^ m are - •**•>< ~.:-* vi^ * :». "r.: ;g*.v • • 7* '% ;; • Page Six #*;% >r4*1 K>-n„ -w# \^r / >/• : rv > . :r- >• >:-^7. */, MC~^K* ^ ><* 'o: »; :Pfr, .1 -J 3':\v it?, 'y X^K V »* *4 "•*•*7 " '• *?3„ "Tf. " - /" * ^ J ': * -V^f1 '* * g \ \ < ' > . \ . * . \ ' ""-r^,. ~ \ ' . ' * * ; . r tHEMMccH ENRf PLAINDEALER ** -"' i. 1" 1 1 I- »•' •* * >«?' W ' <„S* 1. i! ,' 1, f ( ir •»-< /, , - • „ •" y ' - / ' "»- * \JV . 1 i* -••"• ** ; •.*„•.-*;* « * -,!*» ""' * ' , ^Ai*. vsv, y - ' * * > - *TPhhuntrtis<dlAayj», September 28,1933 ' r :";' Tr$t^;y?$ r- .• * TAX LIST FOR M'HENRY TWP. Continued From Page Three) Wonder Lake Synd^lt 35, blk t/ c F Boss, It 40, blk 15 ...... Miss E Boss, It 41, blk 16 *..... !•; ' Wonder Lake Synd, It; 45, blk V *" , * 15 a1. * Wonder Lake Synd, It 46, blk ¥ ' • 1 5 » • -- . |fi"' Wonder Lake Synd, It 58, blk > ? - 16 . - Wonder Lake Synd, It 60, blk i " v Wonder Lake Synd, It 61, blk §>V:.- 15 W...........P G DeWindt, It 64, blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd, It 7, bile ' * 16 .......i........ feSSlT Atteridge, It 11, bjk 16 : ' \ "f T Atteridge, It 12, blk 16 ...... ;V A. N B Larson Jr, It 13, blk 16 -•••' .•'* Wonder Lake Synd, It 14, blk V 16 ... -,"'i *J: Wonder Lake Synd, It .15, blk' ' \ m 16 , • Wtonder Lake Synd, It 16, blk Wonder Lake Sjrnd, It 17, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 18, blk 16 Wonder Lake Synd, It 19, blk { 16 . .... Wonder Lake Synd, It 34, blk -- 16 _J4 Wonder Lake Synd, It 47, blk 16 - Wonder Lake Synd, It 48, blk 16 Wonder Lake Synd, It 49, blk 16 .... Wonder Lake Synd, It 50, blk . - Wonder Lake Synd, It 51, blk 16 Wbnder Lake Synd, It 52, blk V 16 ......... ! Wonder Lake Synd, It 53, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 54, blk 16 «... f Wonder Lake Synd, It 55, blk 16 4.. ..... Wonder Lake Synd, It 57, blk U 16 A Wonder Lake Synd, It 61, blk 16 Wonder Lake, It 63, blk 16 .... Wonder Lake Synd, It 17, blk v Wonder Lake Synd, It 18, blk 17 ^ ......P A Catinelli, It 19, blk 17 ....F IK Berge, It 20, blk 17 ' K Berge, It 21, blk 17 F Wonder Lake Synd, It 22, blk . 17 ......F - Wonder Lake Synd, H 23, blk 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 25, blk 17 ^ Wonder Lake Synd, It 26, blk 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 27, blk 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 28, blk $m-;\ 17 Wonder Lake Sjrnd, It 30, blk ^ Wonder Lake Synd, It 31, blk £ ' " F ^r-- Wonder Lake Synd, It 32, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 34, blk r~ 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 39, blk 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 42, blk 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 43, blk ji 17 Wonder Lake Synd, It 46, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 7, Wk 18 Wonder Lake Synd, It 16, blk 18 .! Wonder Lake Synd, It J2, blk 19 Wonder Lake Synd, It 14, blk 19 * Wonder Lake Synd, It 15, blk 19 John F Cichlar, It 17, blk 19 .... Wonder Lake Synd, It 19, blk Wonder Lake Synd, It 20, blk 19 5.42 .12 1.57 Fred .fasten, sub-It 1, It 6, blk 18 .>.i ' ».F H E Buch, p* sub-It 1, It 4, blk 19 ....wl P H A Klein, sub-It 2, It 5, blk 19 Roy 4 Kent, SWly 59 ft It 8 & NEly 1 ft It 9, blk 19 ...^ Geo Stilling (ex N 25 ft x 60 ft) of S 65 ft It 9, blk 19 .. Geo Stilling1, (ex E 60 ft) sub- It 2, It 12, blk 19 :<sz Theo Bickler; sub-It 2, It 1, blk 20 W'. H E Buch, S 4 ft sub-It 1, H 5; S 4 ft sub-It 1, It 6; sub- It 2, It 5, & sub-It 2, It <t,N blk 20 ..F & 4, 81.53 3^3.61 81.96 Mary 2 /.. Mary 2 .... Mary 2 A Simons, It A Simons, It A Simons, It 10, blk F 11, blk F 12, blk F | Mae Bowditch, It 13, blk 2 ..F 81.98 Mae Bowditch, It 14, blk 2 ..F I Mae Bowditch, It 1, blk 3 ....F 103.12 Mae Bowditch, It 2, blk 3 ....F Mae Bowditch, It 3, blk 3 ....F =J0.12 18.28 4.40 4.40 3.46 3.46 5.08 5.08 13.68 187.44 ai'Josephine