Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1938, p. 1

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/ • ' ' *• ,ir ' -• V • " - " ' * , ." r . i * • , - • : ' • / . . v . / * * : ^ ..,l„>r^^r- ,' <. fe^WHWl eil|]»i)||li'i , Volume 84 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 JUDGE DADY SENTENCES 10 C.1.0. STRIKERS NAME AIDS FOR BIG DRIVE FOR ' * VC'C; AHEND DINNER TO AUGUST 1 IS JJOUNTY PICNia IN SWEDISH ROYALTY • SEPTEMBER |r Rep. Thomas A. Bolger and Mrs. ' ; --* V'V [Bolder were among the 1,000 persons McHenry county Republicans are attending the great reception at the making plans for a county-wide cam- Stevens Hotel at Chicago Friday paign for votes for the November evening in honor of the ^siting Swedetoction, according to a statement i«h royalty, Crown Prince Gustaf made last week by C. Frank Daly, Adolf and Crown Princess Louise, chairman of the county central com-, prince Bertil, the other piember of the mittee and the party's nominee for the TOya| party, was in Rockford at that DEADUNE FOR TAX REV. FR. FRANK MILLER, STATE MOVES ASSISTANT AT ST. MARY'S i TRANSFERRED TO AURORA! FOR LICENSING BOARD BUSY COURT HOUSE Thirty-nine complaints have been: received by the board of review to ^ . , - - . . date. This is a smaller number o# office of county treasurer. .'time and was unable to attend the,complaints than received in the same Meeting in oods Bpl«cted <*inner* ^r". was.a mem ?r o, iperiod last year according to Francis! the county central f comm1"^. the legislative commission appointed Bodwdl acti clerk of the in several important commit^ to by Governor Horner to attend the ban- the absence of Ckrk George Keyes of ( handle the campaig . ,quet. Algonquin, who is confined to his' few months prior to the Section. j Mr and Mrs. NeU Pearson of Mc- home 3ue to illnes8. Chairman &ly a I Henry attended the festivities for the The complaints received are from lowing commit s. _ - - royal visitors at Soldiers Field Sat* various parts of the county. A num-' Finance: Chairman, JtaMffl AJ- ^ k of them constitute new as8ess. len, Cary attorney; Frank J. Green,, Friday night's dinner at the Stevens'ment3. Taxpayers of the county, president of the FirstNational B™*to ^ ^al couple was probably the have until August 1 to register cornel. most e~ " * ' w it mai Winds U. orooKS, neorun yci«iiiiwi«u una William J.| Heatley of the Star line Dreape<} jn evening clothes, Grown man, 0f the board of review at the of Woodstock; J. S. Bond, viayor^ot exciting in Chicago since the vis-1«. ^ * thC Comnlai D. Brooks, Hebron veterinarian and , - , , w n. m ii iimuy •«« «*- -->• --1 Complaints may be made in person « '^l!"0rn»LL« veterinarian and Windsor when he was the Prince of or by maU and all communications by . .j - ,:_e Wales. - mail should be addressed to the chair- , __ , I Dreg^ed in evening clothes, Crown man, 0f the board of company of Harvard. ^ . 'Prince Gustaf wore a royal sash and|court house, Woodstock. Executive: Fre ga , j*®.. his decorations, including a tercenten- The board will notify when com- ^dent of the Cnrs MP ary medal. The princess wore a lame pUjnant may appear and be heard on tnct, chairma , auDerintendent gown of Iavender and silver, with a|the complaint, or introduce proof in « i „ S «"<" "nd » P1*1" v'"«k- Sh« »«J»Vopport of complaint. M the . r-r.fti n town- «methyst» and diamonds and a The clerk of the board has reps- Harvard; Prank Ferra, <Jrafton I»wn ^ tered all the complaint, in the order XVrP^,oTi™"utio„^ op:"a«n »e dinner the r^al conple to which they have h«n mM. ^ TO TAKE APPI4CATIONS / AUGUST 1 . AGAINST 21 ,, Rfl' held a small reception, at which some in? the complaint or petition a num K\"dl"^ST W L """'r person, .ere received. Then publican leader . • ^ey entered the spacious prand ball- \o Cmbplaints Fro*. Railroads Miller, world war veteran and mayor of Marenso; Harold S^. Wo^stock ^ hundred ^ raem young G.