•>:V. ?«*• Eight " \ 4 i * > f"7*vi - . 1 •"'•"" McHOTtY ty*skt<"*' a-?- PLAINDXALKB < • '• r -. ' •- •, . ' .V- '.; '•• ;•, ,4; PggB 4m« j.. ; Thiiwday, Aligust 18,1938 Societv Notes CARD PARTY "Mrs. George B. Kane entertained! Ihe members of her card club Wednesday evening with high_scores going ta Mrs. J.C. Thi«. C. D. OF A. OCTING court will be held Thursday evening, MANN FAMILT o. & sr. REUNION HELD ^ SUNDAY, AUO. 14 HftHenty chapfer of the <5. ft- &•* received an invitation to attend Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons Night at Nunda chapter, Grystal Lake, Friday evening, Aug. 26. The next -- D E S S E R T - B R I D G E The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Sty Patrick's church will sponsor a Dessert-Bridge at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 23. It will be a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Ray McGee. In case of rain, it will be held in the basement of St. Patrick's church. The Catholic Daughters of America'™eetin* .of th.e cha£ter wiU be Mon" held an outing at Oaklawn, north of. evemn£> f' „ ^ . this city, Thursday evening with ! BUNCO CLU& ' * twenty-one members preset. A deli- . , . * " cious chicken dinner was enjoyed at Mrs. J. E. Wheeler ientertained her six O'clock, followed by cards, with bunco club Wednesday evening, honor- .bridge prizes merited by Mrs. Marie 'nS her sister, Mrs. Tilhe Newton, Vales and Mrs. May Martin and five from near Green Bay, Wis., who is hundred by Mrs. Clara Adams and spending the summer in the Wheeler Mrs. Ella Buss. Father Frank Miller home. Prizes were won by Mrs. Louise of Aurora, former assistant at St, Nickels and Mrs. Ida Fisher, while ,he Mary's church "h»rVrir Of the traveller's prize was given to Mrs. court, with Msgr. C, S. Nix, were honored guests. The next meeting of the * ... * 1 x rf 7.;-Tir r-isj:/*;.. •Vv;\. v.- •" •: . You may pay more for your meats in particular, and fine foods in general, but, we doubt whether yott can get .bet-- f.v. : ••'•••is •Jti' • '•" .- terqualtiy!" Specials Evtery Friday and Saturday v Fresh Fish for Friday- ;.v •.|.:: 1%% A Nice Assortment of Bakery GoM* -Phone us Your Orders for Prompt Delivery!- ROYAL BLUE GROCERY & MARKET C. W. GIBBS, Prop, ; Main Street Phone 166 West jlcHenry; 111. Newton. • • • HONORS MRS. VERNON KNOX Mrs. D. Strong of Wonder Lake entertained at a dessert luncheon in honor of Mrs. Vernon Knox last Tuesday afternoon. Those present were: Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Miss Alice Tyndall, Miss Rita Wandel, Mrs.- Ros^ Glendee, Mrs F. Hitchens, Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Mrs» .Fredricksen. 'Mrs. MRS. ADA MANN proved a happy COMING STINTS August 18 Public. Card Party--St. Mary's Hall. August 26-21 Carnival--St, Peter's Churth--V®16. August 21 Business meeting--East River Road Boosters Club--M. A. Sutton--2 p. m. ! Picnic --Married Mien's Club--Lily Lake. -- August 22 ^ Meeting--Q. E. S. ~ •""' August 23 Altar and Rosary Dessert-Bridge <« Mrs. Ray McGee--1:30 p. m. August 25 Ladies' Aid--Mrs. Doker. Says: * Sunday, August 14 BIRTHDAY PARTY a Boy Smith of McHieni^ "Sfiu Mrs. Joseph Miller of Morton Grove, III,, were surprised On their birthda^f Monday afternoon, August 15,- An enjoyable time was spent playing recop, [day for the Manns, for oh that day Among those present were: Mi;s. they held their annual, reunion at the Joseph Miller of Morton Grove, 111.,;home ?of Mr. and Mrs. ;l5. E Thomas, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Harold .Altai and soiilonfe mile west of McHenry "On Route and Mrs. Slkgel of Chicago, Mrs. John (20. Keg, Mrs. Frank .Rosing ani Mrs. j This gathering was also the occa- John Stilling. v jsion for the celebration of two birth- * * * days which occurred on August 4, that " BUNCO PARTY --- of Mrs. Ada Mann of Woodstock and The ladies of Mineral Springs held a | Adrian Thomas of Forest Park. j bunco party on the lawn of Mrs. J. j Games were enjoyed and a social | Mikota, on Sunday, August 7. Twelve j afternoon spent. A pot-luck dinner 'tables we?e in play and many beauti- and supper was served, including iful prizes were awarded. [birthday cakes attractively decorated | There will be another bunco, party (in pink. held at the same place on Sunday, j Those in attendance were: Mrs. Ada Sept. 4, at 3 p. m. ' {Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mann and I The women of Mineral Springs have son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mann, and son organized an Improvement Associ- J and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.