j * f't a ^ « • Thunday, August 4,193#' J'WW" West Virginia Is Host To --v National Editorial , rr Mrs. Ella Siegler spent several dayft last week with relatives at Rippon, Wis. ^LAEGEST CITY IN STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, HUNTINOTOH, WITH POPULATION , Victor ®"nk °n .Frid*y Of 80,000 uiiDirmrailwaymm ;>* • ' I. " Ithe weekend with his parents, Mr. and (C4ntinue<f from last week) | corporate limits of Huntington, is^pne soared to a population of 80,006 peO-jMrs. William Shotliff, After a very pleasant half day spent of the oldest communities west of the pie, and is the trading center for an-! A party of friends enjoyed a weiner In and about the city of Charleston,1 Alleghany mountains. It was found- other 1,000,000. (roast on the lawn at the Chas. Freund >. Va., the 300 people on tour with'ed in the year 1810, and was an hn-| The population of this city is 98.6 j home on Thursday night. Those to ithe National Editorial association, en-1 portant city during the adventurous per cent American born. It has an make tip this happy gathering were jtered the big. Greyhound busses and, days of logging on th^ Guyan river, j abundance of natural gas and oil and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E, Freund, Mis- Railroad Terminal . lis within 50 miles of the richest bi-'ses Virginia Rasmussen and Florence In the year 1869, a certain man tuminous coal fields of America, with|Udell of Chicago; Walter Brown, Geo. sfsnraoftovE ss n beaded westward for the largest city 5n the state, Huntington, located on %he Ohio river. n, A wonderful banquet was served In the evening at the Prichard Hotel, •with a dance following, the Chamber Jof Commerce, being the sponsor. FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL Wcame to° Guyandotte, Unheralded, un- three major railroads passing through1 Sanders and Glendale Esh. announced. Being exceptionally far- the city. Huntington has exception-! Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer entertained sevsighted, he decided that the rich lands "a^Jy fine schools, tree-lined streets and eral friends* at her home on Wedrtesjust west of Guyandotte on the Ohio boulevards, and churches covering all j day afternoon. The playing of bridge river would be an ideal location for a denominations and creeds. Industries Diversified 'version. A lovely Its industries are diversified. In the the conclusion of cards SIXTY YEARS AGO Station agent Buss is having erected a new barn on his premises. R. Waite has adorned the front of W H I T E M ( T A I M E D I C I N E CABINET M I R R O R A convenient extra cabinet for bathroom or kitcheiL Just the thing ior summer cottages apd camps. Large enough for usual storage yet fits in small space. Size 13/11/4 inches. A bronze statue on the grounls of the Chesapeake & Ohio railway station in Huntington, W. Va., is the symbol of the friendship existing between the late Collis P. Huntington, railroad builder of the last century, and the city bearing his name. The lifelike statue looks out over the broad streets and avenues with the same friendly interest that was born when Huntington, now West Virginia's largest city, was the terminal of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway in the early 1870*8. and visiting was the afternoon's di- " V * "uu"!w v Y version. A lovely lunch was served at[J's s?op, ^anew sign. wh,ch reads ...»„ ... the conclusion of cards. Guests werel Cent f ral Market." Roll keeps a good year 1933, 118 industries produced 322 Mrs. Marge Smith. Mrs. Katherine! as®ortme"t,of meats' and 18 llberally different commodities, with a tot«il Hendee of Round Lake and Mrs. Lauia, ^a mz . our C1 ltens' Value of manufactured products of Freund. V - I Smith started on Tuesday 182,616,000. These included such com- Mr. and Mrs. Claire .Furlong atid Ttiorning for Kansas, where he has pletely different articles as glass, daughter, Jean, are enjoying a vaca- &on® to look up a location fpr busithonel metal, underwear, dye stuffs, tion at the home of his mother,, Mrs; ness/ mine cars, raincoats, steel rails/over- Emma Furlong, 'Shis week... | Fitisimnsons A Evanson are How Alls, stoves, china, and a host of oth- i Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and engaged in moving and arranging isrs. ; , children of Chicago Visited in the their goods in their new st<ve. In a From the historian's standpoint home of the former's mother, Mrs. B. <Jays they will be able to show Jluntington provides many angles for L. Orvis, Saturday. They spent the their customers as well an arranged research. Western ^nd southern Indi- afternoon in the Fred Shotliff home,', Store as can be found in the country, ahs called the area, where the city near Hebron. '* <?,l\vr•.•„?• [?