Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1938, p. 1

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;<"*i aSlJ-.t- /rsitVf ;S.' ••>«>»»m^i ly y - i . - r y -- » < • 7i*i;.. % •; &Ht fc 4^ V^-^Vv n( ' ^ w , ^4l' 'i ( ^ <£*»• jfc& * >&«*r v ^ * +»4* X * t i * ' ' • • • ' " • • • • "* ' 'f-i'tj »••*****<*>- -<4'",^i \- W'TX '" .- ct-.k" ..«•* m'% nmv *• : 'X-U t ,UA,%^* ~<« . *< *- ** « ' ** t * .*• 4 *•* ' • ««>».,-. ^ -" V»X f«e -*L H X * ' *$*' ' _ \ . . , . . . . «k » ^ ' .•£' ;"V ; ?vf - J: ' H.', t.;*7 " . ;•. ^ "1 . \ .'*'t.-^." £~i £i _ _* ' *• ">':'* < \ * A l V , - 3 -m t' * ' Volume 64 McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 28,1938 SUMMER FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN DAIRYMEN ARE WILL BE WINNER HKATEST FARM CONTEST UNDERWAY : V- 's Annual Carnival Saturday and Sundayi'"VILLA MARIA" PROVIDES FRESH MAKES MODEL FARM FOR H. J. STILLING JOHN F. CLAXTON, , DIES AT HOME EAST OF M'HENRY SOT. BACON TAKING PART IN ANNUAL RSVOLVER CONTEST ' Wi}I Pur,e Milk farmers, Mutz -£v Brothers of Trevor, Wis., or Frank. . ^ . • -- • . ' .f;':K^r TV*n Hay of'West McHenry, 111.* step up to Woflrk on the farm need no iDistrict 6 championship this year, be the back-breaking task it once was,! v PMA members in McHenry county are for Mr. and Mrs. Farmer. Electricity J r wondering as entries dose in Chicago-j has proved itself a cheap and efficient land's Neatest Dairy Farm Contest, servant and farmers are beginning to 1938. | realize its worth more each day. They were silver and bronze medal "A farm housewife's dream comes Winners, respectively, in 1987, (and true," is the way the electrified farm with last year's gold medal winner, homestead of the H. J. Stilling family Henry J. Stilling of McHenry, inelig-; might well be designated. This farm ible for the title a second year, the | is located on 111. 31 about three miles competition between these two farms north of McHenry, and is open for is bound to be keen. | public inspection each week day after- This is the fifth year of the Pure noon- . Milk Association's project which has; Service Co. Co-operates made the name Pure Milk Farms a I This is one of two such farms in synonym to city milk consumers for, McHenry county to be so electrified the best in dairy farming. District; through the co-operation of the Pub- 6 entrants are: |l'c Service Co. of Northern Illinois, Algonquin Local--John N. Bos, R. 1. and is the closest one to McHenry. Algonquin, 111. |The other is the J. R. Beard farm on Crystal Lake Local George W. the Greenwood-Hebron town line road, Gehrke, Crystal Lake, 111. | Just off Route 47, about five miles Hebron Local --T. C. Schroeder from Woodstock. Farms, Leo Soucie, tenant, Richmond, The purpose is to demonstrate to -111.. i farm families the conveniences to be .McHeriry Local--Frank Hay, West gained through the use of electricity McHenry, 111. • and electrical devices in the perform- Ringwood Local--Arthur 3. Stilling, ances of farm and farm home tasks. ON SAME 76 Y1}AR8 FARM Sgt., Lester Bacon was <>ne of five men from the Elgin state highway police district, chosen in qualifying rounds several weeks ago to^take part in the annual sta^ revolver championships held at Springfield, Wednesday and Thursday of this, week. The state patrolmen were scheduled to start shooting Wednesday afternoon and today, (Thursday), state and city revolver champions from the middle west will compete with the Illinois champions in the first such invitational shoot ever held in the*. Springfield section. CHILDREN AT DAY PRESENT TWELFTH ANNUAL PROGRAM STARS OF YESTERYEAR PARTICIPATE The biggest night of the season SERVED SUNDAY ACTIVITY STARTS SAtXJJt •&! " SAY EVENIKG §0:s DIRECTED BY CATHOLIC* CHARITIES - • • ]tn McHenry county .is a beautifulrii"^• spot called Pistakee Bay. ftiany word and continue through Sun- The other men from the Elgin state j E. Hoff. highway police district^ taking part] The evening was a most successful tok place at the Pistakee Yacht Club start