• 'ft >* •." •* • • Volume 64 McHElfRY, ILIJNOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBE* 13, 1938 No. 2f ASK BOARD FOR NEW ROAD TO WONDER LAKE LICENSE BLANKS READY FOR APPLICANTS!' HORSE STRUCK BY'AUTO A horse owned by Jacob Freund was kiUpd Tuesday evening at about 9:30 oxfock when it was a struck by a Dusenberg automobile. John J. Lynch, owner of the car, lives on Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. He also has summer home at Lake Geneva. ALL OPERATOR# :,V OBTAIN CARDS? ^ INJURES KNEE * ! Martin Conway has been absent MUSI* , from ,jhis work at the Riverside Dairy the past week due to an injury sustained when he slipped and fell on the , : . FdWard J. Hughes, secretnir *•« f"rier w¥'f ™ilk : . . . * T i i * „ u * i j a . „ i k n e e w a s i n j u r e d b y a b r o k e n b o t t l e *tate of Illinois, has mailed to numer-| „ . fo * Pitches to chrie • v"<ous places throughout the state, appli- j lu lour, stl*ches to close . . cat.i.o n ,b,l an,k s fVo r djr i• veirs licenses,] a wound just . below the knee. , which can be secured for the asking. . These places include garages, news- T papers, city officials, etc. The Plaindealer has several of these blanks on hand. All operators must have liceirses to drive in Illinois on or before May 1, 1939, which will be good until May 1, 1942, and must be renewed every third year thereafter. Questions To Be Answered The blanks have the following ques- ^0™,hich n,uat be •1,swered "Yes" Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freye of Bar- Have you ever been licensed before tht u"usu»' a"d J*™ sight of a double rainbow at 6:10 Monday morning of last week. The sky, which was ftrst black, changed to yel- INTERESTING NEARBY TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES as an operator or chauffeur? Where? When ? Has your operator's or chauffeur's . __ , ... .... license ever been suspended, revoked ,0W and then the beautiful and perfect or refused? Why? When? , rainbows appeared, they reported. Are you addicted to the ui of Frank Buchert, Richmond, sustained liquor or narcotic drugs? 1® double fracture of the right ankle Have you any physical defect which in a fall at Twin Lakes last Tuesday might affect the operation of a motor afternoon at 4:30.' He was working vehicle? , | on a building when a board of the Have you ever lost an arm or leg? scaffolding tipped causing him to lose If so, explain which. * {his balance and fall to the ground. Were you ever'adjudged to b#af- A dog in the home of Jack Newnflicted with mental disability or dis-' ham on the State Line road, east of ease? j Antioeh saved the family from pos- If afflicted with a mental disease or sible death and the house from serious .disability, have you now" been restored- fire damage -by barking and waking to competency by the methods provid- up Newnham when fire broke out in •ed by law? the basement of the home at 4:10 a. Do you have sight in both eyes ? I m., Friday. Do you know a thorough knowledge Falling from the box on which she of Illinois traffic regulations? I was standing while picking apples at Are you able to read highway signs, her farm home, northeast of Kirkland, .signals and warnings? [last Monday morning, Mrs. Albert Are you the owner of a motor ve-^ Rairdan suffered a broken hip. She hide' ' I was taken to the Swedish-American What is your 19 - - license number? hospital in Rockford for treatment. I About how many miles have you Fred A, Schroeder. 56 years old, of _4riven a motor vehicle. • East Dundee, was fatally hurt last All questions must be answered ful- Monday morning at the Illinois Iron ly. Incomplete applications or incor- & Bolt Co plant at Carpentersville. rect fees will be returned. 