Boley, Its 1 v | blk 21.. iji Worts & Boley, -NW 52 ft Its J" I 2 & 3, blk 21 j, Emma Miller, Its 6 & 7, blk if* I 21 F 'Emma Miller, sub-It 2, It 10, sub-It 2, It 11, blk 21 F *o Christ Blake, N 62% ft of E »*4X 92 ft It 1, bll? 22 | Joseph N Miller, 33 ft of v»» 14 caled st adj & W 53 ft Ita 2, 3, « & 7, blk 22 F > M Wortz, It 8, & S 10/ft It 5;: - bik 22 ;• | Chas & Jno Unti, SE%" Its flil- 1 & 12, blk 22 ^...o- *w ,Roy F Kent, (ex N 60 ft E 132 ft) It 6 & sub-It 2, It 5, blk 23 ...... Jl..................F Thos J Walsh Est,, (ex N 16 ft of W 68 ft) sub-It 1, It 6; (ex W 50 ft) It 2 & (el S 52 ft of W 68 ft) It 3, blk 24 .v jWm Pries, W 50 ft It 2, & M 14 ft of W 50 ft It 3, blk 24 .*. Edwin Evanson, S 52 ft of W | 68 ft It 3 & N 16 ft of W 1 68 ft sub-It 1, It 6, blk 24 .. 34 I ;*! 5.42 J41 *24 J4 >24 Mae Bowditch, It 4, blk 3 ™.F Walter B Schimmel, It 5, blk 3 F Walter B Schimmell, It 6, blk 3 F Mae Bowditch, Its 7 &~8, blk .3 .:. if Mae Bowditch, It 9, blk 3 ....F -51.36 Wm H Tonyan, Its 1 A 2, blk I 4 50.94 Mathias Steffes, N 29.2 ft, It . t' 5, blk 4 F 447.90 Walter Schimmel, Its 12,- 13 & 14, blk 4 ........F M. Kelter's Addn. (Inside Corp.) Ge<> Meyers, Its 1 & 2, blk 1 F 26.75 City of West McHeary (Inside Corooration) Martha Page, NV& sub-It 5, It 2, blk 1 Will J Welch, E 50 ft N* It 4, blk 1 Walter Vogt, S.% It 5, blk 2 F E J Buss & L J Page, sub-It - 2, It 5; sub-It 1» It 6; subf It 1, It'14; sub-It 2, It 15, •>. bik 3 Alida^M Mead, It 7, blk 4 ..,.F Edmund Knox Est, E 81 ft It- 1, blk 5 Johnson & Burns, It 11 & W 60 ft It 1, blk 5 Edw J Bpsjs, It 3, blk 5 B Popp, W 20 ft It 5, blk 5 .. *#8.58 Robert Paske, E% It 1, blk Robert Paske, W^ It 1, blk 6 .......F James Sayler, EH It 1, blk 7 Wm Tisch, E 80 ft sub-It 1, It 1, blk 8 s ...F Frances Clara Noonan, It 3, blk 8 State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. In the foregoing, list the abbreviations are used as follows: F for forfeited or back tax; N stands for North; S stands for South; W stands for West; E stands for East; frl stands for fractional;, und for undivided; m for middle; assm't for assessment; co for county; elks for 5.08j.clerks; sub for subdivision; addn for 5.08 J addition; a for acres; It for lot; blk , (for block; ex for except; no for num- 6.48,ber; RR for railroad; hwy for highway; bal for balance; bet for between; RINGWOOD Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank entertained the Bunco Club at the home of Mrs. Will McCannon Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Niclj Young and Mrs. George Shepard. Among those from here to attend the Methodist Women's Association meeting at Greenwood Wednesday were Mesdames Viola Low, Charles 60.40' int for intereat; adj for adjoining; S J*eet, B. T. Butler, W. B. Harrison, C. for special. I J. Jepson, Ben Walkington, Joe Mc- 19.01 J The cost on each tract of land and Cannon, Clayton Harrison and Rev. 5.08 town lot listed above is 36 cents per and Mrs. Collins. (tract and 19 cents per lot. If paid be-.1 The teachers and pupils of our 14.38.fore sale, 36 cents on each tract and school saw "The Adventures of Robin 19 cents on each lot in addition to Hood" at «the Empire Theatre at Mc- 1.05 which cost, all such due and unpaid Henry Wednesday afternoon. general taxes ^rill bear interest on! Miss Twic* r*u 7 18K tt latum Taksn hM Was ml th* rf Team Ag» Mortimer, Latis-Freneh Name ' The name Mortimer is of Latin- French origin and means "dweller by the still water" (or literally "dead sea"). As a surname it has Been prominent in English history, being the family name at the esirl of March, who became Edward IV- 4' §13 Continental Divide a Watershed The Continental divide is a water* shed created by mountain ranges or table-lands of the Rocky mountains and extends from Mexico to Canada. SIXTY YEARS AGO tlS.56 '•;i£72j 411.77 • ' 1 ^7.86 116.78 125.95 40.35 77.02 