-.V , r--l; 1 now stands, the "Dporway to the Mr. and Mrs. William Adsit are' ther. FIl'TY YEARS AGO ^ House of Long Knives." That the city happy parents of an eight pound girl ( . . s ' ~--.. si; • was a meeting place for tribes from all born Saturday, Jnly^'0: The little' John'•"Stroner has been moving 1»if sections of North America is proven 'girl was named Beverly Ann. building forward towards the street, by the great number of primitive rel- Misses Virginia Rasmussen and raising't up and putting a brick underfcs found in and near Huntington. Florence Wfcrdell returned to their Pinin* under much improving its West Virginia is a mountainous home in Chicago on Friday, having appearance and also the appearance state, except for the lowlands abutting enjoyed a two weeks' vacation with *he street in that vicinity, the Ohio river. On the plain that Mr. and Mrs. Charley Freund. j During the races on Saturday last makes up the site of this fine city/ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and a r®ce» °f one hundred yards, for early settlers found a land of promise son, Lyle, Ringwood visited in the Wil- $25 a s'de, was gotten up between and decided to settle in a section al- liam Shotliff home Thursday evening Toney Barbian, of this village, and a ready chosen by Indian tribes as their of last week. ; young man from Cary, which was won own particular stamping grounds. Be- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, son easily by Barbian tween the three rivers bounding Hunt- Tommy, motored to McHenry on Sun-j Jacob Wentworth has gone to Elgin ington, the Red Man found game in day to visit in the home of his mother, j *° *®ke charge of the yard of the Elplenty and an opportunity to live ac- Mrs. M. J. Freund. gin brick company. He hashad large cording to his traditions. | Mr. and Mrs. Russ Boehm' of Lib- j experience in the business under the Huntington was incorporated in ertyville were visitors in the Al, superintendency of his father, who is 1871. It was planned as the western Schmeltzer home on Monday. |one the best brick makers in the terminal of the Chesapeake & Ohio I About fifty-five relatives attended, northwest, and with his steady haby. fti§ stilt the meeting" placethe"annual Shotliff reunion held at 14 *n<* ability he-is si of the North, South, East and West.-Fox River Park this year. They gath-Isucc?ss in *)is new field; The area on which the city stands, as ered from various localities for a full! Miss Amie Owen, Miss Kate Howe,^ w<?ll as thousands of surrounding day's program of games, eats and Miss Mattie Smith and Miss Maude acres, was given to Captain Thongs reminiscing. A delicious pot-luck din-'VanSlyke are spending the week with Savage and associates as reward for ner was served at noon. Those who Ge0- W. Owen and family at Pistaqua participation in the French and Indian attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bay* "f8, jWilford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilford Two Daily Newspapers and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cavr, Huntington has two daily newspa- Mr. and Mrs. Hannaman of Beloit, pers, housed in the same up-to-dat® Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. A W Shotliff and This section was visited by a nice building. They use the same plant, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shotliff of Gary, refreshing rain on Tuesday evening, but one of them is a Republican and ind.; Mrs. Lena Shotliff, daughters,' There will be an Ice Cream festival the other a Democratic paper. They Hazel and Florence, Mrs'. Flo Rock- on the Law" °* Chas. Page, on Friday, are edited by two men of entirely dif- well, Mrs. Belle Trimmer, Mrs. Ada even'n8 °* t*"8 everybody ferent political ideas. The most friend- Jordan and Miss Dawn Shotliff of turn ov,t and enjoy a good social evenly feeling exists at all times, however, Rockton, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred in&- and splendid co-operation in eveary Shotliff and family of Woodstock; Mr.I The Geor«e Smith h<Te' now .occu" way prevails. and Mrs. Wm. Shotliff of Alden; Mr. P^d by G. W. Besley, isTece.ving a After a good night's rest In one of and,, Mrs. Alvin Pester and family of coat of P*int on the "u J ts,de and the city's fine hotels the tourists de- Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shotliff other wise receive needed repaids. Geo. parted next morning, crossing over to cf Wilmot, Wis.; Miss Beatrice Duffy ^urtis's doing the painting. W I T H VALUE 79c. icnic Refrigerator Box Fits on running board of carv ^teel lifter. Insulated Keeps cold for 24 hours. 10 lb. ice cap. Size l8/IO%/9 in. 1 m TIPS Zippw SPORT BAG Closely woven material. Waterproof, Assorted colors, tan and grey with red, grey and green stripes 16 in. size. FORTY TEARS AGO True Value CASTING BAITS. LEVEL WINDING REEL, 80 yd. capacity.. 79c MINNOW BUCKET, 8 qt 98c | Tru« Valu» POCKET KNIFE, 2 bl«de»........ 49e HIBBARD POCKET WATCH, thin model.. 98e True Value FLASHLIGHT. 2 cell...., 59c True Value OAS MANTEL.... „,__....6/29c WINCHESTER 22 cal. RIFLE, single*shot $5.65 True Value SOFT BALL, 12 in. 49c PAPER NAPKINS, 100 count 10c MALACCA KNIVES AND FORKS...„.„.„ 5c Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. '.'•'I Main Street West McHenry Situated in the verdant Ohio Val- railroad terminal to facilitate the ley, Huntington combines the graceful handling of coal from the hills of West charm of the old South with the in- Virginia and Kentucky. This young dustrial activity of the progressive man, Collis P.