'Schroeder was struck by a fragment No person under fifteen years of f an emery wheel which burst while age may procure a^ driver s licenses. he was Ending chain links. He died No person between the ages of 15 and (jn Sherman hospital, Elgin, shortly af- 18 may procure an operator's license ^ the accidentwithout the consent of father, mother, Antioch voted 147 ^ 49 in favor of or guar lan. , teh $13,500 bond issue for construc- If the secretory of state deems an tion o{ . new ha„ in ja, Mmuqr from election last Tue^ay. of the apphcafon, an eia.mnat.oi; c , ^ * h,ye f factories in that city to five. It is a branch of the National Grain and Yeast company plant at New Jersey. Operator's license, 50c; operator Pr^uc f tion w;iH start next week. under 18 years, 25c; temporary oper- ?he farm home ofJoeKreutzer.loator's permit, 50c; temporary instruc-, J«st south of Huntley m the.extion permit, 50c; duplicate operator's treme north _ portion of Kane county license, $1.00; duplicate instruction : burglarized late last Saturday permit -$100 y m<rn+ ann S14ll in f>oon arm o nro t-An issued. Driver's License Fees The schedule of driver's license fees •are as follows: SUN SHINES BRIGHT ON FOX RIVER "* 7 " - <i<* , ; 1 § Ift ' IS?-1"*" CONDUCTS MISSION • Father Harrison, of the Vincentian Order, opened a Week's mission at St. Patricks church Sunday. Masses are being held at and ,8 o'clock every morning, with an instruction after each mass. Evening services, consisting of rosary, sermon and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, are held at -7:30 every evening. Confessions are being heard-from 3 to .4 every afternoon arid after serviced in the evening. ' " *•' . TO WRITE HISTORY OF LA<KE REGION TACK HO AG, FEDERAL MAN, ON THE JOB McHenry Lions met in regular session at Niesen's Cafe Tuesday evening'for a FROM ROUTE 31 OVER- 200 SIGNATUBfiilillSl ON PETITION - . A petition," with m£Sr"e than 200 sig-!.. '*' ... natures of citizens living in the vie in- * ty of Ringwood, was presented to the "» county board of supervisors Tuesday, asking that the road leading from _ i Route 31\vest through Ringwood to Barnard's Mill be paved. v..,' • 'i; The petition was presented by Wilt •-- -- liam Brown, Ringwood druggist, Ray; • • : -vj Peters, superintejrtfent of the Bowman Dairy plant and Earl Whiting, Repub- ' 1 lican precinct committeeman in Ring- - ' ; wood. Speakiiig in behalf of the petitioners, Supervisor S. H, Freund of M®> Picture taken Sunday, Sept. 25, at the McHenry Dam, in the afternoon, as the sun was shining on the beautiful river, with fishermen standing on the lock. In tht foreground is shown a pile of sand bags placsl there during the flood last July to protect the lock ORSERVE SOTH ANNIVERSARY OF MARRIAGE FAMILY GATHERING HEIMER HOME AT ATTEND STATE NORMAL Seventy-three counties in Illinois are represented in the Freshman Cla>s at Illinois State Normal university this fall. First year students entered Normal from twelve states. Largest class in the history of the eighty-yearold university, the 830 I. S. N. U. freshmen, comprise forty^two per cent of the total enrollment of 1,973 students. McHenry County students enrolled at Normal university for the first time Rothermel, «±y„?™dhir^ r probabiy With A,ty. waiter G. Fr.nch.Wj^re^rl^s^avXth^ 7" ' the road in question. He said that Discussions on several important from Friday to Monday of each weekproblems were indulged in following end an estimated 5,000 cars pass over the dinner and committees appointed this road. He urged that the road be to investigate certain matters and ob-1 placed on the county-wide progran tain information if possible on the for improvement. possibilities thereof. | Supervisor J. G. Stevens of Ricj^t; The guest of the evening was Jack mond also spoke in favor of the road Hoag, a representative of the Federal being improved. He pointed out that Writers* Project, who is located here McHenry township tops all townships to write a history of the Lakes Re- in the county in the matter of contrlgion of Northern Illinois. Mr. Hoag, bution to the state's three cent gasea former editor of the Chicago Even- lino tax. ing Post for fourteen years and foj. Much Needed Road ~ several years connected with the fed-1 It'was pointed out by Supervisor eral government, is an experienced Freund that the road in question iswriter and expects to spend the winter used mostly by people at Wonder j in McHenry, with his family, compil- Lake. He pictured Wonder Lake as PLAN PERPETUAL CARE ing the necessary data, and preparing the fastest growing community in the FOR WOODLAND jhis copy for submission te the depart-1 state at the present time. He said CEMETERY ASS'N REORGANIZATION NOW COMPLETED Reorganization of the include: Audrey Sue Mr. |and Mrs. Henry Heimet of^daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. W