Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1938, p. 4

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Fwaf > *" " j ,• WHMW'i iai^ 'WinI m.ii!li»^iil>i»,,a^-H ff?t'W*^9 T^l J* • " ; - * ,e, * *" V j' H :#> ', -y *• 7 ' * ' * f * ' • ?5" WHERRY PLAWOEAIER ;S; Published every Thursday at Mc- Ihenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at •the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under .the act of May 8, 1879. :iOne Year .. •Six Months 12.00 $1.00 ^ ' >¥$tn' A. H. MOSfllER Editor and Manager tin* % ••VsOSTAMINIfc r I * Mimicv\ ••B 1 CONSTITUTIONAL ^ AMENDMENT UP ^ TO VOTERS NOV. 8 Dogl<eads to Rescue Of Trapped Hound PONTIAC, MICH. -- A collie" with a sense of the dramatic hailed the local chief of detectives and led him to the rescue of a hound pup whose chain had tangled in the brush and trapped him. The collie, prancing from the woods as the chiefs car approached, rolled over and yelped frantically to attract attention. The dog then led the officer through the brush to the entangled pup. MISTOOK THIEF FOR SLEEPWALKING MATE {Continued from first page) Spouse Razzes Prowler, Lodger Just Yawn*. and '•yr .• V,\ „ ' " Added Liability Hinders Giving Banking Facilities to Communities -- ,,The minimum capital now required to (i.'i,organize a national bank or a state "'-'bank is $50,000. A state bank with j-$50,000 capital may Be organized in . «ny city under 10,000 population, but national bank of such size cannot be i* .organized in a city of over 6,000 popu- ...v ilation. There are cities ih Illinois rO"}^,7b§tween 6,000 and 10,000 population ,-without a bank because $100,000 can- -.not be raised to organize a national Y'bank. If- the added liability were re- 1 •• moved from state bank stock, such a . community could raise $50,000 and or- ' ganize a state bank. These communities are denied banking facilities because investors will not buy stock in a state bank until the banking laws are , brought into harmony with those ol the nation and of other states. ' . Centralization of Banking is Against the Public Interest--The preservation of the dual, banking system under which banks may be organized and operated under either a national bank charter or a state charter is in the , ,, public interest. A dual system com* posed of state -banks under supervision of state authorities and national . banks under supervision of federal N authorities, operating in competition, is in accord with American tradition and institutions. Preserving the unit : . bank owned by residents of the community will be aided by retaining the state banking system. Otherwise, CHICAGO.--Vainer husbands may dress to go sleepwalking. Not Arthur Liebson. He's an old-fashioned sleepwalker. Pajamas are good enough for him. And so Mrs. Margaret Liebson had to pinch herself to believe it really was her husband prowling around on his hands and knees at dawn one day recently in street clothes and a hat, looking under the twin beds in their Chicago home. "So you're putting on airs," she Said. "Dressing up to go walking, in your sleep. Somnambulating, I suppose you'd say.. Really, Arthur, this is going too far. Wake up now and go back to bed." And she fell back drowsily upon her pillow a$'the searcher turned without a word and crawled bearlike to the door. She laughed aloud when he got to his feet and vanished into the hall. Husband Wakes Up. Her laughter awakened her husband, who was sleeping on the other twin bed as he should have been. "O, it wasn't ySu!" cried Mrs. Liebson. "O!" She noticed then that the $1.90 of household money she had left on the table was gone. Her husband leaped from bed and followed just in time to see a man leaving by a window no one had ever been able to raise. The Liebsons awakened their lodger, Irwin Rumbaugh, and told him they'd had a burglar in their home. branch banking with its centralized,! "Then he's the fellow who was in here and took llow sWeater non-resident control, may come. 1 Vote To Preserve State Banking System--The continuance of the state banking system of Illinois is threatened unless the proposed constitutional amendment is adopted. - The strong tendency will be to organize national banks instead of state banks and for existing state banks" to get national charters. Only five state bank charters have been issued in Illinois since the bank moratorium in 1933. During the same period sixteen state banks have been converted into na said Rumbaugh. He looked at Liebson, an attorney, 30 years old. He yawned. And he told Liebson,- as he went back to sleep: "I