"%r^; ^•••"'»«1'*---i'« *v r •.»., -.* •*.- V«-»r -»<- «•«*.v <««». - *••»>•• '*- *v*» »• - ° : " •' ( .»«» ~ •<• i - «* '•«' ', v.*, ! - " ** x •*' . ' ."-* to HoHmntr fuukoealkk * 'i-*1' ^ -*' v^sim :' v ,. '•< ' «•* w-y. .. <,, Thursday Angnit 18 1938 '/'// W ON GROUNDS \. o/ t ; *' ; f-i* V* v" v >V-•*:<&: i 1 C^J-v< sb'>< (' M; I - • H'H >. ' , L\hib'ti' (• k-4rm imp\;r'\ exhibit Mvme tu>ni ;• ••. j». v\htbit "" . • ' S f e t h e i h r i l i n n z HORSE SHOW Aug. 25-26-:--.^- THRILL Jimnv Lvmh .« MMpjn n p. . Horlfcrfi n v. ** n»»ria I cr^v'rvru^ hit The Migrpmgt fu-Quarfur" jroa «m spent! 9116 DAYS & NtHTS AUG. 20-28 DAILY PROGRAM 1st SATURDAY Thrill and Dedication D«f 1st SUNDAY WitcMita Day MONDAY CMIdm't aid "It a good *99" Day TUESDAY Veterans' and Pioneer Dfy WEDNESDAY Gov«mer'» and ; , Fraternal Day THURSDAY Milwaukee and Indntlriat' Day FRIDAY .•'• Dairy Day. Morning pa rod* . downtown. Coronation Dairy Oveen. "Mighty Mike" ipectacle. Battor Ball. SATURDAY Boy Scont Day SUNDAY 4H and FFA Day (8«lot« muliUudc °J *• Am«,cl exvr»> a* r*u a ..|Crtetti H*** ." ^ , Estate of Frank Grasper, Deceased The undersigned, Executor of tH*» ' last Will ahd Testament of Frank Crasser, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 19th day of September, A. D. 1938, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of August, 4, ,1). 1938. ;. ' GERALDJ# CAREY, . " '/ Executor. (Pub. Aug. 4 - 1118) e ' Sistctt , " e J*nsleft °T<>e 4 CtMitf "*nghai yy, r Tro,^'°8 $48,000 in Efnileter rtainment 1001 THINGS TO SIE 'Entire National , Barn Dance -- ( 5-hour evening show -- will broadcast from grandstand *«ge. u,<ien 7"-_ iVi 7*" RODEO f 50 of America's toughest-tidirtg Cowboys aat: cow- 7 Days of 'SPEED RACING 40 Iridijnapoli* timers in thrilling auto races. -> America's fastest harneis h^rstjfc. Official AMA Motorcycle race*. Auto Rjces: 1st Sun., Thu.-s.,; 2nd Sun. Harness Races: Mpn., Tucs.. Wed. Molorcytit. Ratett. 2nd Saturday. - Wn. M. Carroll Attorney Woodstock, Illinois - EXECUTOR'S NOTIC« A. Deneen and Nathan S<3hWartJ! " Attorneys for the Plaintiff STATE OF ILLINOIS, i COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. ^ > ; IN THE CIRCUIT COXJJ^,0l!^> iHENRY COUNTY. : • -; ; THERESA FREEDMAN^ / ' •';* vs. GEORGE J. HUNT, eta!.. IN CHANCERY--Gen. No. 27976. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Decree entered in the above entitled cause on the 16th day of April A. D. 1938, I, Vernon J. Knox, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Wednesday, the 7th day of September A. D. 1938, at the hour o# 11:00 o'clock A. M. (daylight savings time) in the forenoon of said day at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: The S. W. M of the S. E. % of ; Section 25, in Township 46 North, of Range 8 East of^the Third Principal Meridian (excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land deeded by May R. McAssey „ and Frank McAssey, her husband, to John A. Bower) and described as follows: Commencing at the South West corner of the premises herein described; thence North Prove At Our Risk How Little You Pay For The Added Convenience of Automatic Gas Water Heating BO rods; thence East 26 2/8 rods; thence South 60 rods, thence .West 26 2/3 rods io the place of beginning, containing in all 30 acres of land, more or Jess, situated in the Township of Richmond, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, together with a piece of land in the E. % of Section 25, Township 46 North, of Range 8 East of the -Third Principal Meridian, described as follows, to-wit: starting at a stake at the South East corner of the N.W. %, of the S. E. % of said Section 25; thence W. on the forty line 1305.6 ft. to a stake on the quarter section line; thence north on said quarter line 200 ft. to a stake; thence East parallel to the forty line 1182.3 ft. to a stake; in the West right of way line of the spur track; thence Northerly oft a sixteen degree curve (radius 359.3 ft.) along said right of way 275 ft. |p a stake tha£ stands 17 ft. West of the forty line; thence North parallel, to the forty line 1508 ft. to a stake; thence on a twelve degree Curve to the North West (radius • 478.3 ft.) along the right of way of said spur track 220 ft. to a stake in the Southerly linS of the Chi-' cago, Milwaukee & St. P^ul Rail? road Company's right of way; thence South, 79 degrees East, ; ;; mlong said right of way 242,5 ft, to a stake at the Easterly line of - at- spur track; thence on a twelve ^degree curve . to Southi West - (radius 478.3 ft.) on the Easterly line of the right' of way of said spur> track 420 ft. to a point on the* forty line that is 400.4 ft.. South of the point where the said forty line s crossed by the South line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company's rigfyt of way; thence South on th< forty line 1750 ft. to place of beginning, containing 7.48 acres of land as shown by the survey, dated May 12, 1914, made by C^ L. Tryon, County Surveyor of M Henry County, Illinois, situated in the Township of Richmond, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. . Terms of Sale Cash in hand on day of sale, at which time a Certificate of Purchase will be issued in accordance with said Decree and the Statute. Dated this 11th day of August A. D. 1938. > VERNON J. KNOX, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. v ; K (Pub*. Aug. 11 -18 -25) •i'S Twice To 14 Tales «f Intwal Mm P»nm ef ** L- rfTwiAn WONDER LAKE SIXTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Pastor of Chicago are enjoying a two weeks' vacation at their cottage in Deep Spring Woods subdivisitin. | Hiss Marion Compton of Oak Park is the guest of Mrs. A. Bode this week.