Thursday, August 18, 1931 McHENRY PLAINDEALER • V C< '? • V " - ' * 8 R r < (W ^ - j . A • • , f "Hand Knit" Jiffy Sweaters--Chubby Slip-ons juid Cardiguns--fall colors __ $2 >95 and $3-25 BUMMER BAGS GREATLY REDXfc^D! three Thread Chiffon Hose, reg. 79c : V -• 69<£ Knee-way ChiffonHoer^V' 55^ • - 3P*kft*11-00 Candlewick Cotton for Rugs, skein Wondersheen Crotchet Cotton, skein Broken lots of yarn in quantities for small Sweaters, Mittens, Scarfs, eta- .a^ off. ^ .<, Regtilar 15c Handkerchiefs tod 13 A"*'i :: i That Repair Job! The summer season is drawing to a close and possibly that much needed repair has not been made. Let us suggest that we are ready to assist at this time with plans and an estimate of lost, if desired. We carry a full line of the necessary materials. Order Your Winter COAL NOW! "Winter win soon be here again and it is a good pan to see that the bin is filled early. You can tivve money by buying your coal now. We are prepared to supply your needs. THE ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. ~ West McHenry NEW McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air - Conditioned SUN-MATINEE CONTINUOUS FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Warner Baxter -- Arleen WhfUn Freddie Bartholomew 1 "KIDNAPPED" Also--Three Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY AUGUST 21 - 22 JliP Ameche -- Simone Simon Robert Young - "JOSETTE" ;v Also--Crime Series. "Come Across" Cartoon and World News TUESDAY 10c -- Bargain Nite -- 20c Merle Oberon - Laurence Olivier ^THE DIVORCE OF LADY X" Comedy, "Romance in Color" Also--Three Comedies WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY August 24 - 25 Herbert Marshall - Virginia Bruce Mary Astor "WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN" Also -- Mickey Mouse Cartoon. "Donald's Nephews," - "Follow the Arrow" by Pete Smith - Musical Comedy and News • RINGWOOD Mrs. George iShepard entertained Page Seven LILY LAKE The Lily Laice Ladies' League held the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday'a bunco party at the Lily Lake Casino afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won Mrs. Ellen Wbiting and Mrs. Libbie by Loretta Hurley, Donatta Yates, Ladd. jMrs. Lipson, Mrs. Gilman, Myra Lip- Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and ,son'Mrs- Dosch' Mrs- Lipman, Shirfamily oft Algonquin are visiting rel- -i _ atives here. Mr. and Mrs. George J Wegener „ , . . , and Mr. and'Mrs. Alex Wirfs attended Mrs. Wm McCannon entertamed the the wake of Mrs. Hendle in Chicago Bunco Club at her home Thursday Sunday evening iafternoon. Prizes were Awarded to: Mrs and son, Billie, anu ; Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs> j. Hubbell, Mrs. H. O. Donald Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva* have returned to Chicago after spendof Delavan spent Tuesday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mrs. Thomas Doherty spent Wednesday in Chicago. ing two weeks at Lily Lake. Donie Wiesbaum has returned home after spending a week iri' Wisconsin. M. Wiesbaum, father of Edward Wies- Mr. and Mrs. FOBS of Battle Creek, jbaum, visited in the home of the latter Mich., spent Tuesday night and Wed- over. the weekend. nesday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and daughters, Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Skelly Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Betty and Grace Mary, and son, Char- i William Koral and friends of Chicago. les, of McHenry spent Thursday in the Raymond Harrison home. LaVerne Tettman of Genoa -City Wis., spent Thursday afternoon Friday with Wayne Foss Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Visitors in their home Sunntij' day were Ellen Stovner. and Walter 'Schwab of Chicago. •>' Subscribe for The Plaindealer U1E THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS A I R - C O N D I T I O N E D WOODSTOCK MILLER Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY - Another beautiful lace gift to every lady attending. Be Here! It's not too late to start your set! SPECIAL -- ON THE ^SCREEN Herbert Marshall - Virginia Bruce Mary Astor "Woman Against Woman" Saturday - Merchant's Night Jackie Cooper -- Claude Rains "WHITE BANNERS" by Lloyd Douglas AND --: William Boyd in 'HEART OR