HILLTOP INN' •.••/.a » yi" %Yt Miles North of McHenry on Route ^ - FRANK KBMPHER, Prop. . SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS -Drinks of all Kinds SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY! iW pareribs, barbecued, with French Fries -- 15c INTERESTING Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer and Mrs. Russ NEARBY NEWS Boehm of Libertyville enjoyed a matinee at the Chicago theater, Chicago, on Wednesday where they saw Rudy TAKEN Vallee and company. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. John Jung: on Tuesday! to sp6nd an evening at cards. Three ' MiSs Alzina Munger, FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Mr. and' Mrs. James Williams of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. Sarah Fisner Friday. The Volo 4-H Club Will meet at the home of William Foss, Jr., near Wauconda Friday evening. -- ^ „ v -- i l l 4 ^ _ m i s s i o n a r y Mrs. John, H utsh.el, o ,f Chicago. s p-ent tables of five hundred were in play and from Taiku Shansi, China, was a guest' ®?? a^r,!iere Wl^h ^er Parents, Mr. prize winners were Mrs. Ella Siegler, the home of Mrs. Ada Harnden, jan, ^rs* ^ Dillion. (Mrs. John Lay, Mrs. Frank Sanders 121 W. Lake street, Harrington, re-1 Mrs. Erml Dusil and daughters and and Mrs. John Jung received consola- cently. Miss Munger had been a mis- Mrs. .M Bleizel of Crooked Lake vis- L . r-v;/1 > * MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 --USTEN & FRBUHD, Props. Oram St. HALFSPRINQFRIED CHICKEN --^SOc ' , tion. A lovely lunch was served at sionaryin that locality for twenty-two s< Frank St. George Thursday, the conclusion of cards. years. The missionaries stayed mj an(^ Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and Mrs. Alice Wagner was hostess to their station during the Japanese in- 'son sPen^ Monday evening at the home the members of her club on Wednes- vasion of the Province of Shansi and Mr an(l Mrs. Frank Gould in Libday afterritfon. Cards furnished the were able to protect the lives of hun- er^v'^e" entertainment and pqizes were merited dreds of refugees, Miss Munger said.' ^ number of relatives and friends by Mrsfi Frank Sanders, Mrs. G. H. There^was only slight damage done to K&thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones and consolation went to Mrs. the church and no one on mission pro-! ^ Million Wednesday evening, m Mark Pierce. Following cards re- perty was killed. The Japanese are! ^onor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dillion freshments were served by the host- still in control of the city but the ess. , Chinese hold the surrounding A party of frien<Js spent a pleasant districts. evening at cards and visiting at St. Hebron "made" the front pages of Peter's parish hall on Wednesday the metropolitan newspapers the fore •TOO ROOMS • 100 ROOMS wkk *1 to •*» CONANt HOTEL COMPANY I The evening was spent in playing rural car(k an4 refreshments were served. I Mr. and Mrs. Dillion received many l pretty and useful gifts. I Lilah Mae Fisher spei\t the weekend! night. The event was held in appre- part of last week as the result of the^ her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J elation to all who worked so faithfully slaying of James G. Dungan. czar of, I',1,1? Wauconda. - ^lan^ helped make the carnival a sue- the painter's union, on Monday even-', ••?{ a" Herman Dunker and cess. Refreshments were served inir in -jTrftrtf liic T^ipoirn UwmM ! y ftttGlldcd " I^ and YOU can ye fit with M LEASE c - s p e c i a l S U M M E R G A S O L I N E - 1 - STANDARD OIL DEALER served mg in front of his Chicago hcime. Dungan, who purchased the the Dlinker family revr'"^ union near Chemung Sunday. entertained farm on Prairie avenue, Heb^n, a fiSw T "Ml,i3s=s May me TDo*we"ll .