Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1938, p. 1

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r " - - { ; t >*&&& <%M *•.•:* -•'< \-v. --v ' . . - * ~ • -s :$zg£;i Volume 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1938 HfcTT SUPERVISORS TO MEET TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 ° " • • ••••..-• '1-. m :L•)£•'. V ' FORM PLANS FOR FAYING FOR MEW == FIRE APEARATOSINTEI1ESTI*1 SOLICITORS WILL CAU. ON PROPERTY OWNERS Picnw Next Saturday and Sunday . This story is about our new fire tfuck. ; There's nothing that will thrill NEARBY NEWS! TAKEN FRolf COLUMNS or Otm EXCHANGES CARNIVAL AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH ^ PROVES SUCCESSFUL " St. Patrick's church carnival, held over the weekend, was a big success and was well attended by "large crowds of people from this vicinity, as well as neighboring towns, who assembled FR. PAUL A. TUGHUttSKY NEW ASSISTANT PASTOR AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH was V Fr. Paul A. Tuchlinsky, who. the McHenry County Farmers Co-oprecently appointed by Bishop erative Assn., last Thursday evening CO OPERATIVE OBSERVES EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY /WITH A FREE DANCE party given in the newly remodeled warehouse celebrating the eighteenth birthday anniversary of Saturday night and Sunday to meet Hoban to act in the capacity of as-jwas a grand success. Approximately I peo- One never knows where his drearfts(tthheeiirr ffrriieennddss aanndd eennjjooyy aa ggoooodd ttiimmee.. ;J ssiissttaanntt ppaassttoorr t* o "M sgr., "w o. mx at 600 people were present to.enjoy the pie more than the mad dash and clang may h™- Such is the belief of j There was a merry-go-round for the St. Mary's church, to fill the vacancy evening of fun. '! <d a fire truck and brave fire laddies Mrs. Glenn Buck answering the screech of a sir«n cau perienced a very to a scene of disaster j midnight Monday of last week; She!the many prizes awarded. All of us like fires--still, none of got UP in her sleeP- °P«ned the base-l Many were the compliments There were square dances and Vir- We dread to us like the results of fire. ment door and walked off the curl of smoke that leave in its wake a -of ruination. But, let's not dwell on fires. They happen and man must combat'them. McHenry and the entire surrounding £ ' ^ community have been faced with th. b d her into , wire , problem of protecting a large with densely populated to this summer, it of Geneva who ex- j children and games and booths for left by Rev. Fr. Frank Miller's transpainful fall about the elder folks, who also fared well in fer to Aurora, was born in Gilberts, i ejn^^i^^r^he'ol^fouL' 111., and spent his early years in Elgin.1 ' the He received his primary education at St. Joseph's parochial school in El- ANNUAL AFFAIR AT J0HNS8URG CHICKEN DINNER IN THE HALL SUNDAY bruises, but no bones were broken, her descent to the basement. Mrs. Earl Button of between Crystal Lake and Woodstock, suffered minor cuts, scratches and bruises Tuesa cow the top delicious chicken dinner prepared and serious served by the ladies of the parish, who was the UP! plan to had worked diligently all week to offer one of the finest dinners ever. The hall was attractively decorated with purple larkspur and yellow marigolds and colorful new drapes lent a note of gaiety. ^Larrggee iunivve»stments, whether inside the uu«.i»> -- piaying with matches and is confvm city limits or m a secluded. spot_stood tQ the Hartland hospital Xhe child.. Flora Schultz, I0-year-o1d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz, who ^ * i t i reside on the old Walkup place on use one fire truck for the e_n„tire com- N .. w ,. rw,*„ 1 t mumty. That did not seemm ww;i«sje-. 'Worth Walkup avenue, Crystal Lake, suffered second degree b whil4, •ned •" lild's clothing caught on fire and she is bad* ly burned from the hips upi ! Mrs. Delos Force, secretary at fhe Marengo Community High School, received a minor nose and head injury $12,260 CONTRIBUTED truck to be used mainly in the com- •"?"!«..•" • '"»!