°.P. leader and Fred Smith o{ th(, Swedi>ll Chor.! Club sang, of Alden. Taking issue with Governor Horner | over the appropriation clause of the 'new drivers' license law, Secretary of , State Hughes moved swiftly last week j to set up administration machinery 'for the measure. In permitting the measure to be come law without his signature, Governor Horner cited an opinion by Attorney General Kerner, holding that I the clause appropriating $400,000 for [administration was unconstitutional because of its wording. Secretary 1 Hughes took a contrary view. I Applications will be ready for dis- ! tribution to the state's 2,700,000 motorists shortly after August 1, he said. ,The first licenses were.expected to be | in the mails by the middle of the month. Deadline May 1 Passed by the recent special session of the legislature, the law requires that every Illinois motorist be | licensed by next May 1. Maximum „ „ , . . . 'penalties of $300 are provided for Rev. Fr. Frank M.ller. •»"«•«» f,ilurc comp,,. pastor at St. Mary s churchy for e j pees Qf 25 cents fc^three years are AT ST. PETER'S Saturday, evening of this week S}» Peter's parish, at Spring Grove, will open its annual two-day carnival. Every preparation has been, made for one of the finest summer festivals, with new concessions and ip-to-the- LEADER IS SENTENCED 3*0 120 ;BAYS If Charged with conspiracy and iritim-:; idation of workers attempting to en^ter " the Chicago Hardware Foundry Cotnpany in North Chicago, twenty-one iilli ' '1' , ' ' > .-•-r minute games and amusements, which j strikers and leaders were named in inwill afford fun for all. Beautiful prifts | dietments returned in Waukegan on will be displayed in every booth and Tuesday. The indictments came on the heela of contempt of court sentences given out earlier in the day by Judge Ralph J. Dady against an organizer and nine strikers. >' The ten men sentenced were chargseveral valuable prizes are being offered. Saturday night, Sunday afternoon and evening all in attendance will be entertained by band music and vocal numbers provided by the Rhythm Cap- j ers from Chicago. This is a group of.**1 ^th violating an injunction issued young people wh'o have won for them- j 2, restricting picketing and for* selves great popularity all over the. bidding violence. city for their fine and snappy pro- In the list of twenty-one named in grams. A real treat is in store for all indictments returned to Judge Dady FRANK MILLER past two and one-half years, has been published for junior permits, for transferred to St. Nicholas parish, drjvers between 15 and 18 years old, So far there have been no com.- Aurora,• where„ h e. will act as assist- and 5Q cents for those over lg> CoI_ 0 , tt. plaints registered from the railroads ant to Msgr. . . " - or corporations. It is understood that received n°^°Jd hp transfer who hear them. At 12 o'clock DST the ladies of the parish will serve a delicious spring chicken dininer. Hundreds are served every year and there will be plenty for everybody, served in two dining room... The committee in charge of the dinner consists of Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Frederick Meyers, Mrs. John Jung and Mrs. Matt Freund. The menu will be: Radishes, celery, one-half spring chicken, country dreg* sing, peas, carrots, beans, coleslaw, bread, butter, home-made pie, coffee, mik -- 60 cents. Supper at 5 p. m. until all are served. Cold meats, potato salad, vegelections will be paid into the state table salad, cake and coffee. . u '"America," and "The King's Song." these concerns appear in person each fr°m Right Rev. Ed^*r °0 ?' Apf ^Mdty: (^rles Rraich, pub- To>gt> followMl th, Prcident of t0 ^t|e their dWeranees with Bishop of the Rockford Diocese, Sat- lhe S1 fch1r the United State, and the Kin* of .urday morning. „ M. tt Hohan ^enera' ^und- | Surrounded by water and covered ' Applications will be distributed in by large shade trees, St. Peter's par- Tuesday were the ten who earlier were sentenced to jail. The indictments charged conspiracy and intimidation by combination. The first indictment includes Meyer Adelman, 300-pound C. I. O. organixer, still facing a jail sentence for his part in theyFansteel sit-down strike; Frank fCafina, John Iwanski, John Iwanslu, Jr., LaVerne Adams, John Machnickr * Andrew Pappas, John Gloss, F^ank Bradke, Carnette Nartin and Narcisco Lira. The second indictment names Oakley Mills and Robert Wirtx, G. I. 0. organizers; Frank Kazak, Samuel Runyan, Phil Lorek, Joseph Pankiewisz, Nick Vihes and Augur t Pycke. Wirtx Gets 120 Days The stiffest of the contempt of liaher tfnsl; M. F. Walsh, editor and pub- . lisher of th\Har7rd Herald; Edwin After ^ formalities Qustaf and MoStSS; "is princes, chatted infonnaiiy . with same manner as annual