Roth- West McHenrv celebrated their fiftieth ermel * McHenry and Elizabeth Cemetery Association has been com wedding anniversary, at their home, nces Woodstock. ment. |that over 600 hqmes have been built Mr. Hoag addressed the Lions, out- around the lake and these homes are License must be in operator's immediate possession at all times when night and $140 in cash and a watch was stolen. _ Charles Wager of Genoa, who has operating a motor vehicle and must be j f°r many years traveled throughout _displayed upon demand of a judges! ^e United States. as a professional police officer, or any other individual j card writer, has again put on one oi displaying a badge or sign of author- his philanthropic stunts. At Madison. ity. ! Wis- ^ Su"day he *ave aw»y 40001 torT^Hariwr," Mich! When a young Operator's license may be revoked ( watermelons, paving interested sever- la(Jy ghe w&s empioyed jn Chicago, only by courts of record, for the fol- organizations of the city in the i and there she met Mr. Heimer, Friday, October 7, 1938. Only members of the immediate families were present at the dinner, which was prepared by the two daughters of Mr. artd Mrs. Heimer, Mrs. K. M. Bradley of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Chicago. Bouquets and baskets of cut flowers filled the rooms, and a lovely cake served as an attractive centerpiece on the bountifully laden table. Good wishes, congratulations, cards, flowers and gifts were among the happy remembrances received from loving friends and relatives on that day. The occasion was significant in that it also commemorated the third wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Travis Jordan of Crystal Lake. (Mrs. Jordan was before her marriage, Miss Elaine Bradley, a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Heimer.) Married in Chicago , ^ : Mr. and Mrs. Jleimfcfr were married in Chicago in St. James church, October 7, 1888. Attendants were John Mertes and Mrs. Sabina Dreblow, sister of Mrs. Heimer, who is now deceased. On that day, the wedding dinner was prepared by Mrs. Josephine Heimer and Mrs. Catherine Trapp. Mrs. Heimer was, before her marriage, Miss Theresa Kamerer of Ben- AT G.O.P. RALLY ON OCTORER 26 MASS MEETING WILL BE HELD IN WOODSTOCK Woodland ]yjn^ the plan for some fine publicity not of the usual siftnmer resort type tnce the first meeting in June It -was reorganized under the same!of the local club He jugt recently constructed. unc. of fire co-operation from the members approximately '150 homes per year ait , . ... . . . "f the loc"' ' ' . acnhda rwtehr icwh hisi ch was adopted in 1911 j completed oDerated under st.to l»w I a historical sketch of Mc-j Supervisor John Harrison of Green- " Trustee^ elected for tpr^ri« 1 ry county »s * P*rt of his work in wood suggested the road be extendedand six vears are fs follows H^nrv1 this SCCti°n and noW is layin* his west to connect with the Greenwood Kamholz RavmonH Pnl^v ri-n wlf I plans for the lar8rer underta^ing. He. road leading north to the state line, ties Mrs I anticipates a very pleasant piece of, Mr. Peters, superintendent of On '2Uda \work as he is interested in'Bowman plant, said that sixty p#- Lindsav Mr, ^nv Wh^pi^ Rivklr* Ievery form of outdoor life. The north-1 cent of the milk coming to the plahl ^ Zz TuV. k ^ "n Illinois lakes will no doubt provide'used the road in question. -- ve. i 11 foyi ' Plenty material for such a book. I Supervisor Charles Ackman pointed were also elected at thei out that the road is not a state <ud Jowing reasons: Manslaughter ^resulting from operation of motor vehicle. * Driving while intoxicated. Making false affidavit on application for license. project. Mrs. V. . who also worked in that city. D. Hawley, wife of the) After their marriage, they lived in Barrington town supervisor, suffered Chicago for fifteen years and then five fractured ribs and a number of|came to McHenry, where they have major and minor bruises when the car,made home since. xhey have in which she was riding collided with lived in their first home for thirty- RICHARD J. LYONS Republican nominee U. S. Senate C. Frank Daly, Chairman of the Re- Officers meeting, and they are: Robert Thompson, president; Fred Ferwerda, vicepresident; Mabel Johnson, treasurer, and Ony Wheeler, secretary. Meeting of trustees will be held the first Wednesday in each month FORMER RESIDENT OF THIS VICINITY DIES j road and that before any action can | be taken steps must be taken^ to place Tu nvvnnir MnwnAV il on the state aid system first. Th« ID U1U&UUJM WUHUAi matter was then referred to the road and bridge Theodore Herbert Smith died^at the j tion and for recommendation to the* home of his nephew, A. G. Bishop, in , next board meeting. He i That Ringwood people are right In A committee of three has been ap pointed to investigate perpetual care Med"ford, Ore.7 Monday! OctT lO? of lots in the cemetery, and it will was jj0rn at Rinf?WOod, March 1, 1854,' tlieir demand for this road to be imgo into effect as soon as possible. This • the son 0f j0hn W. and Lyntha Smith, proved is the general opinion of those means each lot owner will be asked land spent his early life in this vicin- who are acquainted with the proposeto pay a certain amount of money, for instance, $100^ and, in return, will receive the guarantee of having his lot cared for, always, even after all memity. For jnany years he made his tion. Wonder Lake is a fast growirt* home on a ranch near Bridgeport, community and the time is not far off later going to live with his sister, Mrs. when it will be one of the state's mo«| . , . • , ... j. j n- ^ iJulia E- Bishop, in Oregon. After prominent lakes. bers of his family have died. The to- - Mrs. Bishop's death in 1929, he con- The road will no doubt be tal amount of money collected by the,tinUed to live in the home with his!on the county's program, but improvedassociation would be invested so that j neph£w\. He was a member of the ment of same will be made in turn as mteiest would accrue . Everyone who . presbyterian church. ja number of other improvement^,jkte so desires may take out perpetual | Funeral services were held at Med-|llii sted ahead of it. ~---r." "Vcare. This plan is generally adopted j ford today (Xhursday). throughout the country and is found j Mr. Smith is survived by a brother, very satisfactory. j D Smith of Lincoln, 111. Mrs. H. It has been decided that all back q .Hughes of Crystal Lake is a cousin dues, from and including 1928, must .His wife preceded him in death in be paid. Statements are being sent: out to Tot owners to that effect. Dues j the $1.00 for single lots and $2.00 fori AGED RESIDENT OF McHENRY DIES AT HARTLAND HOSPITAL Henry Meyers, 81, passed away HT Conviction of three violations of River road last week Thursday afterspeeding or reckless driving. | noon. Mr; Hawley was driving the Driving motor vehicle in any man-1 car in which Mrs. Hawley was injurner in violation of the restrictions im- ed. posed in a restricted license. Financial Responsibility Proof of financial responsibility may ] week, after he had been struck by a be given in the following manner: j car driven by Helen Miller, also of By filing with the secretary of state Waukegan. Examination at the hoswritten certificate of any insurance, pital showed that Craft had a broken . .. , .. Airplane Rides, $1.00, Sunday, Oct. the Hartland hospital Thursday, morndouble lots. All owners are expected i6| 1938 at Spring Grove, 111., on U.S.'ing, October 6, 1938, at 4:30 o'clock, to pay this amount. •• Route 12. Free souvenirs. Aerial pic- the result of old age and a weakenosi Plans have been made to put the ture of Fox Lake, Spring Grove, Mc- heart road in good shape. Anton P. Freund Henry or Richmond with each ride. He was born in November, the year 21-fp 1857, near Johnsburg, one of eight Mr. Heimer retired from active Imsi-'candidate for U. S. Senator, will be, Committees appointed at the"meet-J• ^AppUcents for "drivers* licenses are era!^ ^^hi^t^^LlhS ness ftve years ago. the principal speaker at a Republican ing are as follows: finance committee,1 requegted to send their pictures with vicinit He first worked as a farmer Mrs. Heimer is the only living mem-1 mass meeting to be held Wednesday Fred Ferwerda, Glen Wattles and Ray- the application. This studio will fur. «nd then as a laborer. * i:.COrVI^Ij^ee! r:'sh three prints for 50c. Worwick Fifty-four years ago he was united i ... _ publican County Central Committee, Felony in commission of which mot-J one driven by C. Kelly, Chicago, at the | seven years, never having moved after; has received confirmation of the fact has been engaged to grade and gravel r vehicle is used. | intersection of Lawrence avenue and their arrival here. | that Representative Richard J. Lyons, it. ber of a family of eight children, and' evening, Oct. 26, at St. Mary's ijym in mond Colby; Glen Craft of Waukegan was taken; Mr. Heimer, who was also one of eight Wbodstock. ! Raymond Colby, Mrs. Alice Lindsay Studi0i Riverside Drve. to St. Therese hospital Sunday of last children, has but one living sister,! This is to be a county-wide meeting and Mrs. Louise Kramer; perpetual! 21-fp in marriage to Catherine Palmes afc Jolinsburg, and to this union weiSF Mrs. Catherine Trapp. (of Republicans.Vith delegations in at- care committee Henry Kamholz, Fred Mrs. Joseph Dunn( Miss Marieve born nine children, six of whom live The honored couple are old resi-! tendance from every city and village Ferwerda and Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Dunn and Miss Anpda Theylmann of to survive him. His wife preceded t k c!U - A tM^ loyed North Edgewater were guests in the him in death eight years ago. Jacob Schneider, who served as home of Mrs Wm Bonslett Sunday caretaker of the cemetery for thirty- Children left to mourn his loss aro: Mr. and Mrs. James Downs and Mrs. Elizabeth Rusch, Somerset, Ky. dents of McHenry and have earned (in the county and even beyond the the respect and honor of their fellow county lines. There will be plenty of carrier authorized to do business in nose, two bones in the back of his hand j citizens. They are members of St.1 roon^and seats for everyone. Illinois,.certifying that it has furnsh- were also broken, and he had several Mary's church and have always been: Mr. Lyons' address will begin at | eight years, is greatly missed. Jo- baby t the weekend with friends Mrs Mamie Herbes, Grayslake; Joed to the operator a motor vehicle It- quite severe face lacerations. active in lodge and church work. They 7:30 o'clock, sharp, to permit him to seph Wfegener was hired as sexton m at Delavan, Wis. ability policy. I G. Wolterman of Arlington.Heights have five grandchildren. fUl a second engagement the same.his place at the October meeting. i-- ! 1 By filing with the secretary of state was somewhat amazed to discover that Those present Friday to help cele- evening. Many lot owners are arrear in their a surety bond signed by two individo- the tree from which he was picking brate this happy event were: Mr. and Plans for the meeting are being ar- dues. Officers of the association would al sureties each owning real estate, apples also bore blossoms. He was, Mrs. Andrew J. Butler and children, I ranged by the county committee and in the, jn the vicinity of Deer Grove forest Dorothy Ann, Andrew and Donald, and ] will be announced later Lyons in Demand "having an equity therein amount of such bond. I preserve one day last week when he Mrs. Catherine Trapp of Chicago, Mr. By delivering to the secretary of |discovered the unusual act of nature.]and Mrs. Karl Bradley and daughter, state a receipt of the state treasurer Crabapple trees in the vicinity of the. Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. Travis Jordan one he inspected also bore blossoms, of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Josephine Heim- On Saturday moipiing, Oct. 1, as, er and John Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bonde of Grays-' showing the deposit with said state treasurer of money in amount, or securities endorsed, in blank by the owner thereof and of a market value of the total amount as would be required if a motor vehicle liability policy were furnished. Proiof of financial responsibilty is required for those persons who hare had judgments rendered against them in automobile accident cases and have not settled such judgment or made arrangement for settlement within thirty days after they have become final. Photographs Not Coapalsery For the applicants protection and convenience, the secretary of state aske that he forward with his application a picture of feimself, sise lxl H inches. This picture will appeer on his license and will protect him in case of loss against use of the license by any lake and their daughters were on their way to Chicago, their car