• STATS tatting . iofi ccotnrflTagUraiteio nf ms MInr rwuraasl mainrd- when c ]l„o^s*i„n,rg hn eerr SaLe skk tto? p u t Sh e j typewriter away an elbow of the ma* chine slipped and Mrs. Force the chance of being neglected two fires break out at the This situation did arise. With the assurance of support from the entire comunity, the local fire partment purchased a resort districts. This truck was pur chased--but, this truck wai Is not paid for. That's where we--all of fato the picture. The firemen met on Tuesday night fl . of this week with the City Council to extinguish a blaze of McHenry to formulate plans for the at the Bert Dowell farm, on Route 12, collection of funds to pay for this one mi*e north of Wkuconda. A small truck. It is here-ready for duty in P"™P hou** Sned the ground, •v. A h«r. fa Other nearby including the bumped so hard that she was knocked unconscious. She was alone in the [building at the time. The Wauconda fire department recently to extinguish a REUEF COSTS TOTAL $68,087 FOR 6 MONTHS BY It fas «est the various townsMps in McHenry county a total of $55,827.10 * v' dances for the young folks and entertainment for all by the Adams Bros* and Miller sisters. Refreshments were also served. The hall was attractively decorated jwith red, white and blue garlands, j Music was furnished by Ellen Baker, Bob Peterson and Al V CITY CONTRACTS FOR NEW WELL I0NDAY NIGHT St. John the Baptist church at Johnsburg will sponsor a two-day fes- - J tival Saturday and Sunday, Aug 6 and 7. It promises to be one of the enjoyable attractions of the coming weekend in the lake region. There will be a complete chicken dinner there Sunday, August 7, with music and amusements of every kind. The picnic will be held in St. John's shaded park near St. John the Baptist church. This is an annual affair which attracts large crowds ,of people from far and wide and there will be fun for all. Friends are still talking about the good time they had at the carnival last year and recall the fine prizes they received. Come and enjoy the dinner and the afternoon and evening at Johnsbu on Saturday and Sunday. Everyone is invited. ROVIDE SUPPLY AMPLE The City Council met Monday night, ! the regular monthly meeting night | (first Monday of the month) falling on of August. It for the care of paupers for the first six months of 1938, according to the POPULAR SAIL BOAT RACES HELD SUNDAY ONWONDERLAKE MUST DECIDE ON WAY BRIDGE MAY HAVE TO FLOAT BOND ISSUE i The board of supervisors will meet Tuesday, August 9, at the court house for the purpose of issuing bridge bonds and transacting such other business to come before the meeting, according to an announcement made Saturday. This will be the regular monthly meeting of the board, which is held on the second Tuesday of each month. : For the past few days the road and bridge committee of the board has been studying the bridge situation in the county, which is quite a at the present time. Several ago flood waters washed away or partly destroyed a dozen bridges in the county. Estimated damage is said to be near the $100,000 mark. How to finance the repairing and rebuilding of these bridges has been giving members of the road and bridge committee arid all of the members of the board a tremendous headache. Investigation in regard to securing a federal loan has been made. Meetings with representatives of various bond companies have been held. A • :r, temporary survey of the damage done by the flood waters has been complet-' ed. Facts of every kind and nature The sail boat races at Wonder Lake | have been obtained by the road and the first day of August. It went like last Sunday, sponsored by "Jerry's bridge committee in hopes that when REV. FR. PAUL A. TUCHLINSKY this: I Place," drew approximately a thou- T-Anovfe th* Tii;nn;0 itt»_ • j . . . . . , Minutes of the regular July meet- sand spectators who thoroughly enreports of the Illinois Emergency Re- gin and graduated from Elgin high in_ fon0WP(i hv minutes of sDecial ^ lief Commission. Added to the coat school in 1919. After working in El ' followecl by minutes °r , joyed an afternoon of thrilling sport. the entire board gets together on Aug. 9 that some solution of the situation can be made. the The buildings, where it must stay. "T® ?Z*d Solicitors, with letters of authorize Jne efforts of the fire fighters. tion, will call on every property owner particularly, in the entire community in a co-oper- be>ng only about fiteen feet from the ative effort to pay for the new truck., bu""Og building. Many property owners have contribut-' Strand, proprietor of the Richand others have voluntarily offered mond Mill, has installed and expects to add to the fund as soon as the to have in running operation soon, a authorized solicitors can call on them.' **• power unit purchased It seems that fire protection is desir- ®f the Allis-Chalmers Machine Co. ed by all and they are anxious to do The unit will replace the water power tkeir bit in making property safe. Iof the mill, located on the Nippersink, The