* Huntington, whose ^ ^ North. Rich in natural resources, name was later blazed in American* I the Ohio side of the river and up the Q AnTioch 111"- Mr' and^Mrs Leonard Ladies of the W.C.T.U. will "wealthy in transportation facilities railroad history, had the courage of'shore to a point opposite the beautifulFranzen arid familyof Ringwood* Mrs meet with Mrs" H.McOmberWednesand abounding in healthy, full-blooded , his convictions and founded the city of j city of Parkersburg. The next chap- Laura James of Rockford- Mr and day afternoon. .Americans, Huntington is one of Huntington "just west of Guyandotte ter will contarrt information about jjrs q l Orvis Mr and Mrs Wm America's finer cities. on the Ohio river." From this begin- this city and also Wheeling, located in shotliff «nH son' Ted and Mr and The quaint old village of Guyan- ning in 1869, Huntington, within the the extreme north part of fibe state. |Mrs J G Wairner of Serine Grovo doltei Wl Va.f which is now within the brief span of sixty odd years, has I 7 : (To be continued) wagner or aprmg urovo, - THE HORNETS1 NEST COINS FOR THE W ORLD AT LARGE THIUTY YEARS A CO McGULLOM LAKE Nickel strip, four coins wide, ready for stampinginto coinage. Thirty-two countries in the foiir corners of the world use nickel strip like this for coining ninety-nine coins of eighty-seven denominations. Nickel ore is mined in Canada and rolled into strip at the Huntington plant of the International Company. VOLO «oent^few^davs^ere^t'the home* of m honor of Mr-| Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Frank'cago are staying at Mrs. Winkrantz' spent a few days here at the home of passfield s birthday anniversary. The Hironimus summer home at McCollum Lake for Mr. and Mrs. John Oenling. Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHenry visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Hiron- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of | Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta of Chi Slocum's Lake called at the home of cago spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Friday. A number of relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- M. L. Worts and family are now [Occupying their new home on Green street. The water in the mill pond is lower at the present time than it has been for many years. Misses Betty and Rita Cahill andj The pickle factory is again in opertheir friend, Miss Norma Alberini of ation. Many bushels of cucumbers are Pittsburg are spending a week's vaca- being received daily. tion at the "Dells" owned by Mr. and Arthur Dorr of Harvard has opened Mrs. W. J. Delahounty of Chicago. |a ftrst class buffet in the Geo. Yager O. Schmitt and mother have left building just over the billiard and pool for Chicago for several days. room. Miss Ethel Bottonialy of Mansfield, j Harvest time is with us snd big Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. J. Kil- crops of oats and barley are being father of McCollum Lake last week, downed by the self binder. The sea- Mr. and Mrs." John Winkrantz of son of 1908 this far has been a good Chicago spent the weekend at their one for the farmer and if conditions cottage. continue corn husking will find barns Mrs. T. Protiowski and sister and and granaries and^ son of Chicago are spending the week | capacity. at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Matter and son o: Chicago spent the weekend at theft cottage. Daviu Pnvne has given up his job at William Rochell, Chicago, spent the Kenosha, Wis., and is now employed weekend at his cottage. by Theo. Schiessle. Mrs. J^ Ritter of Chicago is spend- j Harry Levine of St. Charles is now irtg a week at McCollum Lake. employed by the telephone company in Weekend guests at the home of Mr. this village. Mr. Levine and family and Mrs. L. Bennett were Mr. and will occupy the Jacob Justen flat in Mrs. Ed Rush of Chicago. Centerville. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs.j That the automobile touring traf- Winkrantz were Mr. and Mrs. Patter-,flc has not fallen off much on account son of Chicago. jof the war is borne out by the fact | Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. that machines bearing license numijoe A. Schaefer were Bert and Frank bers of other states are seen in town Ritzus and Mr. and Mrs. F. Madsen. almost daily. Mr. and Mrs. J. Matter of Chicago j Up to the present time McHenry Mrs. Frank St. George. j have rented their cottage to their and the immediate vicinity has nearly Mrs. John Engeln of McHenry and friends. ; 125 young men in the service of Uncle Mrs. I Thomas of Woodstock spent! Mrs. Patterson and children of Chi- Sam. ENTY YEARS A6C~ THEPOCK ETBQOK) 0/KNOWLEDGES "i! '.