157.32 85.01 31.27 ^.94 J. Story & Son have sold out their furniture business to J. Balke, and Dora Anderson of Pistakee will now devote their entire attention first installment after the first day of Bay spent Thursday afternoon at her,to the hardware business* June, on second installment after first home here. - I The Smith Bros;, P. D. and J. M., day of September, at the rate of one) Mrs. Remer and daughter, Nancy, are fast closing up their business here, per cent per month until paid of'for- are visiting relatives in Chicago. .preparatory to going to their new lofeited. Parts or fractions of a month Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman and fam- cation in Kansas They expect tojget will be regarded as a month. |ily have moved from the Hepburn away, we believe, some , time next I,. Lester Edinger, treasurer and ex- house to the flat over the Royal Blue week. officio county collector of the said Store. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frejjnd We learn there is to be a foot race ah is County of McHenry in the State of have moved from the flat over the *n this village on Friday, of next week, _ Illinois, do hereby certify that the Royal Blue Store to the Hepburn between Nick Paul, of ^Chicago and foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, house. j Allen Walsh, of this village, for a ,v' ' lots and blocks upon which taxes re- . I. S. Etinger has purchased the Geo. purse of $50. main due and unpaid for the year Stevens farm. Mr. Etinger purchased Our public school is progressing A. D. 1937 together with the owner'.* the Clayton Harrison farm three years favorably, there being now one hunname, if known, the amount due there-1 ago ano moved there from ChicagQ. |dred and sixteen scholars in attenon for taxes, and the year for which Miss Alice Mae, Low of Waukegan dancc, an unusual large number for the same is due qnd I hereby give spent the weekend at her home here, this time of year, notice that application will be made' Mrs. Genevieve Dodge and children to the Probate Court of McHenry of Woodstock spent the weekend in the 91.08 County, State of Illinois, on the 4th Ray Merchant home. day of October thereof, to be holden! Wayne Foss and Harold Snyder BRING A FRIEND Oil Penunents, 2 persons for $5 op to $16, singly $3 to $12 complete NoanAjmnouia Waves $2£0 c'npPte STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, IH. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST . Is now permanently located in McHenry at his sammer home ' on Riverside Drive. , Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. Gall for Appointment All Kinds of Repairs--TeL 211-R 51.78 44.34 572.01 .24 81.57 E M Owen Est, sub-It 3, It 6; sub-It 2, It 7, & (ex S 37 ft) sub-It 2, It 10, blk 24 F Frank J Freund, E 90 ft It 1 E 90 ft N 16 fi It 4, blk T 25 v'V;'V "u 'i dl 160.75 Mabel G Johnson, (ex E 66 Jno Huch, sub-It 1, It 1; sub-It ' ft) It 3 blk 10 *29.39 Mabel G Johnson, It 4, blk 10 Albert S Parks Est, (ex W 104.13 39.60 35.41 97.88 1, It 4, blk 26 F Albert & Barbara F Krause, sub-It 2, It 1; sub-It 3, It 4, blk 26 ^ _gi' Otto F Sohm, sub-It 1, It 1, > I blk 27 94 Otto F Sohm, E 32 ft sub-It | 2, It 1, blk 27 JM G®° F Kramer, (ex E 32 ft) | sub-It 2, It 1, blk 27 Louise Wrede, Its 3, 4, pt out: I It 1 and sub-It 1, It 2, blk JH! 27 : v Owens Oat Lots |C J Carp, (ex S 7 ft) It 3 ,.F ijt4 Jacob Brefield, It 6, F , | Jno R Knox, It 9 & 66 ft X' 77.45 ft W of' & adj It 9 .4 Lakeview ^ •98 Roy A Kent, It 1, blk 1 F •TO Roy A Kent, It 2, blk 1 I* f I Roy A Kent, It 3, blk 1 JP •t3 Roy A Kent, It 4, blk 1 F I Roy A Kent, It 5, blk 1 F •*4 Roy A Kent, It 6, blk 1 F Roy A Kent, It 7, blk 1 ........F Roy A Kent, It 8, blk 1 W*" | Roy A Kent, It 9, blk 1 P #4 Roy A Kent, It 10, blk 1 F Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 11, 27.96 2.10 FIFTY YEARS AGO 38.96 «).8o' 4.14 l#° , Jno Elisha.Hubbard is treating his resiat the Court House in Woodstock in' were visitors at Woodstock Saturday ^e^ce to a coat of paint on the outside, the said county on the 1st Monday in afternoon. I which much improves its appearance. October, A. D. 1938, to-wit: Octobet' Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon of Eagle' The new music and speakers stand 3rd, 1938, for judgment against the Lake, Wis., spent from Tuesday until the public square has been complete above described lands and town lots Friday in the J. V. Buckland home. |e^ and is now receiving a coat of and blocks in the said county for tax- J Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the P®int. It is a neat and tasty piece of es for the year 1937 together with in- weekend with her parents, Mr. and workmanship. terest and costs due and to become Mrs. Charles. Peet. j H. V. Shepard has sold his hardware due severally thereon; or as much of Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, business, in this village, to Jacob the said taxes and costs as may then were visitors at Waukegan Monday. , Bonslett, and an inventory of stock is remain due and unpaid;,, and that an' Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were now being taken. Il 1 n t "1"" Z'f? I application also will be made to the dinner guests in the Earl Colby home Mrs. E. D. Wheeler, who has been said Probate Cotirt at the tinte and at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Oth- spending the summer in Wisconsin, replace above mentioned for an order er guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. turned to her home on the Wheeler to sell said lands and lots for the Heine and son, Eugene, and Mrs. Mar- (f®rm. la»t week. , satisfaction of said taxes and costs, tha Page of Chicago. I The arrangements for the paper fes- And I do hereby also give notice that1 Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Stockton is tival and oyster supper^ by the Good 43.50jail lands and town blocks in the above is spending the week with her par- Templars, are progressing favorably, land foregoing list and for which ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. " an^ a pleasant entertainment may be 105.08 such order of sale shall be made will1 The Ladies' Aid will serve a dinner expected. be exposed to public sale at the Court in the east end of the Royal Blue Store House in the City of Woodstock in Wednesday, Sept. 28. said county on Monday, the 17th day The Sewing Circle will meet with , 2.07J of October A. D. 1938, commencing at Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin Friday. I Simon Stoffel is making some need- 2.07,9 o'clock a. m., central standard Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and ed,changes in his store, in order to time, for the amount of said taxes, daughter, Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. n)a'£e room for the large invoices of 79.92 J interest, and costs as provided by J. A. Dewey of Stockton were Sunday Fall and Winter goods daily arriving 11.28 unless prevented by previou pay- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland at bis store. • Iment. I McCannon at Algonquin. I W.. C. Anners, the jeweler on the 2i 96] Dated at Woodstock jp said County _ Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva, of west side^has just completed a cutting 36306 66 ft) N 132 ft sub-It 1, It 1, blk 12 ..F IWm Buchert, "It 1; sub-It 1, It 2; sub-It 1, It 3, blk 13 Stenger, Weber & Covalt, W pt Its 1 & 2, blk 14 F • 6 0704' Matt Baur's Addition I Pt SW|4 Section 26, Town 45, Range 8 A Anderson, It 1 jg 12 jno A Anderson, It 2 • Jno A Anderson, It 3 507 89 n Kent's Addition tnn ni Clayton Klontz, It 1. ' | Clayton Klontz, It 2 81.05 Hanley's 1st Addition 9.33 FORTY YEARS AGO Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan's .. On U. 8.12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders Straightened - Uffn Painting Trade Letterittf Furniture Upholstering OHABLES R1ETESXL SBNT & COMPANY AH Etais ef IN8UBAXCI Pkml vitb the siest rettsMs Cmmpmaim tm mmi talk ft ever MeHeary 8 J M L Worts Est, Its 1 & gg Jno G Distler, It 2 1% ! t I X * 1 * 1 J4 I JZ4 I 3A • I .73 - I M I SA blk 1 Roy A blk 2 Roy A blk 2 Roy A blk 3 Roy A blk 3 Roy A blk 3 ...F Kent, Trustee, It 1, P Kent, Trustee, It 2L- ; ^ Kent, Trustee, Kent, Trustee, Kent, Trustee, .24 3A 2i J24 Wm Bonslett Est, It 5, blk 3 Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 7, blk 8 Roy A Kent, Trustee, I blk 3 1 Roy A Kent, Trustee, blk 4 .i Roy A Kent, Trustee, biki Z Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 3. blk 4 g Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 4* * blk 4 - -••••* Hanley's 2nd Addition 2 50 Geo A Hanley, Its 1 & 2, blk 2,50 1 2 50 Chas W Goodell, et al, Its 3 2.60 & 4» blk 1 ' 2.50 Geo A Hanley, It 5, blk-1 ....F 0 50 Geo A Hanley, Its 6, 7 4 *8. %50! Wk 1 F 2 50 Myron H Detrick, Its 9, 10 ft ' | 11, blk 1 ...F 2 50 Myron H Detrick, Its 12, 13 ' | ft 14, blk 2 F o 50 Geo A Hanley, Its 15 ft 16, | blk 2 P '9 50' Gottfried Sattem, Its 19 ft 20, It 2 j, blk 2 p 2.50 Myron H Detrick, Its 27, 28 ft it's, f I 29• blk 2 -f V •' , Hanley's 3rd Addition It 4, t | Myron H Detrick, It 1, blk 2.50 1 1.06 Myron H Detrick, 2.50 Myron H Detrick, ! 1 P 2.50 Myron H Detrick, It 4, blk i 1 F * 2.50 Myron H Detrick, It 5, blk ? I 1 F ' 2.50 Myron H Detrick, It 6, blk TT mi AA1 of McHenry, this 21st day of Septem- Park Ridge spent Sunday in the Wm. macbine for cutting wheels and pin- -ir.no «- ions in watches. 127.25 20.19 24^? 95.49 80.03 80.03 64.77 14.92 ber 1938 at Woodstock, Illinois. (McCannon home. LESTER EDINGER, | Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Cry* i Dr- A- E- Auringer is building a County Treasurer and ex-officio tal Lake and Mrs. William Wurtzinger barn near his -residence, on the County Collector. |and daughters of Woodstock spent side. Subscribed and sworn to before me Thursday afternoon in the S. W. Smith . Heman has severed his conthis 21st day of September, 1938, at *nd Lonnie Smith homes.' i nection with the firm of Owen ft Chap * Pheas 48 J. KHQX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries BIdf. OFFICE HOURS TMsdays and Fridays Days bf A| Woodstock, Illinois. (Seal) C. F. DALY, Notary Public. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Tay- e11 on «count of failing health, and lor spent Sunday evening in the Lloyd 'or Present will engage m some Gratton home at Woodstock. outdoor employment. Mi.. Mildred Jep«n „£ Ey„»ton THIHTy'VSrS AGO P P It 8, F It 1, F It 2, F It 2, blk F It 3, blk State of Illinois, spent the weekend with her parents, County of McHenry, ss. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. On Mon- . _ _ _ „ . I, A. H. Mosher, do hereby certify day, sBe left for Ann Arbor, Michigan,' Dr- C- f«««rs. Sr., is now listed that I am manager of The McHenry to attend school. - ®mc|nK the local launch owners, he Plaindealer, a newspaper of general J Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Mer- r^ent*y purchased the launch, circulation, printed and published in *itt Cruikshank were visitors at Wood- 'Mayme," formerly owned by W. A. the City of McHenry in the County of stock Saturday afternoon. (Schaefer of Chicago. McHenry, State of Illinois? that the' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and A steam engine went through the foregoing lists of lands and other real daughters of Chicago and Ralph Smith *ir® bridge a shdrt distance west of estate situated id the City of McHen- of Harvard spent Saturday afternoon Jobnsburgh one day last week. The 1 ry, County of McHenry and State of and evening in the S. W. Smith home. ®n^me survived the accident with but 24.70,Illinois, on which