firemen, whom one can hardly which has turned the mill wheels for say are paid for the hazardous risks ^eed grinding and more recently for they encounter in answering calls, are an added machine shop and lumber taking hold of this project with plen- for many, many years. Flood ty of vim. They realize that time is waters of such force as to take out the Funds must be raised immedi- dam during the terrible rains of relief for the townships is the con- gin .nd Chicago ft>r six and a half dis 1 k £ ^ ^ u f °f ^ * u 11 has been n0 easy 'ob" ™e tribution of 112.260 00 from the state „n hi. 0ne special meeting covered the dis-^eld on fonder Lake and a carefully! mittee has met from time to time, tributioiv°f flA^w.uo^from the state, years, he took up his studies for the cu88ion finai disposition of the Uid out course exacted real skill, with!has a total of $68,087.10 for the priesthood, ttis preparatory studies .... i 1 cost of relief in the January 1, 1988 to July 1, 1988. | St. Any It heard suggestions from various •f «* <^ w#ter supply Prob\em'for tb® c^y'. several penalties resulting for time, (individuals and groups. Nothing has L? .jlT«.rv'lFor seVera years' the thoughts of in-1 The sail boats were classified by the been sidetracked that would aid m " s.Wls., and nis seminary ade<luate water supply has haunted number of square feet of sail carried! helping the county out of this that the recession or course of philosophy and theology was the councu. u is now hoped to be'--classes A. B and C. Class C boats' .Hon. i, over i,o;, r-,h.dowed b, 8«-M.ry.f th. 1 ,ettl(Mi for 80mt tim°. |,Urted « 2 o'clock cl.« B of the I.E.R.C commis- at Mundelem, HI. He was ordained 0ne of the Urgest well companies ,nd A followed at 2:15. There were rt in the business, the Kelly Well Com- three entries in Class C, four in Class * tv J5 f pany, has contracted^ to produce a B and four in class A. |C°Unty W,U float gravel-packed well and guaranteed a| First prize and grand prize went to,in it_ inft voara nf How of »00 piUom ptrmmutefor. John Jargcnsonof thecl.s, A jroup, ^ count bo.rd ,„d o(ric,^ period ol on. y«.r. Th.s. combined,turn,nr in low time o« 1 hour ud 7|„ p,,ople in Io<)k with pride on the fiact that McHenry •M.- on April 7, is primre he as- Thon»as' On Dethe re] sion, showing that it has cost better by Cardinal M< than $10,000 per month to care for 1984. paupers in the county for the past six. Father Tuchlinsky began his priestmonths of 1988. j ly work at Free port, 111., where Following is a monthly report Of the sisted at St. Mary's and St. cost to the townships and state for parishes for several months. the first six months of 1938: |cember 22, 1984, he began his duties We note from the I. E. R. C. reports as chaplain at St. Charles hospital, that Cook county received a contribu- \ Aurora, 111., which position he held tion from the state for June in the until his recent appointment here T*l amount of $2,210,163.46. Some of the McHenry. other counties include the following: j Rev. Frank J. Miller, assistant Adams, $19,416.00; Christian, $14,186.- tor at St. Mary's church for the situ- 1 ' whether the ty will float a bond issue which will put them in debt for the first time in for 11; Franklin, $50,224.10; Macon, $46,- two and one-half years, 611.01; Winenbago, $116,716.94; MadU transferred to St Nicholas parish, a few weeks ago has brought i8on» $75,031.84; St. Clair, $60,027.56 Aurora, where he will act as assistant Many plans have been gone over'Mr. Strand to the decision of provid-|*"i°thers too numerous to mention.;to Msgr. M. A. Schumacher. Imt, now the time has come when the ing the power unit to replace the wat-, ^ shows plainly that the, Rev. N. J. Thiry of St. Joseph's entire community will have to work er power, which has cost a lot of,f*c^ McHenry county is Republican church, Harvard, and pastor at St. shoulder to shoulder in putting this money to keep in repair the past year,*11®1 8tate contribution for relief john the Baptist church, JohnsbUrg, project over the top. |or so when flood conditions have made1" a who^ ^ smaller than many coun- during Fr. Vollman's sojourn in The City Council is at the present it necessary for Vim to keep making *"* smaller than McHenry who voted EuropG> has been appointed to the time maintaining the community expensive repairs and would now meani^Oemocratic in rweint elections. - chapUincy of St. Charles hospital, track, paying for storage, gasoline and a new dam if he expected to use it) junPrrr!orT Thnw't^t S7R Au 0 r°ra^, T ^ general upkeep. The fire