thought it was you--sleepwalking/* WHY= Umbrella May Be Hit Durin» a Thunderstorm. «- Never walk about with an umbrella during a thunderstorm. That is one of the important bits of advice which scientists give us. And the reason? The metal frame will attract lightning. Better be wet than dead, says a writer in London Answers Magazine. Forked lightning, which looks more exciting, is also more dangerous. Sheet lightning is only a reflected glow of a flash that is a long way off--usually below the horizon. If you are but walking and your companion is struck by lightning, don't lose your head. If possible, loosen the victim's clothes and take off any that are wet. As soon as possible gtft the sufferer to bed with plenty of warmth. Lots of blankets and a hot-water bottle. It may be necessary to apply artificial respiration. - When the patient can swallow, lots of black coffee should be given hirn. Don't forget that lightning burns. In your anxiety to administer hot coffee, remember that the burns on the victim's body need treating. The chances are several million to one that you won't get struck ih a thunderstorm. But someone ge's hurt in every big sltorm, and prompt' action may save a life. / > * . Why Japan Is Called L" , "Land of Risinc So;-." . In the; year 671 A. D. the Chine: e gave the name Jihpen to the archipelago' situated east of their empire. The first syllable of this narr.e is represented by a character meaning sun, or light; the last syllable by a character meaning origin, or roof. The word is thus translated as "origin of the sun." Japan, being east of China, it is easy to" understand how the name "Land of the Rising Sun" became applicable to this country. The Japanese, who borrowed their writings and many of their terms from China, adopted this name also, but modified its pronunciation to Nihon. Another form is Nippon, or Dai Nippon. Society Girl Will Dive For Treasure Long Sunk BOSTON.--Three women, one a society girl, were listed as divers in the crew aboard the 65-foot ( schooner Story II, engaged in a tional banks and ninety new national] search for sunken gold off the Masbank charters have been issued in Illi- sachusetts coast. nois. Eighty-three state banks are now j The expedition headed for the wain the process of voluntary liquidation. I off Cape Cod and along the Stockholders will not continue to carry Massachusetts coast generally, a double load to provide banking fa- Members are pledged to continue cilities for their communities. Many the treasure hunt until water and small communities which lose their J ^ small state banks which are adequate ~ for local needs cannot replace them under the national banking act. The public interest will be served by preserving the state banking system. The proposed amendment is in no sense a partisan measure. It is apdorsed by citizens of all walks of life interested in the general welfare of the state. The constitution is the people's law. They establish it and only they can change it. When a provision of the constitution no longer serves the interest of the people it should'be changed. To adopt the proposed amendment, it must receive a majority of all the votes cast at the general election, not just a majority of the votes cast upon the proposed amendment. All who neglect to vote on the proposition are really voting against it. Floyd E. Thompson, former chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, is chairman of the Constitutional Amendment Committee. Vote "Yes" on November 8. Included in the crew of 10 were the schooner's owner and skipper, Herbert Talbot, a Boston wool broker, and Mrs. Talbot, and their son, Story. ' The most modern diving equipment was obtained to expedite the search for treasure, announced Talbot and the women have their duties cut out for them. All three rehearsed frequently with the telephone- equipped helmets on the Boston harbor floor for several weeks, wearing lead-weighted shoes and bathing suite. Talbot explained he has completed a study of sunken treasure ships which he believes will yield a considerable fortune. Why Some Water Is Blue The blue color of some water is the result of absolute purity or of depth. According to Sir J. Murray's book, "The Ocean," it has been found that ordinary distilled water is a greenish color, believed to be due to impurities remaining in the water after distillation while absolutely pure water has a beautiful clear blue color. In the open ocean the water is generally bluish, while near land and in estuaries it -is green or yellowish green. "Smith's College Chemistry," by James Kendall, states that deep layers of water have a blue or greenishrblue color. FOR SALE FOR SALE--6-Room House on Waukegan street; also household furnishings. Call McHenry 95-M. 18-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern 5- room apartment and garage, newly decorated; steam heat. On Richmond Road near St Mary's church. Call Mrs. John R. Knox, McHenry 17. 