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and daughter, 1 Deane, of Oak Park spent Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. E. yV. Storer. j Mr. and IVfts. Elmer Mohan of Stxeator are enjoying their new home they recently built on Lake Shore Drive. | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knowles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haug-' en and family, Laes Haugen, William' BRING A FRIEND Oil Pttmanents, 2-p«raom for ....$5 up to $16, singly $3 to $12 complete Noo-Ammoaia Waves $2^50 c'mpl'te STOMPAHATO'S Bwaty and Reducing Sakm Phone 641 Woodstock. DL *•' * i > » * ' i - *"'* » • ' \ • * 'v i • . Most of the grain is now safely in the stack .nd threshing has commenc- Addie""ptteiwB Tnd K .I™ „ '"g °Ut 30 to M,Frederick Hagen .nd daughter, Flor- ^ . a,C,re" _ ! enee, of Chicago were guests of Wiss A1 Sellers will accept the thanks of j Avis Haugen at her home on Look ye editor and family for a half dozen Qut Point subdivision Thursday of last fine ducks, left at our sanctum on Saturday last. | Mr. and Mrs. George Zebold enter- Casper McOmber, of Chicago, son tained at a house party at their home of H. M. McOmber, of this town, spent: Saturday evening. Among the guests Sunday last in this village. iwere Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Freytag, Mr. . This jviciiiity was visWed With jand Mrs. C. M. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. heavy ram on Saturday night or Sun-(George Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Wilday morning last, the amount of rain liam Kroger from Highland Park! falling being unprecedented for the; Mrs. Doroth y Acosta from New. length.pf.'.time... ,The cry of dry weath* York City is spending two weeks here the p»ei- with her sister, Mrs. Ruth Blackhill. Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST It «ow permanently looted in McHenry at his summer home on Riverside Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. Gall for Appointment AU Kinds of Repairs--Tel. 211-R et yviU be hefcrd no more for eht, FIFTY YEARS AGO 14 Misa Jean Racky of Chicago is spending a few weeks' vacation here with her friends, Lorraine Sikorski. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Wuernffei and Kir gloves embroidered backs 55c, daughter, Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Philip worth $1. Ladies hose, regular made Diehl and son, Russell, Mrs. Louise 20c, worth 35 cents. Odorless and im- Holmes and Miss Florence Cook of pervious dress shields 10, 12% and 15 Chicago are guests of Mrs. Minnie cents a pair. Ladies salesrooms. : Cook this week. A fine new flag adorns^the Harrison, Miss Mary Craig and Miss Ver* and Morton Liberty Pole, raised by Koetgen and sister, Mary, from Chi- Cristy and Wentworth. jcago are spending two' weeks' vaca- We learn that Barbian Bros., have tion here as guests of Mrs. Theodore rented Pekovsky's building to which Mieling. they will move their cigar factory at| Mrs. Wm. Schwalge and son, Walan early day. Mr. Pekovsky intlnds 'ter, and Mrs. J. E. Carlson and son, moving to Chicago soon. ! Billyh of Chicago are spending this Jack Halpin had the misfortune,' week at the Schwalge cottage on Lake while returning from Fox Lake with a Shore Drive. team, one night last week, to tip over,; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deane entertainand the result WM a hftclly shoulder. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK--that's our amazing offer. Install an Automatic Gas Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for your present storage water heater, using our monthly payment plan if you wish. Then, at the end of 30 days, check your gas bilL If you do not agree that the operating cost is entirely satisfactory, we will refund your payments on the new unit and remove it at our expense. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY 1 Don't bum this gr*nd opportunity to put Automatic Gtt Water Heating on trial in your home. See for yourself how much it means to have plenty of hot water always on tap for warm, refreshing showers ...for dishes, cleaning, washing clothes, and for all other needs. Best of all, find out how little it costs for the wonderful scrrice of aa Automatic Gas Water Heater. Remember, if you are not completely satisfied--you get joiu mooey badtl But this oljer is fac t limited time onhr. So aa at once. GAS ^ ELECTRIC OGMB AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER CASH or *1 DOWN *1 A MONTH on your gas bilL {Smsli canrytmg cbargt ft dtftmd wArtsmi tic 61s Water (tartar for «aly S% DOWN-as loag as 3 years to • FORTY YEARS AGO STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ifc HENRY COUNTY. Alfred Seyfferttf and Le Orra Seyfferth, ; . Plaintiffs, vs. William F. Rommel and Anna Rommel, his wife, Floyd M. Foss, Trustee, named in a Trust Deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry • County, Aug. 22, 1930, in Book 167 of Mortgages, on page 288, as Document No. , ^ 94126, the unknown heirs law or devisees of William F. Rommel, deceased, and un* . known owners, Defendants. IN CHANCERY--GEN. NO. 28362. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 26th day of July A. D. 1938, I, Charles H. Francis, Special Master in Chancery in said cause of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois will on Monday, the 19th day of September A. D. 1938, at the hour of 10:30 ^o'clock (Central Standard Time) at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois. offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder the following described real estate or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Decree in full, to-wit: A part of the East Half (%) of the South West Quarter (%) ~t>f Section Number Thirty-two (32), in Township Number Fortyfive (45), North of Range Number Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows, to-wit:. Commencing at a post in the center of the high- Way at the North West corner of ft piece of land conveyed by Bernard Wegener and wife to George "J. Wegener, on March 4th, 1909, said place of beginning being Ten _x( 10) rods West of the East line of the South West Quarter (%) of said Section Number Thirty-two • (32), thence running South on George J. Wegener's West line to the North line of a piece of land conveyed by Bernard Wegener and wife to Frand Steinsdberfer on May 16th, 1910; thence West ""on Steinsdoerfer's North line, Five (5) rods; thence North on a line parallel with the East line of the South West "Quarter (hi) of said Section Number Thirty-two (32) to the center of the highway, , thence South Easterly along the center of the highway, to the ' place of beginning. Situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale Cash in hand on day of sale, ft which time a Certificate of sale will be ed at a picnic supper at their ^Jbq^Me I Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and j Mrs. Walter Christenson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morrell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilmore and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Marcellus L. Joslyn, of Woodstock, 1 Betty Lou Deane entertained about is about to establish a telephone ex- (twenty of her little friends from Chichange in this village, and has con- Cago and Wonder Lake at her home tracted to put phones in many of the Thursday, it being her ninth birthday, residences and places of' business in The little folks spent the day playing; this village. He will also run a line games and going in bathing, after! to Pistaqua Bay. This will give our which a delicious luncheon with a1 ^village direct telephone connections birthday cake was served. Betty Lou' with every town in the county, which received many lovely gifts from her will be a great convenience to our cit-' little friends. - About twenty people from Deep Charlie's Repair Shop • Nekt Door To . Hoot Noonah's On U. S. 12 ^ r Radiators Repaired " > ; j3odies and Fenders * '.-"•v-vr] Straiffhtenw} Sign Painting - Truck Lettering ture Upholstering1 CHARLES RIETESEL ISii - & COMPANY AD Kinds of INSUBANCI > Maeed with the nost reUalli Companies ,-jP-- and talk it ""hone MeHenry S Phona 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Fries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays ;;4fther Days by Appointment McHenry . . Hliaaia izens. ^ The mill dam was so far completed 1 Spring Woods gathered at the home1 that on Monday the water was shut of Mr and Mrs prank Wilg0n last off and the pond began to rise rapidly | Saturday evening. An enjoyable even-! but some small detail was overlooked j Ing was spent b an old onl and during Monday night about twelve the lawn with test hamburgers and a1 tr fifteen feet was washed out again weenie roast Everyone enjoyed sing. near the center. | jn_ Qjd fashioned song^ as well as . Joseph J. Frett, of the firm of Frett:ne^ onea Mr Wilson is noted for hia *r Bros, & Witt, has sold out his interest j yodeiing. in the firm to his partners and will retire from the firm. THIRTY YEARS AGO O. C. Murray of Johnsburg has in Vested in a Ford runabout. The summer days are quickly pass I September ftr7t.' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinaugh and Mr. and Mrs. George Chenal and daughters, Lela and Margaret, from River Forest were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Paulson Sunday. Lela and Margaret remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hainline are moving to Woodstock and will occupy the Hock residence on Lincoln street after much shorter and the nights cooler. Qute a number of our people at- ] tended Buffalo Bill's Wild West show; at Elgin last Saturday. son of Evanston were guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Mulloy at their "Shady Boreen" cottage in S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants TsiapliMie No. 800 Stoffel & Reilianspergtr - laawraco agaata (or all claaasa el P*o* arty ia the bast companies. WEST McHENRY The annual report for the present „ s , Womb yeKaA«rI sAhHAoNwFAs tFh MeA aN vTTeArTaINg r»eA ImM oAnNFthKLly** sNaNlL» * aries of teachers to be $39.15. In 1903 the average was $34.32. This looks encouraging. However, there is still room fo' r great im- p.r o. vement. <-:• i-J-.,:, TWENTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zunker of Pe-j tite Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epsiles of Racine, Wis., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. White. Miss Ellen' May Epsiles and friend of Racine were! Albert Justen has given up. his, c^«rs* w M ~ . nu. | position at Kenosha, Wis., and to now Mr' »nd Mrs. Harley Harsh of (J.- assisting his father, Jacob Justen, theW were weekend visitors with Mr. hustling Centerville furniture dealer. »ndMrsl ^arr!" ,ohns,on- N . Wxtf m. BT» acon andj JTa cki tWit a1ls 1h. dJ e„m - , Mrs. Julia Morrow from New Or- . ... . . .. „ leans, LT a., is spending t. wo wee.k s a.t onstrated their patriotism by assisting , - , „ , T in the hhaarrvveesstt fnieewldss ttihniss wweeeekk . twhe Chuormleee ojf h^er SOnH' uMisr ' and Mrs* L* ., It .h„a s be,e n unusually quiet a,b out „M rs. A..rt.h ur Pr»f#a_ff« o*f Chicago spent the village duri,n g the p..a st f-e ,w , days,. .la st. wee,k ,h ere w.i.t.h ,h er dja ugUhJt.e r, O n a c c o u n t o f t h e s c a r c i t y o f h e l p a n d , * 1 * * 4 . 1 . u their desire to reap the big harvest,1"™ S' Hoeft at her home m , i--._ * j 1:11.,- ' Shore Hills. MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have to lend on first mortgages mi real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested eithen way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes W*nke«an National Bank &Ag. 4 S. Genesee St, Waokegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 103 rural residents have found little time to come to town. The Granger house on Main street, now the property of Mrs. George H. Johnson, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Granger, is now undergoing quite extensive interior imr provements. Negative Disease Diagnoses "Deficiency diseases" are those due to absence of certain vitamins in the diet and may thus ho doscribed as negative diseases. England's Largest Lake England's largest lake is picturesque Lake Windermere, which is ten and one-half miles long, 219 feet deep and about a mile wide. issued in accordance with said Decree, and the Statute. Dated this 15th day of August A. D. 1938. CHARLES H. FRANCIS, Special Master in Chancery hi the above entitled cause in the Circuit . Court of McHenry County, Illinois. WALTER G. FRENCH, Attorney for Plaintiffs, (Pub. Aug. 18 - 25 - Sept* i) Miss Rose Zeronik of Oak Park has been the guest of Harriette Branton in Deep Spring Woods subdivision for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Pastor entertained a number of friends at their home Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Pastor's birthday. There were about twenty present. Among the guests were Mrs. Anna Pastor and daughter, Lydia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Muehsler of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Duber,- who recently completed their new home in Deep Spring Woods entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dooley and daughter, Joan, and their sons and their family from Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder were dinner guests of Mrs. Johnson' sister, Mrs. E. Larson, at Lombard Thursday. Mrs. K. Fairchild spent several days last week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. O. Drtina of Wondet Center entertained at a house party at their home Sunday. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keizer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ambrose, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kacin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lucas and Mr and Mrs. Harold Chadsey from Maywood. 7 A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --Road Building-- TeL 204-M McHenry, HI mm i - - » FRETT BROTHERS #NTRACTOf| Cement, Brick, Piaster ani -- Stucco Work BaOding, Moving aad Raising -- Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. FIRH AUTO INSURANCE '£3 EARL R. WALSH Reliable Companies Jo« head iimursim of aay Pfame 4$ or «-M Pries Bldg. - McHanry ^FELL DRILLING • <---and--- WELL CLEANING PUMP SYSTEMS Arthur f*0ox Phone 220-R Box 222 H 'TS„ -,Ll"