chief, assist-, again. i. June "port snows wat 3/0 Rev. Clarence J. Thennes, newly orant chief and three drivers receive an One girl is in a critical condition, amines were on relief in McHenry dained, has been appointed to St. Joannual remuneration for their efforts, at the Condell Memorial hospital at coJinY* .... '. P®°P'® re", seph's church, Aurora. Firemen are paid for each call where Libertyville and three other persons "1™1 rf.,ef »n connection with these: it-is necessary to pour water. None are recovering from injuries incurred,? amt'f8, T e * *u~ are overpaid, but all are willing to in an automobile collision last Friday ( 18 ra ,on une was ' • m 8 save property. Compensation insur- at the intersection of two gravel roads coun^y" _ co® . P . '® ^une ance is carried to protect the firemen about a mile west of Round Lake. [ ^a® 113758 io $ ^927 00*^1 ^SS^IO . 15)348.42 2,615.00 12|679!42 .. 18,815.21 . April- - $,698.68 a May w ~ tect property. They have performed Wooster lake, was in the hospital with jurje ** nobly in the past, with reckless aban-'a fractured pelvis and serious internal, don for their own safety. They an injuries. She was riding with Betty] now assuming the responsibility of Neumann, 16, in the automobile driven paying for the new fire truck have been completed. Now, it is time Long Lake and 2807 Harrison st., with thp r,nort ~ th,* if evening. The dance for work, action and generous co-op- Evanston, when at the gravel .•ration. „ . ;:"jprossing it was in collision with 1 -- ; fear driven by Charles Desser, a direc- tu * * 1 „ , . , . T ftor at Camp Wooster. Mis. Neumann1 The totol amOUnt Ju"e first Jan. cost of liability insurance of the truck and <Mrs Earl McCarthy of Rogers which must be met each year. j Park, who has been vacationing at The ftremen are anxious to help pro- the summer home of her parents j,571.83 7,858.86 #*128.00 3,364.00 995.00 1^81.00 10,687.21 6,334.68! 6,576.831 6,627.86 FIRST SUMMER DANCE OF CATHOLIC FEDERATION HELD AT FOX PAVILION A large crowd of young people from both Lake and McHenry counties atwith the present flow, is expected to minutes. P. A. Ji be ample supply for the city. {second prize. Two other special meetings were( In the class B, H. included in the reading, both being prize, covering the course in 1 called for the purpose of reviewing the and 19 minutes. Dr. Kaiser took the new ordinances being compiled. Con- j (econd prize, with a 3 minute penalty siderable time is necessary in pre par-' added to his time of 1 hour and 18 ing the much-needed book of ordin- minutes. f ances. All ordinances must be review- Wm. Schweiger turned in fastest ed, corrected and completed before time, 1 hour and 39 minutes, in the they can be set up in bound form. class C group. As this race started, $12,000 Balance one of the boats headed out in the op. The treasurer's report on Monday posite direction, bringing to mind the night showed better than a $12,000 old story of Barney Google's horse, balance in the general fund. How-| The other boats in class C failed to ever, bills for the month were excep^ finish so the balance of prize money tionally high and that balance will be ($39.25) was turned over as prize reduced considerably. | money for the row boat races to be The collector's report was small this held at the same place on the aftermonth, as is always the case just pre- noon of August 14th by the judges, vious to the collection of quarterly Charles Burton, C. A. Nelson, A. Nugwater rents. jent and F. A. Hitchens acted as judges The clerk's report showed some $2,« Those acting as patrol boat life 200, being swelled by the final install* guards and judges at the buoys were ment collection oh tavern licenses for Andy Kuntz, H. Stelzner, Leo Forthe year. jman, Art Helgeson, Jerry Kubory and In reports of various committees, it Mr. Forster. was learned that the water and sewer j Moving pictures of the races were committee has been exceptionally busy | taken by Charles Burton. These picas a result of the heavy waterfall in tures will be shown Sunday evening recent storms. The pumps at the dis-1 at Jerry's Place, with an invitation posal plant have been working over- extended to all to attend. county is one of three in the state which is not in debt. The problem is one which will take careful consideration as to the beat methods to be used to solve it. There may be a way out without adding only a slight burden on the already overburdened tax paying public. If is the county board will no doubt advantage of it. In the meantime in various of the county