18-tf ftPBXNG GROVE Vincent JFeltes, who has been seriously ill the past- week, was taken to St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, on Thursday night, where he is in a very critical condition. Miss Jeannette Hergott, who is employed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer in Ringwood, spent Thursday with her parents; Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Hergott. Mrs. Nick Freund, daughters, Lucille and Jeanette, motored to Waukegan in the afternoon. ^ A nice crowd attended the chicken dinner held at the home of Mrs. Bertha Esh on Thursday night. The affair was sponsored by the Ladies' Aid and a delicious chicken dinner was served from,»6:00 to 8:00. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE--Hunting Pups; Water' and 801,8 and Mr- ®nd Mrs- Hen- Spaniel breed. Call at Riverside Bak-\ry Greeley of Richmond, and Mr. and ery, in rear, McHenry. *20 Mrs. Anderson, Grass Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huff of Chicago, FOR SALE--Plymouth Rock Broilers, 2 to 3 bs. Call 211-*R. 20 FOR SALE--1931 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan; 6 wire wheels; radio; by private owner, $90. Can be seen at Eitilling's Garage,-<m call McHenry 661-R-l after 6 p. m. *20 FOR SALE--18 Choice Head of Holstein Cows, 3 to 6 years old. Just fresh or close springers. Most of these cows are from pure bred herd. Ralph Thurow. Located on the Ehredt farm, who spent the summer at Wauconda, moved on Friday to the flat above the Byron Orvis home. Mrs. Charles Freund, son, Tommy, accompanied by Mrs. George W. May, % mile east of Voio. Tel. Round Lake Mrs Paul Gerasch,' daughter, * Maty -1. ' 1 Jane, Mrs. George P. Freund and Mis. FOR RENT FOR SALE--Black Dirt and * Filling.! Charles Michaels, son, Richard, enjoy- &oyle Estate. 20.ed a to H°ly Hill, Wis., on Friday. •---- 'i; \ • • . i --' Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent FOR SALE--Pears, 76c per bushel, the weekend with relatives at Rock- Mrs. Pete Joos. Call 129-J. *20 ford. Mrs. Alvin Westman, son, LeRoy and Miss Evelyn Sanders of Wood- POR RENT--Modern furnished rooms, ?*ock 8Pe"t Sunday with their parents, very desirable for couple j cooking I * a" Frank Sanders, privileges, if desired. Phone McHenry Although the softball season is 97_£ 20 practically over, a game was enjoyed by a group of men at the diamond FOR RENT--Hunting and Trapping' here Sunday afternoon. A picnic was privileges on 700-acre farm near Mc- j held at the ball park following the Henry. Call McHenry 188-M. 20tf game. Mrs. Leonard Franzen and WANTED WANTED--Man to contact business and professional people; neat appearing; reliable; experience unnecessary. Good income assured; opportunity for advancement. Write: give phone number Address "B," care Plaindealer. 20 MISCELLANEOUS TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, pruning, feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve years' experience. LEO P. THORNHILL, McHenry. Phone 129-J. Call anytime. 8-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf Why "C" Is Unpronounced Mackinac island was originally Michilimackinac or Missilimaquina island, the seat of justice, the base of supplies and the center of trade of a vast territory of the same name. The French being the original translators of the Indian name, their pronunciation became permanent. The French did not pronounce the final "c" and gave the "a" a broad sound. Thus,vMichilimackinaw became the accepted rendering. Later the name was contracted to Mackinac, pronounced Mackinaw. WE PAY--From $1.00 to $10.00 for old, crippled, down or dead horses and cattle. (Hogs removed free.) MID-WEST RENDERING CO. Two Phones--Dundee 10 - Elgin *2482 (the quicker you call the more you get -- Reverse Charges) CIDER MAKING--Have your apples and grapes pressed at Kattner's Cider Mill, one mile east of Spring Grove. Tuesday ana Friday afternoons. Phone Richmond 443. *19-2 ReeldMw Changes ^ The W. S. Roberts family of Richmond, Ind., moved to the Heimer house on Elm street this week. Mr. Roberts is manager of the Ficken Oil station in West McHenry. The Wm. Adsit family of Spring Grove has moved to the