-VI -imus, Friday. --• • • Mrs. Sarah Fisher underwent a very serious operation at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Thursday. Mrs. Fisher had her left eye removed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and daughter of Libertyville spent Tuesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Ed. Bacon and daughters of Round Lake called at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon Tuesday. A school meeting was held at the Volo school Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. Richard Dowell visited Mrs. Sarah Fisher at the St. Therese hospital Sunday. Miss Annabelle Howese of Chicago is spending a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, Eileen, spent Sunday at the "Willow Farm" in Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter of Slocum's Lake visited Mrs. Sarah Fisher Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiemuth and daughter spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. Wiemuth near Cute. • • x i_- evening was spent in playing cards and dainty refreshments were served. Miss Vinnie Bacon visited Wayne Bacon at the Sherman hospital in Elgin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and family of Wauconda were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. Richard Dowell called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sawj^r, near Gumee, Sunday. Mrs. Emil Dusil and daughter and Mrs. M. Blizek of Crooked Lake visited Mrs. Frank St. George Friday. The Pinochle Club met at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs-. Bruno jGrimillie Fri- Hironimus Mrs. Frank St. George, Mrs. Joseph several days Wagner, Mrs .FrarHc Hironimus, Mrs.! Mrs Madsen of McCollum Lake had. John Kilday, Mrs. John Engeln, Mrs. a b>rth<lay party at her home Friday Richard Cronin spent Tuesday after- «vemnf *nd Mrs". Smith and a,| noon at the home of Mrs. Bruno \We* Z , illie in honor of Mrs. John Keg. Mr- a L nd Mrs,; ?f Chicag0 , | spent the weekend at their summer Miss Betty Cannon of Waukegan | home at McCollum Lake. spent the past week in the M. J.i A,rt^ur Thompson is on a two Walsh home. i weeks' vacation at his summer home ... _ ' j x , ... !at McCollum's Lake. Miss Kay Lederer, a teacher in the! Mr and Mrs. Henry Green are Bloomington schools was a business1 din geveral W(,eks at Chicag0. , caller here Saturday, and also called Mr and Mrs. Thomas C. Hardy are on relatives. I leaving for Canada for two weeks' POTPOURRI illost All Tail A bird with a tail three and one-half feet long and a body only one foot long is the "quetzal," a native of Central America. He keeps his tail curled and decks himself out in crimson and green. The quetzal is the natiqn* al bird of Guatemala and is said to die of grief when captured. © Western Newspaper Union. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalin of vacation Kenosha, Wis., called on friends herej Mrs. I. Washburn of McCollum Lake Sunday And attended the dinner at St. 'entertained guests over the weekend day evening. The club presented Mrs.: Patrick's church. (the John Schultz family of Park Nick Molidor and Joseph Wagner with William Martin and Newell Nesbit Ridge, the Curt Schultz family of Forgifts in honor of their birthday anni- of Elmhurst were weekend guests m'est Park, Fred Dillenham of Paris,!0f Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Peterson of # "Pool of the Pooka" The "Pool of the Pooka," the hauni of the malicious sprite of Irish fairy tale, is situated in the village of Paulaphuca, near Dublin. 0 Versaries. Mrs. Roy Passfield and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dalvin at Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kovar of Berwyn visited at the home of Mi', and Mr.». Frank St. George Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vasey and son of Wauconda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Sunday evening. Arvilla Ann Fisher spent Sunday with Joanne Moody at Wauconda. the Clarence Martin home. J France, and her nieces and nephews1 McCollum Lake. Mr. Anderson is re- Atty. Albert Woll returned to his of Chicago. 'modeling Burt and Frank Riteu's cotwork at Washington, D. C., Monday,! Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen and sonltage. after a visit in the home of Mrs. Mai y and nephew are spending three weeks | Weekend guests at the home of Mr. Carey. Mrs. Woll and children re-1 at McCollum Lake. |and Mrs. M. K. Peterson were Mr. mained for a longer visit with her! Mr. and Mrs. Hart and family of and Mrs. Anthony Of Park Ridge, mother. j Chicago spent the weekend here. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rochelle of Mc- The C. H. Duker family left Friday Weekend guests at the home of Mr.lCollum Lake had as their 'weekend for a visit with relatives at Goshen, j and Mrs. Schiitt were Mr. and Mrs.' visitors the Scherer family of Chicago, Ind. |f. J. Klawitter and Mr. and Mrs. the Smith family of Birmingham, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Drue of j Thomas. land Sicilian family of Chicago, all of Chicago are spending the tinnmer -in j Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Chi- jthem enjoying a most pifasant »*• McHenry. 'cago are spending a week at the home1 union. WHOM SUN TO SUN N 16+9. PLANT WORKER* WERE GAUEP "TO AT / W N RISE, ALIOWEP 4CMIMUT£t 44H0&Sf wti HEWUOf F15UlO& ooo