<o*f• °SilOoCc.uumm '3s Members of her club on Thursday, years ago, spent much time at the h® ^ D e^n^day Wlth her Slster' - .Mrs. John Passfield. throughout the evening. Mrs. George W. May n Thursday, years ago, spent Cards and visiting were the diversion farm with of the afternoon and the lovely awards Dordthyi ; ^ / * for high scores went to Mrs. Arthur F„„„ . , er m°therf Mrs. Catherine Wagner, CENTRAL GARAGE When your car or truck needs attention, we are prepared . to serve yon. One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. , Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires ' Electric and Acetylene Welding ; \ ^ Car Washing and Polishing 200-J Towing ' Jolmsbnrg - > : . - f • «Wt(V while consolation went to Mrs Norbert Klaus. At the close of •nt afternoon a delicious supper was Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey spent a pleas- ®cc°rdin£ to ^len MacLaughlin, presi- Friday evening with the latter's motha picas dent of the jjcHenry County Sportsm , ei". Mrs; Margaret Grabbe, near Crysmen League. The birds have been 'tal Lake. 1 Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Mrs Charles Freund, whose birthday gfc^^and Mwe^o The - --W°0d" slocum's Lake called at the home of! fell ovini twhi«a»kt dwa>y . Later she was pro- . . , . ,, . . , . --v ^ » aented with another eke and . lovely Khedulew.sfollowed in retains the D^ell, Thur.day. J pheasants: 80 will crn tn Harva.-.i o« following hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard "gift. Plans were made for an outing to be held in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer entertained relatives on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May's twentyfifth wedding anniversary was celebrated by a large party of friends at ... . . the Town Hall on Saturday night. The tn„^w daJs fun began with a charivari at their home, then they all proceedea to tht Town Hall for an evening of dancing. . «« r» ®\° to. ^arvai'^> Senator Ray Paddock and son, August 11; 80 to Huntley, August 12; James, spent Wednesday at Spring- 80 more to Crystal Lake on August field. 13; 80 to Marengo, August 14, and 80 Miss Vinnie Bacon was-* Woodstock to Woodstock, August 15. There will business caller Tuesday. be about 400 more pheasants ready for distribution and liberation Herbert G. Naas, 41 years old, an employe of Highland Park Hardware Co., was playing the third hole of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kraus of Chim about cago spent Sunday here at the home Mr. afld Mrs. William Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, Eileen, spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Friends and relatives gathered from libertyville Country golf course last Ham Hironimus in Round Lake. various localities to join in the festivities. Mr. and Mrs. May were pre- Sunday morning when his three companions observed him to be in I Messrs. Albert, Fred and Harold Pa,nvSmith and Heleii McGavran lelt Sun-! sented with a sixty-five piece set of ^ut " anc* £ame day for their home in Minneapolis, silverware and three-piece silver creamery set. Refreshments were served throughout the evening. Music was furnished by Ehlert and Friedle. Dancing and singing were enjoyed until the wee hours. Misses Florence Werdell and Virginia Rasmussen were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund. cago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Victor Blink visited friends in Milwaukee on Sunday. days of of SLOCUM'S LAKE Look At These Prices On FOR CARS, TRUCKS AND BUSES When it is low price, combined with long mileage and high quality, it's awlays Firestone. And Firestone has done it again with the amazing Firestoe Convoy Tire--the value sensation of 1938. Here is a tire that has everything-- safety, mileage, blowout protection, the advantages of Firestone patented features, Gum-Dipping and two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords under the tread. Just look at all these extra*values: Truck-- Bus 32*6 $24.52 For Passenger Cars Truck -- Bus Heavy Duty 6.00-20 115.09 7.00-20 ZtZIIZ™ 25.82 3 0 x 5 ~ 7 ' . 1 8 . 8 6 32x6 ; 32.05 4.50-21 4.75-19 3-25-1 ' |>.50-1^ 6.00-16 %.25-16 7.90 _ 8.15 9.65 10.45 11.80 13.15 Have you ever seen so much value? Don't miss this opportunity to get a set of these large size* rugged, long wearing tires on your track or car today. FREE TUBE WITH E V E R f t I E I ! ! Special prices to track operators. Tire and Tube V ulcanizing Battery Charging and Repairing Oils and Greases Stock Spray - 75c per gallon -- 39 plate Battery - $3.95 Phone 294 West McHenry went on. The foursome reached th®^ Kansas, after spending a few 14th tee. Mr. Naas got up to place here with Mrs. Sarah Fisher. his ball and slumped to the ground, | Mr. and Mrs. James Williams the victim of a heart attack. A car Crystal Lake called at the home driven out on the course rushed him Mr. and Mrs. S- J. Russell Friday, to Condell Hospital but efforts there' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dusil and famto revive him proved futile. ily and Mis? Julia Kolar of Berwyn William J. Peterson, 37, of Liberty- visited Mr and Mrs. Frank St. George ville, evidently believes that giving in Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen of Chi- an assortment °f injuries such as^ The Pinochle Club met at the home a split nose, loosened tooth and frac-'0f Mr. arid Mrs. Bruno Grimillie Fritured jaw would be a sissy thing to'day evening. do. Or else, he's simply a Sparta* j Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann in 1938 clothes. Anyhow, Peterson an(j family spent Sunday in Waukewas cutting glass with an emery wheel ^an< last week Thursday, while working on| Mr\ and Mrs. Waynfe Bacon of Crys an estate near Dundee. The wheel ex- tal Lake visited Miss Vinnie Bacon on ploded. Two fellow workmen drove Wednesday :tg----l^=^^=====^======ssm Peterson to the Sherman hospital, El-1 Mrst E. Serre, Mrs. L. Fitz and gin, and there, the injured man. who J daughters of Wilmette spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent hadn't lost consciousness, walked into here with Mrs. William Waldmann. last Friday at the home of Mr. and the institution to have Dr. F. C. Schur-j Mr. and Mrs. Prokes and son of Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest meier extract a triangular piece of, Berwyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Park. carburundum from his jaw, administer | st. George Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent tetanus serum, and sew up his wounds, j Miss Billy Elizabeth Waldmann enlast Thursday at the home of Mr. and An employe of Leslie Ulrich, Munde- tertained her school friend, Miss Joan Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park, lein contractor, Peterson was working Bush, from Chicago the past week. Mrs. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, on the building of a glass-tile barn. returned home with them for a few A short circuit in a neon transdays visit. , former was said to be the cause last | Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Wednesday evening of a fire that dam- Lake, spent Saturday at the home of aged the tower of Dietz's Stables, Road to the flat over the Peter Schaef- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. widely-known dancing and drinking er grocery and market on Main street, | Mr. alid Mrs. F. Swanson and establishment at Ivanhoe. The fire recently vacated by the John JiLilday daughter, Alice, of Highland Park was discovered about 10 p.m. Em-family. were dinner and supper guests Sun- ployes used fire extinguishers effec-l }• • . /.n day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John tively to conquer the blaze. Maurice] ^ A PICNIC! Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Ner- Chandler, chief o'f Mundelein fire de-1 The annual picnic of the Married strom and two sons of North Chicago partment that answered the call, ew-' Men's Club will be held Sunday afterjwere supper guests also. timated the total damage to be about noon, August 21, at the Landl Picnic I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta $125. Besides damage to the wiring grounds in Lily Lake. All members of Elgin were callers last Tuesday at system, a small hole was burned in with their families are. urged to atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. But- the wall of the tower, he said. | tend. nett. I "In Germany we are not troubled I Mr. and Mrs. J. Boeckh of Chicago with cries of war," says Mrs. Anna visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evers of near Hamburg, Germany, Harry Matthews Friday night. Mrs. who is visiting in the home of her Martha Baer and grandson. Robert, brother-in-law, Henry Evers, who rereturned home with them after spend- sides on the Bert Weter farm, near ing a few days at the Matthews home. Hebron. Mrs. Evers, who has been j Chesney Brooks attended an Ep- visiting in the homes of relatives in worth League meeting at DesPlaiVies Ohio and Michigan for the past nine Saturday evening. months arrived in the Evers home re-: | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were cently. She^also states that in her Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and own locality conditions are peaceful, Mrs. Paul Plaster at Franklin Park. and business is carried on in