J. B. Kelter place on the Crystal Lake road, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooney and sons, who have moved to a bungalow, east of the river. The Paul Patzke family has moved to the John Freund house on Center street, recently vacated by the Henry Antholz family. Mr; and Mrs. Earl Walsh moved the last of the week from the Mrs. Elizabeth lOehels fcoftse on Cotot street to- • the Jacob DMrkh place on Richmond, Road, neently vacated by the A. J. Wirti family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund are mcnr»- ing from the Henry flettermann hoiMF - to the house on the John Miller fana/ near Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall and family moved Friday from the Kelly house on Waukegan street to Chicago. The place they have vacated will be Occupied by the Charles Dowe family, who - are moving from the Louis Althoff place on the same street. .f Experimented With Sagar Beets $* California's first sugar beets weft' raised experimentally in 1809. CENTRAL-GARAGE When your car or track needs attention, we are prepared to serve yon. One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. \ Foil line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires » , - Electric and Acetylene Welding -. Gar Waahing and Polishing Phone 200-J * Towing Johnsburg son, Lyle, of Ringwood were callers in the J. G. Wagner home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ina Gracey and family, who moved to Crystal Lake a month ago, have returned and are now living in the Margaret Bowers house, A class of thirty-five children and adults received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Peter's church Tuesday afternoon with Rt. Rev. Edinferd F. Hoban, Bishop of Rockford, officiating. The ceremony began with a procession lead by servers, who were followed by the confirmation class with the little girls dressed in white dresses and veils. About fifteen visiting priests were present from nearby parishes and also marched in procession before the Bishop. The procession ended with a large group of men from the Holy Name Society. A large crowd attended the services and (Enjoyed a most interesting talk given by Bishop Hoban. The church was beautifully decorated with carnations, dahlias and ferns. The services were closed with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of Te Deum. SNUG HARBOR TAVERN On East River Road -- South of the State BxidgC , ---- Under new Management of ------- A. H. WATSON ....and---. WALTER SGHIMMEL Fried Chicken -- 35c per plate ^flil^ E^lBry Friday :--: Dinty Moore Special, Corned Beef and Cabbage Every Thursday ; • i Cow Breathes Bushels of Air Every hour a thousand-pound cow breathes in and out about 2,800 bushels or 3,600 cubic feet of air. This air weighs about 270 pounds. MI PLACE RESTAURANT Hione 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green St. HALF SPRING FRIED CHICUNv*^ 60c FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY FRESH PERCH linniftC COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND DINING VUUllL R00M AT ULY LAKE, ILLINOIS Featuring just Good Drinks and Good Food : at Popular Prices . Equipped with New Kelvinator Bar We invite you to enjoy our most unique atmosphere* ROY V. HOBBS, Mgr. I: ^•DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright Puklit L*dgtr. Inc. SI K WALTER. KALEIGH 010 MOT ^ INTRODUCE TOBACCO '•ytr Ut; INTO ENGLAND Record of Veteran Is Cleared After 78 Years WESTBORO, MASS.--In 1860 Cyrus M. Bryant was an inmate of the Lyman school. He was 15. He ran away. The War Between the States found Bryant enlisted with the Union forces. He was decorated for valor. His travels took him to Little Rock, Ark., where he found work as caretaker of a cemetery. For the last half century Bryant was superintendent there. Nevertheless his conscience troubled him. At the age of 93, Bryant returned to Lyman to surrender* His record was cleared. V Although the introduction of to- .iMlcco into England is usually atjtributed to Sir Walter Raleigh, the iifact is that this product was first taken there either by Sir John Hawkins, in 1565, from Florida; or- by Sir Francis Drake, in 1586. Previous to the introduction of this plant in England, it had been brought to Spain in 1558 by Francisco Fernandes, a Spanish physician. It was violently opposed at first throughout Europe <and was forbidden in Switzerland. In France the plant was first popularized by Jean Nicot, from whose name the term "nicotine" originated. In England Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the prominent persons who popularized the use of tobacco. He raised it himself in Ireland. WNU Service. Teased Bees Tee Off SAN JOSE, CALIF.