Special Assessments! Miss Bernice Smith spent Friday "ttle damage, but the bridge--well, it | or Installments thereof are matured night and Saturday at DeKalb. Ica" *or kindling wood. 24.70! and payable or entered thereon or in- { Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Mrs. Roy Neal " Wisner has a gang of men at terest due to January 2, 1938, due and were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. wo constructing new walks about Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Mer- to^,n> _. ... ritt Cruikshank were visitors at Mc- Henry Simes and family expect soon Henry Friday morning. .to occuPy ^ new bome recentiy Mr. and Mrs. Wm^Wurtsinger and by Peter J- Freund on East children of Woodstock spent Sunday Waukegan street. .24 2.50 Myron H Detrick, It 7, blk •; I 1 «...--F 2.50 Myron H Detrick, It 8, blk Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 1, * | 1 P blk 5 „...F 2.50 Myron H Detrick, 9, blk R C Bowles, It 2, blk 5 F 243.271 1 ...F 24.70: unpaid for the year 1937, are duly j published in the said McHenry Plain- 24.70, dealer in the issue of September 22, ] 1938, and that the said list was care- 24.70 fully examined and compared with the I list furnished by the Treasurer of with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 29.071 said county for publication, and found Lonnie Smith. j ^correspond therewith; that the num- j Mr. and ltrs. H. M. Stephenson were 29.88. ber of copies was equal to the whole visitors at Crystal Lake Sunday af- I circulation of said paper for that day. ternoon. I do further certify that the said Floyd Carr of Greenwood was a call TWENTY 29.38 Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 3, *4 blk 5 t .24 .24 -- CITY OF McHENRY -- West Side of Fox River Ray McGee, Its 11, 12 & 13, blk 2 Eliz Smith, It 14, blk 2 F Geo Meyers, It 1, blk 3 ........F C H Fegers, It 2, blk 3 ........F Jno B Murphy, Its 3 & 6, blk? Joseph Rothermel, Its 2 & 3, blk >,5 F "Rene Niessen, It 8, blk 5 Jno Schuenamann, It 9, blk 5 Rene Niessen, It 4, blk 6 - Jno Schuenamann, It 5, blk 6 Eliz Rothermel Est, It 4, blk 7 : F N E Taylor, It 6, blk 7 F R C Bowles, It 4, blk 5 F Wm Bonslett Est, It 5, blk 5 . Wm Bonslett Est, It 6, blk 5 * Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 8, blk 5 F,. Wm Bonslett Est, It 10, blk 5 Jno R Knox Est, It 1, blk 6 Jno R Knox Est, It 2, blk 6 .. Wm Bonslett Est, Its 5 ft 8,1 blk 6 88.83 Roy A Kent, Trustee, It 7» 45.49 blk 6 F' 134.50 i East Side of Fox River { (Outside Corporation), Pearl Schmidt, It 4, blk 6 | Myron H Detrick, It 10, blk 2.50 1 F 242.67 Myron H Detrick, It 3, blk 1.06 2 ;...F 1.06 Myron H Detrick, It 4, blk I 2 P On account of the strict observance of the gasless request, McHenry put ^ in one of the most quiet Sundays that McHenry-Plaindealer is a newspaper er in the Will McCannon home Tues- bas been experienced here at this time that has been regularly published for J day morning. 1 ® sea8°n in many years. at least six months prior to the publi-1 Mrs. Mercedes Lindemann of Cryscation of said notice, and that I am tal Lake and Mrs. S. W. Smith were | duly authOriiiiecr to'make the certifi- callers in the C. Anderson home at 24.70 cate. |Lake Villa Sunday afternoon 29.38 29.38 S. H. Freund & SOB 00NTSA0T0B8 AND BUILDERS Fhocie 127-K McHenry (tar Experience is at Yonr Service in Building Your Wants Nob Steffel ft Beihansperger mtM ageats for property te the best WEST McHENRY, . ILLIMOIB many years. Ray F Conway, employed by the Western United Gas & Electric Co., j has purchased the Fred J. Karges house on Water street, the deal hav-1 A. H. MOSHER, Frahcis Wice of Chicago spent the iu? bee" closed last week. 46.60 49.30 Henry Untz, It 6, blk 6 .. ' Henry Untz, It 7, blk 6 68.29 Hubert Weber, Its 3 ft 4, blk 48.66! 7 26*311 James F Quinn, Its 3 & 4, btk ~&94J 10 ....... *47 Edge water S«ib. Div. 8 4 1j (Outside Corporation) Jno Engeln, It 1, blk 1 ... 