much the j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and same manner as here. She also says sons, Robert and Lyle, and Willard that she enjoys the United States very Darrell spent Sunday at the home of much. Fat ytw H««jp L(M<b iM AHMcCormkk- During AH-P«fpo»« Truck TPHE McQoimlek-Deerln* AU- 1 ParpoM Trade b bafe «* 1MM • capacity of 2 to 2^ hearinas on each riii m*t fhrnint. [draft. Unamal floribiHtjr ia poMtbla by d» atoal ewhr* i hi li i i«|ifcn FwKwfaih1 kan tfca aunxtwiiag fa* tura. The track la atandawH whaalhaM ia ad]o>tabk tnm 84 to 126 incfaea. The tradl . wffl tain any bos, nek, <* othar ataadard equiptMnt. { It will yov m»nf yaan of t°od •arrica--coma in and m it now cm «• di^lay flooc- ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 Pearl Street USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR^UICK RESULTS RESIDENCE CHANGE^ The Charles Mertes family has moved from the Miller place on Richmond No other washer can match all of these SPEED QUEEN features Read the Want Ads su***-0 . sAfCr*-*0 i *$1 CHASSIS C0KSWVJCTV0H PH<*« on *ii 5 pc*-tl <^u Inwirla have ke«n re<lu«e4 for 193& the Jiffrrrnt rmxieU Carey Electric Shop Phone 251 Green Street Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey at Araboy. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Anton Adamson, who resides just west of Plato Center, was instantly killed by an Illinois Central train last Saturday night. It is believed that Mrs. Adamson had been overcome by the extreme heat that day -gum- -- .t--u." and unknowingly wandered into the • . path of the speeding train. The trag- Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent a was not discovered until Sunday week in the home of Mrs. John A. M - mornjng when her husband and other ^er- members of the family started to search for her. Mr. Adamson retired about 8:30 Saturday night and stated that he thought at that time that his to sleep on the lawn. The torso of the body was found near the Adamson home. Parts of the head were later found near Coleman while one hand was located at Elmhurst. Pauline Bode returned home Monday, after spending a few weeks with relatives in Chicago. - Mrs George King visit«i her sister, ^ "^ndTd Mrs. Mike Gorski, at Wpodstock on Wednesday. Miss Edna King; is spending a few weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller in Chicago. ... . „ _ v Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and daughter °<.*° '"i".' of Chicago spent the week with John Pitzen. | Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, of Freeport, stated that he did not know of the accident until the inspec-! tor found blood on the * locomotive when he arrived in Chicago. j i Beverly Ann Smith of Pasadena, | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chi- Calif., visitor at the home of Mis3| cago spent the weekend with Mr. and Cornelia Richardson, of Crystal Lake, Mrs Peter F. Freund. met " number of members of the ftre j i Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walsh and Mr. department Monday evening. And was 'and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of \^ukegan she glad to see them! Beverly is four were Sunday dinner guests at the years old and when she went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William i. Mey- bath room, she discovered she could ers, t not unlock the door. Efforts to give ; Miss Thelma Jackson of Chicago instructions proved futile and it was spent Sunday with Mr. and M^3. ;Jack decided that the firemen be asked for Bode. assistance. While a few of the firai Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of men were running a ladder up to the Spring Grove spent Sunday in the second story willow, other firemen home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. picked the lock jand made the rescue. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and Beverly was not frightened but was daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent very glad to be released. "Nice fel-, Sunday with Stephen H. Smith. lows, those firemen," she mused. i OUR POULTRY MASHES AND SCRATCH FEEDS ARE BOXED FRESH EVERY FEW DAYS. WE USE NOTHING BUT FRESH, SWEET INGREDIENTS AND THE PROPER AMOUNTS OF EACH #0 MAKE GOOD FEEDS. OUR FEEDS CAN ALWAYS BE DEPENDED UPON! WE HAVE NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL FEEDS THAT SURELY WILL INTEREST YOU. v