--Sergt. Ray Blackmore and Patrolman Jack Patrick feel that it is unnecessary for citizens to telephone the police to investigate cases, of where gangs of boys are "teasing" hives of bees. In response to the last request of this kind^ they found upon arrival that the Wife were "teasing" the boys. Why "Half-Hour" Time Is Used In some countries where standard time is used they qualify it by being on the "half hour" because the half hour more nearly agrees with the local time and seems to have an advantage. Among them, New Zealand uses time 11 % hours faster than Greenwich; Burma, 6% hours faster; India, excepting Calcutta, 5% hours faster; South Australia, 9% hours faster. Why It Is "Latin America" The countries south of the United States are referred to as "Latin America," because the prevailing language of these countries is of Latin origin. France, Spain, Italy and Portugal are also called Latincountries because their languages were influenced more by Latin than the languages of other countries. Why Wire-Girdled Trees Die Wire-girdled trees die because the wire cuts through the cambium as the tree grows, thereby severing the vital connection between the roots, which take up water and raw food, and the leaves, which transform water^nd raw material into elaborated plant food. Fire Chief Forgets V IN IT A, OKLA--Elmer Gentry, Vinita fire chief, parked his car on an incline and walked away. When he looked back, the machine was not there. Investigation disclosed that it had rolled into a lake and was under five feet pf water. Death Covers Third Base GIRARD, OHIO.--The excitement of stealing third base in a neighborhood ball game caused the death of D. A. Wellington, 26, from heart disease.. Ellis, 'Jehovah Is God' The name Ellis is a form of Elias, a Hebrew name meaning "Jehovah is God," or, according to one .authority, of Elisha, meaning "God ic my salvation," only slightly difft| rent from Elias. Conrult Why Rose Is Sweet The perfume of the rose is thus; explained by the ancients: Love, at a feast, at Olympus, in the midst of a very lively dance, upset, by stroke of his wing, a goblet of nectar which, falling on a rose, em* balmed it with a rich fragrance it Still retains. SAY CELEBRATING RANGE ROUND-UP Why He Was "Buffalo BUI" At -the end of the Civil war, Cody contracted with the Kansas Pacific railroad to supply buffalo meat to its laborers and from that time he wa£? called "Buffalo Bill." Why Birthday Candles Are Used The use of candles on birthday cakes is traced to great antiquity* Light is associated with an expression of joy. Why Cabbage Is So Called The name cabbage is derived from the Latin caput, meardng heacL ' ; V •. Source of Bolivia, India, Australia, the island of Banka, and the Straits set» tlements supply most of the world'i tin. There are small deposits in Alaska, Mexico, Colombia, and- Peru. Nearly one-fourth of the total output comes from Bolivia. V Main Foots of Eskimos Caribou meat, fish, seal meat, pe» lar bear meat, rabbits, birds and eggs are the main foods of certai* groups of Eskimos. - j NOW! Every Housewift can know the Daily Joy of WARNING! Offer lasts only until very limited supply of these MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGES is sold. ACT NOWf $U0£0 3 LOO • t rt -- - ^ QMStsn) ONLY. GAS RANGE 0$51.00 lor your oid range! Whet a chance to change to the thrilling ease of modern automatic Gm cooking--to give your family delicious, nourishing mesh tmryfam save yourself hours of work. You can even cook an entire meal -while you are out of the house... simply prepare your meal, pot it in the oven, and set die red wheel oven regulator. The correct temperature is maintained until yov shut it off. When you return, chi ineal is hot and ready to serve» With Clock and Set as illustrsted. from entree to denect.. dish temptingly cooked. Come in today--see the otbar great features in this beautiful modern Automatic Magic Chef Gas Range!... But act mm--oar special offer closes when the limited supply of these ranges is gone. Aak about the b«w"CP" Gas Raoges-whteh the best fMtotcsof evecy tmagt oa the --Aw-whfc cnokim perfbmaiace na years ahead. Mom start at $89.03, with yoot old stowc. Other Dealers are fMtwfag Special Vahws hi Modern Automatic Gas Riagat See than today I mbo visits cmr Oid Edtmgt Rrnnd-Up Critirtithm, GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY.

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