this coming Saturday evening, Saturday, July 23, when the twelfth I July Junior entertainment was given bySthe'day. children of the prominent Pistakee Bay residents, directed by Mrs. Harry It's just a little street where old pictures could be written about this" friends meet--and St. Patrick's parish j lovely place and, no doubt, many have hopes you will wander back this year,been. But there must be some added to its annual carnival. Activity wiil | attraction to this magic name, espea&' J.v. cially in the spring and summer tinte. us talk about it. , On the shore of Pistakee Bay stjinds Chicken Dinner DeLuxe a groUp 0f buildings shaded by tall A chicken dinner deluxe will be, trees. As you enter the grounds you served by the ladies of the parish,! encounter a signboard with the in- T/viin T K Baker Wii ! ^ ^ ° . starting at U a. m. Sunday. The la^ SCnption "Villa Maria." It is The were John La^on, J. K;aker A\il- one, and the program of songs, dances dies 0f the Altar and Rosary Society Catholic Charities' Summer home for ham Sullivan and William Gallagher, and numbers by the. entire cast went1 have been working diligently all week'mothers and children. off smoothly under the^ efficient direc- ;n preparation of one of the finest din-1 The Catholic Archdiocese of Chition of Mrs. Hoff, who has worked ners ever served by their organiza- cag6 long ago recognized the need for with the children for many years.]^. | poor, harassed mothers and their un- Rev. Win. A. O'Rourke, pastor of j derprivileged children to have a chance BAND CONCERT TONIGHT The first in a series of band concerts scheduled for this .summer was pre- ^ She was ably ^assisted by Mrs. An sented Thursday evening in the city j thony Seyl as co-chairman and accompark with a fine crowd in attendance, j panist, Mrs. Lola LeMoorj and Mrs. The program consisted of classical Loretta Gibney. | selections by the band, interspersed J Stare of Yesteryear with several vocal numbers by Earl This year as a gXfinA f^aie of the John Franklin Claxton, 80 years old, a pioneer resident of this community,1 Conway. All but four of the twenty members in the band are McHenry citizens. The next concert will be presented this (Thursday) ^evening, followed by four more during fche month of August. COMING EVENTS B..1, McHenry, 111. ' • i Equipment in the house ranges from, - Turner & Winn, (B. T. Winn) R. 1, an electric razor and shaving lights passed away at his home east of this' Richmond, 111. |in the bathroom all the way to an city Saturday evening, July 23, 1988; Spring Grove Local--Carey Proper- electric range and water heater in the at about 9 o'clock, after an illness of July 2g ties, John Blackman, tenant, Wilmot,kitchen r j ten months. 'Ladies' Aid--Church basement--Mrs. T?i; v^1!,3 RpCi0ln' Ri?p0nud' 1U'J i There are electric driven milkers in' A most hi*hly ^Pec^d citizen, he L. J, McCracken. " Adolph Ender, R. 1, Box 20, Richmond, thp ^ and an electric water cooler ^115 a man to ** envied; he worked Band Concert--City Park. extended by committees in preparation j for an even better carnival tkMMR ®ftwelve annual programs put on by,fered in the past few years, the juniors, Mrs. Hoff arrangred to St. Patrick's parish, and General, to get a rest and to enjoy the out-of- Chairman Ray Mcee are highly grati- doors, where things are pleasantly fied with the co-operation* and effort green and cool, refreshingly fr&gra&t. Established in 1925 Therefore in 1925, |lis RminehCe Si - ^Trl^S^nfon1'!