-Grant Ar- ! ation and the proceeds of the bunco nold and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ' parties will be used to fix the beaches, vey Arnold, all of Woodstock; ; Mr. Mrs. M. Byrnes is chairman, TVTrs. J. and Mrs. Millard Mann and daughter, Mikota is treasurer and Mrs. C. Get-, Home McKinley of Dinan, 111,; Mrs. A damp woolen (cloth will pick-up small pieces of broken glass. Chopped &ites and peanut butter mixed to a paste ipake a delicious AiliTn g fo-r san• d*w•• ic•h es^ a. •;• '•;V;f Use two spoons fbr turning a r^ast. A fork .pierces the surface ?;and allows the juices to escape: ' " ,;',i •••: .;•••„' • »' » • • Boiled rice, well seasoned arid served with creamed salmon or shrimp,<pakes 'a good .Uuo^iepo ••dish. ,>•' >' 7?. ;* : '*•• '7- '•• "••.' '*• If iodftie is accidentalfy ' (Srcipp'e'd= on a linen towel, cover immediately with dry starch and the stain will soon disappear. When making garments for small children see that tlackets or openings are long enough so they may get in and out of garments easily. £) Associated Newspapers.--WNU Service. ner is secretary. L Luick Ice Cream Special This Week and Vanilla SO& CALOX TOOTH POWDER and 50c TOOTH BRUSH Both for 59^ * $1.35 value ITALIAN BALM and DISPENSER 69# ,26c SHU MILK LIQUID OR PASTE 17# • 75c JOHNSON'S FURNITURE POLISH Sale Price 49# : One Ponnd JOHNSON PASTE FLOOR WAX 59c :v;:-7;"' 60c SAL HEPATICA 49# $1.50 . ALPEN KREUTER 98# •|:;: 1 gallon BOILED OIL 99# 1 gallon TURPENTINE 49# Odd Lots of PAINT Reduced -- 50% ASPIRIN TABLETS Bottle of 100 39c* COLGATE COLD CREAM 1 pound jar PALMOLIVE SOAP 6 Bars 25# CITRATED CARBONATES 8*oz. botttle 49# McKESSON MILK of MAGNESIA 1 Pint 39# HOT WATER BOTTLE --or-- * FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 59# 60c SYRUP OF FIGS ^ 49# 75c CASTORIA 59# BATHING SHOES Reduced 25% 59c GOGGLES 39^ BATH SPRAYS 89# & $1-29 BRIDGE TABLE COVERS, Rubberized ALARM CLOCKS 98# ELECTRIC Only one left at... MIXER $4.49 SCOT TISSUE TOWELS, 150 Towels 11x13 ; 7..,"'; - • ; 23# y2 Pint Tanglefoot Fly Spray and Sprayer 39# 50c IPANA TOOTH PASTE 43# Ella Gans, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas, Forest Park; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hopper, and son, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Jay 'Williams, Mr. and; Mrs. Willis Stokes and son, Willis, Jr.,! of Juda, Wis.; Mrk Elizabeth JVIoska.i' Brodhead, Wis,; JMr. and Mrs. Carl Steinke and daughter, Mrs. Charles Mann, Huntley; Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Thomas, Loren and Hiley Jean. I m '4 » j WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson were surprised by a group of friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Saturday evening, honoring their' thirty-fourth Redding anniversary. Another enjoyable evening was spent I with cards and music. Lunch wasj served at midnight with a decorated; anniversary cake centering the table. The honored coupj^ wAs preaented' with a gift. > ) m m m -- -- :-- -- EIGHT YEARS Ottt Little Miss Marianne Rogers entertained twelve of her friends at her home Wednesday afternoon, August 17, in honor of her eighth birthday. Games were played and later refreshments were served. The little guest of honor was presented with many lovely gifts. r Guests were: Marion Grace Conway, Lorraine Michels, Catherine Gerasch, Cynthia Woll, Barbara and Geraldine Carey, Eileen Smith, Nancy Rogan, Betty Weber, Maureen Miller and Rosemary Kane of Chicago • • • REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thomas and family of Elmira, N. Y., who spent the past week with relatives in this vicinity, were honored guests at a family reunion and wiener roast held at the Elbert Thomas home Thursday evenin, with sixty relatives present. A happy evening was spent in visiting and other entertainment. The Emil Thomas', who moved east two years ago, left for their home Saturday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thomas, son, Lyle, daughters, Wilma and Marylin, Elmira, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Orlousky, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas, George and Juanita Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hartman, Billy and Jerry Hartman, Niles Center; Mrs. Etta Wattles, Mrs. Alma