the traveling public is under a handicap as varidfas roads are closed, due to the bridges being out. Temporary bridges may be erected in some places and several of the more important ones finished immediately. WPA workers have been helping to clean up around the washed out bridge at Greenwood. . All in all the August 9 meeting promises to be one of much importance. • / • ' » • • • • • • • • • » » • « • «IM MI Il»» Among the Sick Mrs. Jennie Bassett, one of McHen: ienaea io an io atienu. r*y 's oldest • resident- s', ha,s bee,n confined^ time for the past month. , The three* rp atrol boats thrilled t--he ^ her for several daJS bec«u^ . , . , - , , In view of complaints, police were crowd with a 15 minute dog fight. " ness. _ ' . , . $68,087.10 12,260.00 $55,827.10 tended the first summer dance of the told to enforce ordinances regulating The boats seemed destined for crashes lRobert HeSselgra%e of Wood>tocK, Plans hv Vw»r fafW T-oofor A No,™... ,#! Any thought that the recession end- County Catholic Youth Federa- nojse ?n(j disturbances during the late and upsets many times, but always ^ ? 18 emp ,oy a e i oo Plans by her father. Lester A. Neumann, of<ed fn June ^ >(gone with thg wind„ t,on at the Fox Pavilion last Sunday hours of the Main street, "is recovering from an operation for appendicitis, which he nn- RICKMOND HEiU MAN HEAR night. j managed to escape. . the report showing that it cost e,vcn'"?\ ll!e ^nc® was known as After some discussion relative to Many expressions of approval were "•uu" IU' l"v,^i more to care for paupers in. June in ' Federation Frolic" and the young fl0o(je(^ areas adjacent to State High-1 extended to Jerry Kubovy for the a e 0 s =»P McHenry county than it did in May. couples enjoyed dancing from 9 until'way N0. 31 in the south section of Mc- manner in which races were planned. ^ r'n«nw ,i,n a.m. m the cool^nd spacious pavil-. Henry, it was decided to have the city and carried out. The judge's decisions . " ' w ^ T VICTIM about the head and the body'M c°mP«ed to $7,571.- lon M _ . jfttorney correspond with the State also met with approval throughout^ for 3everal weeks. retxir^ed home X Vlulin , , „ . .. . . ; 83 in May. Music for the affair was furnished: Highway Deparment in an effort to A list of donations and the donois 5..' , nA . y lse The state was somewhat more liber- by Mickey Prindl and his -eleven-piece: correct the situation that has existed for these races will appear in these }' James Todd, 68 years old, a life- in June than in Ma>' due to the Decca recording orchestra. The orlong resident of the Richmond com- ^a°t that $1,231.00 was contributed to chestra only recently completed a winmunity in McHenry county, died of a « . 6 ^ir,S| help out in McHenry county in June, ter's engagement at the famous Clarheart attack Monday while engaged ^Lputy Sbrtff ™ ^ ^ ^ idKe Hotel in Memphis' where its in chores m the dairy barn on hts ® r ' jed by the state In other words the sophisticated swing version of modern farm, a mile and a half east of Richmond. He had resided on the farm the last 18 years. Besides the widow, Mr. Todd is survived by a brother, Alfred Todd, of Lake Geneva, Wis. Births Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Birky are happy parents of an eight-pound daugh- DOG OWNERS, NOTICE! ' ter, Carol Jeanne, born at their home Owners are asked to use every pra»' in Zion, Friday, July 29. Mr. Birky caution, especially during hot weather, is local distributor for the Omar Baktn the prevention of persons being bit- ' ery company. ten by dogs. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seelback of Chi- Licenses are past due and police will. cago announce the arrival of a son dispose of all dogs not wearing proper tags. u v CITY COUNCIL •S$-*p of McHenry, at Norwegian American hospital in that city Monday morning, Aug. 1. Mrs. Setback was formerly Miss Agnes McCabe of thi3 city. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese an A contract with the Public Service columns next week. Company, calling for a reduction in rates for power at the pumping sta- FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT HERE tion and disposal plant, was renewed Mr. and Mrs. Emery Kimball of Oak ^ Sherman hospital, El- Park and the latter s mother, Mrs. from the Injuries sustained in a fall. He is able to get around with the help of a cane. Edmund Whiting, who has been' afor the term of three years. I„c„„nrtio„Tith5uret s,bo„d,c,r. S.»ler & Zr^7,JZ JTnL S lied by city officials, a resolution was dents of this city, called on a lelative, • nrf.v„j passed designating that the West Mc- Mrs. Alma Marlene Fasse, little granddaughter returnedj rece£n*t1l y frr..