\ v r C" ^ ^ f%h * **$*• '. .T^Hp Thursday, August 4, Mr LILY LUES of Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by all. About midnight a lovely lunch was served which included a .. . .. T , . , r . whuge birthday cake. About twenty-fiw f Mu t *1 1 guests were present. Guests were: ft card and bunco party at the | {jr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mr. and Lake Casino Tuesday afternoon and j H Dal Mr. and Mrs. W. prices were won in cards by Mrs. 01- Swanson Mr. and Mrs< Blum, Mr. and •on and Marilyn Olson, in bunco by, ' Schweighofer, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rich Mrs Dosch, Mrs. h Mr #nd Mrg Geo j Weg. Erna Wolfe, M. Zimmerman, Mrs. R-l Robert Krinn> Christine Wegenjer, Genevieve Daw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred PmWn" Jacobs, Mrs. W. Swanson, Annette Jacobs, Tillie Schlesinger. ^ 'Dosch, Lois Swanson, Johnnie Wegen- Mr. and Mrs. Walk of Chicago spent • Cathrlne Schweigkofer, Mr. and the weekend at Lily Lake. (Mrs. C, O. Swans&i and Josephine Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer and Dosch. > daughter, Cathrine and Mr. and Mrs.j j£r RTUj Mrs. George Esser and Schnore, all of Chicago, spent the famjiy 0f Chicago spent the weekend weekend at their cottage. A surprise party was held at the K-1.-'*- BRING A FRIEND Oil Permanent*!, 2 persons for ....$5 up to $16. singly $3 to $12 complete Non-Ammonia Waves $2.50 c'rapVte STOMPANATO'S . ; Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111- .yi at their cottage. Visitors in the hortie of Mae Budil home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0. Swan-j Sunday were Frank Steinhauer and A1 SOT Saturday in h<fnor of the birthday Jordan. Ted 'Budil, Jr., grandson of ' Mrs. Budil, is spending a week at her home. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Allen of Chicago visited at the hftme1 of Mr, I *nd Mrs. Richard Zimnterman Sunday. A ball game was held at Lily Lake j Sunday between the Griswold Lakej team ahd the Lily Lake team with! Lily Lake the winner by a score ofj 23 to 12. Any other teams wishing! to play the Lily Lake team, please j get in touch with Dr. Pechis at Lily, Lake. ' Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Shoyer, Miss Jean Beback, Miss Clementine Peschke, Mr. and Mrs. Wv Borlek and Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogos, a*U of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bernie J.- Peschke over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Stein and daughters of Chicago are spending two weeks at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson, daughter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Janowitz at Lily Lake, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzha, Mae Ruzha, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Morvick, all of Chicago, vis* ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Casey at Lily Lake, Wis., Friday. Mrs. Hubbell, Mrs. Robinson and son, Billie, of Chicago are spending two weeks at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Walk and son of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. CLETEt REPLY .. The counsel for the prosecution had encountered a rather difficult witness. Annoyed by the man's evasive answers, he set off on a different tack. "Now, tell me,M he demanded, "are you acquainted with any of the jury?" "Yes, sir," said the witness cheerfully. "More than half of 'em." "Are you willing to swear," said counsel, amazed, "that you know more than half of them?" The witness thought for • moment. "If.it comes to that," he announced, "I'm willing to swear I know more than all of 'em put together."-- Answers Magazine. THE WAT WITH SECRETS RINGWOOD Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday af ternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. Lester Carr. The Home Circle will hold their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Kafoed at Greenwood Aug. 10. A pot-luck supper will be served. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, Mrs. Leslie. Allen and Lucille Esh were visitors at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young and daughter, Eleanor, and Rosena Young of McHenry spent Thursday evening in the George Young home. * Miss Margaret Coyne spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Virginia Jepson spent from Thursday until Sunday in the Harold j Jepson home at Winnebago. The upera- ' 1 turee In your home this Summer probably 8° to 15® by Installing CAPITOL ROCK WOOL Insulation. We can refer yon to acorea of bonnes in this Ticinity "hake-oven" rooms bave lx>en made comfortable permanently. In Winter, this same Inoutatlon makes the home measurably warmer: helps create uniform temperatures upstairs ami down ; quioklv paving for the whole Job with 207c to 40% fuel saving. Let ns quickly show yon for what a modest investment