Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1938, p. 3

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* . 7pv> • i.- IBWiiSPW ' .v , PLAIRDEALEE ci rjfsThrw r-.^ - ^Thursday, July 21,1938 HN6W0OD Mrs. Nick Freund entertained the Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. {Seorge Shepard and Mrs. Merritt -^iJraikshank. . _ tertamed : Quite a few from 1MM attended the A COOLING dip for you and the youngster! That's swell! But why leave that heat-tired motor of yours out of the picture, when you can quickly treat it to OIL-COOLED TYDOL Gasoline? TYDOL still leads in giving the motorist extra service without extra cost. In addition to its sparkling power and satisfying mileage, every gallon contains a heat-resisting OIL. This oil constantly cools and lubricates valves, pistons and rings, and in ao doing, protects the performance of your motor. Take a tip and try OIL-COOLED TYDOL. No difference in price from ordinary gasolines... but, • boy, what a difference In results! Home Bureau pirate at Woodstock on Wednesday.' The Home Circle met with Mrs. Lonnie Smith Thursday. A on* o'clock luncheon was served and a fine program was enjoyed in the afternoon. The Young Adults group was enin the home of Virginia Jepson Thursday evening. Games were played and a social evening was spent. The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. Rilla Com Friday. A pot-luck dinner was served at neon. Mrs. Hugh Wbite: *f Detroit, Mich., is visiting in the Wm. McCannon WONDER LAKE KeOUIXOM LAKE Mrs. E. Hanuja and children and Mrs. J. Lorin of Chicago are visiting Mrs. I. Radorau this week. Mr. * and Mrs. • Ralph Templeton, Mrs. Peter Schaefer and daughter of McHenry were visitors at the home of I Joe N. Schaefer Wednesday, evening. I Weekend guests at the home of Mr. Miss Dorothy. Ryan, Miss Delores and Mrs. Winkrantz were A1 Nagle, Stevens and Mr. McAtee of Chicago George Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson sp$nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- and Mr. and Mrs, Grimmels, all of ard Wallace. 'Chicago.' Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sfcorej^Jr., of ( Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rush of Chicago Chicago are now residents of Wonder spent the weekend at Mrs. Bennett's Lake as they moved into their new- home. home at Look Out Point just recently. Fern Haitfelder and Gladys Kane They h»ve named tilesr new home, end daughters, Patsy A^n and Rita "Naned." . . l Mae, will remain here until , Labor Mrs. J. H. Meyers and son, Robert, Day. was a Woodstock Mrs. L. Bennett and Mrs. Musyn Chicago spent Wednesday of last week ski of McCollum Lake were visitors at with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Janisch. . the home of Mrs. George Hiller. Mrs. Olaf Barka and daughters, Syl-! Mr. and Mrs. J. Bald of Chicago via and Beverly, and son, Marton, and spent the weekend at their summer daughter-in-law, Mrs. Aksel Barka of cottage at McCollum Lake. Chicago, have rented the Knute Barge' L. Bennett spent the weekend at his cottage for a week's vacation. home here. Mrs. Fairchild entertained a number Mr. and Mh. Frank Madsen were riosnre* | j Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, I ,Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday in! , „ . th» Wm Beth home » and son, Dr. Edward Meyers, and Mrs J Mrs. Winkrantz I Charles Foss of New York CityiWm. Huguelet and daughter. Lor- visitor Friday afternoon. 'spent Tuesday with his cousin, How-™ine- a^Mi^,SLonaZei^?„k'rc„h„„0 I! .ard Shepard. ' | Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were .visitors at Woodstock Wednesday. j Mrs. Leah Nelson of Milwaukee ! spent Thursday in the D., L. Hall home. I Wayne Fosswas a caller at Hart- Ja^ Thursday eveninir d of friends at her home Tuesday even- Sunday guests at the home of Mm f.mU -5? ?S2nr5^v iing. The evening was spent playing Joe Schaefer, With "Sir »nd Ur5 Rev%»t#r* ibridge. Those who made up the group Frank Ritzer and Mr. Mclntyre of I Mr miiA Mm cL*«-»«» and were Mr. and Mrs. George Thall of Chicago will spend two weeks at their E. Neb™ • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holstrom, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gteen of Mci Marion H.wlev in>nt the out week . Dib»«-Jmaijeh »n<l Mr. and Mrs. Collum Lake wffl >p«nd • w«k m I Marion H.wtey .pent the j>«»t M.r.. At midnight » Jpwly more in EvMuton. m the 6. C.„ home .t ClT»W. ,„Bch w„ Mrved. . I Mr. and Mr,. A. Hatuwn of Chicago I Th. Sunshine 4-H Girl, enjoyed a Property wer, a. MlUM .pent the weekend at their summer people are anxious to see the seven home here. and one-half mile boat race that will Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Peterson and , . . n„„ TJ„k. • ^1! take place on Wonder Lake Sunday, their two sorts and cousin of Chicago '2'JZi£?