„o™m a„ *tr i• p tfuh'r ou,_gln.' o. f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown, is cr.i t.- ' their des- ically 1,1 at the Children s Memorial hospit en for treatment Monday. COMING EVENTS state really got kind-hearted to Mc-, tunes proved a popular addition to the Henry county in June. (musical gaiety of the southern metro- The contribution to McHenry county polis. is a- mere "drop in the bucket" com-' Featured with the orchestra were!Henry State Bank be continued as de- Mr. and Mrs^ pared to the contributions made to two versatile singers, Curly Van and pository for city funds. some of the other counties in the Leila Murray. Miss Murray Is al Ass't. Fire Chief, Dar Granger, was the west with California as ^ tak. state, larger or smaller in population, former staff artist of radio station! present with plans of the department tination. They spent July 4th with__^s]j^_ 'l*he total number of families on re-, WGN and at one time sang with Enoc!for soliciting funds in the purchase of Mrs. Ella Smith, sister of Mrs. Thomlief in June jumped from 337 In May [Light's great band of eastern swing-! the new community fire truck. The as, and a former resident of this vito 375. In May 1,303 people were on ster's, who are now playing at one of j presentation resulted in a meeting the cinity, at Portland, Ore. Since reachrelief in the county while in June the New York's smartest supper clubs,! following evening between the City ing home they have received word number was 1,480. I the Long Island Casino. Council and the Fire Department. In that Mrs. Smith, who is eighty-one j According to Clarence Niesen, man- other columns a report of the pur* years old, is confined to Miss Maud Donavan of Woodstock nounce the arrival of a daughter this Intended the dinner at St. Patrick's[ (Thursday) morning at St. Anthony's'operation as workers during our anserine Hubley of Lake Bluff, Vincent Card of Appreciation -- J sic is the most popular ever featured To all those who made donations to- at the McHenry ballroom. ward the success of St. Patrick's' The Federation dance was arranged church festival we extend our deep- by the Social Action Committee of est ^appreciation. We also wish to the Federation. It was composed of thank- those who extended their co-i Virginia Carney of Wadsworth, Cathcnurch Sunday. Miss Donavan, who hospital, Chicago. has been ill since last winter, returned - to her work as deputy county clerk at' Joseph Compagne of Elmhurst was the court house recently. 'a visitor here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Miss Lorraine Yanke of Ridgefielif Compagne and children who have been is a new employe at "The Nook," now spending the past two weeks, in the •Berated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clarfc J. W. Rothermel horn* 6* Woodstock. ^ |Elmhurst with him. nual church festival. THE COMMITTEE. 2erfas of Waukegan, Paul Klock of Libertyville and Charles Cermak of Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of: Indianapolis, Ind., visited her mother,: Mr. and Mrs. Sturges B. Curren of Mrs. Ella Gans, a few days the past St. Louis, Mo., are the guests this returned to! week. Mrs. Gans returned home with week of Attjr.'<~ai»d lira, Walter G. them for a visit. j French. chase and plans for payment will be RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. John Kilday and ily have moved from the apartment above Schaefer's store at West McHenry to Pine Tree Dairy .Farm Nik 3. hospital with a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen, Sr. Mary Alma of Mundelein and Miss Bernice Justen and Donald Meyers enjoyed a picnic at Eagle's home at Elgin, Sim* day. CARNIVAL NETS $2,800 Net proceeds of the dinner and carnival held by members of St. Peter's church at Spring Grove on July 24 wert $2,800. More than 900 people were served at the dinner. Miss Irene Walsh, who spc^t the past five years in McHenry, has returned to her home in Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas of Forest Park were visitors in tiw E. A. Thomas home Tuesday. August 4 Portland Picnic--Riverview Camp--Oaklawn. Band Concert--City Park. August 5 Richmond Unit entertains McHewy County Council of American Legion Auxiliary. -- c.mi^t Avr' * 13 - 14 Picnic--St. Mary's. August 18 Public Card Psrty--St Mary's Halt r: Mrs. Cecil Minneau of Chicago WM a weekend guest of friends h<?re.

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