2.50 Herbes Addition 1.06 Jobe V Vasey, S 66 ft of W 21.33 j 132 ft It 8 •20.70 E. M. Owen's. Est. Addition ' Floyd E & Carrie E Covalt, pc 66 ft x 132 ft N of & adj . I & It 5 ,.F 577.36 6.62 jyiary Powers, S 66 ft x 132 ft It 9 F 864.09 ~l J . Outlots to West McHenry o'ln WWW Section 35 & SW'/4 Section 26 2.80 j Kent, S of sub-It 2, It 5 40a 24.701 Subscribed and sworn to before me weekend in the Roy Neal home. -- this 22nd day of September A. D. 1938 at McHenry, Illinois. ANTHONY,J. WIRTZ, (Seal), Notary Public. Charles Steilen, the five year old Miss Bernice Smith spent Sunday at *°u n. of Mr and Mrs Geo. Steilen of Antioch. Chicago, who with his mother have been guests of Mrs. Steilen's mother, | Mrs. Helen Heimer, and little Hazel Mesdames Roy Neal, Ralph Simpson, C. J. Jepson, Viola Low, H. M LILY LAKE Stephenson and b! T. Butler attended geimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm a Galloping Tea at the home of Mrs J. F. McLaughlin Thursday evening. Heimer of this village made a big hit with the crowd at the Central opera Mrs. Ernest Snyder and sons spent house la,st^nday eve™nK> when they *iday with her mother at Richmond. ?.PP!are<^ between reels. They san? j Mrs. Charles Frey of Blue Island ^e two late and popular songs "What was a caller in the home of his par- r®. . -_ng!to 0 For Uncle Sam- MONEY TO I have clients who have mm&r to lend on first mortgages on real estate and ethers who want te borrow Money on real estate. If iaterested either way, I will bo glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Rank Hdg. 4 8. Geneeee St, Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 198 N 47.00, 45.54 219.85 124.25 , 68.02 Albert Krause, It 7, blk 8 ...... 3.74 Jno It 2, blk 1 Jno A Thennes, It 5, blk 10 F 200.38 ^ ^ ^ 5, blk 2 Geo Meyers, 30/100a blk 12 F 7.92 Terry DowlinS» It 7, blk 2 ..F Henry G Wegener, W% Its 9 Wm Capouch, It 8, blk 2 & 12 & E 16 ft Its 10 ft 11,. blk 13 r Eliz Schneider, It 9, blk 14 .... Wm & Wanda Pries, S 6 ft It" 10 ft all It 11, blk 14 Mathias Weber, It 1, blk 16 .... Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 .... Jacob C Bickler, Its 9 ft 12 ft <ex SW 58 ft of NW 25 ft <Kf E% It 11) ft EM Its 10 ft 11, blk 16 F Math Weber, Its 1 ft 2, blk 17 Niesen's Cafe Inc, (ex S 11 ft) It 5, blk 17 F Jacob C Bickler, S 11 ft It 5, ft N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 F Mathias Engeln, sub-It 2, It 8, sub-It 1, It 8, blk 18 F Barbara ft Jotoph Engeln, %lt *p Uk 1 Fred A Walters, Its 1 blk 3 * ]9>c 26 68 D1K 3 21.54|Carl 0 ^ 1, blk 4 ....F -- * I Agnes Wentworti|, It 4, blk 5J 22 ^ 28]l8,<^ora Herdrick, It 1, blk 5 41 *401Cora Herdrick, It 2, blk 5 Peter Engeln, It 3, blk 5 ....P Anna Sprovieri, Its 11 ft 12. blk 7 p Jno Katoll, It 19, blk 7 .......... Feger*g Out Lots (Outside Corporation) Wm J Meyer, It 2, blk 1 ....F Wm J Meyer, It 8, blk 1 ....F Wm J Meyer, Its 16 ft 17, blk 1 Mae Bowditch, It 5, blk 2 ....F Mae Bodwitch, It 8, blk 2 ...J Mae Bowditch, It 7, blk 2 .^F Mae Bowditch, It 8, blk 2 ....F Mae Bowditch, It 9, blk 2 fi_F '_ 'Clarence Niessen, (ex E 200 30.90 ft) lt 6 2.65a F _ 'Geo A Hanley, NE pt lt 9 F " 2.80 Stenger, Weber ft Covalt, W f pt lt 10 2a ...F 'Henry W Ahrens, NE 112 ft ; 2.80 of E 132 ft lt 15 .30a F 24.44 Wm Detner, lt 16 5a 26.92 Wattle's Addition to West McHenry 80.52' PtOutlotl . 2.02^ Frett Bros, Its 1 & 2 F I Ed Mischke, Doc No 85920, pc - 4.50) 66 ft x 65.65 ft E of ft It 5 , 84.11, Frank Hinz, lt 10 ......F Wattle's Second Addition to West McHenry 86.05 175.85 21.56 45.84 17.19 Friday with her mother at Richmond Miss Madelaine Harber and mother of Chicago spent a few days at her ^ bUSS ^ ™y" ""t "We're Going Over of ' T -1'" **-- " 11 jjjy afternoon , little folks were tendered a heart ap- Miss Mary Jencks was a visitor in P^ause> Chicago Saturday. j _ ~ " ~ Mrs. Lora Sprenzel of Chicago spent collections of all governmental home at Lily Lake. Miss Vera Howell visited at their home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gannon of Chicago visited the home of his mother, Mrs. the past week wlth Mrs. Louis Haw- units. Federal State and local repre- L. Gannon, over the weekend. , sented 16.5% of national Mr. and Mrs ley | sentea io.oyr 01 mceme in u ?