^^ GroJe to keep mi,k at the right ^P^ture ^^ *^ enjoyed life to his vtmoit July 30 - 31 in the milk house. Although his formal education pro- Carnival--St. Patrick's Chufch Lawn. ! <rr»aaori nn fnrflier than tfiat Anvnal ^ have everyone who *had previously taken part to reappear on the program. - - Some of these juniors are now in business, some are married, and others are living in distant homes, but they were all happy to return for the Veunion at the Yacht Club. - The entertainment Saturday night was rather an informal family affair, George Cardinal Mundelein establish* Trend Toward Quality \ \ «d "Villa Maria," the Catholic Char- . Declarations from chairmen of var- ities Summer Camp, on Pistakee Bay, ious committees indicate a definite McHenry County, Illinois, which is lotrend toward a better quality of iger-|^ated fifty-eight miles northwest oft? be given as prizes Chicago. \ 111.; James Todd, R. 1, Richmon|d, HI.; , 'gressed no further than that received August Mutz Bros., Trevor, Wis. 1 in the country schools, his natural in- Picnic--RiWtview Camp--Oaklawn. Woodstock Local--Winwood Farm, f108) ,mP°^ .? ^^Istinct for fineness proved him to be a *71, Woodstock, 111. |to demonstrate d^ity as A very,truly cultured All but two of these 1938 entrants cheap servant. For instance, the,truly 1 John F. Claxton was the youngest Aagust 13 Picnic--St. Mary's. 14 have participated other years in Chi- Stillings, in "sjn^ the^ ^ct"^ "^Hof eight children born to Maria and ceaageoollaanndd"ss NNeeaatteesstt DDaaiirrvy FFaarrmm CCoonn-- "er for the first five times, and e~ach John Claxton. He wa„s a natjve of test. They have seen the dividends it time for about two hours, used 12(this county> ),ejng bom Nov. 11, 1857, paid in satisfaction in work made cents worth of electricity. lon the Frisby farm Just south of Mc i easier by cleanliness and order, chil- Electrically charged screens on the(Henry where his parents settie<j when' dren newly alert to ways to make doors to elecrocute flies as they gath- they came from 0riskany, N. Y. When their home a "neat farm" (for the V^to await an opportunity to fly tnto he was £our years o!d move<| whole family pitches in to help), and, the house is another feature. |the farm which was hig home for tfceJ accordingly enter year after year. j Lights Properly Spaced 'past 76 years. i Senior Award of Merit plaques will, Besides the equipment already, Ftoo YOUNG SON OF FORMER M'HENRY RESIDENT MEETS TRAGIC DEATH *0 to an farms rating 90 per cent or named other articles found in the \mnieA at the Presbyterian parson- °f higher m cleanliness and neatness; Stilling kitchen are properly spacedi _. w0<Miatnck on J*n 1R 1R82 hr , res,dent8 ot Junior Award of Merit plaques will go lights, including ceiling, sink, stove )the Rev j D McLaen and ^mmenc- t!^Te °L!! long linger in the minds of the spec- „ , T , friends and relatives of the John R. Mercy Fryer and John Claxton were Hunters of Terre Haute, Indiana, this city, w^re the tragic death of tators. to all farms rating 80 per cent to 89 and wall lights. Another is an elec-| their son, James, who died of'a heart | . per cent. In addition, the highest trie roaster with several supplement-;^ i,ved until his r^t dith To attac|Lwhi.,e sw' in Lake Mich-| The only formal affair of the ranking farm will receive a 57-piece ary futures, which make it more than ^ uni<m were born ^ chiIdre; one service for eight of Oneida Commun- an ordinary roaster. For instance, ]t; Qf wh0m died in infancy cookie sheet or as -- jj *«,-- claxton celeb. rati.e dj chandise which wll in the booths. j On Monday, June 27, 1938, there Members of St. Patrick's parish and w>s sent a ?rouP of thirty-flve mottitheir pastor have had the pleasure of ers *n<' children, which was the greeting large crowds at their carni-! Party of the season to visit "Villa _ infnrm«i fomiiv niTnir i va's an(i dinners in past years and ex- Maria." This party travelled over tne was rather an informal family affair, heartv welcome to all to at- Chicago & ^/Northwestern Railroad , with proud parents and grandparents, Ve2slffair , whose officL have furnished free the Pr°"r,m °V this transporUtii>„ aine« ,he op.nin, After the^progran) ir^;7of'nthrchS;Vo^ were served to all the children resid-1 «recting stands and^arranging set- first time rode on a railroad train.^ ing at the Bay and guests enjoye | , , , , e tl f^ . o i This thrill for mothers and childancmg to the music of an eight-piece be on hand both Saturday and Sun- ^ w&g continued upon arrivaf aT orchestra. _ ( • 'McHenry, the nearest railroad station Mrs. Hoff has directed the junior, Games are being planned to afford to <.Villa Maria" for there they were entertainment twograms at the Bay amusement for both old and young, met by busses and trucks, which tran»- for the past twelve years and each j with those in charge endeavoring to ^ them the c on pjstak^ year they are more beautiful than choose the games which attracted the g the last. Mrs. Anthony Seyl has act-,most interest in the past. | ed as accompanist for the past five If this carnival does not gain great-; Thia remained at "Villi years. er favor than ever before, it will be . „ , _ • , , ... The circus presented in 1932 was aa through no fault of the enthusiastic f°n * ^"h ° e ays *na ..funding affair. Over .i,ty-five „„r|£. „h„ given much tim. children participated in the program and thought toward providing the type ™ . , . . , and their difficult aerial (eat. will of carnival and dinner you £ill enjoy. #r,t These f,m,l,es se,erted from Select Underprivileged „ . , those who are receiving relief or Kjoee p tjh ese dates open -- Saturday . • j " j • u- i. a n d S u n d a y , JT u tl y 3on0 a n dj 3 1 . i ,w. h ose income.s is. ed and in , w hich, there is involved a health problem of ity silverplate in the Elaine pattern.' can be used as a A 31-piece service for six will go to a griddle for pancakes. the second highest ranking farm, and Others are mixmaster, electric cofa 26-piece service for six to the third fee maker, a toaster, a kitchen clock, highest farm. The District 6 champion will ... . i - - . , , . a , • _ i._ J „„„11 <-mn, iuni(juscu mucii ui nis , I ran. 5ar,mS 'n ele?nC ^ ' | and during his life made five violins. PMA s other fourteen districts for the or fine pieces.' , Grand Championship Neat Farm title,' Of course, atl electric [refrigerator, L,_ tgan Tuesday, July 19. (son will take place next Saturday Nine boys started out happily from night when the Commodore's ball will Terre Haute Sunday, July 17, to join be held. Mr. and Mrs a Sea Scout cruise in Chicago on the i Since the opening of the season at their golden wedding anniversary in ^rs "of'Lake"Michigan'." James had, Pistakee on July entertainment for January of 1932: gone to Chicago, accompanied by his every evening at the private club land in the laundry room, a clothes Mr" ""ton waa noted for his many mother and an aunt> who waited at .makes the summer an interesting then washer with drver attachment and an accomplishments. He was a fine musi- th wharf unti, 2 0'clock Monday af- w'tb dances and bridge parties. : cian, composed much of his own music f_, 1 • - * " J LOCAL SCOUTS AHEND DISTRICT CAMPOREE AT WOODSTOCK, THREE DAYS Commodore's Ball .... . . either the mother or children, and for jwhom the outing will be an invent* ment in sunshine and health. | The procedure after the families rive at Villa Maria is somewhat follows: A doctor, who is employed by the "l!.5!"t0".w*s„n0^f0r,m,".y mother" summeran iniereSting on. camp"^"^'^ "e ^ c'hectothe wharf until 2 o'clock Monday af- with dances and bridge parties. A Thirty-five Scouts from the various again the health of the mothers and ternoon when the cruiser left the *rand fiesta will mark the end of the cjties and townp in Boone and Mc- children to guard against contagious wharf. j.summer season which closes LaborjHenry C0Unties held session in a Dis- diseases and he makes recommendat »» -- - pntpr*nin:n~ with 0n Tuesday afternoon the eralacrju«y- e , ..Jtnct CamP°ree on the .sch°o1 pounds tions as to food and recreation while which carries with it an 8-day vaca- one of the most important pieces of en^rtaming with selections from his ran ,nto a calm and sin(Ce they cou|d. Next Sunday many of the boats at at Woodstock last Friday, Saturday in camp. tion trip down the Mississippi, Ohio, equipment for the homemaker, can be ^® ire w !c rendered ^ continue their journey because of ^he Bay will attend the Regatta at and Sunday. This was a Patrol Camp- Maintain Family Privacy and Tennessee rivers to Muscle Shoals found in the kitchen. An electric- T_. „ .V,' j . . . the calm, the sails were taken down * . ,, v, , . ] 'n? contest in which the Patrols dem- There are numerous rooms and the aboard the "Golden Eagle," an old- driven fan screen ventilator draws J?dail re'ics P™?1 a fascinating ^ the ^oys decidtd that it would be The program at the Yacht Club Sat- onStrated their ability to camp as a o^e.Tovs 'lir^i^dTo" one "buildtime river packet plying the rivers of cooking odors and fumes out the top j10®^ • ^1°" an excellent time for a swim. The urday night was as follows: |Unit and competed against a standard } whjfe mothers with children are Mark Twain country. lof the kitchen window in which it is P P oo o is e lg in is orujser was that time about eight Opening Chorus--Entire Cast. of excellence instead of against each ^jven roomT°in another of the capa- Farms Judged in August .. 'placed, to keep a supply of fresh, cool chosen avocaton He will also be re- ten m|,es from St. Joseph( Mich., Song and Dance - Marjorie Baem,-othel, Harold Taxman, Edwin Corry ^ whiT^mt^^ of them Jte -r---farms will be judged in August hy air in the kitchen. And then there is u j6 6 e8COpe and was about four miles off shore. - i?.n^ ®'e'nn. Person represented Mc- 0jher words, some rooms have three beds in them so that the privacy of. low members who own and operate stove used to heat the kitchen on cold ana cnuaien, wiuiam and Mrs. g^jppgr 0f the cruiser who has con-; s S°v5vT" ^rl u forniance in such things as pitching mother is^ able to see that children are' *"»• "ho .k""w -the <1 »y» if Aere are no relator, or reg- g^^Xng^d' ."nTMr."' Wah duCted ?ast "f": 1^':. C!°k^?^,eanliness' in bed .when .key are SuppoSeJ to t«. . SI1 „„0 nuuuv merle. a judging committee of three PMA*a white circulator heater in the kitch- made entirely by hand. Each of the boys had a twenty foot ^ance--Caiol Pepper. jHenry at the Camporee. tnem members from another district, fel- en to match the range. This is a small ,e,IS SUVV.!V w ' ^^cv' line tied around his waist, since the ^on*~~ ™ n „ 0.,. The Patrols were rated in their per- ^ family i« tn i,A.t th* kitchen on cold and four children, William and Mrs. . Dwarf's Song --Ted O ConneU, Bill formance in such things as oitchin* * teen years on the lake, believed in tak- j every precaution. Under the; He was a member of the Masonic ^ftehful. o{ gcout Executive M. church. FlTrmeari"8 George^Sessler°hNonuan ness'"Patro1 ^gaiiization co-operation and jf anythinff happens to them at Flanagan, oeorge aessier, iso^man care 0f equipment; and on special „|ne(1 „+ h-md Also in ..... „ - KeeSe. Robert Ericsson, _ ,|pi.ojecl5 such siK„a,ing, kn* ty. th*'^1 E. Community H .d Patton who was in charge So o--Manb n Kling. - mg( judging, laying out a square by ai.rangement is carried out and a Funeral services were held Tuesday . W !^n P^v oirls," with and her chim™ are toge.hjr ternoon at 1:30 from the home, and ™ e fifteen minute swim, afteri ®affy FlanKran. bride: John Duffy, a spccial contest was held between. f *°d^d the prep?amount! Flanagan, groom, and Shirley Dav- individuai Scouts in making fire by vomited Milk <Ldd1t is. Mary Lou Easthope, Corinne Le-. flint and steel. Harold Taxman won B tin it ^ twelve o'c) Moon, Carol Pepper, Caryl Ericsson, th;rd niace in this rrrrif- ^ B> this time it i. t el o ci Easthope. Carol Nilson, Marjorie ratinp aJ win therefore ^ J F°r the fir" f Haemniprter Marilyn Kling, Peggy to attend the Area Small, Rita Dernbach, Anita East- #ord August 4. . .. hope, Suzanne Pi ussing, Cora Ann ' - ... sonally acquire eveiythmg thit is 08 - , Nilson, Elsie Reese, Nam^r Stokes.. j DANIEL WALSH the table for fear that there will not the McHenry Country Club Saturday including a clipper to be used on the JJ™-, Emil Schneider, Mrs. Bertha wa^trvincr^f-i1 --®'or*a ^e'z- I Daniel Walsh, 52, cousin of M. J. ^ ^ them. After * .fef evening, July 23. at 6 o'clock for an farm animals. , Dolling Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and ^ Solo-Lorraine Gibney. / ; Walsh of this city, died at his home in th,,s ^sh urge we«^ off for evening of fun. Golf was played and A 500-chick brooder and a poultry ®0IJ« Chicago; Mrs. Belle Merker, se« how long he could jjy deibu* Tap Dance--Mary Lou Easthope. lAntioch Tuesday morning, July 26, af, real,ze Jhat theie 13 .no ®jinJn« later in the evening, at 9 o'clock a sun lamp are also on display. And Belleville, 111.; Charles Durkee, Long e ma e aPP 1 ® Solo--Julia Romeiser. ' ier an illness of four weeks. He is in e am°un the> raay.enjoy a ^hree delicious dinner was served at the among the milkhouse equipment not ®each, Calitf.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0 e cniisei, l was a i The Stars of esteryear--Song, "When survived by his wife, three sons and ?° meals each da>. It ma> be of fronting a dairy farmer, who know isters in the room. f m v i- r - what is possible and what isn't. i A light meter was used to deter- °jts' Wew ork City. Neatness, cleanliness, order are the mine the proper spacing of lights only things that count. Scoring will throughout the house. A vacuum '°o?e and of the be on the following points: General cleaner, an electric clock for the dinappearance of farm buildings (all- ing room, a radio, room warmer, sewaround view), 50 per cent; condition ing machine, toastmaster and a waf-'afternoon ieil or Illlteeil of dairy barn (inside and out) and ap- fie iron are other electrically operated at 2 oclock from the church, with whjch time aJ1 came hack on board pearance of herd, 20 per cent; condi- devices which add to the pleasures Minar Gerrard officiating. Burtion of milk house, equipment and and conveniences of the electrified ial was in W oodland cemetery. utensils, 20 per cent; condition of all farm home. " • Among the out-of-town folks in SI)Ull . , other buildings on the dairy farm, 10 In the farm tool shop maybe found attendance at the funeral here Tues- fir„ hovs noted tVmi •MWr cceennr*t jl aa hnaalnf- hnoori«. ee ppoowyeerr eelieecctirnicc mmoottoorr, day werer Mrs. Asrn es Jencks,'- Mrl !H?u'nst/e,rm fh atdh ej uomthpeerd bion> sa gnaoitne.d tThhaet 7- -"^-^fvrhich furnishes the power for a drive Martha Page, Mi. and Mrs. H. A, c. - . v- v]-„:ianf -- PAHTY Af COU NTR Y CLUB If haft operating a drill press, tool ^gert and daughter, Qrval Huts<^, anneared tot A group of friends assembled at grinder and other power equipment, ^r" an(^ ^rs. Milton Lenzyk, Mr. and . . „_j„_ t<- wn« ship. After all had returned to thej boat Mr. Patton and the mate went overboard for a short swim, and at' be allowed ilieg w^0 haye unaccustonae4 ui lUCKl Irtt tilrr % plubhouse. Dancing followed the din- already mentioned is an electric water Preymiller, Batavia; Mr. and Mrs. ^as SfWa^ Pr®mP^i' ner. heater for washing and sterilizing Frank D'eymiller, Mrs. Howa.d Drey- brought aboard the boat, after Among those present were: George purposes. I m,ller- Hampshire; Mr. and Mrs. been under water no longer than sixty Kinsala, Gene Sayler, Jack Hart, Bob -- I Robert Rosborough, El*in; Mrs. Wm. 'seconds,^nd first aid measures for re- Beckenbaugh, Ed Matthews, Misses "DANGEROUS CORNER* | Belcher, Mrs. J. D. Hakes, Walter suscitation were applied to no avail. Bietty Thennes, Rita Freund, Evelyn' The Goodman players are now^ pre-1 ^'sh and daughter, Wbodstock; Mr. The cruiser engines weie s arted, and Justen, Daisy Griffin, Dorothy Al- senting the plav, "Dangerous Corner,",®"*1 Mrs- Fred Dehne, Glenview; Mrs. the boat started toward shore The thoff and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitz- by J. B. Priestly at the Opera House C'arence ^udwn, Mrs. Victor Judson. cruiser s mate went ashore, telephoned gerald. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Green, Mr. at Woodstock. This is their fourth, Mrs- Fred Walker, Mrs. Harry Alex- a doctor, who reached the cruiser by and Mrs. Bernard Kinsala, Mr. and production and is a psychological ander' Hebron; Mrs. Louis Senne, Mrs. coast guard speed boat. The doctor Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, study of a family after a brother's! Arthur Wilmington, Dorothy Colby, pronounced the boy dead, and attribut- Tfcennes, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freundjdeath. Ann Holland, Robert Grst-and^ Mrs- Helen Rando, Mrs. Nettie Ben- ed death to a heart attack, in which and Mr. and Mrs.,,Irwin Hart. { Ada McFarland are seen in the prin- son- Mr- and Mrs- Thorston Benson he was substantiated by a coroner who cipal roles. Plays already produced by these players from Chicago have been acclaimed by audiences all over : NOTICE .Albert S. Lewis, from the field office cf the Social Security Board, will j the county. be at the McHenry postoffice on Tuesday. Aug. 9, from 9 to 5 o'clock, to. . . RESIDENCE CHANGE eo&tact all interested persons oft So-j Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thornhill moved cial Security problems. {from the Pich cottage on the corner ---------- Jof Washington and Park streets t<* jClare WhRirig of Elgin is spending the Mrs. George Smith house on Park jftiireral days with relatives here. jstreet today (Thursday). and Marie Benson, Crystal Lake. Itxamined the body. Card of Thanks j Jimmy was a worthwhile and very We wish to thank all those who in popular lad. He was a Star Scout, any way assisted us during our recent held a Junior Red Cross life saving bereavement. Mrs. J. F. Claxton, W. E. Claxton, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepard and *; '"•• . Family Strand Kra, H. Foss and Son, ; certificate and a Scout life saving •merit badge. I Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon and the pallbearers were all Scout members wearing the Scout uniform,. All but one had been with -James on the cruise. the Moon Shines on the Bay," com- tWo sjsters Mrs. J Graham and Mrs. 'nterest for you to know that an unposed by Mrs. A. X. Schmitt^-Mar- Thomas Graham of Long Lake. limited supply of m'lk is available jorie Nelson, Jean Marie Ericsson, Funeral services were held from]11 wouM be wel1 to mention t^t thi« Lorraine Gibney, Carolyn Nelson, the Catholic church at Antioch at 10 year the milk wil1 cost The Charities ; Julia Romeiser, Gloria Fells, Dor- this (Thursday) morhing with two cents a gallon more than it did' othy Ericsson, Shirley Sexton, Mary burial at Round Lake. |h*»t year, which figures about Lucille O'Connor, Betty Small. j ;©ent higher. "Wrhen We Grow Too Old to Dream--I . CARNIVAL NETS S84&H , i recreation consists of- ey«(y- Entire Cast--;Marete Duffy Flana-j >phe net receipts at the American thing that boys and girls like to «li . gan, Shirley Davis. Mary Lou East- ( carnival, on July 2, 3 and 4, on a summer vacation. Baseball, hik^ hope, Corinne LeMoon, Carol Pep- j totaled |1,500.79, and the total ex- in?, swimming and volleyball, basketper, o Caryl Ericsson, Betty Ann pense figured up to $652.14. leaving a ball and the many simple r'^asurar Stockham.. Georgiana Easthope, net profit 0f $848.65, which wiil b<* that appeal'to children out of doors 111 Marjorie 0Haemmerle, Carol Nilson, J divided between the Legion and the the sunshine are at their disposal. A Marilyn Kling, Peggy Small, R'ta I Fire Department, 60 per cent to the Notre Dame man guides the boys Dernbach, Anita Easthoep. Suzanne |former and 40 per cent to the latter. Prussing, Cora Ann Nilson, Elsie j . Reese. Nancy Stokes, Ted O'Connell, Bill Ericsson, Robert Dernbaen, Richard Pepper. Laurie LeMoon. John Duffy Flanagan, Mary Lucille O'Connor, Norman Reese, Robert Ericsson, Lorraine Gibney, Gloria Fell, Julia Romeiser, Carolyn Nel- Ben Williams of Elgin friends here Saturday. though their various .activities and a 'young lady skilled ia athletics care* ' fo* the a-'rls. j The afternoon passes all to© Quickly arid suppertime f.nds mothsrs and son, Jean Marie Ericsson, Dorothy childreu anxious and ready to enjoy Ericsson, Shirley Sexton, Marjorie,^eal^ '-t' Nelson^ sler. S«all, 0W-8»j. (OonUaued on Uat pan)

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