automo- isb grounds offers a perfect setting j court sentences was netted out to license blanks, Hi^ghes said. This for a summer picnic and holiday. The! Wirtx, a former Glencoe school teachvillage of Spring Grove is located on the new U. S. 12. It is ten miles north of McHenry and three miles west of Fox Lake. O'SHEAS RETURN FROU t TRIP~THROUGH EAST Hours of meeting of the board are Father Miller cam® to' ™ will be done through newspaper of-] daily from 10:00 to 3:00, daylight sav- January of 1936 from the ^nancery ficeS( station*, motor clubs, ins time, except Saturday when the office in Rockford, where he served as automobile agencies and notaries pub- «„.N««s. A. a «o™r »e their-neteh^rs/.m«g ««m th. gov- h^rs from 10:00 a. m until noon, ."istant, Durins hl. stey h^ he ^ McHenry Plamdealer, ^ ernor and the mayor. Carl Sandburg, After August 1, the board will make has won a hoet of friends and the ad- SeeM Face Tests hoW«r, Hebron Times, A. L. Joh so , ^ wifch ^ prince. a of the county, inspecting all miration of his acquaintances, "was Q^^on, wiH include those relative publisher of the Richmon The brief speech of the prince was the complaints registered. Following with regret that they learned of hs t0 the applicanfs physical and men. Ralph B°yle, editor of the Crystal ^ highHeht of ^ evening. He J this an abstract of the work done by departure. He will leave this Thut*- u, condition, vision, ability to read; Lake Herald. / I thanked Chicago and Illinois for their, the board will be made up and pre- day afternoon to begin his new duties English, driving experience and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Shea returned home last Thursady evening after a delightful two weeks' vacation in the east. Mrs. George Phalin and daughter of Cleveland, Ohio, who had been visiting in the John Phalin home transfer. I ten, or may include an actual road' here, accompanied them as far as Wednesday evening approximately test. I Cleveland. :%1. . ®ivJ welcome and told of his first visit to';ented to the county clerk." j at Aurora. iliarity with state motor laws. - Picnic: America twelve years ago. "I wasj John J. Filip of Algonquin is chair- Rev. Paul Tochhnsky^ Examinations may be ordert. «r Grove; John Earnings, Barrevuie, ^ " he said, "that if you hadn't man of the board with George Nelson chaplain at St. Charles hospital, the 8ecretary of state in cases where Richard Farrell, superintendent streets in Woodstock; Leonard Peter- L a. ^ •• son, McHenry; Merrill Paul, Hebron;1 Each.of the 1,000 guesta attending J. G. Stevens. Richmond township su- the dinner was presented with a beaupervisor and Herman J. Kreutzer, Mc- tiful program, bound in wh.te leather. |j^nry jOn its front cover was engraved tn Plans for the picnic are not com-'gold the guest's name and the coat-of- ORSON WELLES READS HISTORY OF M'HENRY 300 people gathered at St. Mary's^ In downstate counties state highway | One of the fVrst points of interest school to bid farewell to Father Mil- poj^e are charged with administering they visited was Niagara Falls, and COUNTY FOR INSOMNIA ler. The party was spOhsorad by the aj| but examinations. In Chi- after reviewing this awe-inspiring ------ | trustees of the church and the officers ca^G the secretary may designate an sight, crossed the border into Canada, * ,«.« ... --- - ----^e Swedish royal family. Old time residents of McHenry of the various societies. | inspector from his department or where they spent the day. plete but is is expect^ it ^1 be Following is the program of the county, proud of the daring of its Msgr. C. S. Nix opened the meet-either city or highway police. Two days later they arrived m Bosduring the early part of September. Following is tne program 01 *ne y, »« establi8hed a down ine with prayer. Speeches followed. Record, at Conviction er, now seeking his master's degree at Northwestern university. He waa given 120 days in the county jail. Sentenced to thirty days each were Frank Koxack and August Pycke. Twenty-day sentences were gi*ML Samuel Runyan, Joseph Pankiewicz, Nick Vihes, Nick Marcinkus, Phil Lorek, LaVerne Adams and John Machnick. Judge Dady said he did not intend to fine any of the men because they did not have any money to pay a fine and it would only be a hardship on their wives and children. The court granted a stay of execution until W^dnelday and fixed appeal bonds of $2,000 for Wirtx and $600 each for the other nine. Had Right To Strike "These respondents had a right to sti ike," he. said. "They had tha right of assemblage and of free _ . , ) ton, Mass., where they visited Mr. and speech. The right to assemble, how- An effort is being made to secure evening. _ a Anderson Chair- thriving communities on what was and Earl Walsh presented Fr. Miller; Space will be provided on license Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin, relatives of ever, does not mean the right to as- Hichard J. Lyons, Republican can 1- ng w ' virgin prairie scarcely a century ago, with a purse in behalf of the people cards in which to record convictions Mr. O'Shea, for five days. They madeisemble in such numbers as to prevent date for United States senator, as-tne won (Vrl R Chind-and more than proud of the achieve- present . Wm. Althoff acted as mas- for traffic violations. This is now done a tour of the city, which was replete j others from going about their bttai* speaker. Present plans call lor a, .. . * ( Iments of the succeeding generations, ter of ceremonies. ion the back of automobile registration in its visits to historical spots. Among ness. COUTlt a^r'the ^"'es ^ crowd* of*peop!e Invocation Rev. c! G. Wallenius, D D.jare still undecided as to whether their, Father DeJaco of Alexandria, Ky., cards. (the sight* <they viewed were: the) "The right of free speech does ^iaw ^ ® rges peo .. tt tt Ua^mai. nnva political meeting the county in many In October the • • • • ' IT * U <va.M«n H'AttlMAVIV • II LlIK « UUE IBaUC U1 M«V »«%liWV W rt L U1C V»VWV V* »---- r- -rf , Revere, John Hancock and that of for- j piant." | mer Governor Curly. j Judge Dady then pointed out that. jet-to-fcether meeting to be heM in- 1 DigertT a symposium is presented in was served and statin* waa enjoyed. stat to prevent tampering. Elth" Rep Ls",ns °r EiW,rd to ttrK^om of which well known men and women ex- Music was furnished by tfc. Adam. plain their reactions "When I Can't Brothers. Julius Sleep." there are various sugges- A. Hayes will be the speaker. Hayes is former national commands- of the Sweden. American Legion and one of tnfc*finest "Swedes in America Rev. orators in the country. « « I Lincoln, D. D. _ Meet Every Month "Our Guests"--Silas H. Strawn. *be county cenJj committee is Response-His Royal Highness, the; ^ KTT? fiitfng on the Hd Tu«day of Crown Prince of Sweden. loll,,W,ng u l» "T each month. It is hoped that in the Music by the Swedish Chora^ Club of eay. -History of McHeniy next few weeks interest will start to S-™nho«v Orchestra. I read the tustory 01 aicnenry 'perk up" over the campaign. With tions, such as counting sheep, hum- fURS, LAURA SCOTT ming to one's self, etc. Af WONDER T.A1T« Orson Welles, actor and producer,! jjjjgD THURSDAY WOODSTOCK MAN ( HAS NARROW ESCAPE WHEN TRAIN HITS CAR They enjoyed a boat trip across:if strikers felt the injunction is un- Boston Bay to Nantucket, and got a j reasonable, they had the legal right taste of salt water while swimming it; to'come in and ask for modification, * the ocean. John Gibson, Woodstock insurance FORMER MINISTER | agent, had a narrow escape from but no such move was made. "Thev (the strikers) did not hold a peaceful^ picket line." he went on. UTOTTO AT n 'When fifteen men made the at- VIS11.S ULU to enter the plaBt and we^.e : i stopped, thev stopped because they and Mrs. Samuel J. Harrison at- knew if they another step for- „, . > C v rirriio.tra ! "1 reaa tne "nisiory 01 racnemjr Mrs. Laura .T. Scott, widow of the death shortly before noon Tuesday S CoXtor 'iCounty, 111.' and if that fails, I turn late Latin J. Scott of Wonder Lake, when he jumped from his car as a "tne campaign, r,™ Harry T. Carlson, Conductor I out the ]i ht and try to pretend it is passed away Thursday afternoon, fast passenger train approached the "Dick" Lyons heading the top of the Coronation March, L« rropnete -- ^ ^ of a winter'8 m0rning and I July 14, 1938, about five o'clock, of a Hanaford crossing of the C. & N. W. tended services, and the former made wal:d it meant violence. Pay by day ticket and with a well balanced county Meyerbeer.^ _ ^ ^-tve to get up.M heart ailment. She had been confined railway at Woodstock. Gibson was a short talk, at the M. E. Community ]by _foree and intimidation, these r>- The question now being mulled over at the Woodstock hospital since July driving onto the crossing from the church Sunday, and called on old ;Sp0ndents prevented workmen frora * _ . . a .. . * « _ • • ' . • ^ . • a • _ ff' f I - ^ Uawa Mm U awKiaAn i " " ' ticket the G. O. P. officials feel confident that McHenry county will go Republican by a large vote in Novem~ •.few, ! The Democrats found it difficult to fill a county ticket prior to the pri-1 maiy of last April, but hope to have a full ticket in the field this fall by either filling in with candidates whose names were written in during the pri- Meyerbeer. , ^ . Unfold, Ye Portals, "The Redemp- ha^e ttiioonn----GGoouunnoodd.. _ _ . whether he regards the McHenry 3, when she fell at her home, sustain- east side of the track. He had just friends here. Dr. Harrison is now a entering the factory and the factory Give to all Gods, "Otaf Trygrasson ,« ^ ^ favorite piece 0f ing a broken hip. " I shifted from high speed to second professor at Albion College, Michigan. from opting * . --Irrieg. i literature or so uninteresting and She was born in Shawneetown, 111, when he saw the train coming. Fear- He was a minister of the local M: E.( os-t- i< Sveriges Flagga--Alfven. Juninatt--Peterson - Beiger. Sverige--Stenhammer. . Hallelujah Chorus, "The Messiah" ent fi»ure m. ill, coming, r ear- ne mimswi ui t»« , Picket Line Shattered boresome that it induces sleep. |On Dec. 6. 1853. She leaves to mourn; ing he would be killed he made a dive church twenty years ago. [ Tuesday noon tear gas broke the _ . , Welles for several years a promin- three children, Mrs. Ray Von Bampus through the window of his car and Since leaving McHenry Dr„ Hariri- pjefcet line at the p'.ant. Bombs fired Sverige--Stenhammer. ^ ^ ^ ^ the#trical WOrld, is of Wonder Lake, Grover E. Scott of,landed safely on the ground just ns son spent a number of years as a mis- by fifty deputy sheriffs and police --Handel , best known in this vicinity as "The Oak Park and Mrs. Lily Lyon of Mus-[the_engine struck the car. sionary in China. They are parents from COUnty communities scattered i Voice" in a dramatic program pre- kegon, Mich. ---- ~ j"j"7 , " . nip no acp-lg TNTn ' sented over the radio on Sundays. The body was shipped to Milford Wary or with candidates placed on the CAB vaAonEo Welles was a student at Todd school, Center, Ohio, where the funeral serti<* eJy by the county central commit- TELEPHONE POLE Woodstock, for six years and got his vice and burial took place on Satur- ^e- ' start in dramatics under Roger Hill, day afteroon at two o'clock. ST. PATRICK'S FESTIVAL The car was carried for quite" a dis- of two sons, one in high school and tbe blinded CIO strikers and symtanced own the track and then it slid the other a sophomore at Albion Col- pathizers when court writs failed, down the embankment. It was almost lege. 'says the Waukegan Daily News-Sunr completely demolished. Gibson was Dr. and Mrs. Harrison extend greet-( immediately after the five-minute unhurt. ings to their many old friends in Mc- battle had ended, car after car of Only slight damage was done to the Henry. j non-strikers, who have been forcibly engine and train and after a few^min- . 'prevented from working since June 6, JfUit before the Heavy rains of headmaster there. Tuesdav evening an automobile, driv-t -- -- -- i w«. - • - -- --- ---- --- rirmtivn . . , , , ., .. en at an excessive rate of speed by' WOMAN WINS SUIT ' St. Patrick's festival will be held utes' stop the train pulled into the de- WAYNE BACON INJUHED ; entered the south gate of the North two men of Oswego, 111., crashed into| Judge William L. Pierce decided again this yeaj- on the church lawn, pot. Scores of autos soon assembled ^ CRYSTAL LAKE Ch*ca*° Plant- tr>.return to J°rW\ »»»»»•• t m >»•»»• t> i l|i» Births ; ^ < 4 >•< ?•<•••«*>•<1111rPNi a"tele'phone^ post near^Hill^^TOp^^Inn^^on'agaT^t"David~W. WillIa'inst W Waucon^ Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31. kt the scene. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake announce Route 31. Ida,,real estate broker, in his $550 suit Plans are being made to make thej The crossing is the same at which tiie arrival of a son at the Woodstock The car was badly damaged and the against Mrs. Pearl Dickinson Bischoff ci.