£SEZ2Z >>"? «' 2 p. rn, r' ThMr>d*L Mr. Milton K £ Mr,. D. C. Bacon and Mrs. Cor. «••*. j»st we.t ofW.A. Wood, of- home of Mr. .nd Mrs. MUton K Pet- .Walters of Crystal Lake were callers|#<* headquarter.. Cash proes will be er,on. McCollum Lake. The, had an picnic at Lake Geneva Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hall and daughi here Saturday afternoon. | awarded to the winner. There will be enjoyable time fishing and swimming Mrs.~RiHa JFossandaon, Wayne,i4*"?* m,°d'ls sfbo"" • "VLi^l caller, at Crytal lake Sunday'and a fy»t pr... wjl be given to each caught a nice .tnng of pickerel. n<wvn Iclass of boats. Proper y owne v. sons one visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ku< Mrs. Wm. McCannon, Mrs. Merritt j Wonder Lake may register at Jerry's ™to Cruikshank and Mrs. Hugh White call-IP^ce for entry »n^this ni.. and Mrs. Liby Parlicek of Berwyn ed on Mrs. Mabel Johonnott at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and son the parents of a son, bom July 4. |Miss Dora Anderson, Pistakee Bay, spent Thursday afternoon at her home here. I Mr. and Mrs. George Young andMr ... son, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in Mrs. A. Bode has her mother, Mrs. Wampole,. Miss Flora Taylor and J. V. Buckland spent Sunday in the Frank Collins home at Wilmette. I Miss Ann Pfiefer of Spaulding, was' twenty-one inches long, and Ave were over fourteen inches long. Arlene " Madsen left for Benton Harbor, Michigan, by boat Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Piotrowski and sons of Chicago spent the weekend at thsir summer home. Mrs. Bowler and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Guests were Miss Maryne Coyne, Henry Post of Chicago, and Leo Miller of Johneburg. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox and daughters of Chicago were visitors at the home of Lee Sando. Mrs. T. Gay and son of McCollum Lake returned to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Morrison and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodchild of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lochelle Mr. and Mrs. Draegen and daughter, Margaret, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rochelle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Galka, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jankovsky were Saturday and Sunday guests at the Arthur Thompson cottage. The Wm. Wrights of Batavia, 111., were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson and daughters of Chicago arrived Sunday. Mrs. Davidson and girls will remain for one week. Misses Elizabeth Petty and Rella Backus entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Scott and Arthur 'Rutledge of Chicago Saturday. Mrs. I. Washburn of McCollum Lake entertained guests over the weekend; Among the guests were Norton Whitmore of Gardner, 111. «nd Lucille Sharp of North Carolina, and her daughter, Phyllis. Mrs. Wm. Rochelle of McCollum Lake visited Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, future king of Sweden, Friday evening during his visit to Chicago. She wf# very disappointed in not meeting the Crown Princess Louise. The Princess was in Evanston at the time of her visit. William Frett of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at McCollum's Lake. H. Greenwood of Chicago is the new owner of the log cabin, formerly owned by Berth Sisko. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hardy and daughter, Arlene, of McCollum's Lake spent the weekend in Chicago. ^ Miss Nelle Lekawitch, Miss Josephine Anton and Mrs. Herman Menster spent a delightful week at Lake McCollum. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butler and daughter, Joan, of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Brinkman and daughters, Chicago, spent a week at Woodrick's cottage at McCollum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Matter spent the families of Chicago are spending the month of July at the Jacobson cottage. Mrs. Anna Herkert and family, Mrs. Carla Schweikert and family and Mrs. Bernhard Barteldes, all of Chicago, * , \ t are spending a week at their cottage. " 7 * * ^ '< Miss Marie King of Richmond was *' * » i a visitor at the home of Eleanor Schaefer. •100 ROOMS wt*to*«M« to *f» •100 ROOMS CONANT HOTEL COMPANY CENTRAL GARAGE , Vp^en your car or track nee&s attention, we are prepared kto serve you. One of the best equipped garages :in Northern Illinois. < Vv '. Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tirw . :;! • \ Electric and Acetylene Welding v';-;,d^Cajr^Waslu3ig and Polishing i Plione Towing Johnsbnrg i* '."'""'b'T'J " Josephine.** The Gumaelini, Waters and Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John McElligott has ^ . ... „ . w as guests Mr. and Mrs. John McElli- J® *<r J11"8 , .... .... »«d LoM",Fr P ,nks."'JoI^,,>o„Sp.ri„T I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich are ™t. ^ Carl Vogel of Chicago® Howard Eaton and a party of and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hirsch, Jr., ^j^s from Chicago were calling on and Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hirsch of fiends ,n Shore H. ls Sunday. Hay^^nMfMr *nd (^y^ Chicago and Mr^Un^ a v^hrnV heTmother Mrs Strom's mother, Mrs. Amanda Landson, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in | A. Bode nas ner > strom of Chicago are now residents of the Charles Dowe honie at McHenry.|TP Hams, and Mrs. Cora Wonder Lake. They have rented the Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Amy, Miss Marion Compton of ^ CQtta in HiUs oS5"c3l and Mrs. Geo.' ^rgo :Kramer, of!McHenry djliv. Reynertaon of Chic^are .^ndin, a jred a ^ful £.« few 18 ter one day last week. Mr. Baue has weekend at their cottage, fW,™,k.. i. visiting in the C. J. ow Sirek and chil- "is new boat I Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHenry spent dren of Chicago are guests of Mr. and • (Wednesday in the home of her daugh-j Mrs. Frank Sirek a few ys . ter, Mrs. George Young. (week. | I The Ringwood Home Bureau will Mr. and Mrs. A. Mel er ahd Paul hold a weenie roast at the home of Warrel of Evanston Golf C u w®re I Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas Tues- j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kellar day evening, July 26, for the Young,Monday. | Adults group and 4-H clubs. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenna, Miss , I The Ladies' Aid Society will serve Helen Rose Travis and Miss Joan Reta a dinner Wednesday. July 27. , i Travis and Mrs. Wm Grogan of Chi- ( I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and fam- <**<> enjoyed the weekend at the Mc-1 ily of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-,Kenna eottage in Wonder Center. ( mer Montanye and son of Woodstock,! Mrs. Laura Scott, mother o rs. f , Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and fam- Ray Van Bampus, passed away Thun,- ily of Richmond ad Mr. and Mrs. El- day afternoon, July 14, at the Woo,imer Olson and family spent Sunday stock hospital, where she ® i in the S. H. Beatty home. ! confined since July 8. She had the Jack and Jean Wolfe of Woodstock misfortune to fall and break her htp soent a few days the past week with at the home of her daugh er m ore Mrs Jennie Bacon , Hills. Funeral services and burial took Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet of Woodi place at Milford Center, Ohio, on Sat- _ stock were callers in the Charles Peet urday afternoon at two ocloc . I land S. H. Beatty homes Sunday after-! Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jacks, Jr., and • noon. I family, Miss Olive Herman, Mr. and | Mrs. Leo Neulin and children of Mrs. Chas. Fredenburg and Mr. and l Little Rock, Arkansas, have been vis- Mrs. Andrew Ehrhardt of Chicago iting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks, spent the weekend with Mr. an rs. ! and daughter, Mary. i Clyde Jacks, Sr., of Wonder Center. Miss Alice Mae Low is spending a Miss Florence Michaelson an iss couple of weeks visiting relatives at Louella Leasure of Calume i y • Blue Island. I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. A. Ruehlman and children 'Leith. ^ I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arack Gohn enter-! Ff Ibm MwOoi mkik'Dws hiu Fwmall 12 you oet ell Ike adraalegee aI fuatU design when it comes Id oalttratlna. Thee* aolttivi BitsnlsA ittnall ieatttTM-- UM MMAU IS Cultivate? Ami Bowl M |» M Act-- a Day I eoMs * day in oon, cotton, potatoes, end other crops plented in rows 28 to 44 Inch-- apart. flwf In 111^ efficient, •oocomlcal Farmatt 12 and is uslW>elliu| nnlL braklna of eitiber rear wheel ttuEongh the atsocing whodl for aquare turns -- an built into the Tarmall 12. Equipped with tiio McCormick-Daering Qoick-AtlachaUe 2-row Cuiinior, the Farmall 12 has a capacity of 25 to 33 ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 ^ ^ Pearl Street quick-dodging ability, toward of tha ganga, and went to Chicago Wednesday to go ort ... She returned tained as a guest their niece, Miss Paule Gohn, of Chicago over the trip with her parents. (home Monday morning with Mr. CASKINE OIL CO. RidfeAeld, IlLaois JOHN THOMPSON SERVICE STN. BUBCHERT SERVICE STATION -SCSHD'8 STORE, Grlaw^d Lake SKAFFMAN'S TAVERN, Bii«waad C NT CARLSON, Agaat, PU*, McSLmrr 96 - ^ Ruehlman, who went into Chicago on weekend. Sunday evening. I, Miss Dorothy Akin of Evanston is Mrs. Viola Low was a caller at er.joying a two weeks' vacation at the Woodstock Monday afternoon. I home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pratt and Mus of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon Marfc Pratt of Chicago spent Sun ay with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Chace. Mrsj S .W. Smith. ^ I Mrs. Grace Eagle and daughter, La- Mr. and Mrs. Whi. Wurtzinger and Verne, from Kenosha were weekend daughter of Woodstock spent Satur-, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. arday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.|nson- _ , „ ° Lonnie Smith. Mrs. Anna Setka and Mrs Arnold Mrs. Lora Sprenzel of Twin Lakes Pederson and sons from Austin spent spent the weekend with Mrs. Louis Moday with Mr. ad Mrs. George B. Hawley. j Chace. Miss Bernice Smith of DeKalb spent! Mrs- M- K . Slfon °f C^ica^ 8pent the weekend at her home here. l laM week with Mrs. \\ m. Core 1. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coates a n d 1* Dr. and Mrs. Carl Watkins of Chison of Clarion, Iowa, Mrs. Mary caK° were &uests of Mr* Mra- JCoates of Crystal Lake were Sunday Condon Sunday, Come in for your FREE Thermometer . . . Then prove for yourself that it usually is at least 10° to 15° cooler outdoors than ia your home at nightfall. (U. S. Weather Bureau statistics show that it averages 20° difference between maximum day temperature and minimum night temperature.) dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Betake, were callers at Woodstock On Saturday morning. Mrs. George Harrison is spending the week in the Henry Hinze home at Crystal Lake. Lenard Darr of Chicago is visiting in the Roy Neal home. Mrs. Libbie Ladd spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. A. Wice of Chicago spent from Wednesday until Saturday evening in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Nagel moved in-1 to their new home at Look Out Point ore day last week. ' Mrs. Blanche Strong of Chicago spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Strong. Every Thursday the ladies and chil-, dren of the community on the west side hold a pot-luck dinner at Park No. 4. After their picnic dinner the ladies spend the afternoon playing bridge and five hundred and the chil-, dren have a delightful time in bathing. Park No. 4 has one of the finest beaches on the lake. j It was a pleasant and complete sur-1 C4 • 7 Mrs. Frank Henry of Crystal Lake, prise to Mrs. George B. Chace when Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet ar.d daugh- a group of Chicago ladies dropped in t«r, Marion, and friend and Mrs. on her at her home here Thursday of George Harrison enjoyed a picnic din-, last week. Her guests we® Mrs. ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mare Pratt, Mrs. Russell Pratt nnd B. Harrison Sunday. (daughter, Elise Marie, Mrs. Edward Mrs. Carney and daughter of Clt»- Filek and daughter, Rosebud, Mrs. cago spent Wednesday in the Roy Neal Mamie Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur h0R,e< , Tennyson, Mrs. Matlie Hornisher and Mr! and Mrs. Glenn Treon of Crys- daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Edward tal Lake spent Friday evening in the Kline and daughter, Marylin. W. B Harrison home. ! Mrs. Urban Janisch spent Thursday Miss Marion Peet and girl friend of and Friday with relatives in Chicago Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Liesch of Chicago are building a new home on Lake Shore Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Drive. family, Mrs. A. Wice and Lenard Darr I Dave Holstrom of San Diego, Calif., spent Thursday evening at Lake .is visiting at the home of his brother, Marie 'Carl Holstrom. Sargent and Mrs. Murphy and. Mr. and Mrs. Kabella of Stickney, Marty Thompson of Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cenufcky of Sunday in UM Patrick Coyne home. Fox River Grove ware Sunday evening M miel illustrated costt rnntj $84-- ftmtU utrrjimg rkmrgtfrr tUjiiwrf fiiymmti} QUIET, ECONOMICAL OPERATION Corrects Air Conditions^ Ttirongfrout the Entire House • Come in and get your FREE thermometer. Then compare temperatures for yourself.. .Tests show it is usually from 10°to 153 warmer in your home than outdoors at nightfall. Think of the added comfort for your family when you biting outdoor temperatures into bedrooms during sleeping hours. That's just what an Attic Fan Night-Time cooling system does--brings you low cost sleeping porch comfort for every bedroom. Because this system corrects air conditions three important ways . . . First, it drives out hot, stale daytime air . . . Second, it draws in cool night air ... . And, third, it cools all cooms with consssnt circulation., . Here's all you do. Open your windows in the cool of the evening and scut die &n. Run it during the night. Then, as temperatures lower hourly outdoors, you get constantly falling temperatures indoors, and your whole family may enjoy refreshing sleep. How easy it is to operate this system ... audit's so easy to own, too! Inquire about special payment terms foe an Attic Cooling System for your hojne. Come in today for complete details. Don't forget to ask for a FREE thermometer. Otfcf inliw art nldf atUtUv §Ww» -- afr- Hafts. VWt tMr stem NOW. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANV OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ti* fm tar aitf*- 101 Williams St, Crystal Lake Cryttnj *** J • ' -mil ... ..

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