this amaxing comfort - improvement can be made. Phone or write for our FREE SURVEY. CAPITOL ROCK WOOL INSULATION First--Co-Ed--How did Oedipus discover the secret of the Sphinx? ' Second Co-Ed--Probably she had been telling it to the neighbors in confidence. ••vvs.fv." •> - Tufftown Tales . Mirandy--Goshamighty, Tolliver, nex' week'll be our fiftieth weddin' anniversary. Tolliver--Wal, an' what about hit? Mirandy--Cal'clate as how weuns might kill them two chickens. Tolliver--Shecks, Mirandy, t'ain't right as how ye should blame them thar fowls fer what happened 50 years ago! . Collins. Mrs. Wampole, sister of Rev. Collins, who has been visiting here, returned ta.WSlmette with them. On Tuesday njorning they took Mrs. Wampol^to her home in Ohio. Leonara Barr and Lorainne Mass of Chicago are spending the week to the Roy Neal home. . 0 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and family of Arlington Heights spent Sunday evening with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Roy Neal and children, Mrs. I«rgMt flMk Sale la History The largest book sale in history took place in 1930, when the United States government purchased the Vollbehr c6Uection of 3,000 pre-Sixteenth century printed books for $1,400,000. Most famous of these books is the Gutenberg Bible. Mrs. Mayme Kauss, sons, Jack and George, and Mrs. Helen Schuenemann of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dartand Fri- 4-H clubs, Ybung Adults snd Mrs- Thomas Doherty attended & Home Bureau members en joye<jf a! bridge -luncheon at Woodstock Wedweenie isoast at the home of Mr. and ne|day afternoon. \ Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and; Mrs. Emma Merchant Were visitors at Louis Hawley and daughter, Marion, Merlyn Tremayne, Helen Roth Butler,I J n .. , CelU Barr^&nd Mildred^Iria enjoyed p'S "r*"• '-v with Mr. and Mrs. London of Solon ** Sand*y* Mills spent Sunday in the Joe London home at Marengo. Mrs. Will McCannon and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank spent Friday in the Lloyd Gratton home at Woodstock. < Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Elbert Thomas Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs; George Young spent Friday at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin, Beloit Sunday afternoon. mr. ana Dirs* viw* OUSUN 01 .EJIKIIM Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Butler of Elgin tv# . , . , _ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daugh- «>«* Wednesday evening in the B. Ti ter, Virginia, and David McCannon Were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ansel Dewey at Stockton, 111. ReV. and Mrs. Collins, Miss Flora Taylor and J. V. Buckland were callers in the Lloyd Gratton hoihe at Woodstock Wednesday. * Miss Elly Hall returned home Friday from a ten days' visit in, the Chas. Neinhaus home at Ostend. Butler home. Their daughter; Rosemary, who has been visiting here, re?> turned home with them. • Edna Peet and John, Elaine and George Chabucos of Rdckford are spending a couple of weeks with the" former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet. Virginia Jepson, Helen Ruth Butler and Marion Hawley are attending 4-H Mrs. George Young spent Thurs- Cam*> at HaJer's B«nd P®"1- El&n- Krohn Reunion - tenth annual reunion of thai LEO J. STILLING McHenry 7M Beprclfeenting: THE STANDARD LIME AND STONE COMPANY --Factory Branch-- JMi If" Monitor St., Chicago, Illinois 1,1 r Rlll_ ---'Step up here, O'Brien, land Jet Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum of Chicago! ^e have a good look at yel" spent the weekend at their cotage at Lily Lake. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. C. Winter of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe, Pete* Schaefer, daughter, Evelyn, and son* Donald, attended the White Sox - N. Y. Yankee game at Comiskey park on ^Sunday. . C. Keller OPTOMETRIST ' Is now permanently located in McHenry at his summer home on Riverside Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes pnd making glasses, Call for Appointments I All Kinds of Repairs Telephone 21141 HILLTOP INN -2% Miles North of McHenry on Ro»to 3t ? FRANK KEMPHER, Prop. -- SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS -- --Drinks of all Kinds- SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY!- Try our Spareribs, barbecued, with French lYies -- 15c The day afternoon with her mother at Mc- Henry Mrs! Peters and son, Vernon, of Chi- ?rohn held Sunday >t th. cago are visiting in the R*'y Peters All the ^b ro.t1he rs andi" 's i•s"t?e7r sM werecrhe* t"o1-' Mrs. Charles Catfcs, Jr, and two leth*r but and Mrs* William children of Downers Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gates and Mrs. Belle Boyd of Alden were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Sunday morning. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the Long Known "Father," said the minister1^ son, "my teacher says that 'collect* and weekend with her parents, Mr. and 'congregate' mean the same thing. Do they?" "Perhaps they do, my son," said the venerable clergyman, "but you may tell your teacher that there is a vast difference between a Congregation and a collection." Mrs. Charles Peet, Darlene, Betty and Barbara Ray of Krohn, son, William, and daughter, Shirley Mae, of Deer Park, Washington. Softball, swimming and visiting made up the day's amusement. Those to attend were: Mr. and Mrs. John Vollman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, daughters, Virginia and Irene, and son, Nils, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Mr. and Alford Enghausen of Elgin; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel, ^ Angela Stoffel and friend of Milwau-» , kee visited here Sunday. Misses Marjt;' .' Lou Stoffel and Nancy Carey return^:?4 ed to Milwaukee with them. Mrs. John Callinan and Mr. and Mrs. John Callinan, Jr., of Chicago^ spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Lisie Bassett and daughter*. Ilene, visited Elgin relatives a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heaney, daugh-M ter, Kathryn, and Misses Mayme andl Margaret Aylward of Jacksonville* Florida, who are spending the sum-rii-- mer in Chicago, were local visitors Sunday and attended St. Patrick's j carnival and dinner. GOVERNOR HfNRY HOHNER INVITES YOU IO ATTEND THE Stoie tf-GASl SPRINGFt€CD • AUG. 13-21 !>•< ' IV- ! ,i" ,, -k s 1 ' -1"' : n \VI S N.'" I \ . Sun Wn 1 ' . • R, [ i u h t u i n l > . i \ A.dms.t.iv < A "•«. ' " ' i [ )Ii v A n t - . R . u . v S j i n u l a i ^ (IV - i1 MOH'I.KI. R.uei Sun ci ,i s. \ ii >: - 1 \ j ^ 11 , Sbov A u 1 I •' 1 ! !1, ! u SI % I V \ l l m . u u n i ' M t . n . i y , . m / . i i ' 11 H.iw .in.itv, ( i i n i l i m n l b . l - t , n , i s . v . n i P - - , ^ i ' V. • I ' . - I A K, < j Esmond, 111., and Delores and Richard | August Krohn and daughter Ball of Hunter spent the past weekly Mrs. August Burrow and Sore to Come "What's the idea?" "I've got some insultin' things to say to ye an' I want to be able later on to identify ye positively. as the man who shtruck me." Sole Remedy Modern Mother--Clarence's trouble is a complex, doctor, I'm sure-- what treatment would you prescribe? Old-Fashioned Doctor--A slipper is the; sole remedy I can think of, madam. ^ . Why Not? Teacher--Tommy, what is a fort? Tommy--A place for soldiers. Teacher--Correct. Now Johnny, what is a fortress? Johnny -- A place for soldiers' wives. daughter, Margaret, of Alden; Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Howard and daughter, Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant of Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker, daughter, June and son, Irvin, Jr., of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Irvine- Walker and Arthur Krohn and daughters, Mildred " upland Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krohn and son, Frank, Jr., of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, daughters, with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, Mrs. Charles Peet and Mrs. Geo. Harrison were callers at Woodstock and Crystal Lake Saturday. family of Waukegan were visitors here Sunday. Mr.• and Mrs. Duane VanAtten and ;Donnabelle and Charlene, sons, Freddaughter, Lenora, and son, John, of .. . v. . . , onA Detroit spent a few days the past week in the George Shepard home. die and Patrick, of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison, daughter, Edithe .M.r . and. .M.r s. Cn .h arile s Peet were P e a r l , a n d s o n s , C l a r e n c e a n d L o r e n , char,M Kroh d ht Marion | callers af Crystal Lake Sunjay even-L.the| Dorothy an<) Lo)s Wa]te; _ , _ -ii a Tirsn'Krohn, Mrs. Leonard Krohn, Mrs. Em- Mrs. John Dreymiller and W.ll|ma Merchant ot Woodstock; Charles' Claxton of McHenry and Mrs Geo. Co]e5 of Chj and Mr 'and M i Shepard were visitors at Elgin Thurs. R M< rcha„t and danghters. Beta1 ON THE UP AND CP ;*r MI PLACE RESTAURANT Plione 192 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green HALF SPRING FRIED CHICKEN ^ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner of Royal Oak, Mich., announce the arrival of a son, born, July 25. Mrs. Bumgardner was formerly Miss Sarah j Jane Dodge. Miss Dora Anderson of Pistakee Bay spent Thursday at her home here. Marty Thompson of Chicago spent the weekend with his wife in the Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. Dick Olson and son, Dean, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dimon at Ostend. Wayne Foss and Harold Snyder visited Brookfield Zoo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family attended the funeral of the lat- Mae, Audrey and Darlene. Rev. Wm. O'Rourke left Monday, for a few weeks visit with relatives at Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen left Monday for a vacation at Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Peter Schaefer, daughter, Clarice, and the former's father, Thomas Maher, spent Friday at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and daughter, Marguerite, were guests at a picnic supper at the H. M. Stephenson home at Ringwood on Monday evening. Miss Mary Durland spent a few days the last of the week with Wau- "One good turn deserves another." "Well, my husband raised the roof, when the landlord raised the rent." Flatterer '•i~anr looking for something nice for a young man," said the pretty young shopper. "Why don't you look in the mirror?" .suggested the shop assistant. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY -60c FRESH PERCH PINK HARRISON'S of Pistakee Bay---- JURIED CHICKEN PLATE LUNCH--« 50c ~ Tasty Sandwiches ---- Delicious Drinks Dancing Every Saturday Throughout The Season --^ -- Barbara Horick's Orchestra -- -* Conversely "Do you think autos are ruining the younger generation?" "No, I think the younger generation is ruining the autos."--The Automobilist. More Like It Jones (offensively)--Didn't I see you going into a low-down publichouse the other day? Smith--Coming in, you mean.--- Los Angeles Times. •:Mfc Now Open %&£ VOGUE COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND DlklifG^ ROOM AT LILY LAKE, ILLINOIS , 4 Featuring just Good Drinks and Good Food at Popular Prices We invite you to enjoy our most unique atmosphere. ROY V. HQBBS, Mgr. One War Enough Patriot--Buddy, if you had to enlist again for overseas duty, what branch of the service would you go in? Buddy--The peace delegation,'sir. A Relief Hyman--At least once in my life I was glad to be down and out. Lowe--And when was that? Hyman--After my first trip in *n airplane.--Stray Stories Magazine. Or Smallest Giant Visitor--This isn't a dwarf. He's over five feet in height. Showman--That's the wonderful thing about him. He's the MUest dwarf in the world. T ^v ter's father, J. F. Claxton, at McHenry j{^ggn relatives. Tuesday. | Jack Hovorka and sons, Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder Victor John, of Chicago were Sunday family were visitors at Woodstock Sat- visitors in the Richard Fleming home, urday evening. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, went to Milwaukee Friday to visit in the home of her brother, Chas. Stevens. The Stevens children that have been visiting in the Jencks home returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Merlyn Tremayne of Fulton, 111., is visiting her cousins, Shirley and Marion Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Brats of Chicago spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. A. Ruehlman and family. Mrs. Laura Sprenzel of Twin Lakes spent Sunday with Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coffins of Arlington Heights were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday morn ing. Miss Marie Bratz of Chicago spent from Thursday until Sunday with hev sister, Mrs. A. Ruehlman. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Walsh of- Wonder Lake were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle • Hopper and daughters of Chicago spent Friday afternoon and evening in the S. W. Smith home. Mrs. Ellen Whiting entertained the "Easy Aces" at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons of Harvard spent Saturday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thompson of McHenry and Miss Maud Granger of Chicago were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Chicago spent the weekend in. the S. W. Smith home. Miss Pearl Smith is visiting in the iiome of her. sister, Mrs. Wm. Wurtzfnger at Woodstock. Miss BerniCe Smith of DeKalb spent? the weekend at her home here. W. A. Collins of Beloit spent Wednesday nipht with his parents, Rev, •nd Mr§. Collins. ^ . Misses Celia Barr andf Mildred Iris flf Chicago spent the past week in tho Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette spent Monday afternoon with fhe former's parents, Rev. and Mrs.' Let's Ride Horseback! Christenseo's Stable of Chicago V ^ (1508 Clark St.) at* Half Block South of Harry's New York Bit Make up your party for a Moonlight Ride Special Rates for Wienie or Marshmallow Roast* --------Both Spirited and Gentle Horses --------- 0o£Vs-^ MODEL DOUBLE WALLS BOWL-SHAPED FULL CABINET DESIGN STEEL CHASSIS CONSTRUCTION ROLL-STOP WRINGER Speed Queen has for many year? bron noted for outstanding washer values. But this new Model "O" at $49.50 tops them all! It is not the $49.50 price itself which it so startling -- but rather the amount of tvasher quality which this low price buys. You can purchase this machine and feel absolutely certain . . . after making comparisons with other makes of washers . . . that you are saving at least $10 to $20 i* actual cash! Electric Shop Phone 251 ween Street -- " ^ 'Hp