-nival bigger and better than ever., the Charles Conner car was demolisj. . . Sherman hospital Elgin,1 ""7 "IVT h©«Dital Friday June 15 They are post was broken, but the two occu-'of Woodstock last Thursday in the This is an annual event, sponsored ed a few weeks ago and at which time paOWt at amerm p , m , and b,Uy clubs wielded by the other chiS * %5u escaped with .light injurie,. I McHenry county circuit curt by the people of the pari.h, which Conner did about the »».. G.bson AU. """TT T ~ wKn' The amount represented an alleged everyone in McHenry, the summer re-; of leaving his car and jumping for his two broken rios, a iraciu eu le t nana Jrrowing: at the foundry as »auad ears Scores of policeman and pickets _ ... . 'were injured by the gas. brick-bats Wayne Bacon of Crystal L»ake^ is a^brpwn by the strike sympathisers. COMING EVENTS - . J«ly 21 • '^*bfflcM: Visit"--©. E. S.--Algompiin. and bruises, sustained in an accident filled with police entered the south at the National Yeast Company's The picket ijne continued likeplant which is being constructed at wjS€ to increase. Crystal Lake. j <jjTe Five-Minute Wartiir* Mr. Bacon and fellow workmen were Then at noon deputy sheriffs taravmoving a 600-pound stone with block eled down the picket lines adjo ntng girls. 1 Both received bruises and one who . _ Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May of Johns- was wearing glasses, suffered a gash fee Williams claimed Mrs. Bischoff sorters and citizens of the surround- Hfc. burg are the parents of an 8-pound above his right eye. (owed him for obtaining a purchaser ing .territory look forward to each' daughter, born Sunday, July 17. Mrs. The tar was travelling west on the in August, 1936, for 160 acres of her year. May was Miss Florence Adams of Johnsburg road when the driver was 220-acre farm near McHenry. J A chicken dinner will be served at Rinawood before her marriage. UMnded by the lights of a car on Rt.J. Judge Pierce after hearing the evi- noon Sunday by the ladies of the wsus !rr*& a .S-.EM SMSS ssr^«^.- > daughter, born at St. Therese's hos- across the road into the post. <*ood cause and heretofore have al- ' -- * " Miss Helen Stevens, who has been ways been well patronized. There spending some time with Miss Be- will be amusements for the children atrice Lane, who is teaching summer as well as the grownups, school at Jol^et, returned to McHenry1 Make your plans to come to St. Tuesday. She expects to spend some Patrick's festival Saturday and Suntime at her home in New York state day, July 30 and 31. before commencing • her work at the high school in September. I Mrs. JR, F. Conway and Miss.Gen- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund visited evieve Rnox visited their sister, Mrs, Relatives at Aurora Friday.-- . Clarence Whiting in Elgin pital in that city, Saturday, July 16.: The driver attributed the cause of The Stenger family were local resi-jthe accident to the fact that he was dents the past year, where Mr, Steng- j unfamiliar with the road and did not er was manager of the A. & P. store. [ realize its sudden end until too late. \ | They were given first aid treatment RESIDENCE CHANGES (and their car was towed to Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon andj -- daughter have moved frcm Cary to Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Weingart, Joseph Brannah place on Sooth1 daughter, Evelyne, and son, Donald, Williams street, Crystal Lake. j were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Pink Harrison's Istone swung against him, pinning him ^be strikers and sympathizers: July 23 - 24 (against a wall. The accident,Ji*«pea- «You have five minutes to complete- Carnival--St. Peter's Church--Spring ed Wednesday of last week. [ty clear out!" Grove July 30 - 31 Carnival--St. Patrick's Church Lawn July 28 Ladies' Aid--Church basement--Mrs. L. J. McCracken. * August 4 When that time had elapssd. t&# f.'tv officers, led bv Deputy Sheriff line Mrs. Carl Courier and little daugh ter, Carol Ann, of Woodstock arc Stanley Christian, spread in spending a few days with her mother, from the factory gate across the Mrs. Nellie Bacon. {North Shore tracks. Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter,! Armed with short and long Mary Lou, are visiting in Chicago this --' *' • •' - v- . • • tContinuedcn Paye Wmrf- . A - ••

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