* G?Iite Miss Marie Bratz of Chicago spent ® co.mpar^ with 17-5% in 1936 *nd spent weekend at their cottage lthe t week in the A Ruehlman lh0% in 1923" Mr. and Mrs. Wehner and children home I --* of Chicago spent Sunday at their cot- Ml/ and Mrs Ben Fout and SQn of' Order your Rubber Stamps «C The mM r. anda MM rs. Fwr ed^ Dosch visited S^Prin« Grove dinner!Pla,ndea4tr' ests of ^ latter.g parents; Mr and' -- "f *r; ai^.M"- J®hn " Mrs. Ed Peet. Afternoon callers were the speaker. There will be a quar- M ' ^ a ®; Un a j' « and ^rs- Charles Peet and daugh- terly conference before the services. Mr. ana Mrs. Fritz, Mr. ana Mrs. 1 A. P. Freund Go. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --Road Building*-- Tel. 204-M ,' ' - McHenry, |jl 18.45 Harder, Mr. and Mrs. Wi e, Mr. and 6.481 1,098.00 28.18 484.91 162.20 869.72 878.02 11.14 1.40 88.81 Mrs Miller n Mrs. Shultz of Richmond spent Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Bratz and daughter, day morning with her daughter, Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. G«°rg« Marie, of Chicago spent Sunday with Roy Wiedrich , Mr. and Mrs. DeJohn and Mr.'their Ruehlman and -- W,e<inCh- Jna F Knox, lt 6, blk 2 F 23.64 Ella Newman, lt 6, blk 3 ....F 36.54 Weber ft Foss, lt 11, blk 4 .... 2.94 Weber ft Foss, lt 12, blk 4 .... 2.94 Henry Ahrens, lt 5, blk 5 ....F 21.60 Mabel Johnson, lt 3, blk 7 3.76 Math Laures, lt blk 7 F 29.81 Jos Rauen Est, lt 1, blk 18 ..F 17.82 Village of Ringtrood 10.05 Martha M Rahn, Its 3 ft 4 .... 66.18 J A Vailancourt, lt 14 9.80 Alex Anderson, (ex E 84 ft ft W 180 ft) lt 6, blk 30 F 12648 Ellen E Hall Est, lt 54 F 188.80 Simmon's Addition J S Brown Est, (ex E 28 ft) It 8 28.94 ,r 18.03 17.94 10.45 20.48 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 8.46 and Mrs. Lanes and many others of famny. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. H§U entertained Chicago spent the weekend at their™*^r; ^ Mr# ^ Wiedrich ^ ,rom Manitowoc Over the cottages. visitors at Richmond Saturday even- A Hard Time party was held at the in* y j Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were Lily Lake Casino Saturday evening, *irs Lester Carr and umi and Mae visitors at Greenwood Sunday after- Sept. 17. About one hundred and fifty Wie(lrjch gpent Sunday evening at noon" people attended. Prizes were award- (Woodstock. I Mr. snd Mrs. Chauncey Harrison 6di£ EiW;ri Bonl MllSr le of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Huff of Rich- f"? Umi}* »P«nt Sxmday with the lat- Cicero ^ ""-I*!' MlU'*r home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzha and daughter, Shirley, of Cicero visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Ssturday. FRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS Oemeel, Brick, Plaster aei Stneee Work 8dWh<, Moving w|. Tilntiai 626-M-l MeMBNRT, ILL, Roy Wiedrich. The Home Bureau will hold a card AUTO Mrs. C .L. Harrison and daughters Pftrty *t the home of Mr. and Mrs. were callers at Woodstock Saturday. C- ^ Harrison Friday evening. Every' Need Rulfer-StaatiT Oc*r at Tbe M. E. Church services wilK be at 9:30 next Sunday morning. Community services will be held in the evening one is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty and son, John, attended the dinner at INSURANCE 1 EAIL 1 WAL9 at 8 p. m. Dr. Stephenson, District "Woodstock Sunday, given by the lad Superintendent* of Evanston, will be i* of St. Marys. leHable Oonq>ani« tt • n-M "