was involved in an accident in which Mrs. Bonde was seriously injured. The smash up occurred on the Diamond Lake road, and Mrs. Bonde was immediately taken to St. Therese hospital where it was found she had suffered a broken knee cap and also had two fingers broken. Mr. Bonde received some face injuries, but the two girls were not hurt. other person. It will also aid him in cashing checks, etc. In every instance applicant most sign his fall name on BBck of pbotogfaph. fliotograph with application is not compulsory snder the present law. REV. GERRARD REAPPOINTED Rev. Minar Gerrard has been reappointed pastor of the McHenry Methodist Episcopal church for another year. Appointments were made at the Rock River conference which convened last week at the Chicago Temple, S3 North Clark street, Chi* cago. There, on Sunday, October 9, wete read the list of appointments^ including those for the Chicago Northern District, in which McHenry is includ- Drivers* license application blanks can be secured at Kent St Co. office on Riverside Driven Also a notary public in office. 21-fp appreciate greatly the receipt of the seph, Iowa. Gotlieb and Edwin, Gold Hill, Ore., and Arthur, McHenry. addresses of lot owners who have now moved away to distant cities. Many "Dick" Lyons, as he is familiarly j old timers are buried in the cemetery known throughout his home territory, and it is impossible to locate relatives the Eighth Senatorial district, is in'of the deceased unless the addresses great demand as a speaker, having'are turned in by those who know of toured the state in a trailer during the, their present location. past several months, stopping at near- By-Laws Drawn ly every city and village of any size By-laws were drawn up with the in Illinois. : (assistance of Atty. Henry L. Cowlin Mr. Lyons will be the only speaker of Crystal Lake. Some of the most The secretary issues permits for bur- . . , , _ ials for which there ifno charge, but Funeral services were held Monday no permit will be issued until all dues ^ owed the cemetery are paid with burial in St. Mary's cemetery. Trees or shrabs becoming detri- Jhe ^ nested in the Jacob Juste* funeral parlors. at the meeting on Oct. 26, and it is expected that a record crowd will attend. However, the county candidates will be presented. Republican headquarters of the county have been opened in the building formerly occupied by the Boyd Electric company, on Dean street in Woodstock. The public is invited to visit these headquarters at any time. Mrs. C. H. Duker left Monday for a few days' visit with her sen, Guy, who teaches mosit ia the schools at Highland, 111. important are: By-laws govern the nudlber of trustees, number of .officers and their terps. Duty of committee on grounds is to visit the cemetery once a month during period of April to October. In general, to supervise all labor and improvements. As usual, lots will be sold for cash. No burials, disinterments or reinterments will be allowed unless permits are obtained from the board of director*. Directors may also fix price of lots. COMING EVENTS October 14 mental, unsightly or inconvenient may be ordered ..removed or trimmed by the trustees. Anyone wishing to erect a monument must first secure a permit. Excavations for monuments must not be Mothers Club--Mrs. G. H. Jtfhnson. ^ less than four feet deep, markers .hot October 16 less than three feet deep. Lecture -- M. E. Church -- Jreign Many soldiers are buried in the. Missions." cemetery, some from the Civil and October 181.,- ... World Wars and one from the War of Meeting--Riverview Camp.. 1812. Will Cairns of Woodstock is in R. N. A. Convention--Harvard. charge of the soldiers' graves in the Hard Time Party--Catholic Order of county. The government pays for Foresters. their markers. | October 19 The Woodland Cemetery association Public Card Party--Mrs. Ray Conway was founded in 1911. Trustees, who j -- Altar and Rosary--2:15 p. m. were untiring in their work in the in- October 21 terest of the cemetery for many years Pet-Lock Dinner--M.J E. Charch bass* were: Ella M. Wheeler, Lola B. Walsh, Arlette T. Perry, Arminda F. Colby, L. F. Block, F. L. McOmber and J. F. Claxton. These have died «r moved away from McHenry. ment. October X Meeting--C. D. <of A. far TV Plain dukt ,_.aJ