TTiomas, Mrs. Laura Sherman, son, Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman, Arlette and Curtis Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draper, Joe Draper, Mr. and Mis. Lester Sherman, Laura, Edith and Robert Sherman, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, Frank, Amy and Carol Harrison, Mr. and Mis James Rainey, Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Belcher, Mrs. Hiley Thomas, Melvin Belcher, Mrs. Sue Thomas, Edward Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thomas, Mr.' and Mrs. Eugene Thom as, Mrs. Claribel Fish, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mary Ann and Norma Jean Campbell, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas and Everett and Waiter Thomas, McHenry How Cormorants Are Trained Young cormorants have a ring placed around the neck to prevent their swallowing fish, and they soon learn to bring all captures to their masters. A well trained male cormorant will continue to catch fish for about five years. Fishing with cormorants is an important industry in China and Japan. NOTICE! Semi-annual meeting of Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Me- Henry will be held at Town Clerk's office on Tuesday, S*ot. 6, 1938, at 7 o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of auditing alt bills filed against said Town. Given under/fny hand and seal this 15th $ty pf Aagpst,'1938. i . \ >>')*. J. WALSH, -r 18 Town Clerk. 25, Sept. 1) ; Dancing in Divine Worship Dancing ha&^had a part in divine worship in every religion in history, and sacred dances, says Collier's Weekly, have an important place in the religious ceremonies of the Hindus, Moslems and many pagan tribes. YOUNG MAN DISAPPEARS State police were asked to aid in a search for George Kirckl, 21 years old, of McHenry. He left his home at McCollum's Lake in liis car Saturday and no furtherance has been found of him. He is^about 5 feet, iO inches tall and weighs about 17b pounds. He was employed by the Riverside Dairy Co., here. Police stated that he married recently. Scots Chieftains Dfseipilie#^ Scottish chieftains were deprived Oi most of their powers in 1748 aftfr the rebellion of 1745 in favor oi the Young Pretender Gypsies in Fifteenth Century Gypsies are believed to have < tered Europe early century. Friday and Saturday ( id-Summer Ladies' Culottes' Children's Sun Suits and:., V Slack Shirts, special :J^p|f||9# NEW WASH DRESSE Peasant Style or Tailored $1.25 - $£.95 _____ A few SUMMER SILK and SHEER DRESSES h reduced to $1.95 Come in and see our new fall dresses! Distinctive styles in woolens and. silks! Riverside Drive McHenry >77 7-- You Need to Keep Cool! THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME TO USE THEM THIS SEASON AND TO START NEXT SUMMER. SELECTION IS STILL GOOD - VALUES ARE WORTHWHILE! Skipper Sport Shirts Wk£ White Shirts 1 gal. Cow Spray f 59c Box of 50 Palmer Hs. Cigars Sale price $1.89 Thermos Jugs. 4 left. 59c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 441 the new smart styles and fabrics. All of our regular $1 shirts now ' 2 for $L50-ea.79c Crispy, lustrous Broadcloth with Wilson - Oban Collar - our regular $2 shirtfc v 3 for $4.95 each $1.69 Wash Slacks thftt keep you cool. Checks, stripes and movelty patterns Values to $2.50 • $1,39 ••••••« HH i »»•»»»»»•»»»»» Births Slack Socks with woven lastex tops. New summer patterns. 25c and 35c vain* 19c Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burkhartsmeierj of Des Plaines are parents of a daughtc- r, born Thursday, August 11. Mrs.'. Burkhartsmeier was formerly Miss; Laura Barbian, daughter of Mrs. Katej Barbian of Mchenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnight of ; (Western Springs announce the arrival' of a son at the Hinsdale hospital, j Wednesday, August 10. Mrs. McKnight was formerly Miss Lillian Buss[ of McHenry. i Ladies' Jantzen Swim Suits in 1938 models - Splendid selectin of colors and models. $5.95 and $4.95 suits now $3-89 Men's Swim Trunks - from our better ranges - values to $2.95, CLOW $1-69 Men's Swim Trunks - regularly to $1.50 89# Beach Sandals of Woven Fibre 29# Seersucker Sun Suits for children with suspender back 39# 3 for $100 Ma&i," { Official Language of Ireland The Irish language, being the national language, is the first official language of Ireland. The English language is recognized as a second official language. McGEE'S ; •-%- - <•-,'• ? >*•'• .JLJ - -