ARIZONA" MIDNIGHT SHOW! SATURDAY AT 12:30 D.S.T. In Person - On the Stage Never Before in Woodstock! Dr. Silkini's Spiritualistic Seance and "GHOST SHOW" Make up a "Spook Party" If You Come Alone, You'll be Afraid to Go Home! On the Screen -- 1 * •'Frankenstein" Karloff "Dracula" Lugosi S i in Edgar Allen Poe's "THE RAVEN" REGULAR PRICES! SUNDAY -- MONDAY R E G U L A R P R I C E S ! Don Ameche -- Simone Simon 1«M Davis -- Robert Young "JOSETTE" Plus Jack Holt in Tlirilling - "REFORMATORY" TUESDAY Margaret Lindsay "When Were You Born' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Deanna Durbin -- Herbert Marshall "MAD ABOUT MUSIC" Have YOU Tried Our PILSNER? Ask for it at your favorite tavern Chas. Herdrich & Son, Dist. family spent Friday afternoon and Visiters in the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and;Mrs. Gilman Sunday were Mr. and evening with relatives at Jefferson Mrs. B. Parks of Chicago. Park. | Mr. and Mrs. Stien and daughters j Marty Thompson <>f Chicago spent returned to Chicago after spending the weekend ill the Patrick Coyne two weeks in Chicago. home. ; Christine Wegener of Chicago spent j Mr. and Mrs. George Young aild Sthe weekend at the home of her parspa, Alfred, spent Sunday With the ents, Mr. and Mrs. George J.. Wegenfatter's mother at McHenry. er. Miss Alice Peet of Barringtori and Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and Marion Peet of Elgin spent the week- daughter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.] Dosch were Rockford visitors Monday. 'Charles Peet. j Miss Lora Harrison of Wauconda1 Need Rubber Stamps ? Order at The •was a caller in the H. M. Stephenson 'Plaindealer. 1 home Thursday afternoon. i stock spent Saturday evening with her j Mrs. Robert Howe and Gladys Shep-1 Mr/and M„. S. W. ard were callers in Woodstock Satilr- ^.^ <> day afternoon. L i Mrs. Marty Thompson returned to Patrick Coyne of CMcago spe„t the h<,r h jn Chicag aftcr spendinK part week here with h,s family. [the past two months here with her Mrs Corte Harrison ,s visiting bet: Mr an<, Mrs p,trick c daughters in Crystal Lake hi, week. Lyle Hopper and Mrs Ralph &rfoed entertained th.|^h { cw £ Thursday Home Circle in the Greenwood churchhtto, , basement Wednesday afternoon Th»lM and Mrs s Wt Smith, was capsulesister day and each mem-, Mrs ^ Smith ,„d children and ber pm.ented her c.psul. sister w,th s Catherine Freu„d , Thurs. a gift. A pot-lock supper was a«rv. .ty ,ftern<K,n with Mrs. wmi,ra ed. Mrs. Martin of Burlington, Mrs.j Pearson and two sons of Williams Bay and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crystal Lake were dinner guests of Mrs. Libbie Ladd Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal, son, John, were guests of relatives at North Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne* called on Mrs. Mabel Johonnott at Harvard Sunday afternoon. Miss Dora Anderson of Pistakoi Bay spent Thursday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and son. Dean, were callers at Woodstock Satr urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson of Woodstock are parents of a daughter, born Thursday, Aug. 11. Mrs. Carlson was formerly Miss Alice Anderson^ daughter of Alec Anderson of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peck and sons |of Elgin spent Saturday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffey, Mrs. Witt, Myers, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt and two children, Mr. and Mrs. George Shearer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doehrlen and son, George, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Snyder and son of Kenosha enjoyed a picnic dinner at the E. L. Snyder home Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Nesemeier of Yorkville and Mrs. Mary Colvert of Shannon, 111., were callers at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Sunday afternoon. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Tay< lor were callers in the Lloyd Gratton home at Woodstock Sunday evening Rev. and Mrs. Collins were visito^f In the home of their son at Beloit on Friday. J. V. Buckland, Miss Flora Taylor, Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Mrs. J. F. Me Laughlin and Mrs. Libbie Ladd attend1 |ed the flower show at Lake Geneva Friday. Wm. Harrison, Jr., of Round Lake spent the past week with his grand' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hanison. ! Mr. and Mrs. Shultz of Richmond were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson is visiting her sister at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin and Wm. Beatty spent Sunday I with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. } Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich were calipers in the Arthur Shultz home neat. Genoa City Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Mrs. J. F. Claxton of McHenry wer» callers in the George. Shepard home Sunday afternoon. J The Sewing Circle will meet with. Mrs. Ray Peters Friday. A pot-luck dinner will be served. ; Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low were callers in the George Frey home near McHenry Sunday afte^C noon. Mrs. Roxie and Mrs. Mildred Muashaw of Elgin were callers here cat Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Mer-; ritt Cruikshank were callers at McHenry Friday morning. ! Mr. and Mrs., Will Butterworth and daughter, Hazel, of Belvidere spent ; Sunday in the Ed. Peet home. Callers in the afternoon were Mr. and Mri. ! Harry Peet of Woodstock and Mr. and iMrs. Ben Fout and son, Donald, of Spring Grove. Mis*s Margaret Coyne |« •isiting in Chicago for a few days. Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Meriritt Cruikshank spent Friday afteif-| noon in the Nick Freund home St Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and fjffoily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mfs. William Wurtzinger at Wood- | stock. . n: j Miss Catherine Coyne is spending a" couple of weeks with friends in Cht?. cago. > Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Wood- Wurtzinger at Woodstock. Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago spent a few days the past week with Bernice Smith. Mrs. D. C. Bacon, of Crystal Lake was a caller here Saturday evening. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent a few days thie past week in Chicago. PIVE STAR VrORpy SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 20-gal. Galvanized GARBAGE CAN $1.39 4%-gal galvanized Utility ^ Pail 33^ YACHT CHAIRS - with arms brightly colored •\ 89<t Electric Fan 4 8-in. blades 984 Three Piece Gep Rod with Aluminum Offset Handle $2-50 No. 30 South Bend Reel with Level Wind $250 Best-o Luck Babe br Bass Orenos 394 '"Blue Ribbon ; THERMAL JUG insulation - 1-gal cap. 984 Blue Enameled COLD PACK CANNER Holds 7 pt. or 7 qi. jars 984 We have a complete line of Kerr Mason Fruit Jars ~ and Canning Supplies! JOHN J. VYCUAL HARDWARE Green Street McHenry, Illinois MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE Bargains i ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 4P", Save *12 on this PROCTOR ELECTRIC ROASTR Ff C--lf Suwur Caokhn fwirMw $26. Now Brings you convenient, cool cooking in home or apartment. This Proctor Roaster cooks an entire meal at one time, quickly, easily, perfectly! D6n't miss this great value! 8 BroOar $100 Mini Big Valve is Electric Fors Make the rest of your summer more comfortable-- ttke advantage of this big fan bargain. 8-inch COOL SPOT... Quiet-type--polished aluminum, iaist-proofed. » . . ... How 25% REDUCTION ON PORTABLE LAMPS Demonstrators, Discontinued Lines Attractive modern lamps in many styles and designs, including "Better Light--Better Sight" lamps. Here is your chance to brighten up your home and give your whole family greater eye-comfort at a saving! But remember, 25% offer is good only during mid-summer clearance sale. Don't delay! SAVE On Attic Ventilating Fans--Electric Room Coolers Here are rwo efficient ways to give your family cooler comfort in hot sticky weather. Both are easy to operate, easy to install -and both appliances are durably bujlt to last for years! Take advantage of this big mid-summer clearance offer on attic fans and electric room coolers . . . 15ro off! SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Balance in convenient monthly payments on your Elcctric Scrvice bill. Small.carryiag chacge £or deferred payments. * PUBLIC SERVICE STORE iodcufl PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS «.'V 101 Williams 81., Crystal Lake 7' ¥elepiM««: I: