Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1938, p. 8

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Society Motes family, Mrs. Emily Lawson *»d tun- J through th« place and a style show evening, October 9. BesMet the oefeftily. Miss Laura Weber, Mr. and Mrs.[was iiven. The court was presented sion for a house-warming, the day also Ben Freund and son, Jack, Mr. and with a fur piece by the management marked the celebration of their fifth Mrs. Ralph J us ten and Mrs. Greta Mc- of the company. i wedding anniversary. .Cake*' -L at. er t.h e• p-lant of the Hydro* Ice' Five hundred furnished entertain- Cream Company was visited where a ment and prizes were merited by Mrs. _ . « , lecture was given. Cards were play- Leo Smith, Lisle Bassett and consolaixroise Stilling, daughter of Mr. and ®4 there and refreshments served, tion by Tony Wirt*. Later in the PLEDGES SORORITY ' ATTEND CONFERENCE Kennebeck, Griswold Lake and Mrs. ifiPk Minar Gerrard, Mrs. E. E. Baa- Anna tUuls, McHenry. sett, Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. E. G. ; > » * * ' Peterson and Mrs. Charles Ensign at- i ^; w" .. nuai nledeinir ceremonies tended the ninety-ninth session of tho- The ladies Aid Society iJfift it the. c«ih»m» „ - Rock River Conference of the M. E. church parlors last Thursday after- _»,ss » noon with Mrs. E. G. Peterson as host-™^' became * Pledge of Gamma ess. Their next meeting will bfe with B«ta, national ^social sorority. HONORED AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Louise Nickels Thursday after-] uivniUoVi im -Mrs. H. Colby Conn of Elgin, a re- noon of next week ' - i > . cent bride, was complimented at fc. "luncheon given at the home of Mrs; • John Thorne in Chicago' Saturday. Mrs. George A. Stilling, 56 Orchard Bridge prizes were won by Mrs. Hen- evening, refreshments were served. Beach road, McHenry, was among the ry Miller, Mrs. Lester Page and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wirtz were presented church, held in Chicago last week. group of women pledging sororities at Fred Schoewer, and five hundred by "with a combination kitchen stool and Lake Ft&est college last week in an- Mrs. Frank Blake, Miss Frances Bauer step ladder. and Mrs. Joe May. | Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. ------ . • » • !M. Schoenholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Leo AMERICAN LEGION. f Smith, Mr. freshman at Laki and Mrs. Lisle Bassett, The local post of the American Le- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital, Mr. and gion held Installation at their hall on Mrs. Dan O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Monday evening with Harold Hyde, Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jus- The ltfothers Club will meet at the ?resen* cour|ty commander as install- ten. i , HEAD REUNION. " home of Mrs. G. H. Johnson on Fri- offifer» and George Hewitt of Ma- „ . ^ ^iity-two descendants of, Oct. 14. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. ren*0' installing seigeant-at-arms. | PARENT TEACHERS ASSN. Co-hostesses were Mrs. John McGee Head family who settled on a farm Gerald Newman and Mrs. Gertrude Those Stalled were: Ray Page, Twenty-nine ladies were present at and Mrs. Henry Kuettner. Mr. Conn near Huntley in the early fifties, held,Schaefer will serve as assistant host-(Commander; Leo J. Stilling, yice-com- a meeting held at St. Marys - St. is the son of Mrs. Nina Colby Conn, a reunion at the Alfred Seyfferth esses. Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, county sup- "®n^er» T S. Cooley, Adjutant; Patrick school hall at three o clock a former McHenry resident. ,home at Lily Lake Sunday. Happy!erintendent of schools, will be guest Jharl«*£: ReAansperger, Finance Of- Wednesday afternoon of last week, - « * . jEhrens, the' last of a family of twelve speaker. Her topic of discussion will ^cer> Thomas P. Bolger, Service Offi- Oct. 5. The purpose of the meeting C. D. OF A. • children, died in Elgin Sept. 22, "School Legislation ahd^hjmpeijii. J*8"L?'Ya"da' ChaPIfin! Lester °P_enef ^ . ter Theodulaj, The. Catholic Daughters of America ing only ,three generations. the Educational System. Bacon, Sergeat-at-arms (not present). Sister Superior, as chairman, and Sis Lunch was served following the ter Urbana as temporary secretary, 3 .5;, business wa% transacted cards were with guests' present from Chicago, El, J LEGION AUXILIARY meeting and a Committee Was appoint- was two-fold: to^acquaint the^othr:'. N plaved with the bridge award won by gin. Dundee, Maywood, Bellwood, 111.,f Mrs. Anna Howard, Mrs. Verena ed to meet next Monday evening to ers of the work of the Parent Teach- V. Mrs. 'Anna Sutton and the five hun- and Racine and Evansville, Wis. Marshall and Mrs. Fred Schoewer at-, make pWfor-an Armistice Day pro- ers Association and to elect officers. :.>'d^dbv Mrs. Anna Howard, LN V : tended the .cpunty me^tipg' of^ the ^It was decided to appoint a commit- V Their meeting previously anonunoed. PAST ORACLES , American Legion Auxiliary held; at . Th.,s'.1S ^ twentieth anniversary of tee to serve breakfast to the_ children , for October 20 has be^postpontd members fr<## -Elgin, ' Hebron Friday evening. H. C. Gentch,f Armistice ;Day and; *h«? . first, year . that at the school hall every first Friday. .•V-'til Oct. 2e When the (eighteenth anrii- Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Woodstock,Isuperintendent of the Chicago Indus-; ** has been declared a n^titfnal holi- Volunteers, for last Friday were Mrs. •versalv of court will .be celebrat- Marengo, Harvard and McHenry were trial Home at Woodstock showed pic- day* . _ - _ ,J 0U2*f' Sv Oia^ence .^arp, Mrs. ed. Charter members will be; enter- present at the monthly meeting of the tures and g«ve an interesting talk on'.Arthur Patzke^ artd a frieg<|. frora ^rald Carey, Mrsu Martm Obenauf, Stained: at- a pot-luck, supper rat 6:30 McHenry County Past Oracles Club, the home. Business was transacted,*"#0 w^re out-of-town guests,- >• - , Mrs. Henry Miller , and Mrs. Wm. o'clock. „ f v ' ; helii' i\t the home of Mrs. Charles En- and lunch served; Their next meeting speaker or some other entertainment .following the business meeting. Public parties will be held from time t time to raise money to carry on the work at the school. Committees will be appointed by the president, Mrs. McGee. Officers elected were Mrs. Ray McGee, president; Mrs. Clarence Carp, vice-president; Mrs. Richard Fleming, secretary and Mrs. F, N. Rogers, treasurer. . Ladies of St. Mary's and St. Patrick's parishes are invited to join this o r g a n i z a t i o n . 0 m m GOLDEN JUBILEE * ' Sr. Mary Jerome of the Franciscan Order celebrated her Golden Jubilee in St. Anthony's hospital at St. Louis, Mo., on Tuesday, October 4. Mass was read at nine o'clock by the Provincial of the Franciscan Order assisted by several priests. Three nuns celebrated their Golden Jubilee and nine their Silver Jubilee on that day. ; Sister Jerome is a sister of Peter and Henry Williams, Mrs. Kate Stoffel, Mrs. Peter Weber and Mrs. Joseph Stilling. «• Among those who attended the celebration were: Rev. John J. Krieg, West Allis, Wis; Rev. George Neil, Effingham, 111,; Mrs. Kate Stoffel, Mrs. Peter Wteber and Miss Julia Stilling, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •i'-J,V \ \ ; I sign; Tuesday afternoon. ', GRAVES - MONCUR ' Following the meeting, a handker- : Altiiouncetnent has been mad4 oif the chief shower was held for Mrs. Carrie marriage of Mrs. Ann Graves of Stewart, president of the club, honor- Woodstock to George Moncj#, florist ing her birthday. Mrs. Mayme Lind of that city, which took place at Clin- of Harvard made the presentation -ton, Iowa, Friday of ,last week, the with a few well chosen words. ^Rev. C. E. Clements reading the cere-| A pot-luck supper brought a pleasmony at the Methodist parsonage. ant afternoon to a close. The next Mrs. Ruth Armstrong; a former; meeting will be held with Mrs. Cleo Woodstock resident, was the only wit-| Schaller at Woodstock, Nov. 8. ness. Mrs. Moncur is employed as secretary in the office of the county veterinarian. They will reside in the EIGHTY-TWO YEARS OLD Math Weber was surprised by mem- Moncur residence on McHenry avenue jbers of his family and nieces and in Woodstock. The bride is well known | nephews at a party in honor of his jPhalin, Mrs. Harry Lawrence, Chicahere through her work as "Grand Lec-. eighty-second birthday at his home go; Mrs. George Phalin, Genoa City, will be at Woodstock; Fridliy evening, November 4'. . "" WITT - AUSTIN ; Announcement has been made the marriage of Miss June Witt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Witt connec^lon with of McHenry, to Mr. Donald Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Austin of Richmond, which took place at Val-! a a. a a. a a Jk. a naraisn Ind., on June 1938. 1 ENTERTAINS SUNDAY Mrs. Harold Phalin entertained at her home at Grayslake Sunday afternoon, honoring her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago. Bridge was played with honors won by Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. Thomas Phalin and j of Rev, Mrs. John Bolger. Lunch was serv- pastor. ed at the close of the afternoon and) The young couple kept their marthe honored guest presented with riage secret until Saturday, Septemmany lovely gifts. Invited guests ber 24, when they made the announcewere Mrs. Howard Phalin, Miss Ruth ment. They then went on a short wedding trip to Chicago, where they Mrs. 1 Klapperich. Meetings will be held at the school hall at three o'clock the 0I first Wednesday afternoon of each month at which time all matters in i the school will be discussed. There will also be a guest ers, Royal Neighbors of America, will be the principal speaker and guest of ^ hqnor at the Annual McHenry County Convention to be held in Harvard on Tuesday, October 18. All sessions will be beld in the Methodist church gymnasium, beginning at 10 a. m. Mrs. Gorman will preside oyer the school of instruction during the afternoon and will be assisted by M&. Orva H. Bratzler, district deputy. Officers of the two local camps will exemplify parts of the ritualists work. Past Oracles from the various camps will honor departed members in* a memorial service at the evening meeting. Guests are expected - from many camps other than in McHenry county. Dinner will be served in the building at noon, and supper in the evening, by ladies of the Rebekah Lodge. * * » PUBLIC CARD PARTY ' There wpll be a public card party at the homer of Mrs. Ray Conway next Wednesday afternoon, October 19 at 2:15 p. m. for the benefit of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's, church. ;;; STOFFEL - DEMER Miss Lillian Stoffel of Washington, D. C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J, Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stoffel of West McHenry, was Loechmeier, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. ried to Mr. Ralph Demer, also of Wm. Aebischer and' Miss Leona Williams, Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Walter Peayse., Racine, Wis. , : ' /•" .v ,. ** », * . r R. N. A CONVENTION - Mrs. Margaret Gorman of Chicago, member of Board of Supreme Manag-' attorney. Washington, D. C., Wednesday, Oct; 12, in that city. The ceremony Was ^ performed in the home of the groom's " parents at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The bride is employed in the Treasury Department and the groom is an -..A-:? -Hi paraiso, lnd., 20, The ceremony was performed in the home: ^ Robert L. Ryerse, -Lutheran i « i-HV in the O. E. S. Saturday evening. visited friends. They also took ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. John Scheid Four generations were represented Knox, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. Mol- ! at this happy gathering: Math Weber,' lie Givens, Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. and John Weber, Mrs. Bernicc Freund and Wm. B. Tonyan and Mrs. James Dohdaughter, Rena, entertained at dinner j small son, Jack. erty, McHenry. Thursday evening, honoring Mrs. Ida I Five hundred furnished enetrtain- • » • t Bremer, sister of Mr. Scheid, who has'ment, with prizes won by Mrs. Greta C. D. OF A. returned to her hame in Hollywood, j McCabe, Mrs. Ralph Justen, and con- The Catholic Daughters of America Calif., after spending the past six (solation by Mrs. Anna Howard. Later, enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to Chirefreshments were served. [ cago Monday, forty-one members and Those present were: John Weber, friends making the trip by bus and in were Mrs) Mayme Polhear Joe Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Web- private cars. and Mrs. Margaret Elger, Chicago, er, Mrs. Anna Howard and son, Don- Their first visit was to the Evans Mrs.., George Scheid and Mrs. Nick aid, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and Fur Company, where they were shown I Wis.; Mrs. John Phalin, Mrs. Robert plane trip to Milwaukee, and after cago. Guests their return, spent a week with the1 groom's parents. j Mr. and Mrs. Austin have gone to housekeeping at Wonder Lake. | The groom is employed as inspector at the Alemite factory in Woodstoc*. He graduated from the Richmond high school with the class of 1937. i • * • ' ®| HOUSE-WARMING | Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wirtz were pleasantly surprised by a group of friends at their new home Sunday MEMBER Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MEMBEK Federal Reserve System P Come SEE OC 1 eRIFS vr (OFFICIAL PUBIJCATIoft) Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank McHenry, IU. (P. O. West McHenry) ~ transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on tit#;". 2 8 h d ' i y o f S e p t e m b e r 1 9 3 8 . . . . . ^ RESOURCES | ^ 1. Cash and due from banks ........... 2r Outsiie checks and other cash items ^ % United States Government obligations, direct «^J2Q9,87115" ifeL 84.45 iand'or fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks and securities Loans and discounts ........... „ Overdrafts x 4 \W Star Performer ushers in new SimU> Cueie with stunning designs that kernnote next uear9s made s«„i, „CJrR. th® Lin,lted_ Century, the [Ulck», WHfRf. . io „i °«d«e^.r, why, The uott rrOO® Peribr®er, *<"«< 1939 . "• "< --toweerr' *ri*--" la. st j ^*5 Aftf than l°Wn yon'd 'xpect. WT all started with M cooling/* on the costly rac ing cars of Europe. .4-;' catwalk- So let your gaze take it in. -•x-t: They were shooting at better aerodynamics, not new styling --but they touched off something that will re-pattern cars everywhere before it's done. Not that looks alone ever come first with Buick. What's really Buick is underneath all that, down deep in the good true metals, the split-hair precisions, the tough alloys. But everyone goes for beauty, and you would be less than human if you didn't thrill to an eyeful of the smartest dressed automobile you ever saw. Spot the radiator grilles down low. They're the key to new-day design. They're also placed where air pressure's greatest--your en-r gine cools under forced draftI Under that comely bonnet is the engine with more abundant life--that quick quiet Dynaflash valve-in-head straight* eight! ' * Under that roomy Body by Fisher are the great slow spirals of BuiCoil springing, to give you the true "full float" ride. And in that body, is new wide-paned visibility -- up to 413 more square inches of glass. The whole staunch, firm, Beautiful car looks like what it is--a car to love and live with. Gome see it. Just as it staftds there, tuned for your service, it seems to be ready to fly! ' * * • ;-:- 7 M OTHfR CAi lN THE WORLD HAS AU TKSE RATURB • OYNAFlASHVAlVI-IN-HiAD STRAIOHT-ilOl# KN9INE if BUICOIL TO«OUK-HtEK »RINOINO + GREATER VISIMUTY if HANMSHIFTTRANSMISSIOM • SELF-BANKINO KNSE-ACTIOM PROMT SPRUMb IHO TORQUI-TUBI DRIVE if WTOE HYDRAUll| MAKES if CROWN SPRING CLUTCH if "CATWALK- COOUNO" if OPTIONAL REAR AXll OEAR RATIOS if HASH-WAY DIRECTION SKp - * 11 7. Banking house, $8,388.56; Furniture and; fixtures, $1,555.20 Other resources --u. 302,047.72- 142,737.26 316,982.55 298.32 9,943ji . 927.14 •Grand Total Resources ; 4; $982,892.35 LIABILITIBS 12. Capital stock ; 14. Surplus ...... 15. Undivided profits (Net) 16. Reserve accounts ............... 17. Demand deposits .............. 18. Time deposits Total of deposits? Secured b investments „.$ 50,000.00 50,000.00 ... 33,500.59 ... " 5,100.00 462,228.22 ^ 363,015*52 ' OI lOallS onu'V r - .$ 25,000.00 Not secured by pledge of loans and^or investments (3) Total deposits M. -Other liabilities Grand Total Liabilities ^ 800,243.74 ^825,243.74 10,048.02 ...$982,892.35 I Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: v" 26. Loans and investments pledged: U, S. Government obligations direct aad'or fully guaranteed : Total Pledged (excluding re-diacount»y . Pledged: ^ Against funds of State of Illinois Total Pledged $27,000.00 .U27,000.&^ ..$ 27,000.00 $27,000.00" R. I. The bank has outstanding $47,273.72 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stoc|^/ holders as such. ^ I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashisr. , - Correct Attest: SIMON STOFFEL, JOS. W. FREUND, Directors. County of McHenry. --, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of October 1938. . (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public. III 216 Main St, Cfcjital Lake, QL *- : -T7.-V

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