshoff anH fha I ' «*• tri Walter Brown and Miss Celiat an airshaft and the roof and fourth floor of the building were destroyed. Lloyd Eddy in Grayslake Sunday. Misses Virginia Rasmussen an<| Florence Werdell spent the weekend; Some personal effects of guests were and then sped away. He was severely in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles destroyed and valuable furnishings de- bruised and shaken up. Witnesses of Freund. stroyed by smoke and water. Firede- the accident said that the driver of the Guests in the home of Mr..and Mrs. partments from Lake Forest, I*ortJmachine was a man of about 50 yeaxs Nick Freund on Saturday and Sun- Sheridan and Great Lakes Training'of age. The car was a Ford with a day were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cossey. Station fought the fire. A crowd of black body and yellow wheels. Crystal Mrs. Charles Freund entertained 11,500 persons watched the fire. Among Lake police ask that anyone having members of her club on Thursday af- 'them were some of the socially prom- information concerning the car, com- ternoon. Three tables of five hundred jinent Lake Forest folk. The building municate with them. were in play and prizes were award- 'was insured for $233,000, according to ® The county clerk at Woodstock got ed to Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Eljthe manager and is owned by the a thrill out of issuing a marriage li- dred Johnson and Mrs. Clarencef j Deerpath Inn Corporation, of which cense recently. The Woodstock Jour- Amann receive}! consolation. Mrs.' < Buckingham Chandler, -of Winnetka is nal reports that a "nice-looking" Kattner and Mrs. Johnson also won president. couple dropped in, filed the necessary the traveller's prizes. A lovely lunch I Crystal Lake police seek the hit and legal forms signifying their intention was served at the close of a pleasant run driver who sped away Tuesday to wed, thanked everybody very cour- afternoon. [afternoon of last week, after his car teously and departed. Then the Miss Berenice Nimsgern is enjoying had run down an3 injured Jack Mc- county clerk took a look at their sig- a week's vacation at her home here, ^ormick, 9 years old, son of Mr. and natures. They were Willisyn E. Rag- Bobby Gahe of Chicago spent sev- | Mrs. V. J. McCormick. Jack was rid- land, aged 48, and Edith Mason Polac- eral days last week with his grand- : ing his bicycle on Paddock street when co, age 47. Edith Mason, as practical- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. hIhaFFMAN'S TAVERN ••••! Ithe accident happened. He told author- ly everybodys kn«ws, is a great Metro- " Mf. and Mrs. Oliver Stark and W-. ' j ities that he was close to the curbing politan Opera star, who has been friends of Chicago were callers in the I when the automobile struck him from twice married to Polacco, orchestra Charles Freund home on Friday, behind, hurled him over the curbing, conductor. I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boehm of Lib- » , t . . . . . ' . - . - ' v ' • j TYDOL TIE LUMICATING GASOLINE SUPERIOR OIL CO. Rligefield, DImIs JOHN THOMPSON SERVICE 3TN. BUBCHERT SERVICE STATION $CHEIIYS STORE, Griswvkt Lake C. N. CARLSON, Agent, Phone McHeary 2S6 • V • & 1. Drastic price reduction for 1938. Now you can have all the advantages: of Gas Refrigeration at a lower cost than ever before! 2. No moving parts in the freezing: mechanism to wear. That means low. operating costs and low maintenance costs--economical cold-making for years to come. 3. Permanent aMencs. Because Servel Electrolux freezes with no moving parts, it CA**0T make nobs! 4. Ivory Mice--automatic cube and tray releases --temperature dial-push-and-pull door * handle, and many others. Come in today and see the beautiful new models at your Servel Electrolux. dealers or Western United store